This "success"/ IAS promo piece/COB PR release was recently sent to me.
While I am sure Kathy Feshbach had wins, there is a huge elephant sitting in the middle of her gushing wonderment at the brilliance of COB.
How can an OT VIII, Class VIII "Full Golden Age of Knowledge" completion conclude that the most valuable thing for her to do is be a full time reg for the IAS? I guarantee you in everything she studied there was not A SINGLE MENTION of the IAS. I guarantee you also that she missed a whole lot of references to the value of auditors and auditing. Somehow she took away from a FULL (ALL books, ALL lectures — Congresses, Briefing Course, ACCs, Class VIII lectures and anything else in between, ALL HCOBs and PABs) study of everything LRH ever said or wrote on the tech that she should be a reg ("disseminator" is her euphemism) for a completely out exchange, sham group ("COB's strategy of the IAS") that delivers NO Scientology services.
She IS the ideal product of the corporate church. The proof is that this write up is broadly distributed as an example of a shining Corporatologist. And it was only allowed to be distributed because it adequately praised Dear Leader.
The most valuable beings in Corporate Scientology are the vultures and vampires they breed in captivity, not auditors.
The most coveted achievement is IAS status, not auditor certification.
And the most important inspiration is David Miscavige not LRH.
I highlighted the most significant parts of her write-up, so you can skip the filler.
I have been on a journey with LRH that has led me through trillions of years of civilizations along with all former therapies of where man has been searching for the answers. When I came into Scientology 30 years ago, I simply walked in and started up the Grade Chart. Without knowing it, until the ACCs, it was like I had taken it for granted that this Grade Chart was always here.
But then you start the ACCs, and each day with each lecture, LRH wraps his beingness around you. Only then do you realize what this man has done for all people of Earth. On the ACCs all of your abilities are rehabilitated, your complete certainty and power to handle any situation swiftly and easily is all brought about with the total knowledge of the mind. And trust me, I am an OT VIII and a Flag Class VIII, and I will now restudy the SHSBC and Class VIII lectures, as without the Basics and ACCs, it was imply a skipped gradient.
Just to orient you to the depth of LRH and what he has done for is, and to give you an idea what it took him to give us the Grade Chart as we see it today – the Basics, ACCs and all the Congresses take you up to 1961m and it is not until the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course that LRH brings us our first Grade Chart.
LRH spent one year studying 3,000 cases to figure out how the OCA Personality Test would be used. So every time you take an OCA just remember that datum. The value of this piece of tech exploded upon me when I learned what LRH did to figure out how that piece of technology is the key to anyone of us getting up The Bridge.
LRH tells you how he has worked for 30 years on a process and then you are there with him when he cognites on how the process will now be used and why it would work now. Or when he discovers TRs and writes the first PAB on TRs. It is something I have read so many times, but to be in that moment when he is discovering it is beyond words.
Another example is the use of the E-meter for the first time and all the work he went through to perfect it. The first 6 needle manifestations and the stories behind it, along with the first E-meter drills. When LRH first mentions the use of Model Session and he is perfecting it continually – just so you understand, the final Model Session does not take place until 1978. Eighteen years to bring us Model Session!
At the time of the ACCs, LRH also discovered the importance of ensuring the rudiments are in so that we can be interested in our case and willing to talk to the auditor. Rudiments have “always been there of course.” But it took years and years and years of research and lecturing and studying cases and training auditors to develop them.
In 1958, LRH brings Dianetics up to the front again. Wow! The importance of what LRH did at the time! What he was discovering about auditors and cases allowed him to see how Dianetics would be used again.
In 1960/61 in Melbourne, LRH discovers the vital importance of O/Ws and first introduces Sec Checking. Cases that were not doing well in previous years were now making huge gains.
I listened to LRH’s first mention of HCOBs, or where he is sitting at his desk in DC and comes up with HCO PLs. The Objectives come out of this time period. And how the first two Scientology Axioms are the only absolute truths.
During the same time period, LRH fought off SPs and the many attempts on his life, as well as opening Central Orgs and countries across the world. So many personal stories about LRH that are all beyond special.
I could go on and on. There were times when I would get an LRH datum, I would sit back and would have to shake my head for days, as it moved my universe so much that it would take days for it to become a part of me.
For me there is nothing more important then training. I do a standard study schedule of 12 ½ hours a week and do extra on the weekends. Under no circumstances do I ever let anything get in the middle of me going to study. Does one want to keep their aberration with “doing something else more important?” For us to be here at this moment in time with LRH, and to have COB completely duplicate LRH and to bring about the Materials Grade Chart is beyond brilliant.
My entire time track with LRH and the technology of Dianetics and Scientology are completely straightened out because of the ACCs.
