Our old friend, Clearly Not Clear, sent this to me with some comments….
I’m looking at the writers of the future 7 books set. It seems to suggest that 89 of these stories won awards. I doubt it. I wonder what awards they did win? Since nobody wants to buy 7 year old anthologies, they include “advice for new writers.” This is somebody’s bright idea. Well, it’s really not a very bright idea in my opinion.
Now, can we talk about Battlefield Earth on audio? Seriously 150,000 sound effects? Was that like the stat of the week? How many sound effects and farts can I record to be in screaming affluence so I can get a $50 bonus?
In the department of why?, tearing my hair out, considering gouging my ears off. A Mission Earth 10 volume audiobook set? Picture yourself driving in heavy traffic and you’re having to listen to El Ron’s horrible writing of repetitive sex, that is so boring, yet disgusting at the same time, and your 10 year old is in the other seat ears turning red. It was bad enough reading it when I was in the church and suffering through the reading of each of these books as they were released, after ostentatiously buying them from B Dalton. Full disclosure number 8 wasn’t bad. The rest, dreck.
Only in Scientology promo would they start the sales pitch with a stat like 1.2 million words in 10 volumes. Considering how proud they were to coin a new word for a 10 volume set, decology, I’m sure someone’s going to be comm ev’ed for saying ’10 volumes,’ instead of ‘decology.’ This wasn’t worth reading when it 1st came out and all these years later it’s even worse. And what happened to Orson Scott Card, mormon dude? That he would say something nice about it? I’m thinking perhaps the Russians had compromising photos of because seriously, why would you give this quote? The only reason you’d ‘lose sleep’ is because you were so disturbed by the topic that got pounded into your head in your latest bout of forced reading. The only reasons you would ‘miss an appointment’ is because you felt ill after reading some of the sexual passages in these dreadful books. I find his quote to be absolute rubbish.
Then the dim bulb award for bright ideas goes to the staff member who gave us the Golden Age book collection. 80 books with 153 stories. Since I see El Ron’s name plastered on them all, I can only guess that while they were unplugging the chimney vent in the attic of the Paris garret that El Ron rented decades ago, while hiding out from whatever country was hunting him down like a criminal, they found some of his discarded short stories that should have remained discarded. Yet here they are. Some luckless soul, now languishing in the RPF’s RPF, said, “let’s publish and print all of these 80 books and make enough copies for all the missions and orgs of the world and all of the people who are going to immediately order this.” Now the pallets are gathering cobwebs and the rats are starting to gnaw the pages in their special Ideal storage org in the city of Commerce.
As you can see, I find this promo piece to be the epitome of the hubris that is Scientology.
Some luckless new sea org member was probably given a clipboard and asked to wander El Ron Hubbard Way and survey people about their interest in buying this 80 book set. Every person they asked had a hunted look and of course rictus-smiled on reflex and insisted that this was a great idea.
What if the person who wrote this marketing bit of flab was having a massive moment of cognitive dissonance?? What if they’d seen the stacks and stacks and stacks of plastic wrapped and unsold collections of short stories? What if they knew that even if they shipped them off to missions and orgs that did or did not exist, that they would never be paid for? Maybe it’s that person and their cognitive dissonance that decided to leave off the word ‘Decology’ and put ’10 volumes’ as his last grasp of reality-speak? Will this sad person be handed a toothbrush and see an arm pointing toward the nearest dumpster?
I am so not ordering any of this crap. I am however greatly amused at this hubristic shilling, as if anybody is going to respond except those in Ethics, who want to say, “I ordered it! See? I’m a good scientologist!”
Okay, rant over,
Clearly Not Clear
And then, there is this.
“Historical Facts” based on Hubbard”s fiction? Who knows what this even means? The actual truth about his stories maybe?
They should really be doing this for the later years: “Are you interested in the actual facts about the fiction of Dianetics and Scientology?” Or about the fictional life of L. Ron Hubbard he told and we repeat?
So they can put a single book on a USB drive whilst most of Hub’s “non fiction” (sic) remains languishing in hardback and on CD.
I know of no one under 40 who even has the ability to play CDs let alone ever wish to buy them. And that’s the same Google-savvy market that’s nigh on impenetrable to the CoS as it is. But if they dare release Hubbard’s output in digitalised form, it’ll be freely available across the far reaches of the interwebz the following day. All that lost revenue…what a pickle!
