Our old buddy Colin Davie is at it again. This guy might well be one of the most unreal people on planet earth.
He is also the perfect example of the money-grubber who is unembarrassed to say literally anything to try and get you to hand over your cash. In an environment when ridiculous hype showers down from the top, the world of scientology is a culture of lies – but even in that context this guy is breathtaking. He is like watching one of those “professional eaters” who stuffs 75 hot dogs down their throats in one minute. Mesmerizing, disgusting and weird all at once. Someone actually lives their life doing this day in and day out? And even seems proud of it?
“IAS members have literally transformed the world”
“and improved the lives of millions-perhaps even billions”
“supporting the vitality of humanity on the planet”
“make your donation (investment) towards the IAS” — investment?
“this is completely your cause point on this planet”
the ppl who chow down a tom of HD’s or ? they don’t eat like that every day that’s wrong Info but show me ANY ppl that get helped w all that Money they take from the ppl w promises ? there promised or anything w the Billions they’ve gotten & ruined many ppl they claimed to help,smh Facts are out there to ck,good grief…
“and improved the lives of millions-perhaps even billions”…..Could CoS list a few hundred names and written accounts of “HOW” they helped these people – for historical record?
Note: Just taking their money (KSW) is NOT HELPING THEM!
Just a question I have been wondering for awhile…
WHERE would Scientology BE if they were not given the IRS “clearance” as a “church”?
I know this is hard to pinpoint accurately….yet I am wondering how things MIGHT have turned out had the IRS refused to give them the recognition?
I believe the IRS did not recognize them as a “Church”. They only gave them 501c charity status, but tax wise, I think it is about the same as a church. I might be wrong about that, but that’s what I recall. Where would they be without the IRS? A better question is, where would David Miscabbage be if the IRS had not caved??. Answer: selling used cars in San Diego.
You are right Robert.
The IRS recognized scientology and its affiliated organizations as 501(c)3 religious charitable organizations (there are different categories).
The IRS does not per se make a pronouncement that an organization is a religion — they make a determination that it fulfills the criteria they have for exempt status under the category of a religious organization. It is a subtle distinction.
What is so strange is that there is a US Supreme Court decision (Hernandez v Commissioner) that ruled donations to scientology were not deductible as they were a quid pro quo transaction. The IRS reversed this determination and determined they WERE deductible, because if the “donations” were quid pro quo they could not grant charitable status.
So then…Could or would he IRS “reverse it’s decision” and revoke 501(c)3 status…….hmmm….OR…..Will HELL have to freeze over first??
yeah the whole worl is rolling because of the IAS, the IAS is on the news every day they are IT man, the financial markets the US government they all depend on the IAS, them fools do they really believe this crap ,oh my they are willfully blind.
My theory: The Outrageousness of the Lie = The Degree of desperation and Despair.
And so we have, for starters: “IAS members have literally transformed the world”.
Translation: “We are utterly in despair, and desperate.”
Can’t be long now.
Think about it: if the cult were REALLYexpanding, the PR emanating from their orgs would be more like this:
“Great News! We signed up 45 new raw public last month! They’re all on Intro Courses and doing well and all of them have become IAS Members! Last month we made 20 Clears, and the BEST news of all is that in that same month we certed 34 new Class IV auditors!…
You get the idea. It would go something like that. Real stats, real expansion, excitement, sure, hyperbole, probably, but there’d be no reason to lie because they’d be so proud of their actual stats.
I agree that the contraction of $cn is accelerating. But this will take a while. With over $1B in cash and lots of real estate, $cn can fight for quite a while unless the feds become involved which will accelerate the demise. Even then, the process through the courts will be infuriatingly slow.
I followed a technical case concerning who owned copyrights to computer operating systems and their distribution. Most people could see that the complainer did not having a leg to stand on, and discovery took three years to see there was no infringement, but the bad guys took eight years to finally be reduced to dust. I can see a ten year protracted period of slow demise for $cn.
I agree, Mark Fulton. They have plenty of money to fight. So it could be that they go out with a whimper and not a bang. In other words, continuous shrinkage concurrent with continuous, preposterous lying about how well they’re doing, until, well, I suppose, until, in one org after another, no one is left. We’ll have to wait and see.
