This is the email being urgently sent around to “handle” the entheta “that comes up in your life” (ie if you have been anywhere near the internet, TV or print media over the last week).
The “positioning” game is going full roar.
By their very actions the church are PROVING exactly what Leah said. When she asked “Where’s Shelly” Tommy Davis told her its “above her fucking pay grade” to even ask and she ended up being sec checked…. For expressing concern over the whereabouts of someone she had known for MANY years. Of course, such a question is only “entheta” if it misses the withholds of the person who is asked. It is a VERY normal question under the circumstances. Wife of Tom’s “best man” and someone who had spent a good deal of time at Tom’s homes in LA and Telluride and had been flown around on his plane. Suddenly not in attendance at his wedding? Maybe she was ill? Maybe she broke her leg? Maybe her sister died? In which case the answer would have been simple. But because she had been “disappeared” it was an “inappropriate” question.
And now the church is trying to position that same question being carried in the media as “entheta”?
Or the other “entheta” circulating around are claims that the church is breaking up families with disconnection. Why is that entheta?
It’s NOT because it doesnt happen and is just a lie (Thomas Davis tried that line and he was laughed at by the whole world).
They COULD just own up to it and say “This is our right and it is a sincerely held religious belief” — but they think the PR would be so bad it would scare people away (they are right). Plus it would present some REAL problems for D/Dear Leader as he might then be asked questions about his relationships with Nicole and Katie. How is it that the run-of-the-mill Scientologist is forced to disconnect from family members (including children) who remain connected to “SPs” (and Nicole and Katie have done a LOT more to “deserve” that title than the vast majority of “nobodies” who have been declared).
So, perhaps it ISNT really such a “sincerely held religious belief.” Perhaps it is actually just a convenient way of controlling people as the mood suits the powers that be.
Thus it seems the new definition of entheta is any question for which we don’t have a good answer that doesnt make us look bad….
That leaves just one thing to do.
Find an out of context LRH quote and shoe horn it into the situation to make the sheeple believe that this is what LRH was talking about — “see, it must be entheta otherwise why would they have picked this quote”?
I thought you should have this LRH data to help you in dealing with any entheta that comes up in your life. I would love to hear your feedback on it!
Lv, Milan
“All right. Now we take entheta. There’s some weird attraction between entheta and theta. They seem to come together with a dull thump. Every time you put out a theta line, for some cockeyed reason, below 2.0 will attack it madly. Either below 2.0 is trying to bail itself out on the strength of the entheta or thinks everything that is theta has to be entheta. Therefore, you see the most confoundedly dull attacks on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology. You see the doggonedest things! And nobody could possibly think or believe those things, just nobody. There’s more rumors and more garbage thrown around on this line.
“Well, the best reason is, is in this society today possibly about the highest theta line that anybody is putting out rather consistently happens to be Dianetics and Scientology. It says you have a chance to be free; it says you have a — you have a perfect right to your own sanity, it says you have a perfect right to your own life, it says you can help others to be free — it says a lot of things. It says there’s some hope, there’s a chance for us, and it says we might be able to do a lot of things with this. And it just says so consistently and it isn’t saying anything else. By this theory you would then expect and predict that it would just be machine-gunned from every quarter.
“Now, they say there is a method of getting around this. And that is to say, for every good fact you put out, put out a bad fact. That is to say, for every piece of good news, put out a piece of bad news. You know where you find yourself if you do that? You find yourself at 2.0 on the Tone Scale. Who wants to be at 2.0? I don’t. Because those entheta facts are going to snarl up the theta facts. So you can go out on an overt line of attack against entheta and come off with clean hands? No, you can’t. What can you do with it? You ignore it. It won’t ignore you, but what do you know, if you ignore it, it’ll disappear. And so it does. So it does. Where are the attackers of yesteryear? New crops come up. They go down. Too bad. It’s not serious.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
When will the big news be announced today?
Yes, when ?
