The reward has gone up!
Just last week it was $250 to $500.
I wonder where this instant money is coming from? Certainly not from Orlando’s Financial Planning Committee… Perhaps they have a whale who is tossing in some bucks (rather than joining staff themselves — too smart for that I guess).
Wonder if anyone is left in the housing they arranged for the Orlando “staff” who were flown in for the grand opening? You can bet that place emptied out a week after the ribbon yanking. They proudly announced at the time they were up to 120 staff. If they have 12 staff today I would be surprised. 10X contraction is the order of the day.
I wonder if ANYONE believes the 10X expansion in every ideal org?
I wonder if these money awards are being regged right back into the org coffers, happened a lot of the time in my experiences.
When the crap GAT training came out and invalidated many certs, I’m sure that drove away some auditors. Interestingly when I saw this happen. I told two auditors that it totally pissed me off that their certs were now invalid until they paid for the new training and took the time to do it. Each one made excuses and told me they were fine and not to be mad.
Interestingly the requirements were then reduced to doing High Crimes. (Studying only the changes with some word clearing I think. Don’t quote me.)
I’m reminded of the time I was being regged and after saying no, they came up with a special deal so it was cheaper. It seemed pretty weird. But I bought. Too bad.
Off topic again, but I hope anyone from here on the east coast is safe and above the water.
The mind boggles.
Auditors needed. Not any ole garden variety Class VIII or Class VI. No, it has to be a GAT II auditor.
We are down to a super-niche market here. Holy moly.
You would probably have better luck finding an electric vehicle technician in Juneau Alaska.
And the recruitment agent’s finders fee? $500?
Recruiters earn around 20% of annual of the person placed. For a GATII specialist it should be at least 30%. GAT II annual? $100 per week. $ 5200 per annum……..
30% of annual is $1560?
You see, the $ 500 fee is cheapskate man.
$100 a week! Wow! I didn’t know knob-twisting on the wiggly random box had become so lucrative.
LRH warned us that some SP would take over and destroy scientology. He must have been psychic if nothing else.
Another example of religious dishonesty… Good God! Didn’t someone some say that money is the root of all evil? Guess that someone got declared pretty quick. But why the uncertainty, what is it, 500 or 1500? Must be some sort of “pick a card’ routine?
Actually, no, the quote is “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Money in and of itself cannot be evil, since it has no soul and therefore no intention. It’s people who place money above all else who are evil.
Very literal interpretation, but I suppose it’s kind of in the same basket as the concept of guns.
You lost me there about the guns. Money and guns do go hand in hand, I suppose, but I don’t see how the common misquoting of the Biblical verse — which fundamentally changes the meaning — relates to firearms?
My interpretation of the verse is literal, as I believe it was intended to be. An inanimate object cannot by nature be evil. It is the employment of that object that impugns or justifies its existence. I suppose by extension the argument COULD be made that tghe existence of money causes people to desire it, and people who by nature are greedy and lawless will then resort to immoral methods of acquisition, but then on the other side of that, there are those for whom money is the means by which they can accomplish the most good they can (Shriners, for example). So therefore, the assertion that is it the money itself that is the root of all evil fails even the most basic proof.
Much like people who say “I could care less” — yes, yes they could. Which means they DO care. So if someone says “I could care less” and means “I could NOT care less,” that person sounds like an idiot. And don’t even get me started on idioms like “the proof is the pudding”…
And of course it’s too early in the morning, I’m overthinking this, and when THAT happens I tend to wax pedantic…
Limo, when I read your initial comment I thought of guns as well – the link to what you wrote is the common aphorism “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. (You were saying money itself can’t be evil, but people can).
Oh, I get it now. It annoys me when people use a misquote as though it were the real aphorism, because the meaning of the original tends to be so meaningful and it doesn’t take any more effort to say “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” instead of “the proof is in the pudding.” Every time someone say THAT, I get a mental image of Little Jack Horner off in his corner sticking his thumb into a big bowl of a viscous, banana-flavored substance and pulling out a paper scribbled with mathematical and scientific notations.
It’s also the trend, it seems, in our society to blame the object rather than the user for the results. The truth is that guns don’t kill people, neither does marijuana cause crime, nor do sugary drinks cause obesity… and so on, ad nauseum. There is not one single THING in the world that I can think of that is evil irrespective of its use (except okra, and possibly yams but the clergy is still undecided on that one).
Reading that e-mail that was sent out, my first impression was:
Boy, talk about games conditions!
I mean, it almost sounds like ‘The Price Is Right’ except, in this case, you really don’t want to ‘come on down!’.
I’ve been on staff. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.
Bounty Hunting, Scientology Style
A Poster in each Org’s Reception:
“We’d rather have you dead than incapable”. More of Hubbard’s words that give you the warm and fuzzies.
They are paying for leads for staff now? Whew.
Nothing about refunds in the letter. How about I’ll go and sign up, you collect the $1,000 then I’ll tell who I really am and they will kick me out. Probably only take a few days. We’ll split the commission.
“If you give me a hot lead for a GAT II Auditor or a Reg that I arrive to Orlando staff”
Is this person typing in a sleep deprived hurry or is English not his first language? Either way, I feel bad for him. Not as bad as I would feel for anyone who buys the hype.
