2106 is done and we embark on a new year.
A lot happened over the past year in the scientology world — and as always, Tony Ortega has diligently documented it at his excellent blog. Nothing significant happened in the scientology sphere that he has not comprehensively covered. He saved me a lot of work by reviewing it month by month and I don’t have to look back to try and summarize the year. For that I am thankful.
But I will say there were some massive upheavals that have changed things forever.
The exposure of scientology abuses has reached unprecedented levels and I am sure it will continue into 2017 at an even greater pace. I truly believe a tipping point has been reached where the misdeeds, immorality and cruelty of scientology is no longer something just chatted about on the fringes of the internet. It has hit the mainstream. Ironically, the abuses of scientology have become mainstream before scientology itself (which has always been one of Miscavige’s cherished aims). Scientology has reached the top of its last peak and it is truly all downhill from here. They can run Super Bowl ads (no doubt to much criticism and probably a bunch of negative media and no NEW people coming in), continue to generate smear sites and creepy N. Korean style POW videos of brainwashed zombies reading scripted statements, buy ads on Facebook and Twitter and cut ribbons on empty buildings – but none of it will matter. The scientology organization is under siege, its defensive walls are crumbling, its inhabitants are starving and its days are numbered.
The groundswell of sentiment continues to build that government agencies — IRS and law enforcement — must act. Action is inevitable, and I believe it will be this year. It is just as inevitable that now scientology has become a public outrage, some enterprising trial lawyers are going to figure out there is a LOT of money in them thar scientology hills.
And all the while, the anecdotes of people steering clear of the roach motel that is scientology, or emerging from the scientology mindfog into the sunlight due to finding out what is really going on will continue to roll in. And each of those will be the BEST news of all.
Thank you to so many who have supported this blog, and Tony Ortega’s blog, and Leah Remini and A&E and especially to everyone who has stood up and been counted.
First of all, I have been aware of you since the first Panorama documentary where you looked stressed and ill. You look younger now than you did ten years ago. No need to ask why!
I have been watching your series with Leah and I am so impressed at your combined efforts in exposing this disgraceful organisation.
I wish one of the big guns or their wives/ex wives would talk. I believe this might just be what is needed to push them off that very high cliff.
I’m not sure what happens here in the UK. Are there vulnerable adults and children serving at St Hill or any of the London Orgs? If there are people working there for less than the minimum wage, they are breaking the law.
If there is anything we can do to help here in Britain, please let me know. This racket has to be stopped and Miscavige taken to task. I cannot believe this is being allowed to linger.
Keep up the good work. You are a plucky bunch and the world is on your side. Love to Aaron. I’ve watched a lot of your YouTube films together. His story is one of the worst I have heard.
I noticed the same thing too! He looks so much lighter and happier. There’s a light in his eyes. He looked stressed and not happy before.
Are you having fun yet? 🙂
I want to personally thank you so much Mr. Mike Rinder for this blog. I rarely post on here. I get so many emails that I get overwhelmed that I just don’t have time to post. I do read a lot of the posts when I can.
I have also have watched a couple of episodes of Leah’s show. It’s amazing.
There is a video done by the name of Nora Beth Crest that you should check out. You and Leah should interview her.
She has several videos online.
Again thanks for everything.
Cory Sills Montoya
Thanks Cory. Have seen Nora’s videos and promoted them myself.
Hello Mike- You and Leah are are doing a great job! I’m not a Scientologist, but I have been fascinated by the series on A&E. May everyone else escape as well!
I saw the clip of John travolta defending the cult on GMA. How can he be an ethical person and still do that ??!!
He can’t possibly be unaware of these horrific abuses. I swear it makes me want to boycott their movies. It certainly makes it easier to stay away. I’m interested in knowing if any of them have contacted you since the show?
Why won’t Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes at least make a comment. I feel as if they could accomplish so much by doing so. Spokespeople like Tom Cruise and John Travolta need to think long and hard about their practice of promoting Scientology …Saving lives? They are costing lives.
Also I wish the show would talk more about the practice of auditing and possibly reenact an auditing session. And address the speculation about the auditing having revealed secrets that possibly these actors would not want public?
Your correct something can be done ! What ever that turns out to be im on board , Im sure many others are as well to end this injustice ….. We all have our reasons for signing on , to be part of something we feel its a positive thing at the time , sometimes we dont always see whats in front of us , we see the good in something or what appears to be , someone in another comment was asking Mike if he felt blame for things he had done , its not about punishing a person for things they might have done , its about forgiving , and being thankful that person realized they were on the wrong path. We are human we make mistakes , forgive and love , and to the person that might have stumbled another dont punish yourself , it is a blessing that you turned from doing wrong , we are harder on forgiving ourselves than we are on forgiving others . God Bless
This March 13th should make for the most epic protest yet– many, many folks who only knew the vaguest bit about Co$ are now motivated to take a public stand. The deaths at Narconon, the disconnections, the slave labor, the coercion, the lavish inequities between Miscavige and the SeaOrg staff, and the pompous self-righteous and hypocritical smears have an entire nation ready to MARCH.
It appears to this never-in that the Int Base/Gold would be the best place for a united protest. Thinking that since this is where most of the abuses happen (RPF/Hole) and is also where the most stark injustices are evident (Misc’s palace, the celeb-only appurtenances), a line of ex-CSI “SPs” like Mr. and Mrs. Headley, Mr. Smith-Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Rinder, Mrs. Scobee and her husband, all in a line with signs saying “COB is Out Ethics”, “Miscavige is Out Tech” / Out exchange / Out KSW / Out PR etc etc etc. “Stop what you’re doing Miscavige” “What about your crimes COB?”
