The history of the Freewinds has been relegated to the “we don’t talk about that” category like Mary Sue Hubbard, where’s Shelly? what Briefing Course? And so many other inconveniences we don’t talk about any more.
The Freewinds was purchased for ONE reason. To make the delivery of OT VIII possible. That is what David Miscavige told the scientology sheeple. It required a location “off the crossroads of the world” which is the reason the Freewinds exists. Had to be a big ship to accommodate all the people who would bf flooding up to the top of the Btidge. Delivering it at Flag just wasn’t an option (until it was when the ship needed to go into dry dock).
Over the years, the Freewinds began offering other things to try to make up for the lack of OT VIII’s — “OT Hatting Courses” were the first “additional service,” then seminars, and various “weeks” (like Italian week or Teen week) and then “OT Competence Courses” which basically made the Sea Org EPF program available to public.
Now they have hit a new low!
They are offering a “wedding package” for the low, low price of $750 — for a cake, sparkling grape juice and some flowers. What a deal!
What’s next?
Children’s birthday parties with balloons, a clown and cupcakes for $1000?
Bar mitzvah’s? Ramadan fast month? The possibilities are endless…
So Hubbard never set foot on the Freewinds? No wonder it is an antiquated vessel that has not kept up with current maritime standards. Did Hubbard have any say with the selection of Freewinds?
I don’t know if they are still within ‘code’, but when I view the Freewinds’ lifeboats the first thing that comes to my mind is “Titanic.” Does each lifeboat have its own E-Meter, or one for each passenger? How else will the survivors possibly decide which way to row to be rescued? I mean, it’s not like they’ve never been shipwrecked before, right?
I’m seeing Tupperware Events on the Freewinds’ horizon. Don’t laugh, there are plenty of American women who take Tupperware seriously. Some of them might even be Scientologists so why not hold their gatherings “Off the Crossroads of the World”.
And here’s some more ideas to help keep the Ship out of the red; Contests! Beauty contests, QUILTING…omg, lots of women into this, big time…flower arranging, another big one with women…
* Miss Freewinds America (Canada/Mexico/Australia etc., wherever Scientology has a foothold)
* Miss Teenage Freewinds (Ditto)
Of course I’m giving examples from the feminine perspective. I don’t do any of these things. My hobbies are informal studies of etymology, reading detective fiction and watching Ancient Aliens. I’ll leave it to the men here to come up with ideas to get male Scientologists to the Freewinds .
What’s needed now is a PR posted to dream up and bring into reality all kinds of reasons for events on the Freewinds. Someone with NO shame. ANY celebratable event qualifies.
Whatever will draw Scientologists there and make money. Weddings? Ok, then why not funerals? What a terrific venue for a funeral…scatter the ashes overboard, etc. And then how about celebrating a divorce? THAT ought to keep the Freewinds busy.
Christenings, birthdays (Sweet Sixteens, 21st, Happy 50th etc. ) Anniversaries! High School Graduations! High School Drop Out Join The Sea Org Bash!
OK, you get the idea! Now, Yo!
Scientology PR people lurking here, the Freewinds needs INCOME!
i mean, let’s get the lead out!
The Time Is Now!
Much Love,
The Freewinds was purchased for ONE reason. To make the delivery of OT VIII possible. That is what David Miscavige told the scientology sheeple. It required a location “off the crossroads of the world” which is the reason the Freewinds exists.
Janis Gillham Grady (who set up the ship with its operations) at 8:43, about that the primary reason to get the OT8 ship was the IASA (International Association of Scientologists Administrations).
“… and with the creation of the International Association of Scientologists, they wanted to set it up somewhere where they didn’t have to pay the IRS for any of the money and to keep.., and because it was donations as well and to keep it offshore from America; and so the plan became “Hey let’s buy a ship, so it can be offshore”.
And the Flag Service Org were expecting to get OT8 so they could deliver it.. And instead that was given as a reason for getting the ship.. And the ship was then set up to do OT8, which became very upsetting for the Flag Service Org.., that that service was taken away from them.
So my understanding was, that the ship was there initially for the IAS but it needed a front reason ..which why it was given OT8.”
