This email was forwarded to me by a number of people this morning, incredulous that they are STILL trying to collect money for Palace Miscavige.
At this point, it is on automatic.
The first thought in Corporate Scientology is “Give me your money” and ANY reason/excuse will do. No matter how lame, unreal or downright stupid it is. After all, “any outflow is good” and the ONLY thing that really counts is MONEY.
The derision LRH displayed for the GI stat push in orgs is well-known. This is way beyond that — as back in those days there was some significance of a service associated with the money. Today, there is nothing, just hand over your money and we will use it as we see fit (obviously we don’t need the money to complete a building that is already completed).
The real question here — is there any deluded enough to respond to this deluded email and actually turn over money?
From: Simon Taufer <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 8:44 PM
Subject: Releasing Super Power
Dear Scientologist,
As you have probably heard by now, things are getting very exciting here at Flag! The Golden Age of Tech Phase II training is moving along very well, the Super Power auditors are getting through the new Super Power rundowns and the Super Power expansion project is getting closer to completing the funding for the new Flag Building, which will allow for the release of Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundowns to the world.
The Cornerstone Members and the supporters of the Church of Scientology Religious Trust are the group making this release possible. I want to first thank you for what you have done so far. Without your support, we would not be as close to planetary clearing as we are now.
I would also like to ask you to stretch as far as you can and move up to your next status with the Super Power Project. We are on the final lap in this race to completion and everyone’s support is needed. This is going to take a shoulder-to-shoulder effort on the part of every Scientologist. Neither you nor I should expect “someone else” to take our responsibility. Everyone’s help is needed.
Please move up in status today. Thank you very much for what you have done and for your further support.
I look forward to your response.
Simon Taufer
One reg cycle after another.
Can you say, “out exchange”?
– Criminal Exchange!
Wait a minute! Hasn’t the Superpower building been paid for about four times over?!
Empty seats
Scientologists can’t clear Zipcode 33755 let alone “the planet”. They are all so unreal in their thinking- pure fantasy language, their own kind of ‘newspeak’ a la George Orwell.
For those who continue to wonder how anyone can still be in at this stage, if you have the time then check out denial. The wiki article gives a concise summary:
See therein also the DARVO concept, which applies to the church’s response to Monique Rathbun’s suit. To a T, textbook example of an abuser’s strategy when their harrassment is exposed and addressed.
Funny, ain’t it? While some of us clung for a time to LRH’s “only way”, mere psychologists (the enemy) figured all this out to actually help people.
Thank you for the link to learn about denial,Dollarmorgue. DARVO is exactly what DM and his spokespuppets and the church have been doing for years when confronted with their overts. It all becomes so predictable what they’ll say and how they’ll react. And yes it is ironic that it took a psych to discover all this.
They can’t solve it with scientology. It’s been replaced with Miscavigoloy where one’s status (money) is all that matters and not one’s abilities. It’s sad to know that those still in have lost sight of scientology’s real purpose… to free being’s. That’s why they trot along and redo everything they have done at the whim of Davey. He’s probably more surprised than we are that these poor blind sheep continue to follow his commands no matter how ass backwards his command (evil) intention is. I think he really despises them more than he does those who are out from under beneath his little thumb.
Hopefully one day all will see the light as many here have already done.
“I think he really despises them more than he does those who are out from under beneath his little thumb”.
I agree. We who are out either openly thumb our noses or fly quietly under the radar withdrawing our support. If he has targeted someone who is out, at least that person is aware and fights back.
On the other hand, those still in allow him to continue committing overts on him which keeps the Overt-Motivator sequence in constant restim. He is a thoroughly trapped being and there will be no way out, no relief for him. Must be intolerable, which is why, I believe, his demands are becoming more and more notorious, more and more flagrantly off-policy and out-tech. He’s actually begging to be stopped.
Miscavige’s not doing Scientology he’s doing something else. The SO going from affluence to Idiocracy since Jan 1986? I don’t think anything happens by accident at this level.
Well, Tom Cruise has a birthday coming up. Miscavige needs your money. He can save the planet some other time. I checked, saving the planet remains on the agenda.
So ugly to see islands of succor turn into seas of insanity.
Actually they are just tad pools of insanity. Let’s be grateful for that much.
This is just fucking unreal…….this people still asking for more money…is fucking crazy….
