Well, there was more to it than just a “new, improved” CCRD launched by the splendidly uniformed Captain Miscavige (“don’t call him Captain, it is insulting”) at the recent secret briefing at Flag (See It’s Epic, It’s Monumental)
The Chairman of the Pompadour took it right over the top with this monumentally epic milestone briefing, releasing the new, standard tech OT Levels through OT III.
With the understated tag-line “This is the guarantee that every being will make it to OT — with unprecedented ease and speed” the latest edition of the International Scientology News trumpeted this revelation across 3 double page spreads. Though oddly, 4 of the 6 pages were pictures of the crowd in the auditorium, happy audience reaction shots and lights on the outside of the Ft Harrison.
Actually, it was rather disappointing coverage in a magazine that celebrated the massive, monumental, milestone events of the Maiden Voyage Anniversary. The 90 page magazine was amazingly short on substance. Lots of smiley crowds and full page glamor shots of COP, but not much news. There were 14 pages (mostly pictures) devoted to the VERY OLD news about the “preservation of the tech.” The only reason this project wasn’t completed more than twenty years ago is that COP keeps changing everything. Absolutely nothing new. 12 full pages devoted to the ribbon yanking in Basel, again, mostly photos of empty spaces. Even that got twice as much coverage as GOATs. A feature on the “technical perfection” at Flag scored 8 pages of puff. The “safe voyages” of the Freewinds also warranted 8 pages. And a rather bizarre article entitled “Highest Ever Clears — In History” describing each service of the Grade Chart up to Clear (and with NO stats whatsoever about Clear, just some “success stories”) also had 6 pages. So, 9 pages of glossy puffery with virtually no nothing of any significance or consequence.
But here is the BIG news on GOATs — the two page spread that was not just photos.
Now, to save you the time of reading through all of this Shermanspeak smoke and mirrors, here is the bottom line:
It was “an historic occasion.” Also epic. And monumental. Incomparable. Unsurpassed. Legendary. Unprecedented.
The Golden Age of Tech Phase II for OTs, from Clear Certainty Rundown through OTIII has now launched….
Wow, sounds awesome.
What is it?
They used NASA technology and as a result, the LRH Advanced Course films have been restored to crystal clarity.
But, bigger news: The LRH handwritten materials on the Advanced Courses have also been restored, replicating the original documents with unprecedented clarity.
Can you believe this guy stood on stage and sold these goats on the “breakthrough” of having better photocopies of the handwriting of L. Ron Hubbard?
Of course, he couldn’t resist adding to this absurdity: Further, through meticulous verification against all LRH originals and directives, levels were stripped of any arbitraries and complexities entered by others.
Wonder what arbitraries others added into his handwritten materials? Did someone sneak a comma into the handwriting? Did they add page numbers at the bottom? What horrendous additives were included in Hubbard’s handwriting?
Well, here we go for an explanation. The big breakthrough was on the very vital step of R6EW that practically nobody does:
Here, a major breakthrough was made which simplifies the level to precisely what LRH intended.
So, after 50 years he suddenly knows what LRH intended? Hasn’t he been in charge of the purity of the tech, and ESPECIALLY the OT levels since he took over RTC in 1986? Coming up on 30 years now.
Let’s put that aside and go to some even bigger lies:
…it would routinely take weeks for studnets starting on New OT 1 to complete their theory study and begin their Solo auditing…
Boy, I would love to hear how that happened? Seriously? If someone takes that long to read a page of instructions on doing the simplistic process of OT 1 they probably belong in the remedial reading class.
But he saved his biggie for the end.
The thing Miscavige PERSONALLY “sorted out” in the 90’s when he spent time at Flag “straightening out their Clear attests” (and in the process C/Sed Lisa McPherson to attest to Clear not too long before she went Type III).
And now, with a straight face (presumably) he explained it thus:
…the CCRD is a matter of “black and white” but had been laden with arbitraries over the years. The rundown and its prerequisites are now extremely precise, exactly as per LRH direction. Consequently the CCRD now takes no more than five hours. It is also now complete with an enlightenment film LRH specifically wrote on the CCRD available for the first time ever.
This is the most blatant example yet of Captain Dave standing on stage decrying the “arbitraries” in something he earlier stood on stage to announce was “just as LRH intended because HE had now stripped away all the arbitraries.”
And last I knew, the CCRD was SOLD as a “5 hour intensive.”
Really, in all this time, with all the hoo-ha surrounding Clear declares, Mr. Standard Tech has never bothered to look into the 5 pages of material that concerns the subject of the CCRD and removed the arbitraries?
That’s believable.
The news of this epic launch reverberated across the Scientology world within minutes. “It’s a new OT world,” said one OT following the event.
And that pretty much sums up the world of fundamentalist scientology. And about sums up what they mean when they talk about “making OTs.”
It is all in their heads. An imaginary “OT world” where all you have to do is think and say something and it is “reality.” Theta has conquered the MEST universe. All you need do is pretend MEST doesn’t exist. We are clearing the planet. We are stopping the downward spiral.
The people that continue to bow down before this Emperor without clothes truly are GOATS.
” You’re shouting across the chasm. You are just inviting people to prove you wrong. Hell, when it comes to OT levels, I can prove you wrong. Check out the claims made for NOTs/Solo NOTs and OT VIII. Curing amnesia on the Whole Track is a mighty big claim. How about the handwritten EP of OT III? That one was true until it was not true and it became the EP of OTV. And that was true until it was not true and became the EP of OT VII. And that was not true when L. Ron Hubbard was still trying to handle pesky BT’s in his last, infirm days. And he certainly didn’t have a transparent body either. And was not cause over life unless that doesn’t count your actual life and body but is only in your imagination. He was sick, in pain and generally NOT being cause over his life when he died.”
Well Mike, I don’t have any valid arguments against that analysis of yours.
Marildi, you know I hold a high respect for you. You do have a very brilliant mind, and I really admire your passion. You and me are very much alike in so many ways. But I am afraid that Mike DO have a very valid point and argument right there.
I’ll take you step by step through LRH’s continuing circling around the Bridge , and his constant changing of definitions and processes to achieve an ideal state that always seemed to escape his reach.
1. 1950- The DMSMS ‘Clear’. Per the, “The Clear” chapter (I have read the book at least 10x cover to cover, by the way, and have accumulated at least 10,000 hours of BK-1 auditing alone , 1x , the “Best Book one auditor” that earned me a free course and a stay at the Freewinds with a paid plane ticked as well) a Clear has :
A. No psychosomatic illnesses of any kind.
Fact : A lot (and I do mean a lot) of Clears and OTs , specially OTs, have died of cancer over the last 30-40 years. I frequently see ‘OTs’ manifesting different kind of body ills. The fact is that a “Clear” has no special abilities at all as regards to not getting ill ; none. They get sick just as any “normal” individual.
B. Has total visio and sonic recall, a perfect memory.
Fact : Their memory is no better than your “normal” human being. In fact, many “wogs” has a better memory. My own memory sucks, and believe me, my background is intense, with a 140 IQ.
C. ” A clear can be tested for any and all psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions (all aberrations) and can be examined for any autogenic (self-generated) diseases referred to as psycho-somatic ills. These tests confirm the clear to be entirely without such ills or aberrations. Additional tests of his intelligence indicate it to be high above the current norm. Observation of his activity demonstrates that he pursues existence with vigor and satisfaction.” LRH from DMSMH, chapter, “The Clear”.
Really ? No repressions , compulsions, neuroses , illness, and an IQ quite above the current norm ?
Not in a million years. In fact, I wouldn’t recruit myself most “Clears” and “OTs” to work for me. Many are just not causative enough to pass my tests. Of course, there are exceptions, but are so rare indeed. And the ones that I DO can work with them, were always effective and competent before Scientology.
The definitions of Clear kept on being modified by LRH, but not to downgrade it, or to “tone it down”. Rather the opposite ; he upgraded it , and made it even more encompassing , more “high-level”.
Here is a quote from Ability magazine from 1957 :
” DEFINITION OF A CLEAR: A thetan who can knowingly be at cause over Life, Matter, Energy, Space and Time, subjective and objective.”
And another one from Ability in 1958 :
“A CLEAR. A person at willing and knowing cause over his own life, his body and his surroundings and without a reactive or subconscious mind.”
Not only those modified definitions are more all-encompassing than the Bk-1 one, but actually are the definitions that later on became the one for the OT.
After 1957 , LRH started to call BK1 Clears as “Mest Clears” , and the “real” Clear became the “Theta Clear” himself. If you remember, LRH attempted to produce a stable “Theta Clear” since early 1951 with his SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) beginning with SOP III described in the PDC lectures. Before that you had “Black and White” processing and “Ridge-Running” which basically addressed “entities” , he later found out , the “black masses” allegedly being them (the “BTs”).
Then it came SOP V , SOP VIII, SOP 8-C , SOP 8-D , and STILL no stable Theta Clears.
Then he just abandoned it all and started researching “Objectives Processes” as the remedy to achieve them.
As to producing Clears, we have have dozens of different procedures. You had your”Clearing Procedures” Issue one and others. Then you had “Engram Running” again after and with the 22th ACC. Then you had “Clearing by Valences”. Then you had “SOP Goals” the forerunner of GPM processing at the SHSBC. Within that period you had “The Rock running” which almost no Scientologist whatsoever understood what the hell the Rock was all about.
It actually has to do with GPMs, but I am not to make a Technical dissertation out of this post.
Nothing, absolutely none of those processes produced stable Clears. LRH kept on finding another “barrier” to its achievement. Having to discover Another “Breakthrough” that explained why anybody except him was incapable of producing a “stable” Clear.
Then he decided to tackle GPMs at the BC. We now had “First GPM Clears” , “Third GPM Clears” , etc. It wasn’t an absolute thing at all. A 4-5th GPM “Clear” was considered an OT. It was all about Goals now. The most complicated and long procedure that one ever want to engage in. Pages and pages of “Goal Listings” , hundreds of items. The phenomena of “Out-List” by the ton.
Nothing in Scn , absolutely nothing is as complicated as GMP running ; Actual GPMs , I mean. Just imagine having a pc list hundreds of goals (“to be intelligent” , “to be holly” , “to oppose religious people” , ”to be rich” , “to tech them a lesson” , etc, etc) , then assessing the list by elimination , then “Tiger drilling” (basically your modern “Prepchecking process) them until you get only a “reading” (usually a “Rocket Read”) goal out of hundreds! Then finding the “Terminal” pursuing such a goal. Then finding it corresponding “Uppterm” ( the terminal pursuing a goal opposing ours). Those terminals (Terms and Uppterms , called RIs) were supposed to “Rock Slam” when correctly found. Now , one was supposed to find the next pair of goals (the PC’s and that of the opposing terminal) ,and pair them in turn to their corresponding Terms and Uppterms. And to keep doing that procedure until you had the complete Line Plot ( the way all those goals and
terminals were put together) of that particular GPM which was put together based on one specific goal.
Today , in “modern” Scn , auditors are supposed to be so stupid , according to dear LRH , that he had to resort at the end to “Correction Lists” , a “Model Session” , and “Repetitive Process” (besides “Listing and Nulling” and Ruds running) so that “Judgment” never had to be an essential ingredient to be a “good” auditor. Cause “only” LRH was intelligent enough to actually understand and be able to apply , “Standard Tech”.
He decided that the “Actual Goals GPMs” were 10,000x (not only 1,000 as many class VIII think) more important than the “Implanted GPMs”. Those implanted GPMs were totally discarded. All the “Routines” (the different processes to address the R6 bank) were about “Actual GPMs” (the actual goals than one had over our whole track).
Then he suddenly turned everything around, AGAIN, and decided that the Implanted GPMs WERE important now, and created what we now call, “The Clearing Course” (The C.C for short) that strictly addressed Implanted GPMs identified as “Basic-Basic” now. The first actual and official “Clear” was produced at last with the C.C . His name ? John McMaster. LRH himself proclaimed John as the first actual Clear in 1966 , 16 years after the publication of DMSMH.
Here another quote from 1958 :
” By Mest Clear is meant a BOOK ONE CLEAR. Here we defined clear in terms of facsimiles. This is a rather simple mechanical definition. It said in effect that so far as human beings were concerned our preclear finally arrived at a point where he had full color-visio-sonic, had no psychoses or neuroses and could recall what had happened to him in this lifetime. This is almost a baby-talk sort of clear.”
And here is a quote from an HCOB from 1978 revised at 1980. It is allegedly a confidential issue. But confidentiality is for the birds. Besides, what I want to quote is what LRH called in that bulletin, “The non-confidential definition”. Here is is :
” The following definition of Clear is non-confidential and may be ( and has been )used in promo or other publications given Issue Authority for release.DEFINITION OF A CLEAR:A BEING WHO IS UNREPRESSED AND SELF DETERMINED. ”
Now I am really confused ; wasn’t OT III about recovering our “Self-determinism” and about “Freedom from overwhelm” ?”Unrepressed” is the same as “Not-overwhelmed” for all practical purposes.
Do you see what I am getting at, dear Marildi ? LRH keeps running in circles every time. Actually Q&Aing with research.
First ,one allegedly handled ALL BTs at OT III, its alleged EP from 1967 through the ’70s. Then LRH found that BTs under the effect of drugs were getting in the way to fully and stably achieving the EPs of original OT IV-VII. Then he discovered “dormant BTs” that were getting in the way to those levels, and that we now had to address before addressing OT VIII.
