Thanks to everyone who took the time to express their support for The Aftermath.
There are way to many people to thank individually. Know that the support is what gives us and the brave people who come on the show strength.
I am implementing the guidelines laid out below for this blog now.
Just kidding…
This gives a fascinating insight into the scientology thought control — so many rules and regulations about what you can and cannot do leaves little room to “think for yourself.”
I have highlighted a few of the more incredible rules.
Group Posting Guidelines
The purpose of this group is to bring Scientologists together on Facebook and provide a forum for meeting other Scientologists, constructive discussion and planning, and any other such theta communication appropriate for a group setting, particularly with the intent of forwarding the aims of Scientology.
Please observe the following guidelines when posting in the group:
1. Please feel free to post about Scientology-related activities, wins, events, news, information about yourself, announcements, Bridge plans, course completions, etc. Do not use the group for personal profit—this includes sales talk, business promotion, fundraising for personal projects, etc. Some quotes from policy regarding org mailing lists:….
2. Please keep your manners in. (Ref. HCO PL 30 May 71, PR Series 9, MANNERS)
3. Please consider your post or comment and the effects it might create on other group members. (Will others want to read it? Will it offend people? Is it going to glut the channel and make it difficult for others to get the communications through? Etc.) If there is any doubt about whether you should post it, please refrain. You can also ask any of the admins whether you should post a particular item.
4. No politics or discussions on current governmental matters. Such discussions could be twisted by certain malicious individuals and groups in an effort to get the Church’s tax-exempt status revoked.
5. Do not bash any religion or anybody’s religious beliefs.
6. No attacks or antagonistic postings or comments, no matter what. Also, if there is a disagreement or a problem with another member, contact that member or one of the admins privately. Don’t post the disagreement on the board. This just spreads entheta.
7. No fear mongering, bad news (without a theta solution included) or anything that creates a dangerous environment.
8. Comments on tech or policy matters (including ethics) may consist only of references to LRH materials, as well as referrals to individuals duly trained in the subject under discussion (such as Ethics Officers or Qual personnel).
9. Do not provide medical advice here. You may comment on your successful actions, but it should not constitute advice. Medical advice should be provided only by qualified medical doctors after appropriate consultation. Ensure your comments align with HCOB 12 Mar 69 II, PHYSICALLY ILL PCs AND PRE-OTs.
10. Keep Scientology Working. (Ref: HCO PL 7 Feb 65, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING, and all other LRH tech and policy)
11. Do not post material that is not BPI (Broad Public Issue). This would include such things as photos of OT eligibility chits or close-ups of routing forms with a significant portion of the text legible.
12. No copyright, trademark or other intellectual property infringement. The legal concept of “fair use” should be understood. Here is its definition: “(in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.” (New Oxford American Dictionary) More technical legal information is available here:…. While fair use is ultimately a matter for the courts to decide, the above should give you some guidelines to follow to take reasonable precaution to avoid copyright infringement. (It should be noted that violation of copyright law is a separate issue from the misuse of Scientology materials as per the Scientology justice codes.)
13. No verbal tech or interpretations of LRH references. Some LRH quotes about this:….
14. Please provide the full source reference if you post or comment an LRH quote, including the exact location where it can be found (including the page number of the book or lecture transcript, and full name, date, title of whatever issue). We require the book/transcript page number so that any admin or any group member can easily verify for themselves any LRH quote. This is how we keep in KSW—we require an exact full source cite so that if there is any question on the part of any admin or member, they don’t have to spend 10 hours going through all the transcripts of a lecture series to find one quote. So you can find the data, and include it in your post, or you can find it online on an official church site and link to it, or you can post a screen shot of it which includes the full I/A (issue authority) copyright notice.
15. Do not post LRH (or LRH’s family members) photos that do not have I/A. It doesn’t matter that you found it on somebody else’s Facebook site/group/page or on some SP’s web site on the Internet. If it doesn’t have I/A, please don’t post it in here. There are photos that have Issue Authority, such as those you find on OFFICIAL Scientology web sites (i.e.,,, etc.), and there are photos floating around that do NOT have Issue Authority (such as you find on the internet on SP sites and SP Facebook pages).
Please ONLY post photos here that you found on an OFFICIAL Scientology web site. Some of the old photos that do NOT have I/A also contain people who have since been declared SP. It’s not okay to go around posting and promoting photos of declared SPs. We simply are not interested in having them in our fine group.
16. Do not post names of Suppressive Persons or suspected Suppressive Persons for any reason. Such do not belong in a public venue.
17. Do not speculate here about whether this or that celebrity is or is not a Scientologist. This includes posting photos of or articles about celebrities that might or might not show a connection to Scientology. PR for celebrities is highly sensitive and handled by the Celebrity Centre President’s Office. If you would like more information on the relevant policies, contact the President’s Office at Celebrity Centre International.
18. Please do not post the DATES of major Scientology events, such as Ideal Org openings. This is out-security, as we cannot absolutely guarantee that all members of the group are Scientologists in good standing (see the important note below). You can post that the event is coming soon, and members can contact their Org for exact details on when and where.
Also, don’t post about what happened in an event until after it’s been shown all over the world. Don’t ruin the surprise and fun and joy and excitement for everyone else who hasn’t seen an event yet! And let them get the event data straight from COB. Many members have expressed this as their desire.
19. As a point of etiquette, please never edit anybody else’s documents. It appears that Facebook allows anybody to edit anyone else’s document, which is not always desirable. Don’t do it (unless you have explicit permission).
20. This group is for Scientologists in good standing with the Church of Scientology only. You may add members as you see fit, but please do not add non-Scientologists or Scientologists not in good standing. And please confirm to an admin that the person(s) you have added are in fact Scientologists in good standing, or it may take quite some time before they are approved for the group (if ever).
21. Please refrain from discussing your (or others’) case or past lives. The reference is HCOB 8 Mar 71R, rev. 25.7.78, C/S Series 29R, CASE ACTIONS, OFF-LINE: “8. PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THEIR CASES.” (Please read the reference for LRH’s explanation.) Don’t evaluate for other people’s cases (“You/he/she must have known Ron in a past life,” for example).
