These are submissions to the House Judiciary Committee from rape victim Chrissie Carnell-Bixler and abuse victim Valeria Haney.
As any readers of this blog know, the fight for justice for the victims of Danny Masterson has been long and painful. He finally confronts the criminal justice system, but the victims also filed civil suits before the criminal charges were finally brought. Scientology has managed to convince judge Steven Kleifield in this case (and Judge Burdge in the Valerie Haney case) that the victims are forbidden to have their day in court, but instead must undergo a scientology ritual, judged by scientology jurors, based on scientology “morals,” in a scientology “court,” to determine whether their claims against scientology have merit. It is a farce and mockery of the right to justice.
I have written on this blog about the insanity of this — most recently here: Scientology “Religious Arbitration” – Giving Kangaroo Courts a Bad Name
I hope the House Judiciary Committee takes note.
Here is a link to the members of this committee. Reach out to them if you can. These letters were incorporated into the record at the end of the hearing today a short time ago.
And Valerie’s statement:
Thank you, Mike, for link to the House Judiciary Committee members. Thank you, ISONOI News, for your note around Tony Ortega covering public mention of this case by former Fox News personality, Gretchen Carlson. She includes this case against DM II in her remarks to federal lawmakers.
After done sobbing for what Valerie and Chrissie (plus, Chrissie’s family and two pets) have been through, I will do my part and reach out to these committee members. These written testimonials are substantive and powerful. I agree with the sentiment that talking to a staffer in a Congressperson’s office contributes to the traction here. I believe a reasoned, intelligent person calling to weigh in and participate in the process is something staffers welcome and respect. I have had success talking to staffers, and when they tell me they are noting down what I am saying, I believe them.
I actually envy you, Peridot. I have not been able to cry about anything in 40 years. Maybe some auditing could handle that.
All I can do is fight or die and I have done both of those.
Don’t get the idea that I don’t care. I feel bad about it; I just cannot cry about it.
Wow. This is really well written. Good to read. And maddening.
It’s such BS.
The judge should look at the wikipedia article on Scientolgy Justice it tells what a Comm Ev is.
It’s investigation leading to punishment.
Arbitration would be under Chaplains Courts in Div 6.
Disputes between public and public = chaplain court
public and a staff member = chaplain court
public and the org itself = chaplain court
Comm Ev is has a totally different purpose.
How can the simplicity not be understood?
A scientologist must only follow the words of hubbard/scientology. only. always. it’s the only thing that is really true in existence.
talking bad about scn = a crime
going to authorities in scn = a crime
A Comm Ev is for finding and punishing crimes.
Doesn’t sound like arbitration to me.
P.S. I’ve been comm eved. It’s still in files with the tapes. Because the entire thing has to be taped too.
If they tape an arb proceeding they have to allow the other party to tape it.
Ja wohl. A very important point. Records must be kept and a tape made of all proceedings. This I believe is in policy and was done in all Comm-Evs I was on.
This was critical to show that the Committee called on me were a bunch of lying cockaroaches (They were probably ordered to lie).
I can see those falking cockaroaches refusing to give a copy of the recording to all parties as it is “Out-Security”.
I don’t give a talk if the whole room has to be bugged, the only reason they would not allow a recording is to cover up the crimes they intend to commit
You can bet your ass (and mine too) that the cult will record it. They have to, if nothing else for the Compliance Report.
Since DM is involved in the case I can only imagine that he will demand to hear every word.
Should the “Arbitration” fail to hang those people who dared question and even sue DM heads will roll. Heads will roll either way, the only question is Who’s head.
Das ist sehr gut, Mein Herr.
A Comm-Ev in my limited experience ( I have done about 20 and received one) is an action where a group of people is called upon to take action on an individual; somewhat like a firing squad. They are chosen by the Convening Authority for their willingness or ability to provide what is needed and wanted i.e. a conviction and destruction of the Interested Party.
In the very 1st one I did at Flag in late 1979; the Committee failed to send the I/P to the RPF. (He was already in the RPF, sent there by COCMOFLB.
Next thing you know the Committee is being held again; this time with the names of the 1st Committee added as Interested Parties. The second Committee did not do much to the 1st Committee; they had basically the same findings as we did.
Later I did a few Committees where we, the Committee were threatened if we failed to hang the I/P.
In the last Comm-Ev I was the Interested Party. The Committee lied and said that I pleaded Guilty to a High Crime.
I demanded a Review Comm-Ev which took over a year and was finally held After I was sent off the Freewinds to die of AIDS.
The Review Comm-Ev heard the tapes where I clearly pleaded Not-Guilty of the charge. They found me Not-Guilty. But they had to throw some irrelevant Bullshit in their F and Rs because they couldn’t just tell the truth that the original Committee was crooked and lied..
Are efforts being made to require church members (any religion or organization) to become mandated reporters in California? I’ve cried every night hearing the stories of young victims that all could have been avoided and remedied if this simple requirement was in place. As a public school teacher this boggles my mind and outrages me beyond belief.
Clergy are already mandatory reporters in 36 states, which include CA and FL.
Valerie’s attorney and Chrissie’s should insist that the religious arbitration proceedings be recorded with video or audio at the very least.
They have the right to have a court reporter present, but if the cult tapes it they also have the right to tape it.
Don’t let the cult tape it and say they will give you a copy. Their Tech taping people have to be in good standing too and will falsify or (accidently) erase anything bad said about them.
