In celebration of the birth of a true sociopath, and as a gift not for him but for those who may be unfortunate enough to be in his world, I am reprinting an excerpt from an article that appeared in Signs of The Times.
What is most interesting about this article to me is not the description of the characteristics of a sociopath, for these are brilliantly covered in Martha Stoutt’s excellent book The Sociopath Next Door (the best $8 you will ever spend), but the discussion of apaths and empaths — the people who come in contact with sociopaths. Many have pondered the question “Why don’t Ray Mithoff/Guillaume Lesevre/Marc Yager/Norman Starkey etc etc DO something about this and ‘overthrow’ Miscavige and set things straight?” I have often attempted to answer this in a shorthand fashion by stating they have been beaten into the ground and turned into jellyfish. This article explains the phenomenon more exactly.
Also recognize that within the world of scientology, the weapons of the sociopath are enhanced dramatically by a number of “absolute truths” such as “being critical equals overts and withholds” and “targetting good hats equals ‘pretended PTSness’ or evil purposes” and “you are responsible for your own condition, if you being targeted it is just motivators” and “stop being a victim.” Anyone who has been a scientologist, and especially a staff member is extremely familiar with these catchphrases and can no doubt think of many others.
Truly the environment inside the bubble could be said to be “ideal” for sociopaths.
Many sociopaths wreak havoc in a covert way, so that their underlying condition remains hidden for years. They can possess a superficial charm, and this diverts attention from disturbing aspects of their nature.
The following case history illustrates how people can be systematically targeted until they feel they can barely trust their own sense of reality – what we call “gaslighting”. Sociopathic abuse is targeted abuse. It can wreck lives. Victims can become survivors, but at huge cost.
At school, ‘James’ took a dislike to a classmate, ‘Sam’, who was sensitive and popular. He would mock him for auditioning for the school play or for getting upset over failing a test. The situation deteriorated when it became known that Sam’s parents were separating. Sam appeared to be taking it with fortitude, to the admiration of his peers. He also got attention and sympathy from the school staff, especially James’ favourite teacher: ie, the one he manipulated most easily.
James decided on a plan of covert bullying. He started a whispering campaign implying that Sam’s parents were not splitting up, that he had said they were in order to seek attention. Sadly, this was all too successful and over the next few days Sam was met with silence and verbal bullying from his hitherto-supportive classmates.
James continued his campaign, targeting Sam’s close friends over the next few days. They found themselves accused of misdemeanours such as sending offensive emails/texts. Then the ‘favourite’ teacher went on “leave with immediate effect” after accusations of assaulting a pupil. Where had the accusations come from? Guess.
This case shows how deliberately sociopaths, from a young age, can target others. Taking advantage of people’s credibility and goodwill, James exploited the situation. With a more perceptive head teacher, this sociopath might have been found out, but he knew who to manipulate and how far he could go.
To deal with sociopaths effectively, you first need to open your eyes. In The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson, two weavers promise the emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those who are stupid and unfit for their positions.
When the emperor parades before his subjects, all the adults, not wishing to be seen in a negative light, pretend they can see the clothes. The only truthful person is a child who cries “But he isn’t wearing any clothes!”.
You, too, need to see sociopaths as they really are. We are conditioned to keep quiet, which often means turning a blind eye to or putting up with abuse.
The boy in the tale represents those who see the problem behavior for what it is and find the courage of their convictions to make a stand. Sight becomes insight, which turns into action. Awareness is the first step in limiting the negative effects of contact with a sociopath.
Let’s look at what we term the Socio-Empath-Apath Triad, or Seat. Unremitting abuse of other people is an activity of the sociopath that stands out. To win their games, sociopaths enlist the help of hangers-on: apaths.
The apath. We call those who collude in the sport of the sociopath apathetic, or apaths. In this situation, it means a lack of concern or being indifferent to the targeted person.
We have highlighted the importance of seeing the problem for what it is via the tale of the Emperor’s New Clothes, which represents the collective denial and double standards which are often a feature of social life. The apath in this context is someone who is willing to be blind: ie, not to see that the emperor/empress is naked.
Apaths are an integral part of the sociopath’s arsenal and contribute to sociopathic abuse. Sociopaths have an uncanny knack of knowing who will assist them in bringing down the person they are targeting. It is not necessarily easy to identify an apath; in other circumstances, an apath can show ample empathy and concern for others – just not in this case. The one attribute an apath must have is a link to the target.
How apaths, who might otherwise be fair-minded people, become involved in such destructive business is not hard to understand, but it can be hard to accept. The main qualifying attribute is poor judgment resulting from lack of insight. They might be jealous of or angry at the target, and thus have something to gain from the evolving situation.
At other times, the apath might not want to see the ‘bad’ in someone, particularly if the sociopath is useful. Or they might choose not to see because they have enough on their plate and do not possess the wherewithal or moral courage to help the targeted person at that time. Usually, be it active or passive involvement, the apath’s conscience appears to fall asleep. It is this scenario that causes people blindly to follow leaders motivated only by self-interest.
Readers might know of Yale University professor Stanley Milgram’s experiments to test the human propensity to obey orders, as participants gave increasingly large electric shocks to subjects. Afterwards, he wrote an article, The Perils of Obedience: “Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process”.
Apaths are often fearful people. They are the ones most likely to go with the flow, to agree that the emperor/empress is wearing new clothes. They might also fail to perceive the threat: a danger is of no importance if you deny its existence.
An apath’s response to a sociopath’s call to arms can then result from a state of ‘learned helplessness’. Apaths behave defenselessly because they want to avoid unpleasant or harmful circumstances [including the sociopath turning on them]. Apathy is an avoidance strategy.
The empath. Often, the person targeted by the sociopath is an empath. Empaths are ordinary people who are highly perceptive and insightful and belong to the 40% of human beings who sense when something’s not right, who respond to their gut instinct. In The Emperor’s New Clothes, the empath is the boy who mentions the unmentionable: that there are no clothes.
In the 1990s, researchers suggested that there was a positive relationship between empathy and emotional intelligence. Since then, that term has been used interchangeably with emotional literacy.
What this means in practice is that empaths have the ability to understand their own emotions, to listen to other people and empathise with their emotions, to express emotions productively and to handle their emotions in such a way as to improve their personal power.
People are often attracted to empaths because of their compassionate nature. A particular attribute is that they are sensitive to the emotional distress of others. Conversely, they have trouble comprehending a closed mind and lack of compassion in others.
Very highly empathic people can find themselves helping others at the expense of their own needs, which can lead them to withdraw from the world at times.
It is odd. Most of us enjoy watching films and reading books about heroes who refuse to go along with the crowd, which suggests there is something admirable about people who make a bold stand.
But in real life, watching someone raise their head above the parapet often makes the rest of us feel queasy. Most – the 60% majority – prefer the easy life. It was interesting to discover, when doing the research for this book, how often people see empaths in problematical terms.
Empaths use their ability to emphasize and to boost theirs and others’ well being and safety. Problems arise for empaths, however, when there are apaths in the vicinity. Empaths can be brought down, distressed and forced into the position of the lone fighter by the inaction of more apathetic types round them.
Often empaths are targeted by sociopaths because they pose the greatest threat. The empath is usually the first to detect that something is not right and express what s/he senses.
As a consequence, the empath is both the sociopath’s number one foe and a source of attraction; the empath’s responses and actions provide excellent entertainment for sociopaths, who use and abuse people for sport.
The world of the empath is not for the faint-hearted. In the context we are discussing, empaths often find themselves up against not only the sociopath but often a flock of apaths as well. Apaths are afforded pole position in the sociopath’s intrigues.
But this prime spot comes at a price for, in what we call the “sociopathic transaction”, the apath makes an unspoken Faustian pact with the sociopath, then passively or otherwise participates in the cruel sport.
The usual set-up goes like this: the empath is forced to make a stand on seeing the sociopath say or do something underhand. The empath challenges the sociopath, who straight away throws others off the scent and shifts the blame on to the empath. The empath becomes an object of abuse when the apath corroborates the sociopath’s perspective.
The situation usually ends badly for the empath and sometimes also for the apath, if their conscience returns to haunt them or they later become an object of abuse themselves. But, frustratingly, the sociopath often goes scot free.
Sociopaths rarely vary this tried-and-tested formula because it virtually guarantees them success.
Sociopaths draw in apaths by various means: flattery, bribery, disorienting them with lies. A sociopath will go to any lengths to win her game. The best way to illustrate the interplay, and the ease with which apaths are pulled in, is by another short story.
‘Steve and Robin’ were microbiologists at a prestigious university, collaborating on an important vaccine trial. The department head, Ben, hoped to gain substantially; success could see his status in his field rise and prove the catalyst for a glittering career.
His colleagues worked relentlessly collecting data, then Ben drafted a paper for submission to a respected journal. He decided that the outcome didn’t look tantalising, so falsified key results in order to present findings in the best light. On completing the draft, he sent the paper for comment to his colleagues. Steve replied by email that he was happy with the manuscript; he used the opportunity to suck up to his boss. But Robin was aghast, noting colossal errors. With great urgency, he rattled off an email to Ben.
Receiving no response to this or a phone call, Robin went to find Ben in person, discovering him in the cafeteria with Steve. But he was too late. Ben had poisoned Steve’s mind, saying that Robin had challenged him over the accuracy of the results, due to a longstanding grudge. Ben said he had to pull Robin up about his own work several months back. Steve was different, Ben implied. He intimated Steve would be on course for promotion “especially if we get this paper out and secure funding for the next-stage trials”.
By the time Ben joined them, Steve, though initially shocked, had been won over by Ben’s swift flattery and insinuations
Robin crossed the cafeteria to them. “Hi, you two got a moment?” Briefly there was an awkward silence. Steve exchanged a look with Ben, who gave a slight conspiratorial smile, now that the transaction was done and the sport under way. “Yes, we were just talking about the paper. By the way, I did see your email, but if you look at the paper thoroughly, I think you’ll find that everything is correct.” Steve replied with a smug look that “I’m with Ben on this one”. Robin was floored. “You can’t be serious? You’re happy for it to go off to be reviewed with all these serious errors? Our reputations will be left in ruins.”
