Christie and I wanted to provide a brief health update as so many people ask.
Due to some recent symptoms my oncologist ordered a bronchoscopy and a biopsy of lung tissue last week. This saga began a year ago with a persistent cough and difficulty breathing which set in motion a chain of events that resulted in a thoracentesis (draining of fluid from lungs) which when tested showed cancerous cells. I then had a PET scan that showed the cancer to be in the esophagus, but also showing up in my right lung fluid (which automatically designated it Stage 4). I ended up being a candidate for a new type of drug called a RET inhibitor and have been taking it for a year with excellent success. But the body tends to build immunity even to good things treating harmful conditions (like it does with antibiotics). The results of the scope and biopsy show more cancer cells have spread in the lung tissue, meaning the drug is no longer sufficient. My oncologist was happy with how long that treatment did work, exactly a full year, and now it is time to change.
On Tuesday I started chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Because there is no centralized tumor or a mass the cancer is hard to measure and monitor. The main indicator of progress will be symptoms and how I am feeling. I am a very good candidate for immunotherapy (there is a test for this — my oncologists says I have the highest score she has ever seen).
I remain positive. It’s another chapter starting in the book of life.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the support and love I have received from so many. It is incredibly heartwarming and gives me strength.
All the grace and mercy to you, Mike. Your bravery and humility have saved so many people from falling prey to the wolves in this world. May God bless you, sir with healing and joy in battle. You will always have my greatest respect and gratitude.
Wish you the best Mike. Sorry to hear about the health condition, hang in there and strive toward recovering and making the best of each day. Support and Hope from a distance. There is one thing we all know…you are Totally Free.
Happy Holidays!
Sending blessings and prayers. You will never know how many people you helped.
Sending love and healing prayers to you and strength for your family. You are an amazing and brave soul! May God bless you all
Just saw Leah’s post on Facebook. Sorry you are still struggling with the cancer. I hope you can beat it but best wishes to you and your family.
I just found out about your health battle Mike. Sending you love and prayers. Your podcasts have been such an inspiration. Thank you for fighting the good fight against the big S and now the big C. Stay strong.
Wishing you all the best. I think of you often and I truly hope you fully recover.
Only just recently learned of your cancer diagnosis after taking a year away from all things Scientology related. Just got busy I guess. Enjoyed watching Blown for Good videos with you last year (2023) and your many insights into your time with Scientology. Those videos are much more colorful, informative and engaging with you in them.
You are very missed and I look forward to your healing and being able to join again.
Been thinking of you lately and hope you are doing okay in your recovery. I’ve had two classmates go on chemo recently and it was very challenging. Took a lot out of them and I hope you are faring better. Glad to hear you are a very good candidate for immunotherapy. Didn’t know people had to qualify for it and happy to know you had the best scores of anyone your doctor has seen.
Delighted you are remaining positive and although I’m sure the last thing you want to hear is advice, I’ve been hearing good things about Reiki and meditation if for nothing else peace during side effects of treatment. I’m sure you’ve explored everything and only want what is best for you.
Please keep us updated. We are all concerned and are so grateful for all of your hard work in not only fighting cancer but ridding the planet of the cancer that is Scientology. Your efforts are making a difference.
Thank you and Best Wishes.
Hi Mike, just a comment to wish you all the best during your treatment. I have been a fan since the Aftermath show started airing on A&E, and I am so amazed by everyone’s courage and strength to leave everything you’ve known and to start anew. It’s never too late to start your life over, and you have been such an example and inspiration to others who may feel that they are trapped. I started rewatching the Aftermath shows and wondered what you and Leah were up to. I happily discovered that you have a podcast, and I have been binge-listening to the episodes as I drive (which is a lot!), even sitting in my driveway to finish an episode…as if I can’t continue listening in my house.
Listening to your podcast, I am again blown away by everything you, Leah, and all the so-called apostates have done to shed light on this dangerous and destructive cult, even at your own peril.
