It is URGENT!! The world is coming to an end SOON!!! Act NOW!!
Boston is taking the lead in the Nutball Stakes — zooming past the Valley Comic Doorknobs with this follow up to their fridge magnet email.
But the real question about this is WHERE IS THE IAS WHEN YOU NEED IT?
Surely the IAS could spring $150 for 1200 DVDs to be run at Gold and $100 to ship them out. This is after all a Humanitarian program (that I fully support) and it could get a LOT of “good PR”.
So, why is Kevin Hall having to BEG people to give him money to get DVDs that the church can run off at virtually no cost in Dear Leader’s sooper dooper state-of-the(20th century)-art facilities…
Or what about putting it on YouTube and telling all these people how to access it? Or just give them a url to one of your numerous “video websites”?
Face palm….
Believe me, IF this program accomplishes anything, Miscavige will stand on stage, show pictures of the smiling police and kids with their DVDs in hand and pronounce “THIS is what your support of the IAS makes possible.”
A total lie.
From: “Kevin H” <[email protected]>
Date: May 16, 2013 3:29 PM
Subject: [Bostonfield] Help this Man Save the World NOW!
To: “Bostonfield” <[email protected]>
Cc:Darren Tessitore has developed partnerships with Driver’s Ed and Police around the US on out antidrug program. He needs about 1,200 “The Truth About Drugs” DVDs to get these people using the program immediately with kids.
Call Graham Parker right now at 617-266-9500 to help with this right NOW!!!
Operators are standing by.
Kevin Hall———————————————–
Thetanews is hosted by the Boston OT Committee
Creating an Ideal Org in Boston
ThetaNews mailing list: [email protected]
General info:
No sooner had I put this up than someone sent me the following from LA Day. They obviously don’t want to be outdone by Valley or Boston in the Nutball Stakes….
This is from Marc Bosserman, a registrar at LA Day.
Subject: Know Who Should Be On the Bridge?? : )))
The Whole Freaking Planet!!
That’s who!!
And if we just get a little crazy we could probably just handle that This AFTERNOON!!!
Whoooooo Hoooooooo!!! : )
I mean if we were just to make an all out push….
Couple weeks I bet!! No!! Seriously!! : )
Any ideas?
Might as well go for it!
I mean what have we got to lose? Insanity? War? Crime?
OT, Staff, Cool
818-269-0988You’re on this list because you have a good attitude and are super Causative!
If you’d rather not be on it…just let me know and I’ll take you off! : )
“And if we just get a little crazy we could probably just handle that This AFTERNOON!!!
Whoooooo Hoooooooo!!! : )”
Ah how refreshing coming for a place that is supposed to make people more sane. Yes indeed if you all went crazy you could certainly hallucinate that you had gotten the whole world onto the bridge.
Seems insanity is the product now. All together now: Let’s go insane together! Hip hip hooray!
Wow, just wow.
Darren Tessitore was a great bookseller. If anyone remembers back when those Russians won top bookseller of the year for selling on trains, I think it was about that time that Darren had come in second place that year on the planet for selling the most books. Later on, I think Darren was a public at that time, I was with him for an afternoon selling books in Harvard square. I told him I don’t like to use the book selling patter because I like to gauge where someone is and say whatever I want. He said the patter was stupid and proceeded to sell 8-10 books in about 45 minutes, selling one for one and talking to me about this and that between grabbing people. Incredible talent. He’d pick spanish speaking people mainly. He’d smile at them and say two sentences and hand them the book and take the cash.
Amazing how things have deteriorated.
There is indeed a new org board or organizational structure in play.
For those who may not know, there are 7 divisions in Scn org. 7 is management. 1 receives people and is the personnel function. 2 is sales of services. 3 handles the money. 4 delivers the services sold in Div 2. 5 is quality management. 6 is finding new people. In 6 there are also services that give a taste of what can be achieved in more senior services sold in 2 and delivered in 4.
