In a new article in the Daily Mail, L. Ron Hubbard’s former son-in-law speaks out for the first time.
This is a bombshell. Knowing as much as I do about the circumstances surrounding Guy, Miscavige, L. Ron Hubbard and scientology, you can be assured he is not making anything up.
You can read the article in the link above. It contains a lot of information that many may not have heard about the Hubbard family.
What I found most revealing though is the cookie-cutter response from scientology. These days they apparently can’t muster much of a defense. It’s very standard stuff. ANd completely unconvincing and does absolutely NOTHING to respond to or refute what Guy says.
Here is their response in summary:
The claims are false. They are old. Guy White “briefly” held an unimportant position until we removed him for malfeasance. He is trying to exploit the “good name” of Hubbard, scientology and Miscavige. Miscavige is holier than the Dalai Lama and the proof of this is the “70 new and expanding” churches he has opened, including two in the last week. Watch scientologyTV. Check out Dave’s website.
Same stuff they churn out about everyone. Just replace Guy’s name with mine or any number of others who have recounted similar events.
It is VERY lame. Basically an admission that everything in the article is TRUE.
Here is the response in full:
I hope this story spawns multiple other stories.
The abuses of scientology know no end.
“Miscavige is holier than the Dalai Lama”. Could there be a more false, more politically incorrect statement that the twerp could issue over someone else’s name?
“The abuses of scientology know no end.”
Thank you Mike. Thank you for the coverage and being an outlet for healing.
Thank you Guy 🤗 So happy to see you 📢speaking out. You are one of many favorites 💞😘
Perez Hilton weighs in.
Perez Hilton has 6 MILLION followers on Twitter
It never ceases to amaze me how every single person who has escaped from Scientology was actually expelled due to bad behavior. Mike, you made it to one of the top positions yet were expelled for all the horrible things you did. (Sarcasm) What kind of people does Scientology produce who end up attaining responsible positions within the organization then just suddenly lose their grip and turn rogue?
Exactly. They are basically shooting their own footbullets when they denigrate us who got removed from positions at the Int base after receiving years of scientokogy training and auditing—basically admitting that Scientology doesn’t work.
Scientology is so unworkable that it can’t see when it’s failing to work.
“He is reaching back 40 years to manufacture lies about Scientology to capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.”
Yes, quite “popular” isn’t it. How many books, articles, blogs, radio shows, podcasts, TV shows and movies have been done criticizing Scientology in the last decade alone? Probably more than all of the positive press of the last 60 years combined.
“Under his leadership and guidance, Churches of Scientology around the world are growing at an unprecedented rate.”
Shrinking at an unprecedented rate. Their PR releases REALLY REALLY sounds like Soviet propaganda. Real behind the curtain lies. ANYONE can verify that the only thing expanding at an unprecedented rate is the bank accounts and real estate holdings as they suck the life and money out of their aging whales.
“Mr. Hubbard bequeathed the bulk of his estate to the Church to carry out its religious mission”
Did he, now? I thought that the minute details of the will and the transfer of ownership was a point of contention in lawsuits brought by critics.
David Miscavige is a Very Stable Genius.
Decompensating narcissists all sound exactly the same.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if Suzette and Arthur gave a joint interview to Mike Rinder and/or Tony O.?
I have been curious as to why they don’t speak and think it must be either fear of losing something or just wanting to be done with it – or both. But it is very curious to be as to why the Will was not contested. The answer is probably the same but it always amounts to david miscavige “getting away with it.”
You’re right nomnom, it’d be astounding to hear what they really thought, unfiltered by media’s self-censoring to avoid any nastygrams from Dwarfenführer through his lawyers.
““Miscavige is holier than the Dalai Lama”
Bwahahahaha! I needed that guffaw. Things are getting too serious of late.
I personally saw the Dalai Lama punch Jefferson Hawkins in the face. Big hitter, the Lama.
What is this, Troll Week?
Still, the best movie of the early ’80’s!!
The very idea of someone making the argument that someone is more holy than anyone, is the argument of an mental adolescent.
It’s in the same category of: “ I have more humility than you do!”
It’s the argument of an idiot with wrong knowledge.
Anyone else get the feeling that Diminutive Monstrosity is in the midst of a fit of alcohol driven depression and really bad mood at the moment, what with the court cases and (faint) possibility that he may be pulled into court and the media not being scared anymore, and so he’s fallen back on the now worn out and tired old bullshit of using his army of $camology troll toads to try and make himself feel better.