Without it ever having been announced, Scientologists have been unwittingly turned into charitable Donors some 25 years ago. Services are merely sideshows now, used as instrument & bait to get everyone to accept the “Donor Hat”. As much as I like philanthropy, I certainly don’t need the church or anyone else to decide on my behalf which causes I consider worthy to donate to. Should one however make mention of such considerations, the “sideshows” are simply taken away in lieu of another “service” oriented to restore the responsibility of donor status — Sec Checks.
But charities do something important with the money. They help people get back on their feet, feed people, fund research for a cure, build a park, save birds, …. something! The church keeps this money and uses it for its own expansion or to pay PIs and to attack critics, or for tanning beds and imported scotch.
I feel sorry for people still stuck in this trap. Believing that their eternal spiritual state is dependent on going along with stuff like this. It’s an expensive trap in more ways than financially
They are just working overtime to pay for David Miscavige’s most recent legal expenses as a result of his hobby at wallowing in domestic violence, and domestic abuse, and domestic terrorism. It’s become a pricey hobby for the Church members to stay on top of his habit.
I think it’s interesting when they buy and when they build. They built the Castle, the Flag building, the new LA org, A few buildings at the secret bases, but mostly just trailers that will never be pulled again. I think the new Rome org might have been built rather than converted, but I’m not sure. The days of converting a little storefront and calling it an org are over. Philly, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Hannover, Stockholm, Tokyo – I don’t think we’ll see that kind of org again.
I guess it’s true that the average “scientologist” has the intelligence and ethic level of one Devon Campbell Newman. I wonder if she and Karen Pouw were close friends.
Read what Cris Mann posted below
Actually, most of the commentators on this blog have been in (as far as I know) and therefor all cheered at programs like this at one time or another. Then there was light. But until the light came, there was salami tactics, shaving away your “barriers to agreement” little by little, altering what LRH said in ever so minute adjustments, step by step until we all found ourselves in a completely new reality.
True, the lies are extremely transparent from the outside, and getting more so. Not so when you are in, because you are telling them to yourself. And information and viewpoints like from Mike or Tony gradually increase the distance when you are finally out until such e-mails above seem utterly unreal and you wonder how any one could still believe that stuff.
Well, people get inundated with it. I doubt many read the communications at all, so the church defeats itself. I have 13 senders added to my spam filter so far and am looking forward to more. Personally, I doubt very many actually still believe in their hearts. But I do think some have vested interests and many others are tied up economically, and can’t see a way out right now (kids in Sea Org or on staff). They are afraid. I maintain that fear is the church’s only method of control. Even the “hope” of eternity is actually fear dressed up as hope, because “you wouldn’t want to lose it, would you?”. But by its actions the church inflicts pain on its members, and at some point the pain becomes greater than the fear and people snap out of it and start to look. And wake up. And see the light.
And then they stop contributing, one by one. People still “in” are neither stupid nor unethical. They joined what they thought was a good cause. They just haven’t reached their pain threshhold yet,the point where it becomes unbearable. And further away from Int (say Europe) it hasn’t become quite so crazy. But it will, and they too, will leave, even though a lot of those people don’t understand enough English to read these blogs. Remember that, people leave in all sorts of ways. Whenever staying becomes worse than leaving.
Well stated.
One thing I’ve always wondered is if the people doing the begging get a percentage of what comes in response to their e-mails or long hours of phoning or does the money go straight into whatever bank account is being filled up that day?. Could someone fill me in on what the commission is?
I think it’s funny that money isn’t mentioned in the e-mail. Somehow it might sound more gentile to ask “Please move up in status today”. I wonder why they don’t finish the sentence “… up in status today sucker”.
Cheers. And a big thank you to Mike for all his work in this blog of revelation.
“The Cornerstone Members and the supporters of the Church of Scientology Religious Trust are the group making this release possible. I want to first thank you for what you have done so far. Without your support, we would not be as close to planetary clearing as we are now.”
The Sea Org members are are mere beggars!
Thanks for the legacy David! This is the THE BEST ALTER IS of a purpose on a grand scale that I have EVER SEEN!
“Neither you nor I should expect “someone else” to take our responsibility…”
Yeah we are now really really close to planetary clearing. The last couple or seven billion to go.
Pathetic the lot of them.
Actually, perhaps there is method to the madness. What if this is really something like Vogon poetry and people will pay just to make it stop?
For those not in the know:
Lauri Solo Furbish Guerin Adams Webster should be ashamed of herself.
Not a chance Kevin. She is PROUD of herself.
I’ve started adding all the senders to my spam filter. That way I avoid getting drowned in inane babble which, admittedly, is becoming rather monotonous and tedious to read.
I’m not normally a gawker, but tell me when the church is burning, I’ll come watch.
