What a fun game this is.
Marc Headley sent me screen shots of 3 recent Google searches he did.
As he pointed out, the “massive international advertising and PR campaign” is having absolutely no impact on anything in the real world. Miscavige loves to talk about how they have 1.38 people reaching for scientology every .045 nanoseconds, and the IAS regges pound on this too — “your donation to the IAS is funding the largest scientology dissemination campaign ever.” Well, they might want to save their money, as this massive campaign is accomplishing nothing (it’s not really a massive campaign — they air an ad on a big event every few months).
Here are Marc’s results:
I did my own test as Google’s algorithms give different results to different people depending on previous searches and what web pages you have viewed. But my results were similar.
Let’s hear what your results are, and I am particularly interested in people outside the US.
Sounds like Google got it absolutely right.. for once.
Another interesting search trick is to filter to “only the last few weeks/months/year”. The last year of Youtube videos is overwhelmingly critical with a few neutral articles. Of course, Scientology paid to place their own ad at the top of the page, but everything that represents the public opinion is bad news for them.
Well I just search for: scientology blogs
Guess who is number one?
Look how rich you can get by cornering the market on information.
Hubbard did it by creating the bubble, one considerably smaller than the planet, however.
Still a good deal of money.
Just thank goodness the creators of google did not turn out to be fanatical cult-leaders.
Thank goodness google thought of google before Hubbard did.
Instead, “googling” is illegal in there.
Sorry, Dave, the complaint dept. is closed. Now go to your room.
In the USA, search ‘L Ron Hubbard was ‘
– a black man
Makes no sense but that’s what I got
Well, that does make you think, that maybe the search engine got the memo.
[Somethin’ tells me there’s a story in the archives…]
“We ain’t touchin this NO HOW.” Make those bastards think we know nothing,
Don’t TELL them we know nothing! Are you nuts? Gripes, get off the phone.
Just leave us alone. Whose got invisibility cloaks, anybody? just a bunch of creeps…
“But, Sir…” speaks up Mr. Weasly, “the deadline is already 5 minutes past!”
Bad day for the Metro editor.
Print: Hubbard was a black man.
It’s just too horrible to talk about.
Well, that does make you think, that maybe the search engine got the memo.
[Somethin’ tells me there’s a story in the archives…]
“We ain’t touchin this NO HOW.” Make those bastards think we know nothing,
Don’t TELL them we know nothing! Are you nuts? Gripes, get off the phone.
Just leave us alone. Whose got invisibility cloaks, anybody? just a bunch of creeps…
“But, Sir…” speaks up Mr. Weasly, “the deadline is already 5 minutes past!”
Bad day for the Metro editor.
Print: Hubbard was a black man.
It’s just too horrible to talk about.
are Scientologists
… racist
… Republican
… allowed to drink
… atheists
Oh, the humanity: first The Donald, now COB … poor, poor GOP
Scientology can
… we ever be friends
… you leave
can Scientology be stopped
Hmm, where’s “Scientology can fix that” ??
Scientology is:
is a cult
is a scam
is dying
is not a religion
PS: Mr RInder, I hope this rewritten blogpage page of mine may be helpful to you. If recall seeing the BTB’s I refer to in it, it would be most helpful, as so far I am the only one.
Sorry to be really late.
From Italy I confirm same results in english.
Doing in italian not so much difference:
Scientology è…
una setta (a cult)
pericolosa (dangerous)
una religione (a religion)
una setta satanica (a satanic cult)
il male (the bad)
From Holland/ The Netherlands.
Scientology is: geen sekte (is no cult)
an evil cult
a cult
Scientology are: crazy
you serious
area 51
bay erea
…is a cult
….is a scam
…..is dying
Pretty much says it all.
Same with some additions:-
…is bullshit
…is bad
I live in another country.
Scientologists are (same with a few additions):-
…batshit crazy
… gay
Live in South Africa.
So much for the so called filters. Basically, we’re getting similar reads. Mind you, after these adjectives, what else is left?
Scientology is slipping. Type in Mike Rinder and Something Can Be Done About It comes up first!
I typed in, Scientology helps. And nothing showed up , lol
JIm, I’m shocked! SHOCKED I TELL YA!
A bit late to the post…
Yup, got pretty much what Mike and all the rest got for search results.
No surprise there. Is it really a shock to anyone besides those inside the cult?
USA: Scientology deaths 321,000
…um, I’m guessing that’s not true.
One broken family per scientologist? Sure, I could buy that.
No broken hearted mom ever won back her devout Scientologist son, or daughter, ever.
Not while he was “believing”.
Some moms may have jumped in the pool, just to be reunited, but I can’t count that because that’s just throwing your own life away…
That’s how much heart this church has to offer for the realm of compassion.
I think what Cece meant was that if you Google “Scientology deaths”, you get 321000 hits. We all know that one death caused by the cult is too many, and they’ve got a lot more blood on their hands than that. Lisa McPherson is just the top of an awfully big iceberg.
gratzi, gratzi – Espiando
I was switching radio channels on the way home from work and caught “LRH.org” and was totally stunned. COS has not been active here in Central Florida (despite an org) for years. In fact, “my” mall is Florida Mall where I took the Scientology’s personality test 30 years or so ago. I was not happy with them and they were not happy with me. I didn’t know I was playing a game with a cult–and I am a devout Christian, even if I’m not a traditional one–and at the time, I was in UCF and taking a course in religion as an elective.
They pretty much kicked me out of their hole in the wall “store”.
The LRH I heard this morning was “Lakeland Regional Hospital”. I called them this evening and just let them know their website might have some confusion with Scientology. The gentleman I spoke with seemed appalled.
Doesn’t mean they’ll change their website but I thought it a positive thing that they clearly didn’t want to be mistaken for the cult.
I tried lrh.org and it fowarded to a Scientology site. So I googled Lakeland Regional Hospital, Florida and found that one is mylrh.org. Made me wonder what other sites out there might be similar to a scientology site…and how many of them are not currently owned. Now that might be an interesting game in itself.