LRH also said in this time period that the biggest overt there is is to not disseminate Dianetics and Scientology. That is why I work with the IAS full-time. I can be the most effective on the 4th dynamic with the IAS to reach all people of Earth. COB’s strategy of the IAS, his strategic Ideal Orgs which are creating islands of sanity that dot the planet, along with the advent of the new AOs on key continents so that OT can become a reality for all. Getting our 4th dynamic programs of The Way to Happiness, Human Rights, CCHR, Volunteer Ministers, Drug Free World and the websites out across the world to the 7 billion people. LRH also writes A Message for Black People in the ACC time period. It made me truly understand why the Inglewood Org is now open and soon, the Harlem Org. You see what COB is doing all throughout the ACCs-a complete duplication of LRH!
So yes, individually each one of us must be 100% dedicated to this religious movement. For it will be us that get no the comm lines of the world as we are the ones that are in control of creating a new civilization. It is very easy to look out and see where this civilization. It is very easy to look out and see where this civilization has gone and how we are the only ones that are giving it life. We are giving them LRH so they too will have the most valuable, the most incredible technology that man has ever seen in all the past civilizations. The next time you pick up something from LRH, really know what LRH said on the ACCs that he was, at times, working 48 hours and wearing 18 hats, and building this religion by himself and as he said, never once did he give up. At that moment I realized that whatever dedication I had to reverse the dwindling spiral needed to be upped 100 times as I must do everything I can to ensure that the Aims of Scientology and The Pledge to Mankind get out to all people of Earth, and to ensure 100% that I do my part to guarantee the future of Scientology.
Kathy Feshbach
Flag Class VIII
Full Golden Age of Knowledge Completion
Thank you Ms. Feshbach, for backing up David in his assertions that Hubbard couldn’t train an auditor, mock up a training bridge correctly, organize a Church or publish his books or data or manage people. That Hubbard made overt products.
Now I am going the throw the mink teddy bear your husband gave me into the trash basket.
In SCN it is taboo to live in the present. One lives in an alternate reality based on “OT postulates and total cause” In fact, it goes so far that you are bad and committing overts if you are not in agreement with the postulated world of SCN…”must be total cause, total control.” One is invalidating the OT postulates if not in agreement with the Church. After a while you actually believe in the dreamed up or postulated world as “everyone else is doing it.” No one else exists in this world other than those in the Church, and they are the only ones who are correct This is the world they live in…totally out of the present where they are right and everyone else is wrong.
The second part of the equation is “cannot be effect.” As they are “OT’s who are total cause,” it becomes unthinkable to be effect or fail. But, to see one has to communicate. To communicate, one has to be willing to be effect.
Folks then cannot see reality or truth. It is not there to be seen for these two reasons: 1) they are not in the present, and 2) they cannot be effect . One can say that they are not willing to look and see the truth, which is true. But it is also just as true that they are seeing the truth…their dream-like postulated truth. It really is quite crazy.
Of course, I am talking about what happened to me, but I tend to believed it happened to many others…at least I believe I see it in others.
Jonsty, I have a lot of reality on what you’ve stated here about the current RCS OTs still in. They thought they were buying the Bridge To Total Freedom but what they got instead was the Scientology equivalent of the Brooklyn Bridge. They are delusionary in the extreme.
After reading Kathy Feshback piece of religious nonsense. I can only conclude the following observations about her:
She is a glib student.
She is blind and deaf.
She is an idiot.
She is an evangelical religious believer on the same line as the extreme Christians and Muslims.
And more importantly, Kathy Feshback viewpoint has been thoroughly overwhelmed by his Holiness the master vampire David Miscavige.
In all fairness to Kathy, we don’t know if she does or doesn’t audit anymore. She does seem excited about her studies; however her conclusion to become an IAS Reg comes straight out of HCO PL Third Dynamic De-Aberration. This would be like training someone up to be a medical doctor and then posting him as the janitor, because we all know unclean environments contain germs. Goofy.
On a side note, has anyone else noticed a covert (and not so covert) push to make it appear that the subject of Scn is difficult? From DM’s infamous “The Blind have been leading the Blind”, to extremely long training cycles (and then Fitness Boards on internships), to people restudying, retreading, on and on – you know this Scn stuff is pretty difficult. It seems the common denominator to all this is “Scientology is hard.” Not a very good reflection on LRH – “the guy’s a great writer and all, but I just can’t understand a bloom’n thing he says.” Who are these people? Has someone convinced them they were stupid?
I recall an OTVIII speaking at graduation after finishing the Dianetics Book Course, and confessed that she never really understood Dianetics. I was floored. How does this happen?
So Kathy has devoted years and years studying and training to become an auditor, which is admirable – and what does she want to do? Restudy the SHSBC and Class VIII course!! Geez, when is she going to get around to actually auditing someone? Next lifetime?
When I got into Scn we did not approach the subject in a linear timeline fashion. Our study of Scn was driven by interest and on a “need to know” basis, which seemed to work well enough. You were never forced to read this book, then this one, then that one, like some sort of religious assembly line. You simply followed your curiosity.
As a never-been-in, I found this statement curious:
“LRH also writes A Message for Black People in the ACC time period. It made me truly understand why the Inglewood Org is now open and soon, the Harlem Org.”