This is how it works now:
7 is management
1 is the same, reception and personnel
2 is donations and status improvement
3 handles the money
4 events, materials like DVDs, buildings, BS PR, ideal building openings, and so on
5 ethics or correction of those that don’t go to events or buy the latest thing
6 some services to keep people thinking that there is a planet to clear. Occasional OT levels or auditing or some basics. This creates a field that can be channeled across to sales of donations and statuses
Oracle? Whadduthink?
I noticed the same thing on their site – contributions, sponsor with honors, humanitarian with honors and so on. On events they have IAS and Maiden Voyage…guess will be begging for money too and the big omitted: no data on training, courses, auditors made, pcs completed, nothing…
Mike, I suggest the IAS (I Am Stupid) be renamed “Chumps ‘R Us”.
Poor Bosserman, driven over the edge by Miscavige.
Bosserman badly needs a session himself, methinks.
Searching and searching, I found no LRH reference where, “getting a little bit crazy,” was a successful action in clearing anyone. Not sure where he got this idea. Simply borne out of desperation?
I choose never to invalidate anyone’s heartfelt effort to help another being impove their life.
Problem with Bosserman’s email, is I couldn’t see any reference to helping anyone with anything.
You don’t invalidate because, Les, you are a truly good and sincere man who really does want to help, and has demonstrated that in a practical way. Us never-in critics understand that. If Scientology has a future, it’s with people like you and the Lembergers.
That being said, the reason why none of us have ever given you any grief is that you’ve never ended session with an urge to sit down at a keyboard and perform a Jeff Spicoli impersonation. I guess that if you’re a Scientologist with an irrepressible urge to imitate a Sean Penn character, your choices are limited with Harvey Milk out of the equation.
Bosserman is the one who needs help, and I think his mailing demonstrates that clearly. A McDonalds Extra Value Meal is always a good way to get rid of the munchies and eliminate the desire to write incoherent e-mails, but he can’t afford one on a staff salary. Too bad.
I think by now it is quite obvious that Davie has no other purpose than to destroy the church. I don’t think there can be any doubt about that at all. So why be surprised by something new every day?
As far as the guy being high, I think so. Not even koolaide can produce such insanity. It just cuts off your powers of observation and ability to think. This is just insane. Let’s get all 7 billion people on the bridge this afternoon! Some might need to eat something though before they can go in session in their nearest org that doesn’t deliver anything and is about 100000 KMs away. 🙂
I think that Marc Bosserman is so out of valence, that is ridiculous.
My advice to Marc is to get a mind of his own, and stop pretending to be LRH.
Marc, you will feel much better when you gain back your own viewpoint.
I think you should give it a try.
Darren Tessitore is apparently ta high-ranking exec with a tech company in the Boston area. His LikedIn page doesn’t say anything about any community service activities. If he is who he says he is, he can easily afford the DVDs out of pocket. I call bullshit.
My bad.. He says he’s a Board Member for the New England chapter of Foundation for a Drug-free World.
Paul J – I agree. If only the RCS would promote the product and not the MEST! I will bet that an Australia rugby league club, or one European or British soccer club has more followers than the whole of the RCS. The RCS has become the tiddlywinks club (or is that being mean to tiddlywinkers?). If Portland cannot muster a thousand people at their opening (excluding staff and importees) that says everything about their membership stats. A Dianetics Balloon tells people nothing. Who will go into an org because of a balloon ad? It just is a one person at a time exercise. But I promise to eat my hat if I wake up tomorrow and find that they have handled the whole planet in an afternoon.
Yes Mike – where is the IAS when you need them? I specifically stated that when I donated to level of patron to the IAS that is was a donation to be used in anti drug campaigns. So what has happened to my donation – and everyone else’s? Anyone who finds an outlet to promote anti drug campaigns has to start from scratch. And the drug problem here in South Africa just gets worse – no inroads have been made that I can see.
