According to Scientology and CCHR, this is a day to “honor survivors of human rights abuse”. That is verging on holocaust apologizing — calling the mass murder of millions “human rights abuse” is like referring to the Titanic as a “boating accident.”
They are also going to “challenge” the predjudice [sic], discrimination and hatred in our own society today.
Here is a tough question for you Dakota.
Are you inviting the Freedom Medal Winner Tony Mo to your event?
Oh, looks like he is busy doing a speech elsewhere — including on the poster promoting his speech some of the most disgusting Nazi era anti-semitic images of Jews as evil monsters/the devil.
This is scientology’s self-proclaimed champion of “human rights.”
What do you think about his poster Dakota? Is this representative of “predjudice, discrimination and hatred in our own society today”? And if not, why not?
And where is Fast Eddie and the STAAD League fighting the predjudice, discrimination and hatred being perpetrated by one of his own? Blatantly and proudly. Why aren’t your knickers in a twist about this Eddie?
I’ve been having some issues with a new version of WordPress and accidentally published this article which is supposed to be for tomorrow (Tuesday). But it’s there now so there are two articles today, but don’t be expecting another one tomorrow!
Seems better than deleting this now and putting it back up in the morning…
Just to clear things up…..a urban definition of the word “Salty”
According the insight of Urban Dictionary, “salty,” when used as a slang term, can be used to describe someone who is “angry, agitated, or upset,” as well as someone who is “mean, annoying, and repulsive.”
July 24, 2015
P.S. we could certainly refer to “his Majesty” David Miscavige as being SUPER SALTY
Dialing For Dollars…Now THAT would be a more appropriate name for what they do.
Numerous & never ending telephone calls to make sure that you give & give & give, no matter how much it hurts YOU financially. No matter if your house is foreclosed, your cars repossessed, your bank account, checking accounting, kids college fund, your retirement fund (if you have one) & credit cards more than maxed with embarrassing “collection calls & letters sent to your home) nor does it matter that you have no food in the house. Add to that, when was the last time you saw your kids & family….the ones who are NOT “disconnected” from you?
Forget about that new pair of shoes, walk around with holes in your soles…HEY, it will match the Hole in your SOUL due to the cost of all those worthless course to move up the bridge to nowhere. YOU can always “owe us” the money….”freeloader ” means just that….
BUT wait one minute…as soon as you want to LEAVE…well then, all of a sudden they are on your back about what YOU OWE THEM. Paid courses ahead of time but never got to do them…TOUGH LUCK sucker….you’ll never see those courses OR get your money back as in “REPAYMENT”.
AAAHHH… jargon to protect their asses…REPAYMENT….as in…”Well you can always come BACK & take those course, right… just have to “re-up” as in the military,”… but even that will cost you more $$$.
Call call call, ring the phone off the hook, pound on the door, harass harass harass Well, you can always sell your BLOOD…that will bring money to donate…after all, THAT ‘S why they call it BLOOD MONEY in the first place, right?
Who’s minding the store? Apparently no government agency, despite how many “whiffs” of the STENCH of Scientology they’ve smelled….they’re gonna sit back & let Davey spend YOUR money on himself & the continued purchasing of real estate to keep that “IRS exemption status”… least I think so, don’t you.
Those stories were beyond NASTY…people more and more people sucked dry financially by COS. The unmitigated GALL for the COS spokesperson to say “Well, he can pay off his past debt in 1 1/2 years…so he SHOULD donate more NOW…..I’d like to kick some Ass…..
Scientology, you disgust me, and millions others.
Fuck You.
Seriously, Fuck You.
Oh yeah, and by the way Miscavige, WHERE IS GOD DAMNED SHELLEY!!!
What do you get when you cross L. Ron Hubbard and Napoleon? David Miscavige.
Excellent show tonight Mike and Leah!
Thank you for exposing how $cientology Scams
I could watch your show 24-7 and I hope we have Season 4
Awesome work
Thank you!
Emily Zanotti is a Senior Editor at the Daily Wire. Quoting my tweet, she says:
* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *
We’re told, as journalists, to “ask them more” on red carpets during awards season. There are plenty of prominent Scientologists who attend these shows. Maybe ask them why their church is honoring a raging anti-Semite?
* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Congrats! I’m so thankful to see a member of major media finally pick this up. You’ve worked so hard for a long time and have been out in front of this for a while, so it’s nice to see her directly quote you as the source, as well as get this info to a wider public!
Thank you Mike, and ISN and Peacemaker, for putting this out publicly. This needs to be seen and widely shared, so that $cientology cannot continue to hide behind its hypocritical human rights and religious rights stands.
This is a very important blog post for so many. Thank you for remaining vigilant against things like the societal encroachment of anti-Semitism and fascism is general. Kudos.
“All denominations and walks of life are welcome.”
The word “denominations” typically refers to different groups within Christianity. Baptist, Catholic, and Methodist are Christian denominations. So apparently only Christians are invited.
The phrase “All…walks of life” is often used to refer to groups of diverse income or social or occupational status. To me, this is akin to saying, “the rich, the middle class, and the poor are welcome.”
How very odd to specify who can come to a Holocaust remembrance event. Perhaps they mean, “You may have heard that Scientology targets the able who have a lot of money. But our front groups provide access to Scientology wherein all income groups can be asset-stripped and become equally poor (so long as you’re Christian, and not actually Jewish like the majority of those slaughtered in the Holocaust).”
Someone needs to give them a communication course.
The cult’s use of the term “denomination” has nothing to do with spiritual affiliation and all to do with “what demonination of money” you’ll be forking over such as in the denomination of 5’s, 10’s, or 20’s etc…
I went to my PO Box yesterday and found a letter from the scientology chaplain department. It was from a Nicholas Lannoye, Senior Chaplain Department. It had only the following typed question:
“[Name redacted],
Why are you so salty with Scientology?”
Hahahaha! Is this guy for real?
Another famous scientology datum: Letters out = Gross Income
“Recovery” letters seem to often be rather strange and abrupt. But I’m guessing this may have more to do with yet another staff member whose native language is not English, probably one in which the equivalent of “salty” has some colloquial meaning that makes more sense in this context – maybe something like “bitter.|
Young folks use “salty” for bad mood, bitchy, pissy etc.
That’s hilarious and I’m so glad you shared. The only ones I hear use “salty” are my neighbors teens and their friends. You should respond with “Why are you throwing shade?”
Mike, I’d like to preface my remarks here by saying that I am a huge supporter of you (and Leah) for the work you are doing. It is so great that you have reclaimed your life and have a rich and rewarding home life and cause. I think some of your best work is when you deconstruct the hypocrisy and lies like you have done with this posting and so many others in response to $ci and its fronts.
Having said that, I believe you missed an opportunity to make a stronger statement against true bigotry in your Aftermath episode about the partnership between $ci and the Nation of Islam.
First, there is NOI itself. Ishmael Bey and Hector Falu-Muhammad seem like highly intelligent and articulate gentlemen. NOI has a goal of empowerment in the black community and one of its manifestations has been in black-owned businesses. There is an emphasis on self-sufficiency, family and morality. Their definition of morality includes the subservience of women, the denigration of gay people (and white people and jews and christians), racial separation, the absolute obedience to the leader. OK, there are other “churches” with those same qualities. I find these views to be distasteful.
However, the rampant anti-semitism, racial separation, disconnect from true Islam that are also a big part of the belief system is very troubling. And Mr. Bey and Mr. Falu-Muhammad had an awakening because $ci is taking hold in NOI, but had nothing to say about those other policies. I understand that the show was not about the overall practices of NOI but rather the intersection between it and $ci. I understand that these gentlemen were welcomed and appreciated for their perspectives. But I can imagine them spending years listening to vitriol about devil white people and satanic jews, etc. And I heard nothing from them that indicated that they had modified the animus in this group think. I know that Mr. Bey and Mr. Falu-Muhammad have been hit personally with aspects of disconnection and fair game and see the insidious infiltration of $ci and were able to render information about that. But, again, there was no renouncement from them of the virulent anti-semitism of which they were a part.
I know that you must be personally offended by such beliefs. Maybe I missed it but I did not hear you or Leah decrying those beliefs with any force at all. You rightly denounce the false virtue of STAAD and CCHR but when you had representatives of hate think on your program, they got off scot free.
Unfortunately, we do not have complete control over what makes into a final edit of the show. There are a lot of things we would like to have included that for various reasons (time, legal concerns, network sensibilities about perceptions and even just editors that don’t do a good job) do not end up airing.