He decided to make a stand. He asked for his name to be removed as a co-author but was exasperated to learn that it was sent off to the journal anyway. More frustratingly, it was published. Meanwhile, the workplace became a source of stress for Robin as he struggled to cope with the backlash from colleagues who saw his intervention as an attempt to sabotage their work. People avoided him and, when they did talk to him, the conversation was stilted.
Eventually Robin arranged a meeting with Ben to have it out once and for all. But Ben took control of the agenda. “Robin, I have to be honest with you, many of your colleagues are unhappy about the way you handled things and some have made complaints. They don’t trust you to conduct yourself professionally after you attempted to sabotage their hard work. Mercifully the reviewers saw what a fine trial we’d conducted and didn’t get wind of your attempted slur.
“We can’t afford to have a saboteur on the team. So I’ve discussed this with the dean and he agrees there is no future for you here, and there’s no other way to deal with this. You’ve got to go.”
Any phase of this story sound familiar?
In the story above, the actions of Ben and Steve have a ‘gaslighting’ effect on Robin. Gaslighting is a systematic attempt by one person to erode another’s reality.
The syndrome gets its name from the play and films of the same name in which a murderer strives to make his wife doubt her sanity and get others to disbelieve her.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented in such a way as to make the target doubt his/her memory and perception. Psychologists call this “the sociopath’s dance”. It could involve denial or staging of strange events.
This is Machiavellian behaviour of the worst kind. And anyone can become a victim of the sociopath’s gaslighting moves: parent and child, in-laws, friends, groups of people including work colleagues.
Psychotherapist Christine Louise de Canonville describes different phases that the abuser leads the relationship through:
- the idealisation stage, where the sociopath shows herself in the best possible light – but this phase is an illusion, to draw her target in
- the devaluation stage begins gradually so the target is not alert to the sociopath’s transformation to being cold and unfeeling, but will begin to feel devalued at every turn; the more distressed the target becomes, the more the sociopath enjoys her power, and her abuse can become more extreme
- the discarding stage – the target is reduced to an object to which the sociopath is indifferent, seeing the game as won; the sociopath rejects any connection, moving on to the next target.
Gaslighting does not happen all at once so, if you suspect in the early stages of a relationship that you are being gaslighted, you can protect yourself by walking away.
To learn more, including how to recover from exposure to a prolonged sociopathic transaction, buy The Empathy Trap: Understanding antisocial personalities by Dr Jane and Tim McGregor (Sheldon Press, ISBN 978-1847092762).
remoteviewed. You’ve totally lost it. There is an issue he’s paraded. The Star of Trust award from LRH. Go home, your confront is drunk.
What an article! And some fascinating comments as well. What strikes me most, or perhaps hardest is that most of what is described here – the covert actions of others, the third party, the lack of integrity during moments of crisis – were all familiar to me long before I ever heard the name David Miscavige. As adept as DM is, in being an archetypal sociopath, he did not start this process within Scientology. It existed long before he came on the scene and that I find very interesting. I think SCN attracted sociopaths in the same way and for the same reasons that the Olympics have attracted world-class athletes.
Sociopaths obviously enjoy the hunt, enjoy the game of manipulating others and driving them into apathy and beyond. And SCN seems to have provided them with fertile hunting grounds. A place where people were actively seeking spiritual gain and the ability to “live above the fray.” What better sport than to go after big game, those trying to become less vulnerable, less the effect of others. Manipulating and destroying an OT would merit more than a head mounted on a Study wall. I don’t know, is there a Sociopath’s Hall of Fame somewhere?
If there is, I have a feeling DM would not be the only recognizable face on their walls.
Thanks Mike, I found it so interesting and fascinating that I posted a free German rendition of it on Facebook and my own blog.
Interesting, Valerie. I met Him even earlier than that, and you know how in every class or two, there’s that one little kid who’s an asshole? That was Dave. He hasn’t changed, just got worse.
On the Freewinds I was alone with Davey for 5 secs we were passing each other,
I was just leaving his int crew who were botching up and almost dropped LRH’s picture
in the drink. I came up from the dock and took over hanging the picture myself.
I told him that I was not impressed. His eyes got as big as silver dollars thinking I said
I was not impressed with him. HE had fear in his eyes at that moment. I was walking
with my hammer in hand. Then he looked and saw the picture was secure and realized
I was talking about his crew. He then smiled with relief and said I’m not impressed either.
For that split second I had him and I knew he was a fake. The best part was he knew
I knew. From that point I never was impressed with Davey.
For a slightly different angle on how a fascist / sociopathic leader gets into a position of power by garnering the help of willing followers, another good book to read is The Authoritarians by Bob Altemeyer. He approaches the problem in the context of american politics, but some of the concepts of the authoritarian personality do apply to the situation within the CoS. The authoritarian personality is that of the authoritarian follower, not the leader’s.
Altemeyer’s hypothesis is that what makes the authoritarian leader dangerous is the existence of authoritarian followers.
The book is available for free as a pdf there :
Im scared to post as I feel irrelevant and I have never done before. But I have been reading Mike’s and Tony’s blogs for years now. I’ve also read the books , Jeanna Misgavich and the others out in recent years. I just want you guys to now that we support you, us in the wog world. Be strong and don’t succumb to bullshit
Thanks Lara. Nice to hear from you. Nobody’s view is irrelevant. You might bring a completely different and valuable perspective that will cause someone(s) to shift their own perspective on something.
6 out of 10 people are either bad or ready to be tools of bad.
sounds about right to me. it might even be 7 out of 10.
and it seems that Sociopathy is on the rise globally, or the ability to spot and name it has increased.
at least from my view, it seems sociopathic thinking has been accepted into the main stream, it’s overtly patted on the back.
“haters gonna hate” is a popular refrain of the sociopath and echoed by the apath.
if you are critical you are a hater, rather than someone who is raising questions and pointing out the answers don’t add up.
perhaps it’s apathy that is on the raise. the sociopath having refined and increased the effectiveness of their methods to produce apathy within culture.
Godwin’s law is another example of popular culture enabling the sociopath. it is now more difficult to point out fascism and totalitarianism because if you refer to one the best road maps to those things, you lose. Nice………for the fascist. it removes from your use one the best examples of such things.
in others words if you something as simple as “this looks nazis” you’ve lost. you are stupid, bye.
describe nazism without referring to nazism or you lose. that is your task.
it’s crazy but since it’s poplular…..meaning “everybody says so” it must be right, in other words the “apath corroborates the sociopath’s perspective.”
don’t be shocked if one day after miscavige does time in prison, that he becomes a popular “rehabilitated” personality.
life is a struggle. every thing is a struggle. it’s a struggle between good and evil and a struggle to define what is good and what is evil.
real life is hard. but then nobody ever promised us a rose garden.
If I would write “everyone” below it would possibly be wrong, so I choose “me”:
Since start of my this lifetime and my waking up after some years of sleep within my new body I had found out that I could be a good guy, which also was my wish to be good or a hero (TV based indoctrination basically) but also had the ability to be a very bad guy. Later in my life I had the chance (due to connections) to engage in drug trafficking or other illegal activities. I did choose to be a good guy and not to be a criminal. But within myself I had the ability to be either one. Good or bad. There is no natural block or border that I cannot overcome. Its only based on the decision I make.
So, whatever triggered my decision to be honest, good and not criminal could have triggered the other decision if my life circumstances had been different.
I also have enough stuff in my mind, if let onto the surface, that could easily be considered to be psychotic. That psychosis is within me, quite near to the surface, but I can control it. Basically I learned how to control it. But living in a different environment with something that triggers it, maybe I did not decide to control it or would not be able to control it by being overwhelmed by it.
Maybe you can agree that we have so much potential being good or bad or being sane or insane within us that we could possibly be good or bad, sane or insane. Sure our wishes are to be good and sane, but sometimes there is a difference between a wish and a reality.
Discussion of ideas of that kind within Scientology had been totally impossible. If I did not hide utterly and completely my possible negative side and let it come it into present time a bit to get it erased the session or whatever did end and I had been labelled “nuts” or dangerous. (by the way, to be considered dangerous is the best protection one can have.)
The problem below this is, that the real heavy stuff which can make someone bad or psychotic (or sociopath as a special kind of psychosis) is exactly that which has to be handled to reach any level of ability. In Scientology called OT. Other schools have different names but face the same barrier.
This is a major barrier to OT. If has to be confronted.
I personally know some old-timers OT3 very well. A not too low percentage have problems controlling those barriers.
If David Miscavige is or is not a this or that is evident for those that worked for him. As he is not a “natural” madmen he had a point in his life he re-decided his existence. Or he did some OT level stuff that he could not digest. Whatever may be the case, it should be handled.
Happy Birthday, David Miscavige. The suffering in your ranks reported about daily must be music to your ears. I know you savour your thick walls. When truth finds you, do share your terror with us, will you?
When it comes to the accomplishments of David Miscavige I scarcely know where to begin.
In 1982 he worked hard to overthrow the mission system of Scientology. He shook down the wealthy mission holders with his Finance Police. He got their money alright but Scientology, in general, footed another sort of bill. To this day the mission system, that was once so successful, has not recovered. In fact now it is on life support. Marty Rathbun says that in 1991 the membership stats crashed never to rise again, geez, I wonder why?
It used to be that the only people who accused the COB of beating his staff were older malcontents like Jesse Prince and Vicki Aznaran. But in the last few years many top and mid level executives have added their own personal stories concerning the beatings and the sordid conditions in which they were forced to live.
In his handling of the media he is a veritable one-man entheta dissemination machine. It seems that he is not content unless the media is bashing Scientology in some way or another. Even his personal life has become an issue with the disappearance of his wife. So what do people find when they look up Scientology on the net?
I could go on and on but of all the hallmarks of his reign perhaps the most telling is Miscavige’s desire to tame the OT herd by sending them back to the course room to take silly beginner courses like the Student Hat. He wants to tell the world, I guess, that the OTs’ never learned how to study as they stumbled across the bridge.
