If it really DOES take 35 “humanitarians,” it tells you how outrageous Valley “ideal org” is — as they not only have 48 they have Bart Simpson who counts for about 20.
And after 12 years, it tells you how well these other orgs are doing.
Hawaii with 1. On this basis, it will take them 420 years to make it to 35…. But no worries because Santa Barbara will be wrapped up by the year 2225.
And this is the “closest” Cont to being done?
You nailed it. The word “humanitarian” has a completely different meaning in “Sci-speak”.
The bubble dwellers chant the lines in unison exactly as in the people in the depraved society of George Orwell’s novel, “1984” did.
Now I get it. As with all Scientology terms “humanitarian” has a different meaning to them than it does in reality. In Sci-speak, humanitarian means any sucker who gives the, money, and the more money you give them, the more humanitarian you are. Wow.
How many humanitarians to screw in a light bulb? You are missing the point. It takes thirty seven humanitarians to raise the moneyfor purchase of the bulb. “Screwing in the bulb” is a monumental event on an unimaginable order of magnitude that not only defies infinity but insures planetary clearing at lightning fast speeds following the illumination of GAT II. An event that epic will require “an event” over which COB must preside to insure that the significance of the screwing will be evident to all in attendance.
Slightly off subject… Or perhaps not.
Some of us over at Tony Ortega’s blog have noticed that the CoS paid ads on google, including the one with that ludicrous smear site about Mike, seem to have disappeared from the internet. Something seem to be happening. Either :
1) change of strategy from the CoS, in the face of the obvious free publicity that these represent for HBO (unlikely, as the websites are still up)
2) contract is up, CoS decided not to renew to save money
3) someone at google got fed up about certain unpaid bills
4) someone at google grew a conscience and dumped them
Any thoughts ?
Kemist, You are incorrect. I just typed “going clear” & “mike rinder” into Google search and the CoS ads were right at the top of the results.
That’s very, very weird.
They are still absent for me, since yesterday.
Perhaps it’s different from country to country.
Kemist, I noticed that too. An hour ago I typed “Something can be done about it Mike Rinder” and the Freedumb thing on Mike was not at the top, and I’m in the US.
It’s amazing how 35 Humanitarians can just magic an Ideal Org into existence just by being there. I guess they will have collectively donated about $7m to the IAS. So does the IAS create this Ideal Org as a result? No. It just means that these suckers can be suckered for a lot more. And that is a reasonable assumption, considered they have collectively given away $7m of their money without knowing the details on how their money was spent. If they have money like that to burn and not care one jot about it then there is likely plenty more to be gotten out of them. The regges can go into a feeding frenzy with suckers like that to be had.
Surely if ideal orgs need a core of a dozen or so people willing to invest in their ‘church’, surely anyone, even the most washed of brain, must work out that that means there is no interest in their cause. If the ideal org was needed, there would be a surfeit of money and a whole range of members with different skills coming together to get it built. So, why are they building a big ‘church’ again?
“…even the most washed of brain…” I’m going to steal that MonkeyChuff.
Hey Ron,
You sound like a cool guy. Mike allows people to express their viewpoints here, whatever they are. That means that you can communicate but it also means that he gives you enough rope to hang yourself. I respect that you like Scientology and the Tech. I do too.
But here’s an idea for you: You know how the Auditor’s Code says, among other things, “Do not evaluate for the preclear”, “Do not invalidate or correct the preclear’s data”, and “Never get angry with a preclear” ? Well, you might try applying that to your communication with others on this blog and elsewhere. I think it would generate less antagonism from others if you tried that. True, others express antagonism towards the subject of Scientology here for their various reasons, but that is no reason to automatically respond in kind by invalidating their viewpoints.
And before you tell me that the Auditor’s Code only applies in an auditing session, please re-read the last sentence of the auditors code in the book Creation of Human Ability. That sentence says simply (referring to the Auditors Code):
“It could be called the m o r a l code of Scientology.”
So I invite you to try not to evaluate for others.
Try not to invalidate or correct the data of others.
Try not to ever express anger at others because of what they think or say.
You might not succeed all the time, but I think that it is a worthy goal.
…..End of sermon. 🙂
Not only is 35 the average “order of magnitude”, it is the Correct one.
