Since the release of GAG II, various Special Correspondents have been forwarding the somewhat regular “Good News” briefings from Flag. Over the course of that time (nearly two years now) I have received a total of 37 of these reports. They have skipped some weeks and the intervals between them are irregular, but just as an aggregate they show the big picture of the “expansion” that has occurred at Flag since the advent of GAG II and the opening of the $200 million SP Building.
I graphed these figures as you can see below (along with the latest reports following that).
I stopped graphing Purif and Objectives Completions. They made a huge deal of these when GAG II was released. But then the reporting became erratic and then simply stopped altogether. Apparently when the stats were not “good” they just decided not to mention them. Probably many of the weeks where there have been no reports were weeks when the stats sucked. And as there is many no reports (only have “good news” for 37 out of about 85 weeks since the release of GAG II) one could reasonably assume that if all those weeks HAD been reported, it would show an even worse scene.
But regardless of that, these graphs show without question one certainty. Flag is in LONG TERM Emergency. (Realize too that the last two weeks reflect traditionally the BEST weeks at Flag when Europeans and a lot of US people are there because they have summer vacation and they HAVE to complete and get home before the end of August). The only graph you could even marginally call “uptrending” is the Cause Resurgence completions (orange line).
The two worst stats are OT VII Completions and Clears. Going absolutely nowhere.
Even Super Power, something EVERY scientologist can be regged for as the latest answer to all problems in the universe, is sickly. Level — between 15 and 25 — virtually every week it’s reported.
What is VERY clear is that there is nothing remotely resembling “straight up and vertical” anywhere in these stats.
And this is the “Good News.”
(Because the legend is hard to read: Super Power =blue, Running Pgm = orange, L’s =gray, Clears = yellow, OT VII = dark blue)
Would it possible to add ‘trend lines’ to the graph, or just do a ‘trend line’ graph without all the peaks and vallerys?? With that many items on the graph, with so many ups & downs to them, it’s hard to make out what’s going on. Thanks.
There’s so much endless good news in Scientology!
Thanks for reporting the actual stats of orgs, Mike. This is a very valuable service because it belies the smoke that is continually blown at Scientologists by “management” and clarifies what is really happening in the orgs.
…..I guess that Staff Status II, as well as the OEC is now in the category of “lost admin tech”.
Perhaps DM will discover this outpoint one of these days, get staff trained up on it and get all orgs posting all org stats on bulletin boards……um, no he won’t.
That would be disseminating truth.
Instead he will rewrite the policies on stats and graphs so that down statistics are never to be noted.
In the interim, the following “no-report” video is to be viewed 5 times by all execs to learn how to handle any objections from staff to not reporting all statistics honestly and accurately:
The idea I can never get out of my head when looking at stats like these is that even though they look bad, especially in lieu of the gargantuan amount of money spent to achieve them, they are probably-one way or another-padded or false.
Getting accurate data from anyone in the Co$ is virtually impossible. Source of data is unreliable because of chronic lying in the past.
Their scene is likely quite a bit worse.
Yes, looking at the span of time since GAG2, it’s long-term emergency (which = danger). What I see is that it’s in Non-E, and has been since 1950 or 1952, or whenever Scn became a “church”. No one on the inside seems to want to confront that. But that’s only in terms of money and completions. In human terms, it’s now a solid treason condition.
I see the running program is in a normal condition. Just goes to show the insanity of these idiots to pay for something they can do in a park.
But…but…It’s CAUSE RESURGENCE!!!! You just can’t do CAUSE RESURGENCE in a ordinary park, Invisible Man! This is really important stuff! It must be done in a really important setting!
Good People, not sure Hubbard could run the length of the Cause Resurgence Rundown. He was always a tad heavy. However, for the others, it’s what, $5,000 for this process? That’s nothing! I mean, they LET you run around. Doesn’t that sound like fun? And, you get to purchase running wear! How cool is that! And, you get to do it the SP building! Hardly anyone is there so you’ll almost have the building to yourself! If that’s not worth $5,000, I don’t know what is! I REALLY think you’re missing out…
The Cause Rundown seemed to be the most upstat. I somehow can’t picture Hubbard doing this process. Anyone know if he did? The engram theory proposed in Dianetics always made sense to me (even if it wasn’t scientifically provable). However I don’t think I would have fallen for this running program.