Well, that’s gotta leave an impression on even the security team and OSA, right?
I went to the Scientology rehab narconon and although I did not experience the pain you did I did witness this organization rob families when they were at their weakest and most desperate points in their lives. I fully support you and I hope you get your family back.
I would love to see the show, if it gets renewed, to tell the history of Narconon. How Scientology stole the organization and changed it. I remember reading a story about how they took it over and shoved out the original owners and stole the trademark.
Nope I take that back. I Googled it and it seems Narconon was started by Scientology in 1966. But I do remember reading a story about Scientology taking over some drug rehab organization and shoving out the creators. Maybe it was the use of Narconon which maybe was related to Alcoholics Anonymous? Darn it was so long ago and I cannot remember. But I have heard the stories and I hope A&E does get renewed and they can expose it.
You may be recalling the Cut Awareness Network, which was taken over by the CoS after being bankrupted.
You mean Cult Awareness Network? Maybe I am! Thank you!!!!!
Long time lurker and Co$ watcher here… just posting to say thank you to everyone who has shared their stories. Thank you Mike for your contributions this year. I agree that this will be the year Co$ finally hits bottom. I’m considering attending HowdyCon and putting together an informative panel about how to lobby our government to investigate abuses and possibly revoke their tax exempt status. If anyone has suggestions about what type of information they would like to hear I would appreciate any and all comments. This is an idea that occurred to me about a week ago and now my gears are grinding. Please let me know if there is any information you all would like me to include in the panel…
Thank you to an earlier commenter who helped me understand why I’m so obsessed with this Co$ thing. I’ve watched every episode of Leah’s show 2x or more DVR them all. Then I went to Twitter and followed @MikeRinder and @LeahRemini…after a few weeks I found myself following anyone with similar dislike for this thing masquerading as a church.
Then I began watching everything on Youtube, reading the blogs (this one being my fav) Googling the news stories…finally telling my family and friends over the holidays “You MUST watch Leah Remini’s Co$ the aftermath’ on A/E network”…most had already heard of it which created most interesting holiday conversations among us run of the mill nobody wogs in middle class America.
So…today as I read the (previously) mentioned comment it came to me – the answer to the question I’ve been asking myself “why are you so obsessed with this thing???” It’s because I spent 20 years in an abusive marriage at the age of 20 I married a man who never hit me but used mind games who made me question myself in everything, who verbally abused me on a daily basis. Eventually I lost my identity and became a stepford wife. So that is why I’m obsessed with this thing, in my own way I’ve lived it. Keep up the good work and never let them get you down!
Onward to 2017-thank you both for your bravery!
~Bruises heal but words bounce around inside your body for a long time~
Dear, I had this, with my mega fanatic wife. So i can understand, that this is the same heavy stuff, than the implanting through the auditing and admin-stuff. But on the other hand: you learned now a lot, as you can see it, and then it disappears as the greatest lesson for life. I learned a lot through Jon Attacks blogs of how mindcontroltechniques are used in the cult. And also Buddhistic Zen seems to be the most dehypnotising stuff!
I credit my years with a Borderline to my fascination with cults and especially Scientology. Cults of Two are a thing.
This is a great idea! Since this series began I’ve been spellbound, watching episodes again and again as they’re re-aired; I’ve watched Going Clear, am reading blogs and searching the internet for anything to wrap my head around this subject. I am so outraged and pissed off over theses injustices and desperately want to see this madness stopped, along with seeing Miscavige have his ass thrown in prison. In addition to lobbying the legality of the tax exempt status, I’d like to see pressure put on both the US and States of California and Florida offices of Attorney Generals pertaining to minors’ involvement in the Sea Org. Regardless of these kids having parental permission, there are criminal activities happening all over these places. The conditions in the “child care” sound deceptive and horrific. Children garner more attention and this could be what gets the actions started. I will write my County and State officials ASAP and am happy to donate time and money to help any way I can. Bravo for what you’ve exposed! I have the upmost respect and admiration for you and Leah Mike, and also for each of you who have shared your story. My heart goes out to all of you.
I agree & I just felt something odd was going on esp when there ppl couldn’t say much about there so called Church & for good reason if U can’t verbalize your church teachings of course ppl will think wth & we can only assume ? wasn’t right we have get a Spokes person to ramble the same dribble that still made lil sense & for good reason such a shame ppl are going through this but I’ve added them to my prayer list my God is nothing but Love not this nonsense yet I feel it’s even worse I just feel it & think there Tax exempt is Insane & needs to stop…
To all who have been victims of this organization, I apologize. I could never understand why someone would buy into this ‘blatant’ science-fiction scam. Based on the celebrity involvement, I could only ‘deduce’ that members were selling their souls for fame and fortune….or at least a promise of a good future.
But after watching the ‘aftermath’ series I see how wrong I was. Your sincerity and ‘goodness of heart’
Shines through. To know that genuinely good Christian people were used for evil purposes really breaks my heart. The rest of the society certainly could have benefitted from your unselfish love.
The good news is now that you are in the light you CAN pursue your original objectives.
Sorry that I misjudged you and welcome back to the real world. We need you!