Robert and Trish Duggan divorcing. What’s your problem with that, Idle? Maybe their admin scales changed, you know? 🙂
This was intended as a response to Idle’s comment further down.
IAS members have literally transformed the world and improved the lives of millions-perhaps even billions
supporting the vitality of humanity on the planet….c’mon already.
Perhaps an extended road trip for these folks to South Sudan; Central America; Somalia, Syria, Libya, etc would be in order.
How thick is the bubble they live in that they can’t see all the “lack of human vitality” in the world?
Really Colin??? What is there about “we are trusting” that you don’t understand?
Clue No 1) It is something that you earn rather than expect, pontificate about or demand.
Clue No. 2) Spineless backbiting motherfuckers find it rather scarce if not non-existant.
Helping Billions……They got that right…..as in helping billions fill out multiple credit card applications so that once they are approved the benefactor of that money will go directly to…..”the organization” of course.
Scientology, the quota-driven call center of religions.
How, in any sense of the words, is this embarrassing outfit spiritually uplifting?
Revoke the tax exempt status today!
Just finished looking at Forbes slideshow of the 20 most powerful people on earth (for 2016). All wogs! WTF!?!?!?!?!
You need to change the category Simi, if you look for the 20 most spineless,cowardly, whiny and sniveling cult members who obsess about money, statuses and stats then they will likely come up with 20 (or more) members of the cherch.
I feel ya Simi……we were supposed to have risen to heights by this time to have taken over the planet and delivered it to a much better future.
I will say though, I think the rabbit hole we (humanity ) are in goes so much deeper than can be easily imagined. IMO
I’m currently doing the Excalibur level of the CBR bridge …it’s wonderful and organized. But more importantly, I know another fellow who is on the same bridge and far, far ahead of me on it. His success stories are remarkable! The most remarkable and heart felt communications I have ever read. When you read them you know they are honest and as true an accounting of what he is experiencing as language will allow a person to express. He writes to an audience of about 25 and does so because I believe he feels it would be wrong not to share and he wants to help others.
I love reading all about what he can share but to be honest I sometimes despair a little.
The things he is untangling himself from are sophisticated and multilayered. He wins consistently, but man, you are left wondering, how much work does one have to do to get out ?
So there are gains worth going after and you win all along the way, but this rabbit hole is deep, deep, deep and it will take some time and a commitment to being a good solo auditor to get there.
You and I were around ASHO at the same time in the 80’s….I remember you for sure.
( Just my opinion, not trying to sell anyone on anything)
You mean to tell me that David ‘The Dwarf’ Miscavige did NOT make the 20 most powerful people on earth? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell ya! I hope the Dwarfster can get over it. Poor little dwarf boy…
“Air sick bag day” comes around once again.
What is horrifying about this is that some of us still have family/relatives contained within that world of lies and deceit. It truly is developing into a mental War of the Worlds type scenario and this time Tom, you’re truly on the wrong side.
My God Scientology is one disgustingly, fucking ugly & deceitful organisation.
Once again, I emplore you, I Yawn! You gotta stop keeping it all inside you! As your friend, you need to let it all come out regarding your feelings for the cult. Holding nothing back! I know you can do it, if you just try.
Oh OK, I’ll try…
“Air sick bag day”…that’s funny! I’m stealing that one, Yawn.
Do the Scientology people ever try to make comments on your site? Wouldn’t do anything except prove they are idiots.
Only OSA shills and we can identify them pretty quickly. They prove out how cult members think and act.
Dave comments via His paid attorneys in public forums and He can show you how a finely tuned sociopath gets the job done.
Every so often, we get trolls on this site. Even the dwarf showed up to spar with Mike.
He did?? Really? Did Mike squash him like a bug? Can one read that link?
Davis, Benson, Fear and Smith aren’t a law firm specializing in auto accidents. They are regs who want the clams to do all their work for them. ‘Use their names and ILO in the comment section’ means ‘we get our 10% the easy way.
This is so much easier than ‘Hello I am a Nigerian Prince’…..
If it wasn’t the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology getting the money, I would be tempted to donate 1$ and name Shelly Miscavige as my FSM…
Sounds like a kid from a disadvantaged school who is trying to pass his “Newspeak” exam.