Can someone summarize what LRH wrote about black people? How does reading his opinion of black people make her truly understand why those orgs are there? Is this targeted, perhaps, to the NOI folks? Or, was this a major thrust from LRH?
Regarding the IAS: It sure looks like Amway is a more reputable organization than CoS. At least with Amway, you get a garage full of bubble bath and household cleaning products.
Correction to my previous post: I meant, can someone summarize what LRH wrote FOR black people (and not about black people) as our gal notes.
Here is what describes Katy F: ” Glib student- one who can confron the words an ideas. He cannot confront the physical universe or people around him and so cannot apply. He does not see mest or people. The reason for this is that he is below non existence on one or more dynamics and so cannot align with the others”. She is blind and is being led by the blindest.
Up until “for me there is nothing more important ….” this success story is one that I wished I could have written at one time. Yeah, I admit that I would have loved to had have wins that huge and certainty that solid. I “only” trained to be a very good and very experienced Cl V, so I never reached Ms. Feshbach’s rarified level. But notice how the success story sharply changes at that point from her personal successes on the data and admiration for LRH’s work to what the reader now MUST do in following COB (in fact, it would be the biggest overt you can commit if you do NOT give up all the money you have and go into debt the next time you face an IAS Reg). Fascinating how a success story about one’s personal wins (which of course she has every right to experience and have her own viewpoint on) becomes a manifesto of sorts about what EVERYONE ELSE in Scientology is now OBLIGATED to think and do. Full time for the IAS. Think Ms. Feshbach is getting her 10%? Yeah, yeah, I’m sure she gives a lot of it back, but geez …. whadday’all think Scientology would have been like over the years without all the big money aspect? Money and religion (and add to a church the ability to direct every part of their parishioner’s lives, with resulting punishments if they don’t, and you have the toxic mixture that we have seen throughout the recorded history of Earth, but Ms. Feshbach is probably completely ignorant of all this …. or maybe she’s not……)
“WE are the ONLY ones giving it (civilization) life.”
“WE are the ones that are in control of creating a new civilization.”
Yes, Axioms 1 & 2 may be the only absolute truths (and indeed, they are vital to my own outlook on life) but there are only a few viewpoints and postulates and opinions in this world that REALLY matter. Try exercising any of your OWN independent viewpoints during an IAS reg cycle about your own finances and you will get back Ms Feshbach’s viewpoint on what you NEED to do on the 3rd and 4th dynamics. Try postulating any differing viewpoints when you are kept on the Int base or the RPF and you will be given the controlling viewpoint of “the group.” This is actually my difference with the CoS. When all is said and done, one is only allowed to win in the context of being in agreement with those that have assumed power over your life (and that includes your most personal outlook and actions on the 3rd and 4th dynamics, to say nothing of the 7th dynamic as well). The Feshbachs, like Nancy Cartwright, are complete gold to COB, so they are “allowed” to exercise their “first and second axiom rights” as long as they agree with him (until they are no longer allowed of course).
“… and to have COB completely duplicate LRH…”
Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Kathy, girl, Dave is just a dipshit dropout from Philly. Oh, and he’s an asshole, too.
What a waste of the education and skills she must have acquired by getting trained up to the level of Class VIII.
If every Class VIII every made was simply auditing and/or CSing full time (or even part time!) week in and week out, this planet WOULD be getting cleared. It would make such a difference to the world . A REAL difference. i think that things would happen and the world would get observably better.
And I thought scientology was supposed to raise your IQ.
It’s the perfect title you gave it Mike, “The Golden Age of The Vulture Culture” with the picture of the vulture. I’ve spent time in rural areas seeing these big buzzards peck meat off the bones of road-kill on the highways. It is gross. And a fitting name for what Miscavige does.
RD — that’s a pretty vivid, and appropriate, picture you paint…
If Kathy had stopped about halfway through, she might leave the reader with a reach for the Briefing Course (is anyone still doing that?), but the cognitive dissonance increases rapidly as one reads on.
In addition to what Mike and the earlier commenters have pointed out, a couple of items caught my attention. One is that LRH gave us “the Grade Chart as we see it today”. How can you do the BC and not see this as BS? And now, instead of actually using what she learned on the BC, she is going to help “the IAS to reach all people of Earth.” The IAS does not, and never will, try to reach the people of Earth. Their only reach is into the wallets of the victims on the COB Downhill Express.
But, people, Kathy Feshback IS using what she learned on the BC, and what she learned on her auditor training to Class VIII. She is definitely using every thing she has learned from LRH about the the mind and life — to convince Scientologists (and anyone) to be donators to and registrars for the IAS, don’t you see? This would come under “Purpose” on her Admin Scale. Training to Class VIII at Flag and being audited thru OTVIII would be the Plan, based on someone’s “bright idea” (maybe her own?) The Goal is undoubtedly some massive figure as to money and global expansion of the IAS in some brief amount of time. Policy would be “David Miscavige Always Knows Best”.
