Wonder how Lori Hodgson, Cindy Plahuta, Mary Kahn, Sara Goldberg, Lois Reisdorf and so many others feel about how scientology “honors” mothers.
Scientology presents itself as champions of the family. Masters of communication and relationships. They proclaim communication is the “universal solvent.” Yet there are repeated examples of scientology tearing families apart. Forbidding communication. And destroying relationships and lives.
The control mechanism of disconnection can no longer be brushed under the carpet as the church has tried to do for decades. Pretending it is an “individual choice” — “would you like us to shoot you in the side of the head or the back of the head, it’s your choice” — is a sick joke.
Voices are raised against this barbarism. And every day their number and volume grows.
This unholy practice will be brought to an end, even if that requires the complete demolition of organized scientology. Because scientology disconnection IS a moral outrage. Made doubly so by the pious pronouncements of scientology that they honor and cherish families. And so, like segregation, discrimination against gays and legalized slavery, it will not ultimately stand in the face of a civilized society.
So, let’s honor mothers by abolishing disconnection.
Interesting to look at the words used on this promotional item:
Sunday school (WTF?)
Sunday service
Honoring mothers
All BS. Internally, to die-hards, these are things for the outside world. A vet sea org member sees these as shite that Class V orgs do sometimes. In the ‘real world’ at the org its stats, income, course completions, Thursday, compliances, management by screaming and other such gems.
[had trouble posting, not sure if this comment was sort of duplicated]
Today I would wish a happy mother’s day for all our brave and wonderful mothers at this blog. Hugs and kisses 😀 !!!
Very well said bro!!!!
This is a great post Mr. Rinder. Tomorrow in México we celebrete our lovely mothers. All the country comes into a pause. Not even Christmas day is more important here. We are people devoted to family with very strong family ties. Almost unbreackable.
As you clearly put it; it´s not only disconection policy what breaks apart families… is the segregation of the “gay people”… the endless hours of work where you can´t see your family never… where you do not have LOA´s (vacations, permissions to leave and go some days to see your family) approved… where they attempt to teach you that “they are only thetans… family is not that important”… and all this soft material for the gullible.
I want to thank life or God or common sense that I (when helping someone in my Ethics Officer or Case Supervisor hat) never suggest or permit a disconection in a PTS condition. Never. I always see that the only right item was “me” and I never surrender to the temptation to put the pc in such an effect position. I always believe we are cause and we can handle any situation and never select disconection.
This “church” thing is so nasty fucking wrong. Im so thankfull that my daughters have always prefered me in the choosing trap of: “your dad or Scientology”. They are so brave and loving.
I don´t know how you and Lory and many other can bear the pain of disconection that CofS has made you.
But as Fresco would say: “This shit has to go!!!!”
The few people that have come out of the Church and come to me to carry on his auditing have found themselves in front of a initial big long ethics handling firt. The question I make them: How is your condition in such a shape that you were completely blind all this years and you were unable to see all this outpoints?
And at the end but most important that all the rest… all this is not Scientology. All this is Church of Scientology brand of behavior. And I´m not defending Hubbard or the Technology… there are faults there… but this is supressibly applied.
Roberto, what the hell are you talking about? 🙂 And I mean, what in the hell are you talking about? 🙂 Have you flipped your gourd? 🙂 If they Church of Scientology finds out that you said that, they will disconnect from you! 🙂 I am just kidding. 🙂 But Roberto, you know what, when the the Church of Scientology disconnected from me, I said “Thank you. And please take your breath that smells like some guy’s garlic d**k with you for crying out loud!” And go to hell! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you Mike for providing a place for ex-members who have been traumatized by this abusive cult. I wish more never-in people would find your blog and be exposed to the bravery and compassion shown by both you and your readers. My Mother’s Day wish is for all the families who are suffering from disconnection: that family member(s) who refuse to connect, will wake-up from this cultic nightmare and reconnect with their true families who miss them so greatly.
I believe that one day that horrid little man will pay (in this life or the after
Iife) for all the suffering he has caused.
On a lighter note, Mike you are still a handsome devil. That is what freedom and a good wife will do for you!!!
Hear hear, Ann. Thank you Mike. What you do reverberates, and crosses oceans. Much, much appreciated.
I am a never-in and I read the blog every day.
thank you. I find this comforting.
I’m wondering what Miscavige will do for Father’s Day.
Ummmmmm…..sue him?
Maybe read a book?
…very slim chance of that,
unless he finally got arrested.
Take his dog to a movie and dinner.
“Champions of the Family”?
That title should go to all and anyone who managed to get OUT of scientology.
Every scientologist sacrifices his identity first in order to be a scientologist.
For life. Just say good bye to everyone and everything you love,
after your last dollar has been handed over.
Seriously, the wonder is how this cult gets away with EXISTING.
They are predators for the vulnerable. And if you have the strength of family ties, or even if you don’t, they will isolate you. They will claim your mother to be a “suppressive” person just to keep you from connecting to a person of reason. If you are strong they will make you vulnerable, in relatively short order. Just sign the dotted line. Understand this: disconnection is not done for any reason other than to keep you from getting the idea that the cult you are in is WRONG.
