Wow, great news. Only 2.5 years after opening the magnificent ideal org in Sacramento they made their first clear.
Don’t usually bother with these OTC Minutes but this was just too much to ignore.
And one Clear after 2.5 years is MOTIVATION for Valley to follow in their illustrious footsteps. Doesn’t take much to please these people…. At that rate, Sacramento will clear the current residents of their city in a mere 1.2 million years.
Just a couple of other nuggets:
135 orgs still need to become “ideal”…
They have a single hatted “Producer of Dinners.”
And Quinn Taufer gave them a lecture on “exchange.” Hahaha.
June 3, 2014
Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Joan Roeschke, Mary Ann O’Donnell, Karen Brown, Carol Loweree, Ralph Temps, David Wilson, Kathy di Galbo, Dean Glosup, Alicia Kreisberg, Mike Armstrong, John Cumming, Bob Welch, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Vered Ziv, Nancy Parodi, Ray Loomis, Jill Halverson, Larry Marshall, Lauren Perreau, Sue Kattoo, Marty Kassowitz, Charlene Thorburn, Cindi Norberg, Nola Aronson, Stephen Lettau, Charlie ,
Kathie Heard & Kathy Welch opened the meeting at AOLA.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OT Central Committee.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 57 to 60
Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Up from $10,000 to $10,500
Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 279.5 to 327.5
# of all GAT2 starts -Up from 7 to 8
# of Events & Briefings Held – Down from 5 to 3
# of Books Sold – Even at 4
# of Pre-OTs onto their next step – 0
# of Clears onto their next step – 0
Division 5 – Kathy Welch
# of Route to Knowledge starts – Up from 1 to 2
Division 6 – Joan Roeschke
Meeting Attendance – Up from 29 to 36. New target is 50! Let’s get other Ideal Org donors to attend.
Susan Jacobs announced she is here at the org on a project wearing the hat of working with the OTC members to expand activities and participation, to get the OTC big and booming, as a strong, concentrated and aligned team: Creating an Ideal Org. It makes a big difference when we make our targets. We will be operating on STATS.
Susan’s email is [email protected]
Vered Ziv has a new hat: She is Producer of Dinners. Next one is Friday June 6, at David and Bonita Wilson’s, featuring the Valley Girls Rapp.
Quinn Taufer, Ideal Org project I/C read data from Executive Series 7 Targeting of Divisional Statistics and Quotas. He read definitions of “targets, stats, and keeping one’s own ethics in.” An Ideal Org project has 2 phases: Phase One is the building purchase. Then there is Phase Two: Renovation Phase.
Valley Org is number 6 in the sequence of 135 Orgs to go Ideal.
Sacramento Ideal Org made their FIRST CLEAR today!
Our target is July 10^th to complete fundraising for Valley!
Quinn read LRH data from the purpose of the OT Central Committee, and then from LRH ED: The Ideal Org.
He then read from FSM Series 1. Civilization is successful because it is a team.
Quinn next read for COHA “Considerations take rank over the mechanics of space, energy, time.
What is needed is each OTC member working on the project every night.
Mary Elizabeth Glosup gave her wins on working here at the Org every night.
Something owned will get handled. Let’s own this Ideal Org Project.
Quinn Taufer covered data from four conditions of exchange, regarding group pressure to operate at the fourth condition of exchange.
The completion target can be done with agreement and decision. Target is 100 Humanitarians and 500 Alumni! Target is to be done by MV!!!!
Promote “Getting the dones.”
The next Ideal Org event is “Rock and Roll” here at Valley Org on Saturday, June 7^th. Target is 200 confirms!
OTC members participated in a Golden Era video shoot! Then they went into production getting confirms for the June 7th event.
PS: If you have not yet read the excellent article documenting (yet again) the fraud of the “library campaign” on the South African blog, it is worth reading. Some intelligent, well reasoned and documented writing routinely appears on that blog.
Translation: Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money Give us all of your money………..
I was thinking of how much things have changed since the days when there were staff who really knew how to manage by statistics. As an old timer I remember once when a S.O mission was sent to the org where I was. Someone up lines had noticed an out-point: That income had been going up for some time, while delivery statistics had been going down. (Delivery in those days meant well done auditing hours plus auditors made – the most important product of orgs.) The missionaires found out who was discouraging exchange with the public, handled them, the situation got fixed, and then boy did that org do well after that.
Ah, them were the days. Back then, it wasn’t “all about the money”. It was usually about the delivery of tech and exchanging in abundance.
