LA Org is the “model” for all scientology Class V level organizations — even though Miscavige made it into a Sea Org installation. Oddly, the “model” cannot be duplicated in other places in the world and it remains the only Sea Org Class V org. There used to be another one — St Hill Fdn in the UK that was supposed to service the “local East Grinstead public” in the Castle, but apparently Miscavige closed that down as if you enter your location as East Grinstead on it directs you to London Org and Brighton Org. I hadn’t realized he closed down that org too in his era of “massive expansion.”
These cool cats are proud of their accomplishments. 800 Clears (and NED Case completions) — which is at least 750 more than the next largest org. And 800 more than most orgs on the planet.
But this is only 800 since October 2, 2014. That is 63 months. Or 275 weeks.
Which means 200 SO members are producing less than 3 “Clears” per week (again, compared to the rest of the bubble, this is miraculous — most orgs don’t produce 3 per year). But if the combined efforts of 200 FULL TIME Sea Org members cannot produce 3 Clears per week, they are absolutely dead in the water.
To get 300 Clears per week, they would need 20,000 Sea Org members (today there are a total of about 5,000 SO members internationally). And yet even that would only mean 15,000 Clears in a year. The population of earth is increasing by 228,000 people per DAY.
How cool does this seem now?
That’s right! Telling people you’re cool is not cool
This belongs below jere’s comment.
I remember taking the kiddos to get their photos taken. The photographer, the Missus and me would do all kinds of goofy mugging behind the camera trying to get the kid to smile or laugh.
When I look at this picture this thought occurs to me.
So these guys and gals are going through their miserable day in a super depressing dog-eat-dog environment when someone comes along and says we need you for a picture we’re taking. So they trudge outside into the daylight and then someone has to pump them up so they can look all excited and enthusiastic. Of course #2 isn’t up to snuff so we have to retake it. Then #5’s sunglasses fall off while jumping up and down. And on and on. So after taking 40 shots the one above is deemed the best and that’s with #4 doing whatever it is #4 is doing.
That photo with the added title “How Cool is LA Org?” says it all for me. Now I’ll continue on and read the almost superfluous piece by Mike.
Right, I’ve read the piece which did not surprise me in the least with their bouncing rubbery figures and now I’m wondering which one in the photo had the loaner for the day braincell.
If you have to SAY you’re cool, you never will be.
Ok, lets get real.
Auditor Mag #129 published November 1976 said there were now 5669 Clears. Auditor #127 published in September 1976 had the number at 5541. So there were 128 clears produced in a 2 month (16 week) period. That’s 8 clears a week. More than one a day in 1976.
So can someone explain to me the “massive expansion” that is being bragged about when they are now producing less than 3 clears a week?
Rhetorical question, obviously since I consider the fact that they are sucking in fewer people a week a win actually.
ValR, I attested to ‘clear’ #5875 in about June of 1978 at Flog. I was in the middle of a sudden spurt of ‘clears’ at Flag after NED was first released. I put the term in quotes because whatever I attested to, it wasn’t stable: I crashed HARD soon afterwards;not as bad as Lisa Mcpherson, of course, but bad enough that they eventually had to show me the open road and say, “get outta here”.
There never was a clear to start with. No one attesting these days gets the gains either. I attested up to OTV before I quit lying that I was any more able. It wasn’t stable because it didn’t exist. That’s why it’s so easy for Miscavige to make people re re re re do things. He has them convinced they did it wrong, not that there is no right.
The Reckless Ben videos reveal LA org as very un-cool. I was surprised at how unprofessional and hapless staff came off, such as when an auditor just breezed through the “sec check” style questions intended to try to reveal if a PC is investigating the org, and someone almost picked up on the spy camera glasses but then let it slide – I wonder if the org is now in the turmoil of all sorts of “investigations.” And they do come off as absolutely desperate for any business at all.
It has been fun watching Reckless Ben’s stats go up on youtube. Climbing by the thousands since Tony first shared the site…over 11.5K followers as of today. The videos support everything that has been said about the real purpose of COS.
Reckless Ben is kicking butt; exposing the COS lunacy with a little poetic license thrown in for fun. I’m looking forward to episode 6 as much as I looked forward to each Aftermath episode.
Miscavige’s wiggle room is getting narrower by the day.
In an effort to stem the tide of exiting parishioners, he has had to promise more and more to those remaining, to keep them excited.
People do remember.