As if to say, if we want to build it, you will donate.
Thanks Mike, I’m not upset with anybody but I thought I would test the water and dip a toe in.I’m not a card carrying SCN, I bailed out of the SO in 86 because it was too crazy but I later finished OT 5. I have hundreds of other interests, (philosophy, race cars, ancient history, modern technology,energy devices,and more, 79 and happy with my life. I like the Indies.
Its annoying when Scientologist hating fuck-tards get on here and covertly attack the people that understand and use the tech. I love my fellow human “beings” because the tech worked on me but trolls who incidentally have always attacked anything that helped people survive need to STFU and go kick rocks. Now in order to get anything out of auditing one must be able to confront his case and not let the case run the session. So, find out who you really are because some of us know what we are looking at….
You sound awfully like a card carrying church member.
There are a LOT of opinions in the world. And differing viewpoints. If they frustrate you and make you feel attacked, then you should probably not be reading this or a lot of other sites on the internet. There is a blog that doesnt really allow any other views which you might find more to your liking — milestone two (this is not intended to be a sarcastic comment, like minded people have the right to congregate together and share their views as much as anyone else does — I have a different view of exchanging ideas so I don’t choose to participate there, but I also don’t belong to a bowling league either, not becuase there is anything wrong with it, just because it doesnt interest me).
The use of the word “fuck-tard” cost you your credibility right off the bat ,Princess. Why the anger? Why do the most ethical people on the planet talk like sailors? Sre you just mad that when you are old and sickly no one will come visit you at the soup kitchen, Sweetie?
Looks like Little Dave Doolittle has shown up.
” Scientologist hating fuck-tards”
Yo Dave,
Are they related to the Bitter Defrocked Apostates in some way. Please enlighten us with your wisdumb.
I can only speak for myself when I tell you that the ONLY reason I still participate in this blog and other “activities” is precisely because I like Scientologists, as I like most other people of Earth. It is the only thing that motivates me; specifically that my friends still “in” are still being lied to, ripped off, abused and hurt. I would expend the little time and energy I still do on this hobby elsewhere save for the fact that I have some relevant knowledge and skills that enable me to reach such people. Plus the kinship and shared goals of some great friends. But the joint effort of Mike, Marty, Exes everywhere, and Anonymous that have already helped free thousands from the vicious mind-control and misery that continued adherence to the “church” brings will sooner or later save the few left still clinging to the wreckage. And THAT my friend is a worthwhile activity, even for a fuck-tard like me.
Mike, there are so many questions an so few answers, so may I covertly speculate?
1. What did the church have to give up to the IRS in order to get them off our backs?
2. Was Demented Misanthrope PDHed by them to funnel $ into Black Ops, being permitted to keep some for himself? If so that money will never be accounted for.
3. Were the tech people divided and conquered in order for the admin wonks to take over?
4. who were the original (DM faithful)thugs needed for this takeover of tech terminals to happen?
This has all been extensively covered. There is no secret conspiracy at work, kickbacks, special deals. There were no “tech people divided and conquered.” Miscavige IS the “tech person.”
Thanks Mike for being here. You guys looked great in NY.I think the big circus tent is coming down B4 summer.
Or, how many humanitarians does it take to keep the lights on?
If the “Ideal Org” thing has been going on for decades, then from some “inside” perspective, it is succeeding (at what is the question we should be asking.). No one keeps doing something that long that isn’t working — no matter how much of a failure it appears from the outside.
Hey, if you’re unlucky enough to live in “the valley” you would also think the world is getting to be a piece of shit and be motivated to save it, but if you live in a place like Hawaii or Santa Barbara ….
There’s an actual org in Santa Barbara?
It should be mandatory that all who are thinking about becoming a humanitarian read this:
“When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some H.E. [high explosives] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going.
Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.”
