To Mr. David Miscavige COB RTC
Günther Völler Public Scientologist 13 November 2013
My name is Günther Völler. I became a member of the Church of Scientology in 1987 at Bern Org, later at Zurich Org, Switzerland.
From the very first moment, I developed an intense interest in reading, studying, learning and applying the teachings of Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.
I wanted to go up The Bridge, and I wanted to help others do so as well.
Throughout the years, I have taken many courses and received a lot of auditing, becoming a Class IV auditor, Ethics Specialist, a graduate of the PTS/SP course,Volunteer Minister, and also completed the Basics Books and Lectures.
I am on New OT VII, a Patron of the IAS, and a contributor to Basel/Zurich-Org , libraries.
I have learned much and I have great gains from my involvement with Scientology. I have the utmost respect and gratitude to LRH, and to all the staff across the globe that selflessly dedicate their lives to help others, and the many devoted public who have helped so much.
I am first and foremost a Scientologist; i.e.:
“One who betters the conditions of himself and the conditions of others by using Scientology technology.” LRH, Aud 73.
I have made it a practice to adopt stable data as I learned them in Scientology and found them to be workable and true. One Stable datum I adopted early on from The Code of Honor is:
“Never compromise with your own reality.”
Another one, is : “Look, don’t listen.”
I took these and many other data to heart and I used them as guide posts in my life every day.
“WHAT IS TRUE FOR YOU is what you have observed yourself.
And when you lose that, you have lost everything.
What is personal integrity?
Personal integrity is knowing what you know
…And to have the courage to know and say what you have observed.
… And sufficient personal belief and confidence in self
And courage that we can observe what we observe
And say what we have observed.
Nothing in Dianetics and Scientology is true for you
Unless you have observed it
And it is true according to your observation.
That is all” Ability, Issue 125 February 1961(Tech Vol. VI, p. 23)
In following the above I must state I have found Scientology to be true. I have found LRH to speak the truth. I have also found to be true that from current and former members of our church, telling a sad tale of abuse, alteration and misapplication of the Tech, heavy-handed ethics, malfeasance, lies, out-ethics, extortion, blackmail, harassment, enforced realities and just plain viciousness.
Furthermore, I take responsibility for it happening in the first place. My communication to you today is more about an objective view of the current state of affairs in our church.
As I understand it, you are the complete leader and decision maker for our church. I also understand that all projects, programs, etc., are under your direct control and that you order and approve all of them. In other words, you run everything in the church.
Every Scientologist knows without a doubt that you are The Boss.
This is an important point, because as LRH said: “The primary aberration in situations that are being mishandled is: “The person is unable to recognize Source.” HCOPL 23 April 1965, Issue3, Problems.
Well, I do recognize that you are Source. Not as Source of Scientology, of course. But as Source of everything that is happening with the church today.
Here are some points:
1. The Ideal Org strategy is flawed and it is in violation of LRH’s policy
1.1: Public all over the world are being pushed to donate, in many cases beyond their means, for the purchase of large and expensive buildings and their lavish renovations. This is wrong on so many fronts it is appalling.
1.2: This violates the three conditions of existence, BE, DO, HAVE, and it creates a Must -have before we can do or be. I often read promo promising “the Ideal Org will boom the Org.” This is just not true and it is observable at the existing Ideal Orgs, which have not expanded in terms of new public, more students and more PCs.
1.3: The Ideal Org strategy shifts the focus of importance from Service to a building.
1.4: The Ideal Org strategy extracts “donations” from public, reducing their resources and ability to donate for their own Bridge. In many extreme cases, they end up saddled with a huge debt that totally removes any hope of ever being able to “go OT.”
1.5: “All Orgs must go Ideal” even violates the most basic and common sense principles of business. Many of the Orgs are not viable, have not enough staff, nor students or PCs, and are, quite obviously, floundering and empty of public. Yet, they are being ordered to expand into quarters much larger and much more expensive to maintain, before they have the natural need to expand into larger quarters.
These are some LRH references on this matter, which I am sure you are familiar with, but choose to ignore:
“We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters….Don’t get interested in real estate. “Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.” Tape: The Genus of Scientology Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress 31 December 1960
“…In twenty years an enormous amount of experience has been gained regarding the quarters and housing of orgs. From this experience there are only a few clear -cut lessons. These follow:
A. VIABILITY of the org… is the first and foremost consideration… not how posh or what repute or what image.
C. Image is a secondary consideration.
HCO PL 23 Sept 1970 Quarters, Policy Regarding –Historical
“…So little by little, using donations you give us for your service, your training and your processing, we create little by little areas of sanity.” LRH The Auditor #51, 1970 What Your Donations Buy
“If the org slumps…don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money.Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology.It has always failed.“For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’.
Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented pens or fund- raising barbeques.”
HCO PL 24 February 1964, Issue II Org Programming (OEC Vol. 7, p. 930)
2. You are lying to the public with stories of “Unprecedented Expansion”by using squirrel stats in violation of LRH’s policy.
LRH emphasized time and again that there is only one way to gauge the expansion of Scientology:
“The most direct observation in an org (or a country) is statistics. These tell of production. They measure what is done. It cannot be said too often that management is best done by statistics….Run only by statistics.” HCOPL 5 February 1970 Statistics, Management by (OEC Vol. 7, p. 514)
“Stat management is the only kind of management you can do on a production scene. Management by statistics was brought to a fine art in Scientology admin tech. To discredit it is, of course, to court failure. HCO PL 20 September 1976 -1Org Series 35-1, Stat Push Clarified (OEC Vol. 0, p. 696)
“By actual experience working and managing in many activities, I can state flatly that the most dangerous worker-manager thing to do is to work or manage from something else than statistics.” HCO PL 7 July 1970 Data Series 14, Working and Managing (OEC Management Series Vol. 1, p. 68)
“Therefore the only organization that is a sound organization is one WHOSE EVERY ACTIVITY can be tabulated by statistics.” HCO PL 13 March 1965, Issue III The Structure of Organization—What Is Policy (OEC Vol. 7, p. 660)
“NEVER RUN OR MANAGE BY ANYTHING BUT STATS.” HCO PL 15 April 1982, Issue IIFinance Series 29, The Counting of Gross Income (OEC Management Series Vol. 2, p. 374)
LRH clearly lays out the 2 major stats for Scientology Orgs:
“Orgs have only 2 major final valuable products. One is well trained auditors. The other is satisfied pcs. …Tech and Admin policy exist only to assist making these two products IN VOLUME.” LRH ED 131 INT Life Repair Block 8 December 1970 (OEC Vol. 4, p. 145)
“The product of an org is well taught students and thoroughly audited pcs.” HCO PL 17 June 1970RB KSW Series 5R, Technical Degrades (OEC Vol. 0, p. 14)
“The individual statistic of any organization (except SH) is: HOW MANY TRAINED AUDITORS EXIST IN ITS AREA.
The individual statistic of Saint Hill is: HOW MANY TRAINED AUDITORS ARE THERE IN THE WORLD.” HCO PL 4 October 1967, Issue IAuditor and Org Individual Stats (OEC Vol. 4, p. 118)
The training of auditors is, therefore, the single most important activity in scientology, and its statistic is the single strongest indicator of the success or of Scientology management. But you don’t give any stats on these!
LRH also spells out, in numerous policies and bulletins, why auditor training is the senior product of all orgs and a must for all Scientologists:
“When you, as an auditor, accomplish your mission with a single preclear, you increase your confidence and your general ability, you increase your capability and what you can do for the universe at large and you win.” The Auditor, 1968 You As An Auditor (Tech Vol. VIII, p. 169)
“Getting to be an excellent auditor is a must if one merely wishes to live. But one dynamic isn’t enough. It takes all the dynamics to make a freedom. Therefore, to be Clear is not enough. To be a cleared auditor and to handle and audit people is a must if we wish to be totally free.” Ability Mag., Issue #72 Late April, 1958 (Tech Vol. IV, p. 329)
“As an auditor you can do something about life, you can confront it and have a much wider, broader view of life and people than any person, regardless of their state of case, who is not an auditor.” The Auditor, 1968 You As An Auditor (Tech Vol. VIII, p. 169)
“It is surely, surely true that nobody will make OT without training.” HCO P/L 17 March 1965 Issue I Clearing and Training (OEC Vol. 4, p. 614)
The system you replace it with is made up of unquantifiable generalities (“broad-scale impact out there”,”every ethnic, religious, and national concern on Earth”), and therefore cannot be managed by an actual statistic.
3.You have squelched the self determinism of Scientologists in violation of LRH’s policy
Since the earliest days of Dianetics and Scientology, LRH has emphasized integrity and self‐determinism as qualities central to a being. After LRH’s departure in the mid 1980s, however, more and more actions once considered a matter of personal choice be came the object of orders and threats.