22. Do not post case or session details about pcs for any reason. In addition to being a violation of privacy, this can also be invalidative, evaluative, and is just plain out-security as we cannot guarantee who will see it. Success stories are okay to post if they have Okay to Publish from the pc.
23. Please do not spam or hijack others’ posts. If someone asks a question, answer it, not something else (for example, if somebody asks to be referred to LRH references regarding “headaches,” do not then answer with your nutritional recommendations or books from some other author). Don’t add unrelated comments to others’ posts (such as commenting “please visit and sign my anti-psych petition” on a post about someone finishing the SRD). If a question has already been answered, don’t comment again with the same answer. Don’t post the same thing repeatedly—once (or a few times over a longer time span) is sufficient, and the original post can always be brought back to the top of the page simply by posting a fresh comment on the post. There are thousands members in this group, and a lot of posts. Let’s keep it from become dev-t with repeated traffic.
From the Pilot Dictionary: “communication lag: n. the length of time intervening between the posing of a question, or origination of a statement, and the exact moment that question or original statement is answered, no matter whether silence or talk or incorrect answers occur during the interim. In this society it would be how long does it take you to get an answer to the question you asked or agreement or disagreement with the statement you made as you made it? It is also the length of time between the giving of an auditing command and the moment when a preclear carries out the exact command correctly. It does not matter what intervenes: the preclear may outflow, jabber, discuss, pause, hedge, disperse, dither or be silent; no matter what he does or how he does it, between the asking of the question and the giving of the answer, the time is the communication lag. In other words, communication is not taking place during this interval. “It will be found that the communication lag lengthens and shortens on a repeated question.” [Dianetics 55!; Scientology; The Fundamentals of Thought; The Creation of Human Ability; Lecture 25 Mar. 53; Lecture 20 Oct. 53 (#1); Lecture 5 Oct. 54; Lecture 22 Oct. 54; Lecture 13 Jan. 55; Lecture 12 June 62 (#2); JOS 13-G, Apr. 53; PAB 42, 24 Dec. 54; PAB 43, 7 Jan. 55; Ability Major 4, July 55; PAB 88, 12 June 56; HCOB 4 May 72] Abbr. comm lag.”
24. Do not block any of the admins for any reason. This perhaps goes without saying. We cannot do our jobs if a group member has us blocked, as the communication line is cut. If you have an admin blocked you will be removed from the group.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While we try to ensure all members of this group are Scientologists in good standing, we cannot absolutely guarantee this. As such, do not post anything in this group that you don’t want to be seen outside of this group.
Please feel free to contact any of the admins with requests, questions or comments:
David Diaz
JoJo Zawawi
Ejaz Younis
Gavin Marini
Just so it is clear — these are the guidelines for posting at this blog:
- All views are welcome, but stick to the topic at hand
- Keep an open mind — you are more likely to learn something from those you disagree with
- Refrain from ad hominem comments — character assassins not welcome
- If you want to engage in long back and forths with a single commenter, please take it to email
- If you don’t like how this blog is moderated, you are welcome to start your own
Back in the heady days of the MSN Scientology messageboard (early noughties) we had a diverse community of churchies, indies and even SPs, with some great debates about life, the universe and everything. That was until OSA and church lawyers started calling me saying how I was violating trademarks (simply by using the word “Scientology”) and giving undesirables a platform. Eventually my ass was hauled into Ethics. To cut a long story short, it quickly changed into the perfect church forum where rules and regulations (much like the above) were implemented to “protect” people and “the group”. The debates stopped. People were kicked. Our once thriving messageboard died a death overnight, turning into a stale, stagnant snoozefest of occasional “wins” and advice for newbies on what book to read first.
What was undoubtedly great PR for Scientology (we demonstrated how (at least some) Scientologists could withstand and handle criticism and communicate openly – even about “dodgy” subjects) was killed by an all-controlling robo-cult that has no idea how the world sees it. Ironic, really, considering how important PR is to them.
First of all, a big congratulations to Mike and Leah. You guys are amazing and the Emmy is well-deserved. Second, given how much we know of what control freaks they are I bet the cherch interrogates people on their facebook activity as well.
“Your friends with an SP?!”
“You liked an SP’s post?!”
“You’re in a photo with an SP on your vacation when you should’ve been at Flag?!”
I bet people get written up for violating this laundry list of rules as well. Reminds me of something I saw on The Simpsons, where a sign reads: ‘We put the FUN in FUNdamentalist Dogma’
Just another way to keep tabs on the faithful and get more money out of them too.
All of these rules will be quite restimulative to any OT Sheep who might have strayed out of the pasture onto the SP internet. Excellent material. Much needed grist for the mandatory 6 month sec check mill.
Unfathomable posting guidelines caused an onslaught of hysterical questions which threatened to overwhelm the legal department. Outside counsel was brought in an attempt to search all briefs for subpoenas.
I can only imagine what scientologist Snapchat is like.
Oh, sorry, they won’t discover that until 2021. My bad.
Dear Jo Jo
I have a PTP
I would like to indicate
I feel suppressed, invalidated and nullified
By my “Church”
I have an arc break
It was a break in reality
I thought I had alienable rights
Freedom to speak
And no one but God has the right to take my rights away
I have BPC
So I am leaving
By admitting to these people that pictures of LRH can be found on SP websites, and that such pictures don’t necessarily have Issue Authority, aren’t they kind of dramatizing the Garden of Eden story, wherein God told Adam and Eve, “Look, you’ve got all these fruit trees here. Wonderful fruit, and its all yours for the eating. BUT – Adam, Eve, are you paying attention? Pay attention, guys! – BUT you must not eat fruit from THIS tree, the Tree of Knowledge fruit. Do not eat this fruit, OK? Leave it alone, strictly! Thank you.”
Pix of LRH the cultaees haven’t seen…no issue authority…hmmm, what did Mary Sue look like?…himm,,,ditto Arthur, Suzette, Diana …what about LRH’s son who died, what did he look like?…hmmm…forbidden fruit.
I’m surprised, really, that the cult would even admit such pictures existed.
