This is how scientologists are groomed from an early age. Indoctrination into the Hubbard “study tech” which teaches you that if something he said doesn’t make sense, it is simply because there is a word or symbol you have not understood.
According to Valentina Smith, these are the “next generation of org execs”. Valentina is one of the Admins on the “Scientology – Perth” Facebook group (where this was posted). As I recall, she is one of the lonely staff of the Perth “ideal org”, though I may be mistaken.
Scientology increasingly relies on second and third generations to be their “new blood” as the aging population that joined scientology before Google was a verb dies off. They are having little success in attracting anyone who has not grown up being inculcated with Hubbard’s ideas. Scientology-based schools are the most fertile recruitment grounds, especially Delphi and the scientology schools in Clearwater. They are overrun with recruiters trying to sign these kids up as soon as they are old enough to read and write. Many parents are proud and happy for their children to join the Sea Org or org staff: “At least they’re not on drugs” — but the truth is they might be better off with their freedom and using drugs than giving up everything for the “cause” that is nothing more than the empty, unattainable and unwanted cause of “Clearing the Planet.”
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. So is your life.
My ex husband was glad our kids were being recruited for SO. He told me, “They couldn’t be in a safer place than in the SO.” He spoke like the world was a dangerous and menacing place. This is the party line the church pushes, that it is safe “in here” and gruesome “out there.” It is a lie as I found out when I left and went more into the real world. But imagine the kids’ horror when they think they are in a safe cocoon only to find daily face rippings, abuse both physical and mental, rape, sleep deprivation, rice and beans, interrogations, 18 hr work days, no money, no cell phone, no computer internet no tv, and now they can’t even have a mail box at the One Stoppe Shop, all at the safest place on earth. I contribute to the Foundation that Aaron Smith Levin and others put there. It is a fund to help people leave the SO and get started on their own. I’d love to see more stories published of people who were helped by this fund.
Yes. True words. Also my experience. I was also happy, that the kids come into a “safer” place. To survive, all of this seaorg prison slavery, they became clever liars. And they believe at the same time, that they say always the truth.
This is Not acceptable.
A person, who surrounds himself with 13 and 14 year old girls on a ship out in the sea with hot pants and sexy shirts is not more than a pedophile criminal.
From there it is a step of recruiting young girls and boys into the system.
So lets call it what it is: a pedophile criminal, who always wanted to implant his genious mind into the head of a lot of other people.
Cindy, exploiting and, in fact, fostering, the fear of the world is common to many religions; at least those that proclaim some sort of savior. I was caught up in that fear with the fervent Catholics I once gravitated towards. I think I would have been ripe for Scientology if I had ever stepped into their web.Sometimes I think the best offence against Scientology and these other toxic belief systems is simply to enjoy a good life without them and make no apologies. “I’m doing just fine without Scientology” can’t be refuted.
I, too, enjoy hearing about people helped by the Aftermath Foundation, to which I have made a small donation myself. If any of your kids are in the SO, I hope to hear their story when they get out.
Francis, Yes, the best revenge is a life well lived so that you can say, “I’m doing fine without your belief system, thank you very much!” And I loved your last comment that you want to hear from me when my kids break free of the shackles of being on staff and in the Cult. I promise to report to you when that happens. But we need to do all we can to hasten the demise of the church so that our loved ones will come back to us.
They would definitely be better off using drugs, but also kids that young don’t use drugs, and most people don’t abuse drugs. Scientology’s war on drugs is a great way to enslave people to the cult. Especially when it includes stuff like casual use of marijuana and any use of prescription medication. Or even OTC medication.
“Drugs are bad, m’kay” is not actually a cogent philosophy. All cults brainwash their members into thinking the outside world is a horrible place where everyone’s miserable, and fear of drugs is part of that. Also fear of sex, of course. This terror that one unplanned step in the road will lead to disaster forever must be horrible to live with.
It’s good to pursue fun for its own sake. Cult victims aren’t allowed fun, which means they’re not allowed a basic need all mammals (and birds) have. What a great way to destroy a person.
In today’s blog, I saw one page that was titled as follows: “Flag Order 301 concerning Sea Org children applies in full”.
It began by saying, “Children are beings and are to be treated as such”.
This certainly strikes me as the truth after everything I have read about this cult. Why? Well, it’s because …
Children are being raped by adults.
Children are being fondled by adults.
Children are being forced to have discussions with adults about all manner of adult sexual perversions.
I just wish there was some way of putting the word “being” in bold so that I could emphasize just how these children are being treated as beings capable of being sexually abused and exploited just like the adults who belong to this cult.
The above three statements are just a tiny extract from a very long list of how children are indeed being forced to endure all manner of sexual exploitation and abuse without any legal recourse.
If they try to complain or try to contact the police or any other legal agencies, they are being forced to endure all kinds of terrible punishments, tortures and forced separation from their families until they are beaten down into submission. As a result, they are left broken and tormented for the rest of their lives.
If you know any people who currently work in agencies that are tasked with protecting children, please search the Internet to find many examples of how children are being made to suffer by this despicable, criminal cult and please try to take whatever action you can.
Truth be said, there are a lot of things kids are indoctrinated into. False beliefs about Santa Claus, and one-sided history lessons about ‘finding a new world’ that was already populated by many people. The nice thing about my examples are they are easy to get out by talking to others or doing your own research as an adult. Immersion into a narrow worldview and indoctrination into Scientology is not such a game, nor an easy thing to unlearn or rid yourself of. I feel sorry for the children who fall for this game of mind traps, twisted logic, and false paradigm of ‘scientific’ religiosity.
Some Scn children that were in the cult featured here
Quackery for Kids, by L. Ron Hubbard
I moved to the Clearwater area recently (job), and I’m very curious about their schools. Do all the kids go to the one private Scientology school? If the ‘church’ wants these parent’s money you would think they wouldn’t want them spending on private school? Do any of their kids go to Clearwater high school? I can’t imagine how they would fit in.
