To everyone who comes to this blog, I wish you a Happy New Year. And a Happy New Decade.
There is much to be hopeful for in 2020 and the years to follow.
Despite what my daughter may say, I will be busier than ever helping to expose abuses across different media platforms in the coming months and year. A legal team has assembled and fired its first shots across the bow of the pirate ship and there is a lot more to come. The media is by the day less afraid of scientology and more aware of its abuses. There is an army on social media who don’t buy scientology bullshit. And most important of all, the organization itself continues to shrink, even according to its own statements. They are able to abuse fewer and fewer (of course even one is bad enough and is why the fight must not end — but to quote Source “don’t nag a rise”).
We embark on this new year and decade with greater certainty of success in bringing the abuses to an end than at any time in history. Conversely scientology heads into an era of uncertainty and dangers lurking around every corner.
These are good times.
I came across this quote from Albert Einstein that I feel is especially appropriate today.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow – Albert Einstein
OMG. When will I learn? I had a question. I should have learned by now to try to use Google to see if there was an answer.
I entered into Google, “what is the meaning of “nag a rise”.
There was only one result. Surprisingly, it was from Mike’s blog. From April 15, 2014. The titled of the blog that day was, “More Of What Is Happening Inside The Bubble”.
That entry featured a page that looked like a man bending over and sticking his head up his *censored*. Unfortunately, I could not find the meaning of “nag a rise” there. Could it possibly be some kind of Aussie expression? Somehow, I expect it will be some kind of expression created by the cult.
To quote Source “don’t nag a rise”.
I must admit that I have never heard this before. I don’t even know what it means to say, “To quote Source”. Does that mean to quote something that the big Blubtard has said or written?
I want to ask what is the meaning of the phrase, “nag a rise”.
Can anyone explain this to me? Thank you .
Yes it is something Hubbard (“Source”) said.
It means if stats are up don’t complain about it.
Here’s what you have helped to achieve Mike. Our daughter (former sea org) when she comes to visit us now (a lot more often) has lost that creepy critical demeanor – she seems to have regained respect for us she seems to have more money. It’s a quiet change and we don’t draw attention to it but the fact is we know her org has shrunk to about 15 active families – Her circle of scientology friends is now tiny – she’s having to branch out and grow and she seems happier than she has for years …. scientology has been exposed to all and is in the death spiral – thank you Mike and Leah and all the good people who speak out on blogs. You may not have crushed the financial empire of scientology and may never but you have changed lives in small, important ways
Mother Hubbard, I’m glad to hear your win with your SO daughter. Do you think she may be UTR? Is she still in the SO?
I think 2020 is going to be a great year for those that have been freed from Scientology. For the religion of empty buildings, not so much. My wish is that all the world can be freed from the abuses and lies of Hubbard and Scientology. Thanks Mike for all the work you are doing to help make this a reality.
Happy New Year to Mike, Leah, and everyone on this blog. May 2020 be the year when the door comes crashing in for Scientology! And may the IRS be the ones operating the battering ram!
Happy New Year to you Mike and to every contributor to this great blog, rest assured the majority of us who have followed you and Aftermath series see your daughters remarks and her continued attack on your credibility as nothing more than hot air and by this blog you will see the unwavering support for you and all those who have suffered as a result of this despicable deception, may 2020 see the beginning to an end of this criminal cult and I pray loved one are returned to their families and a healing process begin to heal the wounds of disunited families and those people in Control brought to account for their actions!
smudge in Oz
Happy New Year to you and your family, Mike. And we are all here and willing to assist to end those abuses in 2020.
A Very Happy New Year to everyone here, and a HUGE thank you to Mike for all the hard work he puts into this excellent blog – and all the other things he and Leah do. May this be the year that the Cult gets dragged into court (with a good judge) despite all their twistings and wriggles – and may this be the decade when Smarmology finally dries up and blows away –
Happy New Year! Mike to you and yours and to all the regulars here, your daily comments are enjoyable.