I think he felt he had no choice but to mention them because people kept posting them because they were naturally curious or interested. Which as we’ve all learned is a hallmark of the SP and his minion, the low toned, DB individual. High toned beings are not curious they know the truth and that truth is what every is in the latest edition of Scientology’s official books preferably an edition that hasn’t yet been published!!! [/sarcasm]
I get your sarcasm but still your post gave me a pang of sadness.
High toned people are actually VERY curious. A number of them have given humanity our most marvelous inventions, works of art, literature, poetry, philosophy.
What’s sad to me is that religion, which is only philosophy crystallized into patterned dogmas condemns and punishes curiosity about its own dogma.
Many – undoubtedly not all, but many – religions do not permit questions, doubts, the weighing and measuring of one datum against another. One is not allowed to pick and choose what works. One is required to have faith, to believe, and believe it ALL.
Established religions have long been busy stamping out the very quality that makes us far more than animated physical bodies.
Scientology, now that it has achieved viable religious status in the US and other countries, has joined these deplorable ranks.
“Just believe what we tell you. Have faith. Don’t doubt. Don’t question. Follow this closely taped path…your adherence and faith alone is your salvation.
No! No! No! No! No! No!
This is NOT the way to safeguarding your eternity!
This is the way to robotism and slavery!
And, its making wrong and stamping out the very quality that makes us NOT animals!
Its SO wrong!
End of rant.
Aqua, that is the best rant I’ve read in ages! Thank you for sharing this enlightened viewoint. I am sincere and not being sarcastic. Great post.
Thank you, Cindy.
Down with robotism!
Most scamologists are TERRIFIED of the real world. All those rules are simply a manifestation of that fact.
24. Its fine to talk about the weather but avoid mentioning entheta weather like hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, etc.
Example #1: “I woke up this morning and the sky was a clear robin’s egg blue with only a few fleecy white clouds, and the sun was like a ball of beautiful, golden butter! Life is wonderful and I just wanted to share this with all of you. We’re all so lucky to be Scientologists!”
Example #2: “We had a picnic planned for today but upon awakening we saw that it was raining! Disappointed, we cancelled the picnic. I admit that for a while I was thinking entheta thoughts about the TV weather people (who are obviously SPs as they deliberately misled us by saying it would be a sunny day today when they knew all along it was going to rain) but then I realized that this slight, mizzling rain was JUST what my pink azaleas needed to restore to full health. Too much rain and they’re ruined, too little and they die of thirst. And I had actually POSTULATED this EXACT type of rain for them last week! Which means I CREATED this rain, and I actually had the CHOICE to not become the bad effect of my own postulate! Wow! Cogniting on this was a huge win. I love operating as an OT!”
L. O. Fricken. L!
OMG!! “Which means I created this rain….” Hil-ar-i-ous!!!!!
After reading the rules I’m going to paraphrase an old of dunny humour: Some come here to poo and stink while I come here to lose my think.
In brief, people, forget what LRH said, instead: “When in doubt, do not communicate”.
Too funny. A wonderful find, Mike.
“When in doubt, shut the fuck up.”
Wow. My head is spinning. I commend you and Leah so much for coming forward and doing all the work you do. It is important work and I’m glad you are undeterred. I also appreciate that you are not painting everyone who is a Scientologist with the “broad brush of evil”. You show the proper respect for these people, who are a part of this organization because they truly feel they are making a difference in the world. Keep up the great work and thanks for allowing us to tag along on this journey that is enlightening, and at times very painful to experience. I so often just want to hug everyone.
I think #16 would do us in.
16. Do not post names of Suppressive Persons or suspected Suppressive Persons for any reason. Such do not belong in a public venue.
I think this rule is manly because they don’t want people screenshoting posts of people telling everyone to disconnect from their kids who’ve been labeled SPs.
I had to quit posting on every post on this thread that was hilarious cuz they all have me crackin up… You guys are on it today. I think Mike’s post triggered for you’all….lol!
“Keep an open mind — you are more likely to learn something from those you disagree with”
Thats funny. They never “keep an open mind.” They ATTACK anyone who disagrees with them.
Isn’t attacking an LRH tech?
I almost could not get threw it…eyes glazzed over a few times..?. I would really love to know what the hell gets posted on the fb page.
I agree. My head was spnnng too. Just another way for this cult to control people.
Basically then a normal posting – following guidelines above – would be like:
“WOW…had huge win today & blew a charge from pondering over what LRH said in his HCOB 1955, pg 67, paragraph, and again in his Lecture, 1967, reel 4, tape mark 142. Know what I mean? Anyone experience anything like that? Per HCOB, 1952, bulletin 18-2b, paragraph 4.1.5. ”
That would be funny…
LOL!!!! Hilarious!
I had a similar blow-out win on that same HCOB, page 21, graf #4, second sentence!!!
Wow! Then it totally knocked my socks off when I read the word in the tech dictionary on page 24, third from top, definition #6!!!
All I can say is ” Whew ” !
Speak the party line in just the right way or don’t speak at all = Scientology. Everything else must be either disconnected from or attacked. Better yet, don’t speak at all. If you are staff – work, work, work. If you are public – pay, pay, pay. If you can’t do either you are a worthless being and should quietly disappear without distracting those that can.
Perfectly nutshelled, Mat.
This sounds more like:
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We can reduce the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Outer Limits.
Crackin me up!!
Soooooo funny Ballet Lady…!!
Ha ha ha!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, how boring a read is that? These people are delusional and thank God Leah and Mike for finally outing this cult Now I wish they’d do something about Al Sharpton, the Swaggarts and Joel Osteen, all wolves in sheeps clothing.
See, they are allowed to use the internet! 😉
Are all those rules or guidelines for real? No way…
They’re as real as a comm ev…
Also another way of harvesting IP addresses? I’m a functional illiterate as regards Internet technology so feel free to correct me on this.
I’m surprised this one was not highlighted:
22. Do not post case or session details about pcs for any reason. In addition to being a violation of privacy, this can also be invalidative, evaluative, and is just plain out-security as we cannot guarantee who will see it. Success stories are okay to post if they have Okay to Publish from the pc.
Wow….ok, I totally misread the beginning and thought these were your rules about posting on your blog!!! LOL! This is why reading everything is so important.
I am surprised the Scientology site doesn’t just say “no stinkin’ thinking!”
