Happy 2019 to all who come here to participate in this community whether just as a reader or a commenter.
We start the New Year with a new episode of The Aftermath tonight, which I believe is a good omen for things to come in 2019. Meanwhile David Miscavige, the one True Leader jetted off to Joburg to cut the ribbon on an absolutely pointless building — the new “AO Africa”. It is staffed with SO Members from Flag (they couldn’t get any from Africa apparently) to serve a few small and failing orgs — less orgs than any AO in history. They are offering “cheap prices” because the Rand is so weak, so will probably get a few people that otherwise would have gone to AOSHANZO or AOSHEU. The place will be empty tomorrow while Miscavige is off on a wildlife safari or heading to Italy for a layover to stock up on shirts and fine leathergoods.
But enough about that distraction.
There is much to look forward to in 2019. The outlook for an end to Scientology’s abuses is brighter than ever. The future view for Scientology is very dim.
There will be some surprises coming in the next 12 months. Some are things I know about. Others are what I believe is going to happen based on things I am aware of. But if I talked about them they would not be surprises! So you will just have to wait and see.
If you have a friend or loved one who remains disconnected from you don’t give up hope. Don’t stop doing what you can to change what is wrong. Because the wrong has not yet been righted is not a reason to stop fighting– it is a motivation to fight harder and involve more people in the effort. Truth and persistence eventually prevail.
Lets make 2019 memorable. And thoroughly enjoyable.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I have watched every episode, and some several times, of Leah’s series on A&E. THANK YOU! Shining light on the machinations of Miscavige on the Internet for the world to see will finally blow his house of cards to bits, and hopefully, to the doorstep of the IRS.
My fascination is personal: I am the middle child of a mother who was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline tendencies. Not a malignant narcissist like Miscavige, but one nonetheless. It is a spectrum disorder. Always feeling my mother was “off”, she was interestingly diagnosed by my my sister who got a degree in therapy, her third career paid for by my mother. This was 15 years ago. My sister was her admitted “supply source” (slave, minion, lackey, constant companion, etc.) and turned out to be a narcissist as well. Funny but sadly, true.
Through this, I became very enlightened and educated about the disorder in my mid 30’s. I am 63 now. I lived with two individuals who shared a language, a set of behaviors that I did not adopt or embrace because I was learning as a young adult to become my own person with my own thoughts and goals for my future. I was learning to be a normal, mature human being.
My sister learned the language of narcissism and was never EVER able to be a normal, loving, empathetic, imperfect, human being. Insecurity, fragile ego, prone to projection, inability to laugh at themselves, have any kind of sense of humor about the foibles of being human, and more describe a narcissist. “Conditional” was the operative word: these are my conditions: do as I say, or there’s the door and you get no dinner. And never, ever, did I hear “I’m sorry.” EVER. Empathy being the most basic of human characteristics was missing. Normal emotions are absent, or if they are, they are learned and practiced to fake it.
I was subjected to a lifetime of lies, secrecy, projection, gas-lighting, denigrating communication, pretense, undermining, entitlement, demotion within the family unit, and finally, discardment (Suppressive person…lol). When I did not please my mother, or questioned her authority, or expressed an independent thought, she would go no contact – for months, for years – as her way of punishing me. Finally, I was discarded for life and disinherited, and my sister did the same (no communication) after my mother passed. I had an older brother whom she disinherited along with me because as mature individuals who live independent lives, we were of no use or service to her. My sister stayed her slave and got it all and I am a suppressive person and I have no use for her. I could speak the truth to my sister, show her the email where she wrote something, and she’d deny it.
They do not feel “shame”, they do not “see” the writing on the walls, and are unable to “listen” to reason. The only way I could live with it all was to make fun of the hypocrisy. My sense of humor saved me and allowed me to heal and be able to look back at it without feeling the pain.
The work you, Leah, and all the others who are recording the abuses for the world to see will be the downfall of Miscavige.
Hopefully in your lifetime, Mike, those who are disconnected from their loved ones will be able to establish relationships again. If not, at least those who are not so deeply entrenched will find strength to leave this so called church and save their souls, loved ones, and their bank accounts.
Thank you for all you are doing. Nothing like a convert who has seen the light of day. God bless you!