Wishing everyone a safe and prosperous new year. I don’t post anymore but I’m so glad to know the heat is being turned up on Scientology. I have two ex -scio family members over from the US for Christmas this year and the relief that they have seen the truth on that cult is the best Christmas present of all. Still got 2 diehards to contend with but they have been defanged and hide at the mere mention of Hubbard and his dribble. We are however surrounded by bushfires and the smoke is so bad it’s difficult to breath and see more than two car lengths at times. I’ve never seen it so bad and still have 2 months of summer to go. Just got word by the Rural Fire Services for all holiday makers to evacuate the far south coast NSW before Saturday – it is that bad! Best wishes everyone…
Oh, IYawnaLot, I’m so sorry you’re in the thick of it! I emailed with relatives in Canberra the other day – not bad there but they confirmed what an awful time NSW is having. A lot like the mess in California here last summer. Stay safe!
Hah! A bitter apostate re-emerges to the fringes of the internet. Nice to see you
I Yawnalot. Happy New Year.
Happy new year everyone!
The big list is at 2,984 and 1 pending.
We should be able to give David Miscavige a nice present for his 60th birthday on April 30, 2020 by reaching 3,000. :p
So please help a little bit. 🙂
Happy New Year/Decade Mike and Leah!!
Like Ithemama says, I have no actual skin in the game being a never-in. But I can see the hurt in the words of the guests on this blog and in the eyes and voices episodes of Aftermath.
Keep up the great work and maybe this will be the decade that the dam*ed midget will be hauled to a reckoning.
(I sign in honor of the day)
Happy New year Mike! 🥰 We all appreciate what you (and the aftermath fdn) are doing. Every person made aware of this evil money grubbing is at least one less victim of the cult.!😁
Happy New Year, Mike, to you and yours. I appreciate your fight and what you have done for me and others. I can’t wait to listen to your interview with Jeffrey Augustine.
It goes without saying, Mike & Leah and everyone who had the cojones to step up to the plate & TELL the world the horrors they suffered under the guise of a “religion”….you are the bravest of the brave.
Decades past and the Catholic Church finally had to ADMIT that sexual abuse was going on with their KNOWLEDGE & it was buried for decades as well. Someday, somehow, someway COS will have it’s feet held to the fire as well.
As more people step forward, as more information is dug up & the number of members continue to drop despite what THEY say….COS will also be facing justice. My hope is that this comes true THIS year…& that all that $$$ paid out is given to those members who paid THOUSANDS of dollars for “courses they will never take”.
The true sweet justice would be to see David M face the justice he so deserves. I know he has the financial means to fly off to a country without an extradition treaty where he can live his life out in complete & utter comfort….but he STILL will have to fear “who can I trust”???
To know that many of you have linked arms & stand together…& to hope MORE will come & join to expand the circle of LOVE & SUPPORT you’ve built around each other is the greatest TRIUMPTH of all.
To THUMB YOUR NOSES at David M….that must truly get to him.
Ahhh…keep those BILLBOARDS going, keep that literature OUT there….there ARE people who WANT OUT, they are, like you once were, TOO AFRAID to take that first step. As more information on who to call comes out, I am sure more will leave.
For Mike. your pain is unfathomable…to hear your own child (now grown) say what she does as with the children of many other…the pain cuts deep. Sometimes THEY are angry because they feel left behind or abandoned….they are SO consumed with hate by being so indoctrinated & brain washed, they strike out at those they should love.
I pray these same “still ins” come to their senses some day….yet…with the confines…HOW are they to escape even if they wanted to. THAT should be something the LAW should look into.
WHAT a Blessed day it would be if “the authorities” could pull up to these facilities of COS…& SAY…
“We are here to help you….we WILL be here 24 hours to give you time to pack & LEAVE if you chose to do so”……aaahhh…..IF ONLY
Happy New Year Healthy New Year my dear ones….A & E Bring back AFTERMATH 2020…..
Its obvious to me what a kind person you are and how much you care and want to help, to fight the injustice that is so apparent to you yet not so to the Still Ins.
its obvious to me how much you want to help 🙂
HOW the Still Ins are going to “escape” – including Stil- In “kids” pushing 30 or 40 years old – HOW they are going to extricate themselves from the cult, is THEIR problem.
Every one of them is perfectly capable of 1) observing the obvious, 2) Processing the truth 3) Deciding to leave and 4) Figuring out HOW he or she is going to leave and 5) LEAVING.