I hear over and over again how many ex-Scientologists feel guilt and/or embarrassment because they were in a cult for so long. I wish I could hug each and every one of you, tell you that it’s not your fault, to please forgive yourselves, and to give yourselves a break. Cult leaders are incredibly skilled at what they do, and they don’t follow the same moral code the rest of us do. Most of us wouldn’t imagine that someone would outright lie to us, and any one of us could have been fooled. It’s hard to know what you’re in when you’re in it; after all, a fish doesn’t know it’s in water. What’s most important is what you’re doing after you’ve left. It can’t be easy to be so vulnerable in front of the world and bare all. Again, I commend you for your courage.
Wishing you all the best and keep up the great work!
Thank you for your kind comment. I am glad you found the information in the show and podcast helpful.
Mike, my hopes and prayers are with you. Please consider accepting our Savior Jesus Christ. He can heal you completely if you ask Him and open your heart to Him. He is a good, good Father and He loves you and your family. I know that Scientology hurt you and turned you away from God. Loving and accepting Jesus is not religion, it is a relationship. It is turning everything over to a loving, caring, absolute best friend who can pull you close when you are sad and rejoice with you when you have victory. I pray often for you and your family. You are a dear, sweet person with a loving wife and family. All of you can be together when Jesus comes back to take us home. Please consider accepting the free gift of salvation that He offers. May God wrap you in His healing arms and take every speck of cancer out of your body. Please take care of yourself.
The One and only Lord- Christ is with you Mike, and with your Family. I pray for yous. You are a courageous man that had ,have and will keep having strenght of a thousand man. Fight with the disease with Jesus at your sight. God bless you.
Do it the Aussie way…….keep smiling and seeing the best in bad times. Continue fighting! Thoughts , strength and love from Australia.
Sending you all of my thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes, Mike! You’ve got this!
Sending healing prayers
I just wish you the very best Mike, also to your family, from Denmark. Kind regards Kim
Best wishes and prayers for you and all the family.
I am thinking of you Mike, and sending best wishes for a successful outcome for you and your beautiful family. xx
Sending you and the family lots of love
I’m team Mike all the way!
Much love, Rinder family.
My money is on you, Mike. You are greatly needed and wanted and much loved. A true leader in every sense of the word. You’ll handle this latest challenge. Love and truth always triumph over lies and hate. Love and laughter and truth and courage support physical health as well as mental and emotional health. You’re a winner, Mike. My money is on you.
Mike – I am sending you and Christie all my love and prayers. I hope that this new approach will give you many many years together. Especially having this high score for immunotherapy. Thank you for all that you have done to make the world a better place – from all of us who have family in this evil cult,
I just received the email with your feature from the JAJF. I was pleased that your family had a fabulous trip (I’m a friend of your Director of Wow!)- and sorry to hear of the challenge you are facing. I really hope deep down, that you know that your strength is unique and remarkable, as I’ve followed your incredible journey, through books and with Leah for years. I know, as someone who has also fought some good but wrenching fights, that warriors get tired. So I sincerely hope you are taking this time to channel all your energy into your own, deserved wellness. Wishing you all the Best, Health and Happiness!
Amy P
You are loved more than you know and have so many people behind you so thankful for your continuous exposure of the cult for the last 15 years. Self care is the name of the game now. Stay positive my friend, we know you have it in you to beat this! Hugs to you and your family.
Wishing you the best Mike and full recovery of your health.
Continue Hanging Tough, Bro. We remain at your side. Rock ON with Everything you got, as usual!
Wishing you the best Mike. Hope you have a full recovery.
Thinking of you, Mike!!
Sending all my love to you all. You deserve nothing but the best. It is good that you are a good canadiate for Chemo and immunotherapy. I’m sure it makes you feel better. But the thing that I think relives me the most is that you have people around you that love and support you. You have Christie who has proven for all these years that she she loves you and that she will fight for you. Just remember to make sure she is getting the proper rest she needs as well. As well as the kids. This is a major struggle for you all and you all have to be there for eachother.. I believe you can get through this.
