A “seminar” from the mighty Freewinds at a MISSION? In a city with ten ORGS? No Ideal Org is willing to sponsor a “Freewinds seminar” with the Incredible Gavin Wonderstone? Let alone an SO Org? Instead it is the virtually defunct Beverly Hills Mission in Santa Monica….
Oh, how the mighty have fallen….
One of the things I began to notice in my “exiting years” was how all the services, events and even the promotional materials that came in the mail offered only to help one keep going (drinking the koolaid) and pay more. What was glaringly absent were results and abilities being promote that one could take out into life and use. The promo for this event smacks of the same bullshit.
Thanks for the info. So sad to hear that your in-laws are still firmly inside their mental prison.
I just recently read “Blown For Good” (yeah, I’m behind the times. Better Late Than Never). Great read, I highly recommend it to everyone. I finished it wishing that everyone you’d worked with could escape, too.
Mike I owe you an oppoligie. At first, I felt you were not too keen to quoting LRH and pointing out LRH’s view on the Old Man’s Views. Something I felt you could do better then any other.
I am sorry for ever questioning your views. They are legitamate and dedicated to what Ron would expect us to do.
You have never never let him down.
I am sorry for that mistake.
We in RTC wish to point out that this vital Freewinds seminar in the crucial Santa Monica-Beverly Hills corridor is the exact technical action required to obliterate the Psychiatric stranglehold over the crucial areas of Hollywood and Malibu. The Psychs have so medicated Tinseltown’s actors, directors, and producers that the Church of Scientology is has dwindled down to owning and controlling only a tiny handful of aging movie stars. And our television stars? Let’s just say they’re not even getting dog food commercials these days due to the Psych stranglehold over the media.
Given the failure of PAC and CCI to destroy the Psych stranglehold over Hollywood and Malibu, Gavin Potter of the FSSO has been sent into the obliterate Psychiatry by hatting Scientologists on how to remove the maybes from their lives. Once the maybes are removed they can be replaced with yesses. And this means saying “yes” to increasing one’s IAS status; increased IAS status being the key ingredient to obliterating Psychiatry.
Grrr8!, Perhaps you should have Dave make a suprise appearance to yank a ribbon or pull some strings.
Gavin will wake up eventually. Count on it. When he does, it will be as glorious as when Hy Levy escaped from the bubble. Come on Gavin. You can do it.
My guess is that there is a particular whale (or two) that is being specifically targetted for harpooning and whose presence is the sole reason for the event at this particular locale.
BTW … did y’all notice that suddenly it is not MISTER Gavin Potter? Hmmmm …… in the doghouse?
Joe, What you just said makes a lot of sense (as usual). Instead of regging the whales directly and risking their outright refusals one on one, they lure them in with a seminar which will of course be very ego-flattering to the whales, as obviously THEY have “made it” in life, and “don’t actually need” to attend this sort of thing. In fact, I’ll bet the whales are being regged to attend this thing along the line of their presence being a help flow to the lesser beings who “really need the data”.
I have to say, if there are any Whales lurking here, please, PLEASE, buy or rent the movie “All About Eve”, and, never mind if you’ve already seen it, watch it again – STUDY it, because this is the operation that is being performed on YOU.
My perceptions align with yours. You can rest assured that if Gavin fails to bring home the bacon there will be a lot more adjectives in front of his name! I’d love to be a fly on the wall to see which whale has been cut from the herd and prepared for the harpoon. If we knew perhaps we could fire a shot across the bow and scare em off.
Amazing how much he resembles Chairman of the Bored.
Gavin has tried to make himself into a mini-me if the cob. But I think the reason the title “Mr” is now absent from his name is because cob reads the blogs and reads the fun we make of “Mr Potter” on Mike’s blog. And there have been other changes that were made after he read people making fun of or commenting on stuff on the blogs, some subtle, some not as much.
As if I want to get tips on how to remove barriers and become prosperous in life from the biggest losers in the universe…
Remember when Peter and Lisa Crundall ran the Westwood Mission. Likable people, I thought. Peter an Aussie, yes? Anyone know whatever became of them?