And you also need to understand that the reason that auditing and training are being used SOLELY to make a splendid, effective, impressive OL IAS Reg instead of to encourage others to be audited and trained is:
“We just don’t have the TIME to do it that way!! The world is CRISIS, and we need to make an immediate, powerful effect on this planet on a MASSIVE scale, and we need to do it NOW, and the ONLY way this can be done is thru the IAS!!! The IAS IS MAN’S ONLY HOPE and there is NO TIME TO WASTE, and we need EVERYONE on board NOW”.
Get it now, people?
Kathy Feshbach aka Kathy Fleshsuck~ is a pure example of a heavily invested scientologist. So sad! Michael Roberts, actor – also became an IAS blood sucker – and he got so sucked in his personality changed over the years. He was at it full time. I really liked Michael – but he stopped talking to me when I refused to give IAS any more money!! I hope he is okay.
Just remember – the more money you pour into the cult – the more you need the cult to keep your reality alive – that you are a powerful OT with powers above the rest of the db’s!!
I hope no one else dies young in that family!!
Mike, do you remember the Safe Environment Fund? A donation collection unit to help pay for the legal fees of the Guardians’ Office. When LRH found out they were collecting money for no production he hit the roof, I will never forget how angry he was, and how strongly he said that WE NEVER COLLECT MONEY FOR NOTHING…. WE COLLECT MONEY FOR SERVICES DELIVERED.
After LRH’s thoughts became known, SEF just disappeared. Many of the people never knew that LRH is the one that stopped it — they were just aware that it suddenly stopped.
Nancy — yes, the SEF was infamous. At the time, Miscavige heaped scorn on the lowlifes that would dare do such a thing (Fred Ulan being a primary target of his ire — he is still kissing his butt to this day)….
Oh my God! I remember that SEF bull shit !
The IAS has BECOME the ” ‘Safe’ Environment Fund ” under Miscavige’s reign of out tech and off policy.
Oh for the days when LRH would just wade in and put the kibosh on squirreling like this.
Looks like it is up to us now.
ASHO *used to* have a site talking about how auditors could make a living outside the org. Now I believe that they’ve all been shut down anywhere near an org (which can’t deliver auditing either).
Good post Mike. Is very sad to see how some people think, but you right she loss the pourpose. I never hear any LRH daya on being IAS Reg full time, but some how she thanks COB. But I can tell you Mike some people now in Latinoamerica, some OTs now are looking the real picture, some of them are in contact with me and they see what is really happening in Scientology.
I guess Kathy is missing the all point of LRH.
Someone who is friends with Kathy on Facebook and LinkedIn sent me these excerpts from her FB and LinkedIn pages. The friend astutely observed the following:
Kathy now positions herself on Facebook and LinkedIn as a philanthropist and humanitarian! From a PR point of view, I don’t think it’s good to position oneself as a humanitarian; it’s a bit too much patting oneself on the back. Rather, someone becomes positioned as a humanitarian by others observing that person’s works. But you don’t call yourself that in your own PR.
From Facebook:
About Kathy
Kathy Feshbach is a social betterment philanthropist for the International Association of Scientologist (IAS). The IAS sponsors these global social betterment programs and humanitarian programs – The Way to Happiness, Human Rights, Drug Free World, Scientology Volunteer Ministers and Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Kathy is also a fundraiser for these programs as the Church has made readily available, easily assimilated and rapidly distributable multimedia tools to raise awareness, educate and activate millions. These social betterment and humanitarian programs are utterly unique, indisputably cutting edge and most importantly-effective.
From LinkedIn
Kathy Feshbach
Social Betterment and Humanitarian
Self Employed
1998 – Present (15 years)Clearwater Beach, Florida
As a philanthropist and fundraiser, Kathy works with the International of Association of Scientologist (IAS) to forward the – Global Social Betterment Programs and Humanitarian Programs sponsored by the Church of Scientology:
The Way to Happiness, Human Rights, Drug Free World, Scientology Volunteer Ministers and Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Applied Scholastics,
These programs are readily available, easily assimilated and rapidly distributable multimedia tools to raise awareness, educate and activate millions. These social betterment and humanitarian programs are utterly unique, indisputably cutting edge and most importantly-effective.
Establishment Director
Church of Scientology Mission of Ocala
2009 – 2011 (2 years)Ocala, Florida Area
Ran the preperation and organization during the establishment process of the Ocala mission.
Mission Holder
Church of Scientology Mission of Belleair
2000 – 2010 (10 years)Belleair, FL
Created, developed and held ownership of the Belleair Mission.
Church of Scientology Los Gatos
1989 – 1997 (8 years)Los Gatos, CA
Acting minister within the church.
This can’t be true Mike.
Please, please tell us you made this up, that it’s a very late April fool’s joke.
I could believe almost anything if I put my mind to it, but this is just too much.
