One of our Special Correspondents in Texas sent in this promotion.
I have been receiving many of these sort of "Alliance" promotions, there has been a massive international "push" over the last few weeks to round everyone up. Some of the "alliances" are very strange — the "Rocky Mountain Alliance" includes St. Louis (?) while Twin Cities is "allied" with Kansas City and Flag is "allied" with Puerto Rico, Orlando, Miami and Atlanta (Tampa Org and Flag are now considered the same thing it seems…)
Sent out on the same day — one email reports on the massive event that was held in Dallas — less than 30 people showed up for the "Alliance" to watch what has been described by a number of Correspondents as a "lame" rehash video showing Ideal Orgs and the infamous "arrows" (signifying the creation of groups, Missions and other orgs around the "Ideal Org"). It is just another re-edit of the same footage. And the "Management Guest Speaker" was Mark Pisani, the "WUS Landlord". I like Mark, I spent a lot of time with him on the RPF and interacted with him when he was the Esates IC of the PAC Base for MANY years. But its a stretch to promote him as someone from "International Management" (an entity that no longer exists)…
And then there is a repeat of the "presentation" promoted with the usual corny hype, to be held in Austin.
Would love to know what the Austin Org "Event Center" is?
I think "COB" is losing his lustre. The amount of pressure that has been put on these orgs to hold these events and get EVERYONE there (and you know every piece of promotion and every call-in call and all the hype includes "Chairman of the Board said….") and they could only scrape up 30 people between the "Ideal Org" in Dallas and the "booming" org in Austin and they are PROUD OF IT, well, that speaks volumes about the reality of the state of the Miscavige's Church.
The Emails
From: Austin Ideal Org <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:52 AM
Subject: Wow! How Hot is the Texas Alliance?!?!
From: AUSTIN <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:42 AM
To: AUSTIN <[email protected]>
Saturday April 27th, 6pm
Austin Org Event Center
As you recently heard from Chairman of the Board RTC at the New Year's event and LRH Birthday event, everything you have thus far seen has been but a shadow or what will be unveiled in 2013.
We have received a brand new exclusive presentation from International Management for ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS on the planet. The presentation will answer ALL your questions about HOW we are going to Clear the planet… how we are going to make EVERY org into an Ideal Org… ESPECIALLY AUSTIN!… with details and information you have never seen before…
Special Guest heroes Sita Benetatos and a representative from management are coming to show it to our org and field because it is that important.
- Costumes are encouraged with prizes for best female, best male and best "other" costumes!
- Dinner will be served: Superhero Food & lots of it!
- Plus live entertainment from Lee Spiller, Jaime Blythe and more.
Pass this on to all your contacts and please reply to confirm and let us know who you're bringing with you.
Well said, Moonshot. I also felt somwwhat degraded when I didn't have the money (or didn't want to give it to them) for the Ideal Org Fundraising. Like something was wrong with me, that I would want to pay my bills or, heavens, put it aside for my own Bridge, even though I had already dug pretty deep – not ok, that became very quickly irrelevent, and the responses when I reminded them of what I had already flowed were such as to make me feel downstat.
It appears that every org is now dedicated to a kind of over-thereness. LRH gets into this on the State of Man course, about areas of responsibility and zones of control. Now, it appears that each org, instead of clearing their own public, is all hopped up about some other area to "clear". Its kind of funny. Here are all these little orgs, producing very little, with a number of them yet housed in huge, costly buildings, not making it, losing parishioners, yet all zealous about bringing Scientology to some place out of their area of responsibility and zone of control. Sad.
Mark Pisani is managing to look excited but Meri Dolan (or whatever her last name is now) looks pie-faced.
They can't produce clears in the Dallas org so I dont see how they can clear the county or state. Do they even have any staff left?