There’s nothing WE who are not OUT of the cult did that THEY cannot do.
Don’t forget; they are ADULTS. Legal adults. No one is RESTRAINING them physically (that would be kidnapping and grounds for the FBI to swarm in.) From a legal standpoint, they are being who they want to be and doing what they want to do.
YES, they are brainwashed, but so what?
We were brainwashed too, and we left! WE figured out how.
I mean, respectfully, we’re not GENIUSES. (Except for you of course, Wynski 🙂 )
Leaving the cult is not easy but once the DECISION is made, it isn’t complicated, and a way to get out is ALWAYS possible.
So don’t worry about how the brainwashed still ins are going to get out.
They’re not retards; they can and will figure it out for themselves, each of them.
Or, they’ll be too weak, character-wise, and they’ll stay in.
Edit: “There’s nothing WE who are NOW out of the cult did that THEY cannot do.”
Amen to what you’ve said…..I DO know a woman who was TERRIFIED to leave the J.W,’s because her ENTIRE family is so immersed in it she would have been “disconnected” ….or “de-fellowshipped” & once she could not take it any longer….she submitted her “papers” & was immediately “kicked out”.
Her family won’t have anything to do with her…like Mike’s now adult children….they are in it for life…..
FEAR is the biggest motivator to stay in despite all the bullshit & lies….my friend could not bring herself to “do it” for many years. Now even her HUSBAND won’t talk to her & has filed divorce papers……but she IS FREE!
Although those still in are NOT of low I.Q. or intellectually challenged…in a WAY they ARE….they know not of the outside & want that DAMNED MEAT BODY & NEW LIFE.
It would be magical IF they would “grow a pair” & just LEAVE……for some how do you get OUT of “the hole” when you’re locked in…how do you get outside the LOCKED GATE….when you are “restrained” or CHASED DOWN… a lovely person who escaped on a scooter & was literally PUSHED OFF THE HIGHWAY by the COS HOUNDS FROM HELL
I written letters to no avail…seems like “the authorities” fear another FLDS fiasco where the women in the compound DEMANDED to go back to the ONLY LIFE THEY’VE EVER KNOWN. Sometimes that’s enough to keep someone in…..FEAR of the unknown.
I hope some of them wake up…as noted…many are now in advanced years…WHAT do they have to look forward to with NO Social Security, NO Retirement Check…NO NOTHING…..too damned sad.
My best wishes & love Aqua to you & yours…..Mike…the same for you & your darling wife and beautiful kids. I know you forgive Taryn….she doesn’t get it & maybe never will….I hope she finds peace one day.
Hello my name is Rick I am to infactuated about the downfall of scientology that’s why I come and check out Mike’s blog everyday, as well as Tony’s. I started scientology in 1981 and learned and seen a lot of good things in scientology I apply all my ability’s today that I learned 39 years ago I did the survival rundown,the purification rundown,the happiness rundown, and the communication course, I have to admit I got a lot of life changing abilities from those 2 years of training, I understand tone 40,raising someone’s tone level, cause and effect,present time, mest, visual demonstrations clay,demoing with objects,word clearing, understanding derivation of words, tr0, I truly got huge wins ,tools abilities,that I use today. I think all past present scientologists have experienced this phenomenon. I have to admit it was a good thing to have had that training,so here lies the problem if that kind of technology was so befitting to me I can see why scientologists fight and ignore the truth. I stopped scientology because our org was out tech and the sea org came down and told us we had to go to LA for some out ethics course and be evaluated,they kept us there until we all had to commit to going down to LA . But I didn’t go I blew,and they came by and I just percivered and made excuses why I couldn’t go,and finally left me alone. When you all exposed the upper levels of the bridge my eye’s open wide and exposed the true under belly of scientology. I more than anybody around me wants to see the demise of scientology. But before I got engrossed in its brainwashing technology I was and am now doing very well in my life. I use this technology everyday and I am a very good comunicator and see cause and effect,and what it’s like to be tone40. I saw the movie with Nicole Kidman the movie the body snatchers, and those people reminded me of how scientology could have been no emotion,no feelings,just living by the book. Fourtunatly,for me I’m not like that ,I got out in time and I have those abilities. I just thought you guys should see what it did for me and why they fight so hard for the so called clearing the planet. Thanks for listening and Mike and Leah,keep up the good work.