This is the official page for the Hearing:
Justice Restored: Ending Forced Arbitration and Protecting Fundamental Rights
Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law
Statement for the Record from Chrissie Carnell-Bixler:
Statement for the Record from Valerie Haney:
Video of the hearing:
E-mailed Vern Buchanan, Sarasota Florida Congressman, to support the FAIR Act. Vern is usually a good egg so we will see on this issue.
This arbitration of sexual issues with Scientology is a total joke. These women should be protected. Lawyers earn too much for doing nothing. They have now created a way for themselves to make even more money doing less than nothing.
I would really like to know why it is that no judge (to the best of my knowledge) has ever said words to the effect, “What? A billion year contract? Are you nuts? What kind of sense does that make? A billion year contract cannot possibly be valid and it is considered void – absolutely and I rule it is positively void on its face.
Anyone who writes up a billion year contract and asks someone else to sign it has to out of their freaking mind!
It’s never come up in a legal case as there is no effort to enforce it. Scientology doesn’t claim it’s a contract in the setting of the courts — just a “religious commitment.”
Wow… these are excellent and very well written.
One find day the clocks of karma are going to turn around and kick Scientology’s / David Misavige and the minions who keep their heads in the sand….asses.
I sure hope the time is now.
Tick Tock, DM. Tick Tock.
On another sad note regarding death to Scientologists who did Scientology.
Chick Corea died of Cancer. OT VIII.
Also, a beatiful 35 year old Scientologist (but may have been out) woman by the name of Alison Thurmond Kunsemiller who was a member of St Louis Org for many years and was married to Scientologist, John Bylsma in St Louis passed away December 25, 2020. John may be out too. There was no mention of Scientology in the obituary and donations are requested to go to a fun house for kids.
We are trying to find out what happened to her.
Does anyone know?
Well, for one thing, when one of these judges finally does kick his ass, he will not be able to beat up on the judge. The little twerp will just have to swallow and eat it.
Some of these judges must be living in a bubble of their own.
I cannot believe that any judge would force people to go to this “Kangaroo Court” bullshit arbitration if they hand the slightest knowledge of how this cult operates – especially what a sham and a scam their so-called arbitrations are.
It seems to me that Valerie Haney’s lawyer is using a very clever approach. In the news today (just Google “news scientology trials”) he said that Valerie will be filing many more lawsuits. So if the first case is assigned to a judge who does not understand what this cult is about, there will be many other judges who will be assigned cases and eventually, one of them will understand just how crooked this cult is and how it operates without any concern for the laws of the land.
I would expect that eventually, one of these judges will nail these creeps to the wall (or whatever the appropriate expression may be).
But I expect that eventually, Valerie will be awarded a very substantial judgement which will force the cult to settle for an amount that will be reasonable. Like maybe 3 million dollars at a minimum.
You go Valerie! You are one of the very best!
COuldnt find this reference? WHere did you see it?
I hope I made it clear the only part of my post that was factual was that her lawyer said they will be filing many lawsuits.
The rest of it was just my feelings and opinions.
LOS ANGELES — A former Scientologist has filed the first of what her attorneys say will be multiple lawsuits against the Church of Scientology International and its leader, alleging retaliation, child abuse, human trafficking and forced labor against her and other members who have left the church.
Oh OK. That is from 2019…
Oops. I didn’t even check. It was near the top of the list and so I just assumed …..
I am not represented on this committee.
I had to search “who is my Senator” “who is my House Representative”
I’ve written to both asking them to bring the Statements to the attention of their contacts or connection within the House Judiciary Committee.
Mine is Colorado.
Michael Bennet US Senator
Doug Lamborn my House Representative
I included a link to this blog for them to read the statements.
I shared what happened to me as well to hopefully edify that this is not a limited problem that scientology has gotten away with since it began.
I hope it helps. I really do.
I’ve been through being Comm Ev’d and I’ve been a Committee member. You must apply LRH Policy to everything starting with Keeping Scientology Working. You have NO CHOICE to have compassion or understanding outside of what they teach you. It is the stone cold truth and fact.
The importance of contacting, or even better, calling members of Congress can not be overstated. And if you call the Congressional office or Capitol switchboard you can easily get an office of someone outside your district. Also when you speak to staff it is as valuable as speaking to the congressperson themselves. They take notice, and log the comments to share with the House member.
Tony Ortega just posted a a new story related to the hearing:
Gretchen Carlson slams Danny Masterson and Scientology ‘arbitration’ to Congress
I should add that Tony’s story also has the statements of Chrissie Carnell-Bixler and Valerie Haney to the subcommittee.
Dear Mike,
I 100% agree with you. This should NOT happen to any women! But, this type of response has happened to women for centuries. This is personal to you and #scnpsychoterror (scientology) centric. I completely understand and applaud you for pushing this
Until we can change societies perceptions o women, the laws will not change. The lawmakers and judges will continue to give men the power and equate women as ‘whiney little bitches’ who are at fault for being there. (dress wrong, drank to much, party to much, walking wrong, etc…)
Scientology is just banking on that perception and winning every time. Those perceptions are still held
Ironically, it’s that same perception that Scientology banks on with your daughter and her ‘justice for mom’ lie.
And I did write to 2 of the congresswomen (if your not it there district its not generally taking seriously though) and I am not totally cynical just realistic since I have been in position of being that friend to a ‘rape’ survivor.
I tried writing to Congressman Swalwell, but as I am not in his district, I could not send a message, Alternatively, I sent a message to my congressperson, Mark DeSaulnier. I requested he pass the information onto Mr. Swalwell and other members of the subcommittee. I have asked for a response, directing Mr. DeSaulnier to this blog,, and “Leah Remini, Scientology & the Aftermath.”
Thank you so much!
It’s the very least I can do.