Could very well be. Yeah, applying “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing”.
What I like about this daily mail article annoying ads aside, is how much information Guy White gives.
When you read the whole thing you get such a strong picture of how awful it was, how unfair it was, and how deluded he was.
I too got in early. I was 18 years old, and I understand how you respect your elders and you believe what people tell you and you kind of delude yourself at the same time. I know, I did it.
In spite of how awful the church is ,he really gave a lot to the church and it’s so interesting that for all that he gave, he was punished very hard for it.
I think he’s very brave to talk about his sexuality and to talk about his history and to share so much that’s personal.
I really appreciate this article in the Daily Mail. When I read how the church rebutted it, it’s just ridiculous.
I love Mike’s tongue in cheek summation of their repetitive blather.
I did take the time to read comments after the article, until I ran out of time. Clearly the church’s PR is in the toilet. Toxic. Abysmal. In other words the people that commented after reading this article know that the church is bad news.
My comment did not get posted, it showed up as waiting for posting OK, but never posted.
Mike, can I not say what I said?
It was out of my norm, but it was straight up truth.
I would testify against him in court. He would be jailed for what he did to me when he was CO of CLO WUS/FOLO WUS. (I forget when it changed, I think it was still Folo when he was CO)
I felt compelled to speak after reading some of the comments about him. My back still tenses when I think of him.
If you want to say things about him like that then I think you should be willing to use your name.
It’s hardly fair to have someone anonymously make claims about things you supposedly did to them and they are unable to even respond….
Under those conditions, feel free to not publish my comment.
If there was any way to be out about it, I’d do so, but as I’m not willing to give anything else to the cult.
I understand.
and also, I don’t understand.
The Senior Exec of scn had great power and the abuse was rampant. My class 5 org was ripped apart numerous times by SO Missionaires. The destruction was like a slaughter.
Those stories abound online.
I have never considered that I could anonymously praise Ex’s or Ins, but not criticize or call them out. Or maybe I’m just really wrong here. I could be.
I’ve been substantially wrong in the past.
You may be right. But it’s just my personal feeling on this. Someone who steps forward am
Nd speaks out puts a huge target on their back. They don’t need anonymous comments adding to the shitstorm. Believe me, I know Plenty of very decent people who did some very indecent things in the Sea Org. I am one of them. At this point the only benefit accrues to scientology by maligning those who speak out.
This may not be fair. It may not be right. But it’s my choice and I e pointed it to you S best I can.
I appreciate your time and thoughts.
And I’m with you, all the way down the road and all day and night… or so I’d thought.
It’s an absolute fact of life that 90 percent of any “healing contributions” to my state of mind since I came to my senses have come from me sitting here anonymously absorbing content by others speaking out.
It’s a debt and condition I recognize and express my gratitude for.
This name was different, and threw all my fine thinking out the window.
@Rip, I respect the fact that you cannot give your name at this time.
I am trying to figure out how to say this without sounding like a mother (but I am a mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother, so it is hard). Scientology brought out the worst in a lot of us, and many of us regret things we did and said in the name of scientology, and a lot of bad things were done to a lot of us in the name of scientology.
I’m not saying that bad things were not done to you by Guy White. However, the bad things you remember being done to you were bad things done by Guy White, the scientologist. Remember, a scientologist always had to do what was “the greatest good for the greatest number” — “the greatest number”, which translated to mean “what helps scientology”.
I am not trying to belittle any hurt or harm that was done to you, but please see if there is a way you can let the past go and understand that the person who did that to you is probably not the person he is now that he is freed from scientology, just like you are not the person you were in scientology.
I am not suggesting you go out and give him a big bear hug, but if you allow your hurt to put you back where you were, you are only hurting yourself.
I hope you continue on the healing road.
“He is reaching back 40 years to manufacture lies about Scientology to capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.”
Sounds like a form of gaslighting.
Whoever wrote this misunderstands ‘positioning’ and how Scientology is (correctly) perceived.
No one wants to be associated with this criminal organization or its insane ‘ecclesiastical’ (lol) leader.
At best one must stand upwind to avoid the stench.
nomnom said:
“Sounds like a form of gaslighting.
Is there any part of scientology, past or present,which isn’t a form of gaslighting?
The best part of Guy’s story to me was that MSH did not spend her last days as a recluse in a dark house. She was a good woman who truly loved children. It hurt my heart to think she died alone after she took the fall for LRH.