The “running program” would have a final straw for me on any day. No way in hell would I put my body through that kind of punishment. Depending on your blood type, running can be detrimental to your health and well being. People with blood type B are not supposed to run at all. Most people are blood type B.
Hi The Oracle,As I have posted I ran in the dark barefoot in Griffith Park. I hated it My blood type is A.Was I supposed to like it a little? Laughter Ann B.
Ann, I did not see your post about running barefoot in the dark in Griffith Park. I hope you were on the grass? Blood type A people should have “gentle” exercise. Swimming, Yoga, etc etc.
Hi The Oracle, Thank you.I always loved swimming bot my late parents were ski and tennis demons so did all that and rode jumpers like the wind.Not exactly gentle exercise.Regardeding Griffith Park LA,no grass at all. Dirt sand sort of paths with little stones.Really scrubbed my feet shiny and cut.Cute GOI love your crazy applications.LoveAlways Ann B.
No Oracle, MOST people are NOT type B. Were DO you come up with all this medical quackery?
O-positive: 38 percent
O-negative: 7 percent
A-positive: 34 percent
A-negative: 6 percent
B-positive: 9 percent
B-negative: 2 percent
AB-positive: 3 percent
AB-negative: 1 percent
Hubbard may have had some running shoes, maybe even a running outfit, but that’s probably as far as he ever got on this rundown.
Yep, he may have had some running shoes and maybe even a running outfit, AND he may have even thought about it. But…well…you know the rest.
If starting tomorrow Scientology didn’t get one more penny from anything, courses, IAS, Ideal Orgs, nothing, they could live off reserves and interest for a long time couldn’t they? What other consequences are there for these crashing stats besides less money? What’s the end game here?
Good evening Kuato, I’m not certain that the person running this show can see beyond the end of his nose. You are correct about the interest from reserves, as well as all that newly purchased real estate that appreciates practically by the day. Since there are 4 attorneys involved, I would guess some kind of holding company will spring up to “administer” the assets while the delivery side will be allowed to die. Henry
mmm, thanks
Flag sucks!! Lol.
Flag sucks exponentially!! LOL!
“I had radical wins and cognitions now I’m at cause over shit and stuff.”
Yes it was fun for (some of) us while it lasted just like playing cops & robbers and believing in the tooth fairy but it’s time to grow up and put aside the things of childhood. Whatever you got out of scientology it’s yours now and forever but if it’s an on-going need then all you got out of it is dependence on an outside influence preventing you from being a light unto yourself. Far more interesting realities await in this infinite life experience. This very moment right now for instance.
Very, very nice, Roger. Heart felt. As I have learned, we are the prize. You are what you are seeking and just don’t know it.
Thank you Roger, I don’t believe I’ve seen the situation covered so well in so few words.
“After all if you don’t give them a game, the game becomes, to get you”. Henry
Really well said and accurate Roger!
…”the game becomes, to get you.” Wow! I’d say you nailed it, Roger. And that really sums up this cult.
The jump in the cause resurgence is due to the price reduction to $2,500 from $5,000 or even $10,000 when it first started. They can still squeeze $2,500 out of broke people somehow.
And that’s a worrying thought, Pete2. People that are consistently drunk on Kool-Aid, will be especially vulnerable as the cult will point out how incredibly cheap it is now so they “can’t afford” NOT to do it.
I almost feel sorry for them…
Silly Mike. Don’t you understand that when his royal highness David Miscavige reads these graphs, he is three sheets to the wind. Turn the page sideways and it’s all straight up and vertical. Problem solved. Just need to drink expensive scotch while reading stats and they look right.
Hi Valerie,Love this post Yours are always strength truth and humor! XO Ann B.
Now we know why special ‘missions’ of Sea bOrg travel the planet to shanghai clams to go to Flag. Copenhagen and Edinburgh and Spokane and Minneapolis and Xenu alone knows where the Sea bOrg Inquisition is going show up next.