So much Love to you all
You are doing the right thing. Keep up with the things that are shown to work and you’ll make it.
Plenty of success stories (genuine ones) to support all the love we are all sending you.
I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. Stay strong.
Mike, try adding Essiac aka Ojibwa tea to your regimen. Google it for the whole story. Best of luck to you.
Hey Mike.
Many Dr’s are now incorporating water only fasting along with chemo. Some have beat cancer with fasting alone. When you only are drinking water, your body has to get its nutrition internally. It uses the least important tissue first. It’s very organized. True North health has Dr. supervised water only fasting. Maybe give them a call and just see what they have to say.
Diet is also so important when going through this.
Whatever you do, we’re all here behind you. We know you’ll beat it.
Good luck Mike. I’m thrilled that you are a good candidate for immunotherapy. I think you will beat this.
I’m so sorry to hear this, Mike, but I’m remaining positive and sending well wishes. It sounds like there is some good news came to counteract the bad, at least a little bit.
I had been meaning to send you a quick email thanking you again for the copy of your book a while back. I had the chance to finish reading it. I loved it, and if anything, it is a testament to how you and Christie have overcome so much you definitely have the strength to overcome this hurdle.
Sending lots of love,
-Japan of Green Gables
I know you will do whatever you can to beat this, but I am amazed at how much you have done to help so many of us even while facing the priority of your health.
So much love to you all. I pray for your health and safety to get better. I have faith in this treatment for you because you are a good candidate. It also brings me and others some more faith because you have Christie who we know will take care of you. It is also important for her to take care of herself as well. Both of you are incredible people. If either of you need to take a break please do, You have each-other and your love and from what I have seen heard and experienced that love is so important in these types of situations.
So much love to you and your family.
Chris beat cancer, check him out. diet is everything. Sorry for my opinion but it’s because you are loved. Praying for healing over you in Jesus Name
Kelly, can you get me Chris’ email address so I can check out how he beat cancer with diet? Asking for a friend. (Oh, who am I kidding; I’m asking for myself.)
Cindy, this is just for the sake of sharing. First of all sugar must be cut away.
Second. For several years, I have researched olive leaves on the web. Here, they grow spontaneously, almost invasively. Based on decades of laboratory research, besides their various properties, they also have serious anti-cancer properties.
In vitro studies (on cultured cells) and in vivo studies (on animal models) have shown that these compounds can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells, inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and reduce angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that feed the tumor).
There are olive leaf extracts available, or if you have a plant, you can make a decoction. Since I have little time, I chew them directly. Do your own research, but it might be interesting. Stay well.
Thank you so much for that info. Can you also make olive leaf tea to drink with same medicinal properties?
Cindy, I mentioned the decoction, but you can also make tea with both green and dried leaves. The active ingredients remain effective. However, there are specific quantities to respect. Additionally, it has no contraindications unless someone suffers from low blood pressure, as it regulates blood pressure.
The main bioactive compounds present in olive leaves, such as oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, and other polyphenols, have been studied for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can contribute to anti-cancer effects. Obviously, we are talking more about prevention than cure here. But I believe it is an excellent supplement. Additionally, it is adaptogenic, meaning it acts based on what the individual needs, and does not target just one issue. Technically, it’s as if it intervenes only on what obstructs the body’s normal functioning (inflammations, free radicals, etc.).
Regardless of the diet one chooses, sugars (glucose) remain the first item to eliminate as they are the primary source of nourishment for cancer cells.
Thank y ou Loosing My Religion. (I hope one day to get your real name!) I like adaptogens. Adaptogens are our friends.
I hear you about glucose too. Thank you for the info on olive leaves. I’m trying the tea first.