Following your inspection of the Solo NOTs line at Flag in 2005, and again in 2006, a series of FSO EDs were published . Each added a new item to the growing list of “mandatories”, especially for Solo NOTs auditors:
Mandatory event attendance:
“Flag Scientologists are counted upon to attend all International Scientology events—no exceptions.” FSO ED 8763 17 April 2007
Mandatory FSMing:
“Get 2 people onto Solo NOTs. When at Flag for your six‐month check, you will be asked about this by your MAA and what we are looking for is compliance.” FSO ED 8782 24 May 2007
Mandatory IAS Patron status:
“That’s why… you must become a PATRON OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS. This is the minimum expected status.” FSO ED 8432 18 January 2006
These are in addition to previous orders for mandatory OT Committee membership and mandatory Ideal Org participation.
The actual ethical requirements for Clears and OTs are covered in such policies as An Open Letter to All Clears and OT Courses. Neither these nor any other LRH reference tell the pre‐OT how he must contribute in order to be eligible for OT Levels. By issuing these and other “mandatories” you actually invalidated those of us who willingly were contributing. Furthermore, you made it a crime for OTs not to attend the International events.
LRH states:
“… if a person is doing his job…ethics is considered to be in and the person is protected by Ethics.” HCO PL 1 September 1965, Issue VII Ethics Protection (OEC Vol. 0, p. 502)
“Orders only occur where responsibility has failed.” HCO PL 23 January 1968 Orders and Responsibility (OEC Vol. 0, p. 139)
4. You have burdened OTs with excessive and unwarranted eligibilities and sec checks in violation of LRH policy
You invented the six ‐month refreshers for Solo NOTs auditors inwhich everyone gets sec‐checked. This is a blanket C/S for all the people on Solo NOTs and violates the following LRH policy:
“Therefore, to handle any uncertainty anyone might have on the subject, what CAN and what CANNOT be delivered at any point within the No-Interference Zone and its two flanking areas has now been laid out very specifically here.This is vital data that orgs of all levels and missions must have and duplicate well, as it is up to every unit deliver the tech to ensure that the No-Interference Area is correctly enforced. HCOB 23.Dec.1971RA ( will send to you on request)
But what about a case who is out-ethics and not making progress due to continuous overts and withholds or, even worse, undisclosed overts or crimes against Scientology? Such a case won’t make any progress until these are gotten off. A person who is NCG, nattery, critical or otherwise exhibiting O/Ws or out ethics must be handled so that he can make case gains.
A pre-OT who is running well and making case gain should not be interrupted” HCOB 8 March 1982
Confessionals and The Non Interference Zone.When pre-OTs that are running well and making case gain on Solo NOTs get interrupted and pulled in to FLAG for a “refresher,” at a great cost I may add, the purpose of HCO Sec Checks and the principle of inspection before the fact are also violated:
“The statement ‘I am not auditing you’ only occurs when a Confessional is done for justice reasons… (By ‘justice reasons’ is meant when a person is refusing to come clean on a Comm Ev, B of I, etc., or as part of a specific HCO investigation when the person is withholding data or evidence from such HCO personnel).” HCOB 30 November 78R Confessional Procedure (Tech Vol. XI, p. 359)
“The basic flaw in organization is INSPECTION BEFORE THE FACT. That means inspection before anything bad has happened.
Violations are so harmful that they destroy every great civilization —the Roman, the British, the lot. For every flow is slowed or stopped….Passports, customs, safety regulations, general government interference before anything bad has occurred, add up to a SUPPRESSIVE SOCIETY and therefore, soon enough, a dead one.Penalty after the fact has occurred disciplines the criminals and does not pull down the majority to criminal level.” HCO PL 6 February 1968 Organization The Flaw (OEC Vol. 0, p. 666.)
5. You have degraded Study Tech in violation of LRH policy.
There is extensive data on the subject of study and we all understand the importance of applying it properly and leaving no misunderstood words in our studies. LRH states:
“To clear a word, one looks it up in a good dictionary.” HCOB 23 March 1978RB Word Clearing Series 59 Clearing Words (Tech Vol. XI, p. 95)
“Any word you come across which fits one or more of the above definitions of a misunderstood word or symbol must be cleared up, using a good-sized dictionary or more than one dictionary or textbook or encyclopedia.” HCOB 17 July 1979RB, Issue I Word Clearing Series 64RB—The Misunderstood Word Defined (Subject Vol. 2, p. 315)
“A Supervisor who…lets students study without dictionaries and demo kits…and does not fully apply study tech and use Word Clearing is of course suppressive and should be declared, as he is actively blocking Scientologists from having and benefiting from Scientology.” HCO PL 30 October 1978R Courses, Their Ideal Scene (OEC Vol. IV, p. 424)
You however, know better, of course:
“These glossaries are so good, you don’t even need a dictionary.”