So Happy Birthday COB, long may you live to tread on the tails of your underlings coats! And if the number of your supporters continue to shrink, well, just make the rest yell louder.
And lest I forget, a very special present just in time for Captain Slappy’s birthday. 😉
Church of Scientology drug rehab centre rejected
Ah what do you know Mike, let’s see you get nearly a billion people to show up for your birthday party LOL
Seriously though great post and The Sociopath Next Door is one of the most fascinating and eye-opening books I’ve read in a while.
Did you see what David bought for himself as a shitday present?
A true story…
Back in the late 70s I was “volunteered” to do a covert op for the G.O. My mission: Infiltrate the enemy camp and work the inside, reporting back my findings throughout.
In planning out the details of the op with my G.O.overlord, it suddenly occurred to me that, in order to look convincing as an enemy of the Church, I would have to be declared. My G.O. liaison smiled coyly and said, “That can be arranged”.
My immediate reaction: “But nobody will believe it! I’m a beloved and hard-working senior exec at a top Class IV Org, and a loyal Scientol…”
I stopped mid-sentence. I’d seen staff and public turn on each other based on nothing more than one Ethics Officer’s say-so many, many times. I returned his coy smile. “Yeah, they’ll believe it.”
And they did.
A year and a half later, with mission complete, I made my way back on staff. Two noteworthy phenomena struck me:
1) My former–and now regained–friends and fellow staff members are falling all over themselves to tell me how they never bought the story of my disaffection. “We knew you better than that”, “I knew something was up”, etc.
2) I see my Ethics file.
People who had written nothing but glowing Commendations about me BEFORE my Declare had later written scathing KRs about my strange behavior, enemy lines, and sub-par products on staff. One “always suspected something was off about” me. Another had cogged on the out-Tech I’d delivered to them in a session back in 1970. Y’know, the same session they’d written 3 Success Stories about at the time.
So it goes. Hero to enemy to hero again, all with the stroke of a manufactured Goldenrod, or the undoing of same.
If the majority of Scientologists were to choose Integrity and Honor over political expediency and self-preservation, Miscavige would be gone before sunset tonight.
Wow, that is amazing and so sad all in one.
You are absolutely correct that Integrity occupies/occupied a low level of importance instead of the umbrella position it should hold.
Wow, War Horse, what a story and in the world of Scientology, I can totally see how that happened. Sadly.
So true what you said about the notion of the majority of Scientologists choosing Integrity and Honor over political expediency and self-preservation, Miscavige would be gone…. I couldn’t agree more but isn’t it interesting that that quest for “self-preservation” over Integrity and Honor can never be achieved.
Warhorse, thank you for telling a story I told that was derided. People said I was lying when I said I “declared” for an undercover op in the GO in the ’70s. I’m sure we worked together. Small world.
Yeah. The talking behind people’s backs and destroying them by word of mouth only hs been going on a lot of years. It is called gossip in 7th grade and discouraged by the Junior High School Principal. It is called Knowledge Reporting in Scientology and encouraged against your friends and family. Even when it is not true.
“If the majority of Scientologists were to choose Integrity and Honor over political expediency and self-preservation, Miscavige would be gone before sunset tonight.”
Well said. Simply following the Code of Honour at all times would clear up many lives, whether in or out of scio.
I have totally reality on your story because my wife spent time out in the cold as a GAS working on a similar Op. Plus I audited others GAS’ with similar stories. So when I heard stories of someone suddenly becoming “disaffected” I sorta had an idea what was going on.
But you are right.
So many “Scientologists” like any other group are so judgmental which is why the GO was able to successfully use such a cynical ploy.
Though it’s not just restricted to Scientologists. Intelligence and Agencies use this technique all the time. The book the Spy who Came in From the Cold which I gave an oblique reference uses the same ploy to make the main character Leamas seem like a potential defector.
Mike, this is an incredible read. It defines so much of my life of the past several years being connected to this church and to others who are or have been connected to this church. I have known that I was empathic and it is no toot of my horn to say this article validates that. There still are many moments that I wish I would have just gone with the flow, looked the other way, not-known, never queried, never wondered what was wrong. No truer words were spoken when you said, “The world of the empath is not for the faint-hearted.” The loss of my son from disconnection and the shunning of friends I love is sometimes more that I can bear.
All in all, I don’t regret anything I did to discover the truth about what was wrong with the church. I have to have hope that one day truth will be revealed to all of those still in, even though I do agree with Roy that most still in at this point are sociopaths or apaths.
Thank you for this article. Definition is always helpful, and this helps.
Mary McCarran, in case you ever were in doubt that what you did was the right thing to do, I want to salute you and validate you for having the courage to look, to stand up for what was right, even if it meant losing loved ones to disconnection. You rock! And so do all of you posters on Mike’s blog. I’d love to meet you in person Mary.
Agreed Cindy
Thank you for your kinds words, Cindy. I, too, would like to meet you. We have such similar stories.
Thanks very much for this article Mike. It really is a vital part of what we have to know to understand our scientology experience. I can identify myself as being an ‘apath’ through most of my history in scientology, but I thought I was helping people by going with the “flow.” I am an empath at heart.
So, are Davey and Shelly having a nice, romantic candlelight dinner tonight?
Davey and Shelly probably are. Shelly is having hers in an undisclosed location, shivering with cold and working away using candlelight because there is no electricity and Davey is having his with Lou in one of his many multi-million dollar mansions. Oh, you meant are they having one together, didn’t you. Whoops, my bad.
Thank you Mike Rinder,
David Miscavige is a Psychopath / Sociopath.
Reading books like “The Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout
is the “Hat” on D.M. with more to add to the list.
A Ripper of a book.
Extremely powerful article, Mike. Thanks for presenting it.
Michael Rinder, this Opening Post, will probably rank as one of your very best yet!
Your timing, in putting this on your blog today, is certainly bound to speed up the necessary momentum to shut down the 30 year old CO$ Bulldozer Of Destructive Intent
(or BODI.) Perhaps the controversial term ‘mercy killing’, is more acceptable though!
I’d go on to hazard a guess that the entire subject of ‘sociopaths’ (sp’s), probably constitutes the most difficult problem that most of us ever have to deal with!
Brilliant summary excerpts, allow one, perhaps for the very first time, to get a positive & very clear grasp of how such a ‘cunningly sly weasel’, gets away with whatever he/she does.
Momentum, Mike, that is going to prove even more daunting, nay, impossible to stop!
We do what we gotta do, hey? (Thanks too, must go to Dave, the ultimate “huckster”)
You know, Mike, reading these particular post, I am reminded that you spent, what, 30+ plus in the cult? You lost your family when you left and was attacked viciously by the dwarf. The shit you had to put up with is amazing. My worst days on staff were NOTHING compared to what you had to endure.
And yet you carry on with your blog enlightening the rest of us on a daily basis. And people who secretly read our posts as well as you own, wake up. I’m just astounded by your courage, Mike. And so, I would like to say from myself, and I’m sure everyone who posts here, thank you! I know it seems to trite, but, having you in all of our lives has become such a blessing as well as an education. ‘Thank you’ just doesn’t seem enough, but, it will have to do.
Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words.
And…a very belated Happy Birthday to you, my friend! You know, wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could all get together at some point? I had an ‘SP’ party at my home in southern California several years ago. I had 80 people show up! We all had a great time. I’m just 3 miles from the Pacific so the weather’s always nice. Let’s all dream about it and maybe our dreams will come true.
I agree! Mike, kudos to you. You are helping so many with your blogs. And for the record, when is your birthday so we can have a great birthday toast / roast for you on your blog and send money so you can go out to dinner (in France!!!!)
Cindy — you will have to wait for another year for my next birthday! Just had it on 10 April.
The most frequent form of “gaslighting” used on my wife at Mountain View and San Francisco Orgs was Hidden False Reports — and then to use hints of those reports to deny her service on the Freewinds and at Flag. That’s how she found out about their existence. And once she did, the HCO personnel denied they existed. Once she found out who wrote them, the HCO authors denied having written them. When she asked to see her ethics file, they denied access. Despite a B of I finding that no such reports existed, they did eventually surface and the authors became known. Sadly, despite the LRH reference on injustice (not being faced by ones accuser with the real accusation), there is plenty of green on white to justify the use of TTSB reports (Things That Shouldn’t Be), Dispatches, and Miscellaneous Reports that don’t require that the author provide a copy to the accused. And despite the safeguards built into LRH’s references on cleaning one’s ethics files, such requests are now (as of 2011 when we left) routinely denied using Priest-Penitent Privilege or Attorney-Client Privilege or whatever reasons they dream up.
On this day of Miscavige’s birthday where there is a lot of joking and ridicule at his expense on many blogs and forums, I’m glad that Mike Rinder took a more thoughtful approach and used it as opportunity to educate. As others have said here and elsewhere, sociopaths may be represented to a greater degree in what remains of the “church” and in Miscavige’s entourage than in society in general but the fact remains sociopaths are among us – at work, in our neighborhoods, in places of worship, in government, and in our relationships and marriages. It is important to be able to recognize these types of individuals and know of their behavior so we can better protect ourselves, even if sometimes we can’t realistically remove ourselves from their environment immediately.
I imagine today, like every April 30th that rolls around, might be a difficult day – full of mixed emotions and memories of Miscavige birthdays past. I hope that as the years wear on. this particular calendar date fades into insignificance just as the bearer of this birth date does.
As for myself, today I can’t help but remembering the first time I “saw” Mike Rinder on a video documentary. He had been dragged out of the “Hole” to help Tommy Davis deal with John Sweeney. To this day, I can not forget the gaunt face and haunted, lifeless look in his eyes. Although I did not know who he was at the time, I thought to myself, “Oh no, there goes a dead man walking!”
It was great pleasure and reassurance that I followed his progress online. through posts and videos, and saw not only his cheeks fill out, color return to his face, life return to his eyes (with a twinkle, no less) but “saw” him thrive in his life. As it is said, “A life well lived is the best revenge.”