And it is policy, all neatly written down, “Keeping Scientology Working”, indeed. Scientology is nothing if not meticulously written down… Just like the billion year contract.
Forced labor. Child labor. Forced abortions. Mind manipulation and every sort of coercion. Mental torture.
Policy dictates the implementation of all these things, and, yes, it is worse than you think.
Why are legislators ignoring this?
Well, their hands are tied because nobody inside the church is willing to say they want out, much less that they are trapped or even abused. Of course, they would be seriously punished if they did…
It is up to us, those outside, to get the law makers to wake up. Church protection protects dangerous cults and the difference needs to be spelled out. Lets go to court: THE PEOPLE VS. The Church of Scientology.
The least we could do is get the business recognized as a business.
Then we could go about getting the place recognized as a social leech.
Hi Bently, A most powerful post.Keep shining your light and some how someway we will prevail.It is worse than one can think.Oh the years speed by but cos has been doing all posted here for decades.I lived it and so many more too.Your posts help me ,thank you xo Ann B.
Hi Bentley, Edit Ann B.
thanks Ann
Your perseverance inspires me. You’re great.
Hi Bentley, Thank you from my heart.”damn the torpedos Full Speed Ahead!”Here we go! XO Ann B.
Great post Bentley, thank you. “Every Scientologist sacrifices his identity first in order to be a Scientologist.” So true! When I think back on my time in Scientology, my abandonment of my own purpose, goals and passions is what ENRAGES me the most.
Rightly so, Good People.
The absolute heartlessness of the cult traces directly back to Hubbard.
Whatever genius he may have possessed,
he died in hiding – from states, from his and all families, and from himself.
Yet he sold his “religion” as if it were THE guarantee to set you free.
Alone, they found his body riddled with drugs. So much for policy.
Policy of the Supreme Knower of all time.
He died refusing to tell you the truth.
Instead, we got David Miscavige.
This day is destiny.
The church effectively died along with its founder.
Nature does take its course.
May peace be restored.
What if we put together a booklet with all these[and others] stories of disconnections and passed them out near orgs, airports, shopping centers, etc. We could also snd them to the press or leave some at the 2 convention sites this summer. We have to continue the current cherch bad p.r. and this may be a way to do it. Aside from all the cerch has said and done, we keep emphazing the disconection horrors. It could hurt them more. I’ve lost 11 members for decades.
I like the way you think, exccla.
Sometimes, when I think about disconnection, I can’t understand how they can get away with lying about it. I doubt the Amish or Jehovah’s Witnesses lie about their shunning practice.
The religious freedom the US affords the “cherch” should not allow them to lie.
Many people are declared suppressive simply for an unwillingness to disconnect from someone the cherch deems to be suppressive.
You can be declared and shunned without having ever attacked or been critical of the cherch..
Even apartheid was not lied about.
By lying about disconnection, the cherch is admitting what they are doing is unacceptable to vast majority of sane people.
i agree with you Mike, “This unholy practice will be brought to an end, even if that requires the complete demolition of organized scientology.”
Honors Mothers ?
Not only did they manipulate my son Alexander against me, the cult let him die with no medical though he was checking in weekly with his *handler* Donatella Kavenaar of OSA IN. Even after I slaved and produced for decades, they banned me a last viewing and rushed his dead body for cremation.
The Church of Scientology acts entirely and solely like a FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATION. No way could Alexander Jentzsch get any medical or other help for free. Nothwithstanding his father Heber Jentzsch served for 50+ years.
While imprisoning his father so he had no dad ~ He dubbed himself “the boy without a Dad”…the cult enforced a disconnection from me, his Suppressive Person Mom so he died orphaned, at 27 years old, 16 years in the “Sea Org” with 3 Purifications rundowns, he died of a cocktail of 8 drugs including methadone.
The “cherch” of Scientology at work, destroying one family at a time.
Hi Karen #1, I cried very hard after seeing your post.cried for the hell the cult put you through and cried for your son and lit a candle in my heart for him.You are brave and strong and a fighter and anything I face is nothing to what you had to face as a Mom.
I would not be here today if some fire in me kept burning back when Intel went for my jugular.Some light perhaps knew if I had stayed all those years in Sea Org I would have passed racked with cancers, blind with cataracts and probably chasing BTs and blaming myself.Now I have eagle eye lens implants ,fight my cancers tooth and nail and am so privileged to read your posts.You know alot of members of cos who passed under strange circumstances were rushed to cremation too.Coincidence? I do not believe so.
Love Always, Ann B.
Disconnection is the problem,,,,no matter what you think about scientology or any religion…it’s no good, wrong, a crime…
I agree! Any group with shunning as part of its tenets should not receive 501c3 status. It goes against the laws of nature and is, in fact, used as a means of controlling its members. It is a form of abuse any way you want to slice and dice it.