OT VIII allegedly would handle Amnesia in the whole track, and was the “first actual OT level” , all previous ones just becoming “Pre-OT” ones. Then you open your course pack to discover that it is all bull-shit, and that the only total recall that you are going to have, and with FULL PERCEPTICS, is that time when you finally opened the 3-10 pages course pack, and discovered it was all a big lie.
And no, dear Marildi, OT VIII, original OT VIII, didn’t just handle the “reason” why one doesn’t have full whole track recall ; it actually was supposed to bring it about. Listen to the class VIII lectures (the original ones, unedited) and read it by yourself. OT VIII, the 1969-OT VIII, allegedly DID handled amnesia, Period. In fact the whole research of it was based on that. And it used processes from the “History of Man” to work with that, not only reading the book to do nothing with it as in NEW OT VIII, the squirrel version that DM and Ray Mithoff put together. Ray as always, just followed DM’s orders as a good robot.
No, dear Marildi. Let’s start applying some logic and common sense here. Let’s use some real science as I am 100% sure that you know and can use. Better wake up and smell the coffee dear. There are things that obviously you are not observing, and not confronting here.
And you know, that I know that Scn has hundreds of workable stuff ; hundreds. Capable of producing great wins, great changes if, and only if applied honestly. But LRH claimed a ton of things he wasn’t even near capable of producing neither achieving himself. He was either hallucinating, or in denial, or stuck in a Service Fac. But he never found the fundamental answers as regards Clear and OT. He just never did ; period. A lot of workable things ? Oh yes, he did. A lot of valuable principles? Oh yes, he did as well.
The solution to Clear and OT ? No, he did not. Not even close dear, not even close.
So my advice? Start researching another path with the workable tools that you already have. Do not stay stuck with Scn. Not you. Spend 5-10 years at Solo-NOTs, and you’ll understand my point. Not really worth it from my perspective.
Assigning other entity besides oneself the “cause” of anything is going in the wrong direction. If New OT VII’s EP is “Cause over Life” , which I don’t observe in many OT VII friends of mine, then it can only mean that those “BTs” were getting in your way to be Cause. Therefore, by logic, the BTs were the cause of all your difficulties. That’s an arbitrary assignment of Cause. There is something grossly wrong with that viewpoint. And needing 5-7 years , and in some cases even more , to get rid of ALL your BTs is just going in the direction of more complexity , and not towards simplicity. And it is also going in the direction of surrendering your innate ability to be cause (potential cause , at least) , and placing the “reasons why” of one’s difficulties in something exterior to our own beingness. I am really sorry , but that is for the birds : I am not interested in complexity.
Do I believe in “Spiritual infestations” ? Yes, I do. I have no scientific “proof” whatsoever, but I have definitively met a few very nasty ones, and not with an emeter , but a VERY real “close encounter”. Psychic phenomena runs in my family. Besides , “demonic possession” is as old as civilization itself. But spending years getting rid of all of them ? Now, there is something VERY wrong with that. And even having to do it in order to be “Cause over life” , is even stranger and weirder.
The fact is that 99.9999 % of most “OTs” mostly guide themselves through e-meter reads, and not through any direct experience and perception. No OT III that I know of, and I know quite a lot, has ever “seen” his own Incident II or I. Neither have any of them “seen” the incidents were they were allegedly implanted with the C.c , and OT II incidents.EVERYTHING is about “reads”. Don’t you find that too convenient? Too odd?
One just sit with the e-meter , and mentally read lines supposed to be (most “OTs” don’t even know this point ) “Implanted goals” from a specific GPM that allegedly contain as much as 200 of these modified goals. One “Spot the light” , and “spot the thetan” at the time , and that implanted goal is supposed to lose its “power” through “repetitive Tech”. One is guided exclusively by reads , fully trusting LRH about those incidents being true regardless of the fact , that there isn’t any single “OT” that has ever actually seen those incidents as a DNs experience. Why is that so ? Cause only LRH was “un-aberrated” enough to see them. We lowly humans beings , with a totally fucked up memory of whole track incidents , had to wait for OT VIII in order to have any whole track recall at all. The only problems was , that once we reached such an “actual” OT level , it was basically about the subject of “misconceptions” and “wrong ownership” , just as the rest
of the OT levels.
The truth is Marildi, that Scn doesn’t stand the test of Science in many of its aspects. Specially about Scn’s cosmology.
My life passion is Science and math. I was raised with it, and I have studied it intensely. I can’t just accept anything just because any human says so. And the fact of having wins with the OT levels can’t be construed as the cosmology of it is true. That would be a totally unscientific assumption.
This is only intended as “food for thought” dear. You know that I am quite all right with whatever you choose to believe.
Take care. See you around.Sorry for any grammar horrors ; I just wrote it very fast w/out putting much attention in spelling.
Best regards,
Hi Maraldi, My IPad is IPFed.I meant Well I may have a different viewpoint than you &I have known successful etc and over the years & all they separate out is their power etc.Where are those ridiculous dictaphones that I knew and loved.Best Ann.
Hi Maraldi, WellI have a different viewpoint than you.I have know successful rigid practitioners over my years and all the separate out is their power body mind or spirit.Power is addictive.Ann
Ann, were those rigid auditors you knew independents or were they in the church?
Hi marildi,The auditors were very much in SO or on SHSBC or were Class8-9 all OTs.All very experienced.My Best,Ann.
Got it, Ann. There’s no doubt that many people had bad experiences in the church, even in the earlier years. LRH himself apparently knew that he had “failed”, which he was quoted as saying by someone who was with him in his dying days. To me, where LRH failed was in the area of management. I think he probably took on more responsibility than he was up to – or, as they say, he bit off more than he could chew. And his own personal flaws got in the way – which of course loomed large because of the sphere of his influence.
I’m sorry you were one of the people who did not fare well (to say the least) with your auditing and staff experience. Just to note, there are people who are now having very good experiences with Independent practitioners, including some who had horrible experiences in the CoS (which is the case with a friend of mine who is now making fantastic gain at Dror Center). However, even with the Independents, one should look into their track record before getting any services from them. Cheers, Ann. 🙂
marildi said, “From the data I have, the claims – i.e. all the EPs specified by LRH – that are being “perpetuated” by Independents are in fact being delivered by those who practice standard tech.”
REALLY? Pls give data on who in the indie filed is achieving Stable exterior with FULL perceptions on L-12 as per El Crim. That is if you aren’t lying
John: ” Pls give data on who in the indie filed is achieving Stable exterior with FULL perceptions on L-12 as per El Crim. That is if you aren’t lying.”
Here’s what a Class XII (trained in the L’s, obviously) had to say:
“Regges on post in Scientology, they will say ANYTHING for the ‘greatest good’– even if it is lies, fraud and completely unreal results. ‘Stably exterior with full perception’ for L-10.’ It is pitched even now, today.” https://www.mikerindersblog.org/who-is-to-blame-for-no-superpower-you-of-course/#comment-273
And here’s a published win on L12, which was delivered by independent auditor Trey Lotz:
“L11 was swift and I was on to and through L12 after three more weeks. I remember being on the cans to attest and reading the lines of the EP of L12 and with absolutely zero comm lag and with total certainty saying, ‘YES!’” http://scientologyreviews.com/independent-auditors/trey-lotz
cob’s botox was sooooooooooooo well done
I would like to make comment not directly related to the thread, but more in line with the debate about the “Clear definition” dilemma, and about LRH’s alleged promotion of “unreachable” states of beingness.
Before Scientology , there weren’t that many serious studies on the subjects of life, the mind, and the human spirit. We basically had different religions believing in the spirit, yes, but mostly as an “entity” not really identified with “Self” , but as something that was a “part” of “you” , the biological machine. An “entity” that once you died, would go to some kind of “heaven” or special place where he could be re-united with some higher conscience , and find some peace and serenety away from the normal problems inherent to being human.
We had philosophies that had a more accurate understanding of life and the spiritual being , but that knowledge was mostly found in oriental and Far-East cultures, specifically in priest-like individuals.
Scientology is not a discovery in most of its parts, but rather a compilation of already discovered truths put in layman’s terms, so that the common individual was able to duplicate it w/out needing to be an initiated “priest”.
We had “spiritism” of some kind here at the Occident , but it was usually filled with misconceptions, and lacked scientific methodology to it.
The subject of the spirit, the mind, past lives, and the notion of a Bridge that leads to a higher plateau of existence , is as old as Human kind itself. But nobody had fully tackled all those subjects together, and gave a methodology to them ; a way to make them real to the common individual.
I think LRH was really a pioneer as regards to that. He provided something to strive at, some goals worth pursuing. Does is really matters if a DMSMH Clear has been actually achieved ? I don’t think so. I am not going to go into a debate as to whether or not LRH was only motivated by money, or if he was only a con man. We can discuss that for years w/out ever arriving at any agreement.
I think that LRH was accurate in his descriptions of ideal states, and I firmy believe that such states are within the reach of a human being. I don’t think that a real Clear has ever been produced, neither a true Operating Thetan , in Scientology. Does that means that they are
non-existent ? Not at all.
Proof ? One just can’t “prove” spiritual matters with your normal scientific method and methodology, as it is usually based on MEST measurements and observations , and lack enough “sensitivity” to perform tests of this nature.
Can there be really any doubt as to the existence of a mechanism that makes humans react to exterior stimulus , usually based on a past traumatic experience ? Is any “proof” really needed for the obvious and actually routine in life ?
Is any proof really needed that drugs injure the individual, and make him chance his attitude and responsibility for his fellows for the worse ?
Is really any proof needed for the existence of the spirit ? Come on, Humans have believed that since the first societies at Mesopotamia.
Past lives ? Since Egipt (more than 5,000 years ago). Even phychiatrists have been experimenting with it since decades ago! , and thousands of people (non-Scientologists) have experienced some of their past existences with the resulting improvement of their lives.
Before Scientology those subjects were hardly heard of or studied. It was Scientology that paved the way for that.
Even the most hater of Scientology can’t deny that he came into it in the first place seeking a better life, attempting to pursuit those states of beingness described in Scn, and to reach a higher plateau of existence where life could be understood better and made more interesting and enjoyable.
My point is that we would not be here participating in this blog and others having to do with Scn or the CofS , if most of us were not interested in spiritual improvement in the first place. If we were not individuals more aware and spiritually-oriented than the norm.
The ones who hate LRH and/or Scn just didn’t achieve and handled what the came to achieve or handle with it. The feel betrayed, deceived. But they had a goal in the first place, and THAT is the most important factor to remember and stress. THE GOAL itsef.
Just don’t abandon it. Don’t go into apathy about it. Perhaps the glory and fun is not in achieving those ideal states, but in pursuing them, in attempting to reach them as close as we can.
I for one, don’t feel any joy with a routine and normal life. With just going to work every day, arriving home, see some TV, talk with the kids, and going to bed to start all over again next day. Nothing wrong with that, but it lack real enthusiasm, real “Spirit of Play”.
The way to study Scn is to take one datum at a time ; evaluate it for yourself, test it in life in an unbiased way, and decide based on your own observations whether it works for you or not. If it don’t, just throw it away.
Scn is not only about Clears and OTs anymore than Medicine is not just about fixing bones and giving medical drugs to others. There are thousands of datums in Scn. Hundreds of processes and procedures. Simple stuff that can be applied in life in a routine basis.
Can there be any doubt about the great power of a simple Touch Assist ? I mean, I help my non-Scientologists family frequently just with that with incredible results. They call me to ask me for “one of those massages of yours that help me so much”.
What about the simple process of getting someone who is upset, confused, worried, or just overwhelmed, to go take a walk around the block and look at things. I taught my non-Scientologist sister to do it daily, and she handled a long unhandled sensation of overwhelm about life, and a constant tiredness.
How about getting our kids to recount their unpleasant experiences, w/out no evaluation from our part, and seeing them extrovert and take their attention off it ? I do that every time with my little princess with great results every time.
What about the wonderful relief achieved when we confess our “sins” to others who listen and acknowledge ?
It would be really sad to see others discard so many wonderful and workable techniques, just because they disagree with other parts , or because the way they feel about the researcher. Is it really necessary to be in “ARC” with Newton to use his discovered laws? Those laws will not go away and disappear just because one might not like him, I assure you.
Same with many parts of Scn ; they are discovered (or compiled) laws that can stand any test. Self-evident truths they are called. And many of those truths were not even discovered by LRH himself, but by ancient Far-East and oriental philosolhers. LRH just compliled them , and put them in layman’s terms.
Just because one dislike LRH and/or Scn the Overt-Motivator mechanism with its ensuing consequences is not going to disapper. Becoming the unwanted effect of someone (PTSness) is not going to disappear as a phenomena just because one feels LRH was a con man. You will get sick, and you WILL Roller Coaster ; period , unless you handle it.
Try going past words you don’t understand in a subject, and see how you feel about it afterwards. Just try it. If the Study Tech is not real and workabke, just let your kids go past any word they don’t fully understand, and see for yourself the consequences. And I am not talking about physical manifestations here.
Try accumulating a handsome of withholds with your love parter , and see how you feel, and how you react towards him/her. Try failing to acknowledge others, and handle their originations, and see for yourself their reactions towards you.
Purposedly miss the witholds of others, and see for yourself their wild reactions towards you.
Clears and OTs ? Forget about that ; Scn is a lot more than achieving those states.
Having an ideal to work for, just by itself gives some meaning to life ; some sense of direction. The truth is that w/out those disseminated states, many of us would not have got interested in Scn in the first place.
An actual Clear is a very much desired state. An actual OT is a dream humans have been dreaming about since time immemorial. SCN hasn’t attained them yet. But perhaps it has the potential to do so if it is improved and rehabilitated. The research isn’t finished by a long ways. But I believe that we DO have the basics, the foundation upon which to build a better Bridge.