A big supporter!
Season’s Greetings, to you and your family, Mike Rinder !!! May the Almighty Bless and Prosper you in everything you do!
Count us in to pick up a season pass to keep watching every year for as many years as the Aftermath goes on. We can’t get enough of this series! Oh, and can we say this?
?????? you David Miscavige you POS. Watching you on the latest episode you look like a animatronic robot straight out of some hell version of Disneyland. We know your reading all the comments on Mike’s blog ?
I want to know what I- as a tax paying American- can do to help rescind the tax exempt status that this corporation (I cannot in good conscience call it a “church”) has exploited for years. It seems that they bullied their way into getting this status, and I am disappointed that our government has basically been cowed into giving in. The simple fact is that they shouldn’t have this status, and taxing this entity could easily provide enough revenue to the government to rectify several issues- just pouring the taxes from the “billion dollars” they control into education could do so much more to “clear” one issue than this group has done the entire time they have been in existence. The people that keep insisting on how ethical this group is show how unethical they are with every post, blog, web page etc. that they publish. The hypocrisy of it all makes me grind my teeth and wonder if we should all donate money for the cult “deprogramming” experts that loved ones resort to when someone is sucked into other cults…although I doubt seriously that Miscavige believes in any of the snakeoil he peddles to the Scientologists left. I feel that the implosion of the group is imminent but would love to help push the needle further if for no other reason than the entire premise of this group insults my sensibilities.
the world is bigger and greater than some sh..t sy-fy crazy cult, we watch your programme and I feel we are educated now on the topic, very well done, I hope you will continue to do the programme as long as someone somwhere will react, e.g. they loose tax exempt status or seomthing else major will happen to end this criminals/bullies. Yes, we are bigger, there is more of us than of them, we are stronger and we will WIN at the end.continue, continue, continue!!! this is your calling to make things right.I intend to show your programme to anyone I know, so they will avoid these bullies and spread the message further. good luck, blessings!!
Happy 2019!!! Feeling alive. F the oppression, the lying stealing corrupt numnuts. The family reunited. The Scientology religion right of passage. Ditch the adolescent childhood misguided misfits. Full bore spiritual awakening, transcendence to radical life on a planet comic book. I hope everyone feels great!!!!
A good omen IMHO would be the revocation of their ridiculous tax exempt status.
Whenever Scientology claims that its critics are bigots and prejudiced I wish someone would ask that person if Is was bigotry and prejudice against Catholicism when journalists exposed that church for hiding pedophile priests because discussing the unethical practices of an organization is not the same thing as attacking a theological doctrine or the parishioners who believe in that doctrine.
I read something about activists who used a projector to flash anti-Trump stuff on a Trump hotel and thought people who want to reach Scientologists who are still in should do that at Flag. If I had the resources to pull it off project messages on that building like, if you are not allowed to listen to dissent then you belong to a church that doesn’t trust you to think for yourself.
Excellent show as always!
It was very interesting hearing about “ it” being in Seattle. I’m going to have to take a trip downtown to see their empty building. Thank you for being determined to fight for the truth about this cult.
Happy New Year Mike and Family! Keep doing what you are doing!
I wish every episode of Aftermath went for two hours because I know these folks have a lot to say. After tonight’s episode, I wanted to know more about the Schippers. I found more of their story in a 2011 entry on Rathbun’s blog. There is such a saddening sameness to all the tales….
Happy New Year Indeed!!! Thank you Mike and Leah for speaking up and standing up to all the bullies!
Can’t wait to read about all the surprises❤
You all continue to rock. The light is getting brighter. Here’s to an outstanding 2019.
Thought you might get a kick out of this. What my grandson thinks Miscavige’s view of ‘Aftermath’ is…
Hey Mike I’d love to see you and Leah interview Trey Parker and Matt Stone for their great service to humanity with their TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET episode of South Park in 2009. I was gobsmacked at the time anyone in popular media would be so brave as to do what they did, which was a great public service. I wish more media would do more like it. If people start looking at Scientology even more as a point of ridicule they would hardly entertain the idea of listening to and paying for their made-up drivel.
Happy New Year Mike, I’m actually excited with the new surprises!