Anyone who was around pre-miscavige was well aware that he was a punk kid with a Napolean complex. That is not news. It is quite humorous that miscavige went to such great lengths in his refutation of Guy’s story, which barely mentioned him, to point out just how wonderful he truly was. Insecure much davey boy? You should be. You are a teeny bag of hot air.
So glad Guy came forward and that he and Suzette are ok. Glad that MSH got to spend quality time with her grandchildren as well.
As for the church refutation. They really need to get a new speechwriter. The same words are getting stale.
” Insecure much davey boy? You should be. You are a teeny bag of hot air.”
Words to live by. Well said ValR.
Val, I knew MSH and all her kids as well as Miscavige and completely agree with all you said. She truly cared for staff (and people in general) and it sickens me how she was so thoroughly screwed after Hubbard died and DM took over. It warmed my heart to hear Guy say she spent a lot of “family time” with her kids and grand kids in her final years. She helped me a lot during my SO years.
Glenn, “screwed after Hubbard died”?, you don’t think Hubtard sending HER to Fed prison instead of himself and then disconnecting from her wasn’t a greater FUCKING GREAT BIG SCREWING?
Church of Scientology: “Guy White’s claims are false. He is reaching back 40 years to manufacture lies about Scientology to capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.”
Hahaha — I assume what they would like to write instead of “… to capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.” is: “… to jump on the bandwagon of the popularity of the current widespread bad PR about Scientology particularly after “Leah Remini: “Scientology and the Aftermath” and to capitalize of it.
Will there be soon a “whoisguywhite” showing up?
“Will there be soon a “whoisguywhite” showing up?
I expect so, but not yet, as I checked right now. Dwarfenführer can’t STAND not to do the petty little things like that. Guess he’s passed out, drink in hand.
This apparently really hit home to the choich, judging from the response. Anything that says “family”, when it is sharp like this really gets DM’s goat. Let’s see some more!!!
Dotey, DM obviously cares NOTHING about family, seeing his track record on that score. He’s been HELL on his twin, for instance. Must be because she’s bigger and tougher than he ever was.
“capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.”” Holy WTF Batman!!! The stupidity, it burns….
Whoever wrote that so called denial better have a crowbar handy to pry their lips off of Dave Miscavige’s ass.
“Whoever wrote that so called denial better have a crowbar handy to pry their lips off of Dave Miscavige’s ass.”
Davey isn’t flexible enough; He likely composed or at least authorized that thoroughly predictable denial of reality.
Ease up on the hard drugs there, Chief.
Is anyone else having trouble reading the Daily Mail article on Guy White? It wont’ let me read it unless I disable my Ad Blocker, which I don’t want to do. I searched key words and that article is the only one that comes up and again with the disable Ad Blocker. Is there a way to read the article without having to disable Ad Blockers? Can anyone here just copy and past the article to me in email or something?
I think the spam filter for this site’s comments catches URLs, so go to archive DOT is SLASH Iydq5 (replacing DOT with . and SLASH with /) to see an archived version of the page.
The keynote regarding punishment in the Sea Org is HUMILIATION.
It isn’t just PUNISHMENT, there has to be humiliation.
EXAMPLE: forced to clean a set of toilets with a toothbrush.
Suzette Hubbard was demoted to be a David Miscavige’s laundry person, where she had to launder his dirty underwear and smelly socks.
They used Guy White’s revelations to pump their greatness, their expansion and praise Miscavige in 5 paragraphs !
Click the Daily Mail article and read the comments on the Daily Mail. In popular culture the Scn cult is viewed as a desipicable cult that should have tax exemption removed.
Click on Best comments. It is quite revealing.
Guy was not “briefly” in anything. He was staff/Sea Org for 20+ years.
Good point!
So if he was so bad at the posts he held, why would they keep him for 20 years?
Scientology is not even good at covering it’s own ass.
About 20 years ago, my senior and I met with Suzette White to see i f we wanted to hire her marketing company. She was very nice and we ultimately decided not to hire her. But what we what we found interesting at the time was that early on in our interview , we got the message that she was not interested in talking about her father . As scientologists , we naturally wanted some intimate “Ron stories” and maybe it would have been good business for to play on being LRH’s daughter, but she was not going to do that. And though we were slightly disappointed in that, she was right not to do something she didn’t believe in just to make a buck.
Thank you Joe. Suzette has always had making her own gains be honest rather than riding on her father’s shirt tales. She has published numbers of works using a pen name so that her works were viewed, reviewed and used on their own merits.