The choice is yours ; a normal human being or actual Freedom.
“Scn is not only about Clears and OTs anymore than Medicine is not just about fixing bones and giving medical drugs to others. There are thousands of datums in Scn. Hundreds of processes and procedures. Simple stuff that can be applied in life in a routine basis.”
Very well said, Thetaclear. It’s better to recognize the achievement of many applicable datums and procedures than to focus on what hasn’t been achieved. Thanks for bringing that out.
Hi Marildi. Just had a glance over your responses to TC, and the responses of fellow posters. Since much of the sentiments seem to consist of subjective experience, ( much of it seen as pure “con”,) it is apparently ok to chuck the “baby” out with the soiled bathwater!
I feel you are up against mindsets here, that are now convinced exclusively of the “con”.
The soiled bathwater = the baby. Silly, but nevertheless, no separation of merit/s ensue!
Give a dog a bad name, then hang him!!!!!
3rd party mechanism? Not easy to fix the label, once the mind is made up, I’m afraid!
Safe to hold onto “workability”, as a bulwark in this situation, IMHO.
— C. 🙂
p.s. I wrote you a longer reply but it disappeared somehow. Anyway, my comment above is still the “bottom line” in all this. 🙂
Thetaclear, “and about LRH’s ALLEGED promotion of “unreachable” states of beingness. “?
I’m sorry but you are either a troll or, SO uninformed about what El Con wrote that you are not worth noticing here.
Dear John,
What I am or not, or who I am or nor, is not of your god-damned business buddy.
And speak only for yourself. Don’t want to read my comments , then don’t read them. Nobody is forcing you to do so. Funny that you even took the time to read my post and even to write about it, even though that you consider it “not woth noticing it”. That’s kind of contradictory, don’t you think?
Hi Thetaclear,Good to meet you. Thank you for your well posted examination of your experience & belief in Ron & the Tech.If all you posted works for you,your kids,your friends,your life here now, I am very happy for you.Keep doing that which gives you joy & peace.However I am going to throw my two cents into the blog.Everything stated for you is true for you, yet I feel differently about a few points.You post those of us are upset with sci because we did not reach our goals when in.Maybe for some but for SO like me, I do not think that was it.I do not hate Ron 100% I would not have left my 5 yr boyfriend who had asked me to marry him,left my pursuit of an AB degree I had an AA,left all my friends & my life after just reading Dianetics to join SO if I had not loved him & his work.But I saw the other sides of Ron & cos & policy,those sides are very different to what is presented.Very opposite & used with equal fervor.I have 2 types of cancer some caused by time in SO.If I want a touch assist my radiation crew do them, but that is no longer for me.Yes I could use pieces of the Tech the rest of this life and on but then I would not be true to my body mind & spirit & I would leave behind all those before me who have died or gone crazy doing the OT Levels & those who are bankrupt beyond money by giving all to Ron / David to go clear.There are darknesses that spread out from the cult that was created.Yes Ron may have pulled disparate threads together to form his policy,but that does not make the whole goodness,kindness pure light & love.Thank you again for your viewpoint.Ann.I joined in 74.
Nice to meet you too, dear Ann.
Thanks for your honesty. I am really sorry that you had such bad experiences with Scn. If it is not for you, that’s quite all right. Use whatever parts you do find helpful, if you feel comfortable with it.
I know what you mean, believe me. I know about suppressive policies and attitudes that abound in the SO. I was in the SO myself. An asshole CMO yelled at me one time, and I almost moped the floor with his body. Next day, I sent them all to hell, and just routed out.
Scn has its destructive parts as well ; I am quite aware of that.
Sorry if my comments came as an evaluation. That wasn’t my intention. I really hope that you become physically well. If you need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. I promise no Scn. You can get me at [email protected]
My blessings to you. I’ll pray for your recovery. Take care.
Best regards, Pete
Hi Theta Clear,Thank you from my heart.I tend to look at things differently if I feel an evaluation coming along.My bad,have to learn not to flee,the eval is not part of a GOI’s target.I will tuck your email safely away,it is a comfort knowing I can write you.Your prayers mean a lot, any type of assistance in that dept is gratefully accepted.I did have some amazing times in SO,but I got royally screwed too! You can reach me at [email protected] if you ever want.Love Ann.
Thetaclear, the so-called, “state of clear” started off as a fiction in DSMSH but I’m calling it a LIE because it was used to mislead people not entertain them. Hubbard knew it was a lie but he advanced it as the truth anyway as though it were an observed result of the application of a methodology (dianetics). It was no such thing. Then it met an embarrassing fate publicly when a CLEAR failed to demonstrate some tiny little ability. So, the term, “clear” was reincarnated into a series of different vague meanings. CLEAR is the keystone of scientology. There HAS to be the concept of CLEAR for scientology to do business. So the term is kept but its meaning changed.
“Clear” is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is a specific knowledge, (technically called “moksha”) which is described and defined explicitly in Vedanta. Vedanta is a body of knowledge thousands of years old which constitutes a scientific study of mind, spirit and life and provides a means to enlightenment. It is the source material for the yogas. Vedanta doesn’t claim to be the only means to enlightenment as there have always been enlightened people and many of them never engaged a practice to attain it. (Eckart Tolle) Nor is it the result of a single individual’s point of view. I’m not here to sell vedanta but to point out that a comprehensive body of knowledge superior to scientology has existed for thousands of years.
I do agree however that we should acknowledge people when they speak but shouldn’t kudos for that discovery go to Emily Post on the subject of “good manners”? I also agree it’s smart to look up words you don’t understand but one needn’t be obsessive about it. To me “study tech” was just busy work although I found through doing clay demos that I have a talent for sculpting. A WIN!
Finally, I believe in giving credit where it’s due. I think Hubbard pioneered “metered interview therapy”. I believe that has great potential to help people with their problems and give them a fresh start.
Roger, El Con also ripped off the importance of understanding the definition of words. My father was taught that way back in the 30’s as was I in 1st grade. This particular piece of “study tech” has been around for thousands of years in written lit.
“If you wish to converse with me,” said Voltaire, “define your terms.” How many a debate would have been deflated into a paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms! This is the alpha and omega of logic, the heart and soul of it, that every important term in serious discourse shall be subjected to the strictest scrutiny and definition. It is difficult, and ruthlessly tests the mind; but once done it is half of any task. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy (Chapter 2, Aristotle and Greek Science, Part 3, The Foundation of Logic).
Having been taught Greek philosophy as a child I DID question this particular point when I did the Student Hat. I was sent to ethics. If I hadn’t been a kid then I probably would have dropped the course sup on the spot and left the org forever.
Hi Roger Hornaday, A good post,thank you.That Emily Post,grew up with her stuff,did not agree with her when I was young & care free.Now old & still wanting carefreeness,I try to acknowledge those here except the trolls are very good & can trip me up at times,but that’s why I walk with them a few lines,to learn their rat ways!Love Ann.
Hi Ann, I’ve never witnessed you being tripped up by anybody and certainly not by a troll. I like trolls so I’m glad you’re always nice to them. As for Emily Post, I respectfully decline to follow all of her injunctions. For instance, my elbows go on the table if it pleases me.
Hi Roger,Thank you kind sir.I still put elbows on table & never remember what utensil goes with what!My younger sister had about 50 trolls of all sizes.Their eyes bothered me.However I am not nice to the species known as the Troll-Rat.They are the big Rats.Ann.
Thanks for the comm, Roger.
I don’t think that the concept of “Clear” started off as fiction per se, but mostly as an ideal that had never been achieved. Something to strive for. Whether LRH wanted or not to “con” others is totally subjective, and no more than an opinion, either in his favor or against him.
I like to deal in facts that I can measure. Wins/gains, that’s something that can be measured. It is all about wins and doing better in life. That’s what this philosophy game is all about. Dealing with these ideals right from the start is out-gradient to me, and not real to most people. I mean, priest-like individuals were most part of their lives, studying and doing “rituals” to achieche a higher level of spiritual awareness and abilities. It took them years!!!
Those ideals are a lot about discipline, real discipline, and only those honest enough who have mastered the human virtues, are ready for them, as fortunately, those states are earned. They not just given away.
No matter how much auditing one does, no matter how many BTs one get rid off, w/out having achieved a very ethical attitide towards others, no real OT(ism) is possible. OT is not about being powerful, or about moving objects with your mind. It is about responsibility for others, for all life. It is about being a real leader, with the well being of others becoming more important than our own. Where one can embrace all life. And that takes what it takes to achieve.
There is no such a thing as an “asshole Clear” , or a “Service Facky OT”. There are no real Clears and OTs in Scn ; PERIOD.
My whole point is that there ARE many valuable concepts, processes and procedures in Scn. And that who researched and compliled them, and his character, has nothing to do with workability. Something either works or not. There are MANY workable parts in Scn. Why try to invent a wheel somebody else has already invented ? (Or compiled and organized) Just because one is ARC broken ? Is that even sensible ?
Mu advice is to test, in a totally unbiased , non-defensive way , every Scn datum , one at a time. Test it, and decide based on your OWN independent observations whether is workable or not. I believe very much in giving credit to that who deserves it. That’s being intellectually honest.
Been a pleasure exchanging comms with you, Roger. Much success to you.
You are most welcome, dear Ann.
I fully understand about the SO thing ; I was there myself. And thanks for opening the comm line.
I only wish that you would accept Assists fromsomeone you trust. Theydo helpa lot to speed recovery, and at least makes life more bearable and less painful. I’ve helped a few cases who had cancer, and they all did -incredible good under an Assist program.
Simple stuff, you know? Touch Assist, Nerve Assist, Body Comm, locationals, “Take a Walk” done daily. I am fully aware about the enturbulations that the world of Scn has brought to your life. I wouldn’t mention those Assists if I wasn’t 100% that they do help , and could help you to make it easier for you.
One thing that I just have too much trouble forgiving LRH for, is the amount of suffering that I see on many in the Field. I try to find it in my heart to be compassionate to him, forgiving, responsible. But God, it is so difficult for me sometimes. When I see families separated, broken apart, I just can’t understand why the hell he had to be so authoritarian, so excluding , so “whilte and black” about Scn.
I wish that I could help others heal their wounds,unstickfromthe past, and tofinda new path in their lives full of joy and the “Spirit of Play”. It all has been so pointless.
I myself got into Scn not to help myself ; not at all. I came with the idea to learn how to help my family and others. I left a promising career as a student of engineering to engage in the “Let’s Clear the planet” lofty game. For a several years , I just played that game. There wasn’t anything more important than that in my mind. A dear friend of mine who left this world for a better elsewhere and I , used tothinkand wonderhow “Target II” would be. We were supposed to be fully “opetational” by then, and probably would have to use a “doll body” to do the job on those “aliens wogs”. :-))))
Habe you ever heard anything more naive than that, dear Ann ?
I abandoned all my life passions : Science and math, scientific research, writing, music and art. All of that was put on “hold” , because nothing had more priority than clearing the planet. Everything else could wait. Even though that I always felt incredible good and happy about helping others, there was always this sadness, this sensation of loss.
I can’t believe that I guy like me, fully trained in the scientific methodology, in mathematical logical reasoning, in the subject of “proof” as taught in advance math ; could fall for all that “let’s save the planet” bullshit. For all that “the wogs and us” attitude, thinking that we were a “superior” caste “freer” and “saner” than everybody else.
Then you wake up one day, and realize that you have miserably wasted the better part of your life being just a cult member. And that’s painful, VERY painful and disheartening. Suddently, all one stable datums are shaken to the ground. One doesn’t find any anchor points to create any space with ; there is just this big emptiness.
One begin to blame LRH, to hate him , or at least to be very angry at him. One’s life becomes bitter, becomes resentful. But one day one realizes that it was US that held the cult(ish) attitude in the first place. That it was US that surrendered our capacity for observation, and our personal integrity , and that just blindly trusted our lives to one single individual. Because we all thought (most of us) that such an indivudual was god-like and totally incapable of any major errors in judgement.We were indoctrinatedinto thinking that such an individual was right about everything he ever wrote about. That Scientology was life itself. That it had all the answers to existence.
When we have learned to fully trust in our own judgment, in our capacity to observe , in other words, self-respect and selfesteem ; only then we’ll be “cult impervious”. Cause the seed for a cult(ish) approach to things is in all of us humans.
Anyway, just think about it (about those Assists) , and you can contact me at any time , if you want to. I can teach them over Skype to any friend of yours, or to any family member. It will not cost you anything. With a cup of coffee I’ll be just fine. :-)))
I’ll keep on praying for your recovery. Take care
Much love,
“One just can’t “prove” spiritual matters with your normal scientific method and methodology”
“Same with many parts of Scn ; they are discovered (or compiled) laws that can stand any test.”
These two sentences cannot both be true.
Faith is faith. It can not be tested or proven. Faith is not “laws” in any scientific sense. It is wholly unprovable. It might make one feel better and act as a guide in your life. Wonderful, that is faith. Faith can not stand any test as there are no tests for faith. On cannot prove any faith aspect of Scientology anymore than one can prove that Mohammed rode his horse to heaven.
“The choice is yours ; a normal human being or actual Freedom.”
I am a normal human being who is actually free to think and believe what I want. The two are not mutually exclusive. But thanks for not calling us wogs anymore.
Gtsix, I see that you’ve caught on to the pattern put forth by the illiterates. It’s a “law” (science) but cannot be subject to falsification attempts. Also, “We {Cult of Scamology members} are “free” [but cannot define what that is vs. a “wog”]. Truly a study in self imposed insanity
John Locke: “I see that you’ve caught on to the pattern put forth by the illiterates.”