Scientology media productions. Was gonna blow the lid off dissemination internationally. Uh, nope.
LA Org, the model for CL5 orgs. All the other CL5 orgs merely have to train and intern their staff with these LA Org staff and stats will boom!
Uh, nope.
All of these failures are made worse by the hype that preceded the promise.
And that sentence, in a nutshell, is scientology.
Those left seem to be those who can put inconvenient truths into the Orwellian ‘memory hole.’ Plus many of the remaining ones are getting to the age where they really won’t even be able to remember the things said to them in the past.
Whoa! Slow down Mike!
Too much critical thinking here!
You’re gonna blow some poor OSA’s mind trying to keep up with these facts!
Thank you
Scientology has become the defense mechanisms of the little man. Does DM have body doubles?
I suspect that body doubles substituting for the Twit would increase the liability. If they’re standing in his stead, might they be considered “proper service”? He’s not got to worry about snipers, ffs! That’s when body doubles ar most useful. And WHERE would they find a guy SMALL enough to be mistaken for “The Kid”.
O/T. At the Scientology Flag Land Base: The Supreme Wisdom of Nation of Islam Founder Master Fard Muhammad as told to his successor The Honorable Elijah Muhammad,
ESMB Redux post:
Interesting middle picture showing the walkway on top of the ramp between the two buildings dead-ends at the SP building;no doorway.
Bright construction detail.
Well, excuuuuse me but isn’t this an example of “mixing practices” -in Scientology a serious overt actionable in Ethics? Or, are NOI members held to a different standard and why am I even asking this question?
I’d like to ask something else about this ad: WHO IS IT TARGETING?
I mean, aren’t staff, FSMs and Sea Org members who’ve got someone on the hook hyper-protective of their catch? Like, it’s THEIR sale, for which they will get credit and a cut of their $ when they register and pre-pay for stuff. Why would anyone share that? What possible motive could there be to share a catch? As a member of a hyper-predatory organization like Scientology, why would you be willing to contact these guys for help in moving your sale up the bridge?
Maybe i’m missing some detail here because as it stands, i don’t see anyone who is aware of this ad being willing to comply with it. Can anyone explain?
It apears the author knows there are problems getting selectees in.
So the solution is to ‘tag’ (that’s what it’s called – probably from Big League Sales) another FSM and split the commish.
This is what is happening when one of the pro or fulltime FSMs does prosperity seminars last I knew (96ish).
The SO members don’t get FSM Commissions and if they do it goes to crew pay and is split equally among all crew. This is workable but often regular pay could get cut to 0 when FP knew there was an FSM commission also.
At this stage in the game, my guess would be the target would be those people who are currently contemplating leaving the cult – but more importantly – people who are contemplating ceasing to give them any more money.
After all, they surely know they ain’t gonna get any new members. They haven’t gotten any new members since gramps was wearing short pants. Also, they surely know they ain’t gonna get anyone who has never given them any money to give them some. Finally, they must know that no one who has been giving them money on a steady basis, will decide to give them more.
So, it’s just my guess, but I would guess they are now running scared and they want to do whatever they can to stop people from leaving the cult and taking their money with them.
But it’s a game they seem to be losing and losing in torrents. Can you imagine who it is that would be willing to give them even more money than they are currently giving to them? I sure can’t. Seems to me, the money is rapidly dwindling and DM is seriously worried where his next bottle of booze will be coming from.
Don’t worry, Little Davey. Joining Alcoholics Anonymous will be a real good thing for you. It may even save your liver don’t you know?
So they are displaying GLACIAL levels of growth?
“GLACIAL levels of growth?”
Perhaps; it IS global warming and glaciers are shrinking and all.
“Glacial” as in “slower than frozen molasses”.
NOT “Glacial” as in gigantic in size.
It’s just another example of how This Scam twists and turns words around to make people think they are something for real when we all know there ain’t nothing real about This Scam. It is all entirely worthless and full of shit!
Maybe the figures they quote are from the beginning, in the 70’s or so when LA Org came into being? That would make it look even worse. Or is the date of 2014 you mention, is that the date when the SO came and kicked the Class 5 staff out and took over to man it themselves?
And if LA Org is not getting much walk in or bodies in the shop, what do these 35 auditors do with their time? What do these Div 6 for new public do with their time?
Since the SO took over.