If there is any cause for celebration today, I think it would be to give a heart felt “Cheers! Congratulations!” to Mike Rinder – for his courage to escape the insanity of the Pope of Scientology & Sociopathology and to leave with his sense of integrity, compassion, and humor intact. And now, in a little over a year since starting his blog, here he… exceeding expectations as to its success and fulfilling his goals – as he stated right them from the start under the Mission Statement of this blog:
“It is my intention to do everything I can to:
Expose the abuses ongoing in the church, through this blog, other media, law enforcement and elected officials to bring the abuses to an end.
Help provide information to anyone looking for the truth about the church.
Provide a forum for the exchange of information.”
So I think if a toast is to be made to day, it should be make to Mike Rinder – for unlike so many others, he has been able to break free from the SEAT of Power (Socio-Empath-Apath Triad) and not only free himself from the insanity but is now helping others to do so. What a remarkable achievement and what a remarkable individual! Thank you.
I just held my glass up in toast of Mike Rinder!
Once one decides to apply that catchphrase and some others–TO THE LETTER, graduation from Scientology becomes possible.
David Miscavige-A man in search of perfect and ideal application of each and every sordid trait of the anti-social personality.
One of your very best posts Mike-a great read and an important educational contribution.
Dave, the real “why” for Scientology’s high speed ride to hell is YOU!
I thought I understood the actions that ruined my marriage….but this article explains so much. It describes my life within Scientology, and the relationship I had with many Scientologists, my Ex-Laws, and their conspirators; who were all able to divide the “wasband” from his family (our marriage.)
“You are responsible for your own condition,” is a killer whip, an instant interiorisor mechanism. We want to be cause over our lives, and when this fails, overwhelm results, with classical aberrated behavior. Clearing out one’s overts and witholds is only a minor step to recovery of self, but an SP will use ethics to drive his target insane, inasmuch as he will use any means at any cost to destroy perceived threats to himself. An SP is evilly cunning, and when that fails, he ups the ante; tangle with one of these guys and be prepared to go all the way. Timidity and respect others is our undoing: SP’s run up empires and colossal fortunes on that alone.
It wasn’t easy for him, but LRH was the first person to address this problem with any sort of tech. SP’s will complain, and that’s because they love walking over people.
Poet13c, Good points. I remember once a senior of mine assigned me a lower condition because hw was assigned one by his boss. So I asked, “Why assign one to me? Aren’t YOU responsible for your own condition? You are making me responsible for it.” He then had a psychotic break and came after me physically. Thankfully there was a staircase nearby that I threw him down.
He then had a psychotic break and came after me physically. Thankfully there was a staircase nearby that I threw him down.
LOL!! That is hilarious!!
Well done, Old School, and well done for not compromising your reality.
Poet, I agree with “You are responsible for your own condition,”. One also has a right and duty to hold / defend ones position (all 8 dynamics of them), which results in ones condition. This does take effort and integrity.
Judging by a lot of comments about how the tech is so bad, it proves that the tech does work. The tech is, however, a tool, and the intention to use it for good or bad makes the difference.
I think that davie has done a major job of poisoning the well of the tech. So much so, that even a lot of xscn’s will not have anything to do with it. (IMHO, they still have to remove some remaining poison from their system.) To some degree, the “stable datums” used in the church have been replaced with other “stable datums”.
Stable datums replace the need to think and evaluate on a continuous basis, and is not always a good thing (witness inside the church). Anyone concluding that anyone now out is OK, and anyone still in is bad, is falling back into a similar logic system. They are falling back into a similar trap.
Davie has effected a big mess. He was not alone. There are some on the outside too. One has to be alert for these guys (and this way of thinking / evaluating) all the time.
+100! 🙂
Poet 13, great comment. And Old School, VVVWD for taking action and demonstrating that your integrity is more important than your life.
Thanks Cindy. people like me were slowly transferred from Int as DM was making his plans to take over there. Smart guy. Otherwise, he would have ended up being beaten to bloody pulp…
I think its unfair to all sociopaths to have the Asthmatic Dwarf associated with them.
Give a dog a bad name.
The dissection of the mindset of these people from that article is amusing but the bottom line is:
not sane=insane
Simple really its all well covered in the anti-social personality PL by LRH (No doubt the fury will now be unleashed) which really is enough information for most people.
To be honest I only met one true psychopath outside of Scientology.
However I did meet a few in SO uniforms, but LRH does talk about this in the tapes and bulletins and advises they be routed to the HGC or twinned up on courses.
But remarks about why don’t people do anything about DM, maybe they don’t get the bit about integrity being more important than ones immediate life.
I did not allow any SO member or Org Staff member to put there hands on me at any time.
If they had I would have kicked their face in and showed what anti-social behaviour was all about.
I put up with some shouting and bawling for two weeks on five occasions and decided that as the WDC was gone and the RTC had seized power and LRH was quite obviously off the management lines for some reason the time had come to go.
This was not the Organisation I had joined and was not the one I wished to be in
I had no idea the OT levels and all the materials were out and available within five years of my departure.
So it makes me sick to death when I read of all these people who stay put for years and covertly “discover” what’s available out of the Org, hedge their bets and then leave.
Coward is not the word I would use but it does a have a “C” in it.
Whinging on and on about how bad it all was, the food the conditions the long hours yip yap yip yap, the endless regging the constant invalidation.
Then bloody well grow some and walk out.
Mike did and so did I and he had a lot more to lose than I did.
Hello Mike,
thank you very much.
“Empaths use their ability to emphasize and to boost theirs and others’ well being and safety.
Problems arise for empaths, however, when there are apaths in the vicinity.
Empaths can be brought down, distressed and forced into the position of the lone fighter by the inaction of more apathetic types round them.”
So indicating!
Thank you, Mike, for posting this.
I think this comment may be unpopular, but I have been thinking this over for several weeks now and today seems to be the perfect day to say it.
I don’t know the age of Guilliame or Ray, but Heber will be 79 in November. He was certainly an empath before he was systematically destroyed by Miscavige but a 79 year old is 79 years old. Ray and Guilliame are also getting on in years. To expect them to somehow overcome Miscavige is asking more than I could conceive possible after years of worse than POW treatment. The overthrow (or in my opinion, prisoner rescue) will and should come from the outside as there are so many more people out here now than in there.
I have been thinking seriously about what would happen in the event the pure evil that exists at the head of Scientology was gone. I have personal beliefs about Scientology tech and its’ workability which I will leave out of this discussion. They actually are irrelevant here.
All I can say at this point is that if Miscavige was out of the picture and someone were to try to go in and rebuild The Church of Scientology without David Miscavige at the helm, the name Scientology is such a laughingstock in the mainstream press and on the internet that IMHO the religion itself would fail based on the fact that David Miscavige has destroyed any credibility that it may have once had.
I think that if anyone is thinking about being a white knight and riding in on their horse to do something about Scientology, they should remember that they are saving enslaved people who have been systematically bankrupted, not the remains of what was once a religion.
Awesome post.
It should be periodically blogged, as it is one of the key tools to get over this creepy Cult.
It is actually a tragedy. David Miscavige is as true sociopath in every sense of the word. And yes he is also fully assisted by the Founder’s sociopathic policies, procedures and suppressive memes.
Thanks for all you are doing exposing this insanity.
Right on re DM being a TRUE sociopath. He did not become one later on in his climb to power.
His auditor at AOSHUK gave up on him, no gains, Tha’ts when DM was 16.
Rumor has it that he slapped one of his PCs at SH and was thrown off the internship.
Personally I don’t know how the hell Miscavige ended up at WHQ unless there was someone behind the scenes pulling strings.
Back then as far as I remember it was the GO who vetted staff and whoever was vetting him definitely missed.
(Think CIA and Aldridge Ames or MI6 and Kim Philby or FBI and Robert Hanssen)
Personally I don’t think we can blame Ron because it seems everybody seemed to be on their best behavior around him.
Like for example David Mayo who didn’t start mixing Major Rundowns with Repairs until Ron moved off Tech Lines.
At least that’s my take on it though I’m willing to admit I could be wrong.
But anyway.
Miscavige always operated behind the scenes until Broeker did something stupid like issue the Sea Org and the Future which was such an obvious fake.
Even then.
Miscavige didn’t take full control of the organization as a virtual dictator, at least overtly until after the secret closing agreement with the IRS.
Again my view.
Well, to give you some more data, Miscavige went to WHQ along with the other messengers. He handled the LRH Comm lines. Doubt that anyone “vetted” him at all, but had they done so he would have been a perfect candidate. Much todo about him supposedly hitting a pc, but he WAS the youngest person on the Class IV internship ever. ANd his parents were LONG term Scientologists.
As for Mayo, his biggest crime (along with Jesse Prince as auditor) was being given the task of sec checking Broeker and Miscavige. Neither survived that assignment.
Hmmmm, what basis do you have for saying that issue was a fake other than Miscavige asserted it?
ANd he was fully in control from 1986 — way before the IRS. He was COB ASI and then moved in and took over RTC. That move made him undisputed king of the hill.
That was my opinion when I first read the issue Mike.
Had nothing to do with what followed though it did confirm my personal suspicions.
Are now saying that Ron indeed did write the SO and the Future? Because I’ve studied a lot of tech and policy and it doesn’t seem to be his inimitable style of writing.
I mean I have a copy of it if you don’t and I can send it to you if you want.
Regarding RTC.
Yeah I knew about the lil’ rodents leap to RTC but silly me I thought that CST was the crown jewel of the Scientology hierarchy.
Back in the day staff were privy to such things like the incorporating papers for RTC and CST plus one of our good friends was directly related to Lyman so we had some inside skinny on the change in corporate structure and the transfer agreement giving CST the power to monitor RTC and CSI.
Little did we know about Miscavige’s machinations to turn CST into a toothless paper tiger.
Well that’s all I have to say in defense of my POV on the matter.
Over to you Mike.
I’m not saying I know for sure one way or the other. There are only two people alive that know about that issue, Broeker and Miscavige.
