It’s Thanksgiving today in the United States. It is traditionally a day to spend with family (though in these Covid times everything is disrupted) and appreciate the good in your life.
For many who read this they are reminded of the family and friends they are not sharing today with for another reason than Covid — scientology’s inhumane practice of disconnection.
But even if you miss a loved one today because of disconnection, you can be thankful that you are not in the bubble, but have the freedom to think for yourself. Those who have disconnected themselves from you do not have that luxury. They must comply. They can’t choose their friends or who they are allowed to associate with unless the organization approves. Many of them will not have time to enjoy this day at all — Thursdays are not good days for “holidays” in scientology. They will be missing many of the things that make Thanksgiving special. So, be thankful you are no longer in that bubble, if for nothing else.
Though my two eldest children are disconnected from me, I am enormously appreciative of the blessings I have in my life now. My wife, boys and friends. Their love and friendship is not conditional on the approval of anyone. I am also extremely thankful that I can think for myself and act based on what I believe is right. Not the morals imposed by others who seek only to control me. I can speak my mind. I can associate with anyone I choose. I give thanks today to being free of the scientology prison of belief.
In turn, I hope you are able to recognize and be thankful for what you DO have.
Have a wonderful day whatever you are doing.
Happy. belated Thanksgiving to you,Mr.Rinder and to your family.I hope that one day you are reunited with your adult children.Scientology’s disconnection policy is cruel and unfair.
I am thankful that David Miscavige is in prison. Hey, it’s the thought that counts!
I have been reflecting throughout the day and given that today is a day for “GIVING” “THANKS”, I have been sad to think that during the past few days I have been witness to a number of hostile and violent exchanges between people who would normally never get so angry as to display great rage.
I have seen this in department stores when one person asks another to wear a mask. I’ve seen this kind of stuff when driving. I’ve seen a whole lot more “ROAD RAGE” then I have ever seen before COVID.
If there is one thing I can give thanks for, it is to Mike and Leah and all the victims that participated in their most excellent TV shows and Internet podcasts.
It may not seem this way to many of you, but I think that one direct result of the work that Mike and Leah have done is this cult is markedly weaker now. Their public image is definitely lower. They are no longer in the position where they can threaten and bully powerful orgs like the FBI and IRS like they once did.
So … when it comes to giving thanks, I want to point to Mike and Leah in particular and make it known that it may not be a terrible frightening thing today to talk about all the crimes this cult commits. Things are not like they were a few years ago. Mike & Leah have stood up and caused a major and monumental shift in the power dynamics of this criminal cult. They are no longer the big fearsome tiger they once were.
It seems to me they are now on the path downward and I wonder if it may be true that a few years from now they will be scattered to the wind and it will largely be due to that loudmouth lady from Brooklyn.
Thank goodness for Leah’s big mouth. She has singlehandedly become a great hero of this decade for displaying the great courage she has by speaking out against this cult. Many other people have seen her doing this and they have reacted in a way that is like, “Well … if she can do it and she is still walking around, then maybe I can do it too. That then becomes a real power dynamic.
So, I must say a great big thank you to Leah and Mike for the wonderful courageous work they have done. In the future of this planet, I believe the names “Leah Remini” and “Mike Rinder” will be known like some of the other great heroes in our world.
Mr. Rinder,
I am currently binge watching the entire aftermath show as I speak; currently on season 3 episode 4 (Shelley episode). I don’t want this show to end, but sadly I have researched that you will not be making a season 4. My family has come to admire you with the highest regards and we hope that you continue to make TV appearances. You were born to be a spokesperson and you captivate everyone’s attention. My whole family talks about how much they love you, my mom especially wants you to do movies haha. We know you’re busy fighting this Scientology war, but when the smoke settles please consider going back to Hollywood. In the mean time keep being the badass you are Mr. Rinder and fighting this monster of a religion. My whole family has written letters to our Virginia congressman about Scientology’s undeserved tax exemption. “We love you Mike!!!”
-Becker Family
Thank you so much for your kind words Becker family. It is this sort of feedback that makes the fight worthwhile because you did something to join the crusade by writing to your congressman. I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving.
That’s amazing that you and your family have all written letters! I really appreciate people like you and yours who take the time to reach out to your congressmen.
Mike, your blogs have helped so many. Thanks for giving your time and research to bringing the truth to so many of us.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mike and family. The show has really been eye opening. I wish you all well.
Thank you for your great work in exposing the truth about scientology. Even though it’s been 50 years, yes, 50, count ’em, since I left scientology or rather escaped, I still have occasional ptsd when I re-engage. I am so moved by the episodes I’ve been watching. I wonder what it will take for the FBI or whichever appropriate law enforcement agency it is, to infiltrate the upper echelons and find out the truth about the abuses going on. I hope it happens soon. There are still many people suffering there who need rescuing.