Hubbard used it as a consequence of being connected to an evil person (SP) – a person who wished one ill will or didn’t want people to get better. But the church then used THAT principle to do all manner of things to their parishioners including extortionistic-style regging, padded TE’s and C/S, over-the-top sec checks, etc., with the consequence of an SP declare if one voiced any expression against or any lack of desire to be a victim of these practices. Couple this with Miscavige’s views of himself as the OMNIPOTENT and INFALLIBLE ecclesiastical leader of the church of scientology and you have a recipe for the disaster that ensued with reckless abandon under his reign.
Thanks Mike for this posting. It is so important, as you know.
This is such a farce that I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! Having my son disconnect from me is bad enough but then on top of that all of my siblings, their spouses and nieces & nephews have as well, (a total of 16 people). Once we were a close knit family and now we are not. All because of “my connections”. But the crazy thing is that my family disconnected from me 4 years ago, and continued to be even though my husband and I were trying make good with the “church” – going through sec checking, comm-ev etc. after being “off-lines” for more than 30 years. We were desperately trying to save our family, as in us and our kids. We were only declared this January (this is the 2nd time being declared, 1st time in 1982). But our son and my family have been disconnected from us way earlier. It got to the point whereby nothing we did was good enough. It finally got down to the “church” wanting us to “handle” or “disconnect” from our oldest son and daughter-in-law who had never been in Scn and who were NOT going to be told to disconnect from people they were connected to. The chain just went on and on………..I refused to be put in a position of Sophie’s Choice. How can you go to a Non-Scn’er and tell them that they cannot talk to so and so………and btw that included the daughter-in-laws parents…………it just went on and on and on………it would have eventually gotten to the point, if we had followed the crazy rules, that we “may” have had our son and “may” have had my side of the family, but then not the oldest son and not my husbands family and not my daughter-in-laws family. No matter which way we went, we would lose a bunch of people who are important to us.
I felt as though I was in an insane asylum.
I actually feel a sense of relief that it is over and I can now say my piece which I have been keeping quiet about for more than 30 years. The stories will come out.
They F…….. up with the wrong person, is all I can say. I am not going to go down quietly.
I hear you, know your pain and have a similar story in that I thought at one point I was going to lose my mind. It was/is so insane!
Ditto, my story.
And gratitude to all who refuse to let the Truth be shielded by the dark cloak of this truly evil cult.
This is SO insane. I’m sorry to hear of this. I wish we do an exposé of the lengths this disconnection policy. There ARE enough horror stories out there, it IS nuts. And like others have said, speaking on these comments, it’s ingrained in the “tech”. As long as “PTS tech” exists, disconnection will exist. It’s inextricably a part of it.
Lois I am So sorry to hear that. I feel for you and your family. This simply sucks, to say the least.
Nevertheless, I am very, very glad that you are now speaking. You must literally have a ton of stories.
Stay strong. And I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say. You will speak with deep reality and all the still ins and UTRs I know will surely be helped by what you say.
The height of hypocrisy for sure. The tentacles of disconnection go far , it touches the entire family . Aunts , uncles , distant relatives , close geographically and distant , it gets talked about , questionned , everybody is touched by it in one way or the other.
I have a big family and have been asked why they should be punished when they have never been in the church. I have 4 siblings , always been close regardless of different lives or opinions. Now that one of my sisters has disconnected from me , family reunion becomes a problem.
My point is that it is not as simplistic as the church makes it out to be , which proves once again how narrow the thought process dictated by policy, becomes.
Spoke with Richard, body router at Pasadena Org, last night while a bad smelling and somewhat fat stumpy legged guy who did not want to give his name filmed us with his cell phone. (usually he hides behind the front desk when we walk by, but yesterday there was a crowd of staffers so he got cocky) According to Richard disconnection does not exists, but he admitted it was a problem in the eighties, from the looks he was in his thirties at that time. But now he was not aware of any problem at all. I told him about our situation and many other people we know of. I suggest anybody with disconnection issues stops by at the Pasadena Org front desk and tells him what is going on. He is a good guy, white haired, friendly demeanor and full of idealistic thoughts about the CO$. After probably 30+ years in Scientology he had managed up to grade four but was sure that OT7 is completely improved after GAT2. His jaw really dropped though when I asked him what he thinks about the expansion since Pasadena won the birthday game and Richard knows first hand how empty the Pasadena org academy is. “How do you know that?” was all he could could stammer back before he was grabbed by two man in black and pulled into the entrance. I was tempted to respond “Hey, I am OT VII, remote viewing and listening are my specialties” but some body thetan advised me that would be to cruel of a joke so I said mysteriously “I am connected”.
I just love these little conversations on the way to grab some gellato. It got really funny when on a prior encounter the filmmaker (short stumpy legged guy) stormed out the org, when I had a friendly conversation with what looked like a newbie handing out free personality test cards (HQS Student on body routing drills?) and the poor guys ears and eyes popped out when I told him what is going on in the world of Scientology. (after that I never saw them again, no idea why) So the stumpy legged guy yelled at me while grabbing the newbie and pulling him into the org building: “Do not talk to my workers!” It did not help much when I said: “But, but, he started it.” As I said from that point on stumpy legged guy started to flee the scene when he saw me strolling by.