By the way, if that stat about how many people reach every second is based on Google searches, then all of the searches everybody did for this site may be considered part of that stat, no? If so, then all of those results that came up as common are ALSO part of that stat. So I guess that is probably where he’s getting his number. That’s a pretty broad definition of “reach”!
Hi Jo, Very good to meet you.I liked your post. We lived in Tallahassee from 93-96 and drove around central Florida alot.Then without knowing a soul came to Baton Rouge LA and have been here 20 years! Boy time rushes by! Anyway I know what you mean about that darn personality test.My second full Sea Org day way back in 74 the very first thing I had to do was take that ridiculous test! Batty is all I can say.Laughter!Always,Ann.
Scientology is: a cult, evil, a scam, crazy , stupid
Scientologists are: crazy, evil, insane, creeps, creep, mean, idiots
Curiously, in one of my circles of friends I have an active Scientologist who comes and goes at times. Most of the others in this circle have voiced to me over the last couple years how strange this person acts. They just couldn’t understand what was up with this person. (The person acts aloof and out of touch with a side order of self-importance. Sort of full of themselves.) I already knew, because I look at the fb pages of potential friends before I friend them, but I never outed the person. I just kind of chuckled when one after the other friend mentioned something negative about them and I can’t recall one positive comment.
One of my girlfriends then saw a cert posted on this person’s page, and she called me and asked me if I saw this post. She said “They’re a SCIENTOLOGIST! THAT’S what’s the matter with them!”
This is the difference between the old school and the mi$cavige era….she considers me her best friend and she has no idea I was ever in back in the earlier days — and I actually liked the auditor training I did and the progress I made up the bridge back then. I still use that stuff every day and I am nothing like the other person.
Hi gato rojo, Thank you for your post I am very happy you had positive results when you were in,excuse me my IPad just changed in to when you were Intel.Gosh,I hope not laughter!Anyhow isn’t life outside the dome bubble so much better warts and all.We are free to make our own choices.That feels great.Always enjoy your posts.Ann.
Google szientologia in Hungary:
South Park
Szientologia objektiven subjectiven(bonyai Peter’s blog)
From Launceston I can tell you that so far under –
“Scientology is” the only difference is the inclusion of “Scientology is a religion” and “Scientology is good”. “Scientology is bullshit” is missing.
“Scientology are” add “are Scientology illuminati”
“Scientologists are” add “Scientologists are batshit crazy” and “Scientologists are evil”. “Scientologists are stupid” is missing.
I wonder how many bottles of scotch Demento had been mainlining when he came up with the 1.38 people per .45 nanoseconds figure.
What appropriate results from Tasmania for a cult completely loaded with Maps Of Tasmania.
Scientology è (is)
in crisi
pericolosa (dangerous)
una setta (a cult)
una religione
una setta satanica (a satanist cult) 🙂
thanks Mike for all you do.
Googled Scientology witchcraft
Got numerous articles on how witch burning is alive and well in
Scientology with drawings of women being burned at the stake.
couple articles on Vaginal steam machines which honesty I never saw
in the Bookstore sales cases.
Scientology witch articles very cool .
Who says Bulgravia does not know how to party .
Google (East Grinstead, UK) returns:
Scientology is – a cult / a scam / bullshit / dying
Scientologists are – idiots / insane / stupid / nuts
Bing returns:
Scientology is – a cult / not a religion / it a cult or religion / evil / good / nonsense / a money making cult
Scientologists are – at war / at war channel 4
Hmmm, possibly all that money the IAS is (allegedly) spending on PR is not working very well?
“David Miscavige Beating” 40,400 results
Check other variations.
“David Miscavige violence”
About 69,000 results (0.34 seconds)
scientology wants:
scientology wants your money
scientology only wants your money
Scientology has a dirty little secret
nothing to do with science
a navy
From Aussie re Google Chrome – first page
Scientology is = 7 positives before Clambake.
Scientologists in Australia – Wikipedia is first then the negatives and the positives come in 5, 6 & 7
Scientology = 5 positives before the negatives appear
Cults in Australia = Scientology comes in at #7
Is Scientology a religion = 5 positives before the first negative
Scientology and money = all negative! (my personal favorite)
I was indoctrinated 40 years ago, got out less than three years later, and by my view Scientology today is at the core the very same thing it was back then in the heydays:
Once they have ALL your money they will go after whatever you can borrow or even steal.
They will teach you to lie and cheat for the good of the “church”.
They will disconnect you from your family, and the rest of humanity, teaching you that non-Scientologists are not to be trusted.
They will methodically disconnect you from all that you love.
In your isolation, you will be taught that the only source of information is from inside the bubble.
In your isolation, you will be taught that the problem is always you. Question policy in any way and you will be punished and then heavily billed for the process. You will learn to never question authority, which is a re-education program that teaches one how to not think for themselves.
In short, Scientology is first a con and then a very well-structured and reinforced trap.
Congratulations to all who had the individual strength of mind to get out.
All of us now have the responsibility to protect our children. The first step is done by making facts known.
Scientology keeps the workings of itself quite secret. Ask the new leader what happened to the old leader, or their wives, for instance. Who the founder was in real life and how he died are very good questions, indeed.
Teach your children to QUESTION THE SOURCE and you will succeed in providing for them more from the realm of survival skills than Scientology has ever, in reality, offered.
The thing to remember here is that Scientology is something very, very different than what it, itself, says it is. In fact, my bet is that they are willing to say just about anything that serves them well, regardless of morality, and call it “The Truth”. Remember Lisa McPherson.
Thank you.
Glad your out, blue moon! And congrats on getting your old life back! Now you can whatever it is that you want to do. How’s it feel, my friend?
