This is a very strange promo piece. They must be using “Golden Age of Math” to come up with the figures they are using.
Places reported at 10X and 5X have no figures that even resemble these multipliers. And the targets are even weirder. They give them an arbitrary “starting figure” plucked out of the sky, as the column alongside gives the number currently auditing/completed. So, if your imaginary starting figure is “5” but you have 16 already on, you need 4 more to “4X” (to 20 total). Sheer idiocy.
There are no doubt many false reports in here, I always love to hear from commenters in specific areas that see the “facts” presented in these charts and can clearly identify the falsehoods.
This “10,000 onto Solo NOTs” has become as much of a joke as the “Ideal Orgs” — now degenerated into “Ideal AO’s.”
I wonder what an “Ideal AO” is? Both AOSHEU and AOLA have had “Grand Openings” before. And they have been delivering in their buildings while the renovations have been ongoing — how this qualifies for a “Grand Opening” is anyone’s guess. I suppose Dear Leader had nothing to show at March 13th and no other orgs ready so he is going to pretend these are “new orgs” that are now “Ideal.” I wonder if they have FART Div 6es now? Or they are going to shoot out little yellow arrows to open new Narconons and Applied Scholastics groups and Missions? Just what does qualify an AO as “Ideal”? Must be something to do with the quality of the marble on the reception desk and the thread count of the carpets in the auditing rooms and the number of inches of wire installed for the look-in video systems? It will be interesting to hear how this is presented by Dear Leader at March 13…
Which reminds me — whatever happened to the AO’s Miscavige announced in Africa, Canada and Mexico? You know the buildings you bought and showed with fly throughs? Why are you cutting ribbons on the old AOSHEU and AOLA instead of opening “new” AO’s? You didnt move AOSHEU or AOLA into bigger buildings? So they must not need more space? With all the massive international straight up and vertical expansion, don’t you HAVE to open some new AO’s to deal with all the traffic?
It is becoming harder and harder to paper over the moldy walls of your shrinking empire.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
In the upper left-hand corner of the “solo NOT” flyer, there is a quote frow L Ron Hubbard, in which he refers to “current research” Can anybody tell me to what “research” he is referring?
You know what, I’ve completely lost patience! Miscavige, Miscvavige, Miscavige it always Miscavige! Miscavige this, Miscavige that! Did it ever occur to you that Mr. Miscavige is doing the best he can with what he was given? Garbage in, baby, garbage out.
Considering what Miscavige had to work with, I think he’s doing a damn good job!
I just remember something from back at the beginning of when OT 8 was being readied for delivery. The soon to be Snr C/S for the ship came to Pac from Int on her way to the Ship. We sat and talked about old times until the early morning hours. Before she left I asked her, “Since OT 8 didn’t deal with any “Negative” case gain (restim stuff) like the Pre-OT levels, WHY it was confidential?” It was illogical and did NOT follow with what LRH had said (lied) about the level.
Looking back on it I can see why she just stared at me and looked very nervous. All the OT levels are a total scam. Producing nothing of MEASURABLE value. Paying for VII is the equivalent of paying for treatment by Torquemada.
Mike, It seems they are making the solo nots auditors vanish faster than they can make them. In the 80’s word was OT8 would not be released until 10,000 people had completed solo nots.
Supposedly 10,000 people had completed solo nots, so OT8 was released.
But after the ship went dead, they were all told they were NOT solo nots completions and they had to go back on solo nots. I am pretty sure this was in 1993.
So, the number of solo nots completions suddenly went to ZERO! NOBODY was a solo nots completion. Over night!
I guess with every GAOT they loose all their status value also and we have seen two GAOT’s.
This number, “6,410 have started on solo nots”, is a false report. Actually well over ten thousand people have started solo nots. What happened to all of them since 1988?
In 1988 it was 10,000, that was 15 years ago. Now it is “6,410”? Afraid to ask how many OT8’s there are now.
The Freewinds has been sailing around in circles for 15 years. Even if these “6,410” solo nots completions all went to do OT8, does that mean there are 6,410 OT8’s or less now? At the expense of keeping that ship going around in circles for 15 years to facilitate the IAS and it’s offshore banking?
Sorry, For the typo. I meant write that was 25 years ago.
It was not 10,000 in 1988. If someone told you this it was an absurd lie. You won’t even find the Liar in Chief saying that anywhere.
