The desperation within the Vulture Culture is becoming more visible. See the below email.
From: WISE Eastern United States <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 10:44 AM
Subject: Our next milestone – Portland Org Grand Opening!Dear Xxxxx,
Some very exciting expansion news!
I wanted to invite you to the Grand Opening of our next Ideal Org – Portland Oregon on Saturday 11 May 2013! The Grand Opening is Sat at 1PM followed by Tours and Ideal Org Alliance events. The next day, Sunday, starts with Sunday Service and is followed by a Dissemination seminar, an FSM seminar with Jeff Pomerantz and Michael Roberts and ending with a concert at 6:30.
This is of historical significance since Portland is the site of our biggest victory for Religious Freedom when we banded together as a mighty force during the Crusade in 1985! This is where we coalesced as a group and forged our winning traditions! Many of you were there.
This is unquestionably a once in a lifetime opportunity and you are invited to participate in the adventure!
Call Portland org 503-228-0116 or text your confirmation to 323-682-9580 or email to [email protected]
Bronwen Strub
What is so wrong? Let me make a partial list….
1. Why aren’t there enough public in Portland to fill up their grand opening? If there are 10 million Scientologists and 150 orgs, that is 65,000 people per org? That’s more than enough to get the required 2,000 to give standing ovations to so they can say “thousands were in attendance.” But let’s stretch it and say that Seattle, Vancouver and Northern California public attend. That is another 7 orgs (not counting Day and Fdn) – 4 of them ideal and at least 2 “SH Size”. That’s half a million public at 65 per. Let alone Western United States — the FASTEST growing Scientology continent on earth and winner of the Birthday Game 5 years in a row. The continent with more Ideal Orgs than any other place on earth.
2. But East US is sending out emails begging people to attend? Why wouldn’t they be concentrating on expanding EUS? It’s not like everything is hunky dory — they can’t get Harlem open after 10 yearts of promises. Long Island Org may have been washed away in the last hurricane and nobody noticed, Buffalo is moribund and that is just the orgs in New York State! There is a simple answer — the ONLY thing that is important in Corporate Scientology is what “COB” is doing. He will be in attendance in Portland so everyone is flat out “backing up COB” — “we are not going to make him wrong by not having people there to acknowledge his hard work and brilliance in bringing up this incredible stratgey to clear the planet.”
3. And why is WISE sending out pleas to its members? I guess they don’t work on getting Admin tech into society any longer. They are strictly and only trying to ensure they tax Scientologists who have businesses.So that is their mailing list.
4. Finally, an “FSM Seminar” by Jeff Pomerantz and Micahel Roberts? Does anyone want to lay bets on what they will promoting for people to “FSM” to? NOT new public onto the Bridge, that’s for sure….
They mention Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomeranz as if I should care.
I hadn’t seen Michael Roberts act for a while and then several years ago he appeared briefly in some TV show. I remember thinking he didn’t look well. He looked run down to the point that I felt sorry for him. Hearing what he’s been up to in recent years, it all makes sense.
Typo “there was NO writing up of conditions…”
I wonder how much money was extorted from the Delphian School employees in Sheridan, to get this Org open? And I wonder how they feel, since they really won’t be able to ever use the new Org.
Interesting point. Especially given that the Delphian School opened up its gymnasium as a dorm for out-of-town crusaders back in ’85. I wonder if the reges leveraged Delphi’s part in the great historic Crusade of ’85 to work some cash out of them.
Anyway, it was a pretty odd time at the school with all those strangers on campus.
Oh boy. Isn’t that ridiculous!
Wise supposed to be a secular activity; these people have no self-respect left.
It is pathetic.
Conan. Well said.
The ONLY thing about Wise that is secular is that they often claim they are.
They hold Business Expansion Clud meetings at the org. These BEC meetings are supposed to attract new people. They do not.
Imagine going to the local Catholic Church and reading a management pack by Jesus Christ and being told it is secular. Ha!!!
This email from Bronwyn at Wise is like the one I got from int a day or so ago. Exactly the same schpiel Mike. I should get on a plane in EU and fly to Portland? Go figure.
The collapsing of the networks into the church has been a relentless move for years now. I have protesting it for a long time. No longer.
The admin tech is invaluable when it is an expression of natural law. Where this is the case, it is not ever a question of whether it works or not. It simply is.
For example, a lady steps off the side walk, not paying attention, I grab her, avoiding her imminent accident. A car whizzes by. OMG she says. Thanks a million for saving my life. The conditions played out right there. There was writing up of formulas. Just the roll out of the conditions. Not invented by LRH, only expressed as observations of natural law.