Stuff like this email just implants more and more individuated, shut-off-from-the-world unreal think so that the public/staff no longer see what is really going on around them. But I am encouraged by the many,many “under-the-radar” Scientologists who are quietly going about the business of planting the seeds of doubt and questions. And the courageous growing numbers who publicly express their disagreements and expose the lies. Leah left with grace and elegance. It appears that instead of them coming out and attacking her directly they are letting loose their programmed dogs to act as mouthpieces.
This LRH quote assumes you already know what “entheta” means and that you are applying a valid, applicable definition to it. It does not define the word. The word “entheta” is defined elsewhere.
The person quoting this and many people within the church who would read the quote, are reading it with the assumption that “entheta” means, “anything said that puts the C of S in a negative light.”
So anyone who is using that altered definition of the word is reading the LRH quote with that slanted viewpoint. It causes them to apply the quote in such a way as they don’t confront the actual outpoints and issues, and causes them to lack any responsibility for the condition of their organization.
Great point Dave. And that’s probably one of the invented definitions Scientologists have. I guess the truth about the CoS tends to enturbulate their theta too, as believing it would mean they would have to confront the unconfrontable about their life on all dynamics.
But I also believe, most still in aren’t really buying it – it’s just too much to buy, and they are getting pretty much tapped out on mental capital side of the ledger. Let’s count the days! I’m looking forward to adding to my list of friends those waking up and on their way.
Yes sir.
It isn’t just bad PR situations like Leah Remini’s leaving the cult, but any sort of “ethics outpoint” wherein the “Ethics Officer” will throw a vaguely-related LRH quote at you to get you to toe the line. It’s sickening as they are not even thinking for themselves. I think Jefferson Hawkins did a good write-up somewhere on “quoting versus thinking”. Throwing out an LRH quote is just an attempt to stop someone from thinking critically, because if someone were able to, they’d wake up and leave too.
The following might be an appropriate headline in keeping with TRs:
“Mr. Miscavige, we repeat the marital question. Where is Shelley your wife?”
DM should have been more truthful that he’s been doing [his secrectary Lou] while still being married. Impeccable ethics. The Off-Source solution? Sec Check he/she who asks.
Sorry for typos and grammatical errors. Too tired to edit 🙂
Your comm is loud and clear Aquamarine!
It really makes me sick when the cult tries to control the herd with these kind of references. There are plenty of other references that talk about a datum is only as valuable as it has been evaluated, and spotting out points and plus points as in doing an evaluation of something.
I am getting to the point where I feel that the people that buy into this kind of deserve it.
I mean how many times can a person fall for this kind of stupidity? I know I feel for it for quite awhile, so I guess I can be understanding….
Tony, I hear you. This same question continually runs through my mind, i.e. “how can they not see?”.
Well I know one person in who are in who I strongly suspect does see, yet this person is going along with things and giving a full show of support. There may be another person I know as well, although I’m not as sure of this 2nd person as I am of the first.
I can’t give you details but I will say this: for RCS’ers to put on a great outward show of loyalty and support right up until they either blow the cult or begin to causitively withdraw from it is very typical behavior. To give no hint, no outward sign, to make no visible waves whilst planning an exit strategy is the way I’ve seen most people leave, myself included. Most people don’t leave “noisily”. (I’m referring to Class V org staff and public now, not SO members.) No, the staff and public I knew for years — well, they just sort of vanished. You look around one day and realize that you haven’t seen So and So for months, and you ask, “Where is So & So?”, and no-one seems to be able to answer you, or if you do get an answer it doesn’t say much. There were exceptions to this, of course, as not everyone missing was blown or withdrawn, and I did get some clear answers about a few people relocating for their upper bridge actions, etc., but the majority of people, public and staff, just seemed to quietly fade away and stay away. No-one ever grumbled or complained or questioned anything within my hearing. My org shrank immensely in the past 10 years.
Point being: a good portion of these currently obedient, event attending, clapping seals, behaving correctly, seemingly fine with being told whatever they’re being told, etc. etc. could very well be putting on a terrific act and planning exit strategies as Class V org and public.
