This week’s “good news.” (Well, it’s a bit old, preempted by other more important news).
Thing are not getting any better at Flag. Their completions are in the same range for months on end. By now one would have expected to see some evidence of the masses “pouring up the Bridge” — it has been 9 months since the release of GAG II and opening of Miscavige’s Folly.
But they pump out the “good news,” telling the world they are going nowhere.
I guess these days, anything that isn’t another expose in the media or lawsuit being filed is fantastic news. And if it is shouted from the rooftops loudly enough and labeled “Good News”, the recipients buy it.
Compared to the earlier posts, this is how the stats look (these figures are earliest weeks first, this latest report added to the end, see earlier posting on Flag Stats here):
Super Power: 21 24 23 21 20 10 15 23
Cause Resurgence: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 22
L’s: 27 29 NR 22 21 17 7 18
Clears: 8 9 6 9 11 9 6 11
OT VIIs: 9 7 6 11 7 6 10 7
Objectives: NR 28 22 18 20 21 NR NR
Purif: NR 18 11 21 15 NR NR NR
One of our Special Correspondents forwarded the latest “Good News” from Flag. Nothing changed — more of the same old, same old. But, he has included the Objectives Purif Comps again AND added a special category for Student Hat and “number of perceptic drills completed” (next will be number of individual TR’s completed and then number of reading items taken up on correction lists and pretty soon it will be down to square inches of worksheet paper consumed).
Things are really taking off at the “top of the Bridge.”
It’s a giant service facsimile. A computation put in place to make self right and others wrong, to dominate others and escape domination, and increase own survival and hinder the survival of others. They are by definition, insane. Sound like anyone we know?
Yes it is strange trying to work out what motivates him. If you and I and everyone else on this blog looked at our local Org or the whole worldwide network and – seeing it empty and has been for years, few auditors being trained and those being trained are blowing off their PCs (i.e. out-tech) – would think “maybe I am doing something wrong here?” and change something. I think he sees himself as some sort of “uncompromising hard case” who justifies his existence by the “G.I” falsely obtained by IAS and Idle Org. But then the Mafia also have good “G.I”.
You’re far too sane to work it out Foolproof, rest your brain. 🙂 These computations are factually incomprehensible. It’s like “I like trees so I have to go to Texas so ants won’t bother me and I can be loved.” We’re talking cray cray here. They are fun to handle on people who want to get better.
Don’t nag a rise, man. Can’t you see it’s highest ever for causes being resurged? If running in circles can clear a planet, we are well on our way!
i wonder what the theta to entheta ratio is now.
if they could only get some more money.
somehow all the explosive expansion and people rocketing up the bridge and NEW BODIES in the shop
hasn’t resulted in explosive financial expansion. they need more money more than ever.
too bad expanding more in the last five years than all the years prior combined hasn’t eased the money crunch the church is constantly facing.
i wonder what the “why” is. it can’t be lack of expansion or dissemination, they’ve done more of that than ever. it can’t be people stuck on the bridge or not being on course, GATII took care of that.
i have a feeling but i just can’t out my finger on it.
What do you think is Miscavige’s end goal to all this? He has billions, lives in luxury, has a slave staff (albeit a shrinking slave staff).
LRH seemed (from what I have read) to be equally concerned between earning money and “smashing his name into history”. I think LRH had a rather large ego and also wanted adulation.
It does not appear (to me at least) that DM is as concerned with being well known, or maybe he is so delusional he actually believes the average person knows who he is.
At this point it seems as if DM is trying to thin out the herd, leaving only those willing to worship cob and follow his orders unconditionally.
I guess my question is, why treat your members so poorly that they leave in droves while simultaneously bankrupting your remaining members? DM’s not earning additional money by driving people away, so what could his motive be? Maybe its a game for him… see how far can he push people?
Controlling people and having them do what he wants. It’s fairly typical behavior of a sociopath. Pleasure derived from dominating others and especially if you can get them to do something against their best interests.