On the release of the Congresses at the LRH Birthday celebration,March13, 2005; same claim repeated at the Basics release, June 20.
You have arbitrarily added prerequisite courses to Auditor training lengthening the time it takes to produce auditors in violation of LRH policy.
When you announced the release of the new Professional TRs Course you also made it a prerequisite for all Academy training. This is just the first in a growing list of prerequisites to auditor training. Others to follow include the new Upper Indocs Course (1991), the new Pro Metering Course (1996), and the Basics (2007).
The effects of an increasingly elongated runway to auditor training are well covered by LRH:
“We’ve had the datum for some time that a student too long on the runway is going to lose the spark and zeal he started out with.” “New, shorter Level 0-IV checksheets have just been issued. Each checksheet has been stripped down to the key materials the student needs in order to audit that level. Starrates and twin checkouts are not given on these courses.
“The emphasis is on the basics, with tough drilling of the student on the skills of the level he’s studying—and then getting him in the chair!”
LRH ED 299 INT 28 September 1978 The End of Endless Training (OEC Vol. 4, p. 419)
6.You invented the “Golden Age of Tech” in violation of LRH policy.
In 1996, with training statistics already faltering worldwide, you released your first major solution to the problem—the Golden Age of Tech. It was here that you announced your now-famous Why:
“The blind have been leading the blind.”
This Why denigrates earlier training, even though the tens of thousands of staff and public who trained during this time period did so on LRH-written (or LRH-approved) checksheets— often with LRH directly on the line.
To this day, you continue to characterize auditors trained prior to 1996 as blind, lost, and deficient in their understanding of Scientology, including the ones trained by LRH. LRH, however, felt otherwise:
“Excellent auditor training is now in the reach of every Academy.” HCO PL 26 May 1961 Issue II KSW Series 2, Quality Counts (OEC Vol. 0, p. 16)
“With what we know now, there is no student we enroll who cannot be properly trained.” HCOPL 7 February 1965 Keeping Scientology Working (OEC Vol. 0, p. 7)
“It takes me about 3 or 4 weeks to get an auditor through his course and doing a good flubless job.” HCOB 16 August 1972 C/S Series 84, Flubless C/Sing (Tech Vol. X, p. 198)
“The extremely high caliber of auditor we are turning out is causing gasps of amazement whenever these fine graduates return into an area.” HCOB 8 March 1962 The Bad “Auditor” (Tech Vol. VI, p. 452)
“…The vast majority of auditors have a high professional conscience and are willing to study, drill and do everything possible to perfect their tech.” HCOB 22 January 1977 KSW Series 21, In-Tech, The Only Way to Achieve It (Tech Vol. XI, p. 13)
“Auditors do by and large a pretty fine job.” HCOB 22 July 1963 Issue III Org Technical HGC Processes and Training (Tech Vol. VII, p. 236)
“We are and always have been in the business of training auditors. We can now do so moreswiftly and efficiently than ever.” LRH ED 299 INT, 28 September 1978 The End of Endless Training (OEC Vol 4, pg 419)
Therefore it is my conclusion, that you, David Miscavige, are a full‐blown suppressive, SP, LRH says“a real monster,” and that you are the one responsible for the decline of the Church and the general unhappiness that exists among the staff and public. It’s easily explainable: you are an SP, the staff and public are PTS to you.
So what is the purpose of this letter?
Firstly to tell you that I am hereby resigning from you and the Church, means that I no longer support you, because you have managed to hijack it and have turned it into a squirrel group. Handling from within is not possible, as you have really made the entire area very PTS.
I am not, however resigning from Scientology. I am a firm believer of the philosophy and in fact I am applying it here,now. I will forever be a staunch defender of Scientology and will do my best to keep KSW in.
I am joining the group of Independent Scientologists, which is in fact thriving and truly expanding, and where delivery of LRH Standard Tech, is a reality. So, like many others before me, I go.
If a ruler rules, well assist him
If he rules with violence
Do not assist him
And let that be
His penalty.