I did it that way. I was no Leah Remini. I was not brave, for the most part. I kept my mouth quite shut for a few years while I lurked on Marty’s blog and gathering strength and courage, getting vital data which helped me see that I was not alone. (Thank you, Marty!)
I don’t think I’m that atypical. There could very well be a number of K/A drinkers doing now exactly what I was doing, lurking here now, healing, learning, blowing down, and planning their way out. I believe that this is very possible.
Thank you for saying this, Aquamarine. It is easy to point fingers from the outside and shout “How can they not see?!” Never once admitting that one might have spent years “in” and not seeing oneself. Everybody has their own situation to deal with, their own dependencies they need to extricate themselves from. Some people are past retirement age. To leave noisily might mean to become jobless and homless. What do they do at that age? This is a very real dilemma some people close to me are facing right now. Throwing rotten tomatoes at those still in, disparaging their apparent blindness, is not going to help. Showing some compassion just might.
Dollar, great comment! In some cases there are also kids to consider.
I know what you mean Tony. People are just so different and have such different experiences and viewpoints. I remember an impromptu survey awhile back, that said that most people who had left the church had disconnection issues or had experienced reverse auditing. But for a long time now, the outpoints have been so gross, glaring and numerous, that non confront has to be an issue. Just because someone gets a bunch of auditing, it doesn’t mean they don’t have outpoints in their thinking. I think that’s one of the reasons that the left side of the bridge produces case gain, because when it’s done fully and properly, the person clears a lot of words and concepts relating to the mind. Relative sanity is a factor, not to mention responsibility. Also, any idiot knows that when someone asks for money with zero transparency and accountability that one should steer clear, but for some reason, many people suspend their disbelief and do it anyway…… it’s a sci fi movie. It is strange. As an auditor, I have handled people who compulsively destroyed things, perhaps some are enjoying it like DM. And then there’s just plain stupid…….you can’t fix stupid. haha! I honestly feel, with all the truth that has flowed in the last 10+ years, that we are in fact auditing the 3rd dynamic and producing case gain for many. Time, place, form and event creates an as-isness. Real Scn is about truth and we should just keep practicing that. Karma will take care of the rest, count on it.
“I mean how many times can a person fall for this kind of stupidity?”
Till they can free themselves from the “cognitive dissonance” (or choose to back out from the never ending nonsense with all its ramifications and the mind control).
These articles about “cognitive dissonance” explained some of the inexplainable for me:
Tony, “so I guess I can be understanding….” Me too, but just barely!
Its true, it really does inspire a kind of disgust for the remaining members of David Miscavige’s Scientology. Can they really be that dumb? That scared? That weak?? And the shocking answer for many is- YES! Easily! Perhaps He Who Shall Not Be Named’s Mini Me is even working it to hard. I recall when I started having doubts talking to someone who was absolutely adamant that the only person who ever engaged in violence at the Int base was Marty! But that same person had seen tons of abuse where he was on staff himself. You could see the guy being brought to the edge of an un-confrontable abyss and then stepping back saying, “No, no, it just cannot be, it’s unthinkable, it’s too horrible, there must be SOME other explanation, Marty! It must be Marty’s fault. Yes, Phew, thank god, I KNEW there was some other explanation.” These are the people who will inherit whatever is left of the Scientology religion when David Miscagive is done with it. People who simply cannot face truth. People who cannot see outpoints. And left with them will be the people who like to destroy things and hurt people. Together these are the people that are currently running the “official” Scientology religion. Because they have absolutely no ability to confront anything bad, they cannot face the idea that there is ZERO new public inflow. “Oh it’s not going well here, but thank god all the OTHER orgs in the world are doing so well.” Even when the Scientology religion slides beneath the waves and disappears forever, these people will look around all surprised and say “Well I am sure that David Miscagive is working on a handling”. But in the meantime they will act to viciously do in anyone that interrupts their rosy view by trying to impinge a little truth into the scene. There is a reference somewhere to the effect that a theetie-wheetie (no confront of anything) is right next door to a true suppressive. I think as the scene steadily worsens you see a higher and higher concentration of suppressively inclined people left inside David Miscavige’s Scientology. The scene for people who are left behind is going to get more and more manipulative and oppressive. Lucky us.
