Remember the earlier post about the "Flag Alliance" to raise money for all the orgs in the "Southeast US" (all 4 of them) to "go Ideal"? An Ideal Org IQ Test
Well, the most "powerful OT Committee in the world", with 253 members at last count (not much of a percentage out of the claimed 10,000 Scientologists in the Tampa Bay area or 2 1/2%) is having a tough time getting people to confirm attendance. With this "Command Intention" — in fact the MOST IMPORTANT program according to "Chairman of the Bored", David Miscavige — event less than a week away, they have a less than impressive total of 29 confirmeds. Or about 0.25% of the local Scientology population (this is based on the church figures — in fact there are probably a maximum of 2,000 Flag Public in the Tampa Bay area, with more than half not on lines and not attending ANY events).
I think people are catching on.
After having been hit up for the IAS, Super Power, Tampa Org, Planetary Dissemination, CCHR, ABLE, Volunteer Ministers, Books in Libraries, Books to Opinion Leaders and on and on it seems some of them are really wising up.
After all, who would voluntarily submit to being picked over by vultures?
Here is the latest EMail from the Flag "OT" Committee….
Mike Rinder
OT Committee Begging Email
All Hands Needed Now – OT Committee Members Please Respond.
Hi Guys,
As we are the largest and most powerful OT Committee on this planet, we've been given the largest targets…FOUR NEW IDEAL ORGS! – Atlanta, Miami, Orlando and Puerto Rico. These are going to get funded this year and our OTC is a major force in getting this done. That said, we need all shoulders to the wheel.
Unless you've been in the trenches with us these last few months, you probably don't know what actually is needed and wanted. The answer to this is at the first Flag Alliance event which will be held next weekend. Just as there was something all of us could do on the Tampa Files Project, so now there are posts and hats needed to pull this off.
The Chairman of the Board called the Ideal Orgs our most important strategy right now. This is our chance to be part of Planet Clearing in our lifetime. And the fact is, this is being pulled off by OT Ambassadors and OT Committee members…it's our target.
So rearrange that busy schedule and make the time to come to Tampa on Saturday and to Flag on Sunday. What you will see will be the most exciting release…something that will blow the top off this project and will help you to roll up your sleeves and get this done.
We need you now. Please confirm to this email and tell your friends about this and bring them along.
See you there.
ML Kaye
Below is the list of confirms, so if your name is not on it please let us know you are coming right away.
List of OTC Members that have confirmed for the Alliance Convention- Please let Debbie SHarp know you are coming so we can add your name to the list!!!!
Donna Andrus
Susan Arnold
Jim Bridgeforth
Vicki Bromboz
Kaye Champagne
Collette Dearaujo
Pete Dearaujo
Jack Dirmann
Jean Dwyer
Marisa Eckleberry
Jim Forte
Jeanine Hall
Rosie Friehof
Susan Frielich
Ulrike Gent
Sarah Harvey
Arte Maren
George Mesmer
Sue Moore
Gudrun Morgan
Deb Sharp
Charlie Snyder
Sylvie Taft
Laura Thompson
Moe Troelsen
Chantal Valtin
Delon Wilson
Lee Wilson
Dusti Woodbury
Awe man, I wish I could go. I miss all that happy theta comm. I aint got nobody now. IAS? Hello? Come reg me, pullease, I miss ya so. It made me feel sooo important.
I'm sorry to be a bitter defrocked apostate, but hey, I'm still the same nice guy as I ever was. So please, come on over for a cup of tea and we can have a nice chat.
Hi, I bet after a few days in seclusion with you and 15 teacups that IAS reg
will not be back on post. Naughty, naughty!
OT committees. Ugh. I've gone to ONE meeting in the past many years ago. What a bunch of cowed, conservative folks they were. Not what I thought a group of OTs should be. They'd turned into helpers for the Flag Regs in the Pac area.
Thanks but no thanks.
Miscavige has destroyed management, the SO #1 line, report lines etc. so that he is the only one. Even when I was in the S.O., the game was always figuring out what was command intention once policy went by the boards.
He has now deals directly with the public, particularly those who have money. So the game is to be on the inner-circle and have is approval as he is now source.