Tonight is supposed to be the next episode of Scientology, the Aftermath on A&E TV. But my recorder doesn’t have it listed to record. Did they change the date on this episode? It is supposed to be the episode about registrars and money. I hope I am not missing it? Did they change when it will air?
No, your recorder is apparently on the blink.
It is airing at 9pm EST on A&E tonight
Being inconsistent and self-serving on top of ignoring hypocrisy and contradictions is what the parasitic cult of $cientology is all about if it helps them make dough and keep poor devil members/victims in line. Their plaintive cry of “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” an ad nauseam constant repetition.
Open your eyes snookered cultists and realize Xenu or Xemu is no more real than the Easter Bunny & other fantasy figures – or do you prefer to believe in the delusions of a greedy and mediocre science fiction writer? Don’t be the proverbial sucker born every minute as W.C. Fields noted.
I’ve been thinking on this event all night, and CCHR, you’re right. I’d like to make an incomplete list of human rights abuses I will be commemorating that day. I will create a more comprehensive list as the day gets closer and on January 27, my birthday, I will hold my own candlelight vigil for the following people who were abused by scientology. Please feel free to add these to your list.
In no particular order:
Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch: Created Celebrity Center for the church of scientology. Died of a brain tumor. Her family wasn’t allowed to be with her while she was dying (see Janis’ book). Was not allowed to spend time with her family who were on the ship with LRH.
Heber Jentzsch: The alleged president of the church of scientology. He has only been seen in public a handful of times since the early 2000’s. He has spent a large majority of his time in the hole. Last known to be unable to sit up by himself. Isolated from family. Last public appearance at his son’s funeral.
Alexander Jentzsch: Died in California at age 28, July 2, 2012. Cause of death on autopsy report Community Acquired Pneumonia and Methadone use. His father-in-law found him unresponsive and then took his younger child to school before calling 911.
While you’re reading that story, please note at the end of it that there is a long list there of people who have not seen their parents or children due to a disconnection policy that scientology claims does not exist.
Marc Headley: Escaped scientology int base on his motorcycle, chased by several vehicles. (See Blown for Good).
Claire Headley and her children she was forced to abort:
Shelly Barnett Miscavige – Where’s Shelly?
Mary Florence Fike Barnett – Shelly Miscavige’s Mother. Worst case of “suicide” I’ve ever heard of.
Annie Tidman Broeker: She had been dead 7 months before her death was made public.
Pat Broeker: Watched for more than 2 decades by PIs after he left scientology.
No list is complete without Lisa McPherson:
These are just the teensy tiny tip of the iceberg of people scientology has damaged. The teensy tiny tip. Lets be sure to honor them on January 27.
I feel your list needs to include Paulette Cooper near the top. She is a sterling example of a ‘survivor of human rights abuses’ by none other than LRH, the GO, and COS no less!
Sorry Valerie, WP still won’t let me “like” anything, so here’s my LIKE! Great list and one that can be continually added to & posted. So many horror stories and tonight’s Aftermath episode told some really sad ones. Love how many new people are checking out this blog and Tony’s and seeing commenters (like you) who’ve been at this for some time now so they hear even more of what’s gone on!
Could not have been said any better Mike. Thank you.
It’s impossible to fathom the unearned hate that this organization has. They must live in such a deep dark place, a deep hole of hate for no reason other than it seems to be what gives them some reason to get up in the morning.
It’s impossible to fathom the lengths that scientology will go to exploit every possible way they can to drain the finances and life force from any thing and any one they can touch with their tentacles.
When these two destructive organizations try to mesh it will be interesting to see which depraved one will end up with its foot on the neck of the other.
I don’t think there will ever be a mesh. Scn will never adopt any NOI doctrine but the NOI can easily adopt any Scn scripture into their own scripture. Tony and others are already inventing ways to explain to the NOI membership how Scn scripture fits into their own. Eventually someone will figure out a way to blend the Scn and NOI creation stories into one. (How’s that for prognostication?)
Graduation Night at Muhammad Mosque 48. Praise Allah!
Mike, I’ve asked this on one of your earlier posts, but it had a lot of comments and perhaps you didn’t see my question.
Have the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses (or any Witnesses for that matter) responded to you with harassment, surveillance, or any manner of bullying as Scientology has?