“The scene for people who are left behind is going to get more and more manipulative and oppressive. Lucky us.” Indeed. I feel very lucky. I once was lost, but now I’m found.
Don’t be so quick to judge. Maybe someone who left 10 years ahead of you had the same opinion of you.
Everyone is different, and sometimes it takes as long as it takes.
You cannot force a cog.
Tony, I’ve come around to that conclusion myself. By being IN the CoS now, one has to go into agreement with things like disconnection, degrading the reputation of long time productive Scientologists and cooperating with absolute HORRORS like Julian Swartz. So, yes, the price they will pay for these overts no responsibility, etc is to continue to be driven way down the tone scale and to continue to have all their money extorted from them. And so my attitude is, tough shit. If you stay in and go bankrupt, that’s a decision you make. But don’t come to me for a cent, cause you ain’t gonna get even a nickel, baby.
Joe Pendleton, you won’t give them even one thin dime? lol
Well….I’m a nice guy…. I guess I’d probably spring for a dime … probably treat the person to a nice dinner too just to hear all the details. Of course the person would have to be willing to “connect” with me again (“re-connect”?)
I hear ya Joe! 🙂
I got your reference to “One Thin Dime” Jane Doe. Yep. I’ve said it before – “Not One MORE thin Dime.” That belongs on an Anonymous placard somewhere.
(“Not One Thin Dime” if I understand JD correctly, is in reference to what we were chanting outside of the Larry Wollershiem case in Downtown LA in 1986, for all you newbies. 😉 )
Julian. OMG. I’ve walked through AO hundreds of times and only got him to just say hello to me once. Trying to get him to help you? Impossible.
The only time I saw Julian smile was when there was a military man in the org and Julian and the Dir I & R and one other person were guarding the front door so no one could go out that way. There was something going on out there and it wasn’t Anonymous. VERY weird. And weird to see Julian smile at all.
Here’s how Kirstie Alley internalized and tweeted her own theta / entheta philosophy: “When faced w malicious gossip I take a moment to experience the loss of the person I thought was my friend..:) and then I say fuck ’em” — to o which fellow Scientologist Jim Meskimen tweeted: “Good policy”
Kirstie is expressing what all good David Miscavige-ites know. That if someone is in trouble- “fuck them”. You see this attitude everywhere in the David Miscavige’s Scientology. You went bankrupt? Well “fuck you and your entheta- I am going to ignore you and you will go away”. You have been on Solo NOTs for 19 years and are still not done? Well “fuck you and your motivator- I am going to ignore you and you will eventually go away”. You were sent to ethics for writing a valid KR? Well “fuck you and your entheta, I am going to turn my back on your evil ass”. Hey! Where is everyone??
“…and then there were none.”
Where have all the children gone …..? Who sang that song?
Pete Seeger wrote the song, “Where have all the flowers gone?”.
Peter, Paul and Mary sang it, and I think the Kinston Trio also sang it.
And Cooper…not sure if that is the one you are thinking of? 🙂
Kirstie Alley is defending hard a very flimsy reality – a reality that is a Condition of Doubt and Confusion – if she’s so sure of things, why not make a public statement – None of these Celebs will, as They Can’t Defend any position of supporting this insanity! Not Even DM’s BF, Tom Cruise himself!
It is a delusional reality experienced only by those afraid to look. 🙂
Did DM ever get his copper rods installed at Flag? Think He would be holding on to them for dear life lately.
But, Mike…. We’ve been ignoring all the entheta for decades, and it just doesn’t go away!
Man… I would pay good money to see Him read that quote…. Out loud… With a straight face…
“And nobody could possibly think or believe those things, just nobody.” Right, Ron, NOBODY could POSSIBLY believe those things! Really?? LRH started in the early 50s to pre-empt his followersfrom listening to any criticism of him or scientology as being “below 2.0” and so obviously aberrated and not worth paying any attention to.