LOL! That was the ol’ fat bastard from Amway – I think his name was Dexter Yager.
To anyone not a deluded cult robot, that’s exactly what they ARE saying.
I have to give Miscavige credit; there is a singular genius in the ability to persuade people they’re operating in a self determined manner and completely thinking for themselves while at the same time operating in every way as his completely obedient slaves. Machiavelli would’ve stood at attention.
So WTF, really funny, those cheap “moderators” did not know that they could just wipe any uncomfortable comment from their FB Account, it looks like the group is set up in order to get public info about dislikers for OSA´s database for their squirrel TWTH tooth by tooth.
Sounds like this is the only way they can use their super power control abilities in their real and virtual world.
This is an example about the thin line between Scientology Slavery disguised as Freedom (yes, you are allowed and free to …………….., but ………….).
Please Mike allow them to freely comment their scio wins in this blog, so we all could laugh.
How large is their FB group? maybe 2000 friends?
According to the $camology Facebook site (I still don’t know why I had a look) they have 622,995 followers. Snort, snort, snigger…
I bet just 2.000 from that 622.995 will follow the guidelines and the other 620.995 will tune A&E for season 2
As I noted in another comment, I believe this is from a Facebook group that has been reported to have about 15,000 members – and that, as we can see, is pretty tightly run and heavily moderated. I’d guess that count reflects everyone in Scientology in the past 10 or so years who has used social media and who hasn’t really broken with them, but maybe only about half of whom are really active members now. That sort of figure would roughly correlate to the approximately 6,200 who signed the anti-Aftermath petition.
I’ve run into softer barbed & razor wire than Scientology’s insistent domination of who and what you’re allowed to be, say and act.
What’s that great line used in early movies? “This town just ain’t big enough for the both of us.” Piss off Scientology! Go crawl under some rock somewhere else.
“Do not post case or session details about pcs for any reason.” I see. How nice. Except that they delve into the PC folders of former members in an attempt to discredit them on WIDE OPEN COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. Just another example how David Miscavige is “pulling it in”.
For Sale on Big Smelly Dog has No Religious past… 🙂
good afternoon Mike hope you weathered the storm that’s soaking us right now. Okay lil wonder ppl stay into THIS so long it’s like having to learn a new language something like a Sci Fi writer would come up with smh & I watch you & others talk about this stuff & it still Boggles my mind I’m confused most the time but the things I keep hearing is Abuse & of Power which Needs to be a tough CRIME esp when pushed at Innocent ppl then there’s D.M he seems to be at the Top who’s doing those deeds esp when Nothing goes past him w/o Him knowing so he should be held accountable for so much of the hurt,pain in all of this & just goes to show what can go so Wrong & do What are they out helping ppl through these storms,cleaning up trash helping animals something,anything I’ve yet to hear a word if they Claim there here to Clean or Clear ? it is sounds like a house cleaning product lol sorry but they have Loads of Money & Could Help prob allot know I would my Ego wouldn’t get in my way but that’s Me & Keep up the Great Work Mike & Team you have given many a Much Needed Voice a Blessing….
Who the f… wants to be a scientologist?Just reading this makes my head implode.Now imagine all the crap that other moron wrote.I hear it’s a lot.And you must read that non sense at least 2 hrs a day?!RUFKM?!Pass…
Agreed! I always think that I could NEVER sit through all that auditing and courses in a million years.
To find the answers to life?
Success stories are OK to post if the pc already okeyed it to publish…
I wonder if my success story is not pre approved by the cob, but I publish it as a pc,,,
Then, what about the Red Tape?
“Fucking hell !” (HCO PL 30 Feb 67 Suppressed Communications, Responses to)
This is a list of my favorite things!
What we need now is a parody of the song “My Favorite Things” from “The Sound Of Music” sung by the Julie Andrews as Maria character, but instead sung by Miscavige, regarding the kind of comm he wants to read on his cult’s blog.
Moxie, calling Moxie! Where are you, darling?
“(It should be noted that violation of copyright law is a separate issue from the misuse of Scientology materials as per the Scientology justice codes.)”
I just love all these little insinuations of the double trouble that awaits you as a $cilon if you violate any one of this very long and detailed list of “can’t say, can’t do, can’t think” mind/behavior control rules!
My personal fave, though, is the prohibition against posting any unauthorized pics of the Fat Man and his three, er, two different families for fear that the cult’s false biography of him will be exposed. “Issue authority” is really nothing but a license to lie and deceive inside of Bubble World, where Doublespeak is the only language that’s allowed to be spoken there.
LOL “Please ONLY post photos here that you found on an OFFICIAL Scientology web site. Some of the old photos that do NOT have I/A also contain people who have since been declared SP.”
I have a few old photos of those horrid EsssPeeees… funny how so many of them worked directly with the Fatman. Xenu forbid anyone should see their terrible suppressive faces.
Oh, and of course Jo Jo Zawawi – Facebook Nazi. I swear, she is the biggest goddamned dingbat I ever met.
Ugh…reminds me of a recent post of this “LRH” HCOB…
HCOB 15 Feb 1982
(Released 20 October 86)
You can say what you please but what you say does not have to please.
Just be careful not too may people get unpleased.
L Ron Hubbard
Geezers, just seeing the “Founder” after Hubbard’s name gives me the hibbie gibbies. He sure founded something all right! How to get well and truly fucked over by simply being a human being that cares.
Lots of inconsistencies.
I was inconsistent once. But X-Lax took care of it.
After reading this several times to get the “gist” of it…..really now, it NEEDS a new title. Might I suggest:
One of my favorite pieces of this guideline is the comment that bad news… creates a dangerous environment. So only rainbows and flowers on this FB page…
Lmao! ?
I’m surprised they don’t require some sort of online contract signature before being allowed to post. Seriously. Like something along the lines of what one has to sign in order to do a course or get auditing.
(Cue Rod Serling.) “The signpost ahead that leads the unwary traveler to that darkest of corners of…
The twilight zone.” (Cue music)
Cue Twilight Zone theme. At your service Len!
About the only thing they CAN post is “Hi”…..hate to be the moderator for that group…yawn!
Thanks $cientology, for telling all what you ~really~don’t want: FREE SPEECH & FREE THOUGHT!