Business is so bad that the various levels of the Amway pyramid scam are stealing each others customers. This is sure to piss off those on the lower end of pyramid, how are they going to get their cut if everyone takes their customers? Hell, how are they going pay for their class 9 and 12 training? Training that is now required to serve the Master?
I can only wait for more to defect and run away from the scam that can no longer pay anyone but management. The clampire had good stats in the early days, until 1981 when the missions were pillaged and Lron took a bigger slice of the pie. A pie that Mustravage wants for himself and no sharing anymore. That attitude is the real death knell of the clampire.
Hi zemooo, Love you, love your postsXO Ann B.
What a surprise, here it is 2015 and I find there is something the COS and I agree on………These stats, as revealed by the graphs, really are Good News, actually Very Good News. Shows that the peoples of Earth are really catching on.
Well, with just about everything scientology spread across the internet, it’s close to impossible to get ‘new’ (now that’s truly an oxymoron!) people in. All the OT levels are there for the viewing…
I’m loving every minute of cult internet exposure. If only internet was broadly available back in early 70s when I got in – I’m positive I’d have checked it out beforehand and never gotten sucked in. Once I walked in the door my curiosity got the best of me and I fell for the dangling carrot trick, amongst other things. I did have some benefits over the years, but the tons of negatives far surpassed any positives in the long run. Probably the same story for a lot of us on this blog. I would not go near any of it ever again, under any circumstances.
Hi Maureen,Very good to meet you.I related strongly with your post.If the Internet had been available to me in 1974 I would not have joined.But the creepy part is that if I had read DMSMH & had had the contact with Sea Org Members that I did,before knowing of the net,it would have made absolutely no difference.I would have joined The Sea Org even faster than I did which was pretty fast.That is how strong the original pull was,it is hard to explain now looking back Ron was no fool.Ann B.
Well, Maureen, nobody, including Hubbard, foresaw the advent of the technology we have today. Victory will never be theirs. The sooner they capitulate, the sooner they become a non-entity. This is like a car going down mountain roads without breaks; You’ll keep going faster until you finally crash and burn.
I wonder what a graph of donations made to the IAS would look like. Are those figures straight up and vertical?
Many of you folks have to use your imagination to see these stats from a POV of producing them; like a SO Member on Flag Staff. I don’t know of anything worse than being on staff and being downstat.
Insane as it may sound, being on the RPF was so much better. One got to do MEST work (physical labor) which is healthy and gratifying. An RPFer is separated from the rest of staff and Scientologists (the group) and at the time of incarceration, has nothing to do with stats like what Mike took the time to organize and show us (so, no penalties for downstats). Your daily schedule includes time for training and auditing.
Seems if “New Bodies in the Shop” stat crashes, the only two solutions is redefine the Bridge and make everyone do it again, or falsify the stat. So maybe we have GAG III to look forward to.
Looks like a lean Fall and Winter.
I, for one, look forward to it. I’d be happy to see complete collapse. That’s no surprise. I’m an SP and totally content with that.
Thanks, Mike. Best to the family.
TWO thumbs up Mike. “SHOW ME THE MOANING!!!”
LMAO!!! Whew! Now that’s some REALLY funny shit! “SHOW ME THE MOANING.” This is an instant Classic… Nice job, Gayle!
I doubt that DLHDM cares much about quantity. I think it is more of a dog and pony show for fewer, richer $ci-bots overall. He needs a small group of cute people to be on hand for the visits of whales and other largish sea dwellers. Cute, young people are needed for IAS events. It’s a high end club only, with great real estate in the near future. Who needs all the schmos in the SO hanging around all the time? Old timers are “timing out” soon. He wants them out! He wants old timer publics who can pay, sure, but mostly, Co$ will become an odd club which dabbles in LRH-ish traditions.
Awww, poor Flag. Just can’t do anything to attract paying suckers into the door these days (well, they could do stuff like stopping crush regging and sec checks, but they’ll never cognite to that). Couldn’t happen to a scummier Happiest Place On Earth.