Well said… and so true. The minds/hearts locked in the scientology bubble are hiding their light from the real world. They have so much to offer where it could be fruitful and bring them happiness. What a dark cage they are in. Unlock the gates and come into the light. We are waiting to accept, appreciate and encourage you. <3
The saddest comment I seen so far was when Mary said she realized that “The (CO$) owned me”…..that was a head spinner. A Church should “own” no one.
Could it be possible now that former COS members have been brave enough to step up and tell their own highly personal stories of their horrific treatment and life within, that little chinks will start appearing in the COS highly protective armor?
Idols with clay feet often fall, and the “mighty” tumble……can’t be enough glue to put Humpty Dumpty back together once the internal stress of all these COS horrors cause the implosion to begin.
Bless ALL of you for your bravery in stepping forward to shine a light on CO$ and what’s going on behind that huge wall of barbed razor wire that seems to keep many in against their will.
Thank you to everyone for all you are doing for current and future families, keep up the great work!
Happy new year
I think the Ideal Scene would be massive lawsuits, and Ideal Morgues being sold to satisfy the judgements.
That would even turn off the Whales.
Wondering….if Scientologists have family members who never get into Scientology are they allowed to even talk with them? As opposed to a family member who leaves the religion and they are told to disconnect from them. Does Tom Cruise even speak to his daughter Suri? So sad if he doesn’t because of a ridiculous rule.
Happy New Year Mike and family. Your work/assistance and bravery alone and now with Team Leah is monumental in exposing the illegalities of the Cherch. Thank you for all you are doing..thank your family and kids for being strong in dealing with the fallout from DM. May 2017 be the year of removed tax exempt status, with the ruling to pay all owed back taxes plus interest and penalties over the last 20+ years. May all those S.O. staff still in, especially the elderly and “Hole Abused”, walk out those prison doors towards all who have loved them and want to help. May all disconnected friends and family find one another and reunite. May the use of illegal alien labor, child labor and hazardous working conditions be fully exposed. And may DM be held fully accountable for his crimes. And May Scientology: the Aftermath, win the Emmy it deserves! Love, JL
Not a single one of my comments were posted, Mike. Have I been sent down to Coventry?
The only responses I trashed were to Foolproof as I announced. If you responded they were trashed, like anyone else’s. Otherwise, no.
This is exciting. In 2016, I saw that the abuses of Scientology need to be stopped.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Mike. Thank you so much for all you do. Your blog and participation in Leah’s show have meant a tremendous amount to me and have helped me greatly! I admire you and your family deeply. I love your intelligence, wit, candor and kindness. Your efforts are deeply appreciated. Love!
Scientology will fall apart this year! When the foundation consists of lies the soil will move and all the walls will fall! This cult is disgusting, I’ve already sent a letter to our government asked that they reverse their decision making them a religion for tax purposes. What a bunch of greedy SOB’s! Write to your leaders in government and insist they investigate COS!
I, too, wrote to my Representatives asking that the church be investigated. I NEVER do that kind of thing. Your series and blog moved be to stand up and SAY SOMETHING. I urge all of us who support Mike to write to their Senators/Representatives. Let’s swamp our new administration with demands for action on this vital matter.
Hello. I have been watching the TV show Leah Remini Scientology and its Aftermath. It is fascinating. I am interested in hearing everyone’s experiences, including yours. I read a biography of L. Ron Hubbard from Wikipedia (20 pages long). I have also ordered a book to read by Ron Miscavige, “Ruthless”. I thought I would start there. My feeling is that Scientology is not Christian or any other religious base. It is a “religion” unto itself.
Happy New Year to you Mike Rinder and all your loved ones.
Happy New Year to you and your family as well Mr. Rinder,
I have made comments on other articles, but wanted to add here one of the differences, and as far as I can see; this is the only difference, between Scientology and the religious cult of which I was a part of. That difference is that the organization that I became associated with offers every single piece of literature; books, booklets, articles, magazines, etc., absolutely free, as to where Scientology charges exhorbitant prices just for the books, not to mention what it costs for the other services. I am not trying to promote Scientology, but I believe they would have been more successful if they had followed a similar approach as part of their recruitment program. It was evident in the group that I joined; that once you became a member, you would donate significant portions of your income to help further the work they’re doing. Because you are made to feel like you are part of something greater than yourself, and the little corner of the world in which you live is only a small part of the greater whole. I mean, who doesn’t want to help save humanity? Yep, that’s right; Scientology isn’t the only cult/religious organization that promotes this grandiose idea among it’s followers. Here is a link that shows many of the techniques used by these groups. These are informative and eye opening; just like Mike’s blog! Here is the link: http://themindunleashed.com/2014/07/ten-popular-mind-control-techniques-used-today.html
Thanks Mike (and could you tell Leah I said the same) for all you’re doing to expose this cult!
Douglas Cline
You’re absolutely right, Scientology shouldn’t charge exorbitant prices for publications and services. But Scientology has been a money-making scheme from the very beginning, masquerading as a religious/charitable organization.
Thanks for sharing the 10 Popular Mind Control Techniques; very interesting indeed. I was in the military for 20 years and I can attest that they do not like folks who think for themselves. Can’t wait to read The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, too. The first few pages have already grabbed my attention.
doug/deeanna: that ‘mind control’ article set off some red flags for me so i googled “the mind unleashed” website credibility and found a bounty of articles exposing it as another haven for conspiracy nutters. i could link a few, but i’ll leave it to you to decide for yourself.