I’m finding a few surprises myself in the information concerning David Miscaviage being involved. The information is absolutely whole and complete! I haven’t pulled it apart.
I know in your country there is no statute of limitation in committing murder.
In the paper work I found David Miscaviage had means, motive and opportunity, in regards to L.R. Hubbards death. This was dated August 6, 2011.
Its on my blog australiaproducts.blogspot.com
Great message Mike… Can’t wait to see the pleasant surprises coming this year!
From my tomato pot to everyone… Happy New Year to all!
Mike Rinder,
Regarding your show Aftermath, I believe that it is important in order to fully disclose what Scientology REALLY is and what it REALLY represents, there are aspects of L. Ron Hubbard’s life that you and Leah have still yet to make any comment on at all. What I am referring to is L. Ron Hubbard’s connection to Jack Parson’s, Aleister Crowley, and the occult society known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. L. Ron Hubbard was heavily influenced by occult practices and used automatic writing in order to create the Scientology religion.
In the late 1940’s before Dianetics, Hubbard wrote the “Affirmations” which include very personal details about Hubbard’s life and things he was trying to change about himself through incantations and self-hypnosis. Thelema is what inspired Hubbard to write the Affirmations, which later led to his creation of Dianetics and then Scientology.
The memoir of L. Ron Hubbard’s son delves into the secret life of Hubbard, and little did everyone know, the 8 points on the cross of Scientology have a secret meaning only relevant to Hubbard. The 8 points on the cross stand for Will, Sex, Love, Blood, Door, Power, Will. Logical.
In the memoir, Hubbard instructs his son to read, “The Book Of The Law”, “The Sacred Magic Of Abra-Melin”, and “The Sex Magic Of The Ninth Degree Of The O.T.O” to name a specific few. Another noteworthy book of interest to Hubbard, “Magick in Theory and Practice”…
This man created Scientology as a religion for himself to glorify himself and assert his will over all men, for he refers to all men as his slaves. Women are essentially objects to be used and then cast to the side. Hubbard is by no means a good man, he is an evil man, and his evils need to be known in full if we are to fight Scientology and have it lose its tax exempt status. I hope to hear a response from you Mike Rinder, for I know you are in complete advocacy of the FULL truth being heard and known.
Thank you for reading.
Corey I would love to see this addressed on Aftermath as well. There’s so much there, I’m just now grasping it. Assuredly evil intent on lrh’s part. And I’m not using that word lightly.
Yes .Ann ..you are right..the “real” Hubbert being revealed would take several episodes to be sure..
Hopefully then wake up a few still in the “church”
Oops !! Correct spelling Hubbard
I love surprises. Happy New Year to you and your family Mike. Thanks for the good work you and Leah are doing.
Thank you Mike. The best for you, family and friends.
Also best wishes for all those who attend this blog and keep speaking up. We will not give up.
Lets enjoy the surprises to come.
Happy New Year to all readers and our host Mike!
May we have another 90 exes speaking out!
Happy New Year to you, your beautiful family and to all those who post and read on this blog. Happy New Year to OSA too, why don’t you stop being silly and join us? Life is much better over here than in Miscavige’s bubble. If you like playing games, I wish you to wake up and start living a real life and taking a real path to freedom.
Let the good times roll. 2019 waits for its history to be written
A good soldier isn’t phased by a calendar event, except maybe to exhibit social adherence & reminisce a bit – there’s a battle to be won!
Happy New Year Mike, glad you’re there.
Happy New Year Mike. Thank you to you and Leah for EVERYTHING you are doing.. your film and production crew, A&E – your families for “doing without” y’all whilst you undertake the downing of this beast. Maybe 2019 will see my Ex re-connect with my daughter before he dies…so she can tell him she loves him and always has and will. Maybe some of my old pals will wake up and need a hand to readjust…we are so very fortunate you and Leah and A&E took up this gauntlet. And Tony O.. and all the others.
These “Missions” sound more like this:
Couldn’t help but notice the word “WALES”……….too funny
Happy New Year Mike, to you and your beautiful family. Thank you for all that you do, every day. Looking forward to Aftermath tonight – what a great way to start the new year! And I’m also looking forward to the surprises!