They picked the mission because Long John Silver’s will deliver there.
A guy who chose to disconnect himself from real life, whose life is run for him, who doesn’t even buy his own rice and beans will teach me how to prosper? Yeah, okay.
Potter’s title is “OT Hatting Speaker”. There is a “Hat” just to OT? “This is how you should be”. Isn’t that what they paid all that money and time for?
Remove the Maybes? No maybe: Monkey’s there for money. The Elmer Gantry of Scientology.
I just had a thought about this button of “removing uncertainties”. Uncertainties actually stem form missing information, contrary information, inability to observe, etc. If you really don’t know what’s going on, uncertainty is a very good thing. Why would you focus on certainty when, really, reason and evidence is what one should be looking for?
Seminars like this seek to resolve the uncertainties the marks are feeling about questions like “Is it worth it to put $50,000 on my credit card for a trip to the Freewinds on the hope that I’ll gain the ability to make 3x my income when I return?” with the answer “Yes, absolutely!!!!!!!!!!” despite lots and lots of reason and evidence to the contrary.
Unlike Neo on his first attempt to jump between skyscrapers, most of these guys don’t bounce unharmed.
Go Voluntary,
The brochure and promo is great, in living color.
The Hook is using your credit cards and expect delivery in return.
( thinking you will be better off)
R factor: When you reward DOWN STATISTICS you get down statistics.
When you use credit cards the Ship also has those numbers and know how much to drain you to zero. Then you owe the credit card companies interest and pay everything back on top of that the Freewinds has spent your money and you have signed agreements that they don’t have deliver anything.
Destroy your credit cards,tell Gavin Potter to go to Hell.
Your income will go up.
Who still falls for these insane frauds? Seriously how stupid do you have to be to hand your money to that fucking insane dwarf for such obvious frauds? Utterly insane.
Aquamarine made a comment last night that resonated with me: “Then, one day, I spotted a lie – a stupid, unnecessary lie, and it intrigued me, and I started pulling that little thread, and so on, and so on, and eventually got the Sherman Tank. Did I ever. I know why the cult is deathly afraid of these blogs. Any Still In who starts reading them, forget it, its the beginning of the end.”
I was in the middle of paying my annual IAS $500 dues when the secretary at the west valley mission told me: “we can have the whole $500 go to help the tsunami victims in Japan.” As I had lived in Japan for 20 years; that sure sounded like a good idea. This was a stupid lie, but perhaps necessary, because I was already having my doubts. But I thank her for it. It helps me to appreciate the people that stayed behind working in the nuclear reactors, obviously putting their lives at risk for the greater good. You might say they were really trying to save the planet. Its nice to see yellow shirts creating photo ops when real committment is taking place. And it took this stupid little lie to have me take a good hard look.
Errol, I hear you. I wish I could share on the blog what the lie was but it would blow my cover. Such a little thing that was quite the idle question on my part as my attention was very strongly on other things so when I observed the evasive lie I merely thought it a bit curious but didn’t really care and didn’t pursue it at all. Then, months later, it popped back into my mind and, still not caring that much, still without any feeling that this was something important, simply because I had nothing better to do at the time, I took, as you put it, a good, hard look. And , like you I, also wish to thank a certain org terminal for his/her little evasive, manipulative lie in answer to that very idle question because without it, I wouldn’t be the flourishing and prospering Bitter Defrocked Apostate on the Fringe of the Internet that I am today.
Nice story and great point.
Again, evaluation/invalidation – ‘you have barriers and uncertainties’ but, of course, we the ‘only ones’ would help you to handle such. Any activity and promo is usually communicates with a covert slant so you sort of feel bad and have something to reach for as things don’t seem to go well. Fascinating.
Remove the maybes from your life. Walk out the door!
Is Claire Headley’s stepdad still the ED of the Beverly Hills Mission, as written about by Marc in his book?