Tape: The Genus of Scientology
Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress
31 December 1960″
At the U.N. Human Rights Council, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Su Yong rejected the findings of an inquiry last year based on testimony from defectors and people still in North Korea. Its report said violations committed by the state may amount to crimes against humanity and called for prosecutions
“The hostile forces are only interested to hear from such scum of mankind as the so-called ‘defectors from the North’ who fled abandoning their parents, wives and children after committing crimes at home,” Ri said.
sound familiar?
maybe miscavige can get this Ri guy to write a letter to HBO.
this sounds crazy but considering what happened with farrakhan maybe not.
miscavige could try to love bomb Kim il joker and get him into the fold,
it’s far fetched of course but actually realistic. Kim jr jr is just some 3rd gen cult kiddie, it’s not like he had to use some smarts to get there. he could be ripe for a mind fuck.
hu·man·i·tar·i·an (wog definition)
1, having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people.
2. of or relating to ethical or theological humanitarianism.
3. pertaining to the saving of human lives or to the alleviation of suffering
Consider what a change would be made if each of those completed Ideal Orgs actually had 35 true humanitarians.
IMHO, a person who stands back and throws money at cause has never been and never will be a humanitarian no matter how the lily is gilded, yet Scientology has chosen the term “Humanitarian” to define someone throws money at a building.
A true humanitarian would in there getting their boots dirty. Of course, in the case of Ideal Orgs, no one is invited or allowed to get their boots dirty and help with the planning or construction, because then it would be obvious that nowhere near the volume of money collected is actually needed.
I knew that DM was a real humanitarian when I saw the video of him in a t-shirt celebrating TC’s birthday party aboard The Freewinds. Did you feel the same way?
So “Humanitarians” are the newest rowers to get the whip. Will they replace the OT Committees? Or just be another group to rope together and try the boiler room fund raising scheme?
Or will some clams be holding signs at busy intersections and try to bum spare change for ‘ecclesiastical perfection’? There aren’t enough loyal minions to make a difference. I think that the CO$ is going to run out of steam this year. What’s next? ‘Benefactors for Buildings’?
I can’t look into the numbers too much. I’m still amazed that they know how to create a graph with Excel. Since L. Ron never said anything about Microsoft Office, I’m actually amazed they even know about Excel.
Hi All
I have been told the IAS registrars get 10% commission. Is this true as there must be some sort of sliding scale.
I cannot see Captain Miscarrige allowing a reg to keep 10% when he tags a whale for $1million.
anyone know facts?
Yea, they do but I also think they get regged big time to give a lot of it back. Plus, I think there’s a limit of $250K or something like that that they can take in.
Interested party, I don’t know about NOW but, maybe 15-20 years PUBLIC that regg’ed for the IAS got the commission with no sliding scale. Not sure about S.O. if they regg’ed that much.
The hard fact is that if a public person convinces another public person to give the IAS money, they get 10%. But the vast bulk of money is raised by full time fundraisers who are part of the Sea Org They get 5% at best, and not personally. It goes to some kind of fund for their particular corporation to use on food medical bills or bills or whatever. And its not always 5%. Sometimes 2.5 sometimes nothing at all. There is a theory going about about this system that DM is taking the other 5%-10%. But there is nothing to support that. I’m sure that with his already extensive RTC bonus system he does not feel that he is important enough to deserve IAS commission on top. Or….?
How about an Audit of where the money really goes ?
Preferable an Independent certified CPA Company that is Licensed
like the one that counts and controls the results of the Oscar winners.
How about it Dave ? Something to speak in Public about .
It would be very interesting to see the books on this “church.”
“We are totally, ideally transparent! Any contrary views are but the psychotic ravings of bitter defrocked apostates.”
Karen Pow Pow! – Minister of Propaganda HFB (Held From Below) This Sector Ours
A few quotes from the policy Org Reduction or eradication:
1. Leave the EC unfilled as posts.
2. Assign it or its EC or principals an unreal and vicious condition.
3. Combine the Day org with its foundation.
4. Deny it the right to promote.
5. Involve it in insolvency such as running up huge debts.
6. Use policy to stop.
7. Inhibit initiative.
These are all suppressive acts.
Dave is not only not a scientologist, he’s a gosh darn SP
LDW indeed he is. El Con was also an S.P. if one were to follow his PL’s and what not. So, does it surprise you that his minion, DM was a 2 1/2%’er also?
“Locke” – Why don’t you just STFU?
Whoa Dave, nice to see you are reading along!
Nickname, LMAO! I guess your “TR’s” are “out”.