Hi blue moon, Thank you for a true post that got me thinking.Even though I could not have kids and with all I went through in the Sea Org,I feel strongly that helping all those vulnerable spirits especially the young children and teens,who are now vacuumed into the toxic cult that cos totally morphed into,safe.And give them the critical thinking skills I thought I had at that age,which I obviously didn’t because I joined SO at 22 in 74.Give them the confidence in their own souls and self to tell cos Bye-bye in the rear view mirror.Thank you for seeing that view as well and very good to meet you.Always,Ann.
Thanks you two. It is good to be out, yes, and blue so true never hath made a mirror more beautiful.
. The kids will always see that right away, that kind of thing. Solar powered love and Greek being equally inexplicable for me … I just thank goodness the kids are smarter these days. And gotta love that googler man, all those kids with their diddlers. Like it or not, that net saves the Universe of Scientology from actually winning their little scheme. That’s what it is, too. Trickery.
Kids are just plain smarter today. I will sound the bugle of alarm but they seem to be confident “never-believers” in a matter of minutes which makes me tend to not worry. Too much. What makes me happy about Scientology? AquaMarine. Wonderful color but I’ve got nothin left to say. The church is dead, after all.
You can sing the rest.
Long live the church, the church is dead. [uncontrollable smile, take two] But, Ann holds the key word, I think. Critical :), unless that word be happiness. Hope makes dreams come true. Me happy too. Surf’s up. Or will be. Are we not heading into a full Moon?
Hi blue moon,Beautiful post,beautiful you.A full moon and the cult is dying and we are free and out.I agree the kids today are so much more attuned to the entire world with the net than I ever was with letters.That is why I never understood Ron’s aversion to computers.Unless he had an inkling the web would be the undoing of his scam.The reason I love the web,well actually a lovehate relationship with it at times, but why I love it is because it is helping to bring the cult down.Like nothing else before and dm can do Nothing About It.Much clapping! XOXO Ann.
Thanks Ann, I knew you’d understand.
Ron hated computers? I bet.
I bet it was because he wanted the world to depend on his brain for information, and nothing else, crazy as that sounds. But, he was right to feel threatened. He had enough imagination to consider that if everyone had a computer with access to each other, heads would eventually merge. One scientologist says to another, hey, I was cheated the same way as You? Or, you never had a past-life recollection, either?
His scam, the big con only works in the void of information.
That is something the new leader knows, too. Certainly so. Why were we told never to talk about our own case, even to each other, the wonderfully trained Scientologists?
Follow the leader, he does, and he is headed for the same miserable end.
David hates the world-wide web.
And the thought does make me happy. My what a beautiful day. I’m going to the beach. (wish you all could be here in Northern California)
100% accurate assessment. Straight forward unapologetic and not an ounce of fluff. The only mistake a person can make is assuming any part of this is untrue. I think you can find useful parts of Scientology while knowing the above to be true, as long as a person can embrace the subject in an environment devoid and detached and free from the soldiers of KSW or even it’s echo. But the hook was built in, wasn’t it? Too bad Hubbard had to make sure the baby/bathwater ended up in the same landfill.
Young Hubbard learned early on that he could hypnotize, and quickly became a master story-teller. Those obsessions eventually morphed into Scientology. It is all about controlling people, not freeing them but quite the opposite. The Bridge to Total Freedom is simply a demonstration of how far he was willing to go to entice the wandering soul into his web of deception. A closer examination of policy and the Scientology system of Ethics clearly reveals the unstated agenda. The purpose of the Bridge is not liberation, but to create a place to keep you securely stuck for the duration of one human lifetime, namely yours.
As you do know.
One broken family per Scientologist, or whatever the cost, just to keep you stuck on that forsaken bridge. That’s where and how this church makes it’s ungodly gobs of money, and that’s why it is so important. It is NOT about saving souls. It is, was and always will be about the money. Scientology is going down the tubes and look at the leader, just now giving another upbeat speech to his practitioners. Why is he so upbeat? The church has already cleared its first billion, and then some, so who cares? The leader has every right to be happy. Imagine all that wealth going to the real benefit of one person.
Hence my policy:
– avoid, if not discard, every word ever written by the venerable Mr. H. Same goes, of course, for the new guy. What I believe, heart and soul, I believe this policy saved my life. Thank god I didn’t spend 40 years as a devout and hardworking follower, sacrificing everything, friends, family and my human identity, just to practice a cult’s language and open the door to the knowledge of Xenu.
I hate to burst anyone’s bubble (pun intended), but we all live in Google’s filter bubble whenever we search for anything. You can’t use your search results to infer what others are searching on because your results are skewed. Google saves all of your searches and all the pages you browse to. Creepy, right? When you do a search, it serves you the results it thinks best match what you are looking for. For example, my sister, a violinist, would see a different result for “fiddler” than I would, being a software developer (Fiddler is a popular dev tool) Check out google trends so you can see what people are actually searching. If you want unfiltered results, try Chrome’s Incognito mode or a privacy-oriented browser such as Epic. I haven’t tried this, but I would suspect the results would still be very much the same.
I got the same results in Incognito Chrome as regular Chrome on Google searches.
Hi scn-creeper, Good to meet you.Thank you for your post. Those here that know my posts, know if any one can mix up anything to do with electronics office machines and long ago dictaphones PBXs e-meters and telexes in way long gone Sea Org days,it would be Miss Ann.I do laugh at myself because honestly I can get crazy with all this.Hubby and I have all Apple stuff and only jumped into the computer world 7 years ago kicking and screaming all the way.Now a few months from 65 I love being able to communicate more easily than ever before,yet some terms confuse me.For example do I have Incognito as part of all the apps I have and what is Epic? Your post was informative because when I googled from Baton Rouge LA USA a bunch of what cos was and was not all I got were pro cos sites,everytime.So what you posted makes sense.Always,Ann.
OT: Re “My Scientology Movie”
Having not seen the movie, but in reading many reviews, it’s obvious Miscavige fell right into the trap Theroux set for him.