Oh! hey…,
Kathy the Konartist said:
” LRH also said in this time period that the biggest overt there is is to not disseminate Dianetics and Scientology. That is why I work with the IAS full-time. I can be the most effective on the 4th dynamic with the IAS to reach all people of Earth. COB’s strategy of the IAS, his strategic Ideal Orgs which are creating islands of sanity that dot the planet, along with the advent of the new AOs on key continents so that OT can become a reality for all. Getting our 4th dynamic programs of The Way to Happiness, Human Rights, CCHR, Volunteer Ministers, Drug Free World and the websites out across the world to the 7 billion people. LRH also writes A Message for Black People in the ACC time period. It made me truly understand why the Inglewood Org is now open and soon, the Harlem Org. You see what COB is doing all throughout the ACCs-a complete duplication of LRH!”
She’s an IAS torpedo?
It’s just a set-up.
You folks in the church better hide your money.
Better yet, tell Kathy Fleshseeker and her cohorts to go fuck themselves.
You can go up the real Bridge with real auditing and training from real Auditors and supers out here in freedomville – and do it for prices you’ll be more than happy to pay.
ALSO, you can have and run your very own dynamics!
“..and I will now restudy the SHSBC and Class VIII lectures, as without the Basics and ACCs, it was imply a skipped gradient.”
This is a total arbitrary and an alteration of the LRH grade chart. First of all, LRH never came up with “The Basics”, nor did he ever make it prerequisite to doing the SHSBC. It’s on the SHSBC where one is supposed to do a full, chronological study of Scientology anyways. This statement was probably just put in to make COB happy anyways.
LRH also never devised the “IAS” scam and would jave certainly never apporved of the out-exchange regging of “pure donations”. LRH never came up with these BS “Honor Statuses” as well. I wonder what LRH would do if he heard it was important to become something as ridiculous as a “Platinum Patron Meritorius Excalibur With Honors”.
It’s funny how someone can supoosedly study a bunch of LRH and come way being more off-source than before with all these arbitraries and added inapplicable pieces of data (or perhaps pieces of something else).
The kool-aid runs deep in Kathy Feshbach. How she thinks regging for the IAS disseminates Scientology is beyond me; the IAS doesn’t even communicate to non Scientologists. They only want to reg people who already been somewhat indoctrinated (brainwashed).
Jethro — good point. It’s a manifestation of false data. She is one of those who believe Miscavige is now Source and because he says this is how it is, then that IS how it is. Very sad.
… and the day DM meets his maker:
J. Bodine. Hey don’t you know by now, that The IAS sponsors “all” those wonderful planetary dissemination campaigns that you see “everywhere” That ARE FLOODING “ALL” THE NEW IDEAL ORGS AND SALVAGING THIS “WHOLE” SECTOR OF THE UNIVERSE! – come on man, get with it! What about “all” “everywhere” “everyone” don’t you understand?
I wonder if Kathy Feshbach knows that it was me who came up with the name Golden Age of Knowledge. 2003, Building 50 conference room. True story. All your wins are hereby negated, Kathy. Now dust off your E-meter and start doing some good for somebody.
Kabooooom! Joe Howard is in the house….
That is too funny!
Reading her words leaves me feeling weird like I traveled to the Bizarro Universe where everything is backward.
You did better than I did, Tater. I couldn’t bear to stomach the whole screed.
Having known the Fleshbucks since the 70s personally(back when they were tennis semi-pros in the San Francisco Bay Area), I do not find their ‘self promotion’ all that surprising. Because of their overts in the financial world it isn’t hard to see this. Matt as recipient of the out tech Super Power deliverance at INT, because of their world renowned reputation of massive donations to the Co$, it is not surprising the position that Kathy assumes. To these guys, actually the whole family, status is where it’s at and whatever it takes to get there. Kathy being a supposed highly trained GAT cat, I would say is about as untrained as one could get having bought the whole GAT dwindling spiral. When Matt declared bankruptcy, I am sure that everything of value was placed in Kathy’s name. Now Matt is running some kind of medical stem cell research gig in the Bahamas.
My relationship with these guys was so close at one time that Matt would give me some dres shirts that he had grown tired of.
I have since had occasional run-ins with both of these guys(Kathy&Matt) and both have had a tendency to believe rumor that suits rather than what is in writing. A lot like the reaction I got from Carter Manierre when I asked him about what he thought of DM and he, a Class VIII auditor, thought that DM was genius. Funny that being a trained auditor before GAT, he had problems accepting that his ‘tech’ was unacceptable. It took a lot of ehtics and qual to convince him that GAT was the only way he was going to move forward. I still think that in the back of his mind he is still struggling with it.
The Feshbachs just buy, buy,buy the bullshit because that’s what they are ‘trained’ to do. Soon they will wear the same chains that DM will be and is wearing. The chains of deceit, criminality, and fraud.
Yes, M. Finley.
Those who entrap become themselves entrapped. just as those who who deceive others do themselves become deceived.
“I have since had occasional run-ins with both of these guys(Kathy&Matt) and both have had a tendency to believe rumor that suits rather than what is in writing.”
Though I liked Matt, I kinda got the idea that he was just a bit too robotic.