Great managers use this stuff instinctively.
Hey. I am Greenonwhite, so forgive my passion.
They never quite managed to cut/hide the connection as they did with the ABLE bunch.
“Incorporation papers of WISE include the statement “It [WISE] is organized under the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law primarily for religious purposes. Its purposes are to promote and foster the religious teachings of L. Ron Hubbard in society, and to have and exercise all rights and powers from time to time granted to nonprofit corporations by law.” Incorporation papers, World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, February 1, 1983.”
The off-hat-ness of this alone is really telling. WTF. The Portland crusade really was fun . . . Some 30 years ago. It was also a turning point. It “proved” the superiority of “Wing-it Productions” over real establishment and exchange. While it did give a sense of globle unity, it tore local production apart. Such a big win.
You know, this email asking WISE members to attend this Scientology event should be sent around widely so that there is no doubt that Scientology and Wise are joined at the hip. I have some ideas…
They should just hire some movie extras or temps to fill the crowd. As a next step, they could start collecting donations to hire people to attend courses and receive auditing. Since no one is willing to pay for services but are happy to donate to back up COB, they could make orgs provide free services, sponsored by donating parishioners! Then the org would actually be operating on donations for services. Oh wait, that’s what they’re supposed to be doing.
Their crowds are inflating, er, expanding!
As usual, thank you for a spot on data analysis and sensible eval of this latest patheticism (is that a word?).
Shame on you guys. Whatever happened to team spirit?
I will definitely be present for this momentous occasion of the 3rd opening of Portland’s Ideal Morgue, and Bronwyn, via Mike Rinder, I would like to warmly acknowledge you for your thoughtfulness in taking the time out of your busy, off-line off-purpose day to extend this exciting opportunity to me as well as to all dedicated KoolAid drinkers to drop everything and fly immediately to Portland, Oregon, no expenses paid! Thank you, really! We are SO tracking here!
I don’t understand all the slams against Michael Roberts here. He was a BRILLIANT performing as a streetwise pimp informer on the Baretta show for those three years… probably the apex of his career. A role model for every IAS reg.
Jeff Pomerantz… check out the fluff written for him at imdb: Oh boy. Jeff’s biographer for this piece, Jonathan Otun, click on his name! Lol. ONE biography written. For Jeff! Jeff probably dictated it to him (using his best “rolling thunder” voice.)
FSM training by these two??? I think together they have gotten perhaps 3 NEW people in Scientology, and two of them were their kids, who have probably since blown. Michael and Jeff’s status as FSMs comes from the fact that, as they bilk thousands from old timer Scientologists for the IAS.
They only occasionally figure out a way to find a little left over for some bridge action. This is pretty rare, as the typical IAS indoctrination is that it’s going to be all over for the Church in a couple of weeks if they don’t crush some organization or person THIS week and ALL your money and credit line is going to be necessary to pull that off.
But they don’t get anybody new in Scientology. I don’t think anyone in corporate gets anybody new in Scientology. It would be very interesting to see a really VALID, accurate stat of how many people buy and start a major service in a Class V org internationally. It’s very very few.
Jeff Pomerantz and Michael Roberts haven’t been celebs for decades now, so their worth to the organization in that regard is minimal at best. Younger folks have no earthly clue who they are, other than some high pressure IAS regges.
It’s actually a bit pathetic that their names would even appear on a promotion piece for such an event. Only grey hairs like me even know who they are.
Dan you are in rare form! Bravo. Yes, those two are snakes of the worst sort and certainly deserve skewering. Actually “leeches” is more accurate. When I was working on Robert’s IAS Winner video I heard he routinely made upwards of $200,000 a year in commissions. So all he wants to do is reg people off of the Bridge — take their Bridge money that would otherwise be spent on the SHSBC or maybe OT Levels and instead, get it all spent on the IAS where it funds Miscavige’s kingly lifestyle. They didn’t start off suppressive, but they elected to take on the valence and really wear the hat with aplomb. Especially Roberts. With Pomerantz’s AM-radio-DJ identity crisis and permanent runny nose, he’s hard to take seriously. But I guess that doesn’t stop him from getting his product of “people no longer able to move up the Bridge.”
Not to mention the original half a million dollar loss…if they building was sold that is. Otherwise it’s a 5.4 million loss. But it’s easy to spend other people’s money (just ask the government), and losses are just part of the having to do business in this “wog” world.
