This is becoming positively absurd.
Check out the latest begging letter.
The person sending this, Roy Sarkovitch, has been around forever. He was the Flag Flag Rep for many years, and an org “programs chief” in the Flag Bureau. He was a senior international scientology executive.
Now reduced to sending out cornball, illiterate emails asking random people to just “give money” for “ideal orgs” — nothing specific. Just send in some cash
The signs of desperation inside the bubble are unmistakable.
Date: June 27, 2015 at 7:12:40 AM PDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: Building Expansion Project
From: Roy Sarkovitch <[email protected]>
Subject: Building Expansion Project
Dear XXXX ,
My name is Roy Sarkovich and I am working with the Building Expansion project in Hollywood. I just e-mailed Xxxx as well but I wanted to brief you separately.
The purpose of the project I’m involved with is to raise the funds necessary to purchase and renovate an ideal building which will house an Ideal Org that will contribute to bringing about planetary clearing and a new civilization here on earth. I’m briefing you about this project to see if you like to make a donation towards the purchasing of an Ideal Org building? Your donation could be specified for any org you would like and that is the org it will go to. The amount is obviously up to you based on what you feel you can do. So please let me know if you can make a contribution today.
Thanks very much and looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Roy
Even the vultures are starting to get that harrowed look in their eyes. The number of available suckers is decreasing.
On a more positive note, enjoyed a wonderful weekend with Tony Ortega, Paulette Cooper and her endlessly entertaining husband Paul Noble.
It was a highlight to finally meet her and it was an opportunity to meet new people and get together with some old friends. The turn out at the Clearwater Library was impressive — and no food was offered and no promotion about monumental announcements or highest ever evers.
The meeting was even graced by Freedom magazine. Their representative was johnny-on-the-spot and jumped in to take photos of me and Paulette together. I can imagine the next Freedom story is going to claim that I had engaged in a conspiracy with Paulette to bring down the church since 1974 (see the first Freedom mag responding to the Truth Rundown in the SP Times) or that I was trying to strangle her, giving my woman abusing proclivities (see any Freedom mag, scn website or press statement in the last 4 years). Should be fun to see how they spin it.
Mike, Roy Sarkovich’s first wife (or at least the one before Linda) was my sister. In 1977 she was attempting to leave him and bring her 2 year old daughter home to live with us. The brakes mysteriously went out in her car going down a steep hill in Hollywood and she died. Can’t help think that it was orchestrated by Scientology. Do you have any info about my sister? Remember her? I was only 6 years old at the time and have few memories of her.
Sorry, I have no information on your sister, though obviously know Roy and Linda. I highly doubt her brake failure had anything to do with scientology. It’s too much risk for no real upside.
Thank you for your reply. The “fair game” policy always had me wondering about her attempts to leave. Guess it will always be a mystery. I’ve watched every episode of your show with Leah. You guys are doing amazing things! Please continue calling out this cult. You are helping so many people!
I guess I should have told you her name. It was Cindy. Her daughter, Carly Sarkovich, is still in Scientology. I think was in Clearwater or back in Hollywood by now. Haven’t seen or heard from her since around 1980.
Thanks again!
I was there! Seeing the Scientology edifices outlined against the Clearwater sky suddenly made it all real in a sinister way. Driving between the Fort Harrison and Flag building felt like how it must be to see Darth Vader in real life, even if only from a safe distance.
Hi unelectedfloofgoofer, Good to meet you.A wonderful description in your post on Clearwater now.I was branded a spy by the GOI @ SO Asho F because we were briefed that there would be a new base & I went to Qual(big mistake) & originated that I knew because I had a picture in my mind of near Tampa Sand Palm Trees a cannon an old fort & a hotel.So,the scuttlebutt was I was getting $ by the LA Times to feed them that info.I was so angry but starvation & slappings interspersed with so really tough stuff makes anyone weaker & unable to fight more than one terminal going at me from all directions.Also we got a color pic of Ron later after the location was announced of Ron posing by a cannon.GOI got more pissed with me then!Ann.
GATII grammar and punctuation alert:
“I’m briefing you about this project to see if you like to make a donation towards the purchasing of an Ideal Org building?”
Considering the question mark at the end of his sentence, this fellow’s words seem to be expressing some doubt or confusion as to why he is giving his briefing. Perhaps he is not sure….which would be a step upwards out of confusion. Otherwise, he should re-study the Grammar and Communication book.