Thank goodness, after 30 years “in”, I realized the above, woke up and escaped out in 2000!! 🙂
So the blog will contains nothing but wins and all things wonderful, and the cult can then say, “You see how happy Scientologists are? Do you see how they’re winning in life?” That’s the gist. Its not about real communication. Its cult PR.
This list of rules should go out to every major media organization.
We are so glad you escaped Tory!!! Love your videos. Keep up the excellent work.
Props to them for the attempt to participate in something that LRH did not actually invent (or did he claim to have invented the internet too?).
One thing I really love (especially) is that they still have IA lines.
That puts about 10 layers of “OK” needed before something can be approved. I guess you have to write a CSW to be able to post?
Frightening that actual adults would agree to such rules and regulations to write something down.
Oh, and how are you supposed to know who “Suppresive Persons” and “Suspected SPs” are (#16)? Maybe they’ll put a link to a glossary of names.
“Oh, and how are you supposed to know who “Suppresive Persons” and “Suspected SPs” are (#16)?”
The Scarlet Letter is now “SP” instead of “A”…
“3- Refrain from ad hominem comments- character assassins not welcome”.
That means you, Wynski!
Ah, damn! I just violated Guideline #3!
Double posting but I have to wonder how posting along the following lines would be received:
I’m routing out of the SO and I’m looking for a place to stay and source of income. life story things, etc. maybe a bit of anger but still appears like the wants to continue in scientology.
How do you guys think that would be received? What if he said he was had blown from the SO and needed a place and a job. How would that go down?
MostEthicalPimp, you’re joking, right?
It says that only Scientologists are allowed to post. What determines who is a Scientologist and who isn’t? A CF folder?
How much money you’ve handed over.
How much brain space (independent thought) has been categorized as suppressive.
How much other spiritual paths are considered an implant
Certainty that all critics are criminals
Certainty that all psyches come from the planet Farsec
Complete irrevocable denial that Ron wanted to kill himself running BTs
Blowing equals overts
Ron as the wisest man in the history of forever
Holy moly I can go on forever listing the absurdities that make up the doctrine of L Ron Hubbard.
You just did a good job, Brian. Now you can rest. Both of us could go on forever.
More accurately stated, how much more money you can hand over. Plenty of declared apostates out there with Scientology battered bank accounts.
Pretty sure was a Joke Minus the keep sales & don’t be Mean to others & who wants to talk about politics esp right now but pretty sure Mike was showing us NoN Sct ppl what a Mess this all is but I could be wrong but just what I took out of it…
There are moderators to check out names and emails before allowing any comment. I’m assuming.
This facebook group must be a glut of useless data. Also, it helps to make sure people look up any doubts on google and not in the confines of Scientology’s echo chamber. I imagine a situation where a born-in gets some older materials. For example something with Nibs in it? and he asks who this person is? Well, that’s against more than one rule!!! And many prints of books that thank SPs like Richard de Mille. Imagine asking the question, I just saw that Hubbard thanked Richard de Mille, a person who according to wikipedia is a psych for preparing the manuscript to Science Of Survival? Anyone know anything about him?
Here’s what’s going to happen: on the blog, the Sheep will comply and only post “theta” and good news and wins and so forth.
BUT, any controversial questions, misunderstandings, disagreements, doubts, confessions, antagonisms, etc., i.e., any “bad” news will be shunted to that category of thought and deed reserved for Ethics.
Witholding any “entheta” as outlined above will be more difficult now.
This blog is the cult’s way of restimming the sheeple and thereby flushing data out of them that is desperately needed and wanted.
Its a fishing expedition, basically.
Wow, sounds like the old Soviet Union. These rules are stricter then when I was in the Sea Org.
And that’s saying something, Michael. But, you’re absolutely correct. I mean, what do you expect from a sociopath. And a demented one at that!
All Still Ins on lines and in good standing will be hounded to post on this thing.
Yes, that was my thought too. They’ll be “encouraged” to join the group and maybe have some kind of “statistic” for how many relevant posts they have. Of course once they have a stat then they will have ethics conditions assigned to it.
Right. Because if they lie or omit something that would be considered “entheta” and not blog worthy, it will stick with them and they’ll have to ‘fess up to it to their org’s EO or at Flog on their OT sec checks. Machiavellian, indeed.
Aye Sir!
If anything summarizes ‘The Road to TOTAL Freedom’, it’s these guidelines.
Oh, no! It’s the Road to Total Ruin!
You win the comment section today lol
At one point in my life I would have diligently studied all of that groups FB posting rules and made sure nothing I had to say would have made me poorly perceived or create a flap in the Scn community. So much healthier to just say your truth and be willing to own it. I recall a former good friend that wrote up so many Knowledge Reports on friends and associates that she bought several tall legal size metal filing cabinets to store them in her garage. She’d labor over all the “time place form and event” for hours to get it just right. Consumed her. I admired her tenacity. I now see all that exhaustive word smithing as just plain nutty.
We need to publish some pictures of Lron with the long hair and rotten teeth……..saying something STUPID!
That could be any of his quotes!
Here’s your quote from fat boy: “Smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Not smoking enough causes cancer.”
Suspected suppressive person? That something I never heard about.
Suspected Supressive Person
It’s part of GAT III
Coming to your Idle Morgue……soon
But first we have to raise money
Oodles and oodles of cash
now . now . now.
Of lordy! I had to skim through them. I don’t know any of those people, but I can see the steely eyed stare and complete lack of a sense of humor unless it is cruelly mocking an SP or a “downstat.” So glad I’m free from it. Also, is it me or do most of these rules seem to be a response to comments made on the internet about their ridiculous behavior?
“Don’t ruin the surprise and fun and joy and excitement for everyone…” FOUR superlatives (none of which apply to Miscavige’s migraine-inducing videos)? Talk about overkill…
“…the surprise and fun and joy and excitement for everyone…”
Regarding what, their next root canal?
Oh, wait, they’re referring to Int Events!
Got confused there for a while.
Glad to see that JoJo is still on the job as facebook nazi. I wonder if these guys are doing this for their “elig.”
JoJo has to be in the 2% of the 2%’ers.
How can those still in not see the most obvious?