And thank you, Mike, for being a brave, intelligent, knowledgeable, articulate and steadfast exposer of the many evils, abuses and crimes of the cherch! If it hadn’t already done so earlier, 2016 was the definitely the year that $cn finally jumped the couch for good. No amount of happy talk and paid promotional spots can ever reverse the dwindling spiral that $cn has put itself in through its many acts of evil. Exposing them all will take years, but regular folks get the message pretty quickly when it’s put in front of them by credible witnesses, such as those that you and Leah have presented in her series.
“The groundswell of sentiment continues to build that government agencies — IRS and law enforcement — must act. Action is inevitable, and I believe it will be this year. It is just as inevitable that now scientology has become a public outrage, some enterprising trial lawyers are going to figure out there is a LOT of money in them thar scientology hills.”
Choking off the flow of donations, while working to prevent the recruitment of new members, will bring the cult to its knees over time as even more folks leave the cult, but are not replaced by newcomers. But to accomplish that task sooner, a multi-pronged approach is required. Waking up long-comatose governmental oversight and justice agencies, such as the IRS, to investigate the cult and catalyze reform should be an increasingly important focus in order to catch and ride the wave of public outrage and demand for change that’s now forming. Similarly, individual and class action lawsuits against the cult by all of those who been abused, defrauded and harmed by the cult will keep the cult on the defensive and in the public eye.
With a little luck and a lot of work, 2017 could be an even better year in stopping this killer cult from perpetrating any more crimes and doing any more evil!
Tried to post this to yesterday’s topic but it would let me do am posting here:
Mike, I always enjoy your deconstruction of Scientology ‘spin’ but please, please, when you are using quotes from Hubbards writing, can you please include specific information on where the quotes you are highlighting come from? I think it’s really crucial to include that so readers don’t have to take your word for anything, they can google the source material or go to Wikipedia and search for the exact reference if they want to verify that the quotes are accurate. It would be good to include the title, date and page number the quote can be found in documents. Your media profile is stronger than ever as part of the Remini Rinder Scientology busting dynamic duo and outraged never ins will be starting to go down the rabbit hole here now too, not just at the Bunker..
Except for the Class VIII taped lecture, which is Class VIII Tape 10 entitled Assists, I thought I made it clear where these quotes came from? Take any sentence from any of these things and google search and you should find them easily enough.
I’m listening to the 2016-2017 event a second time now, and I got to the WISE section of the event.
It is strikingly odd.
World Institude of Scientology Enterprises, the use of L. Ron Hubbard’s non-religious administrative ideas for prosperty for people.
This I think must be the highlight best sector of Scientology this year, in Miscavige’s view.
Miscavige gives gushing praise that sound like advertisements, for a chandalier business, and a roofing business.
He talks about Hubbard’s “Factors” and the Hubbard idea of how “light” is created, and then switches to the chandalier business.
LRH would roll over in his grave if he heard Miscavige’s ad script.
Miscavige’s roofing company praise is just as oddly glowing, minutes and minutes of super praise details about how skilled the roofers are and how good their roofing is.
What religious wall!
This is so weird, that chandaliers and roofing get more praise from Miscavige than Scientology’s training and auditing attainments.
Maybe Miscavige sees his future in sales at a WISE company.
“Hubbard would roll over in his grave”?
I thought he went to Target Two.
Heh David Miscavige – Merry Remini and Happy Rinder!
2017 will be the year your evil cult of Scientology goes down!
My eyes are open to Scientology and I thank you and Leah for that. Please keep doing what you do. Happy new year!
Mike, I’d love to see your. breakdown of Miscaviges 2017 NY speech. Will you be doing one?
Happy New Year Mike. Thanks for all you’re doing to expose this “church”. Hopefully they’ve given their last New Year’s Eve celebration/propaganda event.
Happy New Year! My knowledge of Scientology was very limited till I started watching the show. Years back my husband read “Dianetics”. He found the practice of trying to ” clear” fascinating but also felt some of LRH’s ideas were way out there. He said I should read it. I tried but found it a convoluted mess. No offense to anyone who has ever believed in the church’s mission or read the books. I can see the positive aspects of it, if that was the true mission of the church or DM’s end goal. After watching Leah’s show and the documentary “Going Clear”, I sit here with my mind boggled on how people who seek to free themselves and do good, ultimately submit themselves to little freedom and under the instruction of an egomaniacal, narcissistic, greedy and soulless person like DM. I think it is a testament to the way they initially deceive and then break people down. My heart breaks for all the families torn apart because of church policy. I can only hope that more and more members will wake up and that this organization will be dismantled. Tom said an interview about how great it would be if one day there were no SPs, basically meaning that everyone would be a follower, and that SPs would only be heard of in history books. I hope for the opposite. I hope for everyone to be free and for families to be reunited and no longer under the brainwashing of the church of Scientology.
Happy New Year! Thanks Mike & Co. for fighting the good fight. And for doing it so effectively.
Wait. 2106 is done…? 😛
I thought ’17 was next week! That party was better than I thought…
Very well said. I am also hopeful that 2017 will turn the page on the final chapter of CoS. Having an alliance of former high-profile Scientologists who are working together to educate the world about the inner workings of this cult may just be what causes this whole thing to implode before our eyes. I’ll be watching, posting and waiting!
Happy New Year to you Mike and Leah,
I am looking forward to 2017 being the tipping point for all of us who have been abused being able to give voice to our stories. We must not remain silent; now is the time. This will be a continuum as we all wash onto the floodplain and find out footing again.
I look forward to a enlightening New Year and am eternally indebted to you for taking this on.
Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious
George Orwell – 1984
When political media organs as diverse as National Review and The Federalist are as outraged as The New Yorker and Huffington Post are by Scientology’s abuses and criminality, it is time now, in 2017, for the Justice Department to finally act.
I pray this will be the year…
C.O.B., may 2017 bring to you the wisdom to realise that by continuing down your presently chosen path you will soon breach the point from which there is no recovery for yourself. The voices denouncing your actions are growing in numbers and in volume. They will not go away nor will they be silenced.
I cannot believe that you wish to leave a legacy of a man who willingly hurts good people in order to sate his greed and thirst for power and adulation.
That is how you are seen.
That can still be changed.
Only you can change it.
An honorable man will keep fighting after it has become evident that he will be defeated.
A stupid man will do the same when there is no honor to his fight.
There is no easy solution for you.
It takes strength and courage to own up to and attempt to correct one’s wrongdoings.
A weak coward will continue to hurt others because his fear of reproach is stronger than any sense of honor that may still reside in his heart.
You must change the course of this game. You cannot outlast nor endure the tide that is swelling against you.
Parents will not forget that you have captured their children. Children will not forget that you have captured their parents.
May 2017 be your year of enlightenment.
Wow, that’s so much more compassionate than I am capable of right now. People close to me and all. But good on ya for the message. Hopefully it will find it’s way through a very dark soul.
In today’s Tampa Bay Times,columnist, Ernest Hooper says locals, …” fantasized about Leah Remini someday running for mayor of Clearwater”
I second this motion!
Has your agent contacted Mike and Leah about appearing on a future episode of ‘Dancing With the Troublemakers’?
Knowing that participants of ‘Dancing With the Troublemakers’ are making a TON of money, will help send Dave over the edge.
It will have no bearing on the validity of future testimony in court, or before Congress. This would also open the door for Debbie Cook to testify. Yes, there is a LOT of money in them thar scientology hills.
We’re starting talks tomorrow. I’m pretty confident we’ll get ’em both. My agent is in touch with their agents. Dancing With The Troublemakers is going to be YUGE!!!!!
Wishing Mike and all his family and friends a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Each week as we end Mass praying to St. Michael the Archangel to banish the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls I direct my attention to the cherch in general and DM in particular. I hope to soon be able to focus elsewhere.
2017 the Year The Cult Implodes.What a sensitive & powerful piece for the New Year.Thank you Mike.From my first baby steps on your blog I have trailed in your wake,as I learned the power and reach of us all.I am privileged to be here,in this moment,in this space.Love You & All of you Shining Lights.?
Best wishes for 2017 and the successful outcome to your magnificant endeavors.
You’re looking good.m
Thank you Mike!
I remember in your interview with Jeffrey Augustine two years ago he asked you what you expected for either the church or david miscavige in 2015 and you said, “Pain.” Then last year when he asked you the same question you said, “More pain.” You have been right both times.
If he asked you the same question for the year 2017, what would your answer be?
Massive, unbearable pain…
Hey, I took a shot, Mary!
Good one. ?
I would love to read, “Jail time.”
Happy New Year to everyone.
May 2017 be the year of massive, 47x, straight up ideal reconnections. Choose life, choose love, choose family.
May philosophical differences stop being used to keep loved ones apart.
Happy 2017!
Thank you for speaking out !
What is this woman about ?
Was she really LRon’s girlfriend?
Hi Sylvie,
She appears to have been. Russell Miller went to great lengths to research Barefaced Messiah because he knew there would be tremendous pushback from the Church. If he had been caught falsifying information, they could have been even rougher on him than they were.
Barbara Klowden was definitely an employee and close associate of Ron’s from the earliest days, and had a lot of responsibility during that time. She allowed Miller to interview her on the condition that he not reveal her full name, then later allowed her role to be made more public. Even then, though, she allowed her picture to be used, and there are period photos of her with other Dianetics officials. If she was making up the story about being his girlfriend, she was taking a big risk.
This was also during the time that Ron and Sara were fighting and she was bitter about his apparent frequent infidelity. Their very volatile divorce followed shortly after.
If you’ve never read Barefaced Messiah before now, I highly recommend it. It is riveting reading and very well documented. The info about Barbara is in chapter 10.
One of THE best books about Hubbard! Hands down! And, Scientology couldn’t respond because everything he wrote was true! This book is devastating to the cult!
I did not know Russell Miller’s book, but I do now and am ordering it. I do hope they make a movie from the book. Imagine the uproar in Hollywood, with Tom Cruise leading the way. 🙂
You can also get an e-version of his book. I also recommend “A Piece of Blue Sky”.
“Action is inevitable”. Sorry Mike, but action is never inevitable. Inertia is the only inevitability in government. As a former state level government drone, I can tell you that ‘we have only done it this way’ is the rule.
The joy of ‘Aftermath’ is that it has cut down the number of potential recruits to almost nothing. Nothing if you don’t count the children of those who are still in. The still ins are very problematic. They either are employed for or by ‘big beings’ or have too many family who can be forced to disconnect if the excrement hits the fan. I would call those poor souls fence sitters. They could fall either way when the water rises.
I love a metaphorical hurricane. Happy New Year to all and keep up the wonderful work Mike Rinder. Take an ‘atta boy’ out of petty cash. That is the only type of cash they let have.
Mike, Happy New Year. I am so glad all the hard work you and the rest are doing is paying off. The more people dig into this, the more it will help others as well.
Thank you so much.