I think DM would very much like to be well known and well respected. But, he done run hisself up in Box Canyon. Every public mention of his name is so PR-trocious, every glimpse of a public appearance accompanied by mockery and derision, that he can only seek salvation in anonymity and reclusiveness. Does this qualify as irony?
I think so! Well said.
With over 11,000 orgs, missions and groups; over 8 million members world-wide and multi-million dollar facilities all over the world and the most rapid expansion in the history of the “religion” this is what they got?
I wonder how many GAG II graduate class V interns they have pumped out. Or are they actually saying that the the best we have, the most amazing gains to be gotten are those acquired by people running around a pole in exactly the correct manner?
Great stuff. Think of the wackiest cults from the world of fiction — Mind Head from Blowfinger comes to mind (as it’s a dead-on Sci-parody anyway) — and then look at the new highest achievement in real-world Scientology which is running around a pole in exactly the correct manner. It’s no contest which one of those is wackier. Truth, stranger than fiction. I don’t cardone such behavior.
I seem to remember from somewhere that the Cause Resurgence Rundown was an optional thing and was actually only given to people if they were (actually) nuts and needed to be brought into PT! The running around the pole brought them into PT or unstuck them from some sort of whole track fixation engram(s), was the (LRH?) think on it. Oh! Now I understand – of course – this is why it is mandatory for all remaining in the CofS. (The other reason it seems is based on “Executive C/Sing” mode and was just pure invalidation and punishment for certain staff that some Execs didn’t like.)
Mike, I have a question for you. And I can’t verify this, but, is it now a requirement that for a person to go clear, they MUST be, at least, a Patron of the IAS? In other words, no coughing up money to the IAS, no going clear?
Just wondering…
OSD – I don’t know about a Patron status being a requirement for Clear but I do know that this was forced on the OTVIII’s. They are the go-to cash cows because they are on the level and don’t want any interruptions in their auditing, so they are vulnerable to “policy changes”.
The IAS regges at Flag have the parishioner sign a promissory note that they will become a Patron and then hanangue and harass them until it’s paid up. The MAA’s assist to enforce it too. I have family members who’ve gone through this and they say they were tricked into signing the note. The IAS reg told them it was a “policy” and showed them some fake thing. Then they found out that it wasn’t a real/true one after all and had been lied to by numerous staff at Flag that the policy shown them was true. They couldn’t get out of it because they had signed the promissory note and had to “keep their word”.
You may have already heard about this from others here. Flag knows public are pissed off and sick of being treated as a human ATM machine, so they have drastically shortened the routing form for the OTVIII’s leaving out all the fundraising. Except for the IAS, of course.
“…a human ATM machine…” Good one, Pepper.
Pepper (and Old Surfer Dude), it was an FSO ED not a policy. To quote: “That’s why…you must become a PATRON OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS. This is the minimum expected status.” FSO ED 8432 18 January 2006.
I think that’s a cool $40,000 for Patron Status if I am not mistaken! Nice covert, although blatantly overt, price rise.
And as McCarran says below, this Patron Status thing was for OTVII Solo NOTs.
Yes Foolproof and McCarran –
I meant the OT7’s. I typed an extra I. That’s what can happen when you’re tired and dyslexic!
Also on the FSO ED, not a policy. Thank you. The public were explained that it was now “a policy” as a blanket statement, that’s all.
The “donation” amount (extortion fee) was $40,000.
Thanks, Pepper! I had no idea about OT VIIIs having to sign a promissory note! Thanks for the info!
I don’t know about Clear, OSD, but I do know that one had to be at least a Patron IAS before attesting to OT VII. Maybe that has changed now.
If it’s changed it is only to make them have to give more money.
Thanks, McCarran. I might have been wrong.
Pepper – for typing an extra “I” instead of doing Liability you can make amends by moving up in Status. Contact your Flag IAS Registrar NOW!