I always wonder how people like Jo Jo support themselves. How do they live?
I know that Gavin Merini is a trust fund baby who doesn’t have to work.
Last I knew (2007) she was a bookkeeper. Her husband was LA org staff. A while back I saw a post that she was moving east. In 2007 she lived in Glendale and I turned over several scientologist clients to her when I moved into my GTRV end May. Too bad she is so brainwashed. I suspect if anything ‘off policy’ or ‘out PR’ shows up on their FB group they will get in trouble etc. And perhaps its just to show off what good $s they are…
The Very last line of their own rules, “if you don’t like how this blog is moderated, you are welcome to start your own.”
Isn’t that what Mike Rinder did? He started his own blog, and per the Church, he was welcome to do so…..How ridiculously false is their statement?!!
That’s the last line of Mike’s rules.
Well, if one of their Sheeple starts his or her own blog, there’s a clear indicator to the cult right there that he or she is disaffected.
I’d say that at this point the cult is seriously, for real and for blood, circling the wagons, beating the bushes for anyone who is not fully, wholly, openly and unabashedly on board.
Its so much fun to mix metaphors.
Good Lord
This was great
I forgot how controlled we were sometimes.
Im so fucking glad im out.
And mike you and leah are absolutely amazing. Serious. My heroes.
AES, you must have been pretty stoked when you left. That’s what I call real wins! Glad you’re out. That’s making it go right!
If you want to post a photo of a dog or a cat, make sure it doesn’t belong to an SP.
Another scenario, If you let your dog cavort with another dog at the dog park, and that dog belongs to someone who is declared you would be expected to withdraw your dog from the dog park and leave immediately.
OMG LMAO – this IS how ridiculous it gets!!!!
No worries. In that so many of us are pet lovers, Miscavige, always scouring the environment for Lost Tech, has unearthed 2 new courses soon to be announced as new releases in the Golden Age of Dreck; the PTS SD (Potential Trouble Source Suppressive Dog) and the PTS SC (Potential Trouble Source Suppressive Cat).
Both will be mandatory for all Scientologists harboring dogs and/or cats no matter where anyone is on the Bridge.
No matter what course or auditing action currently being done, they will need to route off immediately and do one or both courses.
The data on this course is vital to stable Bridge progress and is the Why for any and all Bridge failures to date.
Your own dog or cat: can you spot it on the tone scale? Is your pet an SP or just PTS?
Make no mistake, with these courses, Planetary Clearing is now a reality.
The time is now.
Which brings us to:
Rule #25, “Posting photos of Animal Pets”
Baskets of kittens, baskets of puppies, photos of kittens and cats curled up asleep next to dogs…healthy and adorable, make it theta”.
Rule #26: “Wildlife Photos”
Animals in nature in theta situations. No hunting pictures, i.e. a poor moose or an elk that you just shot and strapped to the top of your SUV. No photos of a lion taking down a zebra. And please, no photo of the Trump sons holding a dead leopard and an elephant’s tail.
This is sooo funny! Congratulations on your very big win on Saturday!
“5. If you don’t like how this blog is moderated, you are welcome to start your own”
Rules for starting your own blog;
1. See all of the above rules
2. Note that “Welcome” is a relative term
3. You are now an S.P.
4. Wait…Mike? Is that you?
I misread- I though the last part was part of the Scientology rules.
That’s not unwieldy at all! Scientology efficiency at work 🙂
I agree with you, I-Betty. For Scientology I’d say there’s a paucity of rules there. I bulked it up with 3 more of my own. There are just too many loopholes in their rules, IMO. And I think all of us here can help. Whattya say, guys, can we add some more rules so that the cult is safe from the likes of us?
This is hilarious, it could be retittled ” how to strangle anybody’s creativity “.
WTF can you say in a post in their group! Nothing of any significance; no free speech there!
It’s Scientology. Your point being?
I think that was a rhetorical question…
There you go, implying thinking and Scientology in the same concept. Mankind learnt sometime ago that oil and water don’t mix, but some keep shaking the bottle anyway! Scientologists aren’t very nice people to associate with hey?
They’re the most narcissistic & egotistical people I’ve come across. Homo Novi my ass!
What a fun Facebook page! I reeeeally want to know what’s being posted on there now.
LMAO. Imagine how much fun it will be to read the posts when most go like this: “The wins from my auditing were amazing!”; “The epic event was awesome, with vital information. You need to see now”; “Thank you COB, for all your hard work and all the good things you do for us.”
Enough to make you want to puke and post, “The Aftermath won an Emmy! Check it out! COB did it again! “
Hell, go for it!
I have to say, these cultees put the most sensitive snowflakes to shame with their inability to confront. They are the poster people for trigger warnings.
24 rules for posting in a Facebook group! Nope. I like Mike’s list of rules better, only 3 of which are rules anyway, the other 2 being merely comments (you will read differing opinions, if you don’t like it start your own blog).
I do like the prohibition against ad homs. Especially since the cult’s smear sites are replete with them. Amazing, really.
Ha! And they deny Scientology is a high-control group…
I would love to see posts from this “closed group” on FB end up on Mike’s blog just like the OTC Meeting minutes always end up here. He has UTR’s in that group so I imagine on the FB page it will be the same. Davie can’t stick his finger in every hold to plug up the dam. And the fact that they mention TAX EXEMPT STATUS of the church shows they are really scared about losing it and have been reading Mike’s blog. Also when they say don’t mention a date for an event, that again shows they are running scared. They don’t want protesters showing up or airplanes or helicopters flying overhead with messages that would be embarrassing. Ha! And last but not least, Jo Jo Zawawi has been a FB Police Stasi type stopper for a long time. She has a big history of that.
It’s one of the highest control groups on Teegeeack. Thinking is a crime.
I compare Jim Jones in Gyana with Scientology? I am assuming the reason our government, police aren’t doing anything is because they are all being paid off? If this isn’t a cult I don’t know what is? Our government has not learned from all the deaths that Jim Jones caused. Innocent men,women and children forced to commit suicide and a senator & staff were gunned down and we sit and do nothing?????
> reason our government, police aren’t doing anything is because they are all being paid off?
