For those who may have missed it on social media, Leah and I joined June Diane Raphael and her husband Paul Scheer for an episode of their popular podcast.
June Diane had commented on social media about The Aftermath. I thanked her for speaking up and that began an exchange that resulted in us joining them for a talk about scientology and Hollywood. I think readers of this blog will enjoy it.
You can hear the episode here:
I want to ask Leah and Mike something that I always was thinking about it regarding Hollywood $cientologist’s.
We all know Travolta and Cruise and maybe half a dozen unimportant others (almost no one never talk about them)… So regarding that.
Did Leah and Mike know how many Public Hollywood $cientology Celebrity’s (who are recruiter’s of their own families and other Hollywood Celebrities}, and Secrets (because they ask $cientology not to spread their participation on the cult)? and most important… How many target Celebrities’ recruitment “fails” by $cientologists (example Mr. Cruise recruited his companion Penelope Cruz, but she won handle $cientology, “a fail”). This question for podcast materials include Hollywood workers like Films directors, stunt cable holders {I personally work with one who ask for reimbursement “meaning that he was automatically add to the Banned Suppressor’s list)… or stage floor sweepers?, also those Celebrities who give up or became entheta (disagree with $cientology).
My point is to know about the intensity of obsession of Hollywood Scientology Conversion effectiveness after “the aftermath series”.
For sure I know that most of the VIP or Celebrities may don’t want to be publicly mix with $cientology so they avoid been targeted and/or those who was $cientologist’s don’t want their OW’s and Confessionals used against them. So at lest show sort of statistic’s will be OK.
Love the pic with the Emmy. God this has to BURN Miscavige. Remember after Ted Koppel won the Emmy for his awesome multi part Nightline episode that eviscerated a rather unhinged David Miscavige, the Sea Org (I think at Gold base if I rem Marc Headleys testimony on this correctly) was ordered to come up with an Emmy for COB. Since in his unhinged mind Koppel never would have won the award without him then he deserved an Emmy as well. I wonder how long he displayed this fake Emmy. Same with his other fake awards like the one the retired Colombian general pinned on him a couple years back…that the Colombian gov’t knew nothing about btw.
So here is the trifecta that Miscavige hates and all 3 have an Emmy (Mike, Leah and Mark Bunker). Oh wait Miscavige does have a bunch of ‘Telly’ awards and some others that I can’t remember. These are ‘awards’ that anyone can purchase. Just look at the looong list of winners in any given category…and they also have tons of categories. In fact I think you can ‘suggest’ your own category if you can’t find one to fit into.
So, having garnered 2 Emmies between them, Leah has one and Mike has one to show off like that?
CONPLETELY deserved, guys.
I was very pleasantly surprised to find that you and Leah appeared on this podcast, which I follow regularly. I think it’s a credit to the crew that they wanted to speak on the subject of Scientology, when their schtick is to talk about dumb movies. It’s another indication of how the awareness of what Scientology is doing is becoming more and more mainstream.
Wildly off-topic, but the type of thing I find fascinating. YMMV.
TIL that Table Talks [] has over 600 hours of conversations and teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Which raises the question, why are Nation of Islam (NOI) Minister Tony Muhammad, NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad, and other prominent NOI members urging their NOI Brothers and Sisters to listen to and study the Scientology lectures of L. Ron Hubbard? Have all of them already completed all of the lectures of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
Even applying the philosophical principle of charity or charitable interpretation, and accepting that NOI members must first master Scientology Study Tech before they can understand their own scriptures, why is it necessary for them to study everything else Hubbard said or wrote before they study their own scriptures?
Original Facebook post:
My ESMBR post:
There are many “How to Study” courses on the market. The scn version was developed by educators not Hubbard although he may have done additional work on it. It has value for people who did not learn study skills in public or private schools.
Scn covered a broad range of subjects and if someone finds parts of it useful so what?
What “educators” developed “how to study” ?
I don’t recall their names and I don’t feel like looking it up. There were two of them attending the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course in the 1960’s in England. They presented Elron with their three main impediments to study, the misunderstood word, too steep a gradient (too much information too fast), and absence of mass (no physical reality for the thing being studied, for example the mind).