“I truly believe a tipping point has been reached where the misdeeds, immorality and cruelty of scientology is no longer something just chatted about on the fringes of the internet. It has hit the mainstream. ” And I want to thank Mike for being so key and pivotal in making this happen. Mike, your tireless work to bring this about is so amazing and appreciated. Thank you for all you do! And best of New Year’s to you and yours. Thank you also to Leah, to Tony and to all who have written books, written on blogs, who, as Mike puts it, “have stood up to be counted.” It takes courage to stand up and speak up and risk the Fair Game. But I want to thank all who have done this! We will eventually be rewarded for our efforts.
Happy New Year Mike!! Love, LOVE, the show! How anybody can stay in scientology after all that you and Leah have exposed is beyond any comprehension, but sadly, they do. At the same time, though, many are waking up and smelling the hypocrisy and sheer hate that scientology breeds and are getting the hell out of dodge thanks to you, Leah, and all the others who have bravely come forward to share their stories. Hallelujah!!!!!!
According to my inside sources Dave is busy renovating LRH’s Bluebird motor home for the upcoming apocalypse . You know lowering all those counters he can barely peek over, among other changes to make it more “little people” friendly.
Harvey…..I’d like to take the time to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments. Your humor is as sharp as a knife…..and every time you twist that knife…ever so slightly…..it hits the mark.
To All….HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours…..I wish everyone health and good fortune.
Thank you so much. I enjoy taking a sarcastic snarky tone to this abomination of a cherch and it’s leader. I carry my 1.1ness with pride.
Harvey, Don’t forget to remove the step at the front door and replace it with a ladder.
It’s without reservation Mike that I say I love you. Happy New Year my treasured comrade.
May the Borgia Pope come tumbling down.
May the Force be With all of you.
As a Jedi Knight, I can guarantee it! The Force is with us all!
Dave, ya know at this point is there really anyone you can trust? Just sayin’.
Dave: I don’t trust ANYONE!!!!! You’re all a bunch of DBs! The only one I trust is ME!!! Got it??? Just ME!!! Crap! Where’s my scotch, I need to get hammered….
Scientology is FUBAR. The public is becoming more and more aware of how crazy and destructive Scientology and Miscavige are. The word of mouth is HUGE. The A&E Series featuring Leah and Mike are being watched by millions every week. Who wants to say publicly that they are a Scientologist these days?
Scientology is trying to survive by moving into countries where they haven’t been before. They survived the 90’s by bringing in hundreds of Russians and Hungarians. Eventually they muddied up those waters and are now in places like Taiwan and some areas of South America. Thanks to the open communication lines of the world Scientology is finding it harder and harder to find victims. Organized Scientology only has about 20,000 active members world wide. Its a social disease that has been contained and now needs to be eradicated. No one will benefit more than its members.
One of my favorite “words.” For those not familiar with the term, F.U.B.A.R. stands for…Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. And that folks is Scientology.
Thanks for reminding me of this term, Mat! It’s a good one.
Thanks OSD. I was going to google FUBAR but football started and I got distracted. Great term… got to remember that one.
Rhymes with SNAFU – “situation normal all fucked up”. Another Scientology organisational definition.
SNAFU is the brother of FUBAR…either one describes the cult well.
And let’s not forget his sister, SUSFU (situation unchanged: still fucked up). Just to keep it all in the family.
You’re good…
Another banner year passes in exposing the abuses of the Church of Scientology.
Month after month we see new devastating videos documenting the abuse. Karen and Chris’s videos were and are just crippling to Scientology’s image.
Leah’s A&E show is simply a prime time beat down of everything Scientology wanted to be.
Scientology has no response, no comeback to the exposure. The fragile linchpin of Scientology was always the ability to control negative press. That linchpin has been pulled and all the nasty tricks and abuses and secrets are free flowing to anyone who will listen.
Don’t listen to him Dave. ATTACK!
Regarding 2016 – Tony Ortega posted the audio of the latest New year Miscavige program. The creepy voice at the beginning said that 2016 was a year of “exponential expansion” for scientology. That makes sense only if the exponent is negative. More lies for the still-in.
Happy new year! No doubt 2017 will feature more foot-bullets from Miscavige. Hopefully 2017 will also see:
The renewal of the TV series on A&E (Mike — great job!)
People leaving the cult increase by 47X
Scientology loses the tax exemption
ALL orgs (ideal or not) are EMPTY ALL the time
Miscavige under state & federal investigation or in prison, for inurement and other crimes
Sure it was exponential, 0.10 is a valid positive integer for such operations.
Happy New Year,Mike. The world, now, has a better understanding of how horrendous Scientology truly is.Without your courage,and determination this might never have happened.Leah is equally fearless,and dedicated to expose this cult,and its illegal practices.2017 is the year you can,both,be proud of.There isn’t a rock large enough for Miscavige,and company to hide under.
I just have to say that the picture of Mike with John Sweeney that ran a couple of days ago is about the best thing I’ve ever seen. SO much light in Mike’s eyes, so much of him present now – as he leaned in to see Sweeney. Have to say I shed a tear or two looking at that, remembering earlier images of him & Sweeney when he looked like a death camp survivor.
Bless your hearts.
Thanks so much for all you’re doing and have done.
May 2017 be the year it falls!
We’re getting closer to that party at my place…
Happy new year Mike!!! I too hope Scientology is on the downswing… thanks for all your hard work and I am so glad you can see the light and you are no longer in Scientology … and your beautiful family is free … I raise my children to understand what religion is but I don’t indoctrinate them in any specific one so that they are free to think as they grow up…best wishes Mike.