I wonder if anyone in OSA bothers to read this blog anymore.
If he/she does, here’s a message for your boss, Cee Oh Bee:
You are an ignorant, uneducated, heartless bully. You have spent the greater
portion of your adult life overseeing and ordering beatings, abortions, kidnappings,
physical and psychological torture, the harassment and stalking of enemies and critics, the moral and financial bankruptcy of thousands of people, the break-up and
utter destruction of countless marriages and families, human trafficking, your own inurement…and countless other crimes.
Guy White’s story is just one more in a vile,multi-decade record of your evil, sociopathic fuckery.
May you harvest, exponentially, what you have sown, you rat-fucking, despicable runt.
And fuck El Con Rubbish, too!
I suppose DM is responsible for all your “ills”.
Oh well lets tear up the constitution as well cos old Washington had slaves.
All this crap and wailing about the dwarf and what did you or anyone else ever do about this alleged abuse?
Sod all!
Did you file a police report?
Did you take out a legal case and sue the COS?
This entire blog seems to have cawards and wankers who sat on their fat asses and did nothing about anything ever.
Pathetic is hardly an apt description for you Marcus.
The sad thing is no one on this blog ever does anything about anything they just complain and wail and NEVER have anything to go to court with.
What a bunch of absolute piss artists.
Your like all those UFO and alien nut jobs who never produce a scrap of proof about anything.
Just because some fucking cunt says he hard this or he saw that you take it as gospel and print it.
You sound like a Democrap!!
Wow! Well, you certainly have a way with birds….I mean words. It’ll be fun reading your posts.
You do know that Scientology is completely made up, right? It’s like a fairy tale. It’s ALL MAKE BELIEVE!
But, hey, if it brings happiness into your world, well, good on ya!
Old Surfer Dude,
Apparently, Ogre 500 possesses a speaking anus .
Talk about some “OT shit”!
In the world of Revelators memorializing the malevolent delusion of Co$ and its hierarchy, no day is complete without a troll, whether OSA, Freezoner or “civilian,” blathering some meandering inscrutable twaddle in defense of the undefendable, treading the waters of cognitive dissonance, dog-paddling frantically to stay afloat in the tsunami of truth ever rising towards the shores of sanity.
Perhaps the Fleecewinds will throw you a life preserver…
And you, Ogre 500, communicate exactly like an ignorant, angry, Koolaid-Drinking Deplorable. A unique breed. What’s the matter – things getting boring over at Breitbart and the Daily Stormer? Suggestions on getting some true data about the Church of Scientology’s existing scene: Thru your org, take a stroll, then jump back into your Basket, Troll.
Oh, and Ogre, you might want to apply Rule #1 of L
Ron Hubbard’s Way To Happiness and brush your teeth. Mind you get all six of them now!
I’ve gotta hand it to you today Aqua! You have me spitting on my desk in LOL glee.
Nicely said.
Yo Ogre, give yer boss a blow job tonight! And git Julian tamorrow …………
Ogre 500, that made no sense at all.Are you SURE you’re not FOOLproof’s even less literate sickpuppet?
This troll is not Foolproof, no.
“Are you SURE you’re not FOOLproof’s even less literate sickpuppet?”
I wondered whether FP had reincarnated in a body afflicted with Tourette’s.
OSA or random troll? I would like to think OSA would be a little more subtle and intelligent — one doesn’t like to think one’s enemies are this pathetic.
Mr. Ogre 499 (minus 1 for not paying attention) there are quite a few civil and criminal cases both in progress, won, and some lost but CoS still paid out huge hush payments. The total money spent by CoS since its inception as Dianetics defending against genuine civil and criminal cases, and paying out cash settlements for lost civil cases, must be close to a hundred million dollars in 2019 dollars, counting cash awards, investigators, cost of Fair Gaming, lawyer fees, and money spent on drugs, liquor, cigarettes, and food to sooth the beasts at the top.
US 2019: Police reports: filed. Subpoenas: issued. Court dates: being set even. Subject: criminal acts of Church of Scientology, and certain leaders including one David Miscavige.
US 2019: Police reports: Filed. blah blah blas Subject: Multiple cases of rape by Danny Masterson, Scientologist Celebrity, and coverup of same by CoS.
US 2018: Police reports: filed. blah blah blah. Some foot dragging within the LA District Attorney office. Evidence gathered, civil suits filed in lieu of effective criminal charges.