Looks like the cherch is in the extreme red and is not making any profit and the bills are mire than bringing in,wonder if the ias war chest is now getting tapped. How long can they have all those rooms in there hotels empty with nothing coming in? Do they have a lot of income property? Hope not
If the Ideal Morgue regging were going well, it wouldn’t be necessary to do cross-regging, or for the orgs to band together in “alliances”. That this regging is an “all hands” activity with the orgs huddling together for warmth in the frosty air of donation-fatigue tells me that the Ideal Morgue fundraising stats are really down, and the cult is applying Non E, trying to make themselves known, find comm lines, etc. Pretty funny! Tick tock, cult.
Can’t these church members in their sixties do something positive and creative like get their lives insured for a lot, making sure there will be a payout in the event of suicide (there might be a stipulated minimum period to wait) and then leave everything to the Church in their wills and go drop their bod? That would buy a few more Ideal Orgs that the world desperately needs. I would like London to have another Ideal Org with the current one stuffed to the rafters with gleeful new paying public. just gave Dave his next big idea….
‘LRH dropped his meat body in order to do further research on Target Two. Now is your chance to join LRH! Those individuals who insure their lives for $5MM and then drop their meat bodies are guaranteed 1st class accomodations (on a DC 10) to Target Two! See your reg for further instructions…..’
Hi Chee Chalker,Love love your post! Thank you from this old 63 XSOers heart. Ann.
“Your donation could be specified for any org you would like and that is the org it will go to.”
We all know that is a load of crap. It’s going to go to whatever/whoever needs money now-now-now, from a PI’s paycheck to a platinum TP holder for Mi$cavige to the next Freedumb mag costs. Sheesh.
Very true gato rojo.
“Your donation could be specified for any org you would like and that is the org it will go to.” reminded me of when donations were collected for the Basics for libraries ‘all over the world’, and then embassies. You would make your donation and then a few weeks later, the UPS truck would pull up to your home or business and unload the boxes that were supposed to go where you designated them to go to. It was all a big scam and this is more of the same.
Hi Pepper, A great story did not know about how paying public get scammed as well, with the UPS truck deliveryThe SO is so isolating more so I see,now than I did then.I love reading your posts.Always Ann.
Roy is actually a great guy with quite a lot of smarts. But then
you see him directing orgs and being an Aide etc etc for many
years which means he has (had) a lot of inside information of
the Scientology world. Despite all that he comes out with all
these old platitudes like he really believes it. Very very sad.
Hi Dan Locke, Hi Dan would love to contact you on FB,but we do not use it old fuddy duds no kids so just do email stuff.Ask OSD my hubby of 34 yrs is Scottish ancestry & boy is he! Anyway I wrote to Asho D SO recruiter in 73 for some months, but she declined to promote me because I had only read Dianetics & she thought I was not qualified.So Asho Fdn & AO jumped in & wanted me asap.The Day recruiter got rpfed.I joined Asho F 7/16/74 a day I regret now but loved then thought I had found my lost dream in the SO.I do seem to recall you,if I could I would send a pic to your email although I understand the security factor well.I will continue to enjoy our comm however we send it.When the cos collapses into itself I’d love to meet all here in person.Won’t that be great! Always Ann.
I’ve known Roy for almost a billion years. Pretty sure that he has not worked inside a service org for 40 years or so, and even then, he was always the FR, and knew very few public people. So, 99% of the people who know him are SO or are or were staff in Class V orgs.
But there’s a “niche public” even there!
With a big portion of Class V org staff and the SO being people in their 60’s, there are, from time to time, deaths of parents and resulting inheritances. (A VERY good time to apply “the Step Zero” of the affluence formula for income: “When you get a big influx of cash, put a lid on it – cover it up; don’t tell anyone…” [paraphrased mucho])
It’s a very good time to hide it, because there are snitches everywhere in the SO for this kind of news, and, if you are dumb enough to let it be known you have come into some money, it won’t be yours for very long. After the IAS has banged on you and all else, you MIGHT have enough money left over to buy some extra uniform parts.
In my stretch on staff and in the SO I saw inheritance money like this get eaten up by the sharks maybe a dozen times. Only on a couple of occasions was I close enough to the devoured for them to be candid with me about their feelings in the aftermath – not happy people.
My fingers are crossed no one answers Roy’s email.
