They are still being “inspired” by their PR response to the pandemic?
“Events are held daily”…. meaning they put this on a video screen somewhere and if there is anyone who happens to be sitting around in the vicinity they count it as an “event.”
Everything scientology did to respond to COVID 19 was simply for photo and video ops — and months after the fact they continue to try to beat the last whimpers out of this dead horse. It’s only because they have nothing else to present as there is nothing happening in the world of scientology. The pandemic has proven there are only two things they do:
- Hold the occasional Ribbon Yanking Event in honor of their newest empty building
- Hold Miscavige Shermanspeak clapathons where they cobble together random pieces of irrelevant information and turn it into “unprecedented expansion.”
Without these two things, they have absolutely nothing except lame video of people in yellow T-shirts spraying disinfectant in South Africa and video of their booklets with the innovative advice to wash your hands and wear a mask. (I wonder how their official position has sat with the more radical right members of their shrinking flock — they’ve had a few prominent ones, Leigh Dundas in particular).
The irony of all this — scientologists believe the ONLY people who could contract COVID-19 are those who are PTS. And certainly not anyone who is Clear, Hubbard says in Dianetics they don’t even get colds.
As for this united force and global movement that cannot be stopped — it’s pretty apparent they have in fact ground to a halt. There is literally nothing happening of any note, and no expansion whatsoever in the world of scientology. This video continuing to be the “main event” is proof of that. Within their own promo piece they are disproving their claims.
The cognitive dissonance inside the bubble is astonishing.
PS: The answer to the rhetorical question is: they will go on milking this until they are told to stop. Everyone operates on orders. They will be told to stop when the powers that be have a new thing. That could be a new event promoting the “new” OEC or it could be “everyone has to re-watch the COB Turning Point Event for the 37th time.”
“You will leave here pumped up with pride and an empty wallet and a renewed sense of purpose as you try to figure out ways to replace all the money that they removed.”
Tomorrow’s “EVENT” will include an prefilled application for a new credit card because they’ll know you don’t have any available cash.
The day after that…well, I’ll leave it up to your imagination.
It will be interesting to see the new green staff policy volumes and see what’s been edited out.
It’s hard to edit out all the nasty Hubbard stuff though, and I can’t imagine even the new edit of the OEC volumes will be major.
At this point cult members must have trained themselves to withstand tremendous boredom, because Miscavige is prevented from doing anything innovative. Only North Koreans have it worse.
I think they are doing things well, even too well, so well today’s world is different, anyone looks for even a little about hotels, cities, restaurants, politicians or that incredible religion that everyone is curious about.
When you search about scientology, google already has a lot of information, mostly bad opinions, fraud, crimes and even ridiculous things that the same fools of the church do as free bad publicity.
Anyone who watches the scientology network will be bored in a matter of days if not hours .
With all this happening , it is impossible for Scientology to last 10 or 15 more years.
All the ways to deceive the public to disseminate it and enroll it are technical of the 60s where it was very difficult to find answers or real evidence, a 2wc used to be enough but with all the great work of hundreds of SPS flown or expelled, the Internet is its worst platform to be curious, Long Live The Internet!!!
Any one who is curious will be the first person who cognitates that the worst of this world is Scientology and will simply keep away.
Good Job from both sides
Mike ,you have raised a very important issue with respect to Covid 19 and Scientology survival
Existing operation model of Scientology totally based on physical contact, no zoom or online.
It gives control over the followers.
According to World Bank Covid phenomenon shall persist till 2025.Keeping in view 8 billion population and new type of varients it make sense.
We shall have 6 feet distance restrictions ,mask and indoor capacity restrictions for next couple of years.
On top of that Airlines now requires vaccination / health passport , which would restrict the movement of many followers.
They cannot be summoned for advance services or meeting.
If a public got infected while getting services it is not only PR fiasco but as being Anti-Vaccination , it shall face law suit from individuals and government.
I think you may now picture the whole scenario ,it’s lead towards dead end.
It is good to read the TRUTH that sheds the layers of fluff and froth.