John, It’s just Dave. He had a Touretts Syndrome Moment and couldn’t handle it. Wait till next Friday. He better get some suspenders to hold up His Depends, it’s going to redefine Daveshit!
Looks like they’ve hunted the whales into extinction.
Here we finally get a light bulb joke that totally applies.
DM’s ideal orgs now changing to St Hill Size orgs begs
the question; what’s the next “bright idea” after that fail?
Mike you did such a great job with the panel! You’re one of the most well-spoken people I’ve ever heard.
this is one of the funniest things I have ever heard: Santa Barbara Org has 2 humanitarians after 45 years! Now that is power!
I’m just guessing here but don’t you think David Miscavige is the only entity in the MEST universe who REALLY wants “Ideal Orgs”? Seriously, who else cares so much that they GLADLY give their hard-earned income to make that vision happen?
Q) ” How Many Humanitarians Does It Take To Screw In A Light Bulb?”
A) Can’t be done as they will never see the light.
🙂 Yea they’re in the dark.
We tend to forget that before (coal) gas and then electricity light after the sun went down was most often supplied from whale oil. I think there is a church that is stuck in the whale oil stage.
You can certainly tell the IAS is stuck on the track. They slather up their whales in oil before they stick it to em.
Meanwhile, back at the event, the staffers are looking for two sticks to rub together hoping the whales will catch fire on the latest dono cycle.
Willing to bet that Ken and I are counted in the number for Austin but you won’t find our name on a list. Would be interesting to take these numbers and compare to the lists they publish of humanitarians to see how many have been cut.
Heh, heh! Guess what? According to their chart, the average for the WUS orgs is already 31.5. Well now, that takes the urgency off now, doesn’t it. In another week or so you org staff will be able to have libs again, full pay, and start concentrating on delivering service. No more wacky fund raising events and late night ambushes. Your efforts have paid off. You’re practically done! Well done! Take a night off everyone. Go to the movies. It’s on me. That’s just a half-ack, mind you, but I have no doubts you’ll have this wrapped up by next week.
Now that I’ve opened my eyes I’m through
Sick of all the monumental news
No more money for you, I’m leaving
No longer believing
All the manufactured SP declares
And your so-called bridge that goes nowhere
Finally figured out it’s really not so bad out there
Oh, davey, davey in your vile world
It’s hard to get by trying to hide your crimes, girl
Oh, davey, davey in your vile world
I’ll always remember you for your lies, girl
I’ve seen a lot of what your hate can do
And it’s broken families right in two
Downright hurtful and demeaning
People are grieving
You’ve made a lot of enemies out there
Now with HBO about to air
You better watch your back and beware
Oh, davey, davey in your vile world
It’s hard to get by trying to hide your crimes, girl
Oh, davey, davey in your vile world
I’ll always remember you for your lies, girl
At first glance, two numbers stand out on the graph as the ones most likely to be completely made up. The idea that there are 16 humanitarians in Kansas City and 20 in Saint Louis boggles the mind. I talked once to someone knowledgeable about KC who said the total field is far less than 100 people, of which about half are either bankrupt or pretty close to it from donating to the Ideal Org. So the idea that 20% to 25% of that field is a “Humanitarian” is a little hard to believe.
I think St. Louis is in similarly lean straits, unless the remaining handful of staff at Applied Scholastics HQ are all second-generation Scientologists whose trust fund parents have donated to buy them that status.
Any thought from people with deeper knowledge of the field in those two towns?
You are totally correct. These numbers are false or misleading. Maybe over the past 30 or 40 years they could tally up that many whales each on an cumulative basis. Typically at these small orgs you will have a few wealthy members on the rolls. However, being wealthy these people have very short periods where they are active for services at that org. They get scooped up by Flag pretty darned quick.
They never said current Humanitarians, just total per org. So these 50 bankrupt people could include the Humanitarians. Move up in status today! Bankruptcy status!