Michael, you reminded me of a time back in 1984 that Matt was all over Cindy’s case because she was listening to an album by Laura Branegan, called Self Control. He kept trying to tell her that it was squirrelly and she kept insisting that it was just the name of an album with harmless lyrics. He kept ridging on it and may have even written it up…he just wouldn’t inspect the data for himself. I would say his inability to confront has been there for quite some time which makes him a prime candidate for DM’s mental mind warp, Kathy was just part of the package…a two for one special so to speak.
Mike you are 1000% right on.
IAS = out Exchange (money for nothing back so therefore criminal exchange)
Idle Org donations = Out Exchange (You pay us and we keep the building, criminal exchange)
ACC’s are thousands of dollars for the sets. The SO produce them for less than .49 cents per CD with slave labor = Criminal Exchange x 2.
She trains to OT VIII and Class whatever and then never audits a single person and then proceeds to take their money for the IAS which won’t give them an ounce of spiritual freedom. WHAT A WASTE and a criminal exchange to her local org, AO and LRH by committing the biggest overt in the universe. LRH DIDN”t say the biggest overt was not disseminating. He said the biggest overt you could commit was not getting them out of the mess they are in by training and auditing.
“Full Golden Age of Knowledge Completion” I wonder if you get a Cert signed my Miscavige for this? Puke. All the time and money and pandering in the world, both sides of the Bridge and this is her big cog. Not surprising really, the Feshbachs are all about flaunting their status, and do very little in fact except give money for more status.
“LRH also said in this time period that the biggest overt there is is to not disseminate Dianetics and Scientology.” Interesting. It seems to me that a bigger overt would be to actively BLOCK the dissemination of Dianetics and Scientology. Which is what Miscavige does (while “demonstrating” that he is “supporting” the dissemination of Diaentics and Scientology.)
While I notice some are mocking Kathy Feschbach for this piece of delusional tripe and deriding her for arriving at the “working full time for the IAS” conclusion, I see something different.
I see someone who studied a buncha LRH (who posited that the church would live or die on Dianetics and Scientology tech training and delivery) she reached a level of cognitive dissonance that is so extreme as to sound delusional, absurd, and ridiculous.
(Cognitive dissonance is described as psychological discomfort that arises from holding incompatible ideas at the same time.) When I think about C.D. I think of the theory behind false data stripping.
Basically, I see that Kathy found that the IAS/Idle Org obsession conflicted with what LRH was saying about Dianetics and Scientology tech training and delivery and to make things make sense for her, she chose the path what would lead to the least amount of “declare-ability”. That lowered the C.D. to a level where she could sleep at night. Her conclusion and “new path in life” DOESN’T RENDER HER POSTULATE TO BE IN SCIENTOLOGY NULL AND VOID.
This is right out of HCOB COMPLEXITY AND CONFRONT. She made a new postulate to cover up the confusion surrounding her old postulate.
In many ways, the process of CLEARING could be considered the action of removing the additives from a being to render him “more there”,
Kathy did the opposite.
Interesting comment which makes sense to me…not just for Kathy, but many others as well. I knew Kathy when she was just beginning Scientology and just like many others, before they got sucked into the Miscavaige vortex, she used to be a very nice, real person. The only real statement above is that she went straight up the grade chart and really had very little reality on the tech side. Even so, I think she was “more there” back then than she is now. But then again…she had no children in the Sea Org, no reason to compel her to tow the line and compromise her integrity, change her postulate, etc.
When I see able people like Kathy become pawns, it makes me sick and then I think of those who were smart enough to confront the full situation and handle it completely…in such a way as to maintain their original postulate and their integrity at the same time…Like the James family did. Those are the REAL opinion leaders IMHO!
“The most valuable beings in Corporate Scientology are the vultures and vampires they breed in captivity, not auditors.
“The most coveted achievement is IAS status, not auditor certification.
“And the most important inspiration is David Miscavige not LRH.”
Mike, you distilled it down to the barest, most pithy and significant truth. Wow. Amazing that all don’t see this as clearly as you do and as you communicated it. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Wow, Mike, Great Article!!! You hit it on the head. I can tell you unequivocally why Power FSMs and Interned Auditors are abandoning those posts and running, not walking, to become IAS registrars. It is for MONEY. Money. Let me say it again: they are money motivated and greedy. After all, after paying for all the Sec Checks and twice or thrice-done Bridge steps to get to OT VIII, they are heavily in debt, mortgaged to the hilt, broke and in need of lots of CASH. I personally know of many FSM’s who couldn’t make a living as an FSM after DM cut the commission structure of FSMing (yes he squirreled even that.) So these Power FSM’s became IAS reges so that they could make money. They try to couch it in calling it “dissemination” when in fact it is nothing even close to that.
A reg makes more money than an auditor.
Guess this salivation for money at any cost runs in the family.
Sick, sick, sick!!!
The ideal organisations creating islands of sanity. Please see the earlier post on this site. Thank you.
BTW this is a total inval of OT VIII.
Have a nice day.