From what I remember the criteria for releasing an OT Level (before the coup changed it to a Ideal Org in every pot or whatever…) was when enough people had reached the OT level before it.
From what I recall there was never any exact number.
For instance when original OT VII was released there was maybe a little over 600 OT VIs world wide from my research of old Advance Mags.
I don’t exactly recall the number of *new* OT VIIs made before the original “Maiden Voyage” but it couldn’t have been any more than 1000.
Whoever told you there was anything close to 10000 was probably to be kind embellishing the actual numbers.
However you are correct about the great “reset”.
Actually it was in ’96 when the squirrels in RTC “discovered” that anybody who had done *new* OT VII hadn’t done it correctly and sent everybody back to redo *new* OT V and VI per the “Golden Age of OT” which brought the total number who supposedly “completed” *new* OT VII to 0.
Not only that but they also arbitrarily canceled 80% of the Clear statuses attained since the release of the Dianetic Clear RED.
The number dropped from about 50000 to just below 12000.
This doesn’t include all the auditors who’s cert were illegally canceled under the “Golden Age of Tech” which brought about the biggest stat crash in Scientology history.
Wow, I did have the “information” that 10,000 people had finished solo nots for the release of OT8. Or at least 10,000 were auditing on it.
As far as I’m concerned the coup had been lying right from the start.
Many of the stats given in RJ 38 such as books sold were already going up before the coup took over.
All they did was take credit for it.
Also the reason for the increase in course starts and sign ups for auditing had nothing to do with their management skills and more to do with the fact that the RED increasing prices was canceled and prices for the the above were dropped to more acceptable levels.
As far as “handling squirrels”.
They managed to get a restraining order against CADA but they were pretty much back in operation after the RJ was issued.
And maybe it slipped their mind or they forgot to inform the Ol’man that Robin Cooke and his Merry Band had managed to steal the OT Levels from AOSHDK by pretending to be missionares.
Probably the biggest breach of Advanced Course Security ever.
In other words they were feeding the Ol’man a lot of false stats and PR which in turn was issued in an RJ.
Of course there was no way Ron could verify these stats personally because he himself was being distracted by various legal actions.
True there were a lot of OTs who started *new* OT VII in late ’78 when it was released but I doubt if the numbers were anywhere near 10000 though it was hard to tell exactly how many because under new “management” unlike before no accurate stats were ever kept.
But if you went by the percentage of Clears made in the past and the number of these who went on to levels beyond OT III and IIIX. It was about 10 to 12%.
There couldn’t have been any more than 3000 on *new*OT VII. Take that number and divide the number of those who actually completed *new* OT VII and you may come up with 1000 if that.
You could probably get a more accurate number by going through all the Source mags of that period and tallying up the number of *new* OT VIs and VIIs completed.
See despite all the coups lies and PR. They did keep accurate count of how many completed these levels in their mags.
This is how Kristi Wachter and other researchers found that the coup was full of shit.
Actually if you look at the stats. You’ll find I was pretty close in my estimate of 1000.
755 the first year which as you remember that OT was released near the end of ’89 and 255 the following year. Bringing the grand total to (drum roll please) 1010.
So this 10000 stat is total BS like most of the stats given during the Golden Age of Bushy Tailed Management.
Mike, according to the chart, 40 people have started.on Solo NOTs in Hungary. This is completely impossible, the actual figure is max. 15.
I’m sure my father (mid OT 7 and wants nothing more to do with Scn) and step mother (OT 8, redoing OT 7 for the last 15 years) must be on that list. Apparently my step-mom is being removed from the level and put on a re-do of Purif and Survival Rundown (Objectives Co-Audit) at her local org. Will they take her off the list then? In other news, I have no idea how an 80+ year old who walks on a cane is going to run on a treadmill and then “walk over to that wall, thank you” umpteen hundred times. She is convinced that these unflat actions are the reason she can’t finish OT 7. And she is an old pre-GAT Class 8. How do I get through to this woman. Sigh…..
I would advise the church to check at least three things on these folks who are not able to finish the level:
1. Do they have an undisclosed PTS situation? (Possibly the IAS, Ideal Org Programs, David Miscavige?)
2. Is there a persistent Out-Rudiments situation in their lives? (Possibly the IAS, Ideal Org Programs, David Miscaviage?)