JP, you will probably never see this, and its not deep. But heres the thing. I see these lists every once and while and the first thing you notice is that around 20% of the names on the list and 50% of the names at the top of the list, are not from that area. For example, you often see Bob Duggan on these lists. Someone, late at night, tired and hungry, figured out that there are a small number of very, very rich Scientologists that needed to be milked much, much harder than all the rest. So they came up with this idea of having “alliances” and “contintental games” and what that means is that if you are rich and live in Pasadena, we will reg you for all the other crappy little orgs that are part of the “alliance” – St Louis for example. I am pretty sure that at least 20% of the names on the St Louis list are not people from St Loius. Any one who is rich, anyone who ever lived in St Louis, anyone who lives anywhere in the Western United States, these are all fair game. Thats how you can have these strange high numbers.
It always amazes me…the masterful mind-job that it’s all the SP boogeymen out there causing the hardships they have, which just motivates them to continue building their own grandiose tomb. How they promote “sight” yet blind their own eyes to the very evil that guides their lives.
The answer is in Jeffrey Hawkins new book and his article on Thought Stopping and I can imagine it must be in the documentary.
I had a Forever To Be IN Will Go Down With The Ship person tell me once that he was told by OSA that it wasn’t good to read or look at negative things about the church of scientology because it will make you start to think negatively about the church. His mind bought this logic and he never looks now because he doesn’t want to think negatively about the church. (Cross eyes.)
San Diego has fallen off the map again. Poor SD.
The thought occurs that San Diego may have had more than 35 Humanitarians, and still doesn’t have a building. That would be a downer.
I’m not sure if Albuquerque has a building or not. They did buy the Gizmo building during the buying spree of 2007, but that seemed to fizzle out with zoning problems in 2008.
I think Gizmo fell through, and they don’t own it, but can’t be sure. The county lists it as owned by both Scientology and the previous owner, BLK Commodities Corp. Seems like Gizmo is in Limbo.
San Diego had a building and then sold it at what they paid. I asked one of the big donors if they got their money back. “No.” was the answer. Then I asked what happened to the BIG BUCKS they donated. Answer: “I don’t know.” CRIMINAL organization.
I wonder why other orgs like Denver are not listed either?
Denver is an Ideal Org. This is a list of the non-Ideal orgs. I didn’t go back to count, but I think the only one missing is SD.
When you pull the curtain back from the lives of these “Humanitarians” you will find bankrupted, financially ruined being waxing enthusiasm about their enforced donations. They will PRETEND everything is VGI’s but behind the scences – judgements, creditors suing etc.
The internet gives you a window to LOOK. Go to the courts and look at the members – it is public record.
That should be enough for any lurker to KNOW what Scientology IS and what it DOES to members. These are documented FACTS!!
An Ex Scientologist who remained anonynmous sent a bunch of us UTR court records regarding staff and public – it opened my eyes very wide.
I would never have anything to do with this FOR PROFIT criminal organization disguised as a Religion so it does not have to pay taxes and is only a CULT!
When the cult goes down and everyone realizes that they’ve been robbed and lied to, will they be able to get their money back?
Mike, your answer that DM is NOT A SCIENTOLOGIST was brilliant. !! Fast thinking. That’s his biggest skeleton in the closet. 🙂 Absolutely brilliant response. And true. Stunning.
Mike, excellent explanations and examples for the public. The more the public understands the language of this cult, the more they will be informed and aware. The CBS morning show comment again by Gibney that we as taxpayers are supporting Scientology through their tax-free status should jolt some.
Since you began your blog I have been following you and your posts. AWESOME! David Miscavige probably hates you as much as all of us here love you and that’s a lot. Every day you throw these facts in the face of the wee one and I know that your posts are at the top of his list to read and be briefed on daily.
Thank you for all you are doing. You are a blessing to all of us who have been harmed by David Miscavige and his church of Scientology.
By the way, Kudos on your statement about David’s big skeleton in the closet that was posted on Tony Ortega’s website. “David Miscavige is not a Scientologist.” He has not had nor desired auditing in decades and he has not had any formal training under a qualified supervisor in that time as well.
Naturally David Miscavige doesn’t admit that he’s no longer a Scientology. Leaving publicly is a High Crime, and Tom Cruise would have to Disconnect from him.
Yeah, but he could see Shelly again.
The Scn version of the old saying “Is the Pope Catholic?” except — new answer.
I’d have love to have been a fly on the wall the day some lucky person was forced to say to DM, “Mike Rinder is starting a blog…” Can you imagine? Went over big, I’m thinking.