If so, I hope that the BH Mission rapidly moves from ‘virtually defunct’ to ‘totally defunct and doors shuttered.’ Maybe once Hugh is no longer dependent on Scientology for his livelihood, he’ll come to his senses and allow his wife to re-connect with her child and grandchildren.
Fingers are crossed that it happens soon.
Hugh was Comm-Ev’d back in 2005. He and everybody else there got in trouble for having stats better than the Ideal orgs. He hung on until Claire and I were suing RTC & CSI and so he got the boot in 2009. He is now a catering chef in Clearwater – clearing the planet one chafing tray at a time.
Hugh and his wife were really kind people. All hugh cred about was auditing and csing and making a living to care for his family. He flew across the country or audited in real comfortable quarters right in Beverly hills. They had two locations with the later one larger and better for their expanding mission. They Delivered caring professional life repair, lower grades and diabetics and proudly made lots of clears and audited lots of people u the bridge. They then selected them to higher class v asho aola and fso.
hugh (ed) and Vanessa stoller (man holder) got nailed big time tight after winning the mission birthday game with some real expansion. But that put them in the etc cross hairs. They had good tech. They had fully trained people and they CAREd about their public. Its a crying shame that no good people are allowed to do well in scn.
Mike Rinder: Don’t be so negative. As you can see from your own graphic the ship is half full. And the prow is straight up and vertical. Clearing the deck of the ship is the first stage of clearing the planet.
Thanks for all the information you provide.
Remove the Missed Caviges from your life.
Get rid of the that nasty man who only knows how take.
Purge the Little Slapper.
End the Reign of Miz Bitch.
btw, the phone number isn’t even a Santa Monica phone number (310 is the area code here–323 is in the midtown/Hollywood area).
Rather than come up with a joke for Gavin Potter that I have met many times
and regged for bucketfuls of money to bail out the Freewinds, I decided to tell the truth
( being creative for a joke for Gavin would take me weeks)
My “Ruin”as it turns out was uneducated about Vampire Personalities !
No kidding After not being able to finish the OT De Bug on the Freewinds
it makes sense, Vampires would never let you finish lest they are found out!!!!!!!!
This is True
So true Jose! And I just found out that they no longer offer the OT Debug on the Ship now. There was a lot of delivery that had to be done on the OT Debug, things like word clearing, making up tailored study cycles, using jQual, auditing, CSing, etc. Too much labor intensive exchange that the Ship would have to do, so they cancelled the Debug. Also maybe the debugs weren’t working and they didn’t want many people going home and scratching their head saying, “hmmm, the OT Debug didn’t work on me…” and figuring out it was not working, which might lead to reading on the internet, the highest crime of all!
Only the out-of-touch public in a shrinking little mission would be dumb enough to go on a ship and be trapped with money hungry vampire-ologists !!!!!
And any Course Supervisor worth his weight, and who actually is in communication with the student, wants the student to win, and isn’t a robot, knows what the empty lines after each checksheet section are for.
It’s for adding drills, clay-demos, data etc. that this specific student needs to get the data from the course applied in his / her life. (e.g. Removing a maybe off a decision.)
And NO, it’s not free service, it’s delivering what’s promised !
I’ve done it twice, caught hell for it each time, though the student was thrilled and really understood that Scn. was to be applied and that life could be handled using Scientology.
Co$ just won’t let you apply the tech correctly. God (Davie) forbid the student would walk out of the org. and handle his life for a year or two with roaring success !
The technology of Dianetics and Scientology is awesome; Mr. Miscarriage is a suppressive little bitch.
Well I learned something there Ken – thanks. I never knew that about the extra lines. Don’t know from which policy it is but that doesn’t matter anyway as the idea is simply good (so it must be mentioned somewhere). Not only that but it is showing that one cares for the student. Ah! The good old days!
He has not been acting alone Ken. He has had help and he was mentored as well……IMHO.
True, it’s not just “Davie”, I just hate that little bitch. Even with Co$ taken out of the picture, I just hate that little prick !
I understand. Amazing how such a small being can generate large emotional responses. I think that is why he functions as he does. Carry on mate……………….