3. Is there a Hidden Standard on the case? In other words, is there something they are trying to handle with Solo auditing and are measuring their gains against whether this “thing” they have their attention on is getting better or changing.
Straight up and vertical:
— SP declarations without due process (no charges, Comm Ev, etc.)
— Investment in real estate
— Selling statuses (indulgences) instead of selling progress on the bridge
— Number of times the same materials an be repackaged and resold
— Number of minutes of applause received by COB
— Disconnections
— Abortions
— Off-loadings
— Number of pieces of bad PR per month (blogs, sites, news reports, magazines, books, etc.)
— Number of Chinese Americans given brochures
— Number of Nation of Islam believers getting Dianetic auditing
— Violations of local, state, and federal law
— Number of lawsuits
— Dollars spent on harassing others
— Amount of exposure to blue asbestos on Freewinds due to degradation of earlier “fixes”
— Number of hours, months, and years cumulatively of people on RPF
— IAS treasury
— Dollars saved by not paying staff
— Pre-teen Humanitarian statuses
— Number of lies told to reporters, investigators, courts, and members
Heck. Maybe some of the Freezoners were right — that CofS got taken over by Marcabians.
In any event, as the closing of Mike’s post indicates so aptly: ISTBM.
There is another aspect ot Miscavige’s genius (in re: to inflowing money) that might not be easily grasped, because so many of us were in Scientology to EXPAND the religion and the number of people in it. OF COURSE, there is currently no ACTUAL attempt to expand Scientology, because if there was, the CoS wouldn’t be “declaring” – kicking out – Cl V, Cl 8, Cl 12 auditors and course supes, folks with combined thousands of years of valuable experience and proven production delivering LRH tech. End of story on that note (expansion).
So, what is behind the crazy math in the game of 10,000 or the attempts to get in Chinese folk and Eastern European folk? (people who have not been as subject to internet news on Scientology – I live in Asia and while almost all Westerners have a negative reaction when I tell them I spent 35 years in Scientology, I have practically never met an Asian who has even HEARD of Scientology, so they are virgin territory).
Miscavige has no doubt realized that even with the smallest number of public Scientologists that there has been in about FIFTY years, he is sitting on a GOLD MINE! You see, with all of the eligibility checks, “refreshers”, do-overs of of student hat, objectives, purif, a status for every project under the sun, he doesn’t NEED a large number of people in the CoS. Let’s say there are only 10,000 public active in the whole world. If Davey can get a YEARLY AVERAGE of $10,000 from each (that includes all services, accomodations, status donations, etc) … doesn’t that add up to ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS A FREAKING YEAR? And this may be a LOW number.
And that figure of $10,000 may be low when you figure in the Nancy Cartwrights and Tabibzadehs of the world who in any year might just themselves donate millions. And it’s almost all gravy. No taxes and a minimum overhead with slave labor “salaries” and the CoS doesn’t even have to deliver the service. AND the real estate equity and worth just keep piling up along with the cash in the coffers. This is one reason I think so many folks are so quickly expelled. Get these folks OFF THE LINES and disconnected from so they don’t “infect” any PAYING public.
So it doesn’t matter if the number of folks on OT7 is relatively small. Just get a few more on. Each person is a gold mine for the scam of refreshers and accomodations. And now there will be the “Fountain Hotel.” Scientologists will have to pay to BUILD the thing and then they will have to pay to STAY in it. Fucking brilliant!
First class summing up of the whole “rig” now. It’s like a “Health Service” these days that lets old people die because they are not financially viable to keep alive. Same sort of thing. “Bottom line” and all that. If DM wasn’t the Scientology Dictator he would be on Wall Street plundering and enslaving the 3rd world for his shareholders. He will justify it to himself by saying to himself and the fools or tools that listen to him “Look at the G.I.” Thing is if he had gone the other (sane) way the G.I. would actually be through the roof by now. Ah well!
Do you think they could make those Solo Nots diplomas any bigger? I wouldn’t want to be holding one in a high wind. My two Master’s degrees were a fraction of that size.
Apparently size does matter.
Well Mike….you know, and I know, and anyone on the research, design, speech-writing, production and post production ends of presenting statistics to the sheeple (easily 200 Sea Org staff) know that this has been going on for over 10 years. It started as “little tweaks” and exaggerations and has now arrived at all-out serious science fiction.