Hardly. Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. Or in this case busy-ness because there aren’t enough social workers and cops (the ones there are, are massively overworked).
Also, Scientologists are a tiny minority of people and what’s more, covered by religion status. In other words, there aren’t that many people being harmed and it’s a can of worms not worth opening (religions in america are allowed to violate all kinds of human rights). If you want to fix something, the individuals involved have to do it themselves.
You’re right, James.
Read Raven. It’s about Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. I reread it after season 1 of aftermath. It’s an interesting comparison.
Somewhat tangential, but I assume those guidelines come from a semi-official closed Facebook group that I have heard about, that is reported to have around 15,000 members.
I’m curious if anyone who knows more about that group, could tell us what the 15,000 represents. Is that all the active members of the CofS who are on social media? Does it include a lot of people who might have joined the group 5 or 10 years ago but who have dropped away (left, not UTR) but just aren’t declared?
Is the 6,200 who signed the anti-Aftermath petition on after a wide call on social media, more reflective of current active membership online (excluding Sea Org)?
p.s. Mike – I have to add my congratulations. I think that you have done a truly masterful job of communication through the program, and here on your website, figuring out how to deliver just the right powerful mix of information and story.
Agreed. Mike, not to gush, but the fact is you’re awesome.
My personal favorite rule is:
“14. Please provide the full source reference if you post or comment an LRH quote, including the exact location where it can be found (including the page number of the book or lecture transcript, and full name, date, title of whatever issue…”
I don’t have the exact location where it can be found but if I recall correctly it’s somewhere in the Data Series. It’s the only Hubbard quote worth remembering (and with his history he probably “borrowed” it from someone) and the only piece of the “tech” that really works.
Use this good people (especially the OSA net nannies reading this as well as fence-sitter types) and you will be well served.
Lolol!! “LOOK, DON’T LISTEN”. Yup that’s’ our cult, alright. And speaking of “OSA net nannies”, wouldn’t it be a hoot if they installed a Mary Poppins-like creature that would pop up on the cult blog as an indicator that something unacceptable was just posted? OMG, I suspect endless fun for us is on the horizon with this.
(For anyone wondering: too long; didn’t read 🙂 )
Congrats, an many more victories and people out an fear lessening.
That’s another thing – who has the time, inclination, or attention span to read all the shit scientologists have to just in order to function as a scientologist? Gaaaad! Don’t they know that spirituality is about BEING???
Not talking, thinking, contextualizing, judging, fearing and dreading how they could lose their “eternity.” How the cult still pulls that one over on them, just amazes me.
It’s easy. Gallons of kool-aid.
Gallons? They have underground storage areas filled with Kool-Ade! You can never have too much Kool-Ade…
They have a huge underground facility in New Mexico to store the stuff so the future humans of earth can have a good guzzle too. Makes ya dry reach hey?
Wow, Alice, are you trying to say that you have other fish to fry?
So many rules.
Basically, you cannot say/communicate anything 🙂
Well, duh! It is Scientology!
I especially love the guidelines “Keep an open mind — you are more likely to learn something from those you disagree with” and “character assassins not welcome.”
Given the gestapo attack methods they all allow their Dear Leader to employ every time a dissenter speaks out about the cult, these scientologists are pretty precious.
A question: “Ensure your comments align with HCOB 12 Mar 69 II, PHYSICALLY ILL PCs AND PRE-OTs.” Does this mean that clears and OTs do not have physical illnesses? Cause rules for them aren’t mentioned?
Also, regarding the whole shebang, what on earth is left to post about? Wins and quotations from LRH? It seems like scientologists are already inundated with that.
Wondering if there will be an inexplicable (unbelievable) number of scientologists who join this group, thus ‘proving’ that there are so many more people in Scientology that the outside world admits.
Talk about stat push!
What about pushing stats?
Liz Breckow , generally, what that reference says is that if they’re sick, then send them to an M.D. But, in reality, at least while I was there, that didn’t really happen unless it was something obvious, like a broken leg or maybe a rash covering your whole body…
Was the First Anendment waived for Scientology?
Yes they waived the 1st amendment for the Church . After all, they are above the laws of the land, LOL.
Nah. It’s just that the Constitution is nothing but wog laws that
Scientologists don’t have to obey.
They don’t need no stinkin’ Wog laws! They’re above all that shit.
Must be why they stand in the way at St. James Palace when the Grenadiers are coming off guard duty and yelling MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEENS GUARD!
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing, Mike. I have a few questions if I may.
What does “keep your manners in”. Mean? Don’t be rude?
Also Mike is this for individual members Facebook or is this for Scientology Facebook page? I don’t have Facebook so I’m not sure how it works.
Also I think I saw in there that they have “thousands” in this group ….seriously you think that’s true?
Marie. If you want to get immersed in some of the background of scientology, I recommend “Surviving Scientology” podcast. Jeffrey Augustine deep dives into a lot of background with a bunch of different people and takes care to try to define all the arcane scientology terms. There’s actually a podcast which addresses the “keep your manners in” policy.
But for your immediate edification, HCOPL 30 May ’71 is a three page policy written by LRH which scientologists must study which explains basically that you are not supposed to be rude but he takes 3 pages to tell you that.
Here is an example of the last few paragraphs of the blather, which I find humorous because if you read any scientology promo, or the observe the way they continually harass and undervalue the importance of those they deal with, as most things scientology-related, it is blatantly obvious that they do not even follow the basic premise of even the last few paragraphs of this policy which to which they pretend to adhere.
Page 3 HCOPL 30 May ’71
A funny example was a letter writer who without preamble or reason told people to buy a multi-thousand dollar package without even an explanation of its use or value. Response zero. No comm line. He was writing to a name but not really to anyone.
In social intercourse a comm cycle must be established before any acceptance of the speaker can occur. Then one might get across a message.
Good manners require a two way comm cycle. This is even true of social letters and phone calls.
Out of this one gets “telling the hostess good night as one leaves”
One really has to understand the two way comm cycle to have really good manners.
Without a two way comm cycle, PR is pretty poor stuff.
If an American Indian’s ritual of conference was so exact and complex, if a thousand other primitive races had precise social conduct and forms of address, then it is not too much to ask modem man to have good manners as well.