Mike, love your articles and posts. I’d like your opinion, and I know it is just conjecture at this point but I would like to know what you think. Merril Vanier, said, as reported by Tony O when going over the new book he just wrote, that Merril thinks David Miscavige is a Plant into the C of $. I have also heard theories that DM was PDHed. Do you think DM is a plant, was PDHed, or none of that and is just a garden variety sociopath/ suppressive person? Inquiring minds want to know.
What do you mean he’s not a scientologist? He doesn’t have to get training or auditing because he channels LRH.
(Mike, I truly loved your answer.)
Dean, that DM isn’t a scn’er is quite true. He LONG ago figured out the scam (before El Con died) and being the El Con hand picked criminal that he is, has continued scamming the clueless and the trusting.
For instance, when OT 8 was being readied for release, Senior C/S Int looked it over, correctly told DM that it was B.S. and would NOT result in delivering what El Con claimed and then, he (Snr C/S Int) quit the S.O. and scientology. DM hushed this up as it would have resulted in the entire Scn scam unravelling right then and there if the sheeple found out. (this was while you and Lynn were in Jerry’s Div at AOLA)
that’s why he’s not worried about OTs and clears using their powers against him.
that he dangles OT9 and is willing to make it up shows what he thinks of the tech.
he’s not worried about it in the least. believers fear the power of the tech.
i know if i really believed someone could do me in with a mere thought, it would worry me.
Hello John. I think the Snr CS Int at that time was Jeff Walker correct? Why hasn’t Jeff come out and exposed some of the BS that was going on when David Miscavige was taking over? I know that Mayo was paid off and signed a non disclosure agreement and so he doesn’t say anything. Probably Jeff signed an NDA as well and can’t speak out without incurring a law suit that he could ill afford. It would be wonderful however if Jeff did come out and expose some of this. It would have a serious effect on a lot of the older patrons of Scientology.
With all that is going on and the countless attacks on David Miscavige and the cult the wee one must feel like a one legged man trying to stamp out a forest fire. Hail Xenu.
Hi Dean, yes it was Jeff. And, I believe you are correct. I would imagine that he got set up pretty well. He wouldn’t stay quiet for a small amount of money and knows by now that an NDA without consummate quid pro quo isn’t worth the paper it is written upon. I’m sure he got enough to retire on. If Jeff had “come out” it would have hastened the collapse by at least a decade. I think that DM is SO busy that he’s planning his retirement. The scn scam has run its course in the 1st, and most of the 2nd world. The 3rd world has no money so….
If DM really WAS a Scientologist:
1) He would “know” that the tech is the only way to help mankind and salvage this sector of the galaxy.
2a) He would want the tech to be available to all. Every Scientologist wants this.
2b) Scientology would be affordable to all, not just “the man on the street” but also the man who sleeps on it every night.
3a) There would be no Ideal Org strategy. If a big, fancy building really is the all important solution to planetary clearing, then DM would buy and open them NOW. He would get the tech out there into the public’s hands sooner, not later. He has billions of dollars at his disposal. Millions of beings could have been salvaged over countless years wasted with incessant fundraising and outrageously selfish “targets”.
3b) As above for Super Power. It has taken over 30 years for Super Power to be released. Half of that time was spent constructing a monstrous eyesore of a building that wasn’t even needed to deliver Hubbard’s rundowns.
3c) As above for OT IX and X (if they even exist)
3d) As above for the Ls, which have reportedly been on the “compilations correction line up” for over 25 years. At over $1000 an hour, DM continues to sell a faulty product (along with the inevitable, endless reviews) than see all his customers happy, satisfied and spiritually fulfilled first time around.
4) Which leads on to GAT. There would be no “Golden Age of Techs”. If the tech really is that vital to humanity, DM would have made every effort to ensure 100% KSW on-sourciness right from the word go (1982). His announcement in November 2013 that The Bridge was now finally “complete” means that for over 3 decades under his leadership, the CoS has been selling and delivering an INcomplete product. At an exorbitant price. Or in other words, the CoS has only been “on-source” for 1 year out of over 30 that DM has been in charge.
“We have faith in Dave. We made a very strong postulate!”