Hymn of Asia by L.Ron Hubbard
Günther Völler
And Miscavige glared around the office and said: “You! You over there. Write this poor deluded son-of-a-bitch some kind of answer, wouldja’? I got more important stuff to do. Make sure he sends money!”
hahaha…it would sound likte this.
Hello again. I’ve been checking back to see if you’d answered my question yet. As you have not I’ll ask the specific part again:
You wrote about the ‘look, don’t listen’ datum.
My words to you would be that if you truly, truly believe this then you must read Bare Faced Messiah, or A Piece Of Blue Sky. (Have you read any of these and if yes what did you think and if no why not, and would you?)
If, as you say you do, you truly believe in ‘look,don’t listen’ you surely have, or will read these.
Have you read them?
Hello again, so i`ll answer you your question. I hear the first time of this books you mentioned in earlier mail. Why i should read such stuff? I have found my own way with that philosophy and i`m happy at all with this. There is no reason nor time to read this those days.
Truth Revealed times 10X…High 5 for your write up.
Welcome Günther! Congratulations to your courage and your integrity.
Grüezi Kurt,
You are NR. 5
🙂 🙂 🙂
The dwarf knows all that … wasn’t born yesterday.
He also knows he can fabricate virtually any project/target he likes out of thin air whether even if it’s out-tech or off-policy, corner the parishioners with threats, urgency, planetary aberration and loss of eternity to clean out their wallets. He does it because it’s doable. And there is nothing you can do about except leave and make some noise out here. Not a secret any longer, everyone knows, but he keeps on going with the money-machine anyways because he can.
Scientology used to be available at the church, now the show has moved out into the indie zone.
You’re a courageous man, Gunther. Welcome!
Congratulations on your truly healthy and rational cognitions, your beautiful and comprehensive write-up, and for joining the Independent Scientologists!
Thank you for calling out DM for being an SP, and for the blow you are making against the enemy. You are very welcome here with the Indies, who are flourishing and prospering. Thank you for having tje courage to be here.
My greatest thrill from your letter is from knowing of your wins with the Tech. You studied, learned and applied it. You helped yourself with what you knew that worked, and helped may, many others as well! Thank you for this, for your integrity. With this letter you are without a doubt helping many others once again.
I respect you and applaud you.
A Standing Ovation to you for writing this so well!!!!!!
With all the outnesses noted it is still a bit short sighted to blame the dwindling of Scientology on David Miscavage alone. Plenty of us granted him the beingness he openly flaunts. He had no bonafide Tech terminal introduce GAT II because he’s bending the tech to his will, failed auditor that he is. (He has never completed an internship. Senior C/S Int is in the Hole. DM didn’t invent the Hole. LRH did that long ago on the Apollo. The real question is why don’t the senior execs rise up and just walk out of there? That’s all they have to do. They are imprisoning themselves now. If DM were out tomorrow what’s to keep another dictator from taking his privileged place and making things even worse?
Grüezi Günter,
I had a really big relief this morning when I read your name on this blog and I’m very pleased to meet you here among prosper and flourishing independent Scientologists. I’m a frequent reader of this blog here but comments from Swiss Scientologists are a rarity, unfortunately. Perhaps you remember me when we studied together in the Zurich Org. in the beginning of the 90’s. Since 2009 I’m definitely out of the Miscavology game and I feel very happy out in freedom with the use of genuine Scientology technology. I can guarantee you, that you will experience a lot of decompression in the next few month and years out here in the independent field, enjoy it. Thank you for the courage and your integrity and for your straightforward words to DM, although I don’t’ think that he has the intellect to grasp the content. I hope a lot of other Scientologists will open their eyes and wake up NOW to do the unavoidable steps as we did.
Kurt Gfeller
Firstly you put your point across very well & your letter was v interesting and I know it must have been daunting to write. I have to challenge you on one aspect though.
You wrote about the ‘look, don’t listen’ datum.
My words to you would be that if you truly, truly believe this then you must read Bare Faced Messiah, or A Piece Of Blue Sky. (Have you read any of these and if yes what did you think and if no why not, and would you?)
Otherwise, quite simply, factually, you don’t. I don’t mean this to offend or to be rude. It is just my experience that for virtually all scientologists, indie or not, this ‘look, don’t listen’only seems to be applied where it’s safe, which defeats its own meaning.