‘Admission free and dinner served’, will bring in those few who do not know what free means!
Chips and dip followed by Shit on a Shingle.
The people I know in Santa Monica and West Los Angeles cannot be lured in by “free” or even “free” plus some dinner out of aluminum containers. That is laughable. So, perhaps, Gavin is trying to pull in the secretaries and unhappy shop people. ?? Hungry actors? Hmmm… Hungry actors might go for the free food.
Well, I would expect that there are some reticent whales who simply won’t come to orgs to be stripped of their excess blubber.
“Remove the MAYBE’S from your life.”
Translation: Don’t think. Just give us more money, and come to the Ship where we will have you as a captive audience for even MORE regging.
I am soooo happy that all that crap is in the rear view mirror of my life.
And I’m happy for you, Mike, as well as the rest of us they we’re free of the madness!
Mike L. Why do you say that? It’s clearly nothing about money! The poster says it is free!! And dinner is served!!! And suckers are welcome!!!! – don’t even have to suck on Hollywood Bvd.!!!!! I’m heading there!!!!!!
Could you please lend me the bus fare?
“Don’t even have to suck on Hollywood Boulevard” LOL I’M DYING
My favorite part is that apparently Beverly Hills CA, the most famous of all zip codes 90210, has moved to Santa Monica. I guess they don’t even know the difference between Santa Monica and Beverly Hills anymore.
Well Jane, it seems they are not differentiating period. Everything is the same, it is all associated and Chairman of the Bored has recently discovered that A does in fact equal A. It also equals B,Y,Q,Z and D under special circumstance which can only be determined by His Ecclesiastical Leadershit
Long Live His Ecclesiasticalness .
Jane, I think there’s a whole backstory about this Beverly Hills mission that has been told somewhere (I thought maybe on this blog, but maybe not). The gist of it, as I remember, is that the mission was doing SO well, with a loyal local field that would receive auditing and other services ONLY from Beverly Hills — in some cases paying auditors to fly out to other parts of the country where members were working on film projects and the like — that inevitably it came to the attention of the Almighty, whose wrath was terrible to behold. In His mind, any mission that is prospering must be leeching public from the orgs. (It does not occur to Him that the alternative may be that these upscale clients just choose to quit coming in for services altogether.)
I’m not sure whether the mission-holders in Santa Monica are the same folks who ran the mission when it was actually in Beverly Hills.
That’s what sticks in my memory, anyway, and I may have gotten things twisted somehow.
It was a bit different – The BH mission had a thriving field spread across the country. One of their auditors, my friend Sue would fly back east to deliver intensives at her PC’s homes etc. Somebody thought that they were in effect robbing PC’s from the local orgs and so said no more out of town PC’s. With the loss of their public the mission crashed.
This isn’t the first time – it happened under Hubbard’s watch as well. In the late 60’s FCDC had public all over the lower 48 states. So they went into their CF and sent all of the non – DC public files to the outer orgs close to them. DC crashed big time. I doubt it ever recovered. Mimsey
They are trolling Mike. I suspect they are checking to see if perhaps any of the elite Beverly Hills ladies might have left their purse on the table with a spare credit card or two to run for a dono. It would not surprise me if the mission holders (or staff) had worked someone behind the scenes to make a small contribution to save the planet and decided to work the area to flush out any other friends who might feel similarly. Gavin is such a warm friendly bloke, who could resist? What other mission on the planet could boast the same level of $$$$$$$$$$$$.
IMHO, If you want to know the why behind something that might not align otherwise…………….follow the money!
There is a lot of money in Santa Monica. Also… lots of film and TV people. The people on the “West Side” are notorious for never going east of the 405 or over the hill to the valley. They just won’t do it. Partly because of LA traffic and partly because of snobbery and partly because they already are in paradise… why go anywhere else? The building on Santa Monica is in a pretty good area. At least it’s close to some of those people. Do I think they will attend? … I would be surprised if they did. They are very sophisticated, informed and already run prospering businesses. When I told some of my friends in Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades and Bev Hills that I was auditing and taking courses in Scientology they LITERALLY GASPED. They were in shock. A few of them said something about Xenu…and I said that was silly. There are no aliens… yaddah-yaddah. 🙂 They knew more than I knew about Scientology. I have great friends who love me whatever I do and they know I will explore anything… so, fortunately, they are still my friends. Again… I got lots of good from the auditing because of some personal things that were going on and because I worked with a field group that was sane at the time.