As noted above, if you want to remain in his favor you have to be connected with these donations projects, or be outcast, even is you audited 50 hours a week.
Seems more and more like North Korea to me..maybe he can develop a nuclear program with the IAS reserves to complete the picture.
Yes, it is more and more like North Korea.
Interesting that John Sweeney has just done a very controversial Panorama show in the UK where he went and filmed undercover in North Korea.
Am looking forward to talking to him about the parallels….
Mr Rinder,
TW {not for publication}
Have some anons outside the meeting with signs of
“please give generously” and the whole push/pull
mechanism will snap back.
Great idea! The Reverse Vector factor!
And shouldn't they have some RCS dentists available to give free mouth inspections for gold fillings? If they set it up right they can get the gold pulled out of the jparishioner's teeth by one guy, and shunted right over to the other to be immediately refilled.
Great point. The trenches "mentality" for getting people to another fund raising event. Does that mean if you don't want to go you're the enemy? The statement that you don't know what's needed and wanted (unless you've been in the trenches.) Gee, fundraising for the ridiculous Ideal Org project who could possibly guess what is needed and wanted?
Oops, I meant to post this as a reply under Auquamarine's satire from the Clubbed Seals.
".Gee fundraising for the ridiculous Ideal Org project who could possibly guess what's needed and wanted?"
(Chuckle) Yeah, that is a tough one 🙂
Mike – this is a great blog! Thank you for all the info and for exposing the fraud and phoniness with its circumstances so clearly.
And thanks also to the people who are contributing with information, reports and their viewpoints. It is very much appreciated!
I am sure that the 29 people on this list are composed entirely of two types of people.
1. Scientologists who are so completely tapped out that they have no fear of being regged because they have not one penny left to their names and are in so much debt they will die leaving hundreds of thousands in debt to their children.
2. As above, plus they have some "ethics" situation that prevents them from getting on services and are working endlessly to "make amends".
Their entire function at the meeting will be to clap enthusiastically, offer up names of people who still have money and who can be hammered for more donations, clap enthusiastically, offer to call friends with money and bang on them to donate, clap entusiastically, cheer and then drink the free coffee.
You can be sure that not one person with a dime to their name will be showing up to that meeting!
If Dennis and Ellie Feeny are not showing up it's probably because they still have some tiny amount of equity left in their house.
Imagine how you'd feel being told that you had to fundraise or fund not just one Ideal Org, but FOUR of them!
When the RCS is down to 29 public left in the entire church, I guess we know who they'll be. It's got to be tough to get behind this flawed Ideal Org program. Even the most dedicated with the biggest set of blinders on have to be questioning the Wisdom (or lack of) to be pushing this insane agenda to replace public with MEST.
Sad to see some of my old friends on that list. They should know better. 🙁
Wonder if those 29 confirms are embarassed to see their names on the email. Wonder if the consider themselves the most dedicated or the biggest suckers. Depends on one's viewpoint, I guess.
"Unless you've been in the trenches with us these last few months, you probably don't know what actually is needed and wanted".
The above line, out of her e mai,l notes being in the trenches, I rekon they have been attacked and are in a defense position…and it seems that this has been going for the last few months. However, what they lack is the tactic to discover that the attack, thas they delusiourily believe exist, is coming from the inside. So they can stay on the trenches as long as they don't discover the source.
Also the "you don't probably know what is needed and wantd" is part of the Non Existence Formula that seems to be the wrong condition for the 'most powerful OTC', doesn't it?
This denotes lack of comm amongst them or at least very broken lines.
Hope that they wake up soon.
Yes, that line jumped out at me too. "In the trenches" implies there is an enemy!. Who? Oh wait, it could be the counter intention of the field vs the crazy demands of management. Or as you say, it could be "under attack from the inside". Hmm what an indicator! They have been hit by "friendly fire" and have scored an "own goal".
Wow. This never-ending reg cycle is unbelievable?
Does the Church actually do anything other than extort its members to give them money? Anything at all?
So, those who have moved up onto the OT levels are then given "Targets" to extract money from other people for the church to acquire and refurbish real estate so they can continue to their OT levels?