And it continues to today, an email whose only purpose is to tell the sheeple that whenever they hear anything critical of the CoS, it is coming from a somewhat insane and/or evil source, so just know it for what it is and carry on believing everything you’re told even if it is contrary to see what you actually see or all common sense.
This is how stupid the church of scientology has made scientologists, what state of ignorance it has left them in: inability to recognize similarities, differences and identities, inability to even observe what they are looking at when it is right in front of them.
* Leah Remini made the same mistake I did – not saying “fuck you” the moment she was sent to ethics on her cycle. Well, she and I have both learned our lessons, and we’ll have more freedom and more money I might add because of it. I know I’m immensely enjoying the money I have NOT given to the “church.”
“I’m immensely enjoying the money I have NOT given to the “church.” Cheers to that 🙂
Mike, i not only hold you in esteem for surviving the hole for so long (wereas others escaped within days) I think your sense of humour and courage are admirable after years of mental and physical abuse. I enjoy your blog.
PHILADELPHIA DOCTORATE COURSE ah yes this is on every course, I remember it now! How about this question , where is Annie (Broeker) Logan? You know the woman that took care of LRH up until his demise.? I seem to recall Dave taking up a collection for her birthday recently, but she is no where to be found. There is a string to pull, do it with theta though!
Mike: Annie passed away in January 2012. See story on Marty’s blog Disdain For A Valuable Human Life
Thanks Mike, she was a good friend of mine as well as a lot of other people. I see she got the Lisa MacPherson rundown, the trail of bodies is piling up. If I were Dave I would start running, though as the saying goes, you can run but you cant hide.
Mike — yes, I too had know her for a LONG time — since 1973 and we had worked together on a lot of things over the years.
14 June 2011.
Dear Mike,
Excellent Post Mate !
I like the patch, I got one that says “Don’t Upset the Crazy Guy”
Kidding aside, dealing with below 2.0 with Voldemort you get on his Radar screen when you do good and
produce up statistics. ( Debbie Cook) Even worse miss a withhold like “Where is Shelly”.
Leah Remini has brought up all truth ” Correct Who and Why”
OOOOOH, I can hear the squeaking of thousands of Isolation Chambers opening.
Not to steal fire, but this is worth reading.
You can really feel the LOVE coming out of the “church”.
Lron just defined what George Orwell called ‘goodfact’ and ‘badfact’ in 1984. That he co-opted the concept for his own purposes from George and communism is very telling. He basically said ‘put the blinders on’.
jeb and ze moo – What do you believe in?
Please don’t feed the trolls 🙂
Great point. C’mon Mike, there’s a well thumbed copy of ‘1984’ in every OSA office isn’t there? So much of scientology seems to have been guided by Orwells masterpiece. Newspeak, thoughtcrime, knowledge reports where you inform against your friends and family, your worst fears being found out and used against you (PC folders anyone?)… Scientology is an Orwellian nightmare made real.
Totally agree.
Why would anybody follow LRH teachings? I dont get it. I take it your still sn independent scientologist Mike. Dont you ever wonder if he is a idiot savant?
It’s important to keep in mind here that the attacks on the Church these days isn’t coming from low toned, enthata individuals. The attacks are coming from long time Scientologists who, for the most part had always been in good standing. The attacks are directed at one person, David Miscavige. Prior to DM, the attacks on Scientology were almost exclusively done by low toned individuals who new very little about Scientology. Today I’m sure these people enjoy just sitting back and watching as DM destroys the church. As far as Shelly goes, based on what is known about DM’s treatment of other top Sea Org Execs, I would expect nothing less than something similar to the hole.
Ha ha – nice try (not!).