Well, maybe we should throw them a bone to try to get one stat up. Hey, Kathy True, guess what? I’m coming to town tomorrow and will be there most of the week. How about you get your OSA Pekinese Pitbulls to try to Confront and Shatter a real SP, a tool of the Psychs, and a Real Live 1.1? At least it’ll give them something to do. Just don’t be sad when I laugh in their face for an extended period of time.
Express yourself, laddie, express yourself! I just love it when you don’t hold back…
Espiando you are going to cause the sales of Depends in CW to go straight up and vertical!
No doubt!
I think they had better cancel the pro-abortion policy and try to grow their membership via massive reproduction and early childhood indoctrination — you know, like some “normal” religions do!
(Actually, I oppose childhood religious indoctrination of any sort.)
FOTF2012, parents bringing their children up in a chosen religion will continue. Not a big deal vis-a-vis scn as its membership has been collapsing for decades and is almost completely gone now. Remember, 1st Amendment, etc.
And the list of exes speaking out against COS just keeps going upstat! 🙂
As of today 2,620 ex-COS-members:
Well, look at that… a rock-slamming stat graph from the friendliest place on the planet.
Laughing! Nice! Now that’s some funny shit!
Mike, you’ve been gone so long that you have forgotten to NEVER put numbers on a graph.
Hmm, as all scn’ers know; all graph reading is monitored by viability. As these are FSO stats there is not a single one of these graphs that is above Non-E. Per El Con tech anyway.
When you grant someone beingness, you grant them responsibility. Not sure how you can grant no beingness, and hold them totally accountable at the same time. That does not add up. If you grant no beingness, they are not accountable for anything.If there is no beingness there is no responsibility.
“When you grant someone beingness, you grant them responsibility… ”
What ARE you going on about now Oracle? I made a comment regarding reading a graph using policy. Do you have a smallest clue what that comment analyzed and WHY the production (as measured by the stat) was like that? (hint, is has NOTHING to due with “beinginess”)
So nobody really owes you anything.
I recall AOLA in the mid 80’s having OT level comps on that big white board every week that rivaled these comps.
Thirty years later and these stats are good news?
Thanks for this Mike.
Steph in NH, correct. I worked with ED Int on a pjt to find the cause of those stats. We found it. The boomers who came into scn from ’69-’76. They pre-purchased OT packages 1-3 and 1-7ep. (see TAP stats for AOSH & AOLA during that period) We also determined that it would be impossible to recreate it due to changing demographics.
The COB has Declared “Changing Demographic’s” SP’s
John, They might have been able to dip into that pool again when that demographic got their inheritances from their Depression Era/WW II/Greatest Gen money-saver parents, and they could buy Scilon crap for friends and family (along with all the re-dos) -except that Dave’s been throwing away and/or declaring all the Boomers for the last couple of decades at a steady clip. What an idiot.
Sammy, the way it surveyed out was that you had to get the boomers while they were young and stupid and BEFORE they started a family. It was a particular generational situation. Alternative religion meets LSD you might say. That’s why the latter part of the Boomer generation (born post ~’59) and the early Gen Xers didn’t buy El Con. Completely different mind set and completely different parents.
LSD definitely helped with the magical thinking in the age of aquarius, peace, love, free love and anything that was in a different dimension from the horror of Vietnam.
The brutal presence of the televised war sent many young people like me taking refuge in an idealistic possibility. That fantastical way of thinking was prevalent for quite a while afterward and scientology made out like a bandit with it.
John, that is absolutely fascinating. It backs up an impression I’ve had that Scn is just another cult from that tiny window of time in which cults were a pop culture fad, like The Way, Trancendental Meditation et al. And it’s just taking longer to die off because it was militaristic and closely organized.
So your analysis meant that it was ultimately doomed (unless you could find another variable that could be replicated.) I can’t imagine being in the position you were in, and realizing that. It really gives one pause.
I love looking at images on the net from Urban Explorers. Fascinating to see nature take back massive complexes of all sorts. If you want to see what I imagine to be David Miscavige’s future, search Google Images for “maharishi mahesh yogi beatles abandoned.” Back to the dirt for you, little Davey.