There is good in it, some believe a little, some believe a lot, and some believe none at all. BUT, it’s all about the abuses and they are not small or few and some of the abuses come ingrained in its “tech” and amount to the abuse called brainwashing. If scientology could be formed into a group that just did good or provided a public benefit, it would look and behave like a completely different group – and would have to be called something else. 🙂
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year Mike! May things continue to go well for you and yours. Royal
Happy new year Mike. You and yours deserve all the happiness in the world.
Thank you Mike and I also wish for you, your family and friends an excellent 2020!
We will stay here, backing you up on whatever we can do.
Also, good wishes for all who attend this blog. Lets have a 2020 filled god good news.
Happy New Year Mike! Thanks for all you have done and continue to do. May you and the family continue to prosper in health, love and purpose.
Happy New Year, Mike!
We love you for who you are and all you do.
I’m stickin around.
Hope the new year brings fewer stories of Davey’s Cult ruining people’s lives, more stories of the evil Empire being hacked back, Many more of the “disconnected” being reunited with their families and true friends.
You are truly a remarkable person Jere, I wish you the happiest and Healthiest New Year… you & yours. My wish is also that whoever or whatever is or was taken from you…be returned!
Dear Mike,
I have no personal experience of Scientology, and have no wisdom or insight on the subject. I observe from the distance, and never imagined I would comment here. Like so many others, I appreciate your writings, and the comments from your readers. I continue to learn from all of you, and have a heartfelt observation to make. The importance of this subject cannot be understated because Scientology is an inhumane entity. We have an obligation as human beings to study history, and to learn from it. Because humans easily forget, and put out of mind, and ignore evil, especially if we have not experienced it ourselves. I cannot change what has happened, or stop the evil, or even make amends or heal the ones who have been so hurt by Scientology. As far as it goes, I can only honor all of you by hearing and understanding your stories. I am better equipped to deal with the challenges of inhumanity in my everyday life because of all of you.
As for the understandable frustrations, and desire to see Scientology and it’s abuses end right now, don’t lose heart. I am a critical care nurse, and therefore I have truly seen the absolute best and worst of human beings, the harshest of tragedies, the cruelest of outcomes. There are also the moments of joy and awe at the kindness, and love, and happy endings. But it’s difficult not to lose yourself in the sorrow and forget the good. There is no cosmic balance I’m afraid, the good and the bad cannot be compared. I have to just do my best to be the best I can be, and accept my limitations. You’ve already achieved the most important thing – your victory is your humanity. The rest will come.
TLDR: You guys are great and your goodness is noted! Happy New Year!
This is one of the biggest and best heartfelt statements I have ever read and does my heart a world of good to read it.
Thank you Ithemama. You’re an inspiration.
Agreed, Mary. It’s wonderful to see those who get out. It’s even more wonderful to see those who will NEVER get in due to the real ethics of Mike, yourself and all the others who have stepped into the limelight and revealed their stories.
So Happy New Year to you all. May scio go further down the drain at every increasing speeds!!! And more of those in get wise to their trap!!!
Thank you for such kind words.
Welcome! Wonderful first comment. Happy New Year to you and yours.
I had a ‘First Comment’ once. But, nobody listened to me. Story of my life.
Mike, what can I say? You’ve done a great service to our cause.
And it’s just going to continue!
Lol… that’s what my mother-in-law always says! 😆
That’s because I read your thoughts. Didn’t know that, did you!
My wonderful Grand Uncle once said to me: “Nobody ever listens to me”…….
to which I replied:
“What’d you say”………………..
Thank you so much for the heartfelt comment. I appreciate it. As I do with all commenters here who express their support.
To add to my first reply….
I was also never involved in $cientology — thank almighty Xenu.. lol.
But I give a damn because of what they do to families, children, Sea Org, Fair Game, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse (especially of children), including cover ups. And that’s just some of the horrid things that despicable organization does.
Makes me want to punch Miscavige (and Hubbbard) in the face.