Donna Ferreira was formerly a Sea Org member at Golden Era production. She was in tape production as I recall, her husband, Marc (“Muff”) was one of the original LRH AV technicians (his brother Craig was a guitarist in the Apollo Stars). It’s possible her husband is Craig, it’s one or the other for sure.
Somehow she is still around. But what is interesting is that she has a number of her certificate: 3308 (I guess there is a chance it could be 8308, but for orders of magnitude purposes, the difference is insignificant).
Super Power was released to the public in 2013 (they actually SOLD it at ASHO in 1978 when it was announced it would be available shortly).
That’s 10 years. Super Power can be done by anyone at any level of the Bridge. They could get EVERY scientologist on earth to do this service, and have been trying since its release to do so.
300 people a year is all they have managed.
Scientology claims there are 10,000 scientologist in Clearwater! “Tens of millions” around the world.
That’s not what this number represents. This is further confirmation that there are only tens of thousands of scientologists on earth.
The cult continues to shrink before our eyes.
Mike, Marc Ferreira was on the Apollo. He was very proud of a personal commendation he got from Hubbard for repairing a copy machine.
When I knew him, from ’79 to ’95 or so he was Ron’s Meter Repair or RMR. In charge of quality control for e-meter manufacturing, I did a mission with him to find and handle meter frailties (that is what Hubbard called it, basically manufacturing flaws). We were both personally thanked in a dispatch supposedly from Ron, but it could have been really from someone in the CMO.
We all called him “muff diver” because of his mustache, or his initials, though it is possible it was a salacious reference that we won’t explore on this family-oriented website. Donna would know.
Even in the SO he drove a classic car, some kind of 40s Chevy I think. There was a really intense period of all-nighters in Hubbard E-Meter Manufacturing when the Quantum upgrade to the MK VII came out. Golden Age of Tech I. They kept Marc up mercilessly as he was placed at the end of the production line, doing the final quality check they call the “Floating Needle/ Instant Read Check”. What in the real world we would call Final Quality Assurance Inspection.
The musicians put a big Chinese gong outside the door of the FN/IR check room so we could bang it to general applause whenever a meter was completed. Seems like we had twenty to thirty Sea Org up there in HEM burning both midnight and daylight oil to do the Quantums and the Drills Simulators.
The CD player had Alanis Morisette (Isn’t It Ironic?) and the Beasty Boys (You’ve got to Fight for your Right to Paaaaaarty!). And, of course, the ever-present Queen Highlander soundtrack. “It’s a kind of Magic!” Eminem “Cleaning out the Closet”.
Finally one night he just drove his classic car out of there and never came back. I distinctly remember that Dave said not to do the blow drill, just let him go. No idea why.
But a few weeks later I saw him walking with his distinctive strutting sort of walk at the Flag Land Base. So I guess he “came back to route out properly” or some such and ended up as a public Scientologist.
Cheque is in the mail.
Beam me up Scotty. Or is it DM
I doubt that they care as long as the cheque is not rubber.
Gotta give credit to the photog.
Had the subject remove her glasses (bad look for someone with SUPER powers)
Had the subject strategically place her hand over the #
Used a large building for background, which implies there is just a swarm of $ci. activity going on inside (not that it’s 90% empty or that it’s the $ci. Bastille, or people are being verbally and financially abused in particular areas)
DM might not explode over the picture which is a win for the photog.
The 47-page “Super Power Briefing Pack” should be an embarrassment to any scientologist. It’s quite a mishmash, beginning with a 1969 Freedom magazine article by L. Ron Hubbard. The article is outdated, and is littered with lies about the failure and naivety of “the West” as regards culture, media, and finance.
The pack claims that Scientology’s most valuables assets are “to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.” To the contrary, every step that a scientologist takes on “The Bridge to Total Freedom” is just another step closer to ruin. Scientology destroys any kindness and decency that a scientologist ever had. Doing Super Power is the wrong thing to do: its twelve “high-power rundowns” were written by a high-power lunatic.
“Where would you be safe?”
Hmmm, maybe the Friendliest Place in the World would be ‘safe’. (Thinking this one a bit more, at least now the regging isn’t killer, or what’s the latest on the hardsell credit card banditry regging, maybe public “qualified” to come to Flag now, won’t be scared to death of the regging ordeal.)
If Scientology just became more chill, dropped “hardsell” banditry regging, dropped their OSA “handling” programs, and heavy ethics by their out of ARC MAAs/Ethics Officers who threaten disconnection family breaking non stop, if Scientology ever did drop all that, and just focused on “Friendliest Place In the World” and stopped all the nutball Tom Cruise “KSW” down your throat he learned from Miscavige, just lose all that nastiness, THEN maybe a few more things could be dropped, like the Xenu/body-thetans pickle Hubbard disallowed the members talking explaining Xenu dumped body-thetans onto earth and that the OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcism steps to remove all of a person’s body-thetans off their body; if ONLY Scientology could drop their worst, then maybe it might be “safe” to go to Flag.