Dave, you’re an idiot.
A very tiny tinny idiot, but, an idiot just the same….
In scotland we have scientology is
A cult
Is evil
Is good
Scientology are
You serious
Area 51
Scientologists are
Scientology is “good” for teaching how to hypnotize and brainwash enough of humanity into buffering your bank account to the tune of a few billion dollars, and then die morally bankrupt and broke anyways.
Totally agree
McLaren, I’m Clan Campbell.
My maiden name is Campbell !!!
Somewhere in that tree is a marriage made in heaven
i can see
good to see friends
outside the bubble
whilst still some youth
in me.
Arrrrrgggggg! Tis good to meet another Celt! All the best to you!
Gillian Mclaren, Great to meet you.I have loved OSD’s posts since I first hit on Mike’s Blog.And we do talk Scotland too.This might interest you.My hubby Walter comes from a family that is Scottish on both sides.His clans are Watson Duncan and Mclauren.We have his crest on a bowl Lord Mclauren-who is on his late Mom’s side.I am Scottish by marriage and it would be so wonderful to meet you and all here one day.After Robin Williams passed,hubby was shocked to find out he was his 2nd cousin.Both were and are Mclaurens.I have seen the name spelled all different ways too.Always,Ann.
Googled Scientology in Bulgravia several times
with same results as above posts.
Even a mythical country hates the cult! When it get to that point, you’ve just got to give up…
One of the results I got was a story about how CoS Fair Gamed the Easter Seal Society.
Even as an atheist I have to say Jesus Christ, what a bunch of assholes!
My favorite saying from you is, “My your God!”
Hungary gets almost the same results, different order.
From Germany:
Search term in English: ‘Scientology is ‘
– a cult
– a scam
– dying
– not a religion
Search term in German: ‘Scientology ist ‘
– gefährlich (‘dangerous’)
– eine Sekte (‘a cult’)
– gut (‘good’) WTF, no idea how this one got in here :/
– keine Religion (‘not a religion’)
From Germany,
Scientology is (ist):
a sect
no religion
a religion
Scientologists are (sind):
Scientology has:
a dirty little secret
nothing to do with science
a navy
Scientology was:
a bet
a factor in my divorce
a joke
a cult
Scientology uses:
a cross
Hi, long time Reader from Poland here. My Google results for ” scientology is” are: a cult,
a scam,
So, the same in Poland.
Thanks for this blog Mike. I assume Poland is scientology free, but one have to be ready if they come…
Ola (yes that’s my name, not Spanish hi 🙂
And sorry for my English, self learner here.
Thanks Ola. Your english is fine.
A hell of a lot better than my Polish. Or anything else…
Thx Mike 🙂
Ciesze sie ze jestes, Ola!
O! Dziękuję ? Old Surfer Dude! Love reading you’r posts.
Hi Mike, I want to thank Marc for his post.Here in Baton Rouge, I googled Sci is & is not and boo! all I got were pro-Sci sites.I am missing out on all the fun.Laughter,xo Ann
Ann, you didn’t put that CD in your drive that was passed out in 96 or 7 to create your own s site did you?
Hi Cece, Rats you found me out! I stayed up long nights to put that sucker back in to create all those Sci sites that we adore so much! ? Love U XXOOAnn.
I used to play a game called google-a-kook. The object was to find the weirdest web site by entering three keywords of your choice. For example: UFO, Nazi, Jesus. Or Bilderberg, Zionist, Freemason. Fun at parties and when you get bored with all your Facebook friends.
If you thought Google and Bing had it in for the cult, compared to them, Yahoo must be the biggest hive of SPs on the planet:
Scientology is:
a cult
a joke
a scam
Scientologists are:
DuckDuckGo gives the same results as Yahoo.
I wonder how long it’ll take for your average sec check to include questions about using search engines.
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics the ‘true believers’ have to go through to explain those search results?
As an aside, the Guiness Book of World Records should list David Miscavige as “The Most Photoshopped Ecclesiastical Leader in History”. That Google search results in hundreds of hilarious images.
If you are logged into a Google account or have any sort of browsing history it will massively affect the search results. If you go to sites like this or tony ortega blog Google knows that and tries to give you results based on what it thinks you like. The real test would be a new computer right out of the box
Or like Mike said above, using Incognito browsing, which uses NO past history, does not record history and forbids cookies. SAME RESULTS. Doesn’t matter who does it Scientology is “scam, cult, dying” are the TOP results for the scientology the world over regardless of who is searching or what their past computer history. You can type in a new subject you have never searched before and google will give you suggestions – it’s what the whole “I feel lucky” thing was about that you still see on Google. Google’s algorithms are based on users all over the world to the point they got famous for being able to pinpoint the best result for your search.
Scientology tried to rig search engines to their advantage years ago with thousands of cookie cutter websites – it didn’t fool google and they failed MASSIVELY because google’s algorithms looked for useful results and what people clicked on when using search terms (the entire reason Google came to dominate the search engine field and others fell to the wayside).
Hi SunnyV, Thank you for your post.I thought I would follow here for Apple families,as I found this out from our tech guru who does all things audio-video at our house.If you have an IPad go to settings, scroll down to Safari and a pop up will ask if you want to erase all Safari history and cookies.Hit yes.At first I did not want to because I thought that would erase all our cameras and alarm.com,but no did it and all are fine.I tip my hat to Mike,s tech guru for this hint.Thank you.Now what to do about the cut and paste gremlins?! Laughter,Ann.
Just Googled Scientology. The first 4 posts were from the cult. After that, well, let’s just say the internet is certainly not kind to the Cult of Scientology. Which leads me to say, Woo Hoo!
Thought this was funny:
“Dice” posted a comment on Tony Ortega’s blog the Google result for “Tony Ortega is…” and the answer came up “Is Tony Ortega married?”