I am a never in, but sounds like perfect Scientologise to me.
English is too good. I’d vote for rushed and young, but native English speaker.
Does anyone feel sorry for the people that stay in Scientology? I have compassion for the kids who are in it, because they had no choice. I also have compassion for the adults who grew up in it and know of no other way to live. I do not have compassion for those who join as adults. They know there are other ways to live. They can’t possibly think Scientology is normal or that it is doing any good in this world. Why they don’t just walk away is beyond me.
I do, too – but when they disconnect from family members who love them, I lose any compassion I may have had. Not speaking to your own parents or children? Brainwashed or not, you have to take moral responsibility for that; no excuses.
I agree, Bix. They are cold, ice cold people to be capable of that.
Unless they’re using the Disconnection policy as an excuse.
In other words, they’re pissed off at the family member about something, something not cult related; some axe to grind. some old lingering anger or resentment or grudge with the family member that never got handled but which is the real reason they’re using Disconnection as an excuse, to punish the family member, cut the tie, make him or her suffer and at the same time, not take responsibility for it.
Either way they are monsters, whether by nature or whether the cult made them that way: horrible people who deserve all the suffering they’ll experience once they realize the suffering they caused.
Fascinating indeed.
Motivation to help others? No baby; MONEY, again, is the motivation. Corrupted purpose.
I think that’s pretty accurate although most ppl that I knew who joined staff, myself included, did so out of a sincere desire to help humanity. But that whole thing gets perverted with a little help from “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” etc. to a point where ultimately money equates to freeing mankind, so “money = clearing planet”. In principle the theory may hold water but once you factor in the facts that nobody’s actually getting freed and that nobody in the bubble is permitted to discover that truth – well, so much for theories. Add a few stat pushes and a few LRH quotes thrown in for good measure and eventually what began as a desire to “help” has morphed into belief in dedicated, rapacious money-grubbing.
Orlando will probably be the next org to call me…. I’ve been getting calls this week from several other ideal orgs with the tired old “survey” lie – looking for people foolish enough to move across the country to join staff.
(do people actually DO this?)
Besides the identical patter they open the call with, they’re also one-for-one thanking me for ANSWERING THE PHONE. hahaha.
And today in the mail I have here a letter from the IAS, telling me:
“The Church of Scientology International has informed the IAS that members will be asked to present their cards at events. This is for the purpose of identification and to receive membership benefits offered by Churches of Scientology”
it goes on to ask me to verify my information and to give me a chance to ask for a new card if needed.
Nothing about needing to try to keep out the pesky people who attend events and then upload all the skinny to Ortega and Mike.
I’m happy to have a free business reply envelope so that I can mail the IAS … I have things to send them.
PS: what are the Vegas odds on DM trying to solve his idle morgues with a new rule of OT VIII’s having to have put in a 2.5 or 5 year contract to be eligible for 9 & 10?
Membership cards? I am an atheist, but I can walk into any church (by which I mean a legitimate church), synagogue, temple, mosque, etc., on any given worship day, and as long as I am respectful the people there will welcome me. And answer questions about their faith.
It amazes me that people inside the bubble can see messages about membership cards and think this is normal.
Actually, they claimed staff was “up to 160,” but that they needed things like airplane tickets and visas. I’m guessing that as with event attendance “confirmations,” there were a lot of no-shows. Really a lot.
When I checked their social media the week after the opening, they had one informal picture showing about 12 staff gathered around the reception desk, and one of their somber, posed formal pictures of about 18 staff. So it looks to me like Scientology reached a point where they couldn’t even pull off the initial staff-up that “ideal” orgs are supposed to have, other than to wangle unfulfillable promises from a large number of people they count, but 9 out of 10 of whom don’t actually show up. Steve Mango addressed some of this in a video a while back, thought if I recall in his case they at least expected him to show up for the opening, and maybe for a few days before “blowing.”
I wonder if behind the scenes, they’re asking for donations to pay the staff, or at least meet their room and board expenses – or is that what comes next?
That came first. They were asking for free rooms before the opening.
I don’t understand how this all works. First of all wouldn’t they know who is undergoing training to be an auditor and they could offer them a position or a transfer? I mean it’s not like regular headhunting where they are offering a Scientology position to someone off the street. And secondly if they want auditors why don’t they identify trustworthy staff or Sea Org who are on the way up and isolate them for training on a fast track at Flag or wherever they train to be an auditor. With Davie sitting on a BILLION dollars of money surely he could spare a few bucks to train the staff he wants. It’s not even like he’d have to give up a motorcycle or a watch for what it would cost to train staff. It would not affect his quality of life at all. But I guess all Scientologists think that all the money goes to improving the world and they really are a “non-profit”. Boy would I love to have their books gone over by a forensic auditor!
SO staff got no sleep, no pay, no auditing, and no training as far back as 1971, to my memory. Rewarding staff must not be part of Hubbard’s business model.
If he needs more auditors, he just has to reinstate some of the carts he canceled for GAT. I’m sure a few qualified auditors are still hanging around someplace, although many left or withdrew in disgust.