Cindy, you’re welcome. Anyway, I hope it’s clear that I simply shared some information, not solutions. If there’s something serious, it’s always better to consult a professional. The point is that integrating olive leaf extract into a balanced diet certainly helps.
As mentioned, there are no particular contraindications, except for the issue of low blood pressure. They can be very tonic as well. As I said initially, do some research first. I’m neither a doctor nor a guru (laughing!).
I still have a long-time friend in SO and another one on the lines, so I’ve never admitted my name to avoid losing them since those OSA idiots would cut ties with us. I could not care less, but I don’t want to. If you call me Joseph, you’re not too far off. Take care.
Loosing My Religion aka Joseph, What? You’re not my guru or my doctor? That’s funny cuz I have already elected y u to be my new cult leader. Out with the old and in with the new!
I don’t have an email, but if you Google Chris Beat Cancer you’ll find his stuff
Thanks, Kellie!
Just look at all the wonderful loving comments you have received so far! You are an inspiration to so very many of us. Love you, Mike. You are a fighter! Sending you healing energy.
My thoughts and blessings are with you and your family. I’m staying positive and sending love from Canada. Hugs to all.
All of my love and prayers your way to you. You are a fighter and so in Christie. I believe that you can beat this. With Your amazing wife by your side. It is a bit more calming knowing that you are a good canadiate for the immunotherapy and chemotherapy. But it’s also calming to know that you have Christie who we all know os fighting for you. But I saw other comments saying to take care of herself. I absolutely agree with that. We know the fighters you are. But I think that your love for eachother will be a major help through this stressful time. You both have gone through hell in Scientology I believe you can get through this. All of my live to you Christie and your boys.
Oh, Mike, I’m so sorry to hear this. You’ve come through so much. Keep fighting. You’ll be in my prayers.
Pulling for you and sending many good thoughts, Mike.
Positive thoughts to accompany you .
You have a huge community rooting for you .
Sending blessings and support for successful treatment
When you have support and love with you, cancer outcomes are improved. With Christie and your boys by your side, your strength is multiplied.
Take the time you need, Mike. You are loved and supported.
Best of luck mate.
Eat healthy. Get good sleep!
Keep your thigh muscles strong!
Hi Mike, I was in the Sea Org for many years, and I pray for all those who are suffering while in and after leaving the S.O. You stand out as someone I knew of in the S.O. and who I was so pleased to hear had come about to work for the other side, out here in the Real World. A brave soul you are. You and Leah are heroes to me. Continue to fight cancer, I pray for you and your beautiful family, and every time I hear of you I think “he made it out, anyone can.” That is huge. I can still recall nights scared to death I’d never get out or never see my daughter again. You helped get the ball really rolling against the juggernaut that is Scientology by getting on television …. And I was moved by your mea culpa with tears for your work in Scientology … Be proud of what you’ve done and are doing now. We were all tricked into doing things we would never do otherwise. It took me years to surface once leaving to realize what happened. I wish I could meet you to shake your hand, and say thank you and good job.
Enjoy your life. It was hard won.
Damn it! Fuck cancer!
. Sending you, Christie and those precious boys warm fuzzies and gigantic positive thoughts. You got this!! Hugs
Love and healing prayers to you Mike. You have the strongest support in your wife and the family and allllll of us out here who admire, thank and love you.
Keep on truckin’ mate…you’ve got this.
As a cancer sufferer who deals with pain on a daily basis I am inspired by your fortitude and courage. Don’t give up! Much love to you and your family
I am a long time reader who has always admired your courage and persistence.
You have got what it takes. God speed, Mike !
Keep fighting Mike. God bless you.
Mike. I really hope everything goes smoothly. I honestly can’t imagine what it’s been like for the past year. It seems like you where in one type of hell when you were in Scientology and are now in another with these difficulties. Though it is different. You have people who are behind you who love and support you. Including Christie your wife who at this point it is clear that she will do anything on her power to make sure you are alright. out of love. It is so clear that she loves you. You have your children and friends who love you.