“LRH wraps his behingness around you” ? that sounds creepy. She has studied for thousands of hours LRH materials only to cognite that this 100 pound moron, who has studied LRH a bare fraction of the time and amount that she has, has “perfect duplication” of all LRH tech? This woman is pathetic.
Ronnie, I completely agree with you! “She’s obviously bought her “stairway to heaven”, and now grovels at POB’s feet to kiss his ring.” completely disgusting!
Wow. By way, was is a “standard 12 1/2 hour study schedule?” A Foundation evening schedule is 17 1/2 hours (7-10:30 each night) or weekend hours (9-6 each day). So 12 1/12 must be Rich Person Dumbing Down time. It took me five years to do the BC on a foundation schedule.
But you nailed the point on the head: she claims that doing the BC and VIII course were out gradient because she didn’t study all ACCs – wow, what an admission. But then she is saying she is being “100% dedicated to this religion” and yet she is not auditing PCs and using all that gorgeous mind-blowing tech she has been training and retraining on! She is the poster child for “glib student.” Only a glib, non-confronting whatever can inflow that much LRH and then say COB duplicated it 100%!
This is distressing.
LRH never made “The Basics” or “ACCs” any prerequisite for the SHSBC.
Is she suggesting LRH was a little weak on “Skipped Gradient” Study Tech and COB spotted and remedied that?
Reference? Merely a squirrelly success story.
“I finally cogged on 8-C today and would like to thank Heinrich Himmler …” … lol
Instead of just playing lipservice to LRH and Scientology, maybe Miscavige shoudl just skip delivery entirely and create “IAS Orgs”. The purpose would be to get money from people for the purpose of building more IAS Orgs for the purpose of getting money from people for thepurpose of building more IAS Orgs.
As it is it reminds me of these pyramid scheme things that “arent” a pyrimid scheme because they have some “product”, but the way you make money is by signing up others to be able to sell the “product” and they make money by signing up others….
Chris — believe me, this is where its heading. IAS Orgs.
Like everything else, he drops the frog in the water and gradually increases the heat. It has taken him a long time to acclimatise people to the idea that Command Intention = Miscavige = LRH Intention = IDeal Orgs = Fundraising.
That “Clearing the Planet” = Ideal Orgs = Fundraising.
That “Clearing the Planet” = Super Power = Fundraising.
That 4th Dynamic Handlings = IAS = Fundraising.
That Humanitarian Activities = Ideal Orgs = Fundraising.
That Humanitarian Activities = IAS = Fundraising.
He’s getting there on his next equation, that Orgs = Ideal Orgs = Humanitarian Activities = IAS = Fundraising.
Voila! It is so….
Mike, this stuff really is completely revolting to see and read!
But hey, the good news is, it’s just one more nail in the coffin of what is already a dead organization ah – I mean cult, which has reduced itself to only one purpose – MAKE MONEY FOR the great little one.
This kind of in- your- face, way- too- obvious, much-too-blatant PROPAGANDA is the best thing possible TO WAKE THOSE UP WHO ARE STILL SUPPORTING this craziness – To how ridiculously off purpose their Co$ really is. Believe me when I say, they are finding it more and more difficult to ignore the lies and false promises and are increasingly withdrawing their support from and quietly or loudly leaving what has become complete insanity against their original purpose in Scientology.
Thanks Mike for the great job of shinning the bright light of truth on all this!
I wouldn’t spend ten minutes in Kathy Feshbach’s universe for all the money in DM’s treasure vault. She’s obviously bought her ‘stairway to heaven’, and now grovels at POB’s feet to kiss his ring. Disgusting.
The technical term for this kind of BS is “brown nosing”, on steroids.
TFB – funny, I had originally titled this post The Golden Age of Brown Nosing but thought it was not really appropriate… 🙂
MR, You took the high road with a better title.
100% on this, Mike.
In addition to all that you pointed out, once again, the arrogance and disdain toward mankind makes its appearance in her statement, “It is very easy to look out and see where this civilization has gone and how we are the only ones giving it life.”
Should anyone who is not a member of the church read that…it would come across as a complete invalidation…which it is.
In my opinion, as one grows and learns more of life, one tends to have more affinity for mankind and the world, recognizing the beauty and greatness that exists, while being aware of areas to change as well. She appears, in truth, to be more distant and removed with comments like that.
Yes, that line is unbelievable. That is an insane statement. Kathy F. Is insane. That is not a good product of the church.
Two more takeaways from the Feshbach propaganda screed: 1) It is very insidious in that it is made to sound like her “cognition” to be an IAS Reg is the ultimate result to be obtained from studying and duplicating all LRH Tech and aligning Miscavige with LRH and duplicating LRH Tech completely in all his insane endeavors – she makes it sound like they are the most on-Source things possible; 2) There is another subtle thread there, which is her repeated examples of how LRH spent years and years developing/perfecting certain pieces of Tech (30 years in one example, 18 years in another example). This is a subtle “precedent” for Miscavige taking 35 years (and counting) to get Super Power released, 20 years for the new Flag building, 25 years (and counting) for the supposed OTs IX and X, a decade or more (and counting) for the supposedly upcoming on-Source OEC, etc. It makes the simple inability of Miscavige to complete cycles of action and repeatedly lie about what he is doing again sound like he is being on-Source and just like LRH to “perfect” things – but of course Miscavige is not researching and developing new Tech but squirreling and stopping things. She should be awarded and lauded as a “Golden Age of Delusion” completion, not Golden Age of Knowledge.