DMSMH states that viral infections are engramic…and yet there has not been any global dianetics campaign to get people co-auditing book one. Not one org has offered to deliver via Zoom/Teams/Skype during lockdown, despite Hubbard proclaiming that “any auditing is better than no auditing.”
Per HCOB 10 August 1973, PTS HANDLING, all illnesses stem directly and only from a PTS condition. This isn’t just doctrine, it’s dogma…and yet there has not been any global campaign to dePTS the masses. No urgent appeals for public to complete even a PTS CS-1, let alone the PTS/SP course, PTS RD and SP RD.
Per HCOB 29 October 1978 III, NOTS Series 35, NOTES ON PTS, Hubbard now says that illness usually stems from a PTS condition. If the pc is not connected to an SP then one of his BTs or clusters probably is. And yet, Hubbard’s “definite sequence for handling a physical condition” per HCOB 14 November 1978, NOTS Series 34, is not available to the large majority of scientologists. Whilst church PR teams hand out leaflets on basic sanitation, Hubbard’s greatest sanitary advance is purposely kept hidden. Not even a free workshop on the exfoliating theta bath glove technique.
Instead, they’ve had Miscavige raging on about “planetary bullbaiting” and mass hysteria – only to see orgs being boarded up and left deserted.
They’ve seen Purif centres…being. sprayed. with. chemicals.
By staff members dolled up in hazmat suits.
They’ve posted pics of clears and OTs…fully masked up and socially distanced.
If ever there was evidence the CoS doesn’t subscribe to its own doctrine, this is it.
Cramming orders should be written on the lot.
With this inferior quality KSW $cientology will never keep working.
Dang 🤗
I bet that their unhinged “industry of Death” campaign is put forth as a DEFEAT of the SPs, which is de-PTSing all of Humanity. Toss in the few OT VIIIs attesting over the 30 or so years that it’s been a “thang”, and they’ve DEFEATED the planetary bullbait all on their own, don’cha know.
Nice comment.
You’re so right, I can just see the DMSMH campaign that would be pushed – like in the Hawkins era.
OT 9 and 10 are “true OT levels”, and will finally make REAL OTs, not just “pre-OT” wowza
35 years later……..
this thing, that could fix everything?
the world just still can’t have it. No clear path to when they’ll be released.
35 yearsssssssssssss….
that’s a long time to wait.
Are Scientologists encouraged to get vaccinated? I understand that there might not be a whole lot of people who have left the organization since the pandemic started, but what about other vaccines like flu and chicken pox? Are Scientologists encouraged to get those vaccines, or are they all taught to believe that all illnesses can be cured exclusively with Scientology?
The only vaccination I heard/got in scientology 40+ years ago was against something Flag crew were suffering from in ’75 as we were shipped to who-knows-where when I first joined the SO. They SAID it was for some exotic disease endemic to wherever the Apollo was, but I wish I’d paid attention to none of us having or needing passports wherever we were going, which would have sorta proved that “acceptable truth” false, which might have given me a chance to NOT “sell**” my car and motorcycle at firesale prices;
**I never was PAID for them, so I was royally ripped off
Scientologists are the least moral group of people I’ve ever encountered. Lying comes not “second nature” to them, but FIRST nature; as easily as breathing, without a thought, as long as it’s to their advantage. DANG it, I LIKED that bike, which was why I’d dragged it all the way across country with my gear
“The cognitive dissonance inside the bubble is astonishing.”
Lron built his scam by building in the Cognitive Dissonance and requiring it from his minions. Those who take the Red Pill don’t come back and hopefully, they get their families out too.
I was in the Sea Organization at Flag and on the Freewinds for 23 years. I was never vaccinated for Anything while in the SO. After I was sent off do die of AIDS which I got from contaminated blood in Curacao in 1989, The ship execs (Headed by the self proclaimed only Right Arm Captain in the S.O.) they sent me to a chiro in Sacramento who was against any and all vaccinations. He made me read a book which talks about how vaccinations screw up the immune system. He told me in no uncertain terms that medical drugs were worse than HIV. He held my wife a prisoner to ensure that she would not help me.