The IAS was already established offshore in Cyprus. IAS Administration was located there. It was convenient to put the IAS on the Freewinds but it was not a necessity. It had been operating fine in Cyprus. And in 1993 it all became irrelevant anyway as the IAS was given exempt status and the ISS was relocated to LA.
I’m curious if the “flower arrangement” is the 2 Phalaenopsis orchids in pots seen behind the bride and groom’s cake cutting?
If so, I dare say there’s an “Orchid I/C” who keeps maintaining them to keep them flowering as long as possible. They’re easy to maintain in a constant temperature environment and cheap to buy in most western countries. And they’re usually large white flowers.
Just an idle musing from an orchid nut who’s spent the morning working on his plants
Compared to modern cruise ships, even small ones, “Freewinds” is old, cramped, and well past her ‘sell buy’ date. On top of which she is still not in full compliance with the latest Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requirements, or International Maritime Organization (IMO) pollution standards. Which severely limits ports she can visit, such as anywhere in the USofA, without being held until brrought into compliance. Which may have something to do with why she almost always sails at night these days.
How about Yom Kippur so all the Jewish Scientologists can gather on the Freewinds to 1) atone for having been taken in by Scientology – this would include fasting – and then 2) forge a group plan on how to get their money back – with rejoicing and a big meal afterwards.
Ok, this is a JOKE – of questioonable taste I grant you but the Jewish people of my long aquaintance would not take offense at it – a joke with no disrespect intended to Judaism. In fact I think every individual, Jewish or not could well use a Day of Atonement. Of course the Catholics have Confession…but you get the idea.
What? Catholic confessions on the Freewinds? Okay, here goes.
(Make sign of the cross) “Bless me, sir, for I have committed overts and withholds. It has been…..”
And after the Confession:
“Your penance is the Liability Formula which must include watching ‘The War Is Over” on continuous loop for an entire 24 hour day…”
Aqua, here it is:
One suspects it would be sold as Yom Kippur with roast pork dinner—a la that scene in Radio Days with the Stalinist neighbors in Far Rockaway.
I haven’t seen that film and now I must
Sounds fishy.
So your 30 guests fly all the way out to the Carribean, attend a ceremony, then go home? Guests don’t even get Hors d’oeuvres or refreshments? Music is “available” meaning additional costs.
Do the bride and groom get FSM commissions for guests that take a course, accommodations, and fleecing by the regges? Now that sounds more like it.
So how much to hear “WINDSPLITTER” after we exchange vows? Or maybe the entire “The Road to Freedom” album? Will it be played in CLEARSOUND? By an actual OT8, flown in from Scientology Media Productions, who is HATTED in how to play a tape recording STANDARDLY?
How much for the reception? This could be the only wedding venue in history where your guests give David Miscavige wedding presents (at YOUR wedding), instead of guests giving YOU wedding presents.
And the bride comes down the isle to the tune of lovely organ music but wait! not “Lohengren” , not “Ave Maria” but…have you guessed it?
“We Stand Tall!”
Now, can you just imagine “We Stand Tall” being played in hushed tones on organ? OMG I’m cracking myself up!
Or if the bride is a John Travolta fan she can select as her wedding march “Get On The Road To Freedom!” That would make the occasion very special!
Its always nice for a cult bride to able to choose her own wedding song
That’s not much of a wedding cake. You could get a bigger, better one at a grocery store.
Which is probably where they got it.
Yeah. Walmart.
Wow, a $750.00 wedding package.
Lets see:
Four flower arrangements and bouquest – $0.00. Just send out some sheepbots to pick the flowers from the surrounding landscape and use some old junk in a cupboard as vases.
Guitarist of keyboardist – $0.00. Just grab a sheepbot who can play a musical instrument from the chain locker and offer them some extra beans and rice.
Non-alcoholic champagne – $0.00. Plenty of old cheap crap in the storage cupboards.
Wedding cake – $0.00. Just get the kitchen sheepbots to slap a cake together using a couple of packs pre-mixed crap from the food locker along with some cans of spray on icing sugar and sweet goop.