Hi Dan Locke, Always enjoy your posts! I am so thankful I blew SO in 78 only out $ 21,000.What is so ironic I am a declared sp,degraded being, evil intentioned vile treasonus condition spirit as of 78.All these years later any reg worth the ground they stood on would be in a feeding frenzy to get their claws into me.Too bad there is no way in all the Universes & all the Galaxies combined they will ever get one cent.Even if cos some how came begging to me in Infinity,I will smile sweetly & say sorry this bank is closed forever & the key thrown to the winds to carry down the abyss of no time.A lot of inheritance money has been eaten by those sharks,I was one of them especially as ASR @ Asho F & very unproud of that today.I will never be used & abused by SO OSA or cos again.Always Ann.
Ann, contact me if you like through FB; I think we knew each other from ’73 when I was training at ASHO. We can do a couple rounds of “whatever happened to?”
I assume the reason he’s mentioned emailing xxxx as well is surely one or more of the following:
1) so the receiver “appreciates” it’s a targetted email and not a generic mass mailer
2) plants a seed… “I wonder if xxxx will donate. I don’t want to look like a loser.”
3) allows the sender to follow it up with a lame, lying, shyster sales tactic, ie. “You realise xxxx is making it go right to make a hefty donation – s/he’s pulling out all the stops to do it before you do!” (repeat same to other party).
Crappy sales tactics by a desperate, dishonest and profoundly unethical organisation.
“Hi it’s the church again asking for your money as usual and I know you’re sick to fucking death of it but I got my own problems too so I look forward to hearing from you about your decision to give me something and planetaryclearingandanewcivilaztionhereonearth.”
Can someone tell me the reason for this:
“I just e-mailed Xxxx as well but I wanted to brief you separately.”
I know it serves some purpose, but I’m not sure what. And no, I don’t assume it’s effective in achieving its intended purpose.
Totally uninformed guess, but…
Perhaps a spouse or flatmate is Xxxx?
It makes sense if the author thought these two share information. Maybe…
Name dropping to make you think that maybe XXXXX will donate and you should too.
‘Roy’ is just trying to up his stats in the email sent category. Probably hoping for that 10% commission so he can buy new socks this year.
With all of the public regging, who gives money to appeals like this? If you want what ‘ethics protection’ or ‘status building’ is available, you give at the ‘required briefings’ or other mOrg events where you have to be present in body. Only well off, long time friends of ‘Roy’ are going to send any money. Everyone else is saving up for the next ‘all hands’ Amway fundraising that they have to attend, while walking around that pallet load of the ‘basics’ that still clutter up the garage.
“The purpose of the project I’m involved with is to raise the funds necessary to purchase and renovate an ideal building which will house an Ideal Org that will contribute to bringing about planetary clearing and a new civilization here on earth.” This, ladies, gentlemen, and others, is the distillation of Scientology into a single sentence. The perfection of it isn’t even blighted by a comma, let alone a semi-colon. It’s like a shining cubic zirconia that sits atop a Bob and Trish Duggan bowling trophy (shouldn’t say that, since Bob’s probably put in a copyright on at least part of that). It fucking glows, as opposed to normal Scilon-speak, which simply burns.
Now, I’ve been around the block long enough to grok most of the Scilon job titles, and I understand what a Flag Rep does (it lurks around Advanced Orgs and big Class Vs and tries to entice victims to get their Flaggotry on). But what would a Flag Flag Rep do? The suckers are already at Flag. There’s no need to lure them there, along with their checkbooks and credit cards. It’s not to get people to go to the SS Mesothelioma; that’s the job for the Freewinds Rep. So what purpose does a Flag Rep at Flag serve?
Flag Reps are supposed to represent management in service orgs.
Usually they are people who are qualified to be posted at Int Management (basically, no drug history, no criminal history, no sexual perversions in their life history, no antagonism to Scientology in their family.)
Throughout my time in Scientology orgs, these were generally staff members who had never had a post in a service org. But they would be posted in a service org to go look at staff member’s production and determine how well these staff did at following orders from Int Management.
Int Management org program people were also primarily comprised of people who had never been on any post of any substance in a Class V org as well. They would write programs based off the poor observation of the Flag Reps in the service orgs.
These programs are sent down to the service orgs and the staffs do their best to implement them. The Flag Reps push that these programs get done. It is a pretty despairing post.