Watch some of those videos on Ortega’s site for an insider’s peek into LA Org. The last one shows the regges sitting around and ganging up on the guy to try to get $15 out of him NOW through any means possible because he says he left his wallet at home. It is creeps, sad and funny all at once. They are so desperate for $15 it’s hard to believe.
You know, at this point, it would be easier for them to earn the money doing actual work.
I would not mind giving them $15 if they grabbed a shovel and cleared my driveway after a snow storm.
Ideal car washes Kemist?
How funny is that! But also sad as you say. To have them fight like sharks in bloody water over $15 is so pathetic. Remember the old days when Ron said you could make a good living as an auditor? Not in the corporate C of S. If the staff moonlighted flipping burgers at McDonalds that would be a big raise for them.
Cindy org auditors were never paid well enough to make a good living. Hubtard created “corporate scientology”.
“What do these Div 6 for new public do with their time?”
Drill their body-routing skills. gets them good and tired so they fall asleep instantly after 11PM, or whenever they’re allowed to go home, sleep & shower.
LRH tape play at 11pm. Sleep comes after that and finding a ride home or people to walk with after midnight AND I had to pick up 4 children and get them tucked in to their own bed and handwash and hang nylons and shirts and diapers. I don’t miss it a bit. It would be even worse now with no public which seemed to make it all worth the trouble back then. Seemed.
Never treat $cieno numbers as real. But how stupid do you have to be to put out such paltry numbers?
LA mOrg is one of two flagships in the $cienoverse. LA and Clearwater are the top of the pyramid and Clearwater higher on the Totem pole.
So now LA is stealing from all the other mOrgs on this benighted prison planet. And those steals only generate 3 clears a week. All at the cost of 200 Sea bOrg and all the upkeep they and the buildings take. This is not a recipe for business success.
Can 15 thousand Clam support 5 thousand Sea bOrg? That is a lot of overhead. But at least someone is not in their head. With services not being delivered, are ‘donations’ being used to keep the lights on?
True Lron diehards would scream in protest, but they have already left the building. Only those Miscavige could reprogram remain.
I think you may have unwittingly solved a question that has been eluding parents for several years! Common Core Math was created by Scientology as a way to hide what real math tells us!
I have to assume the goofs in this picture are children/relatives of other Scientologists? Because I can’t imagine anyone under 30 — even those whose only Internet access is via their local library — gets involved in this organization with the facts that are so easily available.
I recently had a conversation with someone who basically had zero interest in the cult, (had only heard about it because of TC) but since they had found they had some time on their hands had been sort of binge watching The Aftermath. Not sure where, maybe NetFlicks or something like that. Anyway, it was interesting what, so far, they found upsetting. It was Fair Game, and what Mike Rinder had gone through. It will be interesting to find out what else they learn, but I do think Fair Game will catch the average person’s interest. Heaven knows what they will find even tops that once they get deeper into their research. They asked me just when the cult started, commented on what a nut case LRH was, thought DM was extremely creepy looking, etc.
I also think it creeped them out thinking that you just don’t know if someone is in the cult or not, but I told them it would become apparent pretty quickly the more they learned about the cult.
The more the cult can’t keep its name off the news the better to educate and pique the interest of the average Joe
Does the LA org still compete in the birthday game?
If they’re not competing in the SO org category it would be awful and demoralizing for other class V org staff.
You can speak up and complain and write KRs on off-policy and injustice, but you must be willing to bear the consequences.
And despite all the LRH on it, having policy to back yourself up and/or upstats are no defence and offer no protection. Period.
Staff was never cool, it was simply the only choice once you cogged. Cause and responsibility were inseparable once you cogged.
The goal was OT, after all.
Speaking of cool, to accurately show their progress in clearing the planet, the theme for their next event should be from the movie Frozen.
Is sort of sad to see these young staff members TRYING to do their job, and I am sure the are well intended and want to get the product of their position. They may even believe they are helping people.
On the other hand, they seem to be completely unaware that behind all this, there is a sociopath leader that only wants admiration, power and, is in fact, very destructive.
Illogical isn’t it?
What happened to the non sea org staff that were at LA Org prior to it becoming a Sea Org installation? Were they offloaded?
At the time, a few were allowed to complete their contracts at LA Day or LA Foundation depending on their posts. Even these were told that their contracts would not be renewed. The rest were let out of their contracts free and clear without having to pay any Freeloader debt and without any obligation to transfer elsewhere.
A few joined the SO.