Thanks for the heads up regarding having to be a Patron of the IAS. Extortion is still alive and well in the cult.
LOL! I stopped donating to the IAS ten years ago, after I was duped on the whole “the psychs are going down for real, this time”. I was promised that all would be revealed at the next event.
Well the next event was the Tom Cruise event. You know that one. I waited for the big announcement that never came and watched a love-fest between DM and TC. I felt like the biggest dummy in the world and told myself that I was most stupid person ever.
The IAS never got a penny out of me after that. Ten years ago almost to the day.
That was for Foolproof.
Another thing that bothers me: their use of ‘Good News’ .
So many use that term for the Biblical Gospels.
I always feel the false cherch is trying to appropriate religious respectability when I see that.
Just remember, Aurora, it’s the Church of Fiction! Nothing is real! It’s all made up as they go along. And, of course they’re always trying to look like a church, but, the entire planet is on to them.
Good point, +1.
So far, with 157 Super Power comps over eight months, and a $200,000,000 building, that’s about $1,200,000 building-bucks per completion – so far. That number only goes down, but at a 300 completions a year rate, in ten years it will still be $60,000. Not a very significant number, since it was all donated, right?
It would be entertaining to know how their revenue (price), and expenses (staff pay(?), utilities, taxes, maintenance, legal fees, guards to keep the surging crowds out, steady supply of scents and oils and gravitron repairs so people don’t get stuck upside-down) match up.
Forget the above. It’s weeks, not months. Sorry.
I forgot about the Gravitron. You can get them in China,dirt cheap.
Come in two seater models, so if you have a twin on the Gravitron is it have price?
Or still a million dollars anyway you slice it.
Typo: Half price, need a few more spins on my Home Gravitron.
No kidding? If they have rag-tops, I’ll take one. Sounds like fun! Something like mechanized yoga?
When I worked fora traveling Carnival we had a Gravitron but it had another name. A good ride for 25 cents and could seat two. So for 4 bits there was always a long line. Kids loved it.
The weekly number of OT 7 completions are more than double what it was in 2006 when I completed.
I am sure it’s partly because they have something new to put those people on who have been “on the level” for decades. The volume has been the same since before GAG II. The total number auditing on Solo NOTs is steadily decreasing as few new starts and ppl dropping off and completing.
Exactly! And they are completing more of those on 7 I’m sure so they can (1) Get someone to the Ship and (2) To move them onto. GAT II.
Agreed, Flag is finishing the OTVII’s quicker than they used to, when they would allow people to languish on the level for decades.
They get pushed to the ship but interestingly, not everyone goes immediately after completion like they used to. I know several people who completed 7 and after one year or more still haven’t gone back to the Ship. They make excuses not to go, like work or finances (which could be true).
Now the recent completions have to do the purif and objectives before they can do OT8. I have a friend who arrived on the Ship all set to do OT8 (newly completed on 7) and she was sent back to land to do the Purif and SRD!
However, I have another friend who was told she won’t have to do this (she hasn’t gotten to to Ship yet though). The Arbitraires are flying around on this one.
Mike, I think the Independent Field has siphoned off enough people that no matter how good they may or may not have made the delivery, there are just not enough “old school” Scientologists to start another boom.
And these are not even “NET” figures. If they were to SUBTRACT the people they declared as no longer clear and those OT’s that are sent back to the bottom of the bridge, it would be negative numbers…
So glad to be done with this madness. I’m too busy succeeding in life to be suckered in to returning to Flag. No gracias!
I’m glad you’re done with the madness too, Mike! It’s like having been in prison and suddenly you’re free as a bird! The best revenge is living well! And I think you’re doing that well!
Carry on…
Just think of the people volunteering their weekends for central files projects. Can you imagine a more monumental waste of time? Those files are about 6 months away from hitting the dumpster.
A study in stupidity. What, 95% of those CF people are gone now? Maybe more?