Yes, the watershed moment has arrived for Scientology. The media machine is gaining momentum and in 2017 it will only get bigger and faster. The authorities will have to act eventually we assume, hopefully sooner rather than later. Miscavige has no way of controlling or managing his defense beyond using his already hackneyed playbook, which he never really understood anyway. He’s just a bully and at the end of the day he has nowhere else to go but being a bully. He’s caught in a spider web of his own making, the more he tries to get out of it, the more he traps himself. That’s the problem liars have with being put under the spotlight, they have no where to go when the lies are exposed and there’s plenty more to come to light about the antics of the Cof$. I look forward to the possibility of seeing or reading about Miscavige being questioned in deposition – that would be really something wouldn’t it?
It is with sober anticipation I view 2017. A certain nervousness is developing on how to best handle the family and the fallout. It’s easy for me to say great, but the reality is the broken dreams of loved ones is always tough to comfort. I wait, listen and look – good luck to everyone connected to the fight against the cult.
In other words Dave….you’re fucked. Next year you’ll be delivering your New Year’s message in an orange overall jumpsuit at the State Pen, Xenu willing.
Think about the lucky inmate who gets to share a cell with Miscavige…
It will be solitary all the way. No mates for He with the shitty attitude.
Who are you to bellyache in your New Year’s propaganda about “INNUENDO”? Your entire house of cards is held together with innuendo.
Mike, congratulations at sticking with it, and being a key factor in what undoubtedly will be the downfall of the existing CO$. Whether or not people buy into the woo factor is a separate issue than the abuses and money grabbing that is going on. It would be great to see Miscavige being prosecuted, but somehow I suspect he may pull a LRH, and off shore himself in some jurisdiction that does not have an extradition treaty with the USA.
Happy New Year Mike! I agree with you that something has got to give with government agencies taking on the cult. At least that is my New Year’s wish.
My other wish for 2017 is that You and Leah and A-to-E do another season (or 2 more). This show started a snowball effect of people speaking out that still needs to really pick up speed. I feel that many were so afraid of the cult’s fair game tactics that they would never go public. The fact that Leah drew a red line for the cult to cross by telling them to go ahead and sue her created a climate of bravery. I’ve noticed a few long time commenters on your blog and on Tony’s, have come out with stories (under their alias names), providing so many personal details that any OSA agent would easily be able to determine who was posting, Of course, they know these details would give them away and don’t seem to care anymore.
Let’s hope 2017 is a great year for all of us that visit this blog and one of the worst years for our dear friend Dave.
Thanks for your hard work Mike. Appreciated.
I am seeing a change in my own little sphere of friends. Suddenly, when I go to breakfast, the talk goes to Scientology and what is going on with it. I never bring up this subject, and these folks are not Scientologists. In fact, I am in Mexico, where Leah’s show has been effectively suppressed. I wonder what that must cost.
HAPPY NEW YEAR MIKE!! Now that you are OUT, how could NOT have a good year? About the destruction of $cientology: It is doing a great job of destroying itself. Even if we SPs do nothing, it is still going down. An occasional nudge, bump, or even shove might speed things up, but IT’S GOING DOWN, probably in 2017. HALLELUJAH!
Thank you for fighting for so many, Mike!
Thank you for helping Leah with the show!
Thank you for being a leader and taking the rains to get DM crimes exposed!
I wish you and yours the best in 2017.
As always, God bless all of you for your determination, strength, and courage! You have all raised awareness and the masses know it and are following you! I hope the government (both on state and federal levels) are waking up! The IRS likes money and our country could sure use some of those billions to truly (not fake promos) help individuals in need! Can you imagine what our government could do with those billions? Also, the FBI must get involved! Investigate, indict, trial, and PRISON!!
Anything I can do to help…let me know! March on! I believe with all of you keeping the information flowing, 2017 will see the toppling of the unused buildings, and the Pope of Scientology himself in an 8 x 8 along with his other minions!
Are any protests planned in Clearwater? Oh I forgot..Miscavige would have the sidewalks torn up….now that would really stop us!
Happy New Year!
For all of the Under The Radar people:
Please help on this last push to dismantle Scientology. I know it takes so much courage to make the decision to stand up to the “Church”. But you personally will feel so much better, it feels good to stand up to a bully!
So many parents like me, would love to hug their son or daughter or just see them again. With your help it can happen this year. Or children whom have not seen their parents for years.
If you are done with the Church, please stand up, tell your story and join ranks to help Mike, Leah, etc.
True. I lost 5 kids in this cult! Fact.
I’m so very sorry to hear about your kids, Rainbow. Like everyone here, we all hope they see the light soon and return home.
Thank you!
I am sooo sorry that you lost your kids to Scientology. I hope THIS year that you get them back!
Rainbow, I’m so sorry about you losing 5 children to the cult. Terrible!
The fact that we had 2 children in the cult is what made Lois and I speak out. We managed to help ensure one left it but the other is still in. After trying a number of solutions to try to be UTR and spending a lot of money in that attempt, it became obvious that the only way to get our last son back to us is to help with the cult’s demise.
It has been about 2 years and we do not know where he lives and our last communication from him was a huge knowledge report about how horrible we are and lied about LRH and the cult (everything we had told him was true).