Dig that, you silly fence-sitters, who think you need to still participate in the wonderful changes your stupid “church” SAYS it is creating. This is one of the reasons I left years ago. Utterly being coersed into LYING to you guys about what sort of “expansion” was occurring.
I personally have been saying it over and over again, and of course Mike’s blog here says it daily, hourly, minutely, and Marty’s blog a while ago was blasting away at the lies in the stats.
Can’t you just take a minute and do a little math YOURSELF? Do you need to lose everything before you and your family WAKE UP and get the heck out of that psycho group?
You can actually carry on up the Bridge safely and securely in the indie field like you can’t even imagine.
Claudio, I’d be very interested to know what DM’s answer was when you asked him to his face, in 2006, where the OT levels he announced were.
Does ANYTHING Miscavige attempt not backfire and make him look like an even bigger jackass than the day before? It’s almost getting boring to follow the news about this tool. Almost.
I agree Bill ………………..almost, if it were not such good humor watching the implosion.
Laughter! It is becoming comedy.
It really is just a free Soap Opera. I tune in every day to see what new twists and turns are in store. Eventually the lead character is killed off in some sort of awesome fashion . . . like getting squashed by a rogue wave or falling down an elevator shaft. Does Super Power have elevators?
i predict in a few years all major events will be broadcast via encrypted satellite transmission……..streaming it over the net is too modern tech for them……….it’ll be played up as the bestest way ever of having everyone “around the globe” be able to “attend” the event.
that way it can be a fully staged event and no one is the wiser about dwindling attendance and they can claim whatever number they want.
to me, the snowball rolling down hill that is going to crack scientology into jagged fragments is lower and lower attendance at major events…….it reverberates on so many “lines”. its a truth he can’t hide.
the people working to get people to attend wonder why they have to work so hard, why is it as difficult as it is.
the people who attend wonder why aren’t there more people here? it’s a major event!
the wise companies that use and deal with each other, notice there are fewer and fewer wise companies to deal with…..etc………the lack of people can’t be hidden, it is noticed and it will cause even more to wake up.
We in RTC are all highly trained in a Ideal Org Mathematics. The R Factor here is that any multiplier given in PR is a theta universe multiplier of an actual numerical operand that is, in most cases, much lower in the MEST universe. But then what did you expect? The Psychs are trying to destroy entire telecommunication infrastructures and so the numbers tend to get jumbled in the Windows 95 computers here in RTC.
But to answer queries re: numbers, the stable datum is that while a 10X multiplier actually represents a -1000x contraction in the MEST universe Ideal Org scene, the fact is that the -1000X Ideal Org shrinkage is just an apparency caused by MEST universe distortions such as the apparency of empty buildings.
Which is to say that this emptiness is actually planetary clearing and so yes, while these buildings do not have electricity due to not having paid their electrical bills, this is in no way to be considered an out point.
As COB said last week in a special briefing, the point is that these buildings are now safe from all electrical hazards. This means the buildings are safer than any wog home or building that is awash in dangerous amounts of electricity.
But to even say that the Ideal Orgs are empty and without electricity is to forward an enemy line. In actual fact, however, millions of people are pouring into Ideal Orgs. However, it does not appear that way because of under-reporting or false reporting by hidden SP’s acting to sabotage COB.
Thus, if we in RTC 10,000x SP Declares and root out all SP’s then the truth will emerge that the Church is in a highest ever screaming straight up and vertical condition of +100000X affluence.
Purification witj Kelly Preston:
I would be curious to know if my ex M other In law is one of those 6410 Solo NOTS completion stats. My guess is yes. She died of a brain tumor in 1996, so would be unable to protest her inclusion.
David Miscavige is an inventor? Wow!
David Miscavige is his own joke all by himself no assist needed
From what I’ve seen, it’s a long, winding journey to compete OTVII, which requires lots of cash for different reasons.
The math most likely includes those who’ve gotten back on the level in a new unit of time as a “new start”.
It’s all about the stats, looking good and of course, the money.
I also doubt David Miscavige ever took any advanced math courses in his life. Such things are not taught to 14 year olds who join the Sea Org. The more education one gets, the stupider he becomes, remember?
It does suck to be David Miscavige. Very much so, yes, yes it does.
Ahh OSA, Where’s Shelly?