I wonder if you are literate enough to know that even Karl Popper – the man who came up with the idea that a theory must be falsifiable to classify as scientific – did not say that a lack of this qualification necessarily means the theory isn’t correct. To quote:
“The two psychoanalytic theories [Freud’s and Adler’s] were…non-testable, irrefutable. There was no conceivable human behaviour which could contradict them. This does not mean that Freud and Adler were not seeing certain things correctly: I personally do not doubt that much of what they say is of considerable importance, and may well play its part one day in a psychological science which is testable.” (from Popper’s *Conjectures and Refutations*) http://denisdutton.com/popper.htm)
Irrelevant babble marildi. What it means (and you don’t know because your lack of EDU) is that if something cannot be tested it doesn’t qualify as a scientific theory in the FIRST place. THUS, El Con’s assertions don’t qualify as SCIENTIFIC theory. It only qualifies as a belief system. UNLIKE what El Criminal asserted.
Now, pls stop bothering people until you have finished at LEAST a Jr H.S. level of physical science education.
John Locke: “What it means (and you don’t know because your lack of EDU) is that if something cannot be tested it doesn’t qualify as a scientific theory in the FIRST place.”
I guess you missed my point – and Popper’s – which was that just because a theory doesn’t qualify as a scientific theory doesn’t mean it isn’t CORRECT.
Also, weren’t you the one complaining earlier about others people’s logic? Apparently, you don’t know that Ad Hom is a Logical Fallacy.
Dear Gtsix,
Thanks for the communication.
Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear enough about what I meant by “normal scientific methodology”. First of all, I wasn’t trying to “defend” Scn. I am an individual with a large background in Science and higher math ; I need not to defend anything , I prove things to others using sensible arguments, logical reasoning, and appealing to common sense.
What I meant was, how can you “prove” wins and gains? How can you “prove” that an individual has improved himself with Scn oranyotherphilosophyfor thatmatter? That’s a highly subjective issue. You can’t use an osciloscope, oran electricalmeasuring device to “test” that.
You would have to test a very large group of individuals in a very large social experiment. You would have to know every little detail about their lives- their general attitudes, their abilities or lack thereof in any area, etc, etc- then as counseling was progressing, inspect their lives in general to ascertain how it is different now. That kind of “experiments” tend to have many subjective aspects to it, and largely depend on the researcher’s own attitides and opinions about what is right or wrong, what is “good” or “bad” , to have any unbiased and objective assessment at all.
I wasn’t talking about Faith at all. There is no Faith involved in doing an Assist on anyone and seeing with your own eyes how has the individual improved with it. There is no Faith involved in drilling someone in TRs, and seeing how he can now communicate with others in a more effective and positively influencing matter. There is no Faith involved in getting a very bogged student at school, and helping him find and clear his misunderstood words, and seeing with your own eyes how he unbogs, and recover his interest and ability to apply that subject.
But how do you “prove” that to others in a strictly scientific way using your normal lab methods ? See my point ?
How do you “prove” a past life experience ? Those things are very subjective. One would need to design a test not necessarily following your normal scientific methodology.
I have helped hundreds of people live a much better and fulfilling life just by applying Scientology principles to them. They became more happy, more ethical, more able to handle work, with an improved health, more certain about themselves, with an improved self-esteem amd self-respect. Many are still my friends, and every time we met, they keep on bringing the subject up of how well they did at the time they did the services with me , and how those changes remained stable throughout the years.
How do you “prove” that to others ? Is it even necessary to “prove” it, in the first place ?
I am an applied philosopher who apply Scn and whatever works to help my fellow beings , and to help myself improve my conditions in life. I am not a Scientologist per se.
Some things are just a matter of testing them for ourselves , with a totally unbiased and non-defensive attitide, and decide based on our OWN observations, whether or not it worked for us. THAT was my whole point.
I think you missed my point about deciding whether to be just a normal human being or choose Freedom. I am not into this bullshit of calling anyone a “Wog”. I am not into a cult(ish) frame of mind regarding Scn. For me, every living being is special and unique.
My point is and was, that pursuing a path, ANY PATH, leading to higher spiritual awareness and abilities, IS a very worth pursing endeavor. One that take us from a normal human existence towards something higher, and a lot more enjoyable. That we must always strive to improve ourselves, and EVOLVE as beings, instead of just comforming to a dull and very much limited existence.
I hope that I had made myself clear enough. By all means keep on that concept about thinking and observing for yourself ; there is really no other way to live. I really like people who are alive ; I don’t like robotized individuals at all.
Success in your path.
“…and about LRH’s alleged promotion of “unreachable” states of beingness.”
Not alleged. In DMSMH and beyond he defines Clear as an absolute state that has been achieved. In HCOB 14 Dec 1981 The State of Clear he admits that it is not an absolute even though the DMSMH definition is still valid. (Say what!?) A finite State of Clear, per his own admission (which he hastily attempts to backtrack on whilst hoping nobody notices), is therefore unreachable. Read the bulletin and really think about what he’s saying here. It’s pretty shocking, imho.
“Before Scientology , there weren’t that many serious studies on the subjects of life, the mind, and the human spirit.”
Scientology uses fraudulent concepts to attract paying customers into a system of therapy that guides the practitioner into Hubbard’s own world view – of ancient races, galactic confederacies and planet-creating super beings. It is not a serious study unless you seriously believe in these things from the outset and are genuinely interested in learning about your twelvty squillion year-old history and curing yourself of the PTSD Hubbard says you have as a result of some dude called Xenu.
It was Ian Stevenson, I believe, who found that a person’s past life recollections are shaped by the teachings of his/her opinion leaders.
Do you really think you would have remembered blowing up that planet if Hubbard had kept his big mouth shut?
Its therapeutic benefits aside, Scientology is not a serious study. It is a very specific road Hubbard leads you down. He holds your hand, tells you what you’ll see on the way, and guides you into his very specific belief system.
“Does is really matters if a DMSMH Clear has been actually achieved?”
Yes. If it isn’t achievable then reference to it as an achievable state should be removed. People pay for clearing. It is fraudulent to sell someone the idea that something is achievable when it isn’t. Period.
“I think that LRH was accurate in his descriptions of ideal states…”
That’s fine, however Hubbard’s “Bridge” is not described or sold as a mere part of some exploratory path towards an infinite “ideal”.
“Past lives? Since Egypt (more than 5,000 years ago). Even psychiatrists have been experimenting with it since decades ago! , and thousands of people (non-Scientologists) have experienced some of their past existences with the resulting improvement of their lives.”
Just because something is therapeutic does not make it “true”. (Unless you believe people really can “wash” all their sins away). Whilst benefits have been acknowledged by some within the psychiatric community, past life regression is arguably considered a tool for utilising the healing power of our creative consciousness. (Read up on guided imagery and the use of imagination in psychotherapy).
I know from experience there is benefit to be gained from clearing, and there are certain concepts (albeit overly simplistic or extreme) that a person can use to improve himself with.
If Hubbard had gone down the scientific route I don’t doubt he would be considered a modern pioneer of psychosynthesis and transpersonal psychology.
Sadly he went the religious nutball route and died an obese, tooth-rotten loon, screaming at the sky.
Good luck in your journey, however. I mean that sincerely. Personally I’m really rather happy being “normal”. I get my yah yahs from travelling this astoundingly beautiful world, waking up on a beach, hitting the slopes, hiking Mordor, or dancing the night away with my besties. For me, that’s freedom. And far more worthwhile than the ridiculous pursuit of godhood, trying to blame my hangups on a sci-fi narrative and spending several hours a day exorcising ancient parasitic entities.
mwesten, you quoted thetaclear as saying “…and about LRH’s alleged promotion of “unreachable” states of beingness” – and after it, you wrote, “Not alleged.”
I think TC meant for the adjective ‘alleged’ to modify “unreachable” – in other words, it was alleged that there were unreachable states of beingness. His sentence would not have been ambiguous in meaning if the word “alleged” had been placed before “unreachable” as follows: “…and about LRH’s promotion of alleged ‘unreachable’ states of beingness.” (Note: TC has commented that English is not his first language.)
As regards the subject of Clear, Hubbard’s original postulate (the scientific meaning) was that an erasure of all the painful moments a person ever experienced would bring about a state where there were no hidden influences – and theoretically, I think he was right, based on my own study. However, in practice, it was discovered that when a pc got to the point in his Dianetics auditing where he was at cause over his own engrams – and effectively “no longer had his own reactive mind” – if the pc continued that type of auditing (Dianetics) it actually solidified his bank (because the bank was being validated). This is why other types of auditing were then developed – so as to continue “clearing” a person to a point where all hidden negative influences were handled, including others’ engrams, for example.
As for the matter of faith/belief and “fraudulent concepts”, there have been numerous times when people were audited who had no Scientology training to do with the mind, such as with Book One pcs who hadn’t read the book or been given any data whatsoever about what to expect. The point I’m making is that regardless of Hubbard’s motives, the tech is workable. This is the significant point about Scientology that shouldn’t be ignored, even though any negative aspects are significant too and should also not be ignored.
You also wrote: “Personally I’m really rather happy being ‘normal’. I get my yah yahs from travelling this astoundingly beautiful world, waking up on a beach, hitting the slopes, hiking Mordor, or dancing the night away with my besties. For me, that’s freedom. And far more worthwhile than the ridiculous pursuit of godhood, trying to blame my hangups on a sci-fi narrative and spending several hours a day exorcising ancient parasitic entities.”
I’m sincerely glad for you. But don’t forget, people differ in their goals and purposes, and for some of them the ability to enjoy life as you do only became possible because of Scientology. Specifically, for some of them, handling “parasitic entities” brought about abilities they never had – one fairly common one being artistic ability, for example. Btw, psychs are now addressing “parasitic entities” too, in case you didn’t know.
All sorts of things are being “addressed” these days – utilising the power of imagination as a therapeutic tool has been inspiring the awe of “psychs” for over a century. Look at humanistic and transpersonal psychology – two branches of thought that evolved over a similar time line as dianetics/scientology. The basis of psychosynthesis, particularly, shares a great deal with Hubbard’s theories (only without the absolutes). Assagioli’s “lower” and “middle conscious” are comparable to Hub’s “reactive” and “analytical minds”. His principle aims are also eerily familiar (think a common-sense alternative to “Clear” and “OT”). Put into context, with the wealth of research and material available within these fields, Hubbard’s rigid, authoritarian system of therapy and belief seems incredibly quaint and undeniably limiting. Why suffer the burden of Hubbard’s sci-fi when there are tools in use elsewhere that enable the individual to find his own answers – without being guided. Food for thought.
mwesten, you asked: “Why suffer the burden of Hubbard’s sci-fi when there are tools in use elsewhere that enable the individual to find his own answers – without being guided.”
The short answer to that question is “Because it works”. And it works more effectively and efficiently to achieve its goals than any other system I know of that has the same goals.
To me, it’s beside the point whether or not auditing is a matter of faith, sci-fi, imagination or what have you (each of which, btw, is included in many ancient and modern paths as well – although, personally, I don’t consider any of those things are significant elements of Scientology).
There are two main reasons I believe auditing is more effective than other methods. The first is what Roger already pointed out – which is its use of the e-meter and the fact that it pinpoints and guides the auditor in what CAN and SHOULD be addressed for maximum gain in the shortest time. My view about guidance is that it’s a good thing up to a certain point of development (like anything else in life). And what I know about other methods is that they are more hit-and-miss approaches (some more so than others) and are more dependent on the personal wisdom of the practitioner for their success.
The other way auditing excels is in having precise processes and lists – which, along with the meter, further zero in on a person’s ‘shadows” (to use a current term).
Not that I’m an expert on the various systems of psychotherapy – but, like you (at least in part), I’ve seen that auditing incorporates the same elements that are contained in other methods (to Hubbard’s great credit). And on top of that is its use of the meter as well as all the precisely developed procedures. Furthermore, auditing is also a spiritual path – especially if the original OT levels are included, as they involve drilling OT (spiritual) abilities and LRH never cancelled them. But the lower levels also bring about higher spiritual abilities just by removing the blocks to them.
Thanks for your thoughtful post. And the food for thought. 🙂
Marildi, who feels they need to see a psychiatrist? and who feels they need auditing? Some people are deeply troubled or are going through a difficult crisis and need some assistance but most of us don’t. Most people I know have found a suitable source of wisdom for themselves and aren’t looking for help. They are just living their lives and learning the lessons that it teaches. The important thing is to be a light unto yourself and not be dependent on some bought service for continual ministrations.
Well said, Roger. I basically agree with what you wrote. But there may be more people than you think who could benefit from auditing – and would want it if it were available to them. Some are troubled, and some are interested in higher states of being.
Here’s a little anecdote for you. A few weeks ago I gave a NED assist to the friend of a neighbor of mine. The friend’s mother had died and she was still in heavy grief after several months, and would go into a very childish valence (“I want my mommy!”). My neighbor helped her get some counseling of some type, took her to church for group prayer, another time to a faith-healing session. Plus, the woman was on some sort of anti-depressant her doctor gave her. Nothing seemed to make a dent and my neighbor was discouraged and at wits’ end. When I heard about it I offered to give the woman a session – a NED assist for a secondary. We even had to go earlier similar (unusual for this type of assist) – which turned out to be her father’s death when she was a child (and probably why the childish valence got restimulated). After we did the session, according to my neighbor, she hasn’t cried at all and is active in life again.