Of course, a religious organisation that actually cares about its mission (and wants its teachings spread far and wide) would embrace the digital age.
I’ll let any lurking scientologists here think on that for a wee while.
I read one godawful excerpt from one of Hubbard’s works, Battleship Earth or Mission Earth whichever. It went on and on about male prostitutes on a space ship. It’s most interesting that he would spend so much time writing about gay “space sex” considering the cherch’s views of homosexuality.
I for one quite like Battlefield Earth. I still read it now and again. A bit on the long side but good scifi. Mission Earth on the other hand.. 1-3 Was good, 4-5 ok, 6-7 started to get weird and “perverted” , 8-10 Don’t know, since I quit halfways through 7:)
Bottom rung low rent “sci-fi” for the late 20’s and early 30’s, complete pulpy crap and risible now. I barely made it half way through before literally throwing my $2.50 remainder copy (a couple of months after it first appeared like a fungus in the book shops here) out my bedroom window.
He churned out pulp level crap all his life. What’s next, are you going to tell us was one of the Golden Age Greats?
BTW, those “89 awards” were all from scientology’s “writers of the future”.
Report from Robert Vaughn Young, who was the editor of Hubbard’s “Mission Earth” and parted it into 10 Volumes, and all his troubles with Hubbard and the publisher over it, and the arduous task of getting “Mission Earth” edited and published: https://lermanet.org/cos/MissionEarth.html
PS: Including a description of the scam how “Mission Earth” was gotten on the Bestseller list.
Vaughn’s writings are the best. He’s just the best ex senior member writer of what he first hand lived near Hubbard’s final years, so far.
I love Kima Douglas’ writings, and David Mayo’s writings and talks.
But Vaughn explains ASI life so far the best.
Stacy Young’s interviews and things she’s said need be collected up, she tells of some tense moments with Miscavige in board room meetings.
But Vaughn’s writings deserve anthologizing.
I’d rather listen to Yoko Ono than anything written by L. Ron Hubbard. (You don’t want to listen to Yoko Ono.)
And now a bit of fan fiction.
“So what do you really think about this.” She said.
“I can’t really say.” I replied. “I want John to win this one.”
That wasn’t going to stop Sunny.
“If I say anything, it will be that its from an anonymous campaign official.” She said.
I stepped up and whispered in her ear.
“It involves duct tape, a set of headphones, and an old Yoko Ono record, one from the late Sixties on the Apple Records label.”
Sunny stepped back a bit.
“You know,” she said, “there is such a thing as water boarding.”
Not only do you not want to listen to Yoko Ono, you also do not want to listen to Imelda Marcos!
The sun sets over the….
I once advocated replacing water boarding with snow boarding.
Marine: Welcome to the fine State of Colorado, n*mbn*ts! This is a snowboard! You will ride this snowboard down the side of this (very steep) mountain! You will have fun!
Jihadi: But fun is forbidden in Islam!
Marine: Well that’s too f*ck*ng bad, n*mbn*ts! [SHOVE!]
Gimme that old soft shoe, ’cause nothin’ else will due…
I just finished rereading Theodore Sturgeon’s ‘More Than Human’ , published in 1952. It contains some of what became Lron’s buzz words, though not in Lron’s terms. I’ll have to pull out a few quotes and post them. I think Lron stole Sturgeon’s prose and threw them in to $cientology.
It just proves that if you’re going to steal something, steal something good. Sturgeon’s prose was so superior to Hubbard’s that I know Hubbard was jealous.
Tubby plagiarized anything that struck his fancy at that moment, usually twisting it all out of shape to suit his purposes.
Theft was one of the most minor of his criminal actions.
I read “More Than Human” many decades ago. I can’t recall much of the plot, but it was a good read. Sturgeon was one of the giants of the sci fi world back then. I suspect Hubbard’s body thetans all had green eyes.
O/T. Nazanin Boniadi thanks Laura Prepon;
“Thank you, @LauraPrepon. That’s all. That’s the tweet.”