However it is also my experience that Hubbard said this but didn’t mean it as it is proven that when people ‘looked’ instead of just ‘listening’ to him, and found discrepancies that they then brought up, they were punished.
I believe in your right and anyone’s right to be a scientologist, indie or otherwise, but I also believe that a person should explore and read counter arguments & criticism of their religion so as to question & explore their own beliefs. Otherwise all the data hasn’t been explored.
I myself am a Christian, but I’ve read all of Dawkins books and others like him and enjoy the exploration of my own faith that it provokes.
Hope to hear a reply.
Well done, Günther!
Some of the points you mentioned I had not seen as outpoints personally — but since you mentioned them and since I have left corporate SCN, see them now as such.
Therefore, you are commended for your courage, your summary submitted here and for the future contribution to the well-being of people you might touch!
Thanks for publishing your letter to David Miscavige. I know how much courage that kind of letter can require. It is not an easy thing to face, ones own history in scientology, as well as what scientology is actually doing.
Michael Leonard Tilse
Very well done Gunther, welcome!!! And enjoy fully your new freedom!
It is a great write up, and I would like to point out that it is actually a short, almost word by word version of the incredible “Letter from Garcia” from November 2010, that created the 1st major earthquake in the Indie/Scientology world. And as Luis Garcia seems too humble to mention it directly in his comment here, I will, as the credit to him, strangely, is missing. This letter can be linked to in this blogs home page. I recommend all those who are not familiar with it to read it, and get the full extraordinary version.
Good luck Gunther, and all the best,
Gunther, thank you for this well-communicated summary of the major outpoints in the Church of Scientology under COB RTC David Miscavige.
Welcome Günther!! Thank you for speeking out loud 🙂
There may be some who cannot see whats going on. Many are PTS. But your certainly not one of them. Your sanity and good will comes through loud and clear. Excellent obnosis Gunthur. I am quite certain your write up with help others as you intend it to do. .
Well-written summary of outpoints that eventually most org staff will see as obvious. As someone once said: We don’t need a new order, all orders have been filled.
Please read Tony Ortega’s latest post about Scientology’s repulsive “ethics” and snap out of it. L Ron Hubbard was evil, evil, evil.
It will take great courage to admit that you have wasted decades of your life by following Hubbard, but doing so would be a noble triumph of your spirit.
You believe everything you read?
A grat man once said:
What is true for you is what you have observed yourself.
It is a good writeup.
However there have been DOZENS of similar write-ups over the past few decades, all very noble sounding and well documented with appropriate references from Ron.
The reason these write-ups do not change anything is that Scientology is a tyranny. It has always been a tyranny. It will always be a tyranny. It was designed that way from the beginning. The behavior now being displayed is the inevitable outcome of a tyranny, made worse by the length of time the current tyrant has been allowed to get away with it, thus emboldening him.
That’s the problem with tyranny.
It’s tyrannical.
And like all bad politics, it only feels like bad politics, when one is on the wrong side of it.
Is there a ‘right’ side of insanity?
Great job, Gunther
Thank you very much for your beautiful write-up and welcome out!
The Scientology diaspora continues to florish.
Amazing letter, Gunter…thanks for this…you demonstate such strength and courage…I too have resigned from the church…with this letter I am sure you have helped many more people.
Great write up! Congratulations to you for coming forward. This will help many!
Bravo Gunther,
Very well stated letter to Der Goof Ball
Mental image picture of a boy with his finger in a hole in the dam. Thanks for pulling your finger out Gunther. Now the pent-up energy of those others wanting to leave can follow your great example leading them OUT! It’s really nice out here….welcome.
Excellent resignation letter. Congratulations, Gunther. 🙂
Great essay. Too bad Miscavige is too arrogant and too squirrel to read it. The only thing I would add to it would be to send Miscavige directly to the RPF.
Der Midget will not read it.
Too many large words and no obscenities!
Here is a Davey friendly translation….
!!!! Hahahahahah!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!
Pls. post a German declaration here:
Utzi will be busy again and be playing 007 !
It is on the way to this adresse already.
Thanks for help.
Love Günther
Gruezi Günther
Very insteresting your declaration.
It looks like that SWITZERLAND is awakening.
You’re the 4th Swiss declaring his independence. I hope your wife is with you, I’m pretty sure she is.
I haven’t been in contact with Zurich field now for over 3 years !
Just curious about how things are going there and who will be next !
Hallo Roger,
thanks for your ACk. Unfortunately i`m divorced, so my wife is still 100% on the CO$ side.