Mike, The nightmare continues for der diminutive dwarf dictator as he tumbles around in the soup, soap & suds of his money -milking machine gone horribly wrong! The on-board management software has him doing frenzied back-flips and foaming at the mouth, since he stuck his oversized head into the machine, and being top-heavy, tripped and fell in, with the hi-tech security door shutting firmly behind him! Tumbling around, with eyes as wide as over-sized saucers, amid the considerable quantity of dirty laundry, tiny fists flailing around with squelching 2″ high false-bottomed Carducci’s & tortured & twisted tuxedo’s gyrating grotesquely, as he spins, agitates & oscillates totally out of control. And that, ….is only the first wash cycle, just begun!….. Jeez, what some dirty ess pee’s will do
just to avoid getting caught with dirt ( &blood ) on their hands, hey?
“Well, the best reason is, is in this society today possibly about the highest theta line that anybody is putting out rather consistently happens to be Dianetics and Scientology. It says you have a chance to be free; it says you have a — you have a perfect right to your own sanity, it says you have a perfect right to your own life, it says you can help others to be free — it says a lot of things”
It is a fact that what the Devil Moron does is totally CONTRARY to the above paragraph. Conclusion: he is way, way below 2.0.
He should sit on a chair, in front of the wall with his famous Drills of GAT and do the one on MWHs, the first line being: “A person with entheta has MWHs” Conclusion, again, DM is loaded with MWHs…
Silvia ~
Some stories leaked from INT BASE where David Miscavige had Sea org members do “TRO” on his image !
They had to sit and confront his picture for hours without blinking, flinching, moving, twitching and comfortably BE there, looking at a picture of him.
Sleep deprivation was involved, this was after production hours.
Karen, are you SERIOUS? Are the sources credible? Wow! Ugh! Disgusting!
Unbelievably squirrel. A twisted megalomaniac!
Hahaha flatten that. Unfortunately probably true. Sad.
Cult of personality, two words.
“Hiel Hitler”
Really? You mean a 3D hologram of Dave wasn’t created by the Golden Era tech. team for this TR-O squirrel exercise? Two dimensions of Dave is just too few.
TR0 on his picture! What is the EP?
Lars, “TR0 on his picture! What is the EP?”
Exteriorize and escape.
If you miss the escape part, you get the bull-bait.
So we now have the NEW TR-O and Bull-Bait for the idle morgs (god thing, because it is not like we have extra coaches around anyway).
And if the student notices the absence of the coach on OT-TR-0, he is flunked for peeking.
Miscavige is a true sicko. He’ll get worse with age. Time for the FBI to raid Int management and put him in cuffs.
Lars, “TR0 on his picture! What is the EP?”
It’s the confidential cognition: DM is two-dimensional.
Drat, it’s not confidential anymore!
Devil Moron. Love it!
I love that this is all so PUBLIC! The whole world gets to watch it un-masked in all its horror as it plays out all over the media. Silly KA. Silly silly silly…. someday she will eat her words… along with all the other stuff she eats.
Oh, that’s rich, Zana!
Zana, “… along with all the other stuff she eats.” LOL!
Leah’s question was probably innocent enough: after scanning the crowd and not seeing an expected face, she asked the simple question “Where’s Shelly?”
That could have been answered smoothly with something like “Oh, she couldn’t make it. She’s busy with a special project. Can’t talk about it, sorry.” Instead Tommy David chews her head off in a way guaranteed to raise suspicions, followed by endless sec checking and whatnot.
They forgot the simple rule: It won’t get better if you keep poking it.
On a side not, a classy Scientology discussion on Twitter about Leah Remini:
Kirstie Alley @kirstiealley 10 Jul
When faced w malicious gossip I take a moment to experience the loss of the person I thought was my friend… Then I say fuck em..:) #RISE
jim meskimen @jimrossmeskimen 11 Jul
@kirstiealley Good policy.
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8:18 PM – 11 Jul 13 · Details
Kirstie Alley lacks class. Several years after the death of a famous man, KA went around bragging that this man had, while married, fallen in love with her. A classy person would have respected the feelings of that man’s widow and kept her mouth shut about it. Not particularly good PR for Scientology.