I remember that in 1967 at Saint Hill graduation ceremony some guy was predicting the planet would be clear in ten years. Maybe he would like to amend that prediction now
Be interesting to see the stats for the number of Mark VIII’s sold.
I must say the german Anons are the have the most follow trough and push through of al anons
Hamburg meets Berlin 08.02.2014 [6 Years Chanology]
Silly people excercising the right to be silly, o dear we all get older dont we 6 years
Of course, these stats are in the same category as my olympic gold medals for weightlifting, i.e. nonexistent. The difference is that Miscavige desperately needs to believe in his 10,000 victims on solo NOTS. Without them he would be a failure in his only game.
Dennis Stephens came up with a practical definition for insanity – “A person is insane when they believe that a thing can both exist and not exist simultaneously”.
Well, if they have 8 million members, approx 50,000 clears and only 6,410 have ever started solo NOTs, I’m looking more for an out-point eval than a plus-point eval.
And when you factor in that probably 1/2 of those 6,410 have left the level (either died, or caught on to the scam) it would seem that they really do need to push, push, push those people up to Flag…or Flag just might go broke like most of the Class V orgs.
I don’t know what the rest of the Indy field is doing or has done, but we’ve put over 20 people through their solo training in the past few years. All but one are moving along just fine. That’s with just three staff.
With thousands of orgs, missions and groups and thousands and thousands of staff, one would think that the church should be putting at least 10,000 people per year onto solo NOTs. That is, unless they are doing something else for some other reason. Other fish to fry, maybe? Arbitraries, maybe?
I sometimes wonder what might happen if the good-hearted people who get into scientology might accomplish if they spent more time simply helping people than in taking all their money to save the universe.
” it would seem that they really do need to push, push, push those people up to Flag…” but it is like pushing on a rope, the more you push the bigger the pile of rope [shit] that you get. Flag is mired in it!
LDW if there are 8 million members and 6410 starts on OT VII (as they claim) that means the percentage of people getting to the top end of the bridge is 0,080125%. That is an outpoint as you say. So much for GAT I, etc – hasn’t helped an iota. In fact, the opposite.
Of course, I say this tongue in cheek because the church brags about this number, but the number of members is false, and the number of OVII starts is also wrong (especially if they just count people who have comped 6) so it is not possible to know the true percentage.
I will bet your percentage of OTVII starts compared to the number of PCs you have around is a whole lot higher than the church’s stats – (and that is whether you look at their true stats or their false stats). And I am guessing you also do this without the crush reg they use. You are living proof that under correct and sane management – things could work.
It makes me wonder how many times a person is counted if they are off the level for years and then route back on. Or those who attested, then had to do Solo Nots Certainty course. Or those who took a break for various reasons: no money, no interest, harassed by staff, removed due to false reports, etc. All of which, by the way, occurred with me on Solo Nots from 1986 to 2007. It would be interesting to find out.
Bonnie – you are a true upstat! Sounds like you are counted AT LEAST four times on the cumulative number. Congrats!
It’s really about money.
This ridiculous PR is all false stats cooked up to shore up
income for private investigators,lawyers,hush money payoffs,
and scotch.
If you start at 0 and end up with 1, I suppose you more than 10x’d
(10 x 0= 0 +1 making “more”). But why stop there? Claim 20x or more!
Well it’s simple really. If you take the lowest integer of the 10,000 figure and do an inverted sine wave calculus to the year of the 1st completion, it’s clear that SOLO NOTS comps isn’t just highest ever it is in fact more than the entire population of the known galaxy. There are probably more completions than molecules in the universe. Rabey – wise up man.
Off topic: Join The Sea Org! Because misery loves company!
First thing that jumped out at me – “NEW HIGHEST NUMBER OF OTs MADE!”. Yeah genius, every time you add 1 to the previous number you have a new highest number.
At this remarkable rate of growth, it will only take over 32 million years to get everyone on the planet on the level, but only if you consider no population growth. Outstanding production ! And then to the stars! Ugh, now the numbers get really big.
With this level of production, it doesn’t matter if the current numbers are accurate.The CoS is failing in its mission by a margin difficult to express when viewed in the big picture. So it really is up to the rest of us. There is no grand organization taking on the mantle. For the most part the CoS is irrelevant. Excepting, of course, as they are a local impediment and those dwindling few that remain inside, in need of true enlightenment.