The picture is so funny. Love it !
anyone remember that line
I do. But, as a Scotsman I never ‘gave at the office.’ Or any other place.
Yeah, but where you the one who nicked the office furniture?
Super Dude….so true! Scotty drinks….. but he never buys a round!
All your money are belongs to us.
Every last dime you have. And just for good measure, they hang you over a bannister, upside down, and shake you vigorously to make sure they got everything.
Sounds like you’ve been “gang reged” just like me.
“We must be contributed to” It’s all a one way flow with these guys. They honestly can’t give a rats ass what anyone thinks of them.
Scientology – the Science of Helping Scientology obtain BILLIONS.
A side effect of Scientology is divorce.
A friend shared news that Robert and Trisch Duggan, Meritorious Glorious Whales – are divorcing.
Watch them unravel and get thrown under the Scientological Bus
They were ILLEGAL PC’s from the start…and they will soon be discarded without sorrow!
Is that really true? About B&T Duggan divorcing. Can whales in captivity get divorced? Sorry, that was silly; is it true though?
Well, I don’t know for sure – that is what is going viral on the internet right now. Divorce is a very common side effect from Scientology – so I would not be surprised.
Divorce – then comes Financial Ruin…then comes DEATH if they don’t get out of Scientology.
I hope one of them LOOKS!
they are already divorced a while ago.
I wonder what the reason was.
“A friend shared news that Robert and Trisch Duggan, Meritorious Glorious Whales – are divorcing.”
That line kinda jumped out at me, especially in light of Tony Ortega’s post today. Not sure if you’re being sarcastic here, but is that truly a rumor a friend shared with you? If so, would this friend of yours even be close enough to them to have any kind of reliable information on something like that? Just curious.
If those rumors of the Duggan’s marital difficulties are correct, then it’s a very good bet that lil davey, $cn’s super homewrecker, was very closely involved.
Beyond just manipulating folks in order to bring in more money for the cult’s world subjugation/domination program, he seems to take sadistic delight in controlling and then destroying other people’s bonded relationships of all types…marriages, serious romances, parent/child relationships – even the relationship of $cn parishioners to their religion’s most basic tenets!
Who wants to place a bet that the church had something to do with Bob and Trish Duggan’s divorce? As in, “your spouse doesn’t want to give us anymore money, so he/she is an SP and you must divorce him/her”
Bingo Cindy. What else can it be.
Even after you get “out” of Scientology, the family destruction indoctrination (disconnect or hit anyone who disagrees with you the “Scientologist in good standing”) lingers on and on for years until you have a real “come to Jesus meeting” with yourself to realize that LRH is and was the source of family destruction and not DM or the ethics officer, etc..they are the foot soldiers.
Ortega has an article posted today on the Duggan’s non-profit foundation whose sole ‘charitable’ purpose is to donate millions of tax free dollars annually to the Curch of Scientology and its front groups with no regging needed. Won’t matter if the Duggans get divorced or not, the CoS will still get their $$.
Why would COB discard ppl who give millions in “donations” and will likely continue giving millions? You don’t bite the hand that feeds you…
Pretty ironic that all the money the Duggans give to $cn comes straight from big pharm. Guess they ($cn) don’t have a problem with the pharmaceutical companies when 3 million dollars A YEAR is being given to IAS.
You got that right, Luv2LuvEm. The cult would take any money – ElectroShock machine money, if it were offered. Its all green.
“He is like watching one of those “professional eaters” who stuffs 75 hot dogs down their throats in one minute. Mesmerizing, disgusting and weird all at once.”
A very workable definition of a Scientologist methinks.
I think you really nailed it Mike. This video could have come straight from Gold with a couple of word changes and the addition of “special thanks to C.O.B. for making this all possible”.
Professional eating is a legitimate sport. It is nothing like CoS, which is fixed and thus is more like WWE professional wrestling.
Zee Fear? Robym Smith? Interesting names. I’m thinking it should have been RobyN, not RobyM… or perhaps Roby M. Smith? At any rate, it would seem that in order to keep the brainwashed sheeple interested and feeling good about themselves and their religion, they need to feed such bile and mushroom fertilizer to them day in and day out.