France 1978: Investigations completed. Conviction(s) obtained. Cases closed. Subject matter: Fraud by the CoS, L Ron Hubbard (saved from prison time by going underground and hiding.).
US 1978: Investigations completed. Conviction(s) obtained. Cases closed. Subject matter: largest incident of domestic espionage in the history of the United States. Guilty parties: Mrs Hubbard sentenced to prison; L Ron Hubbard unindicted co-conspirator. Other guilty convictions obtained, sentences served.
But these are just the cases I have some knowledge about. I don’t know much about what has gone on in Scientology’s many civil and criminal cases, I just know critics of the church do what they can, despite CoS having millions of IAS slush fund money available to try to crush them and their families.
Have you donated to the IAS today? Don’t be shy, get a second mortgage, the IAS ‘needs’ your money to Clear the Planet, or something, they won’t tell how they spend their money.
But please, try to pay attention in the future.
Ogre 500, please post here your liability formula that you are undoubtedly working on for the cult of scammology..
Kindly share all the legal action you’ve taken and police reports You have filed.
Rolling on the floor laughing!
I’m with you George, but have to say the he gave it a jolly good try to defend his leader. Good on him. Maybe he will get an attaboy.
Or at least his ration of rice and beans for dinner tonight.
Mark: You’ve just got to loosen up and say what you REALLY mean! LOL
But all well said!
Working on it, Peter! 😂😂😂
Hubbard never had a “best bud”. He stood above all humans as the only one who had discovered “the answers” of all life and existence. He found them precisely between his left and right ears.
Miscavige, whose ears are so much smaller, has never had the capacity or capability to discover anything beyond the destruction of those around him. This takes place because he fears anyone who is intelligent enough to recognize and identify his attempts to fool the world as to his “importance”.
His methodology to deal with reality is similar to a two year old, lying on his back on the floor, drumming his heals and screaming, “no no no no no” at the world. Tantrums are his only tools.
“Mr. Miscavige’s far-reaching vision and unrelenting dedication have brought the Church of Scientology to where it is today.” This part of their statement is quite true. Empty buildings are “where it is today.”
“Mr. Miscavige’s far-reaching vision and unrelenting dedication to the destruction of the Scientology religion have brought the Church of Scientology to where it is today.”
Fixed it for ‘ya, Dwarf.
Empty buildings and courthouses.
David Fists in fury made it to the top.
David Mayo thought the tech was more than the fists in the church.but when the words disappear the fists appear.
If David Mayo, an american linnebacker for the New York Giants had been instead of the peaceful David Mayo the head of the church had been David Mayo.
Roger,, Mayo would have NEVER been head of the CoS. Hubtard basically ordered Mayo to be killed as Hubtard thought he was getting too powerful
Remember Mayo in the film, “The Secret or Flag Results”? He had long hair, if I recall.
Miscavige would never allow a Scientologist of any note to star like that again.
“Secret of Flag Results”.
Imaberrated,,,, DM had nothing to do with Mayo being taken out. HUBBARD ordered him taken out because he was paranoid that Mayo would take over the church. DM wasn’t in power then.
Without the tech policy hadn’t existed. The tech is a worm on a fish hook.
O/T. I obtained a copy of Rizza Islam’s new book, “Message to the Millineals” (sic). Last night, I posted my review to ESMB Redux.
Book Review: “Message to the Millineals” (sic), by Rizza Islam. Full review plus summary of Scientology related content.
Here is a short teaser from my review:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
“Message to the Millineals” is a book that demands, nay pleads to be taken seriously, and should be. That is true despite the crazy referenced above. This is a book that should be taken seriously because others will, in fact, take it seriously. (The fact that Rizza Islam has 314,000 Instagram followers, 19,900 Twitter followers, and 4,858 Facebook friends is not entirely irrelevant.) This is a book that should be taken seriously despite – and perhaps in part because of – its defects, limitations, and misrepresentations. The book is significant not because it contains misapprehension, misunderstanding and outright falsehood, but because it also contains truth – often hard truth, profound truth — inexorably intertwined with misapprehension, misunderstanding, and falsehood, with the former — the hard truth, the profound truth — lending credence to the latter. Some who agree with the book’s overall message may not be overly concerned about the details. Some who are seduced by the portions of hard, profound truth – truth that resonates, truth that inspires – may not undertake the hard work of winnowing the wheat from the chaff. That is a job for others. You.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Two books, suggested reading for all US citizens:
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – Loaded- A Disarming History of the Second Amendment.