Also, I have another friend who learned a bit about Scientology from me and is very interested in it as a spiritual path. She’s been doing some reading on her own origination. Contrary to how I was in the past, I no longer try to get people interested in Scientology but will “offer” it to them if they show a need or an interest. I think it’s a shame that some people are trying to bring down the tech itself along with the church. That’s why I speak out about it here and there.
But I liked what you wrote: “The important thing is to be a light unto yourself and not be dependent on some bought service for continual ministrations.”
Nevertheless, each person has to find their own path and it may include “bought services” – at least for a while.
Cheers. 🙂
Marildi, thanks for your thoughtful, earnest and friendly reply. As I’ve said I think there is an important place for metered interview therapy (I’m in complete agreement with mwesten on the course such a therapy should take.)
But if you want to talk about scientology as a “spiritual path” that is where you will need to define your terms. What EXACTLY is a spiritual path? And when you talk about “higher states of being” what EXACTLY does that mean?
Scientology auditing can deliver effective results on a limited basis but it is no path to enlightenment. I say this because I’ve known a lot of people who’ve had TONS of auditing and they were all somewhere on the MILD to VERY scale of fucked-upness.
(that’s the “mild to very scale” sounds very Hubbardarian doesn’t it?)
Yes, it does sound Hubbardarian. 🙂 And thanks for the friendly reply.
Well, since you mentioned scales, IMO that’s an area of Ron’s research and writings that I believe will one day be recognized as the valuable knowledge it is. And to answer your question about spirituality, the dozens of scales along with the basic books and many lectures are all concerned with spirituality – i.e. with the beingness and operations of spirits/thetans. From what I’ve gathered about Buddhism and its various paths, it too considers knowledge itself as one of the paths to enlightenment. So I believe that the body of knowledge in Scientology can at least take a person part of the way to enlightenment.
In relation to that, as I’m sure you know, Ron stated that 50% of the available gains in Scientology were in training, with TRs being fundamental. You mentioned Eckhart Tolle earlier on this thread. My understanding of his path to enlightenment is simply to “Be there” – which, of course, is OT-TR-0 and TR-0. Eckhart calls it “Presence” and basically says to be present – to be there with one’s “pain body”, as he terms it. Which LRH called the bank.
And if you remember from the TRs bulletins, Ron explained that the gradient of TR 0 gets steeper as you drill the later TRs because you have to be there while being bull baited and so on through the rest of the TRs. The gradient gets steeper again when you audit a live pc.
These are the major reasons why training gives half the gains – it includes both knowledge and the drilling of “presence” as a being. Btw, when I was a word clearer, I was able to observe student auditors before, during and after their internship – and I would be amazed at what I called, at the time, “the refining of a being”. The increase of their presence/beingness was very noticeable.
Auditing too, in addition to being a psychotherapy, also achieves a higher state of being, in that a person is far more capable of being present when the effects of bank are reduced. I also believe that – at least in the earlier decades of Scientology – true OT abilities were attained, even though full enlightenment may not ever have been. A few years ago, both Marty and Jeff Hawkins had blog posts and comment threads on the subject of “OT abilities”, which you could read if you want to get first-hand accounts.
Unfortunately, when DM took over, the tech changed – including the tech of OT levels. If nothing else, the use of 6-month “refreshers” (clearly out-tech) and the political use of “ethics” would explain why people have been messed up. Very too bad.
Hi Roger Hornaday,Well said “be a light unto yourself..” That really made sense to me.In my journey the very difficult task was rewinding my mind etc out from Ron’s World.It has taken years and fighting I now call them thank you tech cancers at the same time is crazy.So before I went flying off the rails I tried to see myself as a light not a victim.It takes much soul searching but starting from there really helps.This blog is teaching me patience not my best trait,but I’m beginning to let situations unfold before I jump in with both feet!This has helped me think through stuff before automatically fighting or fleeing.OK enough introspection for today.Where’s the remote? I have to watch David in Ultra HD!Always Ann.
It’s always lovely to hear from you, Ann. Yes, this blog is providing a rare and valuable education. For instance, I had no idea until recently people were treated as you were in the SO. Had I witnessed such a thing when I was in I would probably have become physically violent and as a result been beaten to within an inch of my life. I thought the church was Mickey Mouse but in fact it’s Mickey RAT on steroids.
Hi Roger,I feel exactly the same about your posts.Love them.Yes Mickey Rat with Big Teeth & a cash register to count your money with.What is interesting is that the treatment I got in SO did not start out like it was for over two years.As far as I could tell I worked & played very well with all Asho F’s tasks etc that I accomplished.I knew a bunch of Asho Day too because we were all berthed at Hollwood Inn & when the Org switched over from Day to Fdn we would wave at each group as we went on or off our shifts.Those years I never did anything to get myself targeted the way I was.The only thing I can come up with is sometime 77-78 there was an incredible plate shift in the GO/I.Because I had had no experience with any org/mission prior to SO,some were envious that I was allowed in and also from day 1 of my time in SO I was sec checked a lot more than anyone.I would take the city bus to what is now CC or The Manor because that is where FOLO was until they moved to Hollywood Inn also.And therein lies another tale of about 8 of us as expediters were charged with getting the dining room & kitchen & basement set up for FOLO in 24 hours.That task was monumental.Not only was the dining room trashed,the kitchen had over 59 glass ice cream dishes that still had years of hardened chocolate sauce in them & we had to paint & clean the entire basement & help FOLO move.Talk about walking dead! We got those lovely commendations for getting it all done on time,but if I had not drowned in KoolAid I might have seen the slave aspect of it all but I was blind.So I knew GOI personnel from those times.Something really changed with that group & it was like a church with in a church in that a rouge group were given power to apply the tech as they wished.I have said in the past it was as if I was to remain SO ASHO F but treated as if I was on the RPF at the same time.And when I was starved my ability to react was very limited.They had their fun,maybe the whole point was getting me to blow.You would have been a formidable opponent to them if they had tried on you what was done & gotten away with with me.Always Ann.
Marildi, I agree that auditing has its place – certainly within the larger toolset of psychotherapy. What would increase its efficacy (and no doubt its popularity) is if it was used without much of Hubbard’s authoritarian, cosmic guidance. As a rigid, religious system, based on untested, absolutist theories, it will remain a limited, outmoded sci-fi therapy.
Marty’s posts on integration were spot on, imho.
Auditing only “works” if its purpose is something other than the achievement of an (unobtainable) absolute. That is why many an ardent critic will argue that it doesn’t work – because it doesn’t ultimately do what its developer, organisations and practitioners claim.
Auditing, imho, will have far greater use (and benefit) once it is removed from the rigid framework of Hubbard’s personal religious belief system.
The genius and stupidity of Scientology is L. Ron Hubbard. The question Indies should be asking themselves is not how to generate interest in an “independent” Scientology (a futile endeavour) but whether the beneficial elements of his work can be saved and in what (greater) capacity. With the increasing wealth of research into the mind and the realms of human conciousness, Scientology as a religious system is (and always was) doomed. The few remaining practitioners continue to play a part in its undoing, unless someone, somewhere, grows the balls to rip it apart and start again.
My $0.02.
“That is why many an ardent critic will argue that it doesn’t work – because it doesn’t ultimately do what its developer, organisations and practitioners claim…The few remaining practitioners continue to play a part in its undoing, unless someone, somewhere, grows the balls to rip it apart and start again.”
mwesten, I don’t particularly disagree with most of what you wrote, except for the above. There are some very successful practitioners and groups, including Dror Center in Israel (for the last few years), Ron’s Org in Germany (which has been in operation since the ’80s) and other groups – plus, a good many independent auditors around the world. I doubt many of these Independents feel the need to “rip apart and start again with the tech”, at least not the ones who have conceptual understanding of it and a good amount of experience.
Mary Freeman is a Class VIII (who actually did the course under LRH) and is now part of an Independent group in Idaho. At a Freezone convention, she described what would qualify as “standard tech”. After about a minute or so into this video, she starts her talk on training and standard tech. See what you think:
“There are some very successful practitioners and groups, including Dror Center in Israel (for the last few years), Ron’s Org in Germany (which has been in operation since the ’80s) and other groups – plus, a good many independent auditors around the world. I doubt many of these Independents feel the need to “rip apart and start again with the tech”, at least not the ones who have conceptual understanding of it and a good amount of experience.”
Of course there are a few practitioners still enjoying “success” in perpetuating Hubbard’s fraudulent claims, but I think it’s rather apparent that scientology, even after sixty-odd years of practice, is but a teeny tiny speck of near-nothingness in the grand scheme of all things.
It will remain so, imho, as long as it is used in a rigid, authoritarian way – especially as part of a guided sci-fi/religious narrative.
Thanks for the link, btw; will check it out over the weekend.
mwesten: “Of course there are a few practitioners still enjoying ‘success’ in perpetuating Hubbard’s fraudulent claims…”
What “fraudulent” claims do you consider they are perpetuating? As noted above in this thread, LRH made a claim back in 1950 in DMSMH, regarding the attributes of a Clear, but even he didn’t “perpetuate” that for very long – and neither do independent practitioners. He also said many things about various POTENTIAL OT abilities, but those abilities are not specified as the actual EP’s for processes or levels of the Bridge – in spite of what CoS reg’s and others “promise”.
From the data I have, the claims – i.e. all the EPs specified by LRH – that are being “perpetuated” by Independents are in fact being delivered by those who practice standard tech.
You also wrote: “…but I think it’s rather apparent that scientology, even after sixty-odd years of practice, is but a teeny tiny speck of near-nothingness in the grand scheme of all things. It will remain so, imho, as long as it is used in a rigid, authoritarian way – especially as part of a guided sci-fi/religious narrative.”
From what I know, successful practitioners do recognize and separate out any rigid, authoritarian aspects that came about over the years – yet they are still practicing standard tech according to its fundamentals. In that little youtube talk by Class VIII Mary Freeman, she basically says just that – standard tech is not rigid. (Btw, the video is only about 10 minutes long.)
As for Scientology being “a teeny tiny speck…” I think it may have made more of an impact on the overall fields of psychotherapy and spirituality than is easily observable. Ideas manage to get spread around if they indicate truth, and if they are workable.
You’re shouting across the chasm. You are just inviting people to prove you wrong. Hell, when it comes to OT levels, I can prove you wrong. Check out the claims made for NOTs/Solo NOTs and OT VIII. Curing amnesia on the Whole Track is a mighty big claim. How about the handwritten EP of OT III? That one was true until it was not true and it became the EP of OTV. And that was true until it was not true and became the EP of OT VII. And that was not true when L. Ron Hubbard was still trying to handle pesky BT’s in his last, infirm days. And he certainly didn’t have a transparent body either. And was not cause over life unless that doesn’t count your actual life and body but is only in your imagination. He was sick, in pain and generally NOT being cause over his life when he died.
Mike, I’m not just spouting things “in faith” or something. I’ve given thought to the EP’s of OT levels as they relate to the references and to the subjective experiences of pc’s – at least in the years before Miscavige’s alterations.
You wrote: “How about the handwritten EP of OT III? That one was true until it was not true and it became the EP of OTV. And that was true until it was not true and became the EP of OT VII. And that was not true when L. Ron Hubbard was still trying to handle pesky BT’s in his last, infirm days. And he certainly didn’t have a transparent body either.”
Here’s a related reference:
“Actually, the end of OT III is when those BTs and clusters that are easily put into communication are gone. It’s not when all BTs in the whole universe that ever will be, are gone.
“NED for OTs handles those BTs and clusters which, while they could still affect the body, are not readily responsive to OT III handling. As NED for OTs is run, these wake up and get handled. This relieves the Pre-OT of a lot of phenomena which puzzles him and can hold him down.” (NED for OTs Series 1)
The way I see it, a similar thing occurred with the OT levels as occurred with the definition/EP of Clear – in essence, research uncovered more than what was first observed.
As for the EP of OT VIII, it doesn’t actually say “Curing amnesia on the Whole Track”. The Grade Chart states: “Handles the primary reason for amnesia on the whole track.” The operative word there, IMO, is “primary”.
And here’s a NOTs reference for transparent body:
“During the Rundown the Pre-OT will become aware that what has been mistakenly assumed to be the body, is not the actual body, but the solidity of BTs and clusters in shape of the body. The Pre-OT may comment that his actual body or walls or objects look flimsy or transparent (and this is actual OT or exterior perception) and become aware that he is perceiving BTs and clusters where the body looks or feels solid. He is perceiving the difference between the false ‘solidity of the body’ and the actual body.” (NED for OTs Series 17)
As for LRH “still trying to handle pesky BT’s in his last, infirm days”, part of the first LRH quote above states this: “Actually, the end of OT III is when those BTs and clusters that are easily put into communication are gone. It’s not when all BTs in the whole universe that ever will be, are gone.” I believe that applies to NOTs as well.
Thanks for your effort. I don’t think you can see the forest for the trees and I am not trying to denigrate you.
I dont think you even understand that you are making the exact point I said, and even providing the quotes.
The goalposts shift when what is claimed to be, with absolute certainty and no room for second guessing, somehow doesn’t turn out to be true. And that is the pattern of the development of dianetics and scientology. My point is that the claims should not have been made in the first place. AND people were hammered with “KSW” and “word clearing” that what LRH said is absolutely true and not open to interpretation or second guessing. People believe what he said, they rely on it. No more BTs and Clusters is right there writ large in his own handwriting. And it stayed that way for more than a decade. Until it was no longer true and now replaced by a new datum that said “oh, that statement actually wasn’t true, it was just what I was hoping would be true.” And then it changes again.