Funny. And for any groupies out there, sad to be the bearer of bad news, he is married to a beautiful, extremely smart and very feisty woman that I would NOT mess with 🙂
BTW: If you Google Mike Rinder is… it comes up with a paid church site and one of the church scam sites. But if you just Google Mike Rinder this blog comes up on top and they don’t pay for a Google ad? Wonder why?
Someone I know very well is a programmer at Google. He explained to me that companies bid on “ad words” and the highest bidders get their sites shown as the top results for those words. Some words are not allowed to be bought. The people or organizations that paid for the key words only get them for a set period of time, usually pretty short, a few days, maybe even hours, a week or so, not forever, and then someone else can buy the words, or they can bid again. If someone bought the word or words and the views were not worth it, they probably wouldn’t bid again. These words are for specific areas, other areas may or may not show results in this order. This is a huge volume of what Google does, it’s all automated (for the most part). This is a different thing than the results at the top that clearly say “Ad” and these rankings change constantly. If no one has bought ad words or key phrases then the search will show based on their own algorithms which include interest/popularity, the person’s prior browsing habits, and can be affected by persons/bots repeatedly searching for something or other (you probably understand what I’m saying here without going into details). So when I googled Mike Rinder the first thing I see is an Ad labeled as such, bought by Scientology: Ad: Truth about Mike Rinder – Learn about the real Mike Rinder (link to freedom mag) – (I did not want to include the link). The first non-paid-for link is to this site here. The second is to your article on Wikipedia. Then we have another freedom Scientology link, 4th result is your Twitter account, 5th result is a UK site about John Sweeney and you, , 6th result is Tony Ortega article, then a Youtube, a Marty Rathbun blog, a village voice article, more Scientology defamation sites, and misc., etc. I had Googled your name some months before this and several weeks ago (lost my bookmark, lol) and the sort order was different. These results are for today only and for my location (SF Bay Area of CA), your location is bound to have a different sort order. OK, that’s the non-techie, layperson’s explanation, and Google has more discussion of this on their own pages, anyone can look it up to get a better idea of what/how is involved and affects it.
Hi T.J., Thank you for a very informative post.You and yours would be rolling on the floor with laughter as you see me struggling with Goggle! It is so funny to watch me interact with all the new electronics.Walter’s study looks like the cockpit of a fighter jet with all the modems lighting up 24/7.What is funny is he is worse on the IMac that is his than I am on my IPad.Our electronic home cameras company has such fun putting all this stuff in that we do not know how to play nice when stuff screws up!But we are slowly getting it.Emphasis on slowly! Love U All, Ann.
Hi Ann B. 🙂 Your story was funny. I can just picture you guys among all the tech stuff, lol. Yes, there is so much to learn about techie stuff. I’m also no expert, I have to remember which device I’m on when I change from browsing on desktop to laptop to netbook to chromebook to phone. As you notice each device gets smaller the farther away from home I go, lol. I feel lost without my phone and internet, it’s like losing an arm. I never phone or text while driving though, ever. If I’m stopped at a red light and not moving I might sneak a peak if it’s an important text about a meeting or something important I’m going to but not often and never while actually driving. – Good T.J. 🙂 hehe.
The person I know that works for Google in Mountain View loves his job and says it’s the absolute best company to ever work for. It’s well worth the long daily commute from San Francisco. Not only is the pay and perks great but to be involved in cutting edge technology like self-driving cars and tech of the future – and other projects so secret they can’t talk about them is so awesome.
But what really sold me on it, is Google is unique because of the founders, Larry and Sergei, two ordinary people like us, who founded this empire, but good people, and the Google motto is: “don’t be evil”. I love this so much. Imagine a company founded on these principles.
Anyone can say what they want about a huge company, but if your underlying value is not to be evil, you’ve got my vote. The employees can’t develop projects that are not “googly”. So if there’s anything mean or bad involved they won’t be doing it. The employees are evaluated on their “googliness” so it’s a wonderful, healthy place to work. I just love this so much. Love you too Ann! – T.J.
PS Perfect weather here today, sunny but not hot, in love with nature today, determined to get out of everything early this afternoon to take a walk by the water later today, this time I mean it! :p
Mike I just googled your name and the Freddom Magazine ad came up first.
Credit where it is due, nobody explains Mike Rinder better than Mike Rinder, period.
Good to see some truth on the matter.
Good again to see some truth can’t be bought nor sold. You can bet DM gives it his best shot…
[cue children’s laughter]
I got as far as “are scientolog” when it filled in
are scientologists illuminati
are scientologists allowed to drink
are scientologists racist
are scientologists christian
No one as come across one that said, “Scientologists are total fucking idiots?”
Best comment of the day!
Thanks. I had to be said.
Mine were quite different: … tests/beliefs/documentary using Chrome, and … beliefs/hbo/founder/cult on Firefox.
Was this searching “scientology” or “scientology is” and “scientologists are”?
I just typed in “scientology” and the first page was 5 ads at the top:
What is Scientology? – A New Kind of Religion
Not Just Questions, But Answers.
Find a Local ChurchFree Online CoursesFounder – L. Ron HubbardAge of Answers
The Cult of Scientology – skeptic.com
Adwww.skeptic.com/the-fall-of-scientology(626) 794-3119
A Skeptic Discusses the Decline and Probable Fall of Scientology.
Audio Books on CDGet Baloney Detection KitSkeptical Books for Kids
Scientology – Richarddawkins.net
It´s not easy being Scientology. Read more here. Join us now!
What is Scientology? – You can know – surveymonkey.com
Don’t let them stop you.
Search Results
Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practices created in 1954 by American science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86).
Scientology – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You know, I got Objectivists are idiots, crazy, stupid, sociopaths…oh wait…we’re talking about Scientology…
The eminently fair Graham and Kat at the Bunker wanted to search “positively” and suggested “Scientology does” and “Scientology can”. The results from my computer:
“Scientology does…”
Scientology doesn’t believe in god
Scientology doesn’t believe autism exists
Scientology doesn’t believe in medicine
“Scientology can…”
Scientology cancer
Scientology cannabis
Scientology Canada
Scientology cans
I type “Scientology” and got:
“Who’s asking?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Stop bothering me.”