I hope your Thanksgiving was joyful and peaceful.
I’m thankful for all the smart people holding the world together and keeping it functioning.
Mee too!
Thank you for the work you do Mike. Happy American Thanksgiving Day 🙂
Keep up the good fight.
MyI am thankful just to be alive.
When I left the S.O. I had full-blown AIDS after getting contaminated blood products 13 years earlier. Although I had all the symptoms of AIDS I had no treatment for it despite seeing the ships doctor many times and even collapsing on the Sun Deck during a long muster. They then lied to me; not telling me that I had tested positive. They held my wife against her will; telling my wife that I was going to die and telling her to end Cycle on me. They sent me to a Chiropractor; which is like taking your car to a gardener to be repaired.
I am also thankful for Mike and this group
Happy Thanksgiving to all here who are celebrating! I am thankful that you have escaped the Prison of the Mind that Scientology is, and that you now have freedom to spend this Thursday in November however you wish.
And for our overseas (or Canadian) readers – I wish you a Happy Thursday, free of stats, screaming, stress, and spit-ringed mouths haranguing you!! Enjoy the peace!
And I wish everyone here good health. 🙏 Hope we all wear our masks –
I am thankful for people like Mike Rinder who are brave enough to tell the truth. As much as I love my family, I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have family taken away by a cult calling itself a church. Thanks to all who shed light into the darkness to make this world a better place. You are appreciated!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!🍗🍗🍗😃😃😃👍👍👍
Thanks, Mike!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thanks for all you do.
Happy American Thanksgiving! ❤️
I also want to say that Mike Rinder and the family and others, has lifted my life. I’m hoping to get there at some point. I was there before you, Mike! Putting down money! But I did get my money back! I was driving a truck back then.
A very happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
This was in the 70’s…I think. Either way, I was there driving.
Mike, I pray that you can be reunited with your eldest children. I hope you make a daily practice of reaching out to them with your mind.
I will be thankful. I’m going surfing right now and I’m glad for so many things in my life.
SO many things to be thankful for. No more Thursday-morning stats- crunches, no “conditions”, no more RPF! 35 years of being paid honestly for an honest job done. A well-earned retirement with my still-gorgeous wife. MANY friends I don’t have to do anything for to remain friends. We’re always friends to do things with; or nothing, it’s much the same. We just like being in each others’ company.
OSD: I’m thankful that I can take my too-stuffed stomach to bed and leave any scn stuff for my dreams, or rather, nightmares.
IIRC, Thanksgiving wasn’t much observed in CW. A truly humongous meal would be the stuff of dreams for crew suffering on rice & beans. My first Thanksgiving home, I remember being SO stuffed I had to lay down on a couch because I couldn’t bend to sit up in a chair. talk about STUFFED!
Well, I am thankful for this blog and all the amazing cult survivors here. Thank you Mike for this blog and thank you to all here for giving me the gift of sharing your experiences. A big hug to all. My wish continues for all who have the pain of disconnection is that one day your loved ones will break free and reach out to you.
O/T. United With Israel — WATCH: ‘There Was No Six Million,’ Says Holocaust-denying Rapper.
Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam expresses agreement and claims he did the “research” too.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
This 50-something rapper uses his podcast to spread Holocaust denial.
In a podcast with Muslim Scientologist Rizza Islam, rapper Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian downplayed the Nazi genocide and claimed “there weren’t even six million Jews” living in Europe during the Holocaust, implying it’s impossible that so many were murdered by the Nazis.
Rizza Islam expresses agreement and claims he did the “research” too.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Go to the story for the Facebook video.
I want to add that the label “Muslim Scientologist” is not accurate IMO. I do not consider the Nation of Islam to be truly Islamic or to legitimately be a part of the religion of Islam like Sunnis, Shiites, Sufis, etc.. I am, however, pleased by the fact that the author correctly identified Rizza Islam as a Scientologist.
“Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian”. Such an arrogant title assumed by a non-entity. He’s probably about as “talented” as Joy Villa, which is to say: un-listenable.
Rattlesnakes and cobras in the nest of snakes make black kNOTs on
Why make it the Hubbardian way? Why not size up all the falsehoods and
make them all look small?
If it’s best done by jokers and degraders why not be a joker and a degrader in purpose to make scientology powerless in its use of black PR?
Roger queried: “Why not size up all the falsehoods and
make them all look small?
It would be simpler to list *A* truthful statement — AFTER it had been found, of course. I can’t think of one.
The main thing I became aware of in my final days In IT was how chained I was – how “they owned me.”