This is perhaps the most idiotic set of stats I have ever seen. Plus, the photoshop fail giving those women (literal) double chins and breaking the man’s wrists is just sad.
IMHO the increasingly poor quality of their promotional material is an important indicator of the mass exodus of skilled workers from the ranks of the Sea Org. There is no way that this kind of shoddy work would have been used in promotional materials 5 or 10 years ago.
8 X 0 = 0
Good point!
Talking about math…..
In May I will “celebrate” 25 YEARS that I attested OT VIII on the Freewinds.
After 25 YEARS I ask as I did in his face in 2006: where are the OT Levels that DM announced, and announced and announced ??!!!!
This is the math they should consider.
The rest is just pure and simple fraud, lies, misdirections and plain suppression.
I am not too good at math, but their numbers don’t help at all; in fact, it makes it very confusing. Independently of this I personally know 10 people that not too long ago left the Church mid Solo NOTS…hope they are not included in the promo’s math…but would not be surprised of another false report/lie.
Now, I suspect Black Heart is rushing to open buildings in an attempt to grab the last straws left to him in order to “show how he works 24/7” and expansion is occurring. If he does not do so, the media news on his abuses, Narconon and so on are going to drown him. All this in addition to the increasing number of people leaving his realm…yes, it sucks to be DM, specially when his pretended empire is falling to pieces.
Embarrassing that Hungary is so prominent on one of the pages (x8!!!!), but another sign that Scientology is still dangerous in Eastern Europe.
It should be noted that the Church of Scientology in Budapest has been selling off their properties, one after the other, and ALL for sizeable losses (20%-30%). They bought high, and are selling lower. They have sold 5 buildings in the last 6 months alone.
8X may mean 8 people, if it has any basis in honesty at all.
I bet that Clive Rabey is between a rock and a hard place. There are hundreds of people who have been kept grinding away on Solo NOTs for years after they should have been allowed to complete. The reason for this is that if everyone suddenly completed Solo NOTs, then Flag would completely collapse. They absolutely must have around 1800-2000 people on Solo NOTs at all times to keep the dough rolling in. However many of these people have paid big bucks to get Superpower. So Supower finally shows up and suddenly there is a whole ton of people who “miraculously” complete OT VII and can rush over to get their superduperpower. But if they complete 8 or 10 people per week for even just 3 months that is 100 people who are off the re-tread mill. They only actually start 2 or 3 people a week on Solo NOTs and thats when things are going well. I bet there are weeks where no-one starts at all. By start I mean they actually complete the entire OT 6 line up and go home to begin solo auditing. They have more than that who start the couse but attrition is high. So RTC is suddenly allowing people to complete and Clive is expected to fill up the pot. But meantime it has been many years now of retread this, retread that, I bet there are very few OT5s who are all ready to rush to Flag and start OT 6 and even fewer who can make it through the gruelling elig cycle to actually get on. And the real bullshit is that I bet more than 10,000 people have already started the OT 6 course. But when you get onto the retread mill, the attrition rate is high, high, high. There are huge numbers who have either gone off the level without completing or who started OT 6 but never made it to OT 7. That’s what happens when money and “stats” are more important than people and their lives. Good news is that you can get onto Home Solo Nots easily in the Indy field and no-one messes with you while you are on the level. You can just audit in peace and get help if you need it.
What is the cost of auditing on the lower bridge in the Indie Field – how much an intensive? What is the cost for the OT levels and the L’s?
Indie Auditors set their own rates. From what I have heard they are at least half or a quarter the cost of church rates. If you are really interested go to the Free and Able site: and contact a few auditors and ask.
Yes, that’s the really good news. That CO$ parasitic money cult is long passé.
Paying money for something you do on your own ? Really ? Or am I misinformed ?
Back in my day, you had to pay for “setups” auditing and “preps” auditing at a whopping $15,000 an intensive. Then you trained for auditing yourself (OT 6A and B) for some exorbitant amount. Then you went through a set of eligibility sec checks at $15,000 an intensive. Then you had to pre-pay a “pledge” intensive…an intensive on account…”just in case” it was needed for repairs or specialized sec checks. Like if you blew off the level or stopped auditing. These days, you’ve got to (at least sometimes) make a so-called “donation” to the IAS of $500,000 or more to qualify to receive your discharge papers from Flag. Then once you’re home, you get C/S assistance from afar, which has got to cost something. Then, every 6 months you return to Flag on your own dime (paying for accommodations) to do a Miscavige-invented out-tech “refresher”. Then, after seventeen years, when you think you might be done, you get pulled back to Flag to have your state verified, which costs something, too.