But the establishment of RTC, CST and CSI are all pretty clearly described on the SAve Scientology site. CST was always subservient to ASI. But one could also argue that CSI held ultimate authority — the boards of RTC and CST had to be Scientologists in good standing with the Mother Church (CSI). None of this worked because the real power does not reside in the corporate structure, it resides in the Sea Org and who can enforce their will on others.
I worked on a project with Lyman and Larry Brennan for months establishing all these corporations. They were all laid out by LRH. But they were meaningless — just as they always had been previously. Corporate niceties in Scientology have never meant anything other than what was needed to satisfy the IRS (and CST as a repository for LRH’s personal fortune).
Thanks for the background Mike.
“As for Mayo, his biggest crime (along with Jesse Prince as auditor) was being given the task of sec checking Broeker and Miscavige. Neither survived that assignment.”
I disagree Mike because I personally know of instances where Mayo was altering the tech such as including parts of the Introspection RD in repair programs and canceling the Pro TRs requirement for auditor training.
Don’t know that much about Jesse except that he admitted to never actually running OT II in one of his various posts on ARS.
Also it’s understandable how he could be overwhelmed by an SP like Miscavige.
Miscavige should have been handled by an experience VIII who was also trained in Xdn.
So they could note all of Sgt. Furry’s R/Ses for future handling.
As far as I’m concerned Miscavige is an Xdn case who falsely attested to Clear which is why he accuses everyone else of doing it.
As far as I know Jesse was only a Grad IV.
My opinion of course.
You always disagree Robin. But that’s OK. It’s what I expect.
If Mayo was such a technical criminal, why did LRH bring him to La Quinta to audit him when he was seriously ill? Why did he appoint him Snr CS Int and give him the duty of “preserving the tech”? And maybe he was all bad all along, but that’s a pretty sorry statement about LRH’s perceptions and judge of character.
Never said Mayo was “evil” Mike.
Now did I?
I said he altered the tech by mixing major rds with repairs which he did and canceled Pro TRs as a prerec to auditor training which he did.
Norther he or Ron were perfect.
Frankly I always thought Mayo could have and should been salvaged but thanks to the piranha at the Magic Kingdom he never was.
RemoteView & Mike Rinder –
Your conversation is fascinating to watch.
When Mike said:
“As for Mayo, his biggest crime (along with Jesse Prince as auditor) was being given the task of sec checking Broeker and Miscavige. Neither survived that assignment.”
My eyeballs widened.
This is good history for everyone, and fascinating info for my generational wave of Scientology Exes.
Every generation of Exes from Scientology have people they look up to. Dating all the way back to the 50’s, generational waves of people leaving Scientology have been pushing outward.
Just as so many of the newest generation of Exes who left Scientology from 2008 (or so) until now look up to Mike, and to Marty, and to Karen and Plain Ole Thetan, and David St Lawrence, and Steve Hall, etc…
My generation of Exes were created from 1997 to 2001. The people I looked up to were Jesse Prince, Bob Minton, Stacy Brooks, Vaughn Young, and Gerry Armstrong. Also many others from then included Dennis Ehrlich, Arnie Lerma, the Lisa McPhersohn Trust, Mark Bunker and others of that ilk.
I love that.
Your conversation here is interesting. You’re talking openly about the kinds of things that people like me from that era have always wondered, and wanted to know more about.
And you, Mike, are the guy who knows so much about all that.
So I read EVERY thing you say about things like that.
And I’ll bet a lot of others do, too.
Excellent article Mike.
I see tons of this kind of thing in the world and the Scientology construct is a match made in heaven for a sociopath.
There was a time when I bought the idea that a person becoming an OT/sane (and buttressed by Scn training) would not be the effect of a sociopath. But I saw early on, that despite the many great gains and abilities training and processing achieved, true confront and courage were not among them.
Personally I feel that there may be some conspiracy involved in placing someone like Miscavige in a position of power exclusively to discredit and invalidate the subject.
Whether this is the case or not. The fact is that by altering the tech by introducing through his position in RTC the three swing “F/N” ,by altering FPRD procedure so that the full EP isn’t attained ,by demanding everybody run hundreds of hours of objectives and invalidating the state of release and clear among other things he has for the most part achieved this result.
Add to that OSA’s dirty tricks, disconnection, having his security detail imprison anyone in the Sea Org who disagrees with methods, using “Ethics” to drive tech out instead of in (what I call reverse ethics) by canceling the certs of any auditor or C/S who applies *Standard Tech* and forcing them to do these off policy and out tech “Standard” Tech Drills plus making any one who wants to train as an auditor taxi down this endless runway known in the “Basics” that rivals the SHSBC in size, not to mention the “Hubbard” Pro Metering course which has rookies trying to pass EM 23 and 25 and that anyone who does actually make it to training be “perfect” auditor. He (and whoever is backing him) have achieved his/their objective.
My view.
Looking at these methods I have to agree and feel we have not gotten down to the Sherman Tank yet.
Having a great deal of Standard Tech under my belt, and having been a close observer of the tech and its perversions and alterations over the last thirty years, tend to see as you do. When i add in the gestapo tactics of running an org today, and the policy alterations rhat produce negative results, and the continual assassination of LRH and his character, i can believe that this is a careful orchestration to kill a workable technology that makes man more able, honest and future-survival oriented, and threatens the status quo.
Thanks Ron.
I appreciate the ack.
remoteviewd, LRH (say it over and over and over until it sinks in) put DM into his position of power. ONLY LRH.
You can say what you want Old School but you have nothing other than hearsay and a the Riverside Declaration saying that Miscavige is a “trusted friend” backing you up.
So far I haven’t seen any policy canceling LRH Relationship to Orgs or any issue in writing making Miscavige the Grand Poobar of Scientology other than his and obviously your say so.
As I’ve written earlier:
Dox please!
Not going to get too involved with this other than to note you ignore one document that is perhaps the LAST thing that can be truly verified as having an LRH signature on it (though it was not composed by him) in favor of a 1966 policy of which there are dozens of examples showing it has not been followed BY LRH since a year after it was written. In fact, he proclaimed often (including in that very declaration) that he was NOT a Board Member or Trustee or Staff Member and also claimed he received no income from the organizations. This PL also states that his assets upon death go into an estate for his family….
Very strange reference to hang your hat on as some sort of proof that LRH did not trust Miscavige.
Sorry to break this to you, but he trusted Miscavige implicitly and there are hundreds of dispatches that I have read where he affirms this. Some can be attributed to Miscavige and Broeker forwarding information that was only favorable to them, but LRH’s trust of DM began long before he went “off the lines.”
And before you claim those documents are forgeries, I have listened to plenty of the LRH dictation of those despatches — even transcribed some myself.
You know and I know that the Riverside Declaration does not assign Miscavige any leadership role and it only says that he is a”trusted friend” and like I wrote earlier if there was anything in writing that assigned him a leadership role in anyway then as I wrote it would have been posted in his bio.
Also you go on about how I use an old PL while ignoring the total absence of any mention of succession in Trust B which as you know is later on the chain then the Riverside Declaration.
These are the only things that are in writing. Pardon me if I stick with what’s written in policy which is *not* a Hidden Data line and avoid the Alice in Wonderland world of Scientology created by the whole CMOI junta.
Yep, you stick to your guns Robin. Whatever they may be.
Interesting question — what determines whether something is or isn’t a hidden data line. If I have seen something in writing and you haven’t, it’s a “hidden data line” from your perspective, but nothing hidden about it from mine. So thye les you know more “hidden data line” there are? Is that how it works?
” what determines whether something is or isn’t a hidden data line(?)”
To answer your question:
(Begin Fair Use)
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Rernimeo Sthil Students Franchise
Some students have believed there was a “hidden data line” of tech in Scientology, a line on which Scientology tech was given out by me but not made known to students.
This started me looking. For there is no such line.
I wondered if it was a “missed withhold of nothing”. There can be one of these, you know. There is nothing
there, yet the auditor tries to get it and the pc ARC Breaks. This is “cleaning a clean” with an E-Meter.
One pc I cleaned up very nicely had been harassed for years about “an incident that happened when she was five”. A lot of people had tried to “get it”. The pe was in a pitiful condition. I found there was nothing there. No incident at all! The meter read came from the charge on previous auditing. I think probably she must have sneezed or her finger slipped on the cans when first asked about “an incident when you were five”.
An auditor who “sees a read” when there is no charge makes a “missed withhold of nothing”.
This is the other side of the ARC Break-the gone something, the non-existence of something. No food. No money. These things ARC Break people.
So it is with a “missed withhold of nothing”.
Take Johannesburg. Some years ago the field there was upset by 3 rabble rousers who alleged all manner of r ,Jd things about the Scientology org there. They held wild field meetings and all that.
uth was these three people had done a vicious thing and screamed to high heaven when I sought to query them.
They made a “missed withhold of nothing” in the field in that area! There was exactly nothing wrong with Scientology there or us. There was something wrong with those three people. They had been stealing from the org.
The field kept looking for what was wrong with the org or us. Nothing was. So it couldn’t be cleaned up because there was nothing to clean. There were three thieves who had run off with org property and defied orders to give it
back. How this made something wrong with us is quite a puzzle. They are still “cleaning up this ARC Break” in Johannesburg! For it is not cleanable, not being there to be cleaned! Unless you realize there was nothing there at all! It’s a missed withhold of nothing. The basic org and staff and we at Saint Hill were just doing our jobs in ordinary routine!
Governments looking for evil in Scientology orgs will go mad (I trust) as they are seeking a non-existent thing. They are easily defeated because their statements are so crazy even their own legal systems can’t help but see it. So it’s easily won.
The only person who goes mad on a missed withhold of nothing is the person who thinks there is something there that isn’t.
So it is with the “hidden data line” students sometimes feel must exist on courses. There is no line.
But in this case there is an apparency of a line.
When instructors or seniors give out alter-ised technology or unusual solutions, the student feels they must have
some inside track, some data line the student doesn’t have.