I threw Michael Roberts and Howard Becker out of my house on Sunday afternoon when they showed up unannounced. I let them in at first to be polite and then they started in on me. I tried to be polite but they wouldn’t take a hint so I got nasty with them. One of my few IAS wins.
Tony, this dynamic duo spent 3 or 4 hours regging me at my home many years ago, and left with a few hundred dollars. They knew I was “qualified” to pay $40,000 from leaked data from a local org. Howard Becker was so angry he was nearly spitting.
Another time Bridget and a Russian guy came to my house and spent 4 hours harrassing me. Finally, I went into another room and came back with a check written out for $200. They left soon after that. I knew they were in deep shit with their seniors, and frankly, my dears, I didn’t give a damn.
Never got any more IAS visits after that, as I’m sure they put my name at the top of their Shit List.
Great job Lordburg!
Way to hold your position in space.
Been there, done that, Tony.
I remember a group of S.O. folks showing up on my doorstep unannounced at 9:00PM one night maybe ten years back. We’d had so many unannounced visits and intrusions by S.O. members over the years that my BPC finally came bursting to the surface. I motioned my wife away from the door and lit into them in a manner to which they were likely very well accustomed.
I think the I/C of the group damn near cried. It was the last ‘visit’ of that type we ever got.
Way to go Ronnie. I bet you could be real good at that if you were pissed.
Good for you Tony!
Great win Tony!
Hi Tony this is Yana, we met in Seattle org many years ago and then I moved to California, I am no longer a scientologist and wanted to get in touch with you. Have not found your contact info anywhere and the old phone numbers do not work. I messaged you on messenger but looks like you have not seen my message
I hope you see this message and we can re-connect
Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz, hmmmm, “Bob’s your uncle?”
And DM’s your sugar daddy.
Hi Lucy, isn’t that a “down under” expression? Well, Mike would know.
“The Grand Opening is Sat at 1PM followed by Tours and Ideal Org Alliance events. The next day, Sunday, starts with Sunday Service and is followed by a Dissemination seminar, an FSM seminar with Jeff Pomerantz and Michael Roberts and ending with a concert at 6:30.”
A two day grand opening. I wonder how many will stay for the full abuse, er program? Beginning with Tours and Ideal Org Alliance events……….. and ending with… good Lord.
Funny too the EUS letter doesn’t include an address, and their current official website doesn’t even include a photo of their idealness (nor mention of the event).
When I went to the Las Vegas Ideal Org grand opening they bussed us in from Phoenix and there were also a lot of SO bussed in. They were hidden from us and brought in to fill in the back of the crowd after the “public” were routed in. I think they were hiding on the side. We had to wait a while before the start for “another bus” , but I didn’t see any more people so I assume it was the SO guys bussed in. It was a strange experience. We were sort of pre-qualled as being part of the inside group. Then we had to park in a lot away from the org and be bussed in through barricades and green screens. There were two big tents where we were corralled like cattle. I went into the other tent. It only had a few SO guys in it and I was told I wasn’t supposed to be in there. There werent many people in the tent I was in. Just the guys from my org and a couple other groups from other orgs. Then when we were uchered out to take our seats there were a bunch of people. I’m not sure where everyone came from. It was just strange how the whole thing went down. Maybe I was in the troublemaker tent or something.
Oops, one correction- a group of us drove from Phoenix and then were bussed from a location in Las Vegas to the Ideal Org. We were not bussed from Phx.
Yeah, WISE is definitely wrong source for a notice like this. And EUS is also wrong source as a continent.
Yeah, that was a real historic “crusade” in Portland. Geez, you’d think this was Ghandi fighting the British Empire or something. All it was, was a fight to keep the CoS from forking over millions on a fraud settlement. after the usual bs promises and non delivery.. A real “victory” ….. the plantiff got millions in a settlement anyway. Do Scientologists just have a basic postulate to get and stay stupid?
David Miscavige sees it as his first great victory as Dear Leader of Scientology. I guess he’s trying to invoke those feeling today. (But he sounds more like a guy a little deep in his beers: “Hey, remember those great old days when I showed them wogs huh, huh?”)
Still, it could have turned out worse:!topic/alt.religion.scientology/Jh3VkC3hVP4
The obvious answer is “DEFINITELY” or “EXACTLY” or “ABSOLUTELY” but out here in wogdome a simple “YES” will do.
And for those still in it would be “YES SIR MR. DICKBREATH oops I mean MR. MISCAVIAGE SIR”.