I rividly recall in 2007 being asked by the OTC to come to the org to have me pay for RTC ordered renovations although the org looked quite upstat and lots of space existed. But because it did not meet RTC specs, we (public) were all under "order" to see that it was complied with. They got quite heavy on people, and I never took another call from them again.
We were being ordered to pay. Man, this was so far removed from anything when I first came through the door a couple decades earlier.
Mike Meisner was really physically restrained like that?
Do you know whatever happened to Mike and his wife Patsy? I know they were fine, decent people before they got all involved in the GO activies. Just plain ordinary folks who wanted to get auditing and become auditors. I knew him back in the day . . . before the troubles.
I think B&E was above his pay grade, truth be told.
Like many other stories, his had a bad ending not entirely of his own making.
Do you think he went into the witness protection program? He just vanished off the face of the earth.
In addition to the fact that many of the OTC members were press ganged and thus reluctant, there must also be the factor of "enforced cognition", i.e. the cognition they simply cannot give anymore money as they have already destroyed their finances by giving, enforced by their dire financial conditions. Dead horses can only be beaten so much.
People are getting finacially burned out. I don't understand why anyone still subjects himself to these onslaughts and why this racket hasn't collapsed yet. Hard to believe that many are still swallowing the BS and keeping it going.
I'm glad our Clearwater Correspondent is keeping us updated on the Flag "OT" Committee. I'll bet those 29 that got cornered into confirming for the event are spending every minute now trying to come up with an excuse for breaking their confirm.
<i>I'll bet those 29 that got cornered into confirming for the event are spending every minute now trying to come up with an excuse for breaking their confirm. </i><p>
Even worse, they know that they <i>can't</i> back out now, and are dreading the coming event like nobody's business.
But, damn it! it will come up in the sec check anyway! What can I do?
Oh, I know, my grandson (these guys are old-timers) has a very
important meeting with college recruiter! No, I can’t! They will say
“that’s for the greatest good?!?*+!!”, and I’ll be routed to ethics as
CI to command intention. There is no way out!
Oh I know! I just move to a city in US where there is no OT committee!
Wow! That’s the majority of North America!!!
I just have to laugh because you know more about what’s really going on than anybody on the inside.
Ellie and Dennis Feeney, both OTVIII, top full time FSMs in the Bay Area for 30 years (Dennis also led the OTC for MTV) up and moved to Clearwater to FSM for FLAG a couple years ago.
It's peculiar even they aren't on the list.
"Hi Guys!!
Thanks for the invite! We'll definitely be there no matter what!! And we're coming prepared to support Command Intention in the only way that really counts!! You got it – cold hard cash! We're kind of tapped out, but no matter, we're short-selling our house and we'll take whatever we can get for it by target date!! The wife's got her family jewelry on Ebay for whatever that'll bring, and we've just told Junior his college fund will be used for a Far Greater Purpose and since there won't be any money to train him in any profession after he graduates, he might as well quit school now and – well, we've been discussing for a long time how Greates Good would be to just dump him into the Sea Org.
What this means is that you'll get all our money from all of liquidated assets, and our only child. And, yes, we will miss him, but its all for the best!!!
Look, we figure it this way: if we don't comply, our OTVII sec checking is gonna go out the roof, and this will cost more than non-compliance with Command Intention, y'know? Actually we're coming out ahead, and its just win-win and greatest good all around!!
So yes, confirm us, and don't hesitate to call us every hour of the day or nite to reconfirm that we really mean it and will really be there!!!
We both feel great about this and can't wait!!!!!
Much Love,
The Clubbed Seals
Perfect !! And a little too real…
Funny. 🙂
Aqua, despite the humor in your post (I really did chuckle), I know families just like the one in your mock-up. Some are good friends. My heart aches for them, but at the same time, they've got eyeballs to see the outpoints surrounding them, just as I did. To that degree, they're actually choosing to remain clubbed seals.
Ronnie Bell, I hear you. The truth is I also know people like this, and they are good, caring people who honestly want to help all they can. Sometimes I use humor to stop feeling so damned badly about these hoodwinked, intimidated public, and to especially stop feeling badly about the Class V org staff I know who are valiently efforting in vain.