Thanks to DM, we have something going on today internationally that has a special name. …It is called a “Gross Income Stat-Push”. It has emptied orgs and will eventually collapse the GI as well the whole network if not halted. Scientologists, please read HCOPL 20 September 1976, Executive Series 17 entitled “The Stat Push”.
It is going to be a train wreck if not corrected. All aboard?
Mike there is a little glitch for the lEst 2-3 days where this blog does not let one click LIKE
for the opening post.
I have tried it on 4 different computers. It hangs fire saying “LOADING.”
I agree with Steph above, it takes a lot of work to train and audit people. These OTCers are a complete waste of time, if they had to handle an arcx’n angry person, they’d probably pass out. Go audit someone or go home and help your kids with their homework. I dislike this pride in doing nothing but Scn. Free OTs would be out making a name for themselves in their fields of interest, not hanging out waiting for someone to tell them what to do, pretending to be an org. We’re making dinner a stat now, what’s next, taking a dump?
“group pressure to operate at the fourth condition of exchange”
Is that locking (not-so) would-be donors in a room with some large guys until the “donor” signs a cheque?
A bit like the instructions (from the “ethics file” of Alain Stoffen): “Take care to sit near the door in case he wants to leave. This will enable you to stop him and handle his disagreements.”
Dammit Mike!!!! You need to get these leaks posted more quickly. I missed the Valley Girls rapping at dinner on June 6th.
That wold have been so much more fun than the usual regges raping!
There are 12 definitions of “Clear” as of 1981. As of 1981 a “Clear Read” is when a preclear is Clear he may occasionally get some tone arm motion due to purely body electronics but in the main reads at male or female on the tone arm (3 or 2) according to his or her sex. (EME, p. 11)
Wonder what type of “Clear” Sacramento made on the new e-meter if is was even that?
If the one makes it to “clear” these days, god bless them.
Those OT Committee minutes included a list of 31 attendees, by my count. It occurs to me that that’s an awful lot of people called together to talk about accomplishing so little. Perhaps for this OT Committee business 3 people are needed, tops. The other 28 of them can go live in the real world, and be paid a living wage for the demands on their time (from other than their own families).
“Meeting Attendance – Up from 29 to 36. ”
Only 31 names in the ATTENDEES list……………I guess that Quinn Taufer’s ego accounts for the balance.
The number of active members was up from 57 to 60. The 327 number was the time spent by all of them collectively. So Sylvia did the math correctly above.
The effort to get 100 Humanitarians and 500 alumni will drive more kool aid drinkers over the edge
cancelling out the one Clear win resulting in a net loss ( the one Clear will be blamed for the shrinkage)
My guess is that OTC minutes will eventually disappear entirely. You can’t run a decent cult in the internet age. It sucks to be Miscavige.
I have to say – that when I first heard that “orgs” (not just ideal orgs) were either empty most of the time or very close to it – I couldn’t believe it. Its like telling me that all of Scn just vanished off the face of the earth. I haven’t been around an org for probably 15 years, but the last time I was, I saw at CC people coming and going. By the way, can anyone tell me if the amount of people at CC, L.A. has diminished greatly? I’d find that one most interesting.
Susan Jacobs is either well trained in making sure there are hardly any people coming to orgs, or she needs to go back over the “old” policies and hats – amazing stuff.
I’m non-plussed – what can I tell ya.
Promote “Getting the dones.”
Shouldn’t that be “Getting the drones”?
But they seem to be running out of drones…..
So, is there concern or paranoia in “How do our OTC minutes keep ending up on Rinders Blog?” I’d love to be a fly on the wall to see the looks around the room and guesses at who is the spy, lol. Or are these Sactown peeps even aware of it being online?
My thoughts exactly, if they even dare to view this blog. Sitting in the room wondering who is it? who is it? paranoia at its best. Got to LOVE it.
And the definition of a ‘Clear’ = totally brainwashed.
It does sound like fun, Cindy. I want to help! I’ve already got some suggestions for the next fundraiser:
Le Menu
Hors d’Oeuvres: Mixed Nuts
Appetizer: Baked Clams
Main Course: Bologna
Dessert: Fruit Cake
Beverage: What else? In all flavors.
MJ, you definitely need to be the Entertainment Committee I/C for Valley. Can you just hear the Queen of Soul belting your lyrics at their next FlubRaiser? LOLOL!
Thanks Aquamarine, love to. Somehow I don’t think they’d appreciate my sense of humor though.
Rice and beans. We must not forget tradition.
Aqua ….. perfect!
“Sacramento will clear the current residents of their city in a mere 1.2 million years”
So whats your problem Mike?
The staff are contracted for 1 Billlion years so they will do it in record time surely?
OTC Members – another song for your Dear Leader. At this rate I’ll have to do an album!