United Sheeples Of The World
I love so much these humanitarians whose main stats are Gross Income… stolen to human defrauded people.
Time a lie … blah blah… disagree with the MEST universe … blah blah… arbotraries … blah blah… straight up and vertical … blah blah…intention … blah blah… to put it there … blah blah…
… or something to that effect is what I recall hazily from some Int event long ago (2003?) when the Idle Morgue program was unleashed.
Join scientology, they said. It’s a dog’s life, they said.
Conclusion: stop stealing money by fraudulent means As*&%().
Yea! and stop the extortionistic style regging. And stop padding the programming according to how much your registrars have qualified the parishioner and stop sec checking out the ying yang and stop making parishioners redo their auditing and training and stop… yea just stop.
Gosh, if only TC, JT, Kelly P, Danny M, etc., knew what it was like to be treated like an ordinary parishioner. Maybe then they’d speak out.
I don’t think that’ll ever happen… look what happened when they treated Leah Remini like one!
How man Ideal Orgs does it take to produce a viable product which is more than any 1978 mission?
1 but it takes 275 years to do it.
Serving humanity by supporting insanity.
well least they finally showed a chart with numbers.
+ 1 more makes 2 more than Hawaii
Oh! Coffee all over keyboard! Yes, it represents a major leap forward in graphs for them.
This latest information from the “church” doesn’t of course even make sense. Not any of their “hot public releases” really ever have anything to do with LRH it seems or even remotely resemble anything people like to think LRH stands for. The church is busy keeping itself bogged down for expansion purposes.
So, please don’t confuse any Church of Scientology activity with actual Dianetics and Scientology applied religious philosophy. The end results of both are entirely different from one another.
This is a very good point, whether you like Scientology technology or not.
You can’t say “Hubbard plagiarized the greatest men of all time” while saying “everything Hubbard wrote was bad.”
Some people leave the cult to join another one, unfortunately.
Lawrence, The “end result” of scn was an old Con Artist sitting around taking drugs while asking his assistant to electrocute him so as to get rid of imaginary BT’s. THAT is Source(tm) Hey, but if YOU think that you can better apply the subject than the Founder…
The name-calling and antagonistic tone does your logic no favors. It makes it easy to dismiss your comments. I would suggest to you that you may have a better chance of getting those who you are trying to persuade to assume your viewpoint. Those who already agree with you arent going to care one way or another.
He speaketh sooth Mr. Locke.
A non said, “You can’t say “Hubbard plagiarized the greatest men of all time” while saying “everything Hubbard wrote was bad.”
True, but I’ve never seen that said. What I HAVE seen said is that El Con lied about his largest and most important claims for his “technology” he developed FROM the plagiarized writings of the greatest men of all time. In that he NEVER produced a single CLEAR, OT or Stably exterior person with full perceptions. Now, THAT has been scientifically verified as a true statement.
Any other questions?
John Locke, this not a tech blog. We all share our opinions, viewpoints and experiences pro and con about the tech, but essentially this is a “big tent” of people who want to abolish the ABUSES of the Church of Scientology. Whatever else we as individuals want or don’t want, however we differ or agree on the SUBJECT of Scientology and/or its Founder L. Ron Hubbard, we ALL want to end the abuses practiced by this “church”.
You might want to keep this in mind and save your cleverest and most serious vitriol about LRH and the subject of Scientology for other blogs, or, if you don’t want to soften or mitigate your comm about what you hate about Scientology and/or LRH, then try not to expect the total agreement here that you would receive on other blogs.
We’re a mixed bunch here in many ways, but we’re all united to put an end to Disconnection and Fair Game, for starters.
Can you understand this concept, so that when you share your views, you need not become so apparently exasperated and seemingly insulted and insultING at what you obviously perceive as the incredible ignorance of those who disagree with you?
Its not so much WHAT you say, John Locke, but your tone is frequently contemptuous and insulting, an issue of context, not content, I would say.
“Its not so much WHAT you say, John Locke, but your tone is frequently contemptuous and insulting, an issue of context, not content, I would say.” Yes Aquamarine, you hit the nail on the head. JL is not going to get many converts to his vitriol by adopting a condescending and contemptuous attitude toward others.