“H E L P ME” (that one I had to hold up to a mirror) ?
… same here in the Congo, plus:
Same results in Portugal
I decided to go over to Bing to see what Microsoft’s opinion of the cult was, and here are those results:
Scientology is:
a scam
a cult
false religion
a dangerous cult
Scientologists are:
very strict
going to hell
Why Microsoft wants to disparage the good name of the Gnostics by linking them with the cult is something I need to think about.
Wow — it’s just a massive fail everywhere you go. No wonder they don’t want to computerize CF — all computers are obviously infested with evil.
But then again, with results like these it just proves how much they are winning!
Yep. And again, this is happening worldwide. As you posted, “it’s just a massive fail everywhere you go.” I was up in Pasadena about 3 weeks ago and walked past the Idle Morgue there. Last time there they had two SO girls trying to hand out tickets to the intro film. This time, no one was outside. Mike, at some level they’ve got to know it isn’t working for them, right? I mean, how long can they do this without realizing no one new is coming in?
I was laughing along with everyone..so just for grins I just did it.. OMG hahahhaha Google..
Scientology is: a Cult
a Scam
Not a Religion
If someone asked me at anytime what I though Scientology is I would have come up with this exact list. My computer is Brilliant!
And Yes.. The Cult of Scientology is a dying scam that is not a religion it is Bullshit.. One sentence covers it..
Espi, I agree with you on the Gnostics. They should NOT be on the list.
Hi OSD, I agree with Espiando and your post.Gnostics have not practiced disconnection fair gaming and all the other lies cos spits out.You know I can say now I am one trillion % glad I did not hit the OTs.Those would have been a sucker punch to the gut for me because I feel I would have caught onto the bs pretty fast and boy I would have been even more hurt than I was.So all worked out for the best.Love U 2.Ann B.
I got exactly the same results here in Austin, Texas. But you should read what Scientologists eat. Yuck.
Hey Dean! Do you ever hear from Gary at all? I was just wondering how he was doing.
Here in Hong Kong a search for “Scientology is” returns: a cult, a scam, and bullshit.
“Scientologists are” will get you: idiots, nuts and crazy.
The Internet seems to be working perfectly today!
LOL!!! “The internet seems to be working perfectly today.” Yes, Tim, it is. The internet knows all and sees all and they don’t like Scientology in the least!
Mike, I learned about you, Marty Rathbun, Paulette Cooper and Tony Ortega after doing a Google search for: Damaged by Scientology some three years ago. Why was I searching for that? I had a hunch why my ex was such an OCD a** hole had something to do with being born into the cult. Man was I spot on!
Hahaha. I had a lot of fun with this. From South Africa, the search strings of “Scientology is………” “Scientologists are……………….” and “Scientology are…………………..” – all pretty much came up with the same stuff you and Marc found – “a cult, a scam, bullshit, dying, crazy, area51, nuts, idiots, insane, stupid, nuts.
But then I decided to do a couple of my own searches and these are the results I got:
“Are Scientologists………………….”
1. Illuminati
2. Allowed to drink
3. Christian
4. Republican (I was ROTL laughing at this one)
“Do Scientologists…………..”
1. Believe in God
2. Believe in Christmas
3. Pray
4. Believe in heaven
“Does Scientology…………………”
1. Have a God
2. Have a bible
3. Work
4. Believe in aliens
“Why do Scientologists………………….”
1. Wear Uniforms
2. Hate Psychiatrists
3. Believe in Xenu
4. Wear navy uniforms
Thanks – I enjoyed this game 🙂
What is the difference between Area 51 and Building 50?
There are fewer aliens in Area 51.
Touché, Monsieur Pussycat!!!
Oh, far fewer, Espi! You go to Building 50 and you’ll see all kinds of aliens from through the Galactic Federacy…
That’s an easy one.
Area 51 only has three dead space aliens.
Live long and prosper!
Building 50 cost more to build and it has “nobody
The Super Pooper Power Building is not far behind…
Google results (USA, San Francisco, California) “Scientology”: beliefs, billboard, cult. “Scientology is”: a cult, scam, bullshit, dying. “Scientologists”: in hollywood, beliefs, at war. “Scientologists are”: crazy, idiots, insane. I have never searched for these words before, so I don’t know what factors would influence these results.
From England:
Scientology is a cult
Scientology is http://stopscientologydisconnection.com/ (hooray!)
Scientology is a scam
Scientology is bullshit
Scientology is dying
Scientology are crazy
Scientology are you serious
Scientology are a 51
Scientology are nuts
Scientologists are idiots
Scientologists are insane
Scientologists are nuts
Scientologists are stupid
Scientologists are crazy
I’m in Canada and got exactly the same.
If you plug in “Scientologists don’t” …
…pay Taxes
…believe in God
…believe in miracles
And my favourite,
…have a brain
AHA!!! I knew there was something creepy about cult members! And now I know. They don’t have a brain! No wonder they have that 1,000 yard stare….
DLHDM has his own definition of truth. Truth = Me happy=me rich=me wonderful=me pope=me big being=you are not. Anything that agrees with that or brings that about is truth. Fact is he can’t handle the truth, crashed stats, ARCX public, hate by millions, and his fear of everyone.
I for one want to see him brought to justice this Life-time and his out-tech abolished. I ask for agreement to make this a reality.
Here in France 🙂
Scientology documentary
Scientology and prison of belief
scientology south park
Scientologie est elle une secte (is it a cult)
scientologie est elle dangereuse (is scientology dangerous ?)
Eman — thanks. How about searching “Scientology is” and “scientologists are” not just “scientology”?
Wait until He opens the new KSMUT Studios ……………. that is sure to change everything.