Some eventually wound up at Pasadena. For example, Melanie Lekas, the former ED of LA Foundation, is now a DED Foundation at Pasadena. As I recall, Melanie’s sister Chel is DED Day at Pasadena. Other former LA Day and Foundation staff members eventually wound up on staff at Valley Org, Inglewood and San Diego. None were required to transfer. They were let out of their contracts. They chose to join staff at the other Orgs.
I believe the majority of people who had their contracts terminated did not join the SO or join staff elsewhere.
Both my kids were on staff at LA Org when the SO took over. One left to join staff at Pas Org and one stayed to finish contract and then transferred to Valley Org. The reason the one did not follow her brother over to Pasadena Org was cuz it costs $10 a day to park at the parking structure next to Pasadena Org and she couldn’t afford to pay the $10 a day. So it was VAlley Org for her where the parking is huge and empty and free.
35 auditors for LA seems a little insufficient when there are 4 million people just in the city limits
True, except those 4 million Angelenos want nothing to do with the cult and won’t be “flooding in” because if they were this org would not be doing their damndest to rip off PCs from other Scientology orgs. Instead, they’d be begging for more auditors to handle the “flood”.
But, but, but! They can provide auditing in 10 different languages!! Completions from all over the US and the World!!!
No wonder…
If you look closely at the picture, you can see that only 2 staff members out of 5 are wearing their hats!
They look absurd. THIS is a CHURCH? I suppose they engage in these silly antics in the belief that it will attract new, raw public between the ages of 18 and 36 into the cult. Or perhaps they believe they can entice still ins to join staff or Sea Org. I mean, look how much FUN these Sea Ogres are having! So pathetic.
In my business 20-somethings are mostly my clients. They’d look at this photo and laugh (inwardly if they’re being polite) in contempt and roll their eyes when told that these people are CHURCH workers.
Many young people nowadays are becoming more and more secular and turning away. organized religion anyway and if that were not enough, Scientology’s PR is mud.
Thank God I’m no longer associated with them. They’re just embarrassing. No other word for it. Frankly, always thought it so.
I’d sooner be connected to the Jesus Freaks who rant on city sidewalks.
Last but not least I’d love to know how to get the cult to take down that cookie cutter website I did back in the 90s. I’d love to know how to get that scrubbed! I suppose I’d have to be caught doing something REALLY suppressive for that to happen…buuuuuaaaahahaha….
My guess is even if you were a known SP to them they won’t take down your website because no one is manning or monitoring that site. I too wish I could erase my blurb on that website. We were all strong armed into doing one back in the day.
I hear you but nevertheless I just might test them on this. Its time they knew how truly evil I am. And I want my Goldenrod, dammit! I just redecorated my bathroom and I want my framed SP Declare in easy view whilst the…facilities… are,.. in use.
Aqua, I wonder what the line is between doing something bad enough that they finally take down your old cookie-cutter website – and not so bad that they put up a hate site on you?!
Wow! Let me see if I have this straight, Peacemaker:
Do something “not so bad” and you’re given a hate site; do something “bad enough” and the heavy artillery is hauled out, and your (gasp) your WEBSITE is… REMOVED. Just…SCRUBBED…! Nary a trace for all posterity of what was once one’s glory days in the cult. Oh, the horror!
Thank you, Peacemaker. I shall consider my next steps very carefully indeed.
2 out of 7!
There’s someone inside (obviously not ‘cool’ enough to be included) and there’s the photographer who has forgotten the reflective nature of glass…
The percentage of fully hatted staff is reduced further still.
Just to pick a nit here, there have not been 800 ‘clears’ or ‘ned case completions’ as the cult claims. The only thing they have created is 800 ‘clear’ or ‘ned case completion’ certificates. These are just pieces of paper claiming that a person has attained some nebulous state of being. The fact is there are no ‘clears’ or ‘OTs’. Never have been, never will be. At least not by applying Hubbard’s sacred ‘tech’.
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but scientology is just a huge con. For all the money you cough up all you get are gaudy certificates.
Having walked out of Flag almost 7 years ago, going through the hell I went through, losing my son, not seeing him for 6 years, learning more and more about the beatings, the false imprisonments, the cruelties against children and other living things, the covers ups – I’m disgusted it continues at all.
Holy shit. This is the dark side of the cult. It surely will continue. Interestingly no suicide or murders were posted in the last months? They are becoming loudless?