Memorialized with a screenshot on Instagram and ESMBR at:
Thanks for WHAT, I wonder, though that was just hours after Prepon let “slip” she’d been out of scientology for 5 years or more.
The rats are beginning to abandon ship.
Who was suckered into reading the drekology aloud for the audio version? Is there a trailer to help advertise the quality of the audio?
What poor schmuck had to count the sound effects and letters and all of the rest of the bogus numbers? I guess we know what Phil and Willie Jones daughter has been doing.
I’m surprised you allow that those numbers might be REAL. We all should remember that no number in scientology is real. It’s just plucked out of the air after a particularly juicy fart.
I know someone in COB’s office and they took a peek at what OT9 is (Dave had passed out with the secret paper on his chest) … READY?
First of all, only people who have fully and honestly completed OT8 and the new Self Analysis for OTs rundown (ARC SW Expanded or SOT , now comes after OT8, to be released at the next event whenever the planet wide bullbait ends) to full ep will be able to do this action as it would be completely meaningless to anyone else.
Here it is:
Start reading all 80 books of the LRH fiction collection, plus Battlefield Earth and Mission Earth … Hidden in these volumes will be FIVE LINES OF TEXT (not together, scattered throughout the volumes). A TRUE OT8 and ARC SWX completion will be able to recognize these lines as they are read. All five lines read in order will reveal the secret of OT9 and automatically shoot the OT into stratospheric levels of awareness and spiritual freedom never before dreamed of on Earth. This will also set a person up for OT10, which makes it impossible for a person to get sick or suffer from any psycho somatic somatics.
BUT … the secrets of OT9 are not so easily revealed … A person may have to cycle through the books up to 15 times before the five lines reveal themselves to the OT. OT9 can be done at any org that has a Flag trained OT9 course sup, two Flag trained OT9 word clearers who can deliver the mandatory M4s and M9s on each chapter, a Flag trained OT9 review auditor, a Flag trained OT9 CS, and must only be delivered in an Ideal Org, with sufficient space for an Ideal OT9 course room (finding space in an Ideal Org for this will not be a problem).
Discounted Price for OT9: $150,000 for all Patrons Voluminarians with Platinum Honors
Meanwhile, in the real world, we’ll have a computer sort this out.
*Oh, and P.S: Each new reading cycle will require a new set of books. Of course.
The commas are personally re-arranged for each reading.
Very good. The real sad thing about this is that if it was announced with enough authority and TRs in, there are probably some who’d nevertheless still sign up.
I can’t believe they’re still hawking that dreck. Audiobooks, no less? and priced like it’s rare and has a heavy demand. I dutifully slogged through them at the time — I was still somewhat in the trap— but I don’t remember enjoying it any more than DiaNUTics.
I’ve read all of books in the fiction collection and can attest that I found the Five Lines you refer to. And so as to save everyone time and energy here they are;
1. …….wow, this doesn’t seem right, does it?
2. …….all I remember from my past isn’t actually true?
3. ……..you are not who you think you are?
4. ……. truth does not exist?
5……….there were errors so it must all be done over again?
And so I have now finally achieved a true end phenomenon and it is factual personal freedom . This was only possible after attaining the ultimate ability to realize that all of $ccientology is complete and utter bullshit.
Ah, free, free at last. Thank you Joe.
Glenn, you’re just lucky that the CoS isn’t litigating copyright infringers anymore.I
Thanks VERY much for the great “morning chuckle”.
Line 1: “It was all a lie.”
Line 2: Who cares?
Line 3: [blank]
OK, since I have read all of OT9, I’ll just give you Line#1, which is from one of Ron’s Westerns … “Smile when you say that, pardner.”
And again, this Line by itself is meaningless and even with the other four lines would mean nothing to someone who is not full OT8 and SOTS completion (Self Analysis for OTs, but I will reveal the “SOTS cog” which is “my this lifetime Really DID happen to me”) …
O/T. Swarajya Magazine: A Curious Case About An Anti-India Nexus [Including The Church of Scientology] Trying To Wedge A Gap Between India And USA.
I predicted that there might be a reaction by Hindustani Indians to the support of the Church of Scientology and others for designating India a “Country of Particular Concern.”