I highly recommend this as a relaxing evening activity, having a kind and friendly chat with your local body router.
Off topic: Oh My Gosh! I just realized the date! Hurrah! My first event-FREE May 9! In almost 4 decades… Oh JOY! I won’t be going to any event. I won’t have to listen to David Pompous-Pants (Pompy-pants for short) excruciatingly overblown gas-filled introductions and pronunciations. No more listening to the BS and not being able to voice my thoughts. No more making the adjustments and excuses in my mind as I hear of our vast expansion in the wilds of unknown countries (but never at home). followed by dry boxed donuts and ..capped off by the white board whipped out for some regging “fun”.
Bullpoop free day. I’m going to celebrate every moment of today.
This is the nicest thing I will read all day. Congratulations 🙂
Hi secretfornow, Congratulations and good to meet you.I suddenly thought omg it is 5/9/16.And where was I in 74-78? In Asho Fdn Sea Org thinking the sun rose and set on this date, 3/13/16 and 8/12/16. When in those were the only holidays that remotely counted.I am celebrating with you.xo Ann B.
Thank you. I’m so happy to be here, and to be able to connect with you all. I’ve been lurking for some time and fearful of commenting – can’t be fully outed, too much at stake. But it’s become too hard to just stay silent. I need to add my voice, even if cloaked. I do so appreciate you all for being here. Someday I hope to be able to speak freely.
I’m so glad you are posting on Mike’s blog. He does a great job and I think of him as not only a dear friend but the anti-cult hero. I just hope there are more and more people that do what you doing and adding your voice. Even if it is cloaked, it gives all of us hope that this movement is making a difference. Thanks Secretfornow.
Hi secretfornow, I understand completely and want to tell you I will think of you alot and send you laughter light and love and hope to see you without the cloak dancing under the Sun & Moon and Free.xo Ann B.
thanks, honey. <3 You have such warm and gentle soothing hand on this board.
thank you, clearlypissedoff. Rinder is a godsend. I’m so very thankful to find him and this place and posters. It’s so helpful. It’s both a rough go and exhilarating, The difference between Out and In are gobsmackingly mind-blowing. I’m stunned and horrified and delighted.
I just wanted to mention the pleasure i got from all your bull-poop-free posts.
Self-knowledge is bliss, is happiness and is a wonderful thing to share.
(the opposite of Scientology)
Scientology was my identity-crisis. And, it IS over.
thank you. and..yes, it IS over, and this is what I grab hold of and remind myself of, many times a day. It never fails to cheer me up as I grapple with how my life was wasted on lies.
Seems they are between a rock and a hard place. Suppose they were to eliminate the penalty of being declared for being connected to an SP. So now you could associate with your declared mom without yourself being subject to declare. That still puts you in the category of PTS. So you’re still screwed as far as doing services are concerned. The practice of declaring people for leaving and speaking out against the scn would have to also be eliminated.
How could they change policy to solve this? Quit labeling SPs I guess, but that doesn’t seem to be feasible for them given all the PTS/SP tech…
If they let you associate with your ex-scn buddies. And your buddies are all telling you what a dupe you are for being involved in a cult… oh my!
The reason why they are “PTS” is because of the disconnection. The very actions that the COS is doing, is causing the “PTS” condition.Their Gestapo tactics are what’s causing an “ARC broken field”. If Scientology is so fucking fragile that you can’t have a family member who isn’t also a Scntlgst, then how effective can it really be? If one wrong look can wipe out all of your gains then screw it huh? Yep, cover the windows, lock the doors, the wogs are coming.
I’ve been reading/hearing lately about the idea that PTSness makes one “lose all ones gains”. And I know full well about PTS tech from having studied it. There is much there on “roller coastering” and so forth. But yet, I don’t believe Hubbard had in mind that one ‘loses the gains permanently”, as never were we ordered to redo all of our bridge after some spate of PTSness. I got all kinds of PTS handling in my last bout at Flag due to a circumstance – but I didn’t have to then go redo the bridge.
I do LOVE the new look at this shyte, at the whole idea that one DOES “lose gains” by being connected and how fragile that makes everything – it’s all so fun to look at now. (and horrifying) but I just really want our observations to be accurate. Yes, he says that, NO, he doesn’t say you re-do the bridge. It’s another “outpoint”. I don’t recall having seen this explained.
“so, I disconnect, and all my ‘gains’ come back? Like, I’d lost the “ability gained” on Grade 0 from being connected to my uncle’s half sister’s landlord’s neighbor’s dog, but now I’m ok and got it back?”
This was never part of any “pts handling” I rcvd.
(and I’ll have another sip of wine in toast to never doing another d*mn thing)
Another right-on-the-money column from Mr. Rinder with great comments reflecting on the state of the family in scientology the day after mothers’ day.
To answer the question posed – Height of Hypocrisy? – the “church” certainly does embody that. And to think there are a lot of scientologists that pat each other on the back and buy the title Humanitarian with numbers and intensity of descriptors tagged on commensurate with the amount of cash they have been pressured into donating to the Sci-Swindle.