United for the first clear country? continent? why dont they try clearing all the folks on lines at a single org first. For all the blather of creating massive expansion, during my time in the Cof$ i noticed a curious lack of concern by the church of really getting people trained and clear. Of really helping anyone. In fact, if you werent whipping out your credit card or brining in piles of cash, there was something degraded about you. You just couldnt "make it go right." The subject of SCN helped me alot, but the people? Not really. They were under too much duress to "produce" themselves to care for the folks on their lines. And its only getting worse now…….
You can tell that the picture said all….around 30 people…probably half staff members and other 5 SO members….and this is an Ideal Org….BS!
How you can clear the planet? the special promotion video is what? Every time we say the same for the Flag World Tour Video..every time was the same…just diferent pictures and scenes but at the end I need to make money anyway.
Any news on Mexico Died Org….I hear the loss on getting the religion recognizition.
"How hot is Texas? Luke warm it seems"…
From what I read in the blogs, Independent Scientology seems to be warming up in Texas.
Probably many more Independents here than Scientologists that are still in.
Come on Texas! Come out and show your rebellious colors!
Now is not the time to sit on the fence if you are, nor to quietly
disagree and hide. There must be thousands of you who can
make a difference and help to save Scientology from
corruption and a slow death of the church. Isn’t it painful
enough to observe what is happening to LRH legacy?
I've seen promo from San Diego with "Captain America and Wonder Woman" at a recent Ideal Org fundraiser. I'm wondering if that's the new theme? and if the Co$ gets a discount on costume rentals…
Why dress up as Super Heroes when they don't have Super Power yet?
"Costumes are encouraged with prizes for best female, best male and best "other" costumes!"
I guess if you can get someone to dress up like a fool it's probably easier to suck money out of them.
Looks like they're holding on by their fingernails and, painful as that must be, it will likely be over soon enough (although there will undoubtedly be a lot of screaming, tearing of hair and blood shed along the way).
I just wish Davey could have all that he so richly deserves.
Dave: May you live in interesting times.
Phil Bruemmer
I can only wonder whether any of these people have ever seen the movie "The Wizard of Oz". Dorothy's ruin is the tornado that destroys the word she has known all her life and brings her to a faraway land. Her "bridge" is a yellow brick road that will take her to the all powerful wizard who can solve any problem regardless of its magnitude. Along the way, she encounters three others whose lives are similarly bogged down in ruin and regges them onto the bridge by instilling in them the certainty that the great wizard can fix any problem – for a price. When the curtain is finally drawn, she realizes that, rather than possessing powers and abilitites far beyond those of mortal men, the great and powerful Oz is just a man like any other whose power is derived by deception and illusion.
It sure looks confusing: Ideal Continent, Clear Country, Ideal Org, Super Heroes from Management in a costumes dress party with prizes????
Confusion Condition seems to prevail at all this charade
Everything we have seen so far has been a shadow of that will be unveiled in 2013, costumes are encouraged and heroes will be speaking?
No further questions.
Laughter !!!
Pure delusion.
How can you clear a country when eleven percent of it is on antidepressants? Or where 11 million of its inhabitants have broken the law by entering the country illegally? Or where 22 million people are taking illegal drugs? Or that same country as an additional 15% – 25% of its population with a felony conviction? Or where 1.1 million have HIV/AIDS? Or where 850,000 Americans have a top-secret or higher clearance? Or where 6700 agencies subscribe to Associated Press stories resulting in about 2.5 million "members of the media". And don't forget the number of people declared SP by the Church of Scientology at the rate of 500-1000 a year.
Those people are ALL ILLEGAL PCs! So they're not allowed to be cleared!
Add om the over 1.5 million households have income below the poverty level and so can't afford Scientology services, you add about six million people minimum to the list of "unclearable" people.
"Clearing the country" is a great catchphrase.
Until you look under the hood and see that it isn't even possible.
"Trust us". HA!
Ah, but you see, all those "illegal pcs" you have listed just brings down the number of people who are truly able and deserve Scn, thus making clearing even more realistic!