Mike please take your time with this. If you need breaks take them. Your health is the most important thing at this moment. Spend time with your Christie, your children and your friends. If you need anything you have so many people who will help in any way that they can.
And Christie you do the same. Take your time. Take care of yourself too. We are here to support you as well. Stay strong. We all belive in you.
It is good that you are a great candidate for the treatment you are going through. It makes it a little easier in a way. But also knowing that you have Christie by your side makes it easier too. Sending the best wishes and prayers your way.
We love you both. Take care of yourselves and eachother.
I believe that you can get through this Mike. You are a strong person who has had a battle before you won that battle leaving Scientology. This us a different kind of battle. There is a difference there are people behind you supporting and caring for you every step of the way. Take your time. You got this. If you need to rest please do. We understand.
And for Christie all the same goes to you. Take your time. You have our love and support. We know how much you care.we have seen it especially in this past year. Take care of Mike but also take care of yourself.
Both of you have so much strength and love within you. You show that love to eachother.
All my love to you both and your children
First thing – I hope and pray that your treatments will be successful, so that you enjoy many more years of health and can continue with the fulfilling purpose of helping people.
First thing #2 – I hope and pray that Christie will have the strength to care for you and herself, the wisdom to make the best decisions and the satisfaction that comes with a job well done.
Sending love and good wishes to you and your family Mike. Get well and be happy.
Sending much love and positive vibes from Australia to you, Christie and family. I’ve been loving your recent podcast interviews – wonderful guests and great conversations.
Thanks for the update Mike.
Sending all my love from Edinbugh, Scotland.
Take care, Pamela
It feels so unfair. You’re free from the Cult, happily married with lovely children. You’ve accomplished so much in a short amount of time. Your time is not over. You have more to do. More people to help, more family to love. Cancer is a fucker. Fight it Mike. Prayers to you and yours.
I am sending all of my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. It is good news that you are a good canadiate for this treatment that you need. Hoping everything goes well. I know others have said this and I feel positive that you know this. That it makes us and I can imagine you feel better or content that your amazing warrior of a wife Christie who has been their to support you throughout everything. Love you all.
Mike, over the years you have given us so much to be grateful for.
I pray life continues to do the same for you, in a big way.
Sending much love to you and your family.
Mike, sending you tons of love, good thoughts and prayers. You are very strong and will get through this successfully. Our family is behind you 100%.Like someone said above, you survived the SO and DM and so you will survive this. Tons of Love, Lowie xoxoxoxox
Sending so much love and support your way. It’s amazing news that you are a good canadiate for this treatment. Keep fighting. I think it all makes us at least a little more at ease to know that you have Christie by your side. Who we know will stand by you through these challenges.
In all my years in this life I have known many folks who have survived cancer.
I know you from our years of the past and am 100% certain you will do the same.
It is just what is right.
You’ve got a lot left to do in this life; so no ducking out early Buddy.
Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.
Mary Kay and Steve London
Hi Mike and Christie! I am praying for both of you as you go through this latest issue.
Mike, sending you tons of love, good thoughts and prayers. You are very strong and will get through this successfully. Our family is behind you 100%.Like someone said above, you survived the SO and DM and so you will survive this. Tons of Love, Lowie xoxoxoxox
Mike, I finally bought your audio book last month and listened to your life story in depth in your own words/voice and it was hands down one of the best memoirs I’ve ever had the pleasure of purchasing and consuming— the open letter to your family made me ugly cry and provoked such a visceral reaction, a reaction I’ve had but a handful of times in my 29 years of life. It upsets me that you are still battling this vicious disease, I remember when I first picked up on your cough while listening to you on Jon Atacks podcast, before you’d announced your illness publicly and I remember a flash thought that something didn’t feel quite right and hoping it wasn’t what I thought might be wrong. I think the work you and the majority of ex members and never ins are doing to end this cult is a valiant effort and without the work you do, a lot of people would be non the wiser about the litigiousness of the Co$, and other high control groups, and many members would not have had the courage to leave if not for you and the likes of Leah, Mark, Claire, Chris and others. I’m sorry your battle with the disease has been fraught with difficulties both in health terms and other outside factors (you know what I mean but I’m not here to talk about those who seek to destroy all your hard work because of jealousy and childishness based on their ‘hero complex’). Mine and many others support and energy for you is unwavering, I’ll continue to support the fight against Scientology and those who seek to destroy all your hard work, especially here in the UK any way I can. Sending you love and light in these darker times, you and the others are the sunlight, which is the best disinfectant against the darkness in this world. Peace and health be with you. Take the best care of yourself and your wonderful family. MW x
Continued healing and positive thoughts and prayers, Mike!