May the day will come that she would change….
Love, Günther
That’s a brilliant and succint letter, Mr Voeller. Do you have it in German as well? If this were published on a German blog it could help undecided readers to become clear on what is going on.
Fascinating. Gunther’s trying to apply logic to something illogical. That will never work.
Well said Gúnther! (That’s as close to an umlaut as I could find on my keyboard). Miscavige is the biggest enemy Scientology ever had. He will get his comeuppance – in a way he is already. His life is a living hell and no amount of 5 star restaurants, customized motorcycles, empty cathedrals or tanning beds will ease his suffering. If he just pissed off and went to live in a cave somewhere he would probably find more personal tranquility than he has known so far in his life.
He probably gets dozens of these type of letters every year. He knows he’s squirrelling it up, been told that for well over 20 years and all he does is keep making it worse. As long as the money keeps rolling in, that’s all he cares about, everything else such as training … merely window dressing. There is no way he is doing this for the good of the church, because it’s not good for the church. Consequently he must have a very personal interest such as commissions he receives to keep these donation rackets going probably until the church has been run into the ground. Then, exit-stage-left.
You did the right thing coming into the independent field bringing your Scientology contributions with you, cause it ain’t happening anywhere else. So, a very emphatic welcome.
VWD und Welcome!
You’ve done a beautiful job articulating the reasoning and conclusions so many of us have privately thought. I hope your write up reaches many friends and will serve to educate and encourage many more to make a stand.
Excellent! Happy to read this, Gunther. What a great letter.
Hello Gunther,
Very well done to you for speaking up, for your courage and honesty.
You are welcome to the group of loyal Scientologists!
Dani Lemberger, Dror Center
Stick your inval where the sun don’t shine, Whitestar.
Benjamin already said that you said what he thinks. Make that two of us. This is a very calm and factual statement of where it is at with regards to the COS and exactly describes my sentiments and viewpoint as a Scientologist, too.
Thank you, and welcome to the true group called Independent Scientologists.
Thank you. This letter is every bit as important as Debbie Cook’s letter. I would love to see the contents mailed out to all Co$ still-ins. It could save some of them.
I agree with everything said here, further I believe everyone inside Scientology are depending on those outside of Scientology to get them out of this trap.
LRH never created a trap but warned many time that Scientology could be made a trap.
It is apparent we will loose quite a few.
Welcome to freedom Gunther. Very nice writeup! I feel such a wonderful sense of kinship with real Scngsts from all over the world, those interested in freedom and truth are coming together.
Thank you, Gunther for your eloquent letter and making it known publicly. You covered all the points. Actually, the out-points.
I wish you the very best and much success.
Is there any way this letter could be printed in the Tampa Bay Times?
Very well observed, very well summarized. Congratulations!
I wonder is Miscavige reads these comments. I’m guessing he does. Especially considering this is Rinder’s blog . . . and he’s the one who out-played, out-shined, out-smarted and outdid DM at the opening of that new Super Failure and made made him the laughing stock of the day, week, month and year. And if you are indeed reading this from the comfort of your silo, Mr. Miscavige, I hope you’re getting the message loud and clear – YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. You’ve been exposed for the manipulative, egotistical coward you really are. It’s out there and there’s no escaping now. Your time is up. The world is tired of you . . . we’ve had enough.
Misbegotten can’t help but read anything said about him. For him, it’s all “glory” and “success”. He’s so far into his valence he has no real idea how very much he is despised everywhere and by everyone except his cowed and/or lied to followers. In an odd way, it truly is the blind leading the blind.
Herr Voller, a brilliant piece. May you go forth and prosper in all things.
Bravo Gunther! I think your letter is in line with Debbie Cook’s, only points out more technicalities. I’m no longer a scientologist, but you hit on all the pertinent points and I admire you for speaking out.
Welcome Gunther, and very well done.
Enjoy the freedom and fresh air.
Thank you Gunther, WELL SAID!
“The pen is mightier than the sword”
Thank you for this wonderful letter Gunther–pure genius and honesty.
you are welcome any time:-)
Wow, well done!