But “good manners” are less apparent in our times than they once were. This comes about because the intermingling of so many races and customs has tended to destroy the ritual patterns once well established in the smaller units.
So one appears to behold a sloppy age of manners.
This is no excuse to have bad manners.
One can have excellent manners by just observing:
(a) Importance of people
(b) 2 Way Comm Cycle
(c) Local rituals observed as proper conduct.
These are the first musts of a PR man or woman.
On that foundation can be built an acceptable PR presence that makes PR succeed.
Incredible. if all the Cult of Scientology ever did in all their dealings was observe a, b & c, they could have succeeded.
I am certain that all 17 people on Jojo’s lines are fully in agreement with and abide by these common sense rules and regulations. Spiritual freedom is in good hands with these folks.
The FB Scientologists group where Jo Jo is an admin has approx. 15,000 members. Must be a lot UTR
Basing by the screen shots that “accidentally” sneak out of that group, my bet is more out than in. Poor Jo Jo
LDW, that’s so unfair. I’m sure at least 20 people are following Jo Jo.
Oh jeezus- I’m a bit allergic to too many rules and being in Scientology and the sea org made my distaste even greater. Their rules are SO OBNOXIOUS!
Nada, you’re breaking the rules! And I think it’s great! Keep it up! I know I will.
Can I break the rules too?
Hell yes you can! You wouldn’t break the rules…you’d crush them!
Congrats on the big win! And I admit, I paused for a second reading this before I saw the just kidding!
Would you please comment on the similarities of Scientology and practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses? Specifically, if they are generally known as a cult also. Please…need help
No. JW’s are not a cult and in no way resemble Scientologists. I have known and studied with many over the years and found them to be truly Christian. My only reservations with them was some of their beliefs, but never did they pressure me to ‘join’ and certainly NEVER asked for money. I am now a practicing solitary Wiccan and still count some JW’s among my friends. I know they can be ‘annoying’ knocking on doors, but if I had never let them in, I would never have learned the truth about them or learned to appreciate them.
Ann Marie the watchtower is definitely a cult. You will never learn truth about them
until you are one as I was for 14 years. If you don’t believe everything the “Society” spews out then you are out. Same mind control different name.
“I am now a practicing solitary Wiccan…”. That’s interesting. I’m making an informal study of the Wiccans. Could you recommend a book or two? I’ve always been fascinated by philosophies dating back to before Judeo-Christian times, philosophies based on nature, like Druidism, for example. Really interesting!
You can find some excellent LRH quotes on this in HCOPL 32 August 2525. Haha. Seriously, there are some excellent videos on u tube that address this very issue. Chris Shelton has at least one and there are some by former JWs. Lloyd Evans, an ex JW has done a particularly good one called Salvation, Shame, and Shunning. He compares it to scientology in a couple of places. Chris Shelton does several comparisons of scn with JWs and with the Mormans. If you hit the search (magnifying glass) button and enter Chris Shelton Jehovah’s Witness, you should be able to find them.
This may help.
There is a lot of info out there.
Whoa! Just checked out Newcomer’s link. I’d advise everyone to take a look.
Thanks, Newc. Interesting information on this link.
My take is the problems in most faith based religions has to do with asking questions and disagreements.
Scientology is a faith based religion. Anyone who agrees with the absurd statement “all critics have criminal pasts” is a true believer. It’s an absurd concept and only faith and belief can consider this reasonable and logical. It’s absolutely absurd!
Ideologies that do not allow doubt, criticism, scrutiny and consider themselves the “only one true path” are essentially the same in approach.
Jehova’s Witness consider themselves the “only one true Christianity” and all others are of the devil or are wrong in their biblical interpretation.
Scientologists consider themselves the one true path. All others are not legitimate.
I’ve isolated characteristics of closed minded religions to this simplicity:
1) they consider themselves the “only way”
2) they consider not believing their dogma to lead to some form of eternal damnation.
3) they consider those who disagree or follow another path to be influenced by some form of evil.
These three tenets can be found in all closed minded religious thought clubs.
In India, all paths to God are valid. They have a term: unity in diversity. It’s like the American E Pluribus Unum: out of the many – one.
Western religions usually have an “only way, eternal damnation” doctrine.
Eastern thought and religions do not have this destructive egotistical dogma.
Hi Karen. Please Google John Cedars and check out his You Tube channel. You will find a lot on information there. And then can make up your own mind on this. He has even done a comparison between Scientology and JWs. I wish you well and hope this helps.
I struggled to make it through to the end of their guidelines. I read the guidelines for this blog with ease. I also like how you’re free to disagree with others and that we are asked to keep an open mind. Pretty big difference between these two guidelines. Isn’t it pretty clear which one offers the most “Freedom”?
By jove, Mick, I think you’ve got it!
You mean the rain in Spain really does fall mainly on the plains? Well I’ll be…
“This Cult’s insane
And going right down
The Drain”
That’s the only line I’ve got. If you’re in the mood, take it from here, Moxie 🙂
As a “never in” I also struggled to make it through to the end of the guidelines. As I was reading them, I thought I would have never been a good Scientologist-too many rules and guidelines to know and act accordingly. They would have gladly ex-communicated me. (after taking all my money). The guidelines actually made my head spin a little. I am sad that those in Scientology actually believe it is a “church” and religion. I am thankful I can talk to my God anytime, anywhere through prayer. No rules, no guidelines and no money. I enjoy your responses to some of the blogs. Very insightful and thought provoking.
So in other words, you can post a picture of a flower or a rock as long as there is an accompanying LRH quote. Oh, that may have to be a pic of a tomato with electrodes hooked up to it.
Make sure rat the tomato pic has Ron holding an e-meter.
I wonder if the Fatman auditing the tomato has I/A? lol
Sorry, that picture doesn’t have Issue Authority it contains LRH. Go do your A to E (or A&E if you prefer). Buh Bye.
I’ll go with A&E.
You and your cult look like it is good for one more face lift and a few rounds of fillers before the parishioners put a fork in it.
OMG Mike, how will I Ever finish your Guidelines by Thurs @ 2:00pm?! Toothbrushes ready for my dumpster scrub. Love & Hugs to you & Christie & those handsome young men.?