Mike, if they really need to increase the GI of the Freewinds here’s what they should do. Offer both a “COB Birthday Bash “ and/or a “Tom Cruise Birthday Bash” and sell passes for $10,000 each. I know you and I wouldn’t waste our money on something like that but I will bet that there’s a bunch of scibots who would. Like that Lizzie from yesterday’s post? Lizzie, you’ll follow Miscavige anywhere? For a mere $10,000 dollars he might let you cut the cake with him!
Hi Alcoboy, this is Lizzy. You’ve really got me going, here!
Cut COB’s Birthday cake together with Him? Whoa!
That little hand over mine, on that knife… I get goose bumps just thinking about it, no kidding. 10K no probemo, except…now, I don’t want to push things, but … do you think that for 20K deal He and I could…FEED COB his birthday cake? Like, just a bite or two, and let it smear all over his chin a bit? You know, like they do at weddings?
OK, OK, I HEAR you, Alcoboy! Say NO more!
A mere 20K for SUCH a moment in history? Chump change! I get it!
For a moment like this, for such an indescribable honor totally unprecedented in the history of this and all universes to be conferred upon me, 20K isn’t nearly enough. I get it.
I can do 50K. Will that work, do you think?
Look, I know I’ll have competition with Trish Druggam and Elena Gargoyle Cardone. They’re each far wealthier than I am. They would each pay far more.
But visually it will be better with me. , Gargoyle is twice COB’s height and so is Druggam, only side to side. With me, COB wouldn’t need that tall of an Applebox.
And besides, no one loves him as I do. Everyone knows I would follow him anywhere, and frequently do.
Waiting with anticipation for your response!
Much Love,
In my warped world “COB Birthday Bash“ would involve each guest greeting Demento Marinatedmidget with “Happy birthday.” then giving him a punch in the head as a present.
For that we’ll need to charge $75,000.00
No, Alco – on sale 75K each there will be 5’2″ Miscavige Bobbleheads to punch, but to actually punch the man himself they would have to charge a million at least. But personally if I had a choice I’d rather smear birthday cake all over his face, and then have this photo be on the cover of Impact Magazine. People love pictures of people with food smeared over their faces, apparently. And of course, he’s be standing there with his arms crossed, Sea Org Style…LOL..gorgeous…
I can see that picture generating a massive swell in IAS donations.
Massive! Cake smeared all over His face will humanize our dear Ecclesiastical Leader of the World’s Fasting Shrinking whoops I Growing Religion. Leave it to me. But I’m thinking; instead of a cake, maybe a pie would be better? Lemon merangue? Chocolate cream? Banana Cream? A whole pie. Could we talk Him into this? Would He be willing to take a pie in the face to generate millions of Ideal Morgue donations? I would bake it myself, with my own lily white hands – a nice, deep dish, fluffy lemon merangue pie. That’s the stickiest and the gooiest. Merange is very sticky… Oh, that would be so much fun…
The fact that Scientology has ships has always been really weird to me. It makes since when looking into Scientology but just from an outsiders point of view. But its weird none the less. I think its funny that what scientology is using the Freewinds for now.
If I remember correctly when the sea org was created by Ron in the 60s, his headquarters was Saint Hill. England. The country of England had banned scientologists from entering the country and there appeared to be a real possibility that his organizations as well as he himself might be legally attacked there, in the US, and in other countries. The invention of the Sea Org was a very creative way to get his ass out beyond the twelve mile limit, where governments would have no jurisdictions and he would be legally a “king”.
So, with none of these situations existing anywhere in the world today would it be safe to say that the Freewinds has outlived its actual usefulness? Sounds to me like its not earning its keep. I’m surprised Miscavige hasn’t done away with the Freewinds long ere this. He doesn’t seem to have a problem doing away with anything else Hubbardian that he no longer wants.
But what about his annual diving vacations? Sure, Tom probably has a yacht he could borrow, but Dave’s boat is likely bigger and has more sycophantic sea org members to cater to his every whim.
Good points. Very good points and so much for my GI increase for the Freewinds ideas as their implimentation may conflict with Deal Leader’s “well deserved” vacations! Tiny Fists has his priorities, and decisions must always be made for the Greatest Good, and well do we know that Greatest Good always equates to Command Intention, which in turn is invariably whatever whim or caprice of his that Dear Leader happens to be indulging at any given time.