“Davey The Moocher”
Hey folks here’s the story ’bout Davey the Moocher
He was a lowdown, real crooked shooter
All of his programs destined to fail
Davey had a heart as big as a snail
Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
Hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)
He messed around with a fellow named Marty
He hated him cuz he was a little too smarty
Told him to start makin’ waves and big news
So take over Hollywood, starting with Cruise
Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Whoah (Whoah)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
A hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)
He had his own spin ’bout the price of freedom
Acquired the things that he was a-needin’
Got him a home built of gold and steel
A diamond car with platinum wheels
A hidehidehidehidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodehodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodehodehodehodeho)
Got him his townhouse and his racing horses
Each meal he ate was a dozen courses
Had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes
He sat around and counted them all a million times
Hidehidehidehi (Hidehidehidehi)
Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho)
Hedehedehedehe (Hedehedehedehe)
Hidehidehideho (Hidehidehideho)
Yo Dave, yo Dave, yo Davey!
It takes a lot of hard work to get people into Scn and to build a prosperous org training auditors and getting people up the Bridge. It is far easier to hold fundraisers with catchy themes and to get people to donate money. Thus the current game is all they can do to keep busy and be deluded into thinking they are doing something worthwhile. Pathetic and sad.
Meanwhile real life goes on outside the Snowglobe of Scientology.
That pretty much covers the concept that I had of the “OT”Cs when I was in.
Thanks for putting it in words 😉
Loved the cartoon that accompanied your post which pretty much encapsulates the Church of Scientology these days.
Yep it seems the public and management have turned the corner from total incompetence to complete delusion.
The Church of Scientology has become such a Rube Goldberg device either by accident or design.
They build a so called “Ideal Org” and in two and a half years it produces…..drum roll please….one Clear.
Reminds me of the game we used to play when were kinds called Mouse Trap where the object of the game was to create this elaborate mouse trap to trap one little mouse.
Quite a stat! That’s 345 minutes for the 327 members.
This was supposed to be a reply to Sylvia’s comment above.
# of meetings is up!
Phase III is the “Lying about Expansion” Phase. Phase IV is the “Now You That Your Org is Complete on Phase II, You have to Pay for Phase I and Phase II of Other People’s Orgs (so they Miscavige can then lie about their expansion and coerce them pay for yet other people’s orgs)” Phase. See, it is a self-perpetuating rollout,
Quinn Taufer covered data from four conditions of exchange, regarding group pressure to operate at the fourth condition of exchange.
Not sure what that really means. Is the group ordering them to be in exchange as they are not? The church is taking without giving back so they are at criminal exchange…
John, OT Committee meetings are supposed to be weekly. And when an org is being run by Quinn Tauffer for fundraising, he takes the place over and they cram as many mini-events and gatherings in as they can to try to “keep the fire going” and that sort of tripe. It’s not unusual for an org in Valley’s condition right now to be having that many events a week.
Good one, MJ. MIke, the one Clear made was probably a recycled Clear who was told Not Clear just to get him to pay the money to become Clear again. How many new raw public are being made into Clears? Excellent article. And I LOVE the pictures you get for the articles. Where do you get these awesomely amazing illustrations for each blog?
(oo) What you want
(oo) Baby, I’ll take it
(oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it?
(oo) All I’m askin’
(oo) Is for a little more cash when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)
Imma do you wrong while you’re gone
Imma do you wrong (oo) ’cause I wanna (oo)
All I’m askin’ (oo)
Is for a little more cash when you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
You’re about to give me all of your money
And all I’m askin’ in return, honey
Is to give me my profits
When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
Ooo, your payments (oo)
Sweeter than honey (oo)
And guess what? (oo)
So is your money (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)
Find out what it means to me
Take care, COB
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little more cash (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
You will need to Les. The only real stat coming out of the cult is Number of new SPs made. I’m sure the Ideal Morgues are making more SPs than clears and they will soon outnumber the active Sciencultogy members.
Mike, apologies if I’m the only one who doesn’t know this: are OT Committee meetings weekly or monthly? Bad enough to have $10,000 GI per week, but it is infinitely worse to have GI of $10,000 in a month in the Valley, the biggest concentration of Scientologists on Earth. The reason I ask is that the # of events and briefings at 5 last time and 3 this time is a lot of events for an org to hold in a week.