Why does this church take words like support for the family and humanitarianism and pervert them into concepts that are the opposite to what they is supposed to be? Mike you are one Hell of a true Humanitarian.
Sunday Service – what a joke! It’s real purpose is to get people in, so as they can be reg’d. The stat, bodies in the shop, new names to CF (sell them, sell them, sell them). I remember it well, having been in DIV 6. Groan….
Hey Moneca., good to see you. Happy belated Mother’s day! (This is Judi L)
” I think of all the mothers out there today who don’t know where there children are besides myself. I hate that the government allowed themselves to be overpowered by these bastards in the court’s. Hell we beat Hitler but these guys beat us. Pathetic. I know that’s overly simplistic but still…. I guess the day is getting to me and so few seem to understand. My family just pretends that xxxx doesn’t exist. Her name is rarely ever mentioned anymore. Believe it when I tell you that you’re just about the only one I communicate with regarding this stuff. So thanks again for all you do. It means more than I can ever express adequately. With love and hugs. “
AGP: Great on posting this letter and this kind of thing does not and would not upset me or any rational kind of person. Disconnection? I view it as like the activities of mentally retarded people on Facebook that discover “Tina made eyes at Cheryl’s best friends boyfriend at the Prom, let’s tell everybody to unfriend her” kind of thing. People disconnect because of O/W’s. In my opinion, if you disconnect from me, please stay that way. 🙂
Actually, I’m sure that there are plenty of Scios who disconnect from family members on their own volition, convinced that it serves some greater good. But this makes the vicious practice all the more sick.
The victims who believe that they’re doing it (disconnecting, writing KRs, etc etc) for their own sake are simply acting out their cult victim personality. The cult erases the victim’s original personality and “installs” the cult victim personality.
That’s not to say that what the victims do is right, it’s to say that they’re not acting on their own free will or making informed choices.
Check out “Cults Inside Out” by Rick Ross and “Combatting Cult Mind Control” by Steven Hassan, just to name two.
I don’t comment much Mike. But today I feel compelled to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dogged determinism, brave heart, family values and continued insightful commentary. I read your blog daily along with the Underground Bunker. Both sites daily ring the bells of freedom. Loudly! You’ve touched many, many lives. Thank you for your sacrifices and thanks for never giving up. All the best to you and yours.
“This unholy practice will be brought to an end, even if that requires the complete demolition of organized scientology.” ………And it has to. David Miscavige has sealed organized Scientologys fate, willfully, knowingly. Scientology has become known for doing the exact opposite of what it claims. Freedom, prosperity self determinism and improved family relations are all casualties of a war that is waged against a society deemed an “enemy” by a long gone madman because it railed against his vicious policies.. It’s own parishioners and their family are victimized in the process. It is an insane vicious dramatization upon the very society it claims it wants to help. David Miscaviges succumb postulate for Scientology is in full dramatization as we mark another year gone by with son’s and daughters not speaking to their own mothers because this “church” has a gun held to their heads.
I resigned from Scientology after going the limit and
getting Technical Knock outs on every org I stepped into.
I am still talked about in orgs that I left over 30 years ago
more than LRH or the Tech . For orgs that no longer exist
Iam privately reviled as the reason for their downfall in unexplainable
ways only a Swami can talk about in mystical terms.
David Miscavige ripped off Scientology so breaking up the 2 nd dynamic
must be done for the COBs protection although far from the truth.
“I am still talked about in orgs that I left over 30 years ago more than LRH or the Tech.”
(Big sigh)….Jose, you’re my hero. Your SP powers are still on display. The fact that the cult can’t let it go is a tribute to you, good sir. Now that’s what I call impact! Well done, my friend. Well done….
I applied the tech rather listen to others version
that was slanted towards pushing wrong items.
Being the Anti Christ is not easy.
I’ve been thrown out of many groups including
the Los Angeles Explorers Club after one week,
religions by the dozen yet despite everything
my name is carved in stone at a religious shrine
and a monk prays there every morning !
I will never go to Hell because Satan is convinced
I’d take over the place, then what ?
Hi Jose Chung, Well I say if your name is in that stone and a monk prays at it every morning,I raise my lovely glass of zin to you.And I believe you would take over any place you wish to.Wish I could have applied the tech the way you did when it was slanted the wrong way toward me. Sigh, at least I got out before I was mincemeat.xo Ann B.
“I am Scientology’s Stuck Button!”
This is the first time for me to make a comment on any blog.
I discovered a valuable method of dealing with the world at large, I found I could teach young people the craft of acting. I have gotten to know many parents and particularly mothers as a result.
This poisonous disconnection rouse is so far down the road of being anti-spirituality and any sense of community that I position it with Apartheid (them vs us), the most ravenous system I have lived under. I have lived at the other end of the earth with no lines of communication to the world, as an artist. And when I finally experienced the same phenomenon living in Clearwater and being deeply part of the community and discovering I really did live in a bubble, growing smaller and smaller at an increasing pace, it was time to end the game.