The student looks for it and starts alter-ising in his turn pretending to have it when they become instructors. 186
It’s a missed withhold of nothing.
The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and tapes I do and release.
I don’t tell people anything in some private way, not even instructors.
For instance, all the instructors I taught to handle R6 we taught by my lecturing or writing bulletins for them.
Every one of these tapes is used to teach GPM data and handling to students on the Saint Hill Course. Any new data I have given on it has been given to all these people.
The instructor then knows only to the degree he has studied and used the very same HCOBs and HCO Pol Ltrs and tapes the student is now using.
There is no “hidden data line”. To believe there is makes an ARC Break.
The apparency is somebody’s pretence to know from me more than is on the tapes and in books and mimeos, or, brutally, somebody’s alter-is of materials. This looks like a “hidden data line”. It surely isn’t.
All the lower level materials are in the HCOBs, Pol Ltrs or on tapes.
All the GPM materials released are here waiting for the student when he reaches that level.
One could say there was one if one was way off the main data line. But it sure isn’t hidden. It’s on courses and in orgs.
I laughed one time at the top flight US Government White House entrusted psychologist. He looked over some startling IQ changes, said such a thing would revolutionize psychology overnight if known and added “no wonder you keep your technology secret!”
That is very funny when you look at how hard you and I work to make it known to all!
The data line isn’t hidden. It’s there for anyone to have. There’s lots of it is possibly a source of trouble in releasing it. But it’s all on courses in Academies or Saint Hill. You could have. a copy of everything in the tape library if you wanted. It might cost a lot, but you could have it.
There is no hidden data line.
There’s a lot of data I haven’t had time to write down and put on a line for sheer press of time. But I work hard to
do it.
But even my closest staff and communicators when it hears of a new process or plan from me verbally, sees it in an HCOB or HCO Pol Ltr a few days later.
Don’t for heaven’s sake mistake alter-is by somebody as evidence of a hidden line.
In Scientology we say “If it isn’t written it isn’t true”. That applies to orders. Somebody says “Ron said to . . .” and on a veteran staff you hear the rejoinder “Let’s see it”. I’ve had raw meat walk into an org and say “Ron said I was to have 25 hours of auditing”. And in the raw meat days of orgs, they sometimes were given it. So we have learned the hard way-“If it isn’t written it wasn’t said”.
And that applies to anybody’s orders, not just mine.
And on tech and policy, it’s equally true. If it isn’t in an HCOB or an HCO Pol Ltr or recorded on a tape in my voice, it isn’t tech or policy.
Next time you hear a pretended order or a squirrel process attributed to me, say “If it isn’t written or recorded it isn’t true”.
And watch how tech results soar then in that area. L. RON HUBBARD
LRH:ml.rd Copyright (Z) 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(End Far Use)
Again for emphasis:
If it isn’t in an HCOB or an HCO Pol Ltr or recorded on a tape in my voice, it isn’t tech or policy.
Next time you hear a pretended order or a squirrel process attributed to me, say “If it isn’t written or recorded it isn’t true”.”
So as far as I’m concerned anything that isn’t plainly written in policy about Org Structure is based on a “Hidden Data” line as above and is one the reasons why Miscavige gets away with the shit he does.
He goes around saying Ron said this or ordered that or this was really his intention when according to the basic agreement that is according to the Policy Org Sanity which *is* policy it doesn’t exist.
That is what I mean by a Hidden Data Line.
As above.
I mean as a Class VI I can list off a bunch of processes to run on a PC but none of them have anything to do with *Standard Tech* because they do not exist in HCOBs
As far as I can see CMOI was just running off its own script just like the GO was before it.
Fact is I used to get exactly the same Bull Shit from the GO when I asked to see the actual Directive written by Ron.
I’ve read it but you can’t because it only exists in a transcript from a confidential briefing etc, etc, etc,
So I’d demand to see it and then get bonded up the kazoo and turns out that the oh so secret conference was basically background data which didn’t change existing policy whatsoever.
So Ron trusted Misc as you say, so what?
Ron occasionally trusted people who should have never been trusted like Bill Franks and who he personally appointed to ED Int who as it turns out according to his own admission on Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now was an FBI Informant.
He trust Mayo too and posted him as Senior C/S Int. Only to have him squirrel the Tech when Ron moved off the post as Consultant C/S.
Proves that the Ol’ man wasn’t perfect and at times failed to apply the Chart of Human Evaluation which he’s admitted to doing and being overoptimistic which he was want to do at times.
Like trusting CMOI when they told him that the GO was seeking to take over the organization which in my opinion was nothing but a cynical ploy and an effort to seize control of the organization and destroy it from within.
Which as far as I’m concerned they have succeeded at brilliantly by placing a psychotic sociopath in a position of ultimate power.
Robin, I really think you need to get into present time and see what is actually in front of you instead of trying to find answers in something written in 1965. But that is your choice.
By this reference, every Flag Order and CBO, even those written by LRH is a “hidden data line” as they are NOT available in orgs for all to see.
There are tens of thousands of pages of LRH recorded or written that are sitting in file cabinets in Hemet and at ASI and CST that you and most others will never see. It is all by LRH. And is thus all “hidden data line.”
You can go on being stuck in the past and come up with excuses for everything. But it just doesn’t match with the real world.
It’s a long string of people that LRH trusted who all turned out to be SP’s — going all the way back to Dr. Winter and Don Purcell and the procession has been pretty much nonstop through Reg Sharpe and Ray Kemp to Otto Roos and Bill Franks to Paulette Ausley to David Mayo, Jane Kember, Pat Broeker, David Miscavige etc etc.
When does the percentage become proof that a) either he was wrong and they were not all SP’s or b) he could not apply his own tech, after all the course is called the PTS/SP Detection, Routing and Handling Course.
This has now come full circle and Ron DID trust Misc and you now say “So what?” which was the original thing this whole commentary began about.
And by the way, are you actually saying there are no transcripts of confidential briefings or despatches that are not for public consumption because I am giving you “the same bullshit the GO used to give you when you asked to see ythe actual directive written by Ron?”
I thought you said you were in New World Corps at one point? And you never saw or operated on things in NWC that were not published? You never even read the WOOC Eval that was NOT published?
I know you like to argue for argument’s sake, so as usual I am likely wasting my time. I just wish you would take what appears to be an admirable level of skepticism about the world and apply it to some of the things you hold so dear but you hang onto in the face of overwhelming evidence to disprove them.
BTW, it was not the CMO that “told him the GO was seeking to take over the organization” — the was the Office of Evaluation and Execution (Vinaire and Alex Castillo recall it well as they were both evaluators) and the evolution that LRH called “ConEvil” where he personally directed investigations and evaluations on orgs around the world and essentially forced the evaluators to look into the GO — up til that time it was really off limits, nobody investigated the GO. This subsequently led to the formation of WISE to keep businesses off the backs of orgs and the obs missions into the GO after it was reported to LRH that the USGO had accepted substituted service on his behalf in a civil damages case.
But of course, that is all “hidden data” because you haven’t read about it in an HCOB or PL.
Move on up from 1965 Robin.
Okay point made.
Guilty as charged. Your Honor.
Yes I agree that the Tech/OEC Vols are just the tip of a very large iceberg involving various Directives, Orders and Advices which would make several large volumes.
Though it still doesn’t change the fact that what orgs should be operating on are exclusively in those two sets of volumes
and they are not.
A parallel would be the dozens and dozens of processes covered on the BC and earlier lectures but only a few dozen of those being considered Standard Tech.
There is also Standard Admin as well.
Thanks Robin. I have marked this day on my calendar! 🙂 Glad to have some agreement. I guess these back and forths are not a complete waste of time.
Oh and another thing OS.
Doncha think if there was such a reference that they wouldn’t be posting it on they’re website in their sickening Bio of their “leader”.
I mean aside from posting something from RJ 38 completely out of context and turning the plural “Scientologists” into the singular “Scientologist” as if Miscavige all by himself stopped the diabolical take over of the Church by the evil GO.
Well, if there is any lesson to be learned from this, is that Ron’s tech to spot sp’s is worthless and DO NOT WORK. I say this witha heavy heart as I use scientology as a freezoner, but the evidence in this direction is overwhelming. PTS/SP tech is a piece I stoped using because of that long time ago.
Read “The Sociopath Next Door”. That gives a great foundation for recognizing sociopaths (SPs). Recognizing them quickly is the hardest and most important step and this books takes you a long way towards being able to do that.
Victor, there is almost none of LRH’s “tech” that has been scientifically tested. I doubt that you’d find more that a few items that can consistently produce results claimed for them. That leaves the subject at large being a system of belief. NOT and applied science. EVERYTHING from Clear and above on the Grade chart is in that category.
Maybe but also there is a lot of data on psycho/sociopathic personalities in Science of Survival and early PABs. Plus a lot in the ExDn Series and lectures.
My personal choice if you want to look into the mind of a sociopath is Red Dragon by Thomas Harris. Also Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and of course read anything written by Miscavige as an RTC bulletin 😉
And yet, we see it produce “miracles” on a regular basis, as long as the tech is standard. I can only suppose that “science” doesn’t posses the instruments to “test” what occurs.
It is more like LRH’S PTS/SP data is INCOMPLETE, just part of the whole picture or that in the meantime the psychs have done a lot more research in this field.
Apart from ‘The Sociopath Next Door’ there is also ‘Without Conscience’ by Robert Hare and ‘Snakes in Suits’ also by Robert Hare as a co-author. These are all excellent books to expand one’s understanding
of this phenomenon.
Wow. Fascinating – this resonated with me and blew so much charge. Thanks Mike
I believe that there is socipathIC behavior which is characterized by a disconnection from the feelings and realities of the people around the person who is acting sociopathically. For instance, soldiers in time of war are definitely acting sociopathically toward their enemies.
But those same people who acted that way during war time may go back to the country, such as Viet Nam, and visit the people there in complete concert with the thoughts and feelings of their former enemies and feel great empathy with them.