Welcome Gunther! You said it all!! Good job!!
thank you
I’m what you call a “never-in”, but I’m also a close follower of this subject of Scientology. By education, I’m also a sociologist and an avid learner of phenomena such as this. From years of reading here and at other sources, I’m puzzled by something:
The community of people associated with Scientology outside of the corporate CoS (RTC, CST, etc.) is pretty split between those that still adhere to LRH Tech and those that dismiss the whole thing as fraud. That being said, both stripes of detractors of the main body consistently engage in the same spaces mostly harmoniously and direct their animosity at Miscavige, which is certainly deserved. To date, however, I’ve seen no effort to depose him, either legally or physically. It would seem that everyone would welcome this. If a mainline leader of any other non-governmental group was so clearly- as Scientology puts it- an SP, someone would move to oust them. It might take a martyr of some kind, but self-sacrifice seems to be a normally common ideal that might have been stripped out of Scientology.
What would a coup of Miscavige look like? Outside of the inner circle, who might come to his rescue and how would people react in the immediate term after he’d been removed? LRH lived for years in seclusion, communicating in letters, but Miscavige seems to need to be behind a podium a few times a year to be heard. I understand the intellectual isolation of being inside the machine, but surely there’s a brave soul or some shred of self sacrifice to slay the dragon. . .
There is a website called that covers how Scn could be recaptured from the inside. They seem to have some knowledge but I’m not sure what they are actually doing.
thank you.
Beautifully spoken.
thank you its my pleasure at all, also your statments on the blog helped me to open my eyes.Love
Well Gunther you said it all !!!
thanks on you.
Thank you Mr. Voller for taking the time and energy to create such a letter. So many people are in agreement with what you said but haven’t done so for many reasons. Thank you for letting us ride your coat tails on this one.
To David Miscavige and all of his goon squad — I think what Gunther said. So do thousands and thousands more. More than attended your little gathering for Super Power reg TM blah blah….
The Tech will prodect you if apply in life, thank you!
WOW – Mr. Voller. Brilliantly written, I’m in awe.
Mike, thanks for keeping us posted.
Thank you!
Günther, a true Scientologist. Great letter, – worth passing on to everyone inside and outside the Church. The world feels better now, safer. You put pride back into being a Scientologist. Thank you for writing, and thank you Mike for posting it. So very well done. Love it.
My pleasure MAK!!
Wow, Gunther, this is one of the best coming out pieces I have ever seen. You picked just the exact right references to uphold your points and you are succinct and to the point and easy to understand. I am saving this to my word file because I may want to use your references and points in the future. Well Done! Welcome to the sunny side of the street! I am so glad to have you with us!
Well, thank you so much I`m surprised!
Great write-up, the end result of which will probably be this – COB (chairman of the bastardship) must now cancel all those thoughtful references above, and they will surely henceforth have been found to have come from SP’s and not actually from LRH! LOL!
May he make overwork to find his right way back.:-)
Gunther – I appreciate your courage and your willingness to look for yourself. Your write-up here is very well stated and very thorough. You will enjoy your new life outside the influence of DM and find you have many friends. Good wishes for you.
My pleasure for you. That i will enjoy its for shure.
Wow! You said it very well. Thank you Gunther. I had never seen that quote from Hymn of Asia. Never read that book. I haven’t even seen it around for decades. That is one powerful quote. It might go, “If a ruler rules well, assist him.” Thanks again for that.
My pleasure, if you one day read the hymne of asia, you may have like a broderhood to Ron.
LRH quotes are like statistics, you can make them say anything.
For shure I`ll do it.:-)
Gunther, THANK YOU. Perfectly well expressed, clear; done with integrity and truth. You are very welcome to the now called Independent Scientologists, thousands by now around the globe, and wish you success. VWD.
thank you for your warm welcome on Independent Scientologists, I appreciate:-)
Very cool writeup Günther.
Thanks for reading it!
Thank you Gunther. There’s nothing else to say–you said it all, directly and to the man’s face. You do a much better job at compilation of references that he does, that’s for sure. Welcome to the Indie world and may your adventures continue and get even better.
Thank on you for reading it! Its my pleasure.
You have a unique voice that needs to be heard. Congratulations on taking a very courageous step. Hopefully, others will also save themselves and all they have worked for by following you out.
Hopefully read a lot of others Members also, than we got the chance to grow very much.
Welcome Gunther!
Your letter to Miscavige is excellent! It does look very familiar.
Best to you.
Dear Luis,
thank you so much for your letter, it opens my eyes at all, can see very clearly those days.
greeting sto your whole family.
Love, Gunther
BAM! Truth!
Sometimes the truth can be very clear, in this case it is!
thanks on you as well!
ML, Gunther
Well Done Gunther!
thanks on you!