The only thing its going to change is that he has to come up with a replacement for regges. Perhaps the big push will really go onto the L. Ron Hubbard Hall — the next great “dissemination” tool….
I have total certainty that L. Ron Hubbard Hall, using the newly discovered “Auditorium Tech” will be the dissemination tool that creates not only epic expansion here on earth, but throughout the guh-lax-y as well. Just you wait.
And wait, and wait, and wait and wait, just as all the still ins have been doing for decades. 🙂
Hi Newcomer,KSMUT,the post for me of the day today! Thank you.xoAnn.
Hi Ann,
Once KSMUT is open for business the big question is whether Dave will be hosting His new reality show or whether He will have Dan take front and center. Or maybe he will want one of His cuties on camera like Erin Banks.
He could do something original like “As The World Rots” and have one of His whole eees make a guest appearance each week giving their wins. Perhaps Jenny will be the first and she can describe her elation after scrubbing out Dave’s dumpster with her toothbrush.
Yo Dave,
Make it happen good buddy. We are all ready to jump up and clap before sitting down in THAT CHAIR!
Hi Newcomer, Absolutely fabulous post! Oh can I see Erin and I only know of her thru the pix of her and she will be wearing six sets of eyelashes the better to bat her eyes with.She better work on those TRs.lol.
Sit in that CHAIR and if you turn away one nano-second from KSMUT here comes your smiling I guess MAA now for me.Love As the World Rots too.How about showing Days of no Money, because the cult makes one go up and down the Bridge until one is so confused they are an easy mark to keep regging.So so ecstatic all of us here are out.xxoo Ann.
You mean the KSHIT studios are not, in fact, going to change everything? Where in the hell do I put all of my hopes and dreams for the future???? Oh yeah, Hubbard Hall.
Mike, I think the next BIG thing is going to be a new ship to deliver the non-existent OT levels beyond VIII. Got to have a shiny new ship before planet earth can be saved!
They REALLY DO need a new ship. The old one was riddled with asbestos, which was improperly and illegally cleaned up by Sea Ogres without proper protection. Many of whom later died of lung cancer, which was not treated medically by “let him (them) die” DM. The ship is still riddled with asbestos, which any honest inspection would find, and the Fleecewinds would be condemned. By someone other than us Exies. We condemned it years ago for the lying, scamming, and fleecing that happens there.
Hi james hollingsworth, Thank you, your post says it all. Actually it inspires me to fight even harder against my cancers and the Cult.I can never forgive or forget the deaths body wise and otherwise that dm and Ron are responsible for.That blue dust,why when I was scrapping it wearing a mask was not allowed.Literally.Crazy,xo Ann.
Hi Anne B, So many people were hurt physically and mentally by the Co$. Now, thanks to lots and lots of dedicated SPs and the internet, fewer people are being hurt. Fewer suckers are joining. More victims are leaving. But, like a wounded elephant, it’s still dangerous. Unlikely to stomp, could possibly roll over someone. Stay away until it dies. Warn other people to stay away. It won’t last much longer. Co-ordinate with Missionary Kid to compile a list of OSAholes so the Free Zoners know who is IFS (ineligible for services). When the Co$ is gone, the world will be a better place. And continue to make the world a better place locally by being nice to the people you interact with. It’s not important who your enemies are. It’s important who your friends are.
I put the word “Scientology” in my google search and it came up with
“Scientology Criminal Activities”
Google went CLEAR!! Congrats Google and VWD!!!
Fun, fun, fun. My favorite on “Scientology is” is batshit crazy. When you stick other words in like “kills” mother and pet come up. This brings up the media center opening soon.
My conclusion:
The new media center is pure bullshit. It’s true purpose is to,
1. Show the clams that Scientology is expanding.
2. Get clams to keep donating for future PR campaigns
3. Be a glitzy recruitment center for new people coming to Hollywood to be in the biz.
4. Get actors to work in the cherchs bullshit commercials and infomercials who would not drive to Hemet.
5. Get clams to donate now.
6. Have something new to talk about for current and upcoming events
7. Move all production to Hollywood so Gold can turn into a full blown prison camp.
8. Give Davy F–kavige the illusion he is a full blown movie studio tycoon.
9. Entice clam celebrities to participate more actively.
10. Try to impress the industry that Scientology is legit.
As far as needing the facility to expand. What is really needed of course is for the cherch to cop to all their crimes, pay restitution and hire a few computer social media geniuses and go to town. That’s where their money should be spent.
Scientology is dying at an accelerated pace. And Miscavige keeps fueling the sickness that is killing it.
Your 1 – 10 are a perfect summation of SuMP.
I might save it for the day of the ribbon yanking and post it on my blog. You nailed it.
Hi BKMole,Another one of my favorite posts today.To the Archives! Thank you so.Always,Ann.
Thanks Ann. I gave it some thought.
Thanks Mike. That gives me a more clear picture.
I mean I’m in a browser that when I type in the letter “M” it brings me to this page, lol.
I got the same results as Mike.
I get
Scientology Beliefs
Scientology Movie
Scientology is a cult
Scientology is a scam
Scientology is bullshit
Scientology are crazy
Scientology are you serious
Scientology Area 51
Scientologists are crazy
Scientologists are idiots
Scientologists are insane
So, Wayne, what are you hinting at? That Scientology is really NOT a religion?
Google was hinting that Scientology is not a religion, not me. I’d tell you straight out that it isn’t!
Laughter! I feel you, Wayne!
Melbourne, Australia here. Basically got very similar results, except I got one positive suggestion ‘Scientology is good’. Here they are in the order they appeared on the lists:
Scientologists are: idiots.. nuts.. crazy.. insane.. batshit crazy
Scientology is: a cult.. dying.. a scam.. good.. not a religion
Scientology are: crazy.. you serious.. a 51.. nuts.. ‘are Scientology and christian science the same’
My results were the same as yours Mike.