Post now updated with latest stats….
Hey Dave, Are you sure that Jeff Mintz isn’t just forwarding this info to Mike?
I can attest that when I was ‘in’, I did not think critically about the good news being shouted from the rooftops. In fact, I did not think about it at all. I just felt infused with a warm happy glow under the bombardment of exclamation marks and superlatives, glad that my church was doing so well and that there was hope for me, too (one fine day). It would have never occurred to me to notice omitteds like Purif and SRD completions, let alone keep track of the sporadic stats. 8X of nothing!!!!! was enough for me 😀
Poor little reality snowglobe got shattered to a thousand tiny little pieces.
They’re all just slip sliding away now. it’s over. It’s been over for awhile now. The only thing that needs to be done now is to sweep up the detritus. Goodnight…
There is always hope for you and others like you.
Dollar Morgue, I was exactly like you. For years I never questioned, as the idea that the Church of Scientology was incapable of telling me anything but the truth was a stable datum for me – an uninspected stable datum, I grant you, but I operated on it nonethless. For so many years, I, like you, reacted to the “enthusiasm” of the comm, the exclamation points, as you’ve put it, and felt that “warm glow” about all the good being done. Some day when I come out on this blog I’ll share the quirky little unanswered question that piqued my curiosity and caused me to actually inspect. It was a ridiculous little thread sticking out, but then, I started to pull it, and, eventually I got the Sherman Tank that is the Church of Scientology’s actual existing scene.
I was right there with you, Aquamarine. I remember having a B of I done on me at the mission in Honolulu. I had never, ever been so scared in my life! I was so brainwashed that I truly thought my eternity was going to be pulled from me. This cult imprisons members and staff with their own minds. That’s the horrific nature of this cult.
OSD, regarding being scared…I hear ya. My important realization was – the church only has power over me if I grant it. So, I just started saying “No!”. Sure, they bark and growl, but they know they lost that important edge. After that, departure was more of a formality.
It’s an amazing phenomenon, Aquamarine and Dollar. I, too, had the same mindset.
Aquamarine, admittedly, I did stumble on those 5-50X graphs and other straight up and vertical arrows with no timeline, unit amount or name of product shouted out at events.
But I am proud to say I did my level best to believe DM and hung on for as long as I could.
I’d love to hear about your little string that had Jaws on the other end.
OSD, I know all about that fear. It was that very fear that drove me onto the Internet in the end. I’m one of those people who prefer to know the truth, even if it hurts.
Yes it is getting dry-they ran out from Purif Comps and it will reflect soon on the NR on Super Power. Collapsing indeed.
Note to self: Get the address and phone number of the above guy’s tailor.
Flag good news, it’s the behind the scenes money wringer I want info on.
These service FLAG completion stats are more evidence that Scientology has been converted into a real estate management company, with a window dressing church facade appended to the front. With a couple of thousand staff and hundreds of millions of dollars in building in Clearwater alone, it is hard to image how production of service stats like these come close to a break even point.
Since FLAG is by far the largest service Org, dwarfing all others by a large measure, these stats show:
1) Scientology is actually tiny, especially when compared to it’s internal hyperbole about “8.5 million members.”
2) Some time ago the lines graphing straight donations (IAS, Super Power, Ideal Orgs, ABLE, etc.) and revenue generated from Services must have crossed, with straight donations becoming the higher figure.
3) If number 2 above is false, then the end is even closer than it appears. This is NOT a viable economic situation and besides consuming its own membership through horrendous mismanagement, the church must be consuming it’s own cash reserves, or soon will be, in order to keep up appearances.
And absolutely no way to confirm any of the “stats”. The czerch has become so DREARY!
It reminds me of that song …..”Slip sliding away……..”.
Slip sliding away, slip sliding away, You know the nearer your destination the more you’re slip sliding away.
Yep, I guess that abouts sums it up, I reckon.