That’s a really good point you’re making.
This is disgracing LRH. It is a mockery of what was dear to him, namely disseminating through auditing and training of auditors. Kathy Feschbach has gone over the deep end. She has lost her chance of going free. OT VIII or not.
Exactly! Reminds me of a time at my old org where the ED and I and a few others DID a program sent to orgs from QEI at Int Management when it did still exist and was doing its job well (probably around 1982ish) and we had no Regs posted. All we did was concentrate on quality delivery. Not a mention of Registrars. Our ED did the occasional “reg cycle” of signing someone up for more services and he had no time to dance the stupid reg cycle dance with them–they either wanted it or they didn’t and if they did he figured out their next service and the price and walked the check down to the income dept.
Eventually he couldn’t get out of the reg office so we HAD to get someone to sit there at least for part of the day to take happy willing re-signups and walk checks to the income dept. No Vulture Culture techniques needed at all! Tech corrected and used properly made happy people who did want more, and we’d see to it that they got that too. Unfortunately those nice up stats are what got that ED qualified for and into the sea org eventually, (a mission came to take him, no matter what) and I went too, and when we left the place went back to bad times again. (He also left the sea org and Scientology after about 9 years of being yelled and screamed at–must’ve been totally incompetent jerk, hmmmm?)
That org could’ve been one of the biggest just due to that one program we followed if he hadn’t somehow been convinced to move up because he’s such a great executive and was “needed” in higher positions.
Utterly delusional would be an understatement, but a good start. Mike you hit it precisely – being an IAS vulture is more valuable than being an auditor, for which she is thoroughly trained and yet thoroughly clueless. I wonder what the “brainwashing’ is OR the crashing MU, because she obviously doesn’t understand LRH’s intention with all that she’s studied.
Reading this nonsense reminds me of a South Africa power fsm who asked me to affirm that I was “loyal” to COB! After bombarding him with LRH refs (via email) that contradict everything he is or should be aware of, I said I was loyal to LRH!
Keep it coming Mike 🙂
Good Lord, this is ….. I’m going to be sick.
Michael A. Hobson
Independent Scientologist
Mike — any idea when this was written? It’s really a pathetic piece of self-promotion as well as just a bold faced preposterous bunch of BS.
No, I dont. But the email was sent last week….
“I will now restudy the SHSBC and Class VIII lectures, as without the Basics and ACCs, it was simply a skipped gradient. ”
— So LRH had it wrong when he delivered the Briefing Course. His delivery was on the wrong gradient. You are so lucky that Dave set it right – you can now have the real benefit of the SHSBC that LRH denied you!
“For us to be here at this moment in time with LRH, and to have COB completely duplicate LRH and to bring about the Materials Grade Chart is beyond brilliant.”
— Yeah. Like the way he implemented the Ideal Orgs HCO PL. Or the Birthday Game LRH ED. Or his brilliance in explaining how the F/N either swings three times or it ain’t an F/N. Or the way he implemented LRH’s policies on exchange with the IAS and the Ideal Org fundraising or the Super Power building! Now that’s what I call BRILLIANT duplication! He is a freaking GENIUS! (rolling thunder)
“COB’s strategy of the IAS, his strategic Ideal Orgs which are creating islands of sanity that dot the planet, along with the advent of the new AOs on key continents so that OT can become a reality for all.”
— Yes, yes, that’s SOOO cool! Especially that we don’t even need PEOPLE in those Ideal Orgs! He is so brilliant, he figured out how apply the LRH policy on Human Emotion and Reaction (the biggest barrier to production). Get rid of people, and you got rid of the production problem! The ideal orgs clear their areas AUTOMATICALLY with machines, with no people needed to be inside the org (despite the enemy lines, THAT’S why they are really empty – they are actually working, making COB’s plans become an actuality as we speak, you just can’t see it because you are not up to COB’s case level). COB is making OTs every day by simply thinking of making OTs in every area and drinking Scotch to help his postulates stick. The AOs in each continent don’t even need to be staffed or renovated, because COB just postulates OTs and they appear on every continent, in every city, automatically! All you need to do is donate more money to the IAS today (you gotta realize that COB can’t postulate enough if he has to handle EVERYTHING – the IAS needs to defend his postulates in YOUR area, so pay up so he can clear YOUR city too!)
“It is very easy to look out and see where this civilization has gone and how we are the only ones that are giving it life.”
— Thank you, Kathy! I’m so grateful that you gave me life. I’m enjoying it. Can I send you a donation?