RAinbow, I’m so sorry for your lost kids to Scn. Five of them! Horrible! Stand up and put your coming out story on there for all to see. I think the fact that you lost 5 kids to it will help in the fight to end Disconnection. I encourage you to come out. Your story is so important to tell.
I’m with you Cindy. The UTR’s need to make their voices heard. It’s time.
It’s been time for quite awhile. For those who can, please, tell your story! It’s important…
Happy New Year to Mike, family, all readers, and to all those who have stood up to be counted!
Can’t help to once more plug the list of those people. Over 2,750 by now!
Also, take a look at the list of disconnection stories:
Here’s hoping families who suffer from disconnection will get reconnected in 2017!
Thanks for the link, TrevAnon!
Happy new year to you and yours Mike. It is due to you and the few people like you that it will be a happy new year.
Your predictions give me so much hope, that this year, my Daughter will wake up and leave Scientology. Thanks for all that you do to bring down the crazy cult machine. Happy New Year!
Happy New Years everyone.
Miscavige’s New Year’s Event speech this year sounded less pretentious, particularly at the very end.
Could he have relied less on Danny Sherman’s writing this year? He sounds like he’s actually listened to some persons on his style. More sober, less crazy wordage at the end.
I suffered through the whole 2 hrs 15 minutes and there is no mention of the celebrity sector at all in the New Year’s speech either, but is that normal, or possibly is he mad at the celebrity sector celebs and all not “handling” Leah’s shows continuing? Big omission on his part and he seems slightly sobered by what’s going on with her show.
You are a braver man than most. I couldn’t stand the self aggrandization that went on more than 20 minutes. In addition, the trained seals applauded way too much at the appropriate pauses.
I couldn’t even make it that far in. I will rely on those with more stamina and a stronger stomach to give me the gist and highlight any truly hilarious moments of epic and monumental bullshit…bring a big shovel, there’s sure to be plenty to go around 😉
No doubt off camera were signs held by the CO$ loyalist that read “Keep Applauding”….
Thanks for listening to it all Chuck. I couldn’t. Interesting, it is not to have mentioned CC. Must be the Aftermath, eh?
Yea. I hope Mike has time to listen to it, and comments. The speech writing definitely is more sober, less ridiculous, particularly at the end.
Parts are really bad, like the WISE section is particularly odd, and the audience doesn’t know how to clap so well to Miscavige’s glowing praise sentences where Miscavige gushes about the products that Scientology businesses are producing. It’s weirdly irrelevant to Scientology’s products, auditing and training. IT’s like Miscavige has forgotten what Scientology was all about.
Not that that is bad, it just shows Miscavige likes selling physical things, and he likely ought to get out of Scientology and go sell things for these WISE companies, LOL.
Re: “Is he [David Miscavige] mad?
Nay, he’s insane, Chuck.
Happy New Year!
Fred G. Haseney, a Bitter, Disgruntled Apostate (1977 to 2014)
Have a good year Chuck.
Good for you, Chuck. I actually got through 17 minutes of it and just had to stop. I think I actually heard him say “straight up and vertical.” So exciting. Haha.
I just had to check it out and I listened to a few minutes of it on Ortega’s site. Just before I started to feel like dry reaching I heard Miscavige announce they are making an auditor every twenty minutes… yeah right. What out for those low flying pigs too.
Mike, good start to the new year. Thanks for your tireless work on exposing and clarifying the mindf–k that is Scientology. It’s fascinating that Hubbard could not see that his devious technology and policy’s would be the noose that hanged him and his “Cherch”.
I think what you and Leah are doing will help so many exs heal and finally put that spiritual nightmare to rest.
“Steering clear of the roach motel that is Scientology” – It’s a wrap, they’re done!
Stick a fork in that sucker…
I was thinking about the “Who Is” pages the church runs on the people who have spoken out and the outrageous, slanderous things they say about them. First of all it’s too bad the subjects don’t have enough money to sue them for slander. To prove that they lie, in a court of law, would crack them wide open. Second it’s kind of ironic. All these “high ranking” Scientologist accused of the most horrible things! Either Scientology failed because it did not change their character for the better. Or Scientology failed because in all the hundreds of hours of auditing that it takes to get to a senior level in the church it did not reveal that these people were so flawed. Or Scientology failed because it promoted so many “flawed” people to higher levels. So either Scientology doesn’t work at all or these are all lies. They cannot have it both ways. And if some of these people are guilty of such egregious crimes such as mismanagement of funds, etc. Why not criminally prosecute them? It’s all such a farce. I hope that somehow Scientologists read this and their eyes open. And I hope somehow that you and Leah and others can give them a safe place to fall.
Happy New Year to you and your lovely family, Mike! Let us hope that your vision of 2017 is accurate. It’s time for Scientology to be destroyed.
A happy new year it is Joyce.
Direct observation tells me how fast the cherch is crumbling. Scientology’s foremost adversary is itself and because the actions of the remaining adherents continue to represent the more deplorable aspects of humanity, it will take itself out. We no longer have to rely on ‘hope’ as a strategy!
All that is required is a willingness to shine the light of truth on their actions. I like to expose one or two things each day to someone who is not aware of Scientology and it’s cult behavior. It is increasingly easy to do thanks to the efforts of everyone here and around the world who know the truth from their own direct experience. And with the A&E show underway, the stats of the most unfriendly group on the planet are going straight down and vertical!
Yo Dave,
Keep up the good work buddy, you should be gone shortly!
(Singing) The party’s over…
You have a nice voice ?
Thank you……thank you very much.