I know that one by one each will wake up, in their own time and in their own way. Truth is coming out and it will prevail, it always does. Order is going in, and all the disorder is coming off.
I woke up; you woke up, many, many in the RCS woke up. Something did it, something started it. MR and MR and STeve Hall have played a huge part in truth getting out there.
I was one of those people in my mock-up- oh, not to such an extreme but yeah, I had that zeal, my thought processes worked pretty much along the same lines.. Thinking of some of the things I wrote and said when I was "in" – really cringeworthy. Today, I have to laugh at myself. I was quite clueless, never dreamed that I was in a fool's paradise, Far from it a inwardly I was rather smug about being on board to save the planet. I also had no idea how controlled I had eventually become, by the very church that was supposed to free me! I could go on, but you get the point…I'm not laughing at these people, no. I just get tired of feeling sorry for them. I need to laugh 🙂
"After all, who would voluntarily submit to being picked over by vultures?"
Only those who would aspire to be a skeleton in another's closet.
Is that:
Arte Maren? Like in former PR spokesperson in the US Guardian office?
Donna Andrus? Like in wife of Brian Andrus, ex-GO staff, then RTC recruiter?
An Ex
Kaye Champagne and Debbie SHarp are on the list. Kaye wrote the email, and it seems that Debbie is doing the list. The 29 becomes 2 less.………….
Yes, the one and same Arte Maren. And the one and same Brian Andrus. Not only ex-GO but ex-guard of Mike Meisner before he escaped to the FBI when he was being held by the GO with a tennis ball in his mouth and his hands tied to prevent him from getting away….
Oh Dear,
Really Michael ?
This is actually profoundly sad to me.
It could be funny, like they're zombies.
But they're not.
Guys, come on to my place.
You're both welcome here.
BTW Michael, just sent ya' a couple bucks.
Keep it up!
Debbie Sharp was the AG PR in Austin from about the mid 70's-mid 80's.
"…if your name is not on it please let us know you are coming right away."
In other words:
Congratulations on achieving Total Freedom! Here is what you are to do next. Please let us know that you obviously agree and WILL do it.
If you already donated to SuperPower, IAS, and your local Idle Morgue and at least a dozen others, then remember, you are NOT done yet – we don't have the new "Danny Proves Conclusively That LRH Invented Everything" volumes in every library yet. Yes, I know we said we did, but the ones we donated are being sold off on eBay so we need to replace them. Help us complete the "get LRH books shipped to ALL libraries that got rid of the first round of donations".
We count on you. Planetary clearing is in sight, but this is YOUR planet, and only you can pay for all the targets we have to have before we can do any of the actual clearing. No get to work, COB will be here any minute now, and believe me, you don't want ANOTHER sec check for failing to comply with Command Intention!
Whoa. Kind of sad … They’re disclosing the names of the confirmed. That can’t be typical.
Seems to me like the "Gung Ho" nature of the OT committees, and Idle Org Committees, and Field Activities Groups and…and…and… are a Miscavige extension of HCO PL Field Auditors Become Staff. In other words, if you didn't sign up for staff, we're going to claim you did!
"Enforced Third Dynamicism", Miscavige-style.
Actually, while 29 confirmed out of all those public is not exactly thrilling, I read this e-mail as a list of confirmed OT committee members attending this shindig which based on the wording appears to be less than a week away. In other words, if I understand it correctly, the OT Committee is supposed to be the most dedicated public in an org — kind of the "Sea Org of the public." And if the most dedicated of the dedicated can only get a shade over 10% of their members to an event that is described as directly supporting "command intention," then that is probably a much worse situation than having a small turnout from the regular public.
You nailed it. The true dedication of a Flag OT Committee member has been diluted by the fact that any local OT VII MUST be on the OT Committee of either Flag or Tampa to be allowed to continue on the Level. So you have reluctant members instead of self-determined memebers.
Even still, many join the Tampa OTC, even though its 40 minutes away, because its easier to slip through the cracks there; less is demanded of you, by people with less ethics presence.
Ok guys! Come on! Dig deep! The planet needs us! Joining the Sea Org is the sensible thing to do! (OK, that last one was the recruiter's line).
This is just too crazy.