I was personally impressed when I learned about the stance of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany during the Holocaust. They first sought to live in peace and simply continue their Christian work, but when it became apparent that Hitler’s regime was going to try and force them to break their loyalty to God, they refused to compromise their integrity – just as Stephen from the Bible. And… according to the Holocaust Museum, unlike other groups, Jehovah’s Witnesses were offered the opportunity to sign a paper refuting their teachings. If they did so, they would be let go and be free from future persecution. They refused! Their bold stand in Germany was just one example of their integrity in the face of opposition. C-Span 3 just aired an entire day of programming in praise of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ stand against governmental abuse – even in the U.S.!
However, I saw a comment last month from Leah Remini that Jehovah’s Witnesses are cautioned not to listen to negative reports, and she seemed to equate such caution with the actions of Scientology.
From Newsweek:
“Remini’s new season, unlike before, explored the Jehovah’s Witnesses in a two-hour special. She talked about the similarities between the Christian denomination and Scientology, claiming criticism is addressed in a similar way.
“They send out these attack dogs on social media,” she said. “Scientology hides behind the $3 billion they have with lawyers and social media. And they, too, are pretending they’re descenders of [the] first amendment, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. And yet, they attack viciously anyone speaking out against the policies.”
Remini continued, “It’s the same with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, except they’re a little bit different [because] you have the Governing Body putting out their videos saying, ‘Don’t listen to apostates.’ It’s very similar…They have the same rhetoric.’”
If I understand her correctly, she’s stating that Scientology ‘sends out attack dogs’, and then compares that to Jehovah’s Witness’ videos (apparently referring to the JW Broadcasting website) about not ‘listening to apostates.’ To me, videos cautioning against listening to people who actively oppose one’s group is a far cry from the intimidation tactics of Scientology. Besides, as one who does his best to understand the Bible (whether or not one agrees or disagrees with Witness understanding,) I can tell you that it’s the Bible itself that cautions against ‘listening to apostates.’ The Witnesses produce videos on all manner of Bible topics. How to deal with opposers (apostates) is just one of those topics.
Any reasonable person, who steps back and thinks, should be able to understand that if you put gather 10 people from your past who have reason (real or imagined) to hate you and want to tear you down – then record them for X-number of hours to edit it down to a 2 hour program – the results would be less than flattering.
I ask this because you seem a reasonable person not seeking limelight for your cause. I also think Leah also comes from a ‘good place’ in her heart, but also has to defend her case when asked questions from the media. Unless there are things coming from the Jehovah’s Witness organization that aren’t publicly known, I think she just went a bit too far in her comparison.
In any case, I have not read – nor seen anywhere – about Jehovah’s Witnesses doing anything even resembling ‘Fair Game’. Have they too intimidated you, or contacted Disney?
Feel free to email privately if publicly responding puts you in a tough spot.
No there has been no retaliation from the JWs like scientology. They are smarter and more secure in their certainty they are the chosen ones and have the only path to eternal salvation. Scientologists tend to be less secure – they try to hide their real beliefs behind a public image they think will be more acceptable. I admire the JWs for their conviction and unwillingness to betray their beliefs, even though I very much disagree with those beliefs and see they cause massive pain and damage to families and children in particular. But that’s a different debate.
The simple answer is no, the JWs do not respond like scientology does when their abuses are exposed.
Thank you very much Mike. I appreciate your taking the time to respond, and your sincerity!
Mike you fight daily for those that still have no voice, those that are still in and those that deserve to be remembered. While I could and would read your writings all day, every day…..take tomorrow off, my friend. Thank you for the early release of Tuesday’s article. You and Leah are true Warriors.
the anti-semitism and bigotry are always involved with groups who think themselves better than anyone else….As a Jewish person, I am daily reminded to ask G-d for forgiveness.
I had to read twice to have your comments sink in. Thanks for your comment. My God-parents are Jewish which is a reminder to me to seek forgiveness.
Religion is supposed to be about personal growth, and look at the aberrations it stems into. Bad seeds produce bad crops.
Scientology: Get Rid of your Reactive Mind !
Me: I did not get rid of it
Scientology: looks like you have a hidden standard
… or have overts and withhold – or you’re a resistive case – or have some kind of held down 7 – or ….