Yes Sammy it was “enlightening” to say the least. It was the beginning of the end for me. The real end came when I investigated (rather than listening to El Con’s lies) real life clears and OT’s as produced under Ron. (there were tons of those around at FLB & Int to examine and it was the real reason I got myself sent to Int)
It [the survey] explained the crashing stat of new people into scn & major services. According to El Con policy is was a shooting offense for something like this to be the reason for a decline. This is why I laugh when Ron bots screech about the psycho DM being the reason that Scn crashed. It was already dying when he was a teen. But for a Ron Bot to acknowledge that truth means that Ron was not the God they think he is.
Hi John Locke,I can never not read your posts.Thank you for your viewpoint.You make me think.I think what you observed with Clears & OTs was genius.Understand why you left.XO Ann B.
Thanks Ann B. But I have to admit it wasn’t genius of me. I simply applied what I had learned in college criminal justice classes to investigate the claims El Con was making. (REAL tech used to a good result. 🙂 ) Thank you for your warm reply.
Best John.
John, that makes so much sense.
I had a couple of similar points myself. I noted that the OTs (of all levels) needed instructions and orders and were not really capable of being “OTs”, some of them were fucking idiots, a few were just batshit crazy-but the majority needed to be told what to do. Constantly. Which was tiresome.
The beginning of the end for me was similar, but a different subject. An internal investigation that uncovered rot (all I’ll say about that at this juncture. 😉 ) There’s that sick feeling of realizing it’s rotten, widespread, and the “spores are gone, Spock.” lol
Hi Sammy,Good to meet you.I like & understand your post.I got that sick feeling too when I saw how far and deep the rot ran.In my case Asho F Sea Org a long long time ago now.
Sammy that’s interesting. Similar progression for the both of us. I was even more shocked after I got trained at Flag. I realized that the Grades were also useless as none of these “clears” and “OTs” acted like they had achieved the “EPs” for those levels. Thus I discovered through observation (against stated abilities) that the entire “Bridge” was COMPLETELY false.
The criminal cult of $cientology is flatlining – it is dying as we watch. Given the massive negative publicity that $cientology and its thug/crime boss leader David Miscavige get, it can go only 1 direction – down. Even with the use of slave labor and unethical regging, Miscavige may have to subsidize Flag operations from reserves.
…Miscavige may have to subsidize Flag operations from reserves.” MAY? I think it’s a done deal at some point in the near future. As you posted, “…it is dying as we watch.” Truer words were never spoken. But the most interesting thing about the entire situation is, we get to kick up and watch it all fall apart from the comfort of our own homes. It just doesn’t get any better than that…
LOL Surfer Dude! How perfect can it be for many of us who never dared to hope such retribution could descend on the great evil church of scientology and its dirty rotten leader? The Avenging Angel doesn’t seem to be having any qualms. This degree of catharsis usually only happens in story books and films, not in real life. It’s like a gift from God to watch the CoS collapse from the comfort of our own homes. It’s a story for the ages.
Yep. This about as good as it gets. Although, kicking back and watching the cult disintegrate daily, WITH a great Merlot, makes it ever better. And, Roger, you are right, this really is a gift. A wonderful, heartwarming, shout it from the rafters gift. I can’t stop smiling…
Imagine the cost of keeping all the property maintained and functioning. The Fort Homicide. The Mecca Lecca Hi Mecca Hiney Ho Bldg. The front groups’ Potempkin village. All the other buildings. There is no way that the income coming in is sufficient to cover the costs. That means that The Owner is having to consistently subsidize the operations. I know that John P Capitalist has made very well thought out estimates on the income at Flag, but I think they’re due for an update.
The upshot is that there is only so much bleeding of reserves into operations that The Owner can tolerate, and he is going to do something big, and in doing so admit defeat in the most undeniable way. As I’ve predicted before, I think he will pull up stakes in Clearwater and circle the wagons in LA. After years of legal wrangling the white elephant centerpieces will be pulled down and at least one of the empty lots will make way for an aquarium.