I’ve done this search before on friends/family members computers to see the difference and the results are never anything good. Massive PR campaign fail on all levels. Nothing is going to revive this dead horse.
The opening of SMP is another footbullet waiting to happen. Even if they managed somehow to get a broadcast license and get on some obscure cable channel, what would they air? 24 hr. infomercials and CGI fly-through’s?
A clown car, driven by a madman, on fire and heading over the cliff.
You forgot one thing about the clown car, NOLA: it’s attached to a trailer full of manure, which is also on fire.
And it has flat tires…
*laughcrying* at both yours and Mike’s comments.
This madness would be comical if it didn’t go hand in hand with so much abuse, lying and criminal behavior.
Hope you’re seeing some signs of Spring up there. 🙂
What about all the clowns in the car???? What will happen to them????
They will be OK. For they have not lost their eternity….
OMG!!! How did they lose it? Was it just taken from them or did they lose on a camping trip? Wow, no eternity for them, huh? Gosh, what do we do now? CELEBRATE AND PARTY HARDY!
Oh, NOT lost. My bad!
Fire up the grill OSD. I’ll make the margaritas. 🙂
Only if you can make them better than me!
I hope Miscavige uses SMP to attack his enemies — A sure-fire recipe for mega foot bullets!
Yes! I hope he has his own talk show where he just goes stark-raving mad for two hours. 😀 I’d watch that.
And here are the results from the Netherlands.
“Scientologists are” gives me the same results.
“Scientology are” gives me…. drumroll…. the same results
“Scientology is” gives me…. the same results EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST ONE.
This says “scientology is geen sekte” which translates to “scientology is not a cult”. However, just below “scientology is geen sekte” it says ‘”scientology is a cult”. Take your pick. 🙂
I’m sure know David Miscavige’s search results would be like “scientology is expanding” and “scientology is great”. 😛
My first post was truncated.
Same conditions as first post.
“scientology is”
a cult
a scam
not a religion
a religion
I was in a trunk once, but, it wasn’t ‘cated.’
I’m in the UK. Got pretty much identical results.
Yep. Same. Wow. Dave must be shitting himself. The internet itself is an SP.
Of course the Internet is SP, haven’t you read the memos? That is why good little kool-aid drinkers apply eye bleach at the slightest micro-glance of Google. Oh, and I’ll get you another copy of that memo…
So as we are all connected to the Internet, we must all be PTS at least. 😛
Of course the internet itself is an SP! That’s why cult members are not allowed to look at anything on the internet least they become SPs too…
You are right OSD the internet turned me into an SP!
Hi Willie AKA Good Old Boy, Yes the Internet turned me into a vocal SP.Before I was a silent SP but all of you are so fantastic,I had to leap right into the The Infinity SP DB Rock Slamming Pool! Yeah! xo Ann.
Hey! Congrats, Willie! Welcome to the club!
OSD we had almost identical comments within 3 minutes of each other. Stop using your monumentally epic OT powers on me! You promised to use your powers only for good, remember?
I….I don’t know what got into me, Scott! I was just feeling really powerful that day. I promise it won’t happen again. Anyway, I’m back on Venus now scoping out the Venusian babes. Wish you were here…
Mike, you’re right. If these are the results of search engine searches, then Scientology. org isn’t having the 47x straight up and vertical impact that Dear Leader says it is.
I did the test.
Conditions: 1) New browser, no history, etc. 2) New I.P. address 3) USA location
Result of Google suggestions from typing “scientology” into Google search:
scientology beliefs
scientology clearwater
scientology founder
scientology cult
scientology movie
scientology orlando
scientology documentary
scientology definition
scientology headquarters
To get a search result unbiased from your previous search history you can use an InPrivate tab (Internet Explorer) or Incognito mode (Google Chrome). From my viewpoint in Europe I get similar results for “scientology is” and “scientologists are”.
The humdinger is what I get when I type “david miscavige”, the top suggestion is “david miscavige wife”. That’s got to be a blow to the ego.
i also searched ‘david miscavige’ – on Bing & Yahoo Search…top result was “wife” followed by net worth; scientology; HEIGHT; sociopath; and missing wife shelley
I love it! DM has such an ego I’m sure he has checked these or had Lou check them for him.
My favourite. I googled “david miscavige big being” and got a page full of – well unflattering would be a polite way to describe the results, the first one being “David Miscavige Big Time Brown-nosing – Mike Rinder’s Blog”
Mike how many click farm employees did you pay to achieve this dissemination level and what big bucks did it cost you?
I got Big Time Brown-Nosing second; first result for “david miscavige big being” was
‘bromance’ of Tom Cruise and Scientology leader David …
I got the same results. Yes… My feeling is, it IS dying.. And the bubble will burst. Truth always comes out…
I appreciate your blog. Thanks!
“The bubble will burst”. He Ha. I am not above helping it along by sticking a few pins into it…….
The people have spoken. Is Miscavige listening?
In Mexico, when enter Cienciologia (which is the correct translation and has been used in books, HCOBs, etc) nothing comes up…
So I entered the name Dianetica – an it has Dianetica Espana
Dianetica es una secta (cult)
Dianetica Escala Tonal (tone scale)
For the benefit of the doubt I entered Scientology (term that general population speaking spanish does not know, nor understand) and it came us as: cult
tone scale
National Geographic showed again the John Sweeny’s BBC program with you Mike and Marty and it was categorized as “Cults”.
Look, its not even useful here in France to put “scientology”, as soon as you search for “secte criminelle” in french, crime cult, you get this – where even Manson is a known ex-dianeticist with some 150 auditing hours.
Histoire répugnate chez la secte criminelle
La famille Manson, une secte criminelle –
La famille Manson, une secte criminelle
La famille Manson, une secte criminelle. | Why We Protest …
scientologie, comment la secte criminelle a sequestre puis …
scientologie, secte, article décrivant comment on a gavé Lisa Mc Pherson à l’entonnoir puis tué.