Swarajya Magazine: A Curious Case About An Anti-India Nexus Trying To Wedge A Gap Between India And USA
by Karna-Aug 1, 2021 06:37 AM
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
What do the Indian American Muslim Council, Church of Scientology, and Cambodian Development Foundation have in common? The answer lies with an ongoing effort to prevent India and the USA from getting closer.
The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) organized a petition along with 30 other organizations to label India a “Country of Particular Concern” because of “ongoing persecution of minorities.” A number of the signatories range from questionable to outright hypocritical.
Apart from the Church of Scientology, whose reputation speaks for itself, another dubious organization is the Khalistani group “Poetic Justice Foundation” with links to banned terrorist organizations. You can read about the Khalistani resurgence in Canada, the UK, and the US here.
The main reason why overseas Muslim, Christian, and Scientology organizations can find common ground is that the Modi government enacted a law requiring the 2.3 million NGOs operating in India to disclose any foreign funding.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
Swarajya is an Indian right-wing monthly print magazine and news portal. The publication reports favourably on the Bharatiya Janata Party..
Thank you. As always when I post something like my OP, it is not to endorse the views stated therein, but to simply note Scientology related news — and in this case to show that India has taken notice of the Church of Scientology’s position. Your comment makes the later clear. Again, thanks.
The prints ended up in the trash.
Before I took all I owned there I asked a local “thrift store” if I could donate them all there. The response was “no, we do not wish to give ANY impression we are connected to, or supportive of the cult of scientology”. This was in Clearwater, FL; the place the cult should have PR Area Control.
Now you can figure out how an individual Scientologist reveal his identity in Wogs world.
Put blame on Leah Remini, Mike , Tony, Tory, Sheldon ,Bunker ,Jesse , Jon Atach and Mark Hadely
SOME of the blame for scn’s horrible PR belongs on Dwarfenführer’s® doorstep. He’s poisoned the pond big time by personally micromanaging every little debacle for 30+ years.
Lovely “PR Area Control” there, Flag.
I’m in the process (more than ten years after exiting scn) of finally ridding my home of all my books and lectures. I find I can’t even give them away. I went to a charity shop which refused them. So the books and packs are all now shredded for paper recycling. The lectures are another story – many of them never opened. Any takers? You just have to pay the postage from South Africa. The bright side is I think I never paid for the whole lectures collection. I once went through my bank statements and could find nothing.
To Dr Mac – On the “Aftermath” television program, featured is: Stephen A. Kent, a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He and his students research religions. Their department has amassed a large collection of LRH and C of S materials.
It is likely cost-prohibitive to ship all your lecture materials from South Africa to Edmonton. Perhaps explore is there a similar professor and sociology team with strong interest in contemporary religions in your region of the world? They might welcome such a donation.
Otherwise, I think people who are practicing outside the C of S look for LRH materials to purchase from eBay or similar.
Best to you. So many of us are in the same boat. For those who went ALL IN, purchasing all the Basics, the Levels, the Congresses, the Briefing Course, the Advanced Clinical Congresses: I don’t know how a person could own all that volume of material without dedicating a room in their home to it. What to do and where to direct these materials is a challenge.
Well, another load of scn nonsense that won’t be influencing anyone.
It’s great if their byzantine super-deluxe filing system FAILED to overcharge you for something you seem never to have needed and didn’t ultimately use. Tubby would be tearing the place apart if he found out; McSavage might just waste a thimble-full of quality rotgut against the nearest wall if HE regains consciousness long enough to find out
In the hey day of Hubbards release of the decology every red blooded cult member bought the books. And these included buying a limited edition poster, where everyone who paid thousands for the print would see them appreciate and be worth 10xs their original value. And like all Scientologys scams the prints ended up in the trash like his books have.
At the time, I was still a sorta dutiful member who slogged through Battlefield Earth and the mission Earth ‘series’. It only confirmed my suspicion that Hubbard never did write readable sci-Fi.
AWFUL dreck it was. No wonder he’s hardly mentioned in real sci-fi discussions, never seriously.
Only the whales could have afforded the prints, so they dissolved in the sea rather than rotting in the trash. However they were disposed of, it’s likely they never saw the light of day to preserve their first-edition” value. Stored in positive pressure nitrogen atmospheres to stave off oxidation, stored in titanium cases to block all damaging radiation.