Consider this:
1) I know of at least six English Premiere League clubs that have more fans than CoS’s CLAIMED membership worldwide: Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs, and Liverpool. Expand out to Europe, and you can throw in Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, AC Milan, and Juventus. All of these clubs have fans that number at least eight figures, and you can easily put down United for a nine-figure fandom.
(Disclosure: My EPL club is Arsenal. My Bundesliga club is Eintracht Frankfurt, due to me living in Frankfurt for a few years.)
2) An average team in the English Championship (second division) draws more of a crowd on an average Saturday than the ACTUAL worldwide membership of the cult.
So, yeah, your bet does come in.
The thing is, though, even if RCS gives up on promoting MEST today and goes back to Hubbard’s old line about trained auditors and well-adjusted PCs being the only products of an org, 1) who’s going to audit and train, since DM has gutted those programs? and 2) it won’t stop the decline. Not only the Church of Scientology, but Scientology itself is in a death spiral. Indies will keep it alive for a while, but the brand’s been tainted. Rebranding will almost certainly be necessary. Erhard rebranded EST when the brand became tainted, and had a modicum of success.
And it needs to be rebranded because of people like Bosserman. Any well-run organization would have never let him near an e-mail account designed to reach the public.
Oh absolutely agree Wendy– on all counts! However, regarding South Africa, i am reassured that
the Governmunt have everything under THEIR control. Make no mistake –they’re getting there!
Hey Calvin – long time…… yep a sorry state of affairs all round. Some days its just left foot ..right foot..left foot…right foot…and hope like hell you get somewhere. History teaches us that things change all the time. Sometimes the greatest barriers are the greatest catalysts of change, so I am hanging on to my hopes for a better future here and trying to keep my Kharmic account balanced. Its the best we can do…..
Today, in 2013, people communicate across distance these days via The Cloud.
The Cult of $cientology (with its DVDs, snail mail, posters, leaflets, even email) is living on a Pink Cloud.
It’s not the same cloud.
” The Whole Freaking Planet!!
That’s who!!
And if we just get a little crazy we could probably just handle that This AFTERNOON!!!”
This is the kind of thing that DM loves to hear. The next brilliant idea that’s going to clear the planet tomorrow. I remember being on lines at the OC Org 20 years ago and the ED was all exited about the fact that the Org rented a Dianetics hot air balloon for some local event that would be seen by 1,000’s of people. He thought that would boom stats. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that they had pretty much dropped pushing their personality testing line which had brought in 30-50 FSS every week for years. If you didn’t support that grand scheme that would clear the planet tomorrow you were a small thinker or maybe suppresive. Of course the hot air balloon resulted in nothing and without the FSS, the org has been on a decline for years.
This whole approach to almost everything DM does is a trap. If you oppose his big plans you’re bad. The “small time” idea of handling people one on one with good TR’s and then delivering services by people who have been properly trained is just small thinking. I think this con DM has run goes to the core of how he has perverted the Church of Scientology.
Three words – Glee of Insanity
“Darren Tessitore has developed partnerships with Driver’s Ed and Police around the US on out antidrug program. He needs about 1,200 “The Truth About Drugs” DVDs to get these people using the program immediately with kids. Call Graham Parker right now at 617-266-9500 to help with this right NOW!!!”
Hey Kevin H, This was sent to div 2 public wasn’t it? Are you resigning them here? What are you resigning them up for? Donations? Can you show me a reference on resigning div 2 public for donations to be used in the P.R. Division Kevin H.?
Marc Bosserman, a registrar at LA Day.
Subject: Know Who Should Be On the Bridge?? : )))
The Whole Freaking Planet!!
That’s who!!
And if we just get a little crazy we could probably just handle that This AFTERNOON!!!
Whoooooo Hoooooooo!!! : )
I mean if we were just to make an all out push….
Excuse me, what is he selling? This is going out to div 2 public. What is he asking people to resign up for?
It appears the Church has swooped up all of the Div 2 public , spread them all out over all of the divisions, and is resigning them for functions in the Org instead of their next service.
No wonder David threw everyone in the hole and divorced his wife and beat people when the “Org Board” project came up! He CLEARLY has no idea about the fucking Org Board! So he just took everyone off it! Shoved all the public all over into every division! HE isn’t even on any Org Board Hubbard authored! He placed himself ABOVE THE ORG BOARD. I guess you just invent your own place when you can’t figure out where you fit in?
Mr. Marc Bosserman used exclamation marks by everything he wrote. Except for the sentences with question marks. I think the nuttiness has trickled down. Trickle down insanity.
Bingo RD!
Marc Bosserman is one big expletive and quite a question mark!
and the beat goes on…….the sheep continue being led to the slaughter!!
Yes, their help button is being mercilessly and continuously pressed.
What he wrote:
“I mean if we were just to make an all out push….”
What is not so subtly implied:
“If we don’t make it, if the world goes to hell, it’s your fault because you didn’t contribute.”
What he wrote:
“You’re on this list because you have a good attitude and are super Causative!
If you’d rather not be on it…just let me know and I’ll take you off! : )”
What he not so subtly implied:
“If you don’t contribute or if you ask off the list, you are, at best, a pathetically puny and weak thetan with a bad attitude who cannot cause anything.”
“Darren Tessitore has developed partnerships with Driver’s Ed and Police around the US on out antidrug program”.
Which police “around the U.S,” ? What kind of “partnerships”? Which drivers ed? Wow, this is as vague as it gets, not one specific. And who is Darren Tessitore?
What the hell does “out antidrug program” mean? Do they deliberately throw out MU’s now to befuddle the public?
Do the Orgs do anything anymore with their P.R. divisions and dissem and safepointing? This is another division away from from div 2. Why are they regging div 2 public for this?
I ask you, look at Division 2. What is the purpose of that division?
Look at Division 6. What is the purpose of that division?
What the hell does this have to do with Div 2 or Div 6 public?
What do buildings and establishment have to do with your div 2 public? Establishment is Division 1, H.C.O.. Why are Div 2 public being driven into Division 1?
By the way, what division is the I.A.S. in? What division is the Int Landlord in? In all of the OEC vols I can not find one reference on these groups.
This is a P.R. function, what division is P.R. in and why are div 2 resigns over there now? Resigned to fund P.R. and establishment? I’m getting vertigo! Some people get car sick, I am getting Org Board sick. Why are all these divisions functions and public all mixed up now?
David is playing three card monte with the staff and members.
Damn. I abhor trickery of any kind. Even down to magic tricks.
This is Darren. He actually seems like a pretty good guy doing the right thing surprisingly. No mentions of IDLE ORGs anywhere on his blogs. Just a guy trying to get people off of drugs.
And the New England Chapter of a Drug Free world. Only 112 likes 🙁
They have some interesting fundraisers too.
“Stay tuned to be part of our next fund raiser. we will be hosting a Cut_athon with Arcuri Moda Salon on June St in Worcester. Haircuts prices will be donated to Drug Free World so we can purchase more DVDs for our youth to learn the truth about drugs.”
Good spotting, The Oracle.
Anyone who has rudimentary knowledge of the functions and purposes of the 7 Div Org Board, let alone anyone who has done the OEC or even Vol O would have to have a completely spinning head from this, It is still a mystery to me how things like this are not spotted by Class V org staff, especially the old-timers. Or, if they do spot it, how do they justify it? Beats me. My opinion is that they justify it. I have 1 small clue to back up my opinion.
Once, as regards fundraising for Ideal Orgs, I remarked to a long-time HCO Class V org staff terminal that LRH had very specific references on how to expand a Scientology Org and that buying a new building first was nowhere included in any of them. I named these references. This terminal’s response to me was, “Well, maybe we just don’t have the time to do that.”
Incredible, right? I thought so, and wanted to say, “We don’t have the TIME to do LRH’s expansion policy?”