I just sent the following email to Simon. I remember when Simon was born. I knew his parents and most of his siblings. Mary Taufer posted on Marty’s blog a few years ago. I sent her a message as I thought she “saw the light”.
Dear Simon,
I received the email and I’m wondering why. The building had been funded at least 2x’s over. What specifically are you looking for funds for?
Chad, I know the Tauffers too. Mary is a huge Kool Aid drinker. Is it true that she posted on Marty’s site years ago? If so, if you wrote that up with proof, she could get declared, which would be the best thing that could happen to her. You’d be dong her a favor to get her out of the church.
Or was she writing on the blog then as an OSA Bot to try to argue against the Indies?
Dumb question, but why would you have to retrain auditors to audit procedures that date back to the 1970’s? You don’t send tax attorneys back to college to learn and become familiar with every change is the tax code, you don’t revoke professorships with every change in curriculum, you don’t send psychologists back to re-do their PhD’s for every new theory that comes out, you don’t set up a government funded program to teach turtles to duck into their shells for every new breed of dog, and a lot of other “you don’t” examples come to mind.
Seems to me that auditors learn new stuff every day, either from new PC’s, or by restudying materials in their spare time, constantly refining and improving. I have yet to see a new breed of thetan that would require retraining, and I doubt there’s some new version of a cognition, or some variant of a smile.
Oh – maybe that’s it – there aren’t going to be smiles, so auditors have to be retrained to handle frowns and tell the PC that is a sign of improvement! Ah! I knew it was a dumb question. The smiles occur when new trophies are presented. I get it. And cognitions are verboten under any circumstances. Yeah, thinking it through, I can see how you’d have to retrain auditors for that. Seriously.
No beings present whatsoever! All have been reduced to robotic machines programmed to continue with completely over-run back-to back begging in the most degrading humiliation possible. Shameful to see formerly cognizant people reduced to this level!…..Truly, truly as base as it gets!
Have they stopped the idea of clearing the universe? I thought their ultimate goal was to clear the universe…
His e mail is disjointed, confusing and contradictory, all this beside the point of lowering himself into a “beggar” beingness.
He writes: “The Cornerstone Members and the supporters of the Church of Scientology Religious Trust are the group making this release possible”. …but, (of course there is a “but”)…you are to give money I said, it doesn’t make sense.
Isn’t the same message that Laurie has been sending out for the last two decades since the Stuper Powered project started?
I mean with the exception of mentioning Grossly Altered Tech phase II (which means that they haven’t squirreled it enough because its still somewhat workable so we gotta squirrel it some more so that it isn’t yet still be able to call it “Scientology”) and reference to some mythical auditors allegedly as I’m writing this spinning around in some chair designed by theNASA’s LSD (Life Science Division the one’s design all the hardware for their space cadets) on a co-implant basis of some kind as if to suggest that your turn is coming soon.
(Back in the day they used to implant people free of charge. Now you gotta to pay for it!)
Musta gone off on a tangent there…..
Where was I ….
Oh yeah!
So here’s this same letter that we used to get in the mail years ago before we were dead filed and labeled “disaffected” yet again for questioning the wisdom of or actually lack there of “management” with a few additions and revisions.
My how little changes except for the person signing it!
One wonders if they have these things etched and preserved on metal plates over in the CST vaults and ready to issue every time their income goes down?
Other than from the unrelenting demands for gifts, donations and other non earned inflow, income has been going down steadily for years. No auditors actually being made, the outer orgs being raped for staff, empty missions and “ideal” orgs – one wonders at the sheer dreaming which goes on with staff and current public.
Mike, the more i read your blog the more i think that the church has gone completely squirrel. They now violate not only common sense but the same lrh policies they were supposed to enforce. This is overwhelming. It gets worse and more flagrant every day. Per the policies on dev-t you can expect a catastrophe for the church in the next few months.
At least since they built the building from scratch they won’t need to reg for a new round of donations for Reno’s. But wait… what about GAT III? they will probably need to do extensive Reno’s to the building for that. They should probably get started on the regging for that asap. They only need to add the word “Golden” to all the status. e.g. “Become a Golden Cornerstone member by only donating another $35,000.”
Simon, I don’t think you will be looking forward to my response: You are a freaking idiot! Pull your head out of your butt and take a whiff of the real shit going down around you.
For the people still in I would ask, what happened to “Solve it With Scientology”? Delivery first, then buy stuff. If you don;t have enough money to buy stuff, you deliver until you have more than enough to buy staff, after bills have been paid and staff has been paid a living wage.