It helps to know true history instead of the sap we have been taught since as far back as I can remember.
ps. rather than expect anyone to buy or read a NOI book, perhaps you could summarize the ‘true’ points, and how they might affect the US of today or the future. My reading time is limited, so anything by Rizza Islam automatically falls to the bottom of any reading list I will ever have because I generally avoid con artist’s and criminal’s writings, including LRH unless I just can’t help myself.
AA , thanks for the book recommendations; I have added them to my reading list.
I wonder how much the average Scientologist knows about Hubbard’s death? It seems obvious that the cult of Miscavige was moving against Hubbard long before he actually died.
What they did to Hubbard today would probably qualify as elder abuse – keeping him in a trailer, medicating him with psych meds, leaving him unkempt, denying him medical care.
Well thats BS. Hubbard did that to himself. He was avoiding legal.
He had a full time Doctor!
Sure, he was avoiding perceived threats from the law when he went into hiding, but he had a series of strokes and was being kept in an RV at a fairly remote location. It is difficult to believe that he was as healthy as a horse after what we know of his recent medical history, and the strokes could have reduced his faculties significantly.
In addition, why was he being injected in the rump with psych meds? If he were in his right mind, would he have allowed this? Perhaps he was a hypocrite, but I tend to believe he was being kept isolated and subdued by those who were waiting for him to pass in order to struggle for control of the church and the riches.
In any case it’s hard to believe that LRH was receiving all the care a chronic stroke patient should be receiving whilst in hiding and living in an RV.
But it was an IDEAL RV …
“Hubbard did that to himself. He was avoiding legal.”
You beat me to it, Cece. Food, friends, medicine, a healthy environment – no one denied him these, no one isolated him and abused him – HE gave the orders and his underlings obeyed! He was on the lam!
MarcAnon queried:”I wonder how much the average Scientologist knows about Hubbard’s death? It seems obvious that the cult of Miscavige was moving against Hubbard long before he actually died.”
Almost no *scientologists* CAN know the truth of Tubby’s death. before they get to that, they’d learn the truth of scientology, itself, and cease being good little Ronbots. They might go UTR, but they could never regain that blissful ignorance required of full scientologists.
Wrong MarcAnon,, DM had no power over Hubtard’s living conditions. Hubtard lived as he ordered his minions to provide and serve. he was an absolute dictator with absolute powers. DM was not allowed to see or be where Hubtard was
I think Guy White has a lot of integrity to tell his story now. Well done. The truth will win out. Dm has his truth and that will manifest too. Money and buildings do not make for a peaceful heart. His future is being created by every lie he tells. There are no more execs to keep him in check so he can tell any story he chooses. Lol. He’s the Wizard of Oz Than you Guy White and I hope you and/or Suzette write a book. 💪🙌❤️
RoseMarie, I’d Love to read Suzette’s remembrances as well. Arthur’s would be interesting too, I’m sure.
I met Guy at FOLO West US in 1978. He was the 2nd in Command. I had just been reprieved from the RPF as a 19 year old.
He was so kind and respectful of me and helped me get my life back in order. Guy and I had several encounters for years afterwards. They were always pleasurable. In the Sea Org this almost never happens.
I wish Guy the best, he has made a very big step in his life.
Thank you Michael. In spite of the environments we were in we were able to keep our heads up above the chaos. I have nothing but fond memories working with you. We actually had fun.
West is biggest, West is best.
It’s statistically improbable that every Sea Org member who has parted with the church committed malfeasance. Then there is the paragraph deifying Miscavige. Clearly dictated by him to some poor brainwash scribe, thrilled to be in his presence. Miscavige has usurped LRH as Source. supreme being and God of Scientology.
I laughed out loud when I read that he was comparing Miscavige to the Dali Lama and saying that he was more holy than the Dali Lama. Wow, what hubris! What ego! What lies!
Queen B, stated:
“It’s statistically improbable that every Sea Org member who has parted with the church committed malfeasance.”
And according to scn ‘scripture’, it’s nigh on impossible that EVERY ex-scientologist wound up being a DB/SP (and completely incapable). As long as Dwarfenführer doesn’t notice that his cookie-cutter denunciations are being noted, sometimes predicted, He’ll continue to have them issued over others’ signatures claiming that THAT thoroughly destroyed such-and-such’s credibility, when it factually took another chunk out of what remains of scientology’s credibility, not that there ever was much.