Interesting comment. I’ve been thinking about the same thing lately – Scientology is shrinking, and He *will* have to sell off most of those lovely “Ideal” buildings at some point. I ask myself, “What will He keep?” And also, “How will He spin selling the ideal org buildings into an upstat (a la merging LA Day and FDN = “Massive Expansion”)?
Well, I don’t know how He’ll spin the sales to the duped, but I thought He would keep the Ft. Harrison and CCI. Maybe Gold.
But I think you have a point there – it might be more of a logistical hassle to keep buildings on two coasts. He may just shut CW down (much to the town’s delight, I’m sure). The Salvadore Dali museum could buy one of those fine edifices at a fire sale price and I’d actually fly there for *that* Grand Opening!
But if that asshole Miscavige does pull up stakes and consolidate into LA, I think He will keep CCI for sure, and either Gold or KCET. Probably KCET; Gold is a long drive and Hemet is a shithole anyway.
As I sit here sipping a truly superb Pinot Noir and imagining He Who Must Not Be Named crawling into His bottle of Scotch, I think about how I am blessed to be young enough to live long enough to find out!
Hi Gus Cox, I like your post.I am glad you are young enough to watch it all go down re cos etc.I may be watching from a cloud wherever I am, but believe me I will Know! Enjoy your posts.Ann B.
It might be sustainable. We don’t know. My recent thinking on this is that it is sustainable and can be funded indefinitely using whale money. I don’t think the true whales ($100m or more) have ever come anything close to fully commiting themselves financially to the cult and have never and will never put their own finyncial comfort at risk and so what they give is what they can easily afford to lose. And the sum total of that is enough to keep the cult ticking over indefinitely.
Hi RolandRB, Your post was interesting.Yes I agree that whales with 100mil or more will not give all their $ but only give what they can lose in write-offs and that may keep Cos going forever.But with whom at the head? Hypothetically what if David gets vascular dementia down the road? And I personally do not care how many celeb whales stick around when the entire planet pooh-poohs their spiel eventually the cos will be nothing but a foot note in dusty books on crazy cults.No-one will care.That is my plea.As spirits we can,I can build a better way than what happened to us all here.I know trolls hunt & peck but this blog has made it this far so we are all doing something about it.Take Care Ann B.
Hi OSD, I love your post where you can’t stop smiling and Rogers’s too.Some days I do get that old ginger ale feel in my tummy that yes the cracks are starting to widen.Never even thought that before.Merlot is very nice.XOAnn B.
hgc10, the church will do fine with all its real estate. The minor upkeep needed is WAY more than offset by avoiding inflation + real estate inflation. You need to study how the Catholic Church maintains its wealth throughout the centuries. Looks like Miss Cabbage made that study…
Yep, self funding to keep the doors open… I reckon that’s been happening for some time now. The “money of scientology” – think about that term for moment (try not to dry reach) and the very last thing ever to be attached to it are concepts like, integrity, common sense, welfare of …, posterity, salvage, restore etc. they all went by the wayside decades ago. It’s dirty money slowly but surely being recycled to perpetuate the unstoppable and evil scam. The Church of Scientology has no soul, no heart, just a black insatiable hole. All the tea in China wouldn’t be able to stop its downward slide. However, like Mayo one day miscavige will just disappear with a gold star placed on his forehead for a job well done. Freedom, HA! you kidding me? Best thing ever invented. More people have been devoted to its pursuit than any other humanistic endeavour, best carrot there is, it never looses its shine (wars and crime are very profitable and lots of fun). What’s that great line from True Detective? “I walk among you, well disguised.”
From the intention of the assholes who set it all up its end game will come eventually like every other business venture, but there’s always more scams, more whales out there, but for the moment, let’s suck this bad boy really dry – the lawyers are chomping at the bit.
what I love best is the stats of what THEY call OTs. None was ever ever ever been created, like NONE of any “clear” reported has ever been created. Scientology is just plain fraud, and has been since may, 1950.
Are you related to Collette Gonnet, who I trained with at Flag in the mid-late 1980s?