John, I might be way off base on this one, but I would suspect that it is even worse than once per month. I believe that the GI is a cumulative stat. At least in this case. If they have 60 active members as they claim, that would mean that each member’s average contribution to the GI stat would be $175. That’s not a huge amount, but since the members of group are ‘OTs’, that means that they have all spent hundreds of thousands on their ‘bridge to total freedom’ and have most likely been regged within an inch of their financial capacity for IAS contributions, library project, 2 E-Z bake meters, TWTH pamphlets, multiple Basics packages, SP Building fund, LRH Hall fund and god only knows what else. With that taken into account, $175/month IS a lot of money.
Like I said, I may be way off base on this one. I am hoping someone can provide some verifiable answer.
My favorite – “Vered Ziv has a new hat: She is Producer of Dinners.”
Get your stats up, invite the homeless.
The Producer of Dinners hat is the only thing about the OTC that sounds like fun.
It is still better to be ‘mother of dragons’ or ‘keeper of the petty cash’.
“We will be operating on STATS.”
That’s great. Can I make them up like miscavige does?
Splurge on it!
“We will be operating on STATS.”
“We will be operating on PUNISHMENT!”
Yes, very active. 327 members and the hours produced totals 5 hours and 45 minutes per member. No wonder nothing happens.
These OTs sound like Kindergartners whom you have to keep busy or they will go out all over the place and use crayons n the walls. Or worse still… run out on the playground and have some fun. !
These do not sound like grown ups with high IQs and willingness to confront.
Aren’t there Ideal Orgs nearby? These folks should visit a couple of Ideal Orgs as a group so they can see how much better things are going to be once they do enough fundraising. What could be more motivational than that? I don’t know why this isn’t a standard practice.
I know why.
Turning lemons into lemonade, or, if you prefer, a silk purse from a sow’s ear:
“Mary Elizabeth Glosup gave her wins on working here at the Org every night.”
Me, I spend my nights sticking my finger into a light socket. Winning!
I like to turn a snow cone into shit on a stick. Much more fun that doing call -in.
KSW into Kool-aid.
What is needed is each OTC member working on the project every night.
Mary Elizabeth Glosup gave her wins on working here at the Org every night.
Well now isn’t that special…..public are being asked to work for the org
every night to get $ for a building……and one is having wins doing it?
I would bet the “wins” are in the form of commission checks.
One Clear?
That would mean to me there are no pc’s finishing
the Grades and NED. No DCSI’s, no Power Processing,
no solo course grads, no R6EW and no Clearing course grads.
But they sure need that new building!
Susan Jacobs is there to expand the OTC?
They have 0 Pre-OT’s and 0 Clears onto their
next step but Susan is there to get the OTC
big and booming to create an ideal org.
Can this coming together, this big and booming
atmosphere really create an ideal org?
It will be fun to watch. In the mean time
why don’t a couple of you old time OTC folks
go down to the course room and into the HGC
and look around….tell us what you see as opposed
to what you once saw in the 70’s & early 80’s.
Obnosis cancelled as DM discovered some random semicolons which totally altered LRH’s intended message.
One Clear. All that time, all that effort and expense, and this is what is produced. The only things flourishing and prospering occurring in the Church of Scientology are the delusions of its Koolaid Drinkers.
“Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.” (Mike Rinder might put it in his volcano of entheta)
Wonder if that is a new Clear made or a Re-do of a previous Clear. I guess it doesn’t matter, they will have to redo everything again in a year or two.
# of exclamation points used – down from 50 to 10.
Pathetic. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
“Considerations take rank over the mechanics of space, energy, time.” And yet …. how many of you have heard when giving a personal reason for not going bankrupt or signing a billion year slave pact … “That’s just a consideration!” … uhm … yeah …. but isn’t that HIGHER in rank than ……. of course if you quoted this in response, you’d get shouted at as being 1.1. Reminds me of a time at ASHO when I told the reg why I would not be giving her another 5 Gs at that time and she encouraged me to be “pan determined.” I was in good comm with her and gently pointed out that her definition of me being pan determined was to do what she told me to do …. which of course is not REALLY what pan determinism means. But why should a Sea Org member understand basic Scientology words she uses? And that’s the weird thing …. with the CONSTANT word clearing, ALL THE TIME ….. these guys STILL don’t understand the words they use! Tauffer throws around words like “exchange” without a clue or any personal reality on what this means. Nice not having to be in comm with these folks anymore. Really nice!
I’ll drink to that!
“An Ideal Org project has 2 phases: Phase One is the building purchase. Then there is Phase Two: Renovation Phase.”
That’s why all the orgs are empty. If they had had a “Phase Three”, on how to fill the orgs, they would be booming, amirite? Or are they totally committed to the old phrase “if you build it, they will come”?
Dave’s definition of a cleared org is nobody in it.
Happy Father’s Day, Mike! And to all the other fathers out there too. Enjoy your day. You deserve it.