Bottom line: don’t fool yourself into thinking OT VII is something you “do yourself”. Not when Miscavige can make scratch from you every step of the way.
Thank you, I am exhausted by even reading that
I like my “religion better” We are just silly jesters who expose the Emperor with no clothes
” Then, after seventeen years, when you think you might be done, you get pulled back to Flag to have your state verified, which costs something, too.”
Yep. And then, just in case your needle is floating, you start the whole frickin thing again beginning with the purif, objectives and student hat. Remember sheeple ……………..the number of times through equals certainty!
What a boatload of crap!!!!!
Yo Dave, You piece of hammered batshit. ……….. some of the 6410 on or through have said enough! I think the ‘enough’ stat is going 10x and I’m here to tell you I am working to get it 20x!
And get a load of this, I know you will be declaring an old friend I met in Scientology once you figure out who it is that is leaking on you. Damnit, don’t you just hate it when that happens!!!
And so goes the largesse of the thrifty and prudent World War II generation’s legacy to their Baby Boom Scientologist children.
Where it says “6410” have now started on Solo NOTS” does that mean everyone who has ever started on it regardless of whether they are currently on it or not, or died in 1995, or joined Anonymous etc?
Because if so they are apparently misleading people. The way it’s written seems to mean that 6410 new people have started on the Solo NOTS, or since some specific time (since the implementation of a program etc).
The maths on these numbers is really spinny. The total number of completions (regardless of whether they are dead or not, but deducting those who are declared) added to the total number who are currently on the level, or who ever started the level, less those who are declared (but including those who are actually off the level due to ethics programs, financial problems, off on other retreads). They are including everyone who ever started the level regardless of what happened to them. They are only decucting people who are actually SP Declared (in other words including people who are seriously disaffected by never got formally declared). This keeps the number artificially inflated. Actually the real number of Scientologists who are still in the church and who are either actively auditing the level or who completed the level (and are not pending having to retread it, in other words, finally completed) is probably well under 4000. But they run into this problem that the number “can’t go down” so they have to use David Miscavige Calculus. Honesty is not a big factor here. Looking good is much more important.
Roy they do count SP and definitely disaffected.
And when they go on to OT VIII, they are assigned a number so that they can engrave their number on the back of their very expensive gold OT bracelet that they force everyone to buy. So whatever that number is, tells you how many OT VIII’s there actually are. And that should give you an idea of how many OT VII’s comped. Most VII’s I know are off the level either to earn more money or due to disaffection, getting VII UTR in the Indie field, or death.
I ran the stats for this program in Austin for 7 years. Once a person completes OT 6, they count as a Solo NOTs start. If they drop dead the next day, if they go on medical leave, if they are discovered to be an ethics scum and taken off, if they complete and are never seen again – the name and stat are never taken off. I loved it because it was considered a major measure (not to be confused with a statistic) of the effectiveness of the OTC and the stat could never go down.
I can’t read it all that well but the 5’s and 10’s could refer to the next target for that OTC. Once the 5x target is met (the original) then that OTC’s next target is 10x (thus no 6x, 7x, target, etc.)
That was my understanding from the OTC days too. Some of the people ‘counted’ in the 10,000 saving the world are long gone, broke, blown, terminally ill, dead even type three. Some even comped.
But ….Mr. Bloody Mackey ……. the key point of the promo is that all these lucky folks are “cause over life” …… oh yeah …..
If a bank would only account on the balance sheet for the money ingoing they would soon be in difficulties but certainly hit one “highest ever” after the other.
You can zoom in on the pictures ordownload them and the zoom in, if your programm does not allow direct zooming in. Can be read the very well, then.
Kevin , LAUGHTER! “Some even comped”.
The insanity increases every day it seems. I liken it to an old race horse ready for the glue factory but, instead, he is brushed, groomed and saddled and some one is trying to reg people to bet on the old bag of bones before the race. The majority of the people would never place a bet on him. The scio’s are putting every thing they have on him. Moral of the story? Horse does not make it to the finishing line.
At last! A job perfect for the tiny one! He can be a jockey for the bag of bones which is the Co$