Flag had disconnected from me, for being connected to Suppressive Persons on Facebook. One person I had never met and the other had not been declared. Today thousands of Scientologists are connected to declared suppressive persons. Go figure….
My name got poisoned deeper & deeper, for not being part of Flag. I keep my gains but no longer talk much about them, there’s little point.
I decided to no longer call myself or refer to myself as a Scientologist, largely for copyright reasons. The Church owns it all and will not formally allow you to share or use those elements.
I live in the world of ideas. No-one can copyright ideas.
Hello world! Nice to be back. Just in time to remember mums, or moms or mothers. None of us would be here in this form without them. They are treasures and I simply love and adore working with their offspring.
In loving memory of my dear Mom, Pamela.
Thanks so much for taking the time to post John. Welcome.
“In loving memory of my dear Mom, Pamela.” Thank you John. Tears sprang into my eyes reading this sentence. Thank you for posting.
Nothing the CO$ does is legal or lawful or ethical or moral. Everything covertly equals everything in the CO$. Everything they do contains some form of crime, deception, entrapment, extortion in some way shape or form at some level, now or in the future. Everything they do is laced with evil intentions.
Def: Bonafide: in good faith,….. without fraud or deception.
Therefore none of their copyrights are bonafide. None are legal.
CO$ is the biggest, most deceptive, most con-artist, most insidious, most diabolical, most ruthless criminal organization on earth.
Organized crime on steroids.
Hi John.
Moms are way cool and family is the most precious thing there is, well worth fighting for. The playbook of the church and church minded people use familial connection like a weapon to attack others and create the effect of domination for a cause – such a cheap and horrible practice. It’s downright the most toxic action of any group or mindset dramatized in the name of religion today. Scientology should be completely ashamed of itself and society should throw its leaders in jail.
You know, in one sense thee is no real hypocrisy in the Church of Scientology. That’s because there is no actual awareness of other realities other than the PR one. And the PR reality is not just used to affect how the outside public thinks about the CoS … and this really is the key point here … Scientologists CONTINUALLY use their PR on other group members of the church and yes, ON THEMSELVES as well! Like an endless flow zero indoctrination, they hypnotize themselves. They no longer even know what is true in their own buildings … what happens in auditing rooms … what happens in ethics cycles … they talk to each other in “myth language” … “why of course Ron Miscavige has OVERTS!” …”See what happens to someone like Leah Remini when she surrounds herself with 1.1’s?” … they are actually CLUELESS about the disconnections they themselves practice … they are confronting NOTHINGNESS 24/7 … they are walking implanted circuit machines that replay communication when a specific command is given to them … this is the joke, how “total freedom” has been totally inverted … and they are playing the joke on themselves … (every useful datum in Scientology, many of which I practice daily in different parts of the world, do not exist for these people, only the REVERSE of each datum has become real to these people …talk about fashinating!)
I guess you are “totally free” from ever having to make a decision. You are ‘totally free’ from ever having to think for yourself. ‘Totally free” from worrying about anything because the CoS has already figured everything out for you.
It hurts me to post this but I feel I must contribute to this blog today. I lost my daughter to Scientology and she has not communicated to me now for over 14yrs. Yes I miss her and yes I hate the disconnection policy!
Hi Willie AKA Good Old Boy, I am deeply sad that you have had to bear the force of disconnection as long as you have.I could not have kids, but all posts such as yours break my heart.I feel strongly this policy and fair- gaming,are so destructive.Thank you for contributing today. xo Ann B.
“Repair the Ravages of the Week” … is that a come on designed to get day org staff members to come in on Sunday? …
If anyone here would like to help with Call-Me brigades message me on face book cece marie gangle smith or email cecegangle dot gmail dot com. Including how I can get anons to help. Also the signs can now be purchased at Phil’s site http://stopscientologydisconnection.com/?p=1
There is a thread on Why We Protest about Phil & Willie’s efforts, the billboard & your protests/drive bys: http://whyweprotest.net/threads/missing-mike-jones-last-seen-at-scientology-celebrity-centre-in-los-angeles.131060/page-6
If you sign up (get a login), you can reach out to them in that thread (above link). Don’t worry they are not nearly as scary as Co$ likes to pretend :). Most of the commenters are supportive of your efforts.
To be a scientologist means to isolate yourself.
And the first to go is your family.
In scientology, this is a universal rule. Just try taking a week-end off to visit your non-scientologist Mom or Dad…
Isolated, you are easily manipulated, and then made to “believe” you are thinking for yourself.
You are told what is knowledge and what is not.
You are told what your identity and purpose is, which is that of a scientologist.
For that is the net effect of scientology: supplanting your identity with the one created by Hubbard.
Isolation keeps you from knowing.
Isolation makes auditing “work”. That is the real reason you are not allowed to talk about what goes on inside auditing with other scientologists. It that WERE allowed, it would open the door for you to figure it out, what is really going on. That is also why you are not told anything about what is next on the Bridge, why you are told you would go insane to be exposed to OT Three before being “Clear”. There is a very good reason for all this secrecy…rather:
You will not be aware that you are isolated.