“L. Ron Hubbard always intended for his life’s work to benefit Scientology. While he provided generously for his family,”
Um, no. When your estate is worth something like $400 million, leaving 100,000 to each of your kids is NOT generous.
“Guy White’s claims are false. He is reaching back 40 years to manufacture lies about Scientology to capitalize on the popularity of the religion and its leader.”
Yeah, it’s popularity, right. DM’s about as popular as a rattlesnake in your bed. He has presided over the decimation of his “church”.
“Um, no. When your estate is worth something like $400 million, leaving 100,000 to each of your kids is NOT generous.”
Especially when “he” left out the children from his prior TWO marriages. They’d already effectively been made “non-persons”.
Still, $100,000 was FAR better than most scientologists had to work with by that time. By that measure, it WAS generous.
It is so good to see Guy is out (in all the good ways!!) and happy. I always wondered what happened to him, he was one of the really good guys and probably the best manager from CLO that SFOF ever had. Just kind, fair, you could tell he not only believed in what he was doing but he was doing it for the love he had of people and that included staff.
Thank you Keira. The best part of any job, post, or position I’ve held has always been the people. It has always been a blast to work with people as when you win you share it and when you fall short their is valuable information from any member of the group to do better next time. “We” is so much more fun and productive than “I”.
There is confirmation that Mary Sue was very angry with L Ron Hubbard. She loved her grandchildren and spent her last years angry with Ron according to this article.
The details of Guy’s treatment are shocking. My own personal point of view is that Hubbard founded a Satanic organization on purpose. There is no doubt about it. These current Scientologists are deluded and live on lies.
Thank you, George White, for continuing to emphasize that point.
Russell Miller, Nibs, Jon Atack, Jamie DeWolf, George, and many others have presented the evidence. Hubbard’s Affirmations underscore your point, as do a plethora of his quotes from the PDC lectures.
L. Ron Hubbard: ” If you want to enslave people, promise them total freedom.”
“We have a new way to make slaves here.”
If y’all don’t know, George has written a book entitled LUCIFER’S BRIDGE: SCIENTOLOGY’S LOST PARADISE.
Also: internet search The Fishman Affidavit OT VIIIB
Just a note, Fishman was an accomplished scam artist who was never a scientologist. He just pretended to be. He had a long history of scamming and ultimately ended up in jail. His stuff is not reliable other than attaching documents — but only give credence to the ones in Hubbard’s handwriting unless you can independently verify anything else.
Thanks for that.
Check out George’s book, if you haven’t already. OTVIIIB in the K.Spaink/ Fishman affidavit link is in red and white. George remembers it well because he had to word-clear the whole thing. There was another guy on the whyweprotest site-sorry, I forgof his name-who also did the “Luciferian” version of OTVIIIB shown in that affidavit.
Interesting comment. The story that I heard had very little to do with Fishman, The blogs that I read reported that it was the lawyers for Scientology who withdrew the Student Briefing written June, 1980. It was rumored that Miscavige later claimed the document but with a different date. All of this is not important. I read the Student Briefing by Hubbard on the Freewinds in July, 1988. Cannot be mistaken because my FSM;s and I openly discussed it for weeks.
This whole story brings back the events of the two weeks after OT VIII. I have never reported it in the depth of the discussions we had . There were five of us OT VIII’s who had heard of Miscavige’s punching matches and violence. We agreed to form a rebellion against him and to fight violence with violence. However, it all fell apart because, as the appointed leader, they wanted me to hunt down Miscavige on my own. The other four were afraid of being declared. They said they would support me after I confronted Miscavige. The effort basically fell apart because I was unwilling to go it alone. We had also discussed a complete reform of the church after getting rid of Miscavige. When I returned to the Freewinds in October of 1988, I saw Miscavige alone on the upper deck. I went up there with Hubbard’s policy in mind. I had heard that he over boarded those who did not follow policy. I went up to Miscavige with clenched fists ready to throw him off the third deck into the water below. This appealed to me because I would be following policy. It did not phase me that he might perish in the water below. I waited for him to throw the first punch which he never did. He had terror in his eyes as I approached him fully cocked and ready to strike. I have apologized to Ron Miscavige Sr. for these actions and I have had a confession on it in church and was granted forgiveness.
Wow. Thanks for sharing that, George.
I love that the dam of silence about scientology’s decades of
abuses appears to be leaking heavily these last few years…
It’s great to have this forum to share stories and information on…
The only thing I don’t understand is how Fishman got his hands on the original OT8 if he was never a Scientologist. Has anyone ever figured out that link?