Shannon I think you are overestimating the # of scamologists in CW. 1: Sea Borg people aren’t allowed to have kids. 2: 90% of the scamologists living in CW who are NOT Sea Borg are >55 years old. 3: I only know of one scamology school operating now. So, the 10-20 kids in CW probably go to that school or are home schooled.
Wynski, are you guessing or do you have info from on the ground?
There were several small cult schools recently I had thought. I have friends in CW with children and had thought there were still at least 2.
There is only one I have found with recent searches. Any others are probably home schools not with their own building and what not. Those don’t count.
You’re right. I forget because I see SO all over downtown that the paying members are mostly of non child bearing age. I assume this based on the people I see, not in vests, going in to Flag. I wonder how they can afford to homeschool? From what Ive learned the money is crazy to buy your way up that ‘bridge’.
Most of the non-Sea Borg people you see walking into the CoS in CW are NOT from this area. They are from out of state or country. So not representative of the local scamology ecosystem.
The overriding purpose of the cult, towards the children of Scios is to have the children agree with scn and join staff at a a local organization or the Sea Org.
The cult does get a percentage of income from cult schools who “use the technology of L. Ron Hubbard”, but the money has little value as compared to ensnaring the minds of the children. It’s not an important avenue of income.
Scios homeschool to “keep their kids out of the hands of the psychs”, or when they can’t afford the local cult school. The Delphi Oregon boarding school is considered the “best” school education available on this planet, but the cost is out of reach for the average Scio.
Overall, a very small percentage of the children of Scios attend local high schools.
To add to Rip’s excellent comment, also remember that Scn schools serve a big purpose: a fishing pool for snaring young kids and leaning on them and their parents to join the SO. One recruiter even admitted that most of the young recruits they get in the SO came from one of these Scn schools.
Oh, and I just remembered, one of the teachers at Delphi LA even admitted that her personal stat that she was most proud of was: number of her kids that she teaches, who joined the SO. She would double team with them to help the reg cycle go well. It was Shell Stith or Missy Sargeant who said this. They are sisters and I forget which one worked at Delphi and said this but it was one of these two.
I sometimes think the end will come down to scenes like one staff member left in a vast empty org, filling all 90-some org board post “hats,” frantically typing out final news of “wins” and “expansion” as sheriffs or marshals seizing the property wait to unplug their computer. Now I think perhaps it will come down to just kids left in some cases.
This absolutely disgusts me. As a second-generation Scientologist, it hits hard, because it’s my story.
I did courses from an early age, and I remembered pestering my parents to get me onto the next course. Like with all new Scientologists, the staff love-bombed me. When I was 16, the ED sweet-talked me into joining staff to train as an auditor. My parents didn’t want me to leave school, so they said no. When I was 18, that bastard knew my birthday, and guilted me into honoring my previous agreement. There was no love-bombing then.
He used the line that second-generation Scientologists are the most valuable.
I want revenge.
Speak out. Don’t be afraid. I lost both my children. I don’t hide what I lost in the cult. Your story is important.
Heck, I want revenge, and I wasn’t even a victim of them! The only people who can take an effective stand against the cult are former members or other victims. The most likely way that may happen is through lawsuits, followed by victims pressuring their politicians to do something.
In the not so distant past, and perhaps even today, $cientology policy was to abort children if the mother was an exec. Her time was better spent working and not raising children. Soon, the $cieno population crash might require all $cieno women of child bearing age to have many children. Just like that guy Adolf did in old Germany. Goodwin save us.
Exactly! My first thought, as crass as it may be… maybe the seaorg abortion idea wasn’t so great for the numbers 🤷🏻♀️
“A mind is a terrible thing to waste. So is your life.” Truer words were never spoken.
Just out of curiosity, just how much does a child go for these days? Are they a donation? If so can their loving parents claim it on their income taxes?
Or are they just simply handed over so dear mommy and daddy can continue to just go on their merry way ruining their own lives with that good feeling that it’s their way of clearing the planet?
Heaven help them.
A child is a big expense factor on a family, if they get rid of him they can save money for their own spiritual advancement.
Not a parent’s or a recruiter’s thought, maybe (usually they are just acting on some manic pride idea), but a registrar may very well think like this when it’s time to choose sales prospects.
Thank you SPeaking my Truth.
This is both sad and alarming. While these children are being sacrificed by their parents into an empty existence to an even emptier cause, the internal chaos continues to barrel towards terminal. Miscavige may end up going into hiding a la Hubbard- spending what’s left of his life dodging the law, but the cult continues its slow implosion.
These kids are going to be either stranded with no foundation of belief, disillusioned to the point of despair, or set adrift in a sea of hatred. Any way you look at it, it’s setting these kids up for misery and internal emotional scars that they will likely carry around forever. I really wish there was some way to protect them from this predatory cult.
When I look at the picture, I see empty eyes and fake smiles. They already have the thousand yard stare of the indoctrinated.
When The Rat becomes too old to maintain his Totalitarian regime, I wonder if The Scam will just fall apart or if some other rat will try to seize the reigns in order to try and make a big cash grab.
Either way, it may offer the only real chance all these poor kids have for a real life.
Skyler. The “cash” isn’t laying around on the floor to be grabbed. It is carefully hidden and safeguarded. ONLY those DM permits will be able to touch it.
It’s so heartbreaking and infuriating that these children’s lives and futures are effectively being syphoned off to a criminal organization by their own parents. Hey, guys, you’re supposed to be putting money aside for their college educations, not giving everything, including them, to a syndicate.
(I know the parents can’t see this due to their own indoctrination, but they need to wake up.)