A number of people on this blog have asked why I sign myself ” Dead Men Tell No Tales”.
My only answer is that they were incompetent on the ship. I certainly should be dead 10 times over.
But if I am “Dead Men Tell No Tales”, since I am still talking, I must be somehow alive. But, If I am alive, then they are certainly seriously in error, as Herr Captain Napier told my wife 19 years ago that I was as good as dead and that she should end cycle on me.
That was a mistake on his part as a large reason I am still alive was to show that that cockaroach was wrong
Good going, Bill, continuing to show the bastards wrong and living a full life, —nearly a lifetime— after they’d written you off.
For most of us, leaving the Sea Org was the best thing to happen to us, even as traumatic as it was at the time.
O/T. Scientology front-group CCHR Covers New Changes to the Florida Mental Health Law in Continuing Education Course
EIN Presswire: CCHR Covers New Changes to the Mental Health Law in Continuing Education Course
Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida
June 22, 2021, 16:28 GMT
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, June 22, 2021 / — During the 2021 legislative session, Florida lawmakers passed a bill titled School Safety which changes how the Baker Act, an involuntary psychiatric examination, is applied to a minor student. This change and several others, which are slated to go into effect on July 1st, aim to reduce the number of children subjected to the trauma of a Baker Act each year.
Florida’s mental health law, commonly referred to as the Baker Act, allows for individuals of all ages to be taken into custody for an involuntary psychiatric examination but it is often misunderstood and misused. [1]
The next complimentary virtual course is being held on Saturday, July 17th, 2021 from 1:00-2:30pm. The course is delivered by attorney Carmen Miller, a former assistant public defender in the Thirteenth Circuit in Tampa, with an extensive background in dealing with Baker Acts.
The virtual continuing education course is designed for Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage Family Therapists and Certified Master Social Workers and offers 3 CE credits upon completion.
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Cannot see Scientology growing in any way. Hubbard was hooked by his entities in 1952 and died chasing them in 1986. There is no doubt he was insane and imaginary. In 1972 Scientology could grow because there were people like me who were “Curious” about it. Hubbard’s technology, predictions and descriptions proved to be wrong. He was a megalomaniac. I am now personally free from him but it took almost thirty five years. I accepted the Xenu story because it read on his e-meter. That was a big mistake.
It cost me dearly.
How is this “united force” not like the “group bank” Hubbard condemned in KSW series 1? And if the L rundowns worked, why is a class 12 auditor running around the country instead of auditing? Somehow the L’s makes people cause but nobody wants them?
The cognitive dissonance of the Church of Scientology is apparently greater than that shown by Frank Borman when he read from the Book Of Exodus while orbiting the Moon in Apollo 8.
Ummmm, huh?
Actually, I should’ve said The Book Of Genesis.
Mike —
Your snark today is seriously hilarious. Brava!
I am in 100% agreement and I am unanimous in that 🙂
Ps: the desire to be a smart*ss can be much stronger that the desire to conform with the highly inteligent, very empathic people of the world.
Please continue to be you Mike, the world is a much better place with you on our smart*ss side.
Thank You!
Whether or not this causes anyone else that is in to WakeTFU, your guess is a good as mine. But imagine the weirdness. Blame it on the covid will probably work.
I’m sure that is what a lot of its members observe – dead orgs because of Covid.
The why is covid! My better half said that and I about lost control of the car.
“Shermanspeak clapathons.” PERFECT.
O/T. The Church of Scientology is guilty of “hate speech” against gay and lesbian people according to Scientology’s’ own definition of “hate speech.”
I was inspired to write the above essay by the Church of Scientology’s adoption the American Bar Association definition of “hate speech” in the following tweet::
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT* * * * *
@Scientology definition: “Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.”
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I then quote from Mike’s seminall essay “Scientology Homophobia” —
— to show that the Church of Scientology engages in hate speech against gay and lesbian people according to Scientology’s’ own definition.
As always when I address this subject, I include Nora Crest’s powerful video “Why You Can’t Be Gay In Scientology”: