Oh wow. The naked truth is really tumbling out of the bubble.
Here are the I HELP UK stats.
According to them, they are the fourth best continental area — and they include all the field activities in India and Pakistan. This means there are four continental areas of scientology that are less expanding than they are (not sure how that is possible, but they figured it out I guess)
This is worse than I could possibly have imagined.
The true state of “straight up and vertical” unprecedented international expansion. Remember, the “Ideal Orgs” are supposed to generate “massive field activity” which grows into Mission and then into more orgs. Miscavige’s little blue arrows springing forth from his CGI ideal orgs were hammered home repeatedly — even at the very first stages of this scam, when he had not even come up with the name “Ideal Orgs” yet and was still calling them “Central Orgs” (the first orgs were not referred to as “ideal” — that sales pitch came a bit later).
There IS an “ideal org” in the UK in London. There is also AOSHUK supposedly training auditors for the UK to go out and audit. They have been there for 50+ years. And this is the feeble state of affairs?
And Miscavige keeps standing on stage telling the clubbed seals, and through his ventriloquist puppet Karin Pouw telling the media, that Scientology has expanded more in the last 5 years than in the 50 previous years.
I was actually in the London “Idle morgue” a short while ago. Just curiousity you understand. The fittings and furniture is superb. The photos of LRH excellent, the manufacture of books very high quality.
a very upstat enviroment.
funny thing though, the entire building seemed to be empty?
A receptionist was there and some american Gal I took to be SO by her demeanour.
I was taken to a holding area to await a person to speak to. After fifteen minutes of total silence I went back to the reception and truthfully told her I was in fact out of time and could not wait as it was obvious there were no staff available.
She looked sad a bit and actually I was too. To think that tiny sub-human sociapath DM has been allowed to reduce scientology to this state of affairs is a crime against humanity. One day the minuteman will pay for his crimes, as no one lives forever and he will die.
What happens then?
Not a happy thought at all.
PS: Ed Captain Paddleboat Bryan…. rotflol! Yes! What a brain washed fool he is. OT 8? MY ASS!
“Love your style Tory. You have real confront. And you always smile and maintain such a nice demeanor. And one of the Masters of the Universe was run out of Costco by you… That’s funny.”
Thanks, Mike! It has always helped me that when “in” I used to be sent out by OSA to “handle the critics”.
As they SCREAMED “facts” about LRH, etc….I would find i heard this much: 0
HOWEVER,one nice critic (never in)…came up to me outside of CC and kept asking me, in the nicest way:
“IF you’re FREE…why can’t you read certain books?”
Of course I had the built in answer:
“Oh *I* can read any book, I just don’t choose to”.
He kept at me….and I went to bed that night with *that* one question in my head:
“I’m a free speech advocate, but WHY CAN’T I READ CERTAIN BOOKS?”
It was THE beginning of my waking up. It certainly taught me the difference in being
effective as a critic (interested) vs ineffective (Being interesting).
Thanks, again!
Oh! And FTR: Ed looked pretty awful for an OT 8. Granted, we were in Cosco—but he
now has long, stringy hair and super bad, dark teeth.
Best to all 🙂
Having run into OT 8, Ed Bryan, in Cosco the other day—and he saying “hi” To me “I know you!~” (I think it was a jerk reaction, until he realized I was “Tory the SP”….but by then it was too late for him to run away before I could ask him a few questions). (full story at ToryMagoo44 on YT).
Ok, so I asked; “Ed….what about these “Ideal Orgs”? You all cannot fill up ONE floor….so you buy multiples of 4 story buildings, when you’ve KILLED “Div 6″ (that gets new peeps ‘in”)? I asked it in an honest, questioning way. His answer was shocking to me: “For the expansion, of course! We need room for ALL the people that will be coming in!”
OMG! Granted, I could not remember at the time where I knew him from *exactly* (Outside of C of $, which we cleared up right away). Soon after he ran away, after being backed into a corner w/ 3 easy questions, and he blaming me: “You’re SHOVING things down my throat AND Evaluating for me”: PUSSY~! And he *honestly* believes they need all of the empty buildings for “Expansion”?? ROTFLOL!
I asked a friend on the phone where I knew him from? She: “OMG:::::he was one of the Squirrel Busters~!” Thank goodness I couldn’t remember as Gawd knows what I would have said to him had I remembered *that*.
Great little story Tory. I too had a run in with Ed Captain Paddleboat Bryan. What a brainwashed fool he is. It’s a wonder they keep him around as surely even KoolAid drinkers have to look at someone like that and really begin to wonder about the efficacy of “OT VIII.”
Love your style Tory. You have real confront. And you always smile and maintain such a nice demeanor. And one of the Masters of the Universe was run out of Costco by you… That’s funny.
OT 9 & 10 will handle it.
where can I sign up? 🙂
Upgrade your status to Patron Zealotorious and you’ll be first on the list. I’m sending two of my best people (in ARC) to your home tonite. This is SOOOOO theta!
Drip Drip Drip….7 books sold? Wow – nothing new here – same ole same ole.
Don’t they get exhausted reporting the “total failure and being nothing” that is Scientology!
I-Help? Nope-Don’t!
The dam has broke – Blown Sea Org members going “straight up and vertical” public within weeks of blowing!
60 Minutes reporting on Rathbun harassment, foul nasty text messages from the Leader of Scientology, David Miscavige, to staff members,
David Miscavige’s lavish lifestyle be hidden from view from members – now getting exposed publicly World wide,
The Eccleasiastical Dirty Tricks of the Church of Scientology being published and broadcasted worldwide,
The fraud and abuse being exposed daily!
Thank you Mike, Marty, Monique, Karen, J Swift, Magoo, Chris, Jillian, Jenna – all of you who have done something about it! You are suppressing this evil cult! Because you are dealing with the truth – you are winning – big time!
Continue! 🙂
Miscavige never had a chance of making Dianetics and Scientology a success, really. Particularly not in the way that’s put forward by LRH (the promised/guaranteed results, the only hope of man etc. etc.) And all of this fully sealed off with the KSW series for internal use and the formation of RTC and CST to police unauthorized use of knowledge….(didn’t LRH say that nobody has a monopoly on wisdom?). I do agree It could have become a great self-help subject if Ron had left it to develop on its own, with a minimum to no interference at all. At the onset, when groups and field auditors/missions accounted for most of the growth, there was a minimum to no upper echelon interference and the field was allowed to service their publics outside the straightjacket mentality. Dianetics and Scientology were thriving in many fields across the planet. Then it became a matter of wanting a piece of the pie. When the desire for money enters the playing field, out goes the lofty, noble goals of lifting mankind to a greater heights. Just my two cents. Not indented to hurt anyone’s feelings.
Good point. Feelings intact.
Dissafected, I agree
Did Miscavige ever care about anything but himself? I don’t see any effort by him to help others.
Shouldn’t be much doubt about it now.
I agree jgg2012. Of course DM is a narcissistic sociopath. My argument was that even if he was sincere in helping people, he would have great trouble expanding Scientology since the subject simply doesn’t deliver what it claims. Claims made by Ron. DM lacks the charisma to establish himself as source (all though he’s trying hard now with the GAG series). LRH himself would simply invent some new rundown or do some more lectures to explain why real clearing didn’t work up till then and how he’s now made the final breakthrough that will allow all mortals to have superpowers…. DM simply lacks that stature. That’s why I can understand why he has chosen the path he’s on. Just go for the money directly, he’s got no other choice.
Beginning to get shell shocked here. The news is getting exponentially worse and worse, or rather better and better,
Either way, I have much sympathy for Mrs. Rinder. :-}
Dave should start micromanaging an ant colony as the first step of his amends without laying a finger on any of them. His only terminal is God.
I like the way you think
The arrows in that diagram are meant to go the other way – personnel and resources from missions, front groups such as Narconon and the field flowing INTO the central org, where they disappear.
The pathetic situation in the Church has come about through a lot of unswerving, dedicated effort by Miscavige to wreck it. It really has taken quite a lot of work on his part, but you gotta hand it to him, he has taken something which had so much potential if sensibly administered, managed and provided and guaranteed it’s future as terminally unviable. And to think I ever listened to one word out his trap.
Damn, I did a third of these 33 hours the other week helping a family member. I’m sure the hours of auditing done outside of any ‘controls’ are higher than within. What’s great is I have the power of choice over when, where and what I do in terms of help and it sure as hell isn’t under cabbage control.
When stats are down they are being HELD DOWN, Ann. Does this mean you are following command intention and crushing the field?
Ann has over a billion people to service. And this is what she’s got?
Noticed that Tithes was zero. No money is her real sin.
The Golden Age of Tech, 1996, was stated to be a program that would turn out perfect auditors in higher volume and faster than anything L Ron Hubbard ever did. We’re rapidly approaching the 20 year mark of Dave’s brilliant strategy. Let’s add up the stats and do an eval to see how effective his pogrom has been in terms of its unstated goals. It appears to have been a complete success.
You know, with the money the Duggans and others give to Scientology (we’re talking tens of millions each year) they could hire more people to call themselves Scientologists. These stats by corporate Scientology are awful. But then, this site gets more hits than Scientology’s site does).
Just as tortured and agonizing as a slow death can be Mike!
It seems though, that the DMented one just refuses to be be cheated from his Karma! Dragging it all out seems to fit his designs as inexorably as a lemming headed for the cliff.
One would think that all it would take to burst “the bubble” is ‘one small prick!’ Guess that may seem a little too sudden when you’re INSIDE the friggn’ thing. Further, if he “sucks”
the way you have suggested, the bubble could end up within his ass. Hell, maybe this is the only way he can achieve an orgasm?? And NO, I’m NOT even suggesting you try to visualize that :O :O
Time to forget all the stress and go out on a date with his BFF.
There already is “one little prick”, and he is it – Captain Demented.
I wonder what happened to Chris and Kelly Watkins in all this welter of non-statistics? They were recently polluting the pages of Craigslist in London with their illicit ads for their own $ciloon propaganda websites, until routed in early February by the nascent Red-X Brigade over at WWP. I’m hoping they’ve blown, but maybe they come under some other FSM-related set of figures?
Wow! Look at those amazing statistics! Damn, at this rate these Scientology humanitarians should have Teegeeack (a.k.a. “Target One”) fully cleared and un-enslaved some time within the next eleventy billion nevers!
Your delightful numbering system got a big laugh here, Mr. Rice! ROFLMAO
Hey, don’t forget about the 28 minutes of Book One. These numbers need as much positive spin as they can get.
The new Int video should be ‘We Stand Small’ – Hip hip hooray!
LOL! 🙂
Mike –
You are doing a great job exposing the crimes and lies of the “Church” of $cientology. May I make a suggestion – put mirror/archive copies of your posts that publish internal $cientology emails and documents, on the WikiLeaks website:
so that they will be available to future researchers. Thanks for running the blog!
PS #1 the WikiLeaks website already has a large number of $cientology documents. Your material would be a good addition.
#2 Please look at Creative Commons copyrights, http://creativecommons.org/ and consider using one of those licenses on your website, to encourage others to share the material.
Thanks for the direction. I will look into this. I have no restrictions on anyone using anything from this blog. I put it out there with the idea that it WILL be available for broad use, reprinting, copying etc
Independently of the extermination program Black Heart has been carrying on for years, this is good information as it demonstrates the lies that Karin P (if she is still alive) and the so called leader keep spreading at the events, mags and so on.
Sorry mister, not every one gets duped.
miscavige is going to end up like hitler’s last days hunkered down in a bunker shuffling non existent troops around a map, pounding tables and screaming how everyone’s betrayed him…….if it wasn’t for the incompetent, treacherous, counter intentioned, suppressive staff who SCOHB this planet would already be clear!!!!!!!!!!
would miscavige kill himself before being shackled and dragged off to prison?
If the attrition was smooth enough, he might be left at his desk wondering why the reports haven’t come in and no one comes when he buzzes, and finally found much later starved waiting for his chef to bring him lunch.
He’s gonna miss the Scotch too. Too bad.
Wow, WhiteStar, I never really thought of it that way. But, of course, you’re ablsolutely spot on. Miscavage IS just like Hitler during the final months he was hunkered down in his bunker. The insanity continues to increase…
He might want to disseminate to the Aryan Brotherhood.
Yes, they’d mix well with Nation of Islam. Perhaps add some Juggalos to spice it up?
Could be, but I don’t see him getting too physical there, know what I mean?
Sux Cox on Hollywood Boulevard. A favorite degrading euphemism of DM’s.
Wow. If all the things attributed to Dave are true, I sense a tsunami heading his way. Thanks for the comm plainoldthetan.
LOL……..if you’re not familiar with YSCOHB you should google it.
i think Mike said it took them hours to figure out what it meant.
(i won’t spoil it for you)
Too convoluted. Could you just provide a link?
Hi Whitestar,
Yes, Miscavige fits the bill of someone who would commit suicide before having to live his life in jail. And wouldn’t he be a sweet thing in there?
This would only happen if Miscavige has no way out and cannot escape with his billion bucks first. His hate, anger and the way he takes people down is an indicator of what he would do in such a situation. I believe it’s a very real possibility for his type of personality.
………………….. Karen just interviewed a 29 year old escapee from the Sea Org. The full tape is over on Tony Otega’s blog. She estimated there were approximately 5,000 sea org members of which approximately 2,000 were in Florida and 2,000 were in the LA area. There may be 25,000 CO$ scientologists in the US. To follow up on Roy’s comments, the number of people who are normal public are shrinking and DM is continuing to restructure CO$ so that one is either a Sea Org member, a staff member, or a Whale on the OT committee, in other words people under his absolute control. Given this preference, of course he does not want mission and field auditors, they are harder to control 24 hours a day. I predict in 5 years there will be literally no public members of the field.
Yep that pretty much covers it MJ.
Or my favorite iBetray.
Or i help that became betrayal but definitely not iHelp that’s for sure.
I still remember when Taz Kember (you know the scion of Jane Kember who by approving and instituting GO 1361 brought down the GO and Controllers Office) with the Orwellian post title of “Auditor Activation Chief” illegally canceled every cert of any auditor auditing in the field who hadn’t yet done the Golden Age of Tech.
Of course back then they were having the problem of PCs deciding to get auditing in field instead of being subjected to the robotic GAT “auditing” occurring in the Orgs which included the three swing “F/Ns” that was bypassing all their releases if they ever managed to get one from the squirrelly rendition of the Tech.
From what I observed the orgs were hemorrhaging. Especially when you had Trey auditing more hours per week than most fully staffed HGCs.
Needless to say it was getting embarrassing especially when cases that couldn’t get cracked at the “Mecca of Technical Deception” were getting cracked in the field….
But I digress.
IHelp like the Franchise Network before it was basically in a screaming affluence despite more like probably due to the benign neglect of our overlords.
Back then Ihelp “handled” Field Auditors much the same way the GO “handled” the Franchise Network which was totally ignore yet take credit for any successes.
Pretty much hands off “management” except when it came to getting their 10% then they’d put most Mafia run protection rackets seem *benign*.
But again I digress.
Anyway along came Taz and after that pretty much all field auditing stopped.
“Auditor Activation Chief”
Yeah right.
Sorta like calling a hit man a “life coach”.
That was Chaz Kember. Believe me, the RTC Rep ILO (Tracye Danilovich, one of the most incompetent, yet absolutely certain of her rightness people you could ever meet) had a gun to his head. He executed those orders on GAT under threat of RPF and expulsion.
Thanks Mike
Chaz, right.
Just remember the spelling of his last name and it was as Yogi Bera once said:
“Deja Vu all over again.”
Never had the misfortune of meeting Tracye.
Actually the only person in RTC I had any respect for was Red Van Dyke who went MIA after going up lines to the Magic Kingdom.
Tried contacting him after he ….departed and got a letter from Guillame himself telling us how we were jeopardizing our future in Scientology.
Maybe if I’d known how bad things were going to get I would have completely disregarded his warning.
Anyway never met Chaz but suspected a possible contagion of aberration.
Seems he’s very much unlike his mother who acted like some Prima donna.
Honestly it made me ill how some GO Staff used to speak fawningly of Jaaaaane.
Yes, Chaz is a very unlike his mother (or father).
Never met his daddy Mike. What was his post?
DG SB WW. Kevin.
Thanks Mike.
Here is my take on the acronyms (IHelp, ASI, IAS, WISE and others) that have come into existence over the past four decades.
A dam is a stop on a flow. There are many “reasons” for doing it, but in my opinion the only effective one, takes the flow and creates energy with it.
Over time SCN has tried to control these various flows and one for one ended up suppressing them. Narconon started in 1966 in Arizona State Prison, with Willie Benitez (a prisoner himself) taking some of LRH’s writing and turning into an effective rehabilitation program. Narconon was formed circa, late 1972 and was placed under the Guardian’s Office PR Bureau as a field program. I was one of its first staff members.
I can attest that one of our prison programs or half-way houses in LA in 1973, had more production, more auditing and more general wins taking place every week than the combined stats of all the above UK groups. These were basic, human spirit types of wins. There was hope manifested on the faces of those coming out of prison, and into our groups. They in turn began to help others.
WISE started circa 1980 (give or take) and became an instant parasite to every Scientologist out in the field, using the tech and trying to make it work bigger and better than it had before. What WISE did, was tantamount to putting a usage meter around a Scientologist’s neck and taxing every breath of free air that he took.
There were no courses in 1980. There were no consultants going out into the field with the sole intent of helping those already using LRH’s tech. It was the Church, adopting the suppressive valence of most Tax Authorities by placing a levy on the blood, sweat and tears of those already toiling in the fields.
ASI was created not too long after WISE came about (as far as I recall) and tapped into existing Scientologist’s out in the field using the tech to augment society’s educational system. Those pioneers were for the most part, educators. They used their skills to help those they came into contact with, and yes, to spread the word that SCN’s word clearing tech had a place in the hierarchy of educational tools. What did ASI offer? Pink sheets and checksheets. Rote practices ripped from a course room and placed in a school environment with absolutely no idea of how that system worked. And for this, the people doing the work had to pay tithes – 10% or more of their Gross Income or stop using or mentioning the word Scientology. And of course, no auditing or training.
The seeds to today’s madness and suppressive dramatizations, were planted decades ago. As decent, hardworking and loyal Scientologist’s we simply did not see the dark side to these actions; the ultimate destination this path would lead us to.
I for one, refuse to fault myself for not seeing that this was the ultimate conclusion to all the oddball, not-quite-right actions being thrown into the field from 1978 onward. I trusted that the group was well-intentioned and that the well-being of all its members, was its true objective.
Okay, so I missed a few things. But in the end, I’d rather be bright, hopeful, trusting and filled with the belief that people are basically good, than hard-boiled, bigoted, deceitful and spiritually dead-from-the-neck-up, that generally describes those in power today within the RCS.
Here’s to those with heart and head, in the right place.
Thanks for this Odd.
I agree with you Odd.
You are right. I did a short stint at NN back in the ’70’s as a withdrawal specialist and DRD Auditor and working with SoCo.
What I remember was that the course room was always full ( I still remember seeing some scrawny speed freak taking some big ass biker and slamming him against the wall on TR 7 🙂 ) and we were auditing more hours per day then that pathetic bunch is getting in a week.
I mean the NN crowd were a tough bunch ( I still remember a PC I had who had done a nickel for manslaughter telling me he was going to kill me if I gave him another command and my TR4 was that if he killed me then we’d just find another auditor to flatten the process 😉 ) but were a lot of fun.
Anyway I agree with every word that you said, Odd.
You nailed it.
Ah, Chaz. The man who requested my presence at the HGB and then used an obsure LRH reference, twisted it, and destroyed my desire to Field Audit. Thanks, Chaz!
Yeah its like I”Help” had never read the PL on Field Auditors or Field Auditor Rights.
It seems that at a certain point their only objective was to prevent Field Auditing.
Someone must have read Orwell’s 1984 with the Department of Peace doing the wars…
Yeah or IHelp that did nothing but betray.
@ Mike
Chaz was such a nice guy! Uptone and friendly, until the Nortons stepped in. That was bad, real bad! As for the Danilovich when I left john was still the CO while his wife Alice mysteriously had disappeared ….forever and nearly since the beginning of their arrival in the UK
Laurie, I knew John at Flag – nice guy. The longer you stay in the current regime, the more you become Miscavige’s monkey.
Alicia had an affair with a public. Tracye is married to their son. She was probably a sweet girl once. She is living, breathing evidence that you can train/indoctrinate anyone into becoming a monster with enough threat and duress.
Alicia was a sweet girl. So sad.
As Mike says he was so unlike his mother Jaaaane.
Personally I wonder how Chaz got in the SO since there was evidence that his Grandaddy worked worked for SA’s racist SAS and rumor had it that Sweet Jane had connections to MI6.
Whether these rumors were true or not.
The obvious fact is that mommy was a real “tiger” using the Scientology Admin def.
Anyway I’d have been wary of putting sonny anywhere near an Exec post of any kind with questionable “quals” like that.
RemoteViewed, do you know what happened to Red Van Dyke?
Hi Simple,
I’ll tell you what I know which isn’t a lot but it might help.
First some background:
My wife actually knew Red.
She had been audited by him and thought he was the best auditor she’d ever had. She also give him an assist when he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia.
I didn’t know Red that well till I arrived in LA to do the Briefing Course and ended up on RTC’s version of “Project Squirrel” when he was RTC rep for ASHO.
Anyway the project ended up being successful which as I found out later was more an exception than a rule as far as RTC was concerned.
Red brought all of us who were on the project together to the Quad and gave us the news that the Advanced Ability Center had been shut down and we all went our separate ways.
After that Red and I stayed in touch.
Somewhere along the line I lost touch when I was seconded to NWC and eventually ended up at AOLA.
Since I was on the squirrel project and was bonded up the ying yang for GO. I ended up on other interesting projects.
One of them was an Int Project somewhat loosely based on Exec Series 40 run by Alan Graham. I say “loosely based” because we’d review the prospective Int Execs PC Folders and propose a program per Exec Series 40 that could be done at ITO to make the person Qualified for Int and Int would totally ignore our recommendations and tell us to send ’em up lines anyway and they’d handle getting the quals in themselves.
As we can see that worked out well.
Anyway years went by and Al had been off loaded from Int and ended up working for Nation Wide Title Clearing with me. A WISE business that had a high ratio of Ex SO and somewhere along the line we ended up talking about the good ol’ days and he told me about Red going up to Int and then blowing. Who unlike Ken Rose was remaining quiet about his departure.
Anyway I told my wife and it became one of her missions in life to track Red down and find out what happened?
So first we got in touch with Gulliame on SO1 and he was somewhat ….vague. So we tracked him down by internet and found a relative who knew him that gave us his phone number and we called him.
He didn’t exactly tell us what happened only that he had committed some major faux pa which was unusual for Red because he was a very Standard Tech terminal and that his only terminal was IJC.
The upshot was that we tracked him down to somewhere near Niagara Falls Ontario and that we were going to try and pursue it further when a threatening letter from ED Int arrived in our mailbox telling us to lay off.
Like I wrote earlier we wished we ignored but we were trying to be good Scientologists which more and more was starting to look like a “good German” under the Nazis.
Sometime later we both tried to establish comm with Red after we walked away from the 501 ciii Squirrel Group but all we could find out from his relative was that he had moved out west somewhere but he didn’t know exactly where.
So like Broeker, Red just sort of “vanished” and left no forwarding address.
RemoteViewed, thanks for the info about Red. I liked him too. Seems like all the best ones get chased off.
Hey you’re welcome simple.
Yeah Red was a good guy.
Look at it from the COBs point of view.
Nothing that a few trillion dollars donated to the IAS won’t fix !
These standings represent 1 week of activity from all field auditing in the UK cont area. The “other deliver hours” is likely people doing basic courses, word clearing or some such.
This document is fascinating in so many respects. For anyone who has watched “Breaking Bad” in fascination at seeing a human being implode themselves, the Scientology story has an equally transfixing grip. In all of UK, India and Pakistan 33 hours of auditing was delivered last week outside of official institutions like orgs and missions.
Perhaps I should mention for newcomers to Scientology that once upon a time field auditing was a big deal. Orgs were supposed to concentrate on training auditors, who then went out and delivered tons of auditing in the field. IHELP was supposed to assist them to do this. Auditing groups would get big and become missions. Missions would get big and become orgs.
However David Miscavige has been running an extermination program on field auditing for decades now. He personally oversaw the nuking of every large mission in the world in the early 1980s. There was some minor upset from a US few mission holders who baulked at Management control. Not that many missions were involved. But that did not stop big missions in England. Germany and every other country in the world getting most top executives SP declared, staff dismissed, public ordered out of the missions and into orgs and the missions getting fined so heavily they simple disappeared or shrunk to nothing and never recovered.
Since then DM has been working on stamping out field auditing (and continuing to crush missions). Not that long after the Golden Age of out Tech was released, auditors who had not done their full re-train were not allowed to audit. What this did is cancel all auditing in missions and all auditing in the field. It was fascinating because DM released a new metering course was so screwed up it was only possible to complete if you went to Flag for 4-8 months full time- just for that one course. You can imagine how many financially struggling mission staff and field auditors were able to do that. So auditing in the field just simply stopped. Even in huge fields like LA, there were a tiny number of field auditors who had done enough re-training. Missions could only deliver book one, nothing else. Even very highly classed auditors who trained under LRH were forbidden to audit under threat of SP declare.
But even before that he had his Stasi-like RTC Reps doing periodic “out-tech” sweeps on field auditors and smacking them down like flies. And then again after the whole GAG smack down, he had RTC reps doing “out tech” sweeps and busting the few remaining field auditors like straws.
Now we get to see the results.
Also interesting is that field auditors used to be a huge gateway for new people coming into Scientology orgs. The list above shows that in all the UK cont, there were a whopping 9 books sold and groups only sent 2 people into orgs. It lists another 7 coming into orgs from “individual field auditors” but anyone who knows Shiela Bulger and Pavane Fraser knows that they are part of the recycling machine, bringing old, mouldy Scientologists into the AO or sending them to Flag. Notice how in the individual section of field auditors, the people who are bringing people into orgs are not doing any auditing? The individual field auditors delivered zero auditing hours to kick off the new year. That is a sure indicator that these people are just dragging in disaffected Scientolgists for “re-processing”.
Yup, re-processing the existing Scientology field is the order of the day. Have you been reprocessed? If not contact Shiela Bolger today!
To finally top it off, I would like to plop down a bet that of all 33 hours of auditing done in the UK cont last week not one single hour was delivered using an emeter.
David Miscavige, eradicating the use of Scientology world wide.
That’s a pretty fair sum-up of the UK scene. It always fascinated me that Pavanne, Sheila and Lorraine called themselves “FSMs” when the last thing on earth they would do is actually talk to new public about Scientology.
so true….they prowl around in corridors looking for money, they hunt people down in their very home without being invited then they strut like queens…..how pathetic ladies!
There’s a quicker and bigger buck to be made working on recoveries mate. I also suspect that because their status gives them a little altitude with the more awestruck or informed, they have a lot easier time of it than they would have were they to attempt having proper comm cycles with raw meat, to whom OT8 means diddly.
Yes, Roy, I believe your points are pretty much on the mark here.
Sheila Bulger paid me a visit not long before I stuck my head above the parapet. And her response to my concerns about the reports of DM’s violence towards his juniors was simply, ‘Well, that can’t be true – I’ve actually met him!’ This ‘logic’ was obviously lost on me as I’m not OT but she seemed convinced that having not personally perceived the inherent violence in him from a handshake, this was as good enough a ‘black PR handling’ as was needed with me. Absolutely clueless.
Yes, these stats are astonishingly pathetic. And some of them highlight further outpoints.
Even those 6 books reported for Judy Roberts are misleading. I’ve seen her working at the Test Centre in Tottenham Court Road in recent months. I’d assumed she’d joined staff but this would suggest she’s simply plugging holes.
I don’t know who Khalida & Perwiaz are but 24 hours delivered of I-don’t-what (assists?), 36 attendees at lectures/workshops and only 1 book sold???!!
I was delivering around 5-10 Book One hours per week in the early eighties and selling between 10-20 DMSMH each weekend with one other newbie.
I also gave someone a Book One session recently.
I sent Ann Roelens this message in case she’d like the stats. (God knows she’ll need them.)
‘Hi Ann, I had someone come to me a couple of weeks ago for a Book One session to address a recent loss they had a lot of attention on. Session went well and they insisted on paying afterwards – despite my reluctance to accept it. It was no more than a couple of hours but it made me realize how easy it would be to out-produce the entire UK field in terms of Book One delivery if I invested a little more time and effort into it. I was also selling double the total number of books reported here in one weekend alone 30 years ago. And on the back of just a comm course. Please.Get real! And look! ML Paul’
I just received her reply: (I’d assumed she still had my name in her phone list but evidently not…)
‘Dear Paul, (sorry, but I don’t know which Paul you are. Can you reveal your surname please?) Good that you delivered Book One. You should definitely link up with me in I HELP. My number is 07939 588961. And we should get you a membership and licence. Ml Ann’
I knew that the “UK Cont” covered England, Scotland, and Ireland. And now I guess it also includes India and Pakistan? Does it include Scandinavia, or any other areas/countries?
The missions in India have been run out of COSRECI in UK for a long time. It might be a hold-over from way back in the day when GOWW had grandiose plans for COSRECI.
Roy- thanks for spelling that out. Those stats are pathetic for sure and an outcome of all the suppression put on the training and auditing lines over the years.
I remember that “screwed up” metering course well. I did mine in LA and I saw people languishing on that course for 8 months to over a year! They were stuck on the video part like it was purgatory.
I remember one day I broke down and cried in the course room after flunking another video in utter grief and could not control myself. This was shocking even to me because I would never do something like this and was embarrassed but I could not stop! The sup was staring at me from his desk like he didn’t know what to do and my twin was like OMG. Luckily it happened at the end of course and I could leave a few minutes later.
I passed the video about a week after this happened but had to get my twin through who was on the video pass for another 6-8 weeks. What happened was that an RTC mission came in the org and passed people on the spot as they watched them assess a list and get the reads right. That’s how my twin passed, not by video. This shows how screwed up that course was. The whole video part had to be ultimately bypassed in order to get people through and a lot of people were suddenly passed this way and completed. Word had gone out into the public field about that course and it was bad PR for Miscagive’s GAT.
Allow me to add that the metering course video pass included watching meter reads over and over again in slow motion so that the most extreme, minute difference in reads could be seen and the student flunked on their video.
I had a huge problem with this because in a real time situation, auditors don’t replay reads in slow motion and watch reads like this. It was ridiculous to me and I’m sure to a lot of other people too. The whole concept of this is suppressive and I’m sure it had something to do with me breaking down into grief like I did publicly in the course room.
The purpose of an emeter course is to train students how to use an emeter expertly. Not to get hung up over watching it.
Another datum that the genius with his GAT missed. No wonder the orgs are empty!
We musta crossed paths on that course.
Was on TR 8 Q just as the RTC mission arrived so didn’t spend as much time as some who had been on the damn thing since it was released in ’96.
But I still remember idiocies like measuring the exact size of each read and only taking up what we used to call “instant rudiment reads”.
Obviously the person introducing such an arbitrary and the one you mention had never done any actual auditing themselves.
“They were stuck on the video part like it was purgatory. ” Not purgatory; it was hell. It flashed me back to the Bataan death march. Even worse was when the Metering practical sup passed a video of mine, then was dragged across the street to get crammed on something, which took DAYS. That’s one reason it took ages to get through that course.
All the fun I missed. No regrets. 😉
oooohhhh and I thought I was the only one failing on that video!!!! thank you for that my day will be happier :o)
DM has changed KSW into “Make Scientology so unworkable that they’ll have nightmares if they contemplate winning.”
Wow, Roy, unfortunately you hit the nail on the head. Sad.
And that’s why sometimes I wonder if his end game IS to destroy Scientology.
Still wondering?
You nailed it Roy. You nailed it good.
You are sooooo correct about Field and Mission destruction. Look at the New Meter requirement? A decision designed to bilk money from what few field auditors are left and so they can be shut down if they get out of line.
“David Miscavige, eradicating the use of Scientology world wide.”
That is a good thing. The world is awash in insane stupid fraud. Once we eliminate Scientology bullshit we can start educating “run your car on water” frauds.
You had me at “Breaking Bad”. Why do you think DM is set on getting rid of auditing? I thought it was fairly profitable.
Chee, Captain Mismanagement’s goal is to kill Scientology slowly, and make money in the meantime. If you evaluate from this perspective, you will find that all of his operating patterns line up.
There is a method to his madness.
Field Auditors and Missions are less tightly bound to central control. They pay smallish tithes and they normally skip all the bullshit fundraising. Thus they can be profitable enough for the people who run them, but they are of little use to DM in his scheme of squeezing tons of money through all his dono projects, or getting tons of dough out of Flag for super-high price services they deliver. DM lives on tithes (almost nothing) donos (rivers of cash) and FSO support (a million plus every week). Class V orgs are controllable but don’t provide much cash- thus the ideal org program. But missions and field people can be very independent minded and have been often known to blow off management and just do their own thing. Thus not part of the DM ass kissing brigade. All this independent minded stuff is what makes them able to suceed in a very rough and tumble environment of bringing Scientology to new people. If you look carefully you will see that DM is doing everything possible to avoid all that rough and tumble and independence and thus there are almost no new people coming into Scientology. What he wants is people who clap when he talks and donate shit loads of money when he snaps his fingers. So all the wild and wooly people who are good out in the field where you need lots of slack just to stay afloat, well they are all gone. Just the lock-step fascists are left.
Dave reminds me of that scientist in one of those ‘tech’ films. “Start applauding! I don’t understand you animals.” Indeed.
Roy – you are on fire today and I agree with you here.
I know a few field auditors and they do push the party line but to a degree. Some of them “protect” their wealthy preclears from the orgs and don’t send them there for the purif. I had a friend tell me that she does this and refers people to missions instead of Flag, PAC or CC. My friend also keeps it on the downlow if she has a wealthy pc and admitted to me that she knows they will get hit up hard for donations at the orgs and then she’ll have to handle the upsets or even lose the pc altogether.
Any field auditor in the FCoS has to walk a fine line and they know this and consciously do it. The good ones do, anyway.
I would like to say that there are some good field auditors out there today, who are doing their best to help people. I have seen my friend take on people that were thrown out of the org like a used Kleenex and get great results with them. But I know she has to navigate treacherous waters to do this and hope she will see the light one day.
Yes, Roy, and in the LA area there were people like Trey Lotz, who was one of the highest producing field auditors who were outright attacked in Nazi fashion.
One day when he came out of session, Sea Org members were taking his certs off the walls and telling him that he was declared and he couldn’t audit anymore. This, after decades of being a high producing field auditor. You can find his story where he talked about the Security Chief at Pac being mad at him because her own brother preferred to be audited by Trey and not in the org. It was pure vindictiveness and revenge. Thank God that we have him on the outside now but they never should have taken his certs. He paid for and earned every fiber.
Also, Gary Knutson and Jennifer LeBaron were doing AMAZING ethics handlings out in the field. Beautiful products! One of my best friends went to them regularly and, while he was, his business was booming and he had lots of money to give to the IAS, etc.
So, what did DM do? Told them that they COULDN’T deliver ethics in the field. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous?!? If you read, “Special Zone Plan” I believe it is, Ron talks about being able to hang a shingle and audit or help people with the tech.
I wish someone would declare Gary and Jennifer so that they could come out and recover their health and zeal. I saw them, not too long ago and they looked sick and old and were singing DM’s praises (no offense, you two). If only someone, one of their friends, could get them to see who’s really “screwing the pooch,” I think it would be a correct indication for them. I believe it would be very healing after the suppression they have received as upstats.
It’s appalling. They are such good people.
UK Field, 2014 1st Quarter: WDAH 32, Book One Hours 8, Books Sold 9, FSM Slips (presumably) 9. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but Planetary Clearing in the UK is underway, especially now they’ve got religious recognition. Looks like Miscavige’s 32-years at the helm is paying off.
OK, I get it: this is a summary on 21st March of the first week’s statistics since 13th March, LRH’s Birthday, the start of a new year in the Birthday Game. I admit I was rather thrown by the New Year’s event, thinking statistics ended in a standard calendar year. That shows how much I know (not a lot).
Please accept my apology for thinking this was a quarterly summary, tsk.
I don’t know who’s more pathetic: me or the these stats.
Scientology goes against everything that is valued per Indian traditions.
I doubt if Scientology shall ever find a foothold in India.
I believe that the crime syndicate *will* get their foot in the door, only the insane crooks will have to create many fake fronts and fraudulent fictitious entities to hide the fact that they are the Scientology crime syndicate.
Scientology is about as transparent as the Washington Monument.
I doubt that Fredric, with all due respect. The entire organisation appears to be on its knees, and out of puff. Going by history, anyone who makes a big splash anywhere will soon get slapped down by Capt COB. They don’t have any OT’s to man units, only broken pawns who, like you say, will be more tied up with covert ops than get any delivery going. The only interest His Royal Highness has in India is income stream, and that’s never going to happen – I give the Indians more credit.
Good one Poet.
corporate training seminars. Be vigilant…
How ’bout an ass kick?