Will people show up for Gavin Potter from the Freewinds? I find my head shaking back and forth with incredulity…. and yet… I guess anything is possible.
That should attract the upscale Santa Monica hippie-cum-yuppies! Yessir! Black Socks and Shirt required.
Wish I knew how to do one of those !!!! with the fifth a “/” forward slash like you see on prison walls, counting days to release. Maybe some of the exclamation marks contain a code communication like “HELP!!!!!” I hate to make fun of staff because most will bust their asses to help you, but they’re not very saavy, and are very limited within the organization, in what they can do. Really hate to see lives lived like slaves, especially like they “live,” reaching for knowledge and being deceived into deprivation – in so many ways, including spiritual.
I had to read the fine print, to see if it was a disclaimer: “Admission is free, but there is an exit fee to be determined at the discretion of the event holder to which attendees will be subject under CA civil statute 468,030,822.2 Sect 67,824 z. “Free dinner” shall be limited to one chocolate chip cookie, and applicable charges shall apply to side dishes of rice and beans, water, and use fee for plastic forks. CSI shall not be liable for gastro-intestinal upsets which are the sole responsibility of attendee.” But it wasn’t. Just about copyrights and trademarks. The “Freewinds” is registered in Panama.
I wish they’d use a font that doesn’t confuse ‘C’ with “G”.
Doesn’t Gavin spend all his time traveling about the world selling ‘OTness’ and other COS corporate woo? What does (or did) he actually do on the Freewinds?
Do the missions actually exist today? Or has Gavin been exiled to Scientologies ‘Outer Slobovia’? His 10 or 15% commission is not going to be very high if he has been sent to ‘mission’ land. There has got to be some Tom Cruise Mission Impossible jokes here.
OMG I word Cleared COAL.. I thought I knew most if not all of them, but WTF?
The Freewinds sinking is quite the image. Thanks, Mike.
Everything is getting curiouser and curiouser (from Alice in Wonderland). My question is. how come the Beverly Hills Mission is in Santa Monica?
And, Mike, if you would, please tell me why no org would host this stunning & life changing seminar?
” how come the Beverly Hills Mission is in Santa Monica? ” Because Scientology has such a bad reputation in BH that no one there wants anything to do with them.
So that is where they are. This is actually their 2nd location in Santa Monica. The mission was in the other location for just a few months. Which is actually the former location of the Santa Monica Mission. My how the wheels are turning. By the way guys… you need to update your mission news to events sooner than a 2006 opening.. This is so embarrassing.
It used to be under a different name:
Name: Church of Scientology, Mission of Wilshire/Westwood
Corporation: Active
Date of Incorporation: 05/21/1973
Mailing Address: 3200 SANTA MONICA BLVD. #200,SANTA MONICA, CA 90404
Don Myers (AngryGayPope) has info on the old BH mission:
Residents of Beverly Hills wouldn’t go within 50 feet of a Scientology mission, unless it was maybe to demand, once again, to be taken off the goddamn mailing list.
” Because Scientology has such a bad reputation in BH
The Beverly Hills mission was located on La Cienega Blvd on the second floor of an older building. The mission holder was Vanessa Bellemaine (sp?) and the CS was Hugh Witt (sp?). I had some auditing there and had an overall good experience.
The mission was on LaCienega Blvd in the late 80s to mid 90s. It moved to the Charleville Blvd address in Beverly Hills where Vanessa Stoller was the Mission Holder. She was later Comm Ev’d on some trumped up charges. The Charleville location is now closed.
Remove the “maybe’s” from your life? How about removing the unnecessary apostrophes?
I love it. Time to go back and do the KTL again.