Apparently so
Most of them don’t even study the subject anymore. They wait for someone in “authority” to interpret what Scientology is.
Many are there against their own determinism because they are afraid their “friends” and family who are blinded by the light will abandon them.
Some like the feshbachs, the cruises, Miscavige et al feed on their ignorance and fear like little vampires.
And that pretty much sums up the Church of Scientology these days.
Now every event is a pull out the stops, all hands on deck, must attend crisis. Even with RCS, they can only do that so many times before they drive everyone into apathy. And once they’re in apathy, why go back to orgs that are unable to deliver services?
So nice that they’ll be having a Sunday Service. I’m sure that’ll be a new experience for most of the people attending, since they are usually hasty improv events thrown together when an unsuspecting person walks in off the street and wants to attend one.
Wow this amazing!!! They have already outgrown the 12 story building that bought a few years ago!
COB has done it again.
This post is just more evidence that Miscavige has knocked the hat off every entity and staff member in Scientology. Bronwen Strub (who by the way was a sweetheart when I knew her), as noted, should be getting admin tech into society in her zone (EUS) and making sure that Scientologist business people are shining ethical examples of positive application of Scientology admin tech. I can tell you for a fact that she and WISE EUS are doing none of that. The company promoted as being the “largest WISE company” in EUS is owned and dictated to by a Scientologist owner that can only be described as an admin squirrel with a tendency to act abusive to employees – and actually hides the fact of the minimal use of LRH admin tech in the business due to the negative attitude towards it by many employees – not any shining example of what a “Scientology business” is supposed to be. But they pay their dues and make big donations, so the fact that the owner’s closest associates often get seriously ill is ignored entirely. Meanwhile Bronwen is entirely off WISE purpose and off hat forwarding Miscavige’s self-aggrandizing boondoggles in a different Cont.
Here is the thing and I really believe this. I have said some variation in the past. Corporate Scientology & David Mismanage, simply do not “work” in the day of the internet. The internet, effectively killed Cor Sci. The death rattle began when people first posted things online & now its in the final throws. RIP DM & Corporate Scientology ! Ya all can do whatever you wish, with the remains.
Bed Man Okc
Leave your wallets at home! LOL
Great story Mike. The hits keep coming.
I though Portland had already opened? WTF? Poor Michael Roberts – he has been working his ass off for years for the IAS – wait until he finds out it is a total and utter scam! Thanks for all the news Mike – great BLOG!
Michael Roberts is never going to “find out” anything. This is how he makes his living. Geez, you would think Tom Cruise could pull a few strings and get him some small roles so he could pay his rent by acting a bit. But then again, there are only a handful of Scientologists who actually give a shit about each other when push comes to shove. (the way to care about someone of course is to either hard sell them – and take your ten percent – and/or force their ethics in – and then hard sell them and take your ten percent.
I was going to comment but yours duplicated my thoughts to the tee! Well said and spot on!
Lol! That’s true Joe. TC throw poor old Michael a bone the way you did a few years back in Rainman.
I thought MR did a good job in his small part in that movie by the way.
I think this will be Portland’s third “Opening” in the past decade.
Why bother spending all that money on new buildings, or on proper Staff wages, when you can re-open an old Ideal Org and give the illusion of expansion?
I don’t have the documents about “multiple openings” (and we’re not talking about COB’s Second Dynamic aberrations here!) to hand, but they’re out there on the Internet.
Blown SP, I would not feel sorry for Michael Roberts or Jeff Pomerantz they get paid ALOT of money for their “lectures”. That is how they both have been making a living for many many years. Neither of them have really done any acting. They both know EXACTLY what they are doing!!
Michael and Jeff are no dummies, so the only thing left is they
are locked into the scam, plus of course they need their
commissions to live. And underneath all that is not wanting
to acknowledge the state of affairs because of non confront
of evil. All that can be said, IMHO, is; get a life and back to
real acting!
That is the cognition I had today. Those that are still “in” and contributing to DM’s facade are the ones that can’t or won’t confront evil. It was quite a revelation to me when I realized how evil this train that has gone off the rails really is. It is the antithesis of what LRH intended. He tried to give us freedom and DM want to give us slavery.
Axiom, It takes as long as it takes. There is no cut-off date.
A cog is always a WOW!!! after you had it, and not before, just as ‘obvious’ is evident only after you’ve seen it.
And for all of us in our current state, I’m sure that there is more cogs to come. Be patient.
Poor Michael Roberts indeed! He is one of the perpetrators. He does it for the money. Commissions from selling IAS memberships.