With Scientology, the one thing you can take all the way to the reactive bank is that there’s always a hidden agenda attached to the message.
When I was in high school (yes, they did have high school back when cavepeople walked the earth) my sophomore Honors History teacher, Mr. Masters, an Orthodox Jew and a man who taught me more history in one year than I learned the rest of my high school career, showed us a movie that changed my way of thinking. I do not know how he got it, but it was a film of the inside of the gas chambers with people climbing on top of each other as they were killed.
When the film stopped, we were all silent. The Holocaust was made real that day. We also became more mature because we as a class realized the incredible evil humans are capable of inflicting on others in the name of a cause.
I recently listened to a podcast where a man named Benjamin Ferencz was interviewed. He was at camps as they were being dismantled. He also was the lead attorney in the Neuremburg trials. It affected me the same way and is definitely worth a listen.
For CCHR and scientology to coopt this amazingly horrendous cause and pretend that they even understand what human rights abuses are is nauseating to me.
I think the film you’re referring to is “Night and Fog”. I also watched that in a high school history class back in the 1970’s. Had such a chilling effect on me I still remember it. It should be mandatory viewing so we truly Never Forget!
As first noted by “Intergalactic Walrus” and “sizzle8” on Tony Ortega’s blog, and as demonstrated in my Tweet and ESMB post linked below, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad uses Nazi propaganda image from 1938 edition of Der. Sturmer to promote his lecture on the Jews and the Talmud.
ESMB Post:
Mike – As always, feel free to use the graphic I produced if you want. After all, I used your’s. 🙂
That Image calls The Talmud ‘The Devil’s Cookbook’.
That Scientologist Tony Muhammad is using Nazi imagery from the 1930’s to attack Jews is shocking.
What is just as shocking is that he hasn’t been called into Ethics and given a goldenrod issue with his declare. Of course, doing that would unleash WW III between Noi and CofS.
Miscavige really painted himself into a corner.
He must be soiling himself at the thought of the picture hugging and placing the medal on Tony Muhammad getting out.
Well done Mike and ISN!
This is an important story.
Scientology and the NO is is perpetually perplexing! Like on the show I get why DM wants their money, but what do they want with a white man’s teachings? Especially a man as completely despicable as lrh? Bizzarro world to me.
Ann, I also find the back and forth of this baffling.
The only thing that makes sense to me is that $ci.. is trying to access the NO membership for a quick surge in people taking classes (“look at those stats”), while also hoping to manipulate the NOs into becoming $ci..’s first and NOs second. Meanwhile Farra is using $ci.. to enrich himself (probably getting a fat commission (%) on all fees paid to $ci.. either by NO’s or on their behalf). Also, Farra is learning from Dave that once you get people into your group they will put up with almost anything (abuse, lying, etc) before they realize “this isn’t what I signed up for” and leave.
This is the only thing that makes ANY sense to me.
That image has been taken from a neo-Nazi site, and is originally from Der Stürmer, a Nazi-era German tabloid featuring anti-Semitic propaganda, though it has been colorized (and translated):
The black-and-white original was published in July, 1938 – just a few months before Kristallnacht, when besides the vandalism of Jewish-owned stores, synagogues were burned and their religious regalia including scriptures were desecrated:
Thanks for calling this out so prominently, Mike. Unfortunately, Scientology isn’t the only organization to have tiptoed around the NOI’s anti-semitism, though it seems as if efforts to call at least some to account are bearing fruit.
PeaceMaker — Thank you so much for the link to the original Der Sturmer page. I added it and a screenshot of the page to my ESMB post with a credit to you. My above tweet links my ESMB post, and I plan to tweet it again tagging different people.
Oops — been having some issues with a new version of WordPress and accidentally published this article which is supposed to be for tomorrow. But it’s there now so there are two articles today, but don’t be expecting another one tomorrow!
Seems better than deleting this now and putting it back up in the morning…
Oh wow, a two for one! I always make time for this blog.
Is it any way possible for OSA and the rest of the cult to NOT understand and somewhere in their heart understand the question above? Unfortunately they have probably locked themselves in, in their minds, i.e Brainwashed enough to interpret all this as bigotry etc. In their minds they are busy Saving and Clearing the NOI-people so they don´t care about anything else…
Great Judy Buchar ugg…
Scientologists make such horrible errors in judgement.
Thanks for pointing them out.