Delusional is right. Any significant mass clearing of any area would require an effort so massive, so monumental, that putting a man on Mars would seem easier. Take a small city/town of 100,000 – 25 million hours of auditing would be required to "clear" it. Think of the manpower, infrastructure, facilities…and the cost. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. No how, no way. Hell, it's damn near impossible for their tiny membership to attain Clear. For any new person stepping into an org the odds are tremendously against them going Clear.
POT you are absolutely right. They haven't even cleared a block, a street, a town, a city in the last more than 60 years. Now ALL the questions are going to be answered as to HOW. And I guess LRH didn't think of it either back in the day, huh? Oh and by the way no one is allowed to make a clear. And besides I think people well above the poverty level still can't afford it. Should I go on?
Do they even have a cleared org yet?
How can there be such a suspension of disbelief? That the CoS is gonna clear the planet . . . . as soon as everybody makes a bunch of money day-trading and can afford the bridge? How can people not notice that enormous disconnect? You can donate 30 grand to the Library project, but plan on it taking awhile . . . . we Rwandans needs to re-build a infrastructure, over-haul social programs and education, develop some cutting edge computer chip or strike oil, and THEN we might be able to write the CoS a check so we can have salvation too. And in appreciation we will donate to the COB birthday fund! Let's get him a new Ducati!
I just don't understand why it costs so much. God knows the Sea Org needs a direct donation system and that makes sense. It's just mind-boggling to me. You can have your eternity. If you have the cash.
"Clear the planet"? Hell, they haven't even managed to clear all of the Scientologists. I understand thinking big, and postulating long-term goals, but to continue to push the concept of some idyllic future onto people when the current reality is decidedly under water, is just pukeworthy.
Will they be having this " Ball" at a Scientology Org or have they reserved a booth at the local bus station cocktail lounge ?
Austin's my old org. They bought their current org building in the late 70s for almost a million, and it sits on the main drag right across from the university there (U of Texas). There is NO room for expansion on the main drag. It's probably some of the most desirable real estate in Austin, especially where the org building sits. Where they would put an "Austin Event Center" is a complete mystery. Hell, there wasn't even enough parking space for staff and public back in the late 70s.
"We have received a brand new exclusive presentation from International Management for ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS on the planet. The presentation will answer ALL your questions about HOW we are going to Clear the planet… how we are going to make EVERY org into an Ideal Org… ESPECIALLY AUSTIN!… with details and information you have never seen before… "
Answer ALL your questions on how we are going to clear the planet. Well its not going to be with training and auditing is it.
I remember Mark Pisani well. He was the PAC Renos I/C in the late nineties when I still worked for them. Great guy, but obviously beaten into submission by Miscavige all these years. I always figured him for one of the sharper knives in the drawer, but I guess not, if he's sunk to the level of huckstering for DM's real estate ponzi scheme.
When I look at these folks I see the same genuine (yet blind) people that we had at our Ideal Org fundraising events. They go out of their way to give-Taking out second mortgages, emptying their bank accounts and selling what they can in order to give what they don’t really have.I feel for them. They are for the most part very decent folks who believe they are helping mankind.
In a year, two or maybe more the pall of what David Miscavage has done will cover them and they will be stuck with a sick feeling realizing the betrayal that has occurred.
I see these people as future religious refugees who will be heading our way.
One outpoint that some might miss, is the one which is not there.
Where are the missions? Where's Houston? Where's Baton Rouge?
San Antonio mission died a while back.
The more people go to the internet, the less of a OL "COB" will become.
For good reasons.
Tommy Davis now lives in Austin. I didn't see him in any of those pictures.
Mexico was reportedly going to be first cleared country back in the early 80's. Then an I.A.S. tour went through there and wiped out every field auditor and mission. When I was down there in the early 90's, the entire country was ARCXen with the Sea Org. Most of the OT8's that helped launch Super Power with massive donations have become too old and fragile waiting over two decades to get it, their donations will fall into the "deceased bin" and David will be able to swipe thier accounts as donations as they have passed on. It's his latest trick. Hold back the service until the P.C. dies. Then shred the invoices.