Just as this e-mail from Simon Taufer demonstrates, “solve it with Scientology” isn’t done anymore, and won’t be done ever again. Remember “solve it with Scientology” is in HCO PL 24 FEBRUARY 1964 ORG PROGRAMMING…unless Miscavige had it covertly modified to remove that phrase. If Scientology “solved it with Scientology” it would be doing what LRH said to do. But we never follow clearly-specified LRH anymore, especially if it would interfere with Miscavige’s self-aggrandizement and Miscavige’s place in the history books.
Here is the original DM’s I Want Your Money picture. (You may update your blog post with this one).
MaBu, I recall seeing that one in a magazine! The face is unmistakably DM’s, with that sly look on its face, too.
Poor Simon has not noticed the huge white elephant across the Ft Harrison and that it is up and complete for the past few years with the cornerstones cemented probably before he came to the FLB while he was public at CC Int; perhaps due to unceasing demands to get his stats up from Laurie. Any button such as status is valid in Sciendollargy! Perhaps he hasn’t been told that the Garcias have a lawsuit with allegations of this being a money making machine and his actions continues the Fraud?
No Sinar, press is entheta. 🙂
Yet another Taufer begging for money for his Lord and Master, eh? John must be so proud of his boys.
John is dead now. Mary Tauffer is an outside reg for the IAS and that is her full time job. So Collin is following her example. The manipulative IAS tactics abound in that Kook Aid drinking house.
Wow. Sorry to hear about John Taufer’s demise. He was a good man.
Yes he was and I think he didn’t buy all the church crap. He, like so many other Scns, died of cancer.
Not to mention the infamous Quinn for Ideal Morgues.
I knew Quinn well when I worked for the church in their renovations projects. Ran into him in recent years at a fundraiser for the Dallas Idle Morgue project. I didn’t form much of an opinion about what he was doing at the time, but it was pretty strange to see him wearing the hat of a ‘rain maker’.
Quinn is quite hatted on regging for money. He coined the phrase at Idle Org fundraisers:
“Whose next”?
Lock the doors and repeat the command over and over and over until every one is broke!
I wish someone would answer the email asking to know what the money is needed for now, since the building is completed. Would really like to see Simon’s answer to that.
Do it. I did – I’ll let you know if he replies.
“Planetary Clearing”? That old chestnut? Again, this is simply a filter; if you believe in “planetary clearing”, and you believe that “super power” is going to bring that about, then you probably believe you’re hard-earned cash is best placed in the hands of the Church of Scientology Religious Trust.
Of course the church never bothers itself with the details of “how” planetary clearing is going to take place. And I suppose it would be impolite to ask. They are selling dreams. Give me your money towards this goal, and we will give you status; status is currency within the bubble. That is the totality of the exchange (if that is the right word).
“Let’s sell this people a piece of blue sky”
“Planetary clearing”??? And the words “Super Power FOUR time in his first sentence??? This guy is a total idiot. After these many decades, they cannot point to a single TOWN which has been “cleared”, forget about cities. The planet? Oh, puhleese!
“I suppose it would be impolite to ask.”
Haha! Yes I suppose it would.
Maybe somebody can rediscover a lost LRH classic on etiquette to help us tiptoe gently through dilemmas like this.
You’re right Mike, that the regging now is on automatic. These registrars, especially Collin Tauffer, have so many overts of impoverishing people for lavish empty buildings and mest instead of spiritual freedom, the overt of ommission here is big, but anyway, they have so many overts stacked up that they can no longer see and develop a blind spot in the area, and this blind spot makes them put regging on automatic so that they don’t have to look at it and create it in a new unit of time each time. Automatic regging. Instead of, “Give me that hand. Thank you,” repetitive to EP, it is now “Give me your money” repetitive to NO EP as it will keep on going forever until the midge it is in jail.
OT TR Fleecing / Golden Age Tech II Patter for all staff
“Put your wallet up next to ours about 2″ away and empty it”
“Put your bank account up next to ours about 3″ away and empty it”
“Put your mother’s savings account next to ours about 4″ away and empty it”
“Did you empty it”?
“Good! Now do it again”!
Pathetic. “Status” has replaced the bridge.
That is a VERY good way to put it!
The only way to clear the planet is to the Nasa swinging-chair to use like a rocket-Chair. Fire “them” off to Mars..
For all the money some paid to go up The Bridge ore have donated(have been extorted under durress) one could buy a seat in a comercial rocket to see the earth from space. Imagine that,