Roger: The Church of Scientology didn’t open until 1954. In May 1950 only Dianetics was published which of course works as you know. But the problem is not Dianetics and Scientology. Any trouble Dianetics and Scientology had is traced to those who engage in suppression of individuals and man. Now off the top of your head how many people do we know that do that? Not many, UNLESS OF COURSE they are members of the Church of Scientology that opened in 1954 to corrupt and pervert Dianetics and Scientology for people to help them go Clear. That is why you never see anybody like that Roger, because the church got to them first. As a result……it is now the year 2015…do you see hundreds of thousands of Clears lining the streets? 🙂 Good thing we are all going to be around for a while I guess, eh? 🙂
LMAO! “Dianetics werks”. Love to get a laugh in the a.m. Lawrence.
Thanks Mike. Very interesting read. From my perspective the increasing number of texts and calls to my phone over the last year also reflect the overall condition of desperation at the “mecca of technical perfection”. Time for a “mission” from RTC?
Good news: picking the highest number of clears made in a week (15), it will take approximately 9 MILLION years to clear today’s population. Sounds pretty much straight up and vertical to me……….
Oh, Roger! You’re such a skeptic! I mean, 9 million years? That’s completely doable! I mean, hey, they might even do it sooner than that, say around 8.5 MILLION years!
Oh ye of little faith…
…9 million years — that’s only a fraction of a sea org contract. What are they going to do with all the rest of that time?
Hi lynnfountaincampbell, I liked your post to Roger.With all that extra million years time there are an awful lot of empty toilets in all the Ideal Orgs that need scrubbing! I’ direct everyone to the tooth brush stash.I did that enough on The Excalibur I know clean loos and heads.Laughter Ann B.
lynnfountaincampbell (Clan Campbell is my clan), I think Ann B came up with right answer. Scrubbing toilets. And may I add…with tooth brushes….
Hi OSD, Thank you for your post re: toilet scrubbing.I have such fond recalls of that task.Got so proficient at it I made up a TSP paste to coat my toothbrushes with.Less scrubbing more shine.Love U Ann B.
Wrong howsoever. Since more than 15 new human beings/week are born, the correct number is NEVER!
And as RTC used to, they can declare State of Emergency. Oh boy, there must be very out ethics, counter intentioned staff for this to happen. Who else is there to blame?
The OT VII completions stat is in a Non E trend. Maybe if they found out what was needed and wanted, it would be “leave me the f alone so I can complete the level and get off the treadmill! No more crush regging, donations, and Sec Checks.”
Cindy, since almost day one the “VII” comps have been Non-E. In fact, not a single “OT” comp stat has ever had a trend of anything better than non-E, after a couple years of release.
Cindy, Under Miscavige, the Church of Scientology has made more SP’s than clears.
Hey Davey boy, startling new DISCOVERY!!!!!!
I’ve just uncovered a brand new Ethics Condition which LRH left off the bottom of the Condition Formulas. Coincidentally it describes both your state of being and your so called “straight up and vertical” stats.
That condition is: PATHETIC
The formula for PATHETIC is only 1 step:
Your are hereby ordered to report to Ethics and complete this formula.
Now that is funny!
Hi Joe, Good to meet you.I love your post Thank You.Ann B.
Thank you Ann. Very nice to meet you as well. Really enjoy your daily contributions.
Don’t hold back, Joe!
Hi OSD,I do not usually serve tea I have my extra large coffee in the AM & my red when the sun goes over the yardarm.But just for you some camomile because you can always soothe my soul,& make me laugh.Always Ann B.
Hi Joe,I thank you for your comment on my posts.I do try and keep up with y’all and each day brings new insights for me.If anyone gets Ann B fatigue let me know I will understand.Always Ann B.
Flag statistics are the laughing stock of the universe. I don’t know why the church even publishes these statistics for other than to make themselves look bad. 🙂 But I am thankful that certain folk on this blog care to keep an eye on the matter. To you I say Thanks. 🙂
“Flag statistics are the laughing stock of the universe.” Right on the $. The fifth invader force from Mars is cracking up all over the red planet! It seems they can’t stop laughing…