In fact, remembering soldiers, and corporate raiders, and bosses who must fire people, is very important in avoiding thinking with labels too much and improving judgment with regard to what goes on in the hearts and minds of other people. If you think about it, a belief that there are people who walk among us who are different from us called “sociopaths” (or SPs), who are totally different from us and who do not think or feel as we do, then this itself is a disconnected belief about the thoughts and feelings of others – and can lead to the same sociopathic behavior toward those people they believe are sociopaths!
The artificial cult environment which makes up the life of the Scientology staff member that you mentioned Mike, is what I believe made Miscavige evil. His sociopathic impulses are unchecked in that environment, and even supported as you showed, and he has become who he is because of it.
In a prison environment, over time, I believe he will probably shape right up.
While I never worked with David Miscavige like you did, Mike, I still think that the same logical problems and social retardation that Scientology creates in a person with a belief in SPs, are also created with a belief in sociopaths.
We are not just individuals. We are ALSO the environment we are dealing with.
Stanley Milligram, the social scientist mentioned in the article above, and the architect of the Stanford Prison Experiment, has a great TED Talk on the origin of evil. He does not believe that people walk among us who are different from us which we can label “sociopath”.
Here’s his presentation:
Thanks Alanzo. Interesting and I agree with much of what you say, though I do think there are personalities that are inherently sociopaths and not just created by the circumstances and environment in which they exist. There are plenty of instances of children who are in otherwise normal homes that display these characteristics without any environmental causation.
But that being said — certain environments do create this sort of personality. And it is almost the definition of a cult to be that environment in which a sociopath is guaranteed to rise to the top.
North Korea
Mike wrote:
There are plenty of instances of children who are in otherwise normal homes that display these characteristics without any environmental causation.
Yes. This exists as well. Good evidence, and great presentation of your point.
It is so refreshing discussing things with you, Mike.
I don’t know where you got your critical thinking skills, but you really are an awesome rhetor.
A guy could learn a thing or two from you.
I’d like to just say about soldier behaviour in war: Soldiers are put on mindbending drugs – before they go to war, while they are there and when they come eturn from war. Soldiers are ‘not normal’ when they are in combat. They are not a reliable comparison to use.
Our cops are treated in the same way. They’re on mindbending drugs. To that degree, they are not responsible for their actions. They are suggestible.
Wow — this is a new concept to me. All cops and all soldiers are “put on” mind being drugs? Who does supposedly does this? I know some cops, they are not on drugs.
There is some truth to what 880 says.
Many military and law enforcement personnel are on prescribed medications for PSTD and other ailments listed in the current edition of DSM.
Others, mostly draftees during Viet Nam, have taken mind altering drugs for recreational use.
Some were exposed to Bz in country and while training as part of the following:
Same with LSD:
Then there are spies and special forces personnel who have under gone SEREs which involves the use of psychotropic drugs and hypnotics as part of their training program:
As far as law enforcement personal.
I personally don’t know of any program that involves wide spread drug use on Police Officers, FBI Agents, the Military’s MP, CID etc.
In my opinion they are for the most part just naturally cranky, paranoid ,cynical and jaded 😉
Interestingly re the children in normal environment displaying this sociopathic ‘no conscience’ , MRIs of their brains actually show an anomaly compared to MRIs of normal childrens’ brains.
Unfortunately I didn’t make any notes on where to find that.
Alanzo, I had my first and only meeting with Miscavige when he was 17. He was evil then IMHO. I had the good fortune to NOT work with Miscavige.
In 2011, more than 30 years after I had left Scn, when I got a call from someone trying to “recover” me, when I was directed to the Scn website, and the first thing I saw was DM, a cold chill went down my spine. My first thought was “how in the hell is he still there? (At the time I had no clue he was in charge of the whole kit and caboodle).
I had a similar realization myself when I had my “Truth” Rundown and they asked me a bunch of questions on whether I had any evil intentions toward the lil’ weasel.
Of course my first thought was I don’t even know the guy but if you keep asking me I’m sure I can mock up a few 😉
Thanks for posting this, Al. The Zimbardo TED talk was a very good explanation of the effects of institutionalization. I have seen a lot of what he is explaining.
Curious about one thing in your first comment and want to know if there is a typo there or, if not, could you clarify: “In a prison environment, over time, I believe he will probably shape right up.” In context it seems to me that you are talking about Miscavige. Is that right? After listening to Zimbardo, how could you suggest that such a thing as prison could be at all therapeutic? It’s a real-life scenario to Zimbardo’s test thesis – is there any reason you’re suggesting things turn out better in actual prison life than in Zimbardo’s mock scenario?
Hallo Dan-o!
Yes, I was talking about Miscavige. And yes, I do think that sending Miscavige to prison, in addition to being therapeutic for everyone else who has been involved in Scientology while he was running it, will be therapeutic for Miscavige, as well.
It is the idea that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
It is precisely the authoritarian environment which Scientology creates which takes every one of Miscavige’s cruel impulses of brutality and turns them up to 11 – and keeps them there with no checks on them at all.
The first thing they do with you in prison is to demonstrate to you in about a million different ways – all day every day – that YOU are not in control. YOU have no power. Over and over this is drilled into an inmate, right down to when the lights are turned on and off, and what the temperature can be in your cell.
And then you live like that in that environment for a long, long time.
I know people who have been through this, and each of them say that it taught them things about themselves. Many of them say that it “woke them up” and forced them to confront their earlier sociopathic behavior because they had to keep asking themselves “how in the fuck did I ever get myself in HERE?”
So yes, I think this would be very very good for David Miscavige.
And for everyone else, too.
And then when they release him, to have him have to wear one of those GPSes on his leg and report every move he makes every day to his parole officer, to deny him his Scotch and make him travel from high school to high school teaching kids about the dangers of cults, I think this would truly be the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
Okay, the last paragraph was a little fantasy I sometimes run through my head. But I am serious: I think prison would be very good for David Miscavige. It may even break his sociopathic habits when dealing with others.
Also, Dan.
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment showed how guards acted when they had total power over inmates, with no checks on them. And there are prisons that are abusive like that, very unfortunately. I don’t believe anyone should be sent to an abusive prison, even David Miscavige.
But I know one guy who was in federal prison for 16 years, and he says that he was always treated with respect by the staff. Always. And this is not a guy who would say this if it wasn’t true.
This is also a guy who would fit ANYONE’s definition of, not just a sociopath, but a psychopath, BEFORE he went to prison. After prison, he does not have the same habit patterns any more.
Maybe he is an aberration.
But speaking to this guy has taught me a lot sociopaths, psychopaths, the American justice system, and well run prisons.
Alanzo, the difference between a soldier fighting a war and a person who is a “regular” sociopath is stark. Most soldiers don’t like what they are having to do. And only do it because they think that they are protecting other people and are legally bound to do it. The serial killer who goes around murdering persons they don’t know are NOT in that league. IT is NOT the same phenomena.
Are you saying that a soldier in battle is not behaving sociopathically?
Why, exactly?
Alanzo, a soldier in battle (at that time) is just trying to stay alive.
Talk to some veterans, it would clarify a few things. (Tom Martiniano’s book Vietnam – The Teenage Wasteland “a Hippie in Vietnam” is a good reference.)
Alanzo are you serious or, just trolling? You really think that a soldier thrown into a kill or BE KILLED combat environment is acting like a sociopath by trying to keep himself and his buddies alive by fighting? If you think that is the case, check yourself into an inpatient psychiatric hospital as you have lost touch with realityland.
Been there, seen it, suffered it, got out and living free fortunately.
It’s hard to have any sympathy for the SO members that actively support him, but for those who have been broken by the continual abuse, most definately.
I hope to live ling enough to see it ‘s demise.
Let’s not forget, Mr. Sociopath got effective weapons from Ron to use to destroy lives.
If you ask Paulette Cooper, or the women offloaded from the Apollo after Ron used them sexually if Ron had these tendencies they may not see a difference between Ron and Dave.
“Ruin utterly?”
“I always even the score?”
“lied, tricked or harmed?”
“destroying lives by black ops?”
This is sane?
Ron IS source
The ethics tech was Sociopathic training 101. Ron’s paramilitary intelligence data was like honey to the ants, food for tyrants, strategy for DM.
Ron’s attack policy, his hate of competition, his thirst for cruel retribution was sociopathic.
True words, Brian. He was a sociopath and the source of the cruelty and insanity we see in the church. It’s not just today. It’s always been there.
And then some, Brian.
Another aspect to the veiled reality of a Scn’ologist is the feeling that being part of the intellectual upper crust of spiritual beings , one would never fall prey to such a personality. And just looking at this now as I write, this false praise of the Scn’ologist intellect goes back to LRH and his recruitment for troops in his war against various imagined enemies in the universe. The rabbit hole is deep and wide.
Lookingin, I believe this started when they divided themselves into us and wogs. They were homo novis and the rest of us were mud people. Now it’s to the point that they are truly the Ministry of Hate.
And, you’re right. The rabbit hole is HUGE.
All well and good, but to continue to play victim ain’t a gonna cut it. Heber and the others once had balls. It’s time for them all to wake up even if it means risking their personal safety. Just take the little motherfucker out. I have spoken.
And spoken well… However, it’s a testament to their brainwashing techniques that the Exec Strata is locked up and has been locked up for how many years now? North Korea is probably taking notes.
I think they are broken men. Whatever brought them there is partially up for debate but the mental and physical abuses they endured is not.
They are, Marie. All of them. Broken. It reminds me of the Red Guard under Mao in the 60s where they would demand, “What are your crimes!” Sound familiar? Scientology is sinking into one of THE most militant cults our country has ever seen. Only Jonestown and Jim Jones were slightly worse.
Marie Guerin, you could be right or…maybe old Heber, Guillaume and various other people I knew well from my old days at Flag Management (1974-1981), are just so institutionalized and with no chance of surviving out in real world, they have come to terms with the idea that the SO is the only way to stay alive, fed, clothed and with a roof over their head. It’s like what happens to habitual jail birds who, after being behind bars for many years and then released they find themselves lost and find a way to go back to jail, where they get fed, clothed, and have a roof over their head. May be a bad comparison because Heber, Guillaume and the others are not habitual criminals but they sure are habitual ball-less people, who really missed the boat when it comes to confronting evil. Many people, particularly my friend Mike Rinder and also Marty Rathbun, actually confronted the evil emanating from David Miscavige and decided to extricate themselves from the Hell they had been putting up with. Those who wont leave, have ulterior motives. They are not victims.