Today I am most thankful for my freedom from IT. I am free to make my own decisions. I am free with how I use my time and money. I am free to choose my friends (and I have many with whom I am extremely grateful). I have a greater relationship with my existing family and extended family because the church is not dictating my thoughts and words.
I am free to make mistakes, get ill, drink or do drugs or medicines as I choose and live by those consequences without thought of repercussions from the church of scientology.
I am free to feel what I feel whether it be high or low and not have one thought about how this will play with the church of scientology.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Mary and all .
In 7 years that I have been out , the elation has never relented . I am grateful to be free , I am grateful for Mike and Leah’s dedication , I am grateful for the life we built afterwards and the family we have . Losing my sister will always be painful but I have hope against all odds , I am allowed to have hope.
Happy Thanksgiving Marie. Very happy for you! ✨🌟✨💫
Hello Mary Kahn!!! Happy post Thanksgiving!
My name is Andrea and I’m 16 years old and just wanted to say hi!! You’re a huge role model thank you for telling your story in the Aftermath!! 😊
A wonderful Thanksgiving holiday to you Mike and your family .
Thank you for your post. New reader here. I posted last week about my brother in Sea Org 30+ years, who has recently been reaching out to family, including our mother. After a very direct email response from me about his life choices, he has once again called our mother – 2nd phone call in two decades. However he still maintains he is happy with where he is. I took the liberty of copying your Thanksgiving post and emailing it to him. I gave you credit of course. Doubtful they will allow him to read it, but your message is timely!
Hello Kathy.
I’m sorry your family has suffered so much pain due to the policies of this terrible cult.
May I suggest you contact The Aftermath Foundation and get in touch with someone who may help you decide how you want to proceed in this case. After all, there are many possible options and someone from that foundation is likely to be highly experienced in these kinds of situations and may be able to help you come to the best determination of how you would like to proceed.
Best of luck to you Kathy.
You can use Google to search for the web site of The Aftermath Foundation or you can go directly to their website. The address is:
Thanks Skyler. I’ve read about Aftermath. However, my brother is still hasn’t expressed to family members any desire to leave Scientology. Not sure what his sudden phone calls and emails are all about.
Kathy, I see his reaching out as a large crack in the scn bubble he’s entombed himself in. Please have someone in the family make a room for him should he suddenly decide to break out and need a space to flop for a while. He’ll need peace & quiet, in my experience, and time to get his thoughts and plans organized; no questions about what he was doing or is thinking; that’s too close to auditing, which he might be sensitive about.
Most every escapee will feel guilty at some point. It’s NOT an “overt” to want to work on HIS dynamics instead of subsuming all of his energies to the insane 3rd which was scientology’s highly aberrated scene even in the best of times. Now, Davey’s enterprise masquerading as scientology is by all reports completely off the rails, not paying more than a wisp of lip service to the admirable goals we all *thought* we were going to be serving. It’s NOT his fault. He’s still loved despite the detour in his life he was tricked into taking. MANY of us were similarly fooled, are willing to help him any way we can.
Just keep engaging him – maybe he’ll realize that his family are friends. I’d avoid sending him material contradicting his made-up reality until that friendship is re-establish.
Baby steps
Yes, Kathy. Something is up with the church of Scientology and I suspect it’s because their PR is so bad they are trying to “clean up the field.“ And clean up their PR with people who have never even been in. Such as my sister-in-law‘s. My son Sammy who has disconnected from me, his brother and his father hasn’t ever called his aunts but did so within the last week. As one of them reported “it was a really good conversation“ and they were able to have a heart to heart. After she told me what was said I realized this was a “good roads Fair weather” conversation and he gave the church’s answers to why he disconnected from me. She of course was very diplomatic and I’m sure the church was happy with her highroad responses. On the other hand, the other aunt told him he was in a cult and that won’t play well with the church. He may never call her again or even respond to her calls. My son and your brother are being manipulated by the church of scientology.
Mary, it does sound very similar to my brother’s recent phone calls. I don’t know how old your son is, but my brother is 54 years old and I am astounded that a man of his age can be so manipulated by this organization.
Kathy, your brother may be 54, but the scam’s had 70 years’ practice fooling the well-intentioned. All escapees seem to feel guilty about being trapped in the first place: “HOW could I have been that STUPID!“
The people manipulated come in all shapes and sizes. One of our ex best friends is now 72. He has done all manner of things for Office of Special Affair’s bidding.
My son is 29.
I think i know him, Mary. When i worked for him and his sons in the late 90s he drove a Mercedes sedan. Last time i saw him (not recently) he was driving a Chevy!
Yes. That would be him. He had to declare bankruptcy.
But still, it’s about “the big picture” even though he knows about the physical assaults, etc.
Happy Thanksgiving Kathy! Thank you for sharing your story! Hopefully you’re brother will eventually come around, the truth will out !