This post has existed in Scientology orgs almost since there was a Sea Org. At least as far back as 71 when I first joined staff. Roy was the Flag Rep at the Portland Org when I was there, in the 70s. Handsome, friendly, full of nervous energy, and earnest. But the FR post is ridiculous and has shown over the years to supernumerary. I pity the poor guy if that’s the only post he’s been unlucky enough to have.
I wish there were an “edit” capability on this blog! (Mike, having such is pretty typical for blogs – could you ask for this from your webmaster?)
I am too harsh here. I am speaking in too much generalization. I make Int management and FRs seem stupid here and that’s pretty snarky. I let too much of my own personal experiences and prejudice color my writing here.
I don’t know that the majority of Int management personnel never worked in a Class V org before; it just seemed to me like that was often the case.
And it’s wrong to say that Roy or others were supernumerary. Roy, in my experience, raised stats in the org where we both worked so he was hardly supernumerary. He raised stats tho, I think, more because he was a sincere and good guy, more than due to the programs he pushed.
I just think that he could have been even more effective if he was just allowed to observe, come to his own conclusions, and then lead to resolve these situations. Flag was not big on praising individual initiative; but Ron seemed in love with his idea of “remote management” being some sort of genius. For me, from my narrow perspective of just working in a lot of Class V orgs in the US, it was rarely effective,
Hi Mike,What a great weekend all of you had! Freedumb mag must be in a lather figuring out what spin speed they will use for you & Paulette.I love Roy’s planetary clearing & new civilization statement. How many eons have I heard that one! Let’s plan for this to get through. The rats are hungry for my blood & knawing @ our computers as I type.Must have hit a nerve.Always Ann.
I hope we see that picture of Mike and Paulette featured in the Freedummy News. Two more sane and happy people could not be even imagined by those still in. What is *said* will be overrun by what they *see*.
Was just thinking how happy and healthy they look in the photo on The Underground Bunker site today, the happy truth will shine out from their eyes despite the words.
I’m looking forward to FreeToBeDumb’s next issue, featuring The Clearwater Strangler 🙂
Poor desperate devils. Gimme gimme gimme gimme some money pleeeeeeeez.
So this is what command intention morphs into.
They have no soul left to sell, begging by email has got to be the sleaziest way for them hide and beg and the same time.
I just can’t imagine they’ll solicit any money this way, it’s probably just for a statistical show for dear leader or one of his financial thugs.
Hi Mike, OK I See will not let me post to specific people I post too. The rats! Ann.
must have had bad stats some weeks along. Like almots everybody else in the crime culr.
Roy and I go way back together, great guy actually. Btw I hate the word “briefing”.
Hi Mike, Trying to post but won’t let me! Always Ann
I love how this guy can’t even spell his own name the same way twice.
Roy spelled his name correctly but the cherch’s assigned email account to him is misspelled..
Did Roy really send his email to ‘[email protected]’?
Dangnabbit, for once there would have been something actually funny about what a scientologist did. Oh well.
like the used to say in my day…….in your face scientology.
Very entertaining post, Mike!! I can just imagine Miscavige’s blood pressure going sky high, so many “enemies” descending on Clearwater!!
Desperation like the fall of a third World Country.
Picture mobs taking 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar notes to banks to collect 36 cents.
Note to Bubble refugees, save those keychains and IAS sunglasses for cult museums.
Great article, Mike. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Freedom magazine do spin it. Please let us know!
Nice to see yet another desperate letter coming out of the hive.
Better seeing Mike and Paulette and a whole bunch of informed citizens coming together.
It’s rock ‘n roll time! End days of Miscavige are upon us.
“…raise the funds necessary to purchase and renovate an ideal building which will house an Ideal Org that will contribute to bringing about planetary clearing and a new civilization here on earth.”
Let me re-phrase this so that it can be understood in commonsense terms:
“… raise the funds necessary to purchase a gold-plated soup ladle which will empty out the water from the Pacific Ocean.”
Hi hgc10, Wonderful post.Thank you.And make that soup ladle 24k gold so the big giver whales & celebs will love to dip it in the Pacific as they go about draining $ to clear the planet! Always Ann.
Oh my … this poor guy is in apathy. Based on observations of others, that’s step 2 or 3 on the “leaving Scientology routing form”. I wish him God-speed.
I don’t think he’s “IN”…he just needs a paycheck and that’s the best he can do. Sad.
I’m referring to the Freedumb writer…”Sugg”
Trolling shill????!