Hubbard went on to describe physiological and mental manifestations associated with each of them. Take it as you will.
In my public school education there was no specific How to Study course that I recall. An NOI or anyone else who had difficulty in school might find it revelatory to attribute his difficulties to not understanding how to study in the first place.
In the 1970’s there was no requirement to listen to early Hubbard lectures. The 600 hours of Elijah Muhammad be 10 sixty minute tapes, a mere pittance compared to Elron’s many thousands of hours of lectures. Listen to an Elijah tape and then listen to an Elron tape. If you bought the tapes you might as well listen to them. Have fun.
Oops – wrong math above. 600 hours of Elijah discussion is 600 hours but still far behind Elron’s output.
I never listened to any early Elron tapes so I don’t know what is on them. I guess DM or somebody decided which tapes to package and sell, maybe in the hope of indoctrinating beginning scientologists.
My guess is that on some of the early lectures Hubbard blabbed on about the wondrous abilities attainable by OohTees. This would be an enticement to NOIs and others to dive into Scn.
Good interview. And there is a lot of interest in the subject Hollywood and Scientology. Many great points brought up. Price list, can’t report a crime to police if it’s in Scientology, cherch PR machine, lack of new celebrity’s. Check out this concise podcast.
I really like the picture of Mike with his Emmy sitting on the desk in front of him.
You just know that David Miscabubblevitch looks at that picture at least once and maybe even more than once and every time he does …
his blood pressure hits the max and he comes closer and closer to that stroke that will one day leave him sitting down and acting like a babbling imbecile.
For those of you who know what happened to Russia for a few days when Stalin died, it is a very interesting parallel to what will happen when Lil Davey will have his stroke.
No one will dare suggest out loud that he had a stroke or that anything might be wrong with him. The people who come in contact with him would all be terrified to suggest that anything might possibly be wrong with the Dear Leader. So he will just sit in his chair and be shitting in his pants for a few days.
One of his minions might put a diaper on him to reduce the smell of shit that will be coming out of his room. But the basic reaction will be that no one will be willing to say or do anything to suggest something might be wrong.
After a few days however, some of the minions will start to think back on how Davey usurped the power away from LRH and one of them who has the biggest set of balls (which in no way excludes women) will decide they have the right to take over the COB position and they will try to announce that Little Davie said he is no longer up to the task and he decided they will become the new COB.
Then, they will probably try to stuff as much cash as they can into some suitcases and haul ass to one of the Caribbean off shore banking countries – like maybe the Cayman Islands or Belize or Singapore or one or more of them – just so long as they figure they will be able to loot any bank accounts.
But my guess is that Davey would never reveal any passwords or account numbers to anyone and that money will remain in the hands of the bankers. The Swiss banks grew incredibly wealthy after WW2 because very few of the people with secret numbered accounts ever authorized anyone else to be able to have control of those accounts in case they died or became incapacitated. So the bankers and the lawyers would get all the money – just like the almost always do.
Oh well, better that the money should go to bankers and lawyers instead of anyone associated with this criminal cult.
Bottom line? It will be a wonderful few days for all of us. We will have a grand old time laughing at how all the billions of dollars worth of money and property will remain inaccessible to any of the members of this cult. Some of them will undoubedly start fighting with each other. They may even kill one another. But if I understand the way that coward / bully / thieving Narcisst’s mind works, it should make for a real good laugh for all of us. The only downside is that all that wealth that was looted from innocent victims will likely remain locked up in litigation – almost forever – or at least unti it all runs out after paying legal fees and banking fees.
This would be a real good project for some of the lawyers who fight against this cult. I would think they might want to start preparing for what they will do when Davie bites the big one . How can they “claw back” get any of that wealth to the rightful owners?
I really enjoyed it. I found very interesting the reality that June and Paul have about the cult.
This means that, like them, many others have more understanding of what scn really does and is all about.
This is thanks to the work of information you and Leah have been doing. Bravi!
Negative actions have negative consequences. LRH and DM never understood this fact.