I dont want to keep going as you will likely just try to argue back, I am not saying everything about scientology is bad just as I said in my original post. I am trying to get you to see that if you stand back and honestly confront what is in front of you instead of trying to find a quote that makes it seem like it makes sense, you might gain some certainty of yourself and that is increibly freeing.
Okay, Mike, but you and I must be interpreting the references differently – and we wouldn’t be the first to do so.
In any case, I don’t just see the trees – I see the forest too. LRH may not have presented his findings the way he should have, but the bottom line is that regardless of the presentation the “trees” are still quite valuable. And many people can’t differentiate the way a product is presented from the product itself.
Actually, for many people (not you), it’s the other way around – they can’t see the trees for the forest. At least you see some of both – and so do I.
I confront things as honestly as I can, and I change my mind if at a later point I see them differently – which I’ve done with a number of things to do with LRH. So, no worries, mate. (A little Aussie talk for you. :))
Dear Mwesten,
Thanks for the communication and your best wishes.
I really love to have friendly arguments with intelligent people like you who use sensible arguments backed up by reason and not by misemotion. Even though I don’t share all your viewpoints, I see that you are honest in your assertions, and believe in what you say, which is the important factor.
I do agree that LRH took us by the hand to attempt to take us to unreachable-by-Scientology heights. Were his motives ill-intentioned ? About that we can only speculate.
But I can’t defend the indefensible as much as I might want to. I have a duty to truth before to any living being. There is a lot of truth in many of your assertions.
That being said, Scn is composed of hundreds of parts, and not all of them are destructive or useless. Many are highly workable and useful. And ifthatpointis not understood, all the good research from which we can still get a lot from will be lost, and all because of human emotion. Does that seems sensible to you?
It has been a pleasure.
Best Regards,
Does this “new” release automatically invalidate all prior certificates / completions, such that you were OT before but now you have to do it again?
If (as I suspect) it’s yes: does anybody who’s actually *in* Scn raise the issue of why they have to pay for stuff again that was apparently defective the first time?
Steve, to answer your question. El Con wrote a policy that if the org delivers crap you still have to pay for it. If you get a refund it is an automatic SP declare. So if you pay for OT 5 auditing and your auditor goofs around during session you still have to pay for it.
This makes sense as El Con was a serial felon and a sociopath.
Wow, that’s great. Now let’s see if Miscavige can clear the damned Sea Org, much less the planet.
it’ll be deCLARed long before it’s CLEARed…
Hi Jens TINGLEFF, Great post! Second it! Always Ann.
Hi Gus Cox, Here is a thought.Having been in SO & very much so, as the years roll on, I am now leaning toward the mind set that since the SO are slaves in body,mind & spirit,& even though a SO member wants to be clear & OT, the damage already done from willingly signing that billion year contract lingers sometimes forever.Therefore,since the OT levels Ron promised in 74 never came to be perhaps there was no intention to have the SO clear & OT. Paying public yes, they are forking over for the privilege,but SO? Either we would have been all loaded & paying ourselves or he liked to see us scratch & claw to reach those states somehow during our billion SO years.No matter what one thinks of the SO etc we went through the big cos wringer many times.Ann.
It IS interesting to watch people get upset up about a grifter changing the grift of another con artist because the original grift is somehow sacred and should contine. Amazing human insanity in play.
It is enjoyable, but you have to admit that this isn’t as much fun as the Thirty Years’ War.
True Espi but it gives more material for ironic comedy…
I see Miscavige is wearing his wedding ring. Where is Shelly?
He just disappeared her. He didn’t divorce her.
Hi Mike, I better not give Walter any ideas as to ” disappearing ” me,instead of divorcing(laughter) when he gets in a Scottish Alpha Male Mood.Seriously how can David Miscavige lay his head down & close his eyes? So many wrongs cruelly ruining souls & bodies.Always Ann.
David Miscavige has “re purified the tech” at least three times now, each time to great fanfare (and more and more rats deserting the sinking ship. He has never done his own laundry so doesn’t realize that the more bleach you add the more fragile the fabric becomes.
I believe this might be apposite:
This really begs the question, “Just how much lipstick can you put on a pig”? And, “How long can you keep applying it”? I guess for as long as people say, “Boy, what a beautiful animal that is !!!!”.
Chairman of the Porked.
We need to take a wider view of this development. The Toxic Dwarf has reached a milestone. The next thing he can fuck around with is OTIII. If he can do that and the soft-shelled clams let him get away with it, then there’s really nothing preventing him from taking the mantle of Source, is there? OTIII is the last sacred cow in Scientology. It’s time for the slaughter.
Gee, Not only is Jenna Elfman a great humanitarian. She’s a friend to
horses everywhere.
She likes oral.
She has a big enough mouth for the job.
Oh, the good old days: The medicine show would stop for a day or two and the barker would get to flee before it became apparent what he had sold. How much harder it is to sell ever-changing variations of the same scame for 65 years! To superhumans who don’t miss a trick, no less!
Hi Valerie, I feel the same way about buying the crap hook line sinker & ship! Opps I’ve got a phone call from India. Always Ann.
I think what makes the grift so effective, is the person hypnotizing you has himself been hypnotized. Scientologist=hypnotized hypnotist.
It is actually frightening to realize Looking at it from the outside that I once bought this crap hook line and sinker.
It makes me wonder what frauds I’m being fed these days. Now excuse me, I have correspondence with a Nigerian Prince which must be attended to.
But, yeah, a person can be fooled. I know I can be.
How people are fooled into being victims of cults are touched upon in “Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out” by Rick Ross and “Combatting Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults” by Steve Hassan.
Hint: it’s not about being smart or not, it’s other vulnerabilities that will get you suckered in…
There are scam artists doing time in federal prison that aren’t half as slick as cobbie boy. Oh, yes, and I’m applying for a new license plate (got the idea from Regraded Being). That’ll read : FCK COB .
Be sure to drive down L. Ron Hubbard Way with it. Slowly.
So if I understand correctly, we had the tech, then it was messed up by “others”…… on his watch….. and all the success stories thanking him for keeping the tech “pure” are now wrong, because only NOW it is pure (and only up to OT3 – the rest is still suspect), and the tech he was selling up to now was defective so now he is selling a new, improved version which is really the old, original version before “others” messed it up. No doubt those “others” are all the SPs that were around for so long, undetected and unrecognised for years before they were declared, despite laser sharp tech to help you identify SPs, and now….. phew,,,,, thirty years later all is well. Nearly. Wow. Good grief. The dots don’t join but they make an epic, monumental, scatter graph.
To paraphrase Billy Joel, Dave’s got a way about him, don’t know what it is, the sheep can’t seem to live without him.
Yep. Some just live a life, in order to be devoured by a predator. Example:- COBfodder!
Goat curry? Goat cheese? Goat milk? Yeah, the Goats got milked. South Park really nailed the state of DLHDM in the old ‘trapped in the closet’ show. Just rewrite the old texts and sell them again. Just ‘re exam’ all the Clears and OTs and make them do it again. It is all just cash in the bucket.
I am looking an expansion of the Sea bOrg and them being put to use all over the mOrg and mission network. No one who isn’t in complete thrall to the COB will be able to be trusted with what used to be commission for services. When ‘special missions’ of bOrg go to little out of the way places like Portland and Edinburgh and Copenhagen to get bodies for trips to ‘flag’ you know that the cash is not flowing.
Without that financial incentive to get new meat in the door, sales will or have plummeted. That does make for a nice slow death. Only 5% of people who start a ‘course’ ever get to OT3, and that statistic is 15 years old. the dinky goat herder is left with re-re-reselling same old tech to those who have the blinders screwed on very tightly. Diminishing returns are just that diminishing. How long can the current infrastructure be sustained.
The clampire started eating its young long ago, how long can Boston (full on mOrg) or Albany (mission) keep the lights on?
Hi Zemooo,Good morning.I agree with your post.No matter how much real estate and how many hidden caches of cash cos has, I wonder too, how long can Boston etc keep the lights on? With very few bodies in! Always Ann.
And you can finally get an OT briefcase, lol.
That’s probably the only real thing in this entire release.
Hi Victoria Pandora, Good to meet you.Oh joy, an OT briefcase to put all my OT stuff in,my Scam meters & a white jacket if I want to really make an impression.I’m surprised cos has not started selling perfume & cologne to all these whales etc.No liquid in the bottles because OTs can mock up whatever blend they want.Ann.
But there’s still one thing we want to know: will the briefcase be made of white pleather?
Ivory. It’s more standarder.
Wow what a guy! It is now a fact he has not done OT 1. I read the material and did the level in one day. I am thinking how does he streamline R6EW through OT II? I can only guess he took all of the films exclusive to those levels out. That would speed things up for sure. Those films are one arbitrary after another. Especially the one film of LRH solo auditing calling an fn before it swings three times. I imagine he pulled that one quite a while back.
Opps I missed. After reading the above it appears he is keeping those films in. I assume the Advance Courses
films are the ones I mentioned above. But I would not be surprised if he took all of the “arbitraries” out of those to shorten them up. For some reason I just can’t believe anything David Miscavige says…..I wonder why?
You’ve got to hand to dave really. He’s one of the more successful con men thieves of the century. Even the Mafia have to take risks for their booty and then go legit with their laundered money. Davey simply lies, directs slave labour and heads off to the Caribbean for a quick dip and counts his IAS and other lawyer endorsed ill gotten gains.
In essence he models himself after a successful drug dealing operation where the boss never partakes in the product. Don’t for a moment think that he’s on any type of course or ecclesiastical study or giving or receiving auditing of any kind. It is not safe for him to do that. And when you come to think about it, what sort of life punishment would it be to be twinned up with him – yuck, what a horrible dark thought.
(One small word of protest with this blog article Mike, I just happen to be a Capricorn and what’s with all this “goat” stuff?)
In a scene from The Last Boy Scout, someone says to Bruce Willis’ character, “just once I’d like to see you scream.” Bruce replies, “play some rap music.” in Dave’s case it would be if someone cut off his cash supply.
I do remember that film. My gut was saying WTF!?
yep, that’s the film with “shredder” shot gun cartridges.
Surf’s up! and “Officer, I have too many bullets in my gun.”
I have a misguided sense of memory, but “I’ll dance a jig.”
Hi Mike,I think David has a goat look & his uniform misses,Not very splendid to my mind.Man In Black announcing another breakthrough of Ron’s Tech.All services are lightening speed & so easy now, my head spins.And all who climb to the top of the bridge must start at the bottom again.I liked the Rolling Stones ” Goatshead Soup “cd.I don’t mind goats unless they have two feet.Always Ann.
Does anyone actually LIKE miscavige?
I mean i get admire, respect, fear, believe in etc etc. but does anyone at these events think ‘yeah seems like a nice guy. I’d have a drink with him, we could be mates’.
When I was in a MLM scam no-one actually liked each other, or the top guys for that matter. It was all fear, respect and a creepy admiration.
I was wondering if there was a similar parallel.
Hi Amamax, Good to meet you.I would be of the thought that those still in who like David are either blind or totally led by him.Yes fear, respect,& creepy admiration has always floated through Ron/David’s world.I guess any charismatic person either a good or bad one,can put a spell of magnetic proportions on others if they are clever & motivated enough.The parallels are there.Ann.
I’ve heard from a former SO member that Miscavige can initially be very charming, especially in public venues. Terms used by those who have had a longer term relationship with him: fear, loathing, malice, disdain, anxiety, dread, revulsion, nightmare, contempt, disgust.
BTW, charm is a trait common to sociopaths.
Wow, Miscavige used NASA technology… How unusual, he must be very special.
https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2008/tech_benefits.html. How
And so we can avoid misunderstoods I thought in clarifying Pompadour, rather, telling you all the meaning of it in spanish, which is:
Pompa – basically is the butt, the gluteus maximus, or the a** if you prefer.
Dour – is close to the meaning of hard.
This title for his highness is perfect as he is thinking with his ‘pompa’ when telling all this unbelievable facts that had been missed since 1950, then 1968.
Hail Hail Black Heart with Pompadour.
You could post as “Matador.”
What auditing level did King Rat get to in processing?
What level of training certification has he achieved?
Anyone know by chance?
Hi TO OT,I love King Rat’s moniker. He knawed his way to X-tended Dianetics,but got caught in his own evil trap.Had to be Rat PFed.Ann.
Hi Toot TO OT, Sorry messed up your name.Ann.
Class III Auditor, supposedly. It was while he was on his Class IV internship at Saint Hell that he supposedly slapped his PC.
Would love to interview that pc.
That PC probably is Shelly’s companion by now – got disappeared along with most other Saint Hill tech terminals who knew about it.
Toot TO OT, DM couldn’t have gone TOO far. The higher you go the more hypnotized you become. He still has enough H.P. to rule over the other more heavily hypnotized cult members
“The LRH handwritten materials on the Advanced Courses have also been restored, replicating original documents with unprecedented clarity.”
Is this a joke? LRH’s handwriting is crap, as everyone knows. So what? Now we have precision, crystal-clear crap? The only thing they can do to make them readable is to translate them into standard print.
“…it would routinely take weeks for students starting on New OTI to complete their theory…”
WTF? OTI theory is done routinely in a couple of days. This is a baldfaced lie.
It is utterly amazing how frequently DM can do this and get away with it. It’s really gotten to the point where it feels like they’re just making shit up.
“The OTII pack has a new image on the cover, just as LRH intended (JALRHI®)”
“Wow…just WOW…this changes everything.”, said one fake OT.
Hi Statpush,Fake OTs & The OT Committee.Has a nice glimmer for all the in OTS always searching for The OT Summit.It does feel like made up nightmares just terrifying enough to have a grain of truth to them.Ann.