You may remember I’m a 3x cancer survivor, and so much cancer in the family. My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer in 2019 – masses in both lungs, and with chemo and immunotherapy, she is doing amazing still today. She’s not without issues, but she is NED at almost 5 years out right now- so the path is hard, but you EXCEL at hard things! And Christie is the BEST advocate and partner to help you through this! Hugs to you all, hydrate, rest when you can, accept help when it’s offered, and enjoy those boys!

Good to hear that your health comes up… go your way…
You also have your lioness wife Christie in your court. Chemo is brutal, but sometimes it’s the best option. I’m glad your medical team is working to keep you going strong. And I’m glad you have the support system needed to take care of yourself. Thanks for the update. You are not alone.
All the best wishes for You!
I, too, am battling a condition for which there is no cure, and I have to manage it with varying medications based on symptoms and how I respond to them.
So, yes, please stay strong. You are still needed.
Wishing you the best.
Though this is difficult news. I feel hopeful you have your absolutely badass wife who we all know is fighting for you in many ways. It also gives me hope that your oncologist says that you are a very good candidate for the therapy that you need.
We are all behind you. Wishing you and your family well. We love you all.
You survived DM and the Sea Org!!!!!
You can survive this. Best.
Keeping you in my thoughts

Thank you for letting us know. Staying positive for you and your family. You still have a lot of life to live with friends and family.
Sending so much love and support to you, Christie and the family.
Thanks for the update, Mike. Staying positive and sending lots of love all the way from Brazil.
Mike, I wish you the best for this new chapter in your life, and I hope you stay positive and that everything will go well. I know you’re in good hands with Christie and those taking care of you. For what it’s worth even It doesn’t seems a lot, I will include you in my prayers.
Keep up the fight, Mike – you’ve got the amazing Christie standing by you through all of this . And, a whole slew of supporters. Sending positive vibes nonstop. Thank you for being!
All the best wishes from us here, mate. I have friends and family who’ve been through this fight and most have won. It’s tough. We’ll be thinking of you all.
Sending my prayers your way. Keep kicking ass. You got this. I am happy that you are a good canadiate for your treatment. We know you can beat this. You have a world of support. If you need to take breaks please do. We care about your health. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Love you all.
My best wishes to you Mike ! Nothing, REALLY nothing would please me more for you to get though this.
Im sure we all appreciate this update. Sending so much love and support. So glad that you had another option to help with your cancer and it’s even better knowing that you are a good candidate for the chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Hoping you are doing better. Keep staying strong. That goes for both you and Christie.
Sending you and your family so much love, Mike. Your strength is inspiring
. You are a warrior.
Always here for you Mike with my love and support. I am happy to hear the news of what a great candidate you are for immunotherapy. My best wishes for continued success in kicking ass.
Call on me if needed and I will be there. (I’m also really good at ordering Take Out. :))
Sending you and yours prayers and healing Mike, you are a strong human being I know you can beat this much love to you and the family
Thank you for this update. I am happy that you seem to be a good candidate for the therapy you need.We worry about you and want to know if you are alright. I hope you are doing good despite this. Sending all of my love and positive thoughts to you Christie and your children.