But me, if I wanted to find out “What Is Scientology” and do the steps, I’d dig them up first from the internet, study all of the steps, understand roughly what Scientology is going to do, and then NOT do it in official Scientology, but at best dabble with Scientology in the splinter “squirrel” practitioners around the world.
But even the splinter Scientologists drag out the defining of Scientology. All Scientology is is the lower level pseudo-therapy (findable and readable all of it, in Subject Volumes 3 and 4), and then the upper levels of Scientology (mostly findable on the internet in the “OT Volume” online text document of this made up red volume with all the confidential stuff of upper Scientology, and most of the exorcism steps are there to get a rough sense of what you might be doing it you want to do the exorcism and “upper” stuff.
Paying money to official Scientology, without taking advantage of studying up on Subject Volume 3 and 4, and the “OT Volume” first and get some understanding of what it is you will be delving into, I recommend doing that first.
Know before you go.
Scientology is a soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice. It takes years even if you did it all free, on your own time, using the internet free text copies of all of the processes to do on yourself, if you decide to do it.
I’d never do it and allow anyone to keep PC folders, etc.
And today, after studying Buddhism a tiny bit, I’d not recommend doing Scientology at all, just listen to the YouTube “Dhammapada” (sayings of the Buddha), listen to those a few times, and skip Scientology altogether.
Unlike Scientology, Buddhism has more free audio books out to explain Buddhism and give you everything FREE.
If you walk into a Christian Church (regardless of denomination) they’ll tell you about Jesus Christ for free. If you walk into a Synagogue they’ll tell you about God, Moses, and David for free. If you walk into a Mosque they’ll tell about Allah and Mohammad for free. If you walk into an Org they’ll charge you about information about Scientology.
The “exchange” demand for Scientology content, sadly official Scientology is shackled with this.
The “pilot” to make it all free, ex’s are the only ones who throw the orthodox “exchange” rules out the window. Some splinter Scientologists charge less.
Scientology content ought just be all free on the internet, like other religions. Find your own “teachers” of Scientology untethered to orthodox Scientology’s money grubbing business model (which is Hubbard’s fault).
Squirrel/splinter Scientologists, and freebie Scientologists are the way to go. Or just skip all of Scientology and do another freer religion/subject.
If you zoom in on just her face, she looks like Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.
Interesting… “It was released to the public in 2013?’
I was at Flag in the 90’s, when we (the OT 7’s) were ordered to this event.
It was the *supposed* “release of Super Power”
Each of the donators had their golden shovel, and a Helmut, to “break ground”
. One was a friend of mine, now passed away. She told me she donated 1 million dollars.
I was told after that this was a new level with many different rundowns.
All I needed to hear was one rundown
You had to run around a pole.
I announced then:
” I will n e v e r do “Super Power”…ever.
The Feshback’s, a few years later…well one of them was a top “FSM’, so we heard they let him do Super Power.
I woke up and escaped out in 2000, so I only read about the SP gargantuan building, on-line. I still feel the same:
You couldn’t pay me to do SP!
If only Stan Lee had known about these OTs with such awesome superpowers, Marvel would have had a whole new franchise.
If the Inch Wives completed their Super Power, Dave could use them as a striking force to tackle all the negative PR and SPs out there. Think how much more impinging Jenny Linson would be!
She can impinge me anytime.
Jenny you’re a real piece of work to me
Seems you’re always chasing some SP
You look so different than those other girls
Just like Miscavige you appear disturbed
Jenny you’re quite a number
Don’t wanna make you mine
Jenny I’ve got your number
Eight six seven five three oh nine
A couple moved to CW to spend every available extra minute and dollar to… delude themselves even more than before they started?
Our friend Tony Ortega has a short article about Super Power from his Village Voice days in 2012. The quotes follow.
“…I asked Beghe, what goes through a Scientologist’s mind once he realizes that he’s gone through all of that, and spent tens of thousands of dollars, only to find that what he’s paid for is an auditor asking him over and over again, “Where would you be safe?”
“Well, I’ll tell you this, afterwards, they’ll be walking around telling everyone they know, ‘Yeah, that
m-f-ing Super Power Rundown, it’s the s*it!’ That’s how it works. No one wants to admit that they’ve been had. But you have to understand all of the rundowns are like that. It’s all just magical thinking,” Beghe says.”
Another former Scientologist, Marc Headley, echoed that response. “Sometimes it’s just ten different questions. Sometimes it’s just four questions. Sometimes it’s just one question. Or it can be three hundred questions. But they’re always just simple questions. That’s Scientology,” he says.
“But thirty thousand dollars to be asked by some goof in a naval outfit, “Where would you be safe?” a hundred times?
“I know, I know. People just don’t get it but that’s all there is to Scientology,” Headley says.”
Whew. The Whole Clam-pire in a Nut Shell, and I do mean nut-shell, because those poor souls have been sold that piece of bluesky and are hanging on to it for dear life.