OSD if you are reading the comments, I think you now have a new name for your band “Fake OTs and the OT Committee” has such a nice ring to it.
Those masculine OT’s who successfully complete their lineups will all be required to wear goatees.
“it would routinely take weeks for studnets starting on New OT 1 to complete their theory study and begin their Solo auditing”
Studnets- while funny is a typo or maybe clever humor, Freudian or not. I believe you have to be a studnet to keep up with Miscavige. You have coined a new word for those studying within the bubble, Studnets.
Studnets can now study Goat materials reviewed and verified by Miscabbage.
Keep up the good work Mike.
Pronounced, “stude-nettes.”
The reason he’ll never strip all the arbitraries from or sort out the subject of “clear,” no matter how many GOATS he confides in, is because the term “clear” as defined by L Ron Hubbard is rife with arbitraries.
He defines clear in DMSMH as an absolute. Eidetic memory, no pathology, greatly enhanced longetivity etc.
This is now either provable bullshit, or no one has ever actually gone clear, including Mr. Hubbard.
If you go through the bulletins and tapes relating to clear and try to sort it all out for yourself from a technical view (being very scientific about it) you will see very clearly that the subject itself is very unclear.
Anyone who trusts Miscavige to sort it all out for him is, unfortunately, merely a mark in miscavige’s long-con.
Auditing can be very helpful in terms of helping someone sort out his own misconceptions of the past and reducing the long-term effects of traumatic incidents. Sometimes quite amazing releases and epiphanies can occur. But if you are stuck on absolutes, you are in for a loss.
Miscavige has enough money to hire enough lawyers to keep his sorry butt out of depositions and out of jail for the rest of his silly life. But there aren’t enough lawyers on the planet for him to regain a monopoly on any of the subject matter of scientology or to stop open discussion of it.
Well said LDW.
LDW: “He defines clear in DMSMH as an absolute. Eidetic memory, no pathology, greatly enhanced longetivity etc. This is now either provable bullshit, or no one has ever actually gone clear, including Mr. Hubbard.”
I really don’t get why people keep repeating that criticism – especially those who are trained auditors: They should be well aware of the fact that with further research, LRH himself changed the definition of Clear – way back – from the one that was in DMSMH, even though he still strove to develop the tech (upper-level tech) that would achieve that level of “clearness”.
Why not mention the final definition of Clear that was worked out by LRH? It was: “No longer has his own reactive mind.”
From what I understand, the problems came about in the application of the tech to determine that state as later defined – not in the achievement of the state itself. And there are Independents who are still making Clears. Aren’t you one of them, LDW? And if so, I’m sure you know what a gratifying gain it gives an individual.
Well, I have a question about that marildi.
Why wasnt DMSMH revised to state that then? Instead, it was pushed even harder as a means to get people into scientology. If, as you say, this was later revised, then why not inform people at the outset that the book made claims that are now KNOWN to be unattainable? It’s not like anyone informed purchasers of DMSMH that it was not true.
And further, what IS the reactive mind that one has gotten rid of? Isnt it the source of ALL irrational and reactive behavior? Or did that change too? Is the “mind” as postulated in DMSMH a perfect computing machine or not?
The defense of this position is untenable. Clearly. If you actually think about it.
And if your response is that it’s because of BT’s and Clusters — then how come people were not “true Clears” after completing OT III. The handwritten EP of that level is no more BT’s and Clusters.
But obviously that changed too.
It’s an ever-shifting goalpost of the unattainable offered up as scientifically provable and achievable (as long as you can pay).
Don’t you think?
“It’s an ever-shifting goalpost of the unattainable offered up as scientifically provable and achievable (as long as you can pay).”
You make some valid points, Mike. But here’s the thing – even science keeps changing the “laws” of the universe as research continues. And no one bothers to change the old text books that describe Newton physics, for example, or even those with Einstein’s relativity – and replace the text in those books with Super String Theory, the latest physics model. Instead, new texts are written – and, similarly, LRH wrote new issues. THAT is what gets left out of the picture by people – even knowingly so – seemingly to make it sound much worse than it is.
Yeah, but nobody tries to recruit you to pay for science classes by selling you a book that tells you the sun revolves around the earth. You missed the entire point I was making. If there ARE “later advances” why keep “selling” the old stuff as if it is true?
I understand what you’re saying. However, DMSMH is still used on courses – simply because the basic principles in it about the mind and auditing a pc to Clear have not changed.
But the main point I was making in my reply to LDW was that there does exist a State of Clear – and it’s a state that is very worthwhile to achieve. So it’s “odd” that people leave this fact out and speak at though there’s no such thing as Clear, period.
Hi Matilda,I thought I would add my feeble opinion to your post & comments.There may yet be a state of clear.I know how powerful my mind is & all minds are.However I will no longer use Ron / David’s Policies, teachings, readings, or roadmap to attain their Illusions of clear.Their maps lead to loss,pain,& sadness,a knowledge that I gave a precious part of myself willingly for their twisted experiments.Thank you. Ann.
Hi, Ann. Thanks very much for your input. And don’t worry about misspelling my name. It happens all the time. No biggie. 🙂
Hi marildi,Thank you, I enjoy your posts no matter any viewpoint.After SO reading whatever I want is nice.Ann.
Same here, Ann. (I was in the SO too.) You take care.
marildi, your allusions to science reveal some limitations of understanding. For instance, scientific laws don’t change, that’s why they’re called, “laws”. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity hasn’t been improved upon and Newtonian physics doesn’t change because it’s been proved by Newton. I won’t comment on your argument concerning the “state of clear” but I genuinely believe people have a right to know when they have advanced a false analogy to back up their false argument.
Roger, you wrote: “marildi, your allusions to science reveal some limitations of understanding. For instance, scientific laws don’t change, that’s why they’re called, ‘laws’.”
I would disagree with that – and so would many others. Here’s a quote from a Wikipedia article titled “Scientific Law”, which sums up my understanding:
“Like theories and hypotheses, laws make predictions (specifically, they predict that new observations will conform to the law), and can be falsified if they are found in contradiction with new data” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_law
Hi Marildi, my comment stands in spite of your wikipedia quote. When was a theory or law ever disproved? It is exceedingly rare, not the norm as you suggested. Therefore numerous revisions to the definition of the (so-called) state of clear isn’t representative of how things go in science.
Hi Roger. You are right – it wasn’t a very good analogy (except in principle). In any case, that’s beside the original point I wanted to make – which was that there does exist a state called Clear which has its own definition. And even though this state doesn’t include all the high attributes listed out by LRH in DMSMH, it’s still a very worthwhile goal that many have attained and happily attested to. As Nickname basically pointed out, Clears know for themselves the remarkable change it made in their lives – whether science is able to prove it objectively or not.
And the other point is that there are people on this and other forums who know all this from their own experience – as auditor and/or pc – but prefer to assert that “there’s no such thing as Clear”, as if the claims for the original definition of Clear continued all these decades, when they know better.
Thanks anyway for your comm.
Any comparison of L. Fraud’s work to my beloved Physics makes me want to get violent. Find some other science to denigrate, Marildi.
And here’s the difference between L. Fraud’s bullshit and actual science: An understanding of Newtonian physics is necessary prior to going in-depth about relativity because Newtonian laws are a very accurate approximation of relativity on a macroscopic scale. It’s the equivalent of using 3.1416 as a value for pi: not exact but close enough for most purposes. Get your feet wet on the approximation, then learn about what happens when the approximations aren’t accurate enough.
I had two years of Newtonian mechanics before being allowed to start in on things like electromagnetism and optics, let alone quantum mechanics. It’s called a gradient. I believe Scientology has a fraudulent definition for that word, just like for most of its perverted version of English.
Yes, Espiando, that’s the point – Newton physics is now known to be a matter of approximation – and has been superseded. From Wikipedia:
“All of classical physics, including Newtonian physics, [was] superseded by relativistic physics and quantum physics. However, classical physics is a limiting case of the latter two theories, and it is often a very good approximation….
“Newtonian gravity [was] superseded by general relativity, to which it is an excellent approximation unless typical speeds approach that of light in a vacuum (c). The anomalous perihelion precession of Mercury was the first observational evidence that Newtonian gravity was not totally accurate.”
With regard to the use of Dianetics to make Clears, the principles in DMSMH are still in use and the book is still on the most current course – the New Era Dianetics Auditor Course (at least it was when I did it, but who knows what DM may have altered).
marildi, there is no such thing as the state of clear. Except for as it exists in some made up stories El Con wrote. You CANNOT scientifically show such a state. Thus, it doesn’t exist. Also, you have COMPLETELY dodged the gist of the OP. That is, “What are the MEASURABLE characteristics (besides internal definition) of a clear vs. a non-clear?” El Con claimed that dianetics was a science. It isn’t. If it were he’s have done scientific testing per the Scientific Method. He didn’t. If you want to claim it is, show your scientific testing or go home.
p.s. Quoting from Wiki in a science paper in college earns a student an automatic F btw. (in other words it shows that you have NO science education worth mentioning)
Mike: I was going to say that 😉
Marildi, why not read “The Logic of Scientific Discovery” by Karl Popper? That might be of interest, if you are interested in teh process of science and how some things appear to be changing…
Jens, my personal purpose isn’t to scientifically prove the merits of Scientology, although I wouldn’t doubt that some day much of it will be. Thanks for the suggestion, though. It was a good one from what I saw of the pdf version when I looked it over. JFYI, it can be read online or downloaded here: http://strangebeautiful.com/other-texts/popper-logic-scientific-discovery.pdf
Yes, Marildi, “scientific laws” can be falsified by observations.
Unlike L Ron Hubbard’s output, as you have just demonstrated.
In HCOB 14 Dec 1981 The State of Clear, Hub claims the DMSMH definition is still valid.
In the same breath he also says that Clear is not an absolute state. Lolz.
What a douche.
And there you have it kids. What was once touted as “the science of the mind” has been laid bare. ALL of its objective (scientific) claims have been shown to be lies. It is now nothing but a muddled belief system that even its members cannot explain. THIS is the reason that the criminal L. Ron didn’t want members of his flock pursuing higher education. Those members that remain are all science illiterates. No wonder.
To: Aquamarine, LDW, Marildi (this started as reply to Aqua yesterday, it is abit James Joycean in thought associations) –
In a science, you have to take the logical extensions. I’ve changed my mind about Scn various times, but each of those was about discovering something I had initially dismissed as false, was true. I had the experience, not just once, of recalling something from a life I was not even ‘consciously’ aware of having lived. William Sidis described an experiment he did with himself, trying to recall the title of a book in a window of a bookstore he had passed but had not paid attention to. He had seen the window, was aware there was a book in it, on a stand, so did he also record in memory, the title of the book? No one really knows what his IQ was – I think I recall reading that he made up an IQ test, to see if it would provide and accurate estimate. He was very big on memory – his hobby was collecting transfer tickets in Boston (I believe) and he could tell you how to get from any one place to any other place.
Much has to do with what we want, and what we allow ourselves to have.
You have to follow theory. Nuclear fission, the work of the world’s most brilliant, they thought, might ‘ignite the atmosphere’ (cause a chain reaction in the air, and obliterate all life on Earth). I’m sure some doubted the theory of fission itself. On the state of Clear, it is a theoretical extension. But a question comes to my mind: Are we familiar enough with the actual function of the ‘analytical mind’ to identify it, and differentiate it from what we may “think” is analytical thought (but is really based on what we have been taught, and on ARCx’s and PTPs, and MWH’s, and avoidance of these)? We accept the decimal system of numbers as analytical, but how long did it take for us to get there from Roman numerals? Even today, how many of us have really analyzed the decimal system, to the point where we can explain why it is superior conceptually? Can you do math in hexadecimal? Are numbers in mathematics truly analytical thought, or learned response and computation? Is there a better mathematical symbology than decimal?
I spoke with a woman briefly a few months ago, and the conversation drifted over to music somehow. I felt called upon to say that “strings” do not have frets. She thought – or told me she thought – that stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello, bass) had frets like a guitar. I was not stunned, really, but she appeared surprised. And sculpture is not “chisel by number.” Poems are not prewritten.
In auditing, items can be found instantaneously. I guess the question would be something like: “If there is no computation involved, is that true analytical?” I think the many ways to phrase a question to lead to the same answer, are clear to an analytical mind. “If instant thought is not analytical, then what is?” Does it happen in time and space? I think not. It is not agreed upon. Did Sidis recall the title of the book in the window? I don’t know.
Did I spontaneously recall how to do something very complicated that I had not done for over 1,000 years, and was not “consciously” aware of ever having done? You could have asked me, before I did it, if I had ever before done that thing that I did with this body, and I would have replied, “I have no idea.” Yet this is something I did which requires years of study, to execute. Yes, I did it – and someone who knew how to do it, immediately pointed out to me that I knew. I posted that on a Scn blog, and you know, not one single person there even pretended to notice. My mention of time, place, form, and event was completely ignored. I guess I’m not Clear, because Scns do not agree that I am, and I have no “proof.”
People ask for “proof” – the only “proof” anyone will ever have is when they look and see for themselves. You can shove “proof” right under someone’s nose, and the person can still deny it. There are countless instances in which people have remarked, “You know, I never noticed that before!” Even about their own dwellings and neighborhoods.
Some people still think the Earth is flat, and some still think that Scn is bull. Why do I myself not do other things I knew how to do in previous lives? I think one reason is ARCx’s. I go to WOG places, and I can hardly be left alone: I tried (in another separate example) a kung-fu class, introductory, but I was thinking about theta energy, flows, spaces, and the instructor pointed, singled me out and said, “He is really focusing!” But come to a Scn blog, and “Yawn.”