If a question raises in your mind, that something isn’t right, that idea will be squashed before you have the chance to nurture any sense out of your question.
The church is all about keeping you separate from everything that is not scientology-
that “brilliant” alter-ego of LRH that is scientology. It is a very well-structured belief-system, protected and heavily fortified. Think Project Rehabilitation Force. Think “Ethics”.
Isolated, you are vulnerable and easy to manipulate.
Say good bye to your family.
Say good bye to yourself, and hello to your auditor.
This is what it really means to be a scientologist.
And no wonder that the leader never speaks in public.
“It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”
David miscavige has created way too many very angry mamma bears.
Many years ago when my mother was first introduced to Scientology, she divorced my father at their urging and left him after having had five children with him. He was a broken man after that and never recovered. There are countless stories of disconnection in the cult. David Miscavige himself has disconnected from several of his family members.
Scientology honors Mothers about the same way a commercial dairy farmer honors its mother cows. A milk cow’s calf is removed early after birth so all the milk from its Mother goes to the farmer who then sells it to the public. The Mothers are milked dry and kept in a prison (aka small cage with bars) whereas the Scientologist Mother and children are kept in a prison of belief, as are the fathers. Some calves are kept and groomed to work for the farmer (like children who join the Sea Org to work for Miscavige), others are deemed not acceptable and tossed out. It’s all about the money and control.
I am a Mother who lost a child to the cult. Dishonored is an understatement. My heart is broken. There is nothing worse than losing your child for whom you have unconditional, undying love. Thanks to all the courageous ones who continue to speak out. Thank you Mike for your courage and strength. One day this prison of belief will end and the walls will come down.
OT but had to share: First google search story for Scientology this morning.
This is the headline:
Scientology leader’s father slams son as ‘military strongman’ living large while followers slave away.
It is truly GASP (The Golden Age of SP’s).
Disconnection, as practiced by the Church of Scientology is meant to be a “control tactic”. The powers that be know that they can control the actions of members if the result of someone opposing the church is that they will lose their loved ones.
They also control the person who is disconnected within in the organization by replacing their loyalty to a parent with loyalty to the Church. This is a long-time control tactic used by many dictatorships to keep people in line and doing what they say. For instance, when the Kmer Rougue took control of Cambodia in the 1970’s they separated children from parents and told them now Angka is your “father”. The Communists in China did the same thing when they recruited children into the Red Guard and had them make reports against their parents, just as the Church of Scientology has members write “knowledge reports” against family members. It is actually a specific, planned tactic to both keep parents in-line for fear of losing their children, and replace parental authority and loyalty with authority and loyalty to the Church.
Spot on, TJ
Maybe what’s really wrong with Dave is that secretly, deep down inside, he just misses his Mom and can’t confront the hurt.
I guess you could call that “true death.”
David Miscavige cannot, even he he wanted to ever reconcile his relationship with his family or take responsibility of what he has done to others. It’s just too gruesome.
The sooner he becomes a molecule the better and does something useful like be the fishy odor of a seal’s breath after a feed of sardines.
Hi I Yawnalot, Perfect post! I remember a sardine cannery in Maine where my family took off from in the summers to an island far out in the Penobscot Bay.It smelled so badly! Combine that with seal breath, a super cocktail for dm.xo Ann B.
Thank you Mike for all you do to expose this horrendous practice!
I was in my 20s when my mother died. To say it was traumatic is an understatement. More than 30 years after the fact, certain memories of her bring me to tears. About a month after she had her stroke and died, I was cooking a roast and couldn’t remember what temperature to set the oven. I had all but the last digit of her number dialed before I remembered she was dead. I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor gasping for air because I was sobbing so hard.
I talk to my own daughter at least once a day, my son several times a week, even my step children and grandchildren are valued parts of each of my days.
Although I guess the purported intent of the above flyer (besides the obvious give me all your money aspect of every piece of communication that issues from this particular brand of “church”) was to cause the viewer to feel some sort of calm and peace on viewing it, it had the opposite effect on me. The unmitigated hypocrisy of a place that rips families apart – the founder allowing his wife to go to prison in his stead while he went into hiding comes to mind as an example – made me spitting mad.
To you personally, Mike, I am sorry your mother was forced to disconnect and she died before you were able to reconnect. I breaks my heart that someone had to “sneak” the word of her death to you.n I hope you get to see your son and daughter, and the rest of your family before long. This vile practice of forced disconnection is long overdue to end.
Thank you for sharing your memories Valerie. I’m glad you are able to have a close, loving relationship with your children. The family bond is so important. Disconnection is harmful to all parties who are forced to disconnect.