Instead, I just dropped it, puzzled. What I should have done was ask for the reference which allows expansion policy to be jettisoned due to “lack of time”, LOL. . Wish I had, but I didn’t think of it at the time. This was before i started reading Marty’s blog.
Today I consider this staff member’s answer as evidence that staff were being told that the world is in dire emergency, causing them to be cowed and unquestioning. I think it is safe to assume they are still being told that.
We are out of time. Someone bypassed the Scientology movement while they were fundraising and putting in ethics on the planet, and cleared everyone before they could really get to the job.
Now what are we going to do with all of these books buildings coursepacks and staff?
I think I can top that. After stating that buying buildings using some kind of Field of Dreams copy cat strategy was backwards, and directly off policy, I referenced several policies. I was told that ‘those policies” are the same ones that the SP’s are promoting…NO LIE!! I suggested that the so called SP’s may have hit on something and that maybe reading the actual policies would be a good idea!
OMG did you click on the boston ideal org website. The entire site is made up of computer generated images! Is the latest ideal org CGI now. Yes Mr Miss carriage you have reached a level of Idealism. Fake orgs.
one word – Pathetic.
I’m, not sure, but I think Marc Bosserman has snapped. Thats the kind of email someone writes right before they quit their job.
Good point Chris. Marc appears to be unraveling. It feels like we’re entering the “anything goes” stage of the death throe.
If I understand what Marc Bosserman is proposing in his e-mail, he’s asking the public to come up with some sort of idea to help get stats up, towards the goal of clearing the planet by getting millions of people “up the breidge.” But it’s not at all clear what he wants anybody to do. It’s almost like he’s saying, “Hey, I’m out here. Gimme a call, so we can do some stuff to, like, clear the planet, you know. Whatever.” Was he high when he wrote this? It breaks Rule #1 of direct mail (and e-mail) marketing: give the customer a clear idea what the solicitation is about — what you want them to do, what they get out of it, and how much it will cost. These points should be tight and focused. I almost felt like I was reading the script of a Cheech & Chong movie, it was so blurry and unfocused.
At least the first solicitation followed those basic rules of direct mail writing. The only problem with that one is that they very carefully avoid using any words that might remind you that he is trying to get some of your money, asking you to “help with this” instead of “donate now.” But at least the true believers can see how their donations will save the planet if they sign up for that one. Not Mr. Bosserman, who is 53 years old and should know better, but manages somehow to sound like a pot-smoking 19 year old.
Apt comments, John! Accurate in as much as the references to the “feelings of ” “blurry and unfocused” and “sound like a pot-smoking 19 year old.” Where the carefulness comes in, is the always predictable, never-say-quit compulsion of David Mustdamage, to micro-manage every facet of communications, emitted from the BlitzkriegShallstoppenzeFuehrerzenemiesfrom zeferrylasstbunkerzleffttshanddink!! Of course, you realize that the obligatory cocktails of mind-numbing kool-aid, knocked back by the sworn (at!) adherents (without even a second thought!) are as much a part of the ritual to keep things running smoothly and without any unwanted glitches for Midget Maestro Extraordinare. It all comes down to his utter brilliance of planning skills, and superb tactics of dodgy doo-doo’s deposited on the door-steps of unsuspecting fall guys & gals!! Of course, it must be said, that one just HAS to be endowed with the most extraordinary OT abilities to pull this off with adroitness, in the face of a global take-over by the world’d most dangerous SP’s and bitter, twisted apostates threatening the Eternity of every one on this planet! One can truly understand why Jesus is said to have wept! (LRH too, probably!)
Yes John P., he was high when he wrote that……it was a powder…..he snorted it………it was lime green……it was Koolaid! His time would have been better spent clearing words or…….auditing someone!!
Yea, like totally. 🙂
John P., I really appreciate your viewpoints and knowledge. Thank you for your regular input!
You see, if people pay for these then they can fund even more campaigns and, er, well…this is a local responsibility because, well, it just is and, er, …. WHY are you questioning!?