I very much appreciate your support. I really also like your comments. You have a unique and informative way of expressing yourself.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights!
George M. White opined:”There is no doubt about it. These current Scientologists are deluded and live on lies.”
That stands to be shouted from the rooftops.
I am so glad to see this. I know Guy from when he was managing the orgs in the West US. He was always an interested executive, friendly and wanting to hear what you had to say and then try to help. His job stats were dependent on how well his juniors were doing, so he was proficient in listening and helping…contrary to current executives like Vicky Shantz, who was more interested in berating as a means to get you to comply and gets stats up. I am not usually one to speak negatively of others, but this time I will make an exception. I’m sure that those here who have worked with Vicky can confirm my observations. It’s no wonder that Guy is gone and Vicky is still there, emulating the Defendant, Captain David Miscavige.
Anyway, back to Guy…I am so happy to hear that he is living the life that makes him happy. He deserves it. If you are reading here, Guy, thank you for being one of those senior executives that I enjoyed talking to, instead of dreading it. And just as a note, the orgs were far more active and prosperous under Guy’s direction than current day.
I like your new title for him: “Defendant”. Very apt. I hope the bastard is feeling very nervous right now.
Ruby gave us:”the Defendant, Captain David Miscavige.”
GOOD turn of phrase.
Thank you, but I don’t really think I can take credit for that. It appears on so many documents these days and is highlighted at the Underground Bunker as that. I simply love to make sure it is put out there, as it should be!
Thank you Ruby. I enjoyed working with people and together making things happen. Yes, we may have been deluded with Scientology being a way to make a better world; but the fact that many of us joined to make a better world attracted some very unselfish special people. It was a pleasure working with many incredible people. Going forward, I take what works in life and throw away the rest.
I still like working with wonderful people.
“Miscavige is holier than the Dalai Lama and the proof of this is the ’70 new and expanding’ churches he has opened, including two in the last week. Watch scientologyTV. Check out Dave’s website.” Did david miscavige really say that!?! (You can bet that he dictated the response.)
Oh My God! I think david miscavige is so far removed from reality he has no idea how INSANE and STUPID this sounds! He is dictating these responses and has no clue how these statements are perceived in the real world.
Also, I found the Daily Mail article fascinating. Guy White is one more person who confirms horrible abuses within the church and his insights into Hubbard’s family were illuminating.
I am with you Mary , this jumped at me , the Dalaï Lama ? Seriously?
Thank you to Guy White for telling his story.
That was not the quote from the C of S, that was Mike’s humorous interpretation summary of what they said.
Thank you. I’ll have to reread that cuz I “misduplicated it” and must have an MU.
Looks like you’re not the only one. I’m sending everyone onto a retread.
If that Rat is holier than anyone, then I am the world’s greatest Hotel Magnate and I can prove it too!
Just last night I erected 22 new hotels on every property that I own. Some people may contest that because they were all constructed during a game of Monopoly. But if the Rat can claim that buying and renovating empty buildings prove something about his spiritual condition, then surely anyone can use any foolishness to prove most anything.
IMO, he should get busy trying to prove to the courts that they should not sentence him to life in the penitentiary. He may not have much of a chance to do that. But at least it may keep him busy so he cannot have time to beat and torture the people who work for him.
I love this line too.
“Mr. Miscavige’s far-reaching vision and unrelenting dedication have brought the Church of Scientology to where it is today.”
It’s more like miscavige’s “myopic” vision and unrelenting “cruelty” – have brought the Church of Scientology to where it is today.
I think what was meant was that Miscavige is holier than a llama named Dolly at the Bronx Zoo … Though many would certainly dispute that claim as Dolly seems to be a very sweet animal.
@joe pendleton Llamas are known to spit when angry. Much more socially acceptable behavior than david miscavige has been known to exhibit. I think I would prefer being around Dolly the Llama over miscavige any day.
BUT… I would pay to see miscavige led away in handcuffs. Just sayin… (hey, now maybe that’s a way they could raise money for their idle morgues)
Ah, another Mormonism/Scientology parallel!
This sounds like the old Mormon story of how, after the death of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young turned into Joseph Smith while giving a talk in Nauvoo, Illinois and that’s how the Mormons knew he was to be the successor to Joseph Smith.
Sounds like the above drivel about how LRH and Tiny Boots were best buds and therefore Miscavige was the true successor.