Happy New Year to you, Mike, and to all of the readers and contributors here. As a “never in,” I agonize for the many of you who are disconnected from family and friends. I support this cause and stand beside you. Injustice is injustice. Wrong is wrong. Here’s to the Dictator of Scientology going down in 2019!
Wishing you and all here a very happy and prosperous 2019. May this year be the one I get 2 of my kids back from disconnection and the same for those of you that have lost your loved ones to the cult.
May it be so.
Happy New Year Mine to you and your loved ones ♥️ Thanks for this encouraging message. I sometimes lose perspective about the critic community fighting the good fight hoping that wrongs will be righted because It’s discouraging and frustrating to see law enforcement like the LAPD turn a blind eye and support Scientology. Your message is very encouraging. I so appreciate your and Leah’s efforts staying the course despite the crap you go through. It’s fun knowing there are some surprises coming up. Take care ♥️
Happy New Year to all, especially you, Mike! Can hardly wait to hear what the surprises are in 2019. Peace to all!
Happy New Year Mike and thanks so much for all you do. Looking forward to the “surprises” coming this new year. Hopefully it will get some disconnected families back together, mine included….I am trying to be optimistic, but it is really hard……..
Happy New Year Mike!…………..peace to you in all you do…………..
Happy New Year, Mike! I don’t comment often, but please know I read your blog. Thank you for doing this very important work and bringing these wrongdoings to light!
Happy New Year, Mike! Thanks for all you do!
Hoping and praying for lots of REconnection in 2019!
Happy New Year to everyone here. I am eagerly awaiting the surprises. 🙂
Suprises? I Love suprises! I can’t wait! Happy New Year Mike and to everyone who visits here!
Thanks for the New Year present Mike! A great year to you and your family.
Happy New Year all! I will do my part and keep writing and talking to friends and family. I will continue writing for these social networks to reveal the liar and thief behind Hubbard’s PR curtain.
May this be the best year for disconnected families to get back together!
May the IRS move forward this year in taking down this sham and abusive thug organization.
Hi Brian,
I’m off to a good start in 2019. I reached my Congressman in the 16th Florida District. Hope I get the requested interview. I plan to, among other issues, mention your experience.
Have a Happy New Year to all!
Brotha George!
Happy New Year! I hope you get to make your case to your congressman.
I’m doing a video blog with Ron Miscavige soon. I’m soooo happy that this thug organization can never deal with the multitude of critics that are, tsunami like, inundating all media.
All of us have had our collective shoulders against this slow grind wheel of Scientology criticism.
You all have my undying respect ✊
BTW, which experience of mine were you mentioning? The tone scale thingie?
One day we shall meet.
Hi Bro!
I am going to tell the story about your wife on OT IIIX . The distorted tone scale is second.
Then I am going to top it off with the Nation of Islam story. There is no reason that Scientology should be tax exempt. If I have time, I will talk about my book and Hubbard as the anti-Christ. My determination is strong. If this Congressman stalls, I plan to do a mailing to all Congress.
May all beings be well, happy, peaceful and free from Scientology
“There will be some surprises coming… Some are things I know about. ”
OK, Mike, spill the beans. We can keep a secret.
Sure we can.
Happy new year to all.
May many new families be reunited again in 2019!
As someone who has the Scientology “Fair Gamer’s” in their life everyday; Thank you for what you have done so far, and will be doing in 2019. It is definitely an inspiration.
Happy New Year Mike!
Happy New Year, Mike, and thanks for all that you do!
Happy New Year to All! Thank you to the usual suspects for all of your work and dedication for exposing the cult for what it is. To health, happiness, and freedom!
Happy New Year, Mike! Keep up the good work!
Mike, we are unstoppable. Keep going. #2019
Happy New Year Mike! TY for all you do fighting the good fight. I can’t wait to see what this this brings for ending scientology’s insane abuses. Rock on Rinder! ☺?
Great message there Mike, and I am looking so forward to more and more people being reunited with the ones they love. I just know it will happen.
I want to thank everyone here for being so kind (especially for letting me hang out here) and have to say this is one amazing group of people. You all have faced so much and come out on the other side to reach out to each other, and, to keep the light on for those looking for a safe haven. I wish you all just the best of all life has to offer in 2019.