I share your empathy for Mike R. who still has children in the C of S who are not allowed to speak to him. What must be harder than the actual physical disconnection is seeing the effects of the mental coercion they have been subjected to. The sad, absurd letters they have written make it apparent that they are wholly influenced by the mindset that the Church has forced on them and by pressure to say negative things. Left alone, it is certain that they would not be as critical and would naturally recall fond feelings, but they are not allowed to do this. At this point, they are weapons in D.M.’s war against M.R., retaliation for leaving the group, collateral damage. I apologize if these personal observations seem harsh, but I believe that it is a morally criminal action to intentionally turn children against parents and vice versa. Thank goodness this behavior is coming more into public knowledge and scrutiny every day.
My heart goes out to all parents with children or other family members who have been coerced to disconnect, and hope they are reunited very soon. Let us never have to witness another heartbreaking tragedy of losing a child who has been forced to sever their relationship with a parent, as what occurred with Karen De la Carriere and her son. This is why it is so important to speak out about this harmful policy and its effects.
Sending strength, positive thoughts and love to all who have loved ones still in the Church that they are not allowed to see or speak to, and let’s continue to bring this into public awareness and hope this changes very very soon.
Those personal observations do not seem at all harsh. In scientology, where no personal relationship, whether friendship or family means anything, children, and parents are simply bullets to be used against each other in what is referred to as “the greatest good” but which is simply a war of attrition.
Geez… I wonder how many ‘parishioners’ in attendance were mothers who no longer talk to their son… Or for that matter a step mother and her husband who no longer talks to his son.
The truth is family is nothing more than 6 random letters put together that is at times useful to drawing in additional marks.
Thetans, being the eternal entities that they are do not have ‘family’ so parents and children are irrelevant.
Money on the other hand has the same importance as eternity because, as you well know, money is indeed the stuff of life itself.
Or something.
Bbbbbut, we have a religious right to be inconsistent!
Scientology….”It’s safe in here”
while they covertly get you in confusion, put you in a hypnotic trance and bankrupt you and break up your family
Then when they destroy your life
they have you convinced you it is your fault
Welcome to the ‘cherch’
You evaluated, articulated and summed it up accurately and succinctly.
Great hypocrisy indeed, as most of the remaining of LRH’s attempts to keep a total control over everything and everyone in his cult.
The graphic is so perfect to illustrate your point.
Question. Why is it that a $cientologist, who is so in control of life and “livingness” have to repair “RAVAGES”? That’s a pretty harsh word.
I thought only lowly WOGS were “effect” to LIFE.
Shouldn’t $cientologists meet on Sunday to celebrate how wonderful their lives are as a result of their connection to such a wonderful technology?
Hey Anonymous!, it’s time for more mass rallies. For the sake of the family this time. You did good for the Internet.
Do it now for mom!!
Expose these assholes!
As an Anon, let me tell you why that won’t happen. First of all, Disconnection was the first “themed” protest, with Operation Reconnect taking place in April 2008. Anon does not repeat itself. Second, OpReconnect was the first protest conducted after Marblecake (Gregg Housh and his ilk) took over the tone and character of the protests. Eight years later, there is still resentment among Anons for Marblecake trying to use us as a personal army. So Anon will not be receptive to your idea.
By the way, Anon is no one’s personal army.
Yet it seems to me to be the right time for it. With so much negative press, books, movies etc.
Maybe some heroic celebrity can champion this cause.
Leah Remini has the personal power to do it. LIsa Marie would do.
Or maybe a power duo.
Ladies!!!!!! You can help bring more awareness to this by helping to create a mass rally. Use your power to bring mass awareness to this demonic trash.
Celebrities help build this prison, now you can help bring it down.
I double dare you!
I’ll write a theme song for it. I’m a composer.
Something tells me it’s time to bring out the silver bullet and put this blood sucker into the ground once and for all.
Do it fit the moms, husbands, daughters, friends, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, brothers.
Consider this a seed thrown to the digital winds. May it land on fertile ground to some heroic figure with media star power.
It will certainly be good for your career if you want to look at it that way.
DO IT!!!
Hey Anonymous! Would love to your troops again! And as Brian said, we need more mass rallies. The cult is on the ropes and taking body shots. It’s time to finish them off…
A coup de grace so to speak. Be nice to see hey?
I’d pay good money to see it!
Little thing to chip away the veneer of the bubble – Magnetic “Call Me” car signs on cars parked near or at orgs. Imagine a street full! We know there’s a lot more outs than ins – visible on the street, not in some car park.
Great idea! A caravan of cars circling the base. Imagine the effect and coverage that would have? I’m in.
And done in multiple cities at the same time.
That’s a great Idea.
Magnetic car door Call Me signs like the big one
2 per purchase.
Include a Call Me car window flag.
I will circle Flag Base on my
PEE WEE Herman Bicycle
Thanks for saying this so well Mike.
Graduates of Scientology need a spokesperson and you’re doing a wonderful job.
I love that…..Graduates of $cientology. Do I get a plaque?
Only on your teeth. If you want a “real” plaque, you’re required to buy it yourself.
What a perfect way to describe us all.
Victims and even survivors never really rang true.
I like it!
freedom from undue influence
And how can one be free from undue influence? Just walk away…..
Yep. It’s not like life on the inside is any easier than life out the outside (far from it) and on the outside you get to make your own choices.