MJ I agree with you. But I think DM has broken them mentally, spiritually, and physically. They can’t free themselves now. North Korea must be taking notes on how to torture, brainwash and subjugate all within their reach. And DM is the master at it.
Incredible article even after having read “The Sociopath Next Door” (which is the best $8 anyone will ever spend).
Quote of the year :
“Truly the environment inside the bubble could be said to be “ideal” for sociopaths.”
This is so damned true.
Most of us could write a book on how perfect the scieno world is for sociopaths to operate in. Especially the scieno ethics and justice system. Scieno’s can “kill” anyone they want with a few rumors. Those in the SO can just SP delcare anyone they feel like and that person is road kill.
This concept of empaths and apaths is an excellent description of the very thing visitors at this blog marvel at – how could scienos just go along with obvious lies and betrayal. And accept so MANY obvious lies? The 60% figure might even be a tad low. Inside the bubble it’s probably a much higher percentate that “go along to get along”. And the mass disconnections are a great demonstration of people who will hurt another in an effort to just go along. Even if the person they are hurting is 100% know to them as a good person – Sara Goldberg springs to mind.
Also there has been a massive attrition in the last 5 or 6 years. I wonder if the 40% empaths have already left? Perhaps now the world of scientology is ONLY sociopaths and apaths.
Certainly hard to have sympathy with such people.
People like Heber, Guillerme and Ray Mithoff are not apaths. I think that most of them were empaths and that they have been systematically targeted over a period of many years and emotionally and physically beaten to pulp. How that happened is a lot clearer after reading this article. And try to imagine if you were a sociopaths target but could never leave his clutches. If he would get bored with destroying you, move on to someone else, but then the instant you showed any signs of emotional recovery, he would just come around and crush you all over again. And that went on for 20 years. Also the concept of apaths explains why a “takeover” would be impossible. 60% of the people (or much more by now) would follow and support david miscavige in crushing any form of rebellion.
Very revealing article. They should teach this stuff in school. It would change the world.
Thank you Mike.
And I hope that david miscavige takes the opportunity today to crash his motorcycle due to choking on his pate fois gras.
“People like Heber, Guillerme and Ray Mithoff are not apaths.” – I can’t agree with this. If they were empaths they could not have gotten to the state of being beaten to a pulp. They WOULD have made a break for it, even later.
My take on these three is that they are not empaths at all. If you understand what an empath is, he doesn’t get beaten down without soon rising. If he’s an empath, he won’t ever reach the stage where he’s beaten down to pulp.
Thank you for such a great article Mike! Put this one on the side bar with a link to it so that people can go to it forever. It is that important.
I had a best friend of over 30 years who “goes along to get along” in the church even though she said she and her husband are UTR and read the blogs and that she “hates DM for what he did to our church.” She further said she hopes he dies. But when she found out I was covertly being investigated for reading the blogs, she disconnected from me in a heartbeat (even before FB police found out and started policing people to disconnect.) She told me she had to so that “they won’t come for me next.” She said, “I have a son and two grand kids that I’ll lose to disconnection if they come for me because I’m a friend of yours, so I have to disconnect.” So she did. And then she went even further and went to our mutual friend and walking partner, a KA drinker, and said to her that she had disconnected from me because “she is disaffected and I don’t want that on my lines.” A complete attempt to PR herself as a KA drinker in the fold when in reality she hated DM as much as any ex Scn does. Then to further PR herself, she routed onto a cheap little Div 6 course so she could show her face on course for a few days and appear “with the program.” She is a total Apath per that article, but an Apath with a huge 1.1 Covert Hostility streak to her. I hope she reaps what she sows.
Wow! Same thing happened to me with a friend I had. It’s amazing.
“Also recognize that within the world of scientology, the weapons of the sociopath are enhanced dramatically by a number of “absolute truths” such as “being critical equals overts and withholds” and “targetting good hats equals ‘pretended PTSness’ or evil purposes” and “you are responsible for your own condition, if you being targeted it is just motivators” and “stop being a victim.” Anyone who has been a scientologist, and especially a staff member is extremely familiar with these catchphrases and can no doubt think of many others.”
Yes – and if you still have disagreements and the above doesn’t make you submissive or you don’t manage to leave (escape), there is the Scientology ‘Truth Rundown’ for you. I was just recently thinking about the similarity of it to gaslighting. In the ‘Truth Rundown’ you are even made to participate in self-gaslighting. Evil!
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented in such a way as to make the target doubt his/her memory and perception. Psychologists call this “the sociopath’s dance”. It could involve denial or staging of strange events.”
The Scientology “Truth Rundown”:
I realize you are not the originator here of “being critical equals overts and withholds” but since I am just here in going through the comments this actually requires a bit more differenciation. If you look at the definition of ‘Criticism’ in the Tech Dictionary it says amongst other things: “There are rightnesses and wrongnesses in conduct and society and life at large, but random, carping 1.1 criticism when not borne out in fact is only an effort to reduce the size of the target of the overt (HCOB 21 Jan 60 JUSTIFICATION)”.
I agree that most S0/staff are misusing this as it is so handy to throw at someone who brought up an uncomfortable truth. It uses this basic ‘always attack instead of defend’
It amazes me how “when not borne out in fact” is always glossed over and that any criticism even when fully warranted is an invitation to “find your crimes.”
You are right about the def ‘carping 1.1 criticism’ (how far criticism is considered carping or only fact, truth, view point or experience can often also be subject of interpretation).
It is also about: “targeting good hats equals ‘pretended PTSness’ or evil purposes” and “you are responsible for your own condition, if you being targeted it is just motivators” and “stop being a victim.”
For me these are only examples; it is not really about the definitions per se, but about the whole attitude towards people who do not agree. There is nothing about “true is, what is true for you” or “never compromise with your reality” or “all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others…”
Chris Shelton explained some of the contradictions which are woven into the subject excellently in his latest video: “You’re Free to Say What We Want You to Say”.
– Karola
I agree wholeheartedly that David Miscavige is indeed a Psychopath. He has no conscience, is really only interested in himself to the exclusion of others, and would do anything to protect himself from being outed. I am so thankful that those who worked with him and left are now able to expose him and shine the light on this despicable human being. It will be a happy birthday for all of us when Captain David Miscavige is finally removed from post and made to confront his misdeeds.
Thank you Mike! This is good information. I have been studying up on the Narcissist as well. That information describes David Miscavige to a T as in TROUBLE!
This type of information is very healing after getting out of Scientology (once one pierces the cognitive dissonance bubble of suggestions implanted by the Scientological TECH on any data from THE PSYCHS is bad, wrong, to be avoided and evil) The PSYCHS – Scientology’s enemy they enforce on everyone!
Actually, there is so much information on how Scientology bamboozled us put out by THE PSYCHS – that will help people get to the truth about the scientological mind controlling scam, it is shocking. But it will help put the pieces together of the mind shattered by the distorted information we were fed by the Tech!
Awesome post!
Yes, very good article and also agree that The Sociopath Next Door should be read as well.
When reading the above I though of OSA, and other members as well, as being apath: “passively or otherwise participates in the cruel sport”
The good side of all this is to recognize that many of us are empaths: we had the integrity to see the truth, freely decided to leave “that cruel sport” and have had the courage to speak up. This is what deserves a celebration indeed.
Yes Silvia, Happy Birthday to us! We saw, we cared enough to speak out, and we got out. We deserve to celebrate our good fortune at getting out.
Well, Holy Crap! I have too much personal reality on this from my staff experience in Scn.
Does the name Deanne strike a familiar tune?
Lookingin, you know that’s right! Feel free to email me at [email protected]. 🙂
You and me both Sydney.
When I was on staff at the Honolulu Mission, there were constant “witch hunts” to find the SP that’s preventing the Mission from booming. I became one of those targets.
The insanity I experienced on staff was just mind boggling. Not the least of which came from everyone spying on everyone else. When you’re on staff, you never really have any friends. Just people trying to bring you down.
I wish I couldn’t relate to what you’re saying, OSD. Sorry to hear you had your own crappy experiences along this line.
I saw this sort of thing happen with so many staff time and again. It’s part of Scn culture.
And often people you consider friends are “turned” on you after they are 3P’d about you, or put through an ethics cycle where they become convinced the right thing to do is report every potentially non-Command Intention thought or whisper you ever made. I admit during my worst times, I also targeted my friends in some of these ways.
It’s a sad thing when teammates who can do great things together, have people in their own group turn them against one another. It creates pancakes out of the best and the most dedicated members.
This is so true, Old Surfer Dude. I was just saying to a friend last night that As soon as I became ED of the org, I was bullied, invalidated in front of my staff, screamed at by my SO seniors in front of public and staff, was ovewhelmed with cross orders from very, many terminals, treated with no respect whatsoever and belittled at every opportunity.
I was broken down systematically until I got ill and routed out. I was so sincere, worked so hard to achieve the goals of the org, I should have been helped, not destroyed.
This is the most insane group on the planet.
“Oftentimes, we think of the terms “psychopath” and “sociopath” as being used interchangeably to describe people who have no conscience and act with no regard to others; in fact, the terms were once fairly interchangeable. Now, however, “psychopath” is usually used in regards to someone who has crossed the line into the criminal element, while a sociopath is of little danger to those around them.” Deborah Kelly.
He is a psychopath.
He’s a psychopath all right…on steriods.
Whether DM is a P (=Psychopath) or an S (=Sociopath), he is an SP….
I beg to differ. Sociopaths are plenty dangerous too. DM is both a psychopath and a sociopath and a 2 1/2 percenter SP. Was I specific enough for you, OSA?
And a rose by any other name would smell the same.