Ah … Rebecca. I had a crush on Diane. Both always lost to Carla … wasn’t Carla from NYC? I shall never forget Carla getting Diane to abandon her sandwich by getting a whole anchovie, sitting down at her table, stuffing a pimento in its little mouth, sprinkling it with sugar
KA is a moron
Classy indeed.
Good to see Kirsti and Jim taking a leaf out of D/Dear Leader’s book and publicly enlightening the world what scientologists are really like.
And Jim Meskimen was on Americas Got Talent the other day. Whats that say about the state of this OT8’s career. AGT is for young hopefuls that might have never gotten a shot at fame. Jim is a professional actor and has shown in many commercials and movies. He’s resorted to a talent show…
Well, to be fair – the gimmick of AGT is that it’s for “young hopefuls”, but the reality is that professional performers appear on the show as well. For comics, impressionists, singers these prime-time talent shows like AGT are the 21st century TV equivalent of 1970s variety shows like Sonny & Cher, or 1960s shows like Ed Sullivan.
Having said that, the tweets were still pretty lousy!
A nice LRH quote. It works marvelously! I doubt though, that those, who want to apply it to factual statements – hoping that they will disappear – will come to the same conclusion as to workability of those data.
Oh well, now I understand all the non existend Squirrel Busters and PIs!
Wow. How many ways is the use of that LRH quote twisted in the current situation. First, it is true there is some entheta in the situation, specifically the fact that Miscavige disappeared his wife years ago. and he and the Church go to great lengths to attack and attempt to intimidate or smear anyone who asks the perfectly sane question of “where is she?”. That’s the real entheta here. not the exposure of it to a broader examination in the public eye, which in this case is theta. Second, when LRH spoke the words it may well have been that Scientology was the most theta line around, but again, thanks to his Majesty the Super-Enthetan, Scientology currently is not a theta line, but an entheta line based on the lies, smears, attacks, intimidation, attempted control of people’s lives, cutting their comm lines, forbidding their terminals. Compare current Scientology to part of the quote itself: “It says you have a chance to be free; it says you have a — you have a perfect right to your own sanity, it says you have a perfect right to your own life, it says you can help others to be free — it says a lot of things. It says there’s some hope, there’s a chance for us, and it says we might be able to do a lot of things with this. And it just says so consistently and it isn’t saying anything else.” These days Scientology is not saying those things as in the quote — in fact it is saying and doing things to accomplish the opposite.
Exactly so, Sad State. Even in pushing this quote, they are engaging in Reverse Dianetics on the PR line. It’s the oldest trick in the book to do the dirty deeds and then try to flip it to say that everybody else is doing it TO the dirty deed do’er.
Oh yeah. What’s that reference about the Criminal Mind? On Human Behavior? Yes, I can think of a few references that apply to this “entheta” too little one.
Well said Sad State. The mixture of truth and fiction is constant. It’s a false data factory.
“Every time you put out a theta line, for some cockeyed reason, below 2.0 will attack it madly.”
Well, that confirms it!
Asking about a friend’s whereabouts and condition is theta. Keeping families together and abolishing disconnection is theta.
And who are the ‘below 2.0’s’ who attack this madly?
The C of S using LRH data to ONLY suit their needs and protect the sand castle from washing away into the sea.
The C of S and DM will stoop to ANY level as long as it paints a pictures ” we are good they are bad”!!!
The church is in major danger mode as people are leaving by the hundreds daily and for sure so very few are entering the house of horror!!!
Are there that many left that they could still be leaving by the hundreds? I doubt there is any field (congregation) outside of L.A. and Flag that has more than 200 people on lines.
Mike, When Leah asked, “Where’s Shelley?” at the wedding, Tommy Davis could have just given the standard Rfactor when any SO member goes missing and a public asks about him/her, which is, “She’s on a medical handling.” That is the shore story they always give. But I’m glad Tommy lost his cool (again) and snapped at Leah because it made her start seeing the outpoints and get mad enough to write up Der Furher and to eventually leave the church and create such a huge ripple effect. Way to go Tommy! Your screw up is our gain!