The problem is not with Scn. Scientology is philosophy. Philosophy is thought, or the creation of thought, to cut a fine point. The problem is with people who think that agreement is thought. E.g. “To have a Clear, you must have independent ‘scientific’ studies of agreement and authority that the individual is Clear, and nothing else will do.” If you want to sing, then you must sing with your own voice, yes, but the notes are either correct or incorrect. You have to know and be to sing “you.” There is a certain amount of confidence involved, a certain amount of courage. The opposite illustration of that may be stage-fright, where you get some very talented entirely brilliant individual literally shaking in what would appear to be a complete mental disaster – like someone about to be led to a certain death in lions’ jaws. And their mind is a blank, they will tell you! But the notes you sing are definable, there is a measurable frequency there. (“Analytical?” the skeptic taunts, “Oh, come on … prove it to me! That’s not analytical! That’s talent, and you don’t know what you’re talking about! I guarantee you, that soprano doesn’t have a clue about measuring wavelength frequency, and she can’t analyze a darn thing to save her life!”)
There are people who think, with their own deductions. But for some reason, not far from the reason I do not recall how to do many things I did in previous lives, those people do not post their real thoughts. The truth of Scn is very simple. The Earth is round (in spite of once vociferous protests to the contrary). There are “other life forms” on other planets (and some of these fools who envision idyllic paternal higher life forms may wonder what hit them).
“Clear” as LRH described it does exist. It just takes thetans some time to come around to realizing they can realize, and not get whacked for it. When you as-is all the incidents, all the ARCx’s, problems, O/W’s, when you see all the mass and darkness and resolve the confusions, and understand how and why those happened, you have a state of Clear. Some people have “areas” of clarity, moments of clarity, and can see things instantly. The state of Clear would be in all areas. I think we are all so used to modes of thought we think are analytical, but are not, that we simply do not recognize what true analytical thought is – it’s instant. But you have the element of wanting it, or not. Eidetic memory (perfect recall) – practically everyone has it to some extent. Away from home, most can tell you what is in their bathroom, or kitchen, or refrigerator. Some can tell you what notes are on the refrigerator door. If they want to. I once asked in conversation what the atomic number of carbon is. The person I was talking to got a chemistry text I had never seen before, and I opened it exactly to the periodic table. Lots of “explanations” for that, but there were other pages that had been referred to frequently, that the book popped open to. I’ve done the same with dictionaries, magically opening one to the exact page with the word on it. Heck, if “you want to see something really scary” an auditor and I were discussing time and the material universe for several minutes. We were inconclusive, but we’d thought about it quite a bit. When we were done bs-ing, I glanced at a wall clock he had. It had stopped. I used the tone scale exactly once, and the reaction I got was so powerful, I have never used it since – it frightened me to see how exactly true it was.
People get confused into thinking that life is as you want it, and stop there, and they fall on their faces. Life is as you want it, but only if you know how to sing the right notes – when you know that, then you can begin effectively wishing. You do have to want to.
Awesome post, Nickname.
Nickname, if you haven’t already looked into it, you would probably be interested in what scientists have been researching with regard to “Akashic memory”. Here’s a simple place to start:
‘ … the only “proof” anyone will ever have is when they look and see for themselves.’
Right on, Nickname!
Prove it prove it prove it its that SIMPLE
Show me a clear. And I will show you the money
I want that clear that is defined in DMSMH.
Hi Matildi, I’m sorry I mixed up you name.Ann.
There is nothing wrong with having a belief and owning it as such. Issues typically arise when that belief is asserted as something else: an absolute, a universal “truth”, a “fact”. That’s usually when “proof” is demanded, or at least verifiable evidence in support of it. There is no problem there as far as I can see. It’s called critcal thinking.
Claiming the State of Clear exists is no different to a belief in thetans, alien races, BTs, Xenu, God, Christ, heaven, summerland, magick, fairies and bigfoot. Asserting your belief as some profound “knowingness” that only an elite few can or will ever appreciate does not change the fact that it is still a belief. Faith.
Using Hubbardian terms and concepts to describe your beliefs has its own problems of course, due to the >>> scientific <<< claims Hubbard made for them.
But life can be an enriching, magical journey brimming with phenomena that often only one's own beliefs can adequately define. It may not even be necessary to have a belief. As much interest as I now have in the sciences and in scientific method, I know that I don't know an awful lot and I'm super happy about that. I know that my past lives are probably bullshit but I don't really know. I know that the times I've exteriorised were probably hallucinations brought about by hypnotic (albeit therapeutic) techniques but I don't really know.
Despite Hubbard's insistence in having black and white "certainty" in one's/his beliefs, it is perfectly okay for me to be in a "state of maybe".
Critical thinking is key.
“All Films have been fully digitally restored…” Does this mean they’ve gone back and removed the SPs from those films? That’s what I’d guess. Also, are they still showing “The Case he Couldn’t Crack” with former adult film star: Marry Jane Shippen? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0794140/
Or are they still going to shy away from that one??
Sheesh, It’s all about money, that’s guaranteed.
They haven’t been showing “The Case He Couldn’t Crack” since the 80s, same with “Secret of Flag Results”. Too bad, they could serve as tutorials for film makers in what not to do. For the flavor of the “photography” check out “Ron the Photographer”. If it were not for the broken families and ruined lives Scientology would be a laugh-a-pa-looza.
As for “NASA film technology”, well they do have a nice film scanner and Photoshop. Better than your typical DVD transfer machine but not unique.
Hi MostEthicalPimp, Good to meet you.Like your post. I love the removal of SPs from the films.Sounds right to me,someone was assigned that task! Cos always looking out for mankind.Ann.
Dang! I thought maybe that he had broken down and was going to tell the truth about El Con’s scams.
1) The reactive mind is a made up story and thus, everyone is “clear”.
2) BT’s, et al, is sci-fi.
3) OT 8 doesn’t handle amnesia on the whole track because El Con made up the story of the “whole track”.
Hi John Locke,Well now you’ve got me stuck in That Artist On The Whole Track promo piece.I’ll have to write my way out.Always Ann.
Soon will be THE announcement of all announcements ever in the history of all life, ever. The monumental task of restoring all original writings and tapes and photos and checksheet and routing form removing all prerequisite arbitraries of GOAT IX and X is now complete !!!
GOAT IX and X can now finally be released when all former slacker OT’s have completed GOAT I to VIII with standard goat tech and have completed their nearest Org(s) to GOAT IDEAL.
Clearly (no pun intended) it’s coming.
Gonna have to goad many goat gonads to get them going gung-ho.
Hi MM, Laughter thank you.I am in awe.Ann.
Puke. Just puke.
Two things NO onlines Scientologist will EVER utter (or even THINK actually):
1. How come there have been SO many arbitraries in the first place during Miscavige’s 35 year reign of terror?
2. Hey … how come Ron didn’t think of all this stuff?
big assumption there Joe…that online Scnists THINK – PERIOD.
I reckon the bulk of onlines Scnists are not Clear or OT, so they look at this news as good news. That COB is right there on the forefront, clearing a path through the jungle, leading the flock to the promised land. And someday they hope to benefit from all the hard work COB has put into this.
No, I’m not joking.
I do not believe that LRH has overseen or missed so much failures in his writings or speakings. He would be an idiot if he did.
When the basics came out, I got the data that there were lot of semicolon in the books which were misplaced. Okay. I asked everyone of this guys if he knows what a semicolon is .. but nobody which whom I spoke could answer my question ..
I read in the internet about semicolon. I found, it is the most misunderstood punktuation in grammar .. and the advice not to use it to often .. you may also see, I myselfself use the “..” which means the same .. some use “…” ..
I said finally, after a lot of conversation about .. it looks much easier to clear semicolon with students instead of writing all books new .. if you put out the semicolon, the text will become much longer than before .. you have to add words ..
Example: The carpet was green; blue in my meaning. Which colour had the carpet? So it is tricky with this semicolon .. but Miscavige did run on that with all his corrections of the original intention of LRH .. but LRH had to be complete stupid if he had not checked that for himself .. if it were true what Miscavige says ..
The one lump of hard news in this category-5 Shermanspeak tempest is that a bunch of outer-org folks are going to have to scrape up travel money to shlep to Flag for training in the new Sourciness, “which, given all arbitraries removed, is one week in length.” Though given the shifty nature of MEST, this week will probably last six months from the point-of-view of an Earth-based observer. Hopefully all the EDs are back on post after their body-routing intensives at LA Org.
Speaking of monumental unprecedented announcements, though … whatever happened to Scientology Media Productions? Weren’t we supposed to have a ribbon-cutting by now? Could it be that Dave has realized, belatedly, he has no idea at all what to do with his shiny new studios?
Boy, is David Let Him Die Miscavige on a roll selling at his Kool-Aid™ stand. He is Scientology’s biggest, bestest, greatest friend ever!!!. He’s correcting LRH’s technology over and over and over…making it perrrrrfect! What a guy!
In the immortal words of Tom Cruise:
“I have never met a more competent, more intelligent, more tolerant, more compassionate being outside of what I’ve experienced from [founder of Scientology] L. Ron Hubbard,” Cruise
And as Jim Jones said to his flock on that fateful day making Kool Aid famous: “I’m the best friend you’ll ever have.”
If any of these followers would just look around and not listen, they would all be better off I am sure…
They did try NASA technology to scan the materials, but it reported that they were incapable of supporting life as we know it.
And anyone not 100% with the program will be sure to get Dave’s goat.
The text is a MOMENTOUS and MONUMENTAL Shermanesque orgy of an UNPRECEDENTED deployment of superlatives. EPIC and INCOMPARABLE in its HISTORIC aim to make a pig’s ear look like a LEGENDARY, PRICELESS silk purse UNSURPASSED in UNPRECEDENTED UNPRECEDENTEDNESS!
This is the news that REVERBERATED across the scientology world within minutes! So, in case any of you had cups and saucers fall off shelves etc. that was the EPIC removing of arbitraries and the GUARANTEE of OT for all beings! And guess what that is! That’s right! It’s UNPRECEDENTED!!!
Oh, and remember, an OT BOOM is about to EXPLODE so you might want to batten down the hatches, so to speak because it’s going to be very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very…UNPRECEDENTED!!!
Big hype, little substance. What I got out of this ‘new CCRD’ is that it will be done in five hours time, like “LRH said it should” and that a few related films have been restored for pc’s to watch. That’s it. Oh, and its ‘100% on Source’, as it always is…
Isn’t COB amazing?
Absolutely, but what really impresses me about this ‘let him die’ guy is his technical prowess. His PCs must rave about him. The SSs about his miracles performed must be in the 5th or 6th edition at least by now. And all from a failed CL4 internship – imagine that? And now though his tireless work he has managed to everyone just as technically proficient as he is… wow, can you dig that, every church auditor just like miscavige. Of course his best auditing must obviously be saved for Tom. But how about they put an intensive of auditing by COB on eBay – it would be worth millions as it would naturally be an ethics offence not to bid – just as it was always intended.
Amazing Dave, How sweet the sound
That saved Scientology.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas Dave that taught my heart to fear,
And Dave my fears relieved.
How precious did that Dave appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come,
‘Tis Dave has brought me safe thus far
And Dave will lead me home.
When I was “in”, I was told DM was a class 6 and the lead auditor at saint hill at fourteen years of age.
You were probably also told he was 6’1″ and that he was personally appointed by L. Ron Hubbard as his trusted successor.
Other rumors have it that he never needs to do #2 and that he can empty his ashtray with pure intention.
Mike, I disagree with not needing to do #2, as he’s famous for shitting on others.
Well, Lisa McPherson is certainly proof negative of the personal contribution of Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige
I was told we’d won the Wollersheim case!!!
Watch it out here in the field too. I’ve found “auditors” and “CSes” out here who have found it’s profitable to claim they’re experienced NOTs CSes from INT or “trained by LRH” for example when those who REALLY were and are still around know they weren’t. Even worse is that claim to have a lot of experience when they haven’t touched a meter or pc folder or tech vol in over 25 years! The art of lying is a form of existence cob however has mastered and wins.
Is there anything in Scientology that isn’t simply unbelievably amazing and out of this world?
Notwithstanding the fact and inasmuch as the heralds of the coming age ring out their hosannas to the Hubbardian Humanitarian Heroes of this Hemisphere, the resounding and unanimous response to your query is an absolute and unequivocal NO!!!!!!!!!
The metab check. Everything else is off the charts.
Are you kidding me, Joe?
With the new warehouse VIII meter, the metab checks are 50,000 times more accurate!!!
And goat milk and cheese. I don’t like Scientology goats though.
Mike, if it weren’t for these posts of yours, I don’t think I could begin to fathom what the hell is actually being said. And I’ve always wondered about the oft used redundancy, “first time ever.” Words upon words upon words, signifying nothing.
I like goat curry.
The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away. I agree Mike they are goats for sure.
No interest from this sector of the Universe…
Well as you know, GOATs eat just about anything. You can feed them trash and, to them, it’s a delicacy.
Ha ha! Great comment Tommy! I would just change one word and say GOATs will SWALLOW anything you feed them
Aha! You put the cherry on top Chee!
Even better I think the new term to describe the C0$ should be GOATEE – because it’s nothing but a hairy hole that spews out and sucks in
David Miscavige reminds me of Idi Amin. He pretends there are people that wouldn’t know who he is yet and his smile is for them. But there are lot’s of them. And I don’t see anybody running to his rescue. 🙂