And don’t forget all the Fair Game and other abuses the cherch involves itself in, while this couple is paying tens of thousands of dollars to stick fingers in an “Oiliness Table.”
I agree. It’s like they have to continue the charade so they gush over their latest service even though inside they are not that happy with it. I remember talking to a friend who had done OT VIII. She was driving us in her car, so her mind was a bit distracted with driving, and I asked her how was OT VIII and she said, Oh it was OK. And her tone and facial expression told me it was NOT that good. Then she realized that she had let the mask slip a bit so she then made sure to gush, Oh it was sooooo good and you’ll love it! But I saw and heard her initial reaction and could tell she had been disappointed in OT VIII but then felt she had to “sell it” to me.
I had “a thing” with an OT8 for about 1/2 a year and learned she had so many money problems she routinely got her Ex summoned into Ethics and and got the Ethics Officer to “award” her thousands of dollars in “help”. No court mandates or orders just the cult using it’s “power” for her. I finally saw the light, woke up and dumped the girl. I mean if anyone so high on the grade chart couldn’t be financially responsible and independent then I don’t want anything to do with them. She epitomized the true character of a vampire.
Maybe she’s just lazy, or was never trained in some field so that she could earn a living. Or both. She sounds like a confirmed parasite, bleeding her ex like that. Well done for offloading her.
Thanks Aqua.
Your mention of off loading her made me think of the SO practice of Overboarding. I think I’d have had more fun getting rid of her that way! 🙂
You did the right thing to off load her. But to play Devil’s Advocate for a minute, this is what the church does, especially on the higher up levels: it turns people into vampires, criminals, and con artists all trying to get money from friends and family for their “next fix” which in this case is to pay for the next level on the Bridge. When you comp OT VII the pressure is so intense to get you to go right onto the Ship immediately for OT VIII. Yet most OT VII’s are broke by this time after paying huge bucks to get through the comp lineup on OT VII. So they turn anywhere they can to borrow the money, or marry into money (what they hope is money.) I knew a girl who wanted her OT V so badly that she tried to marry a guy and then make him turn over his work 401K to her to pay for her OT V. She and her FSM were taking him to ethics to make him pay for it by liquidating the 401K. That money was supposed to be for his retirement. Yet she married him just to get her hands on it. When he would not turn over the money to her she immediately divorced him and went hunting for her next victim to marry. This is what the church does to people.
Holy Moly Cindy!!!
Thanks very much for that story. I know that the cult’s registrars are blood suckers par excellence but had no idea they passed their infection to members. I stopped “drinking the kool aid” well before reaching the “upper levels” so luckily escaped the practices you described. OMG!
Ever hear of the “look in system”? Cameras record auditing sessions at Flag (and likely everywhere else). An Examiner once showed me this. A year or so later I went for a break after “confessing” to my auditor that I had lied to my registrar saying I had no money in the bank (when I really did). While on that break some young lady who worked as a registrar for the IAS came hitting on me. I told her I had no money in the bank and she stared me straight in the eye and said, “oh come on Glenn, I know if you look hard enough you’ll find it”. I had heard stories of session info being shared and now I knew it was true. Despicable, money grubbing cult. Every staff have their eyes on your wallet. Each and every one of them. Puke!
Glenn, Oh yes, they do this regularly. If you fess up to having lied about having money, the reg will be waiting for you outside the examiner’s after the session. They call right away. And to take it one more step further, everyone and their dog know about your ruin, your pecadillos, your everything from session. The same sessions that are supposed to be “Priest Penitent.” I had registrars come to my house (cuz I wouldn’t call them back), and they said, “I have another pre-ot who found a 2D after she got this auditing.” She said that cuz at that time my ruin was I wanted to find a good 2D. I knew in that moment, that the registrars and IAS were reading our pc folders, or reading reports from session about this.
Thanks Cindy.
Sad to hear your story but it is great to know there’s someone else out there like me.
And I am glad we both escaped before more harm was suffered.
Maybe this is why the cult’s membership is dwindling. A lot of folks waking up and walking out due to its despicable lust for money.
Hmmm. Membership and income dropping is the result of the cult’s despicable practices. And this spurs it to increase the very practices that are causing the outflow of folks. Can’t they see this is just the motivator from their overt?
But of course what might we expect from a “leader” who couldn’t finish high school and flunked class 4 auditor training. Duh!
I’ve known 2 OT8s personally, family members even, one died of covid and the other is as looney as a tune. It made a mess of their lives and business. To be honest I can be a little bit of an in your face kind of guy if you give me too much of the run-a-round. I’ve known them since their Clear attestations, but when they came back from the Freewinds they basically disconnected from me when I kept on asking about their promise they’d get trained and audit their other family members, at least their grades. Geezers it pissed them off, and they never took calls from the church ever again either, nor attended events.
That’s the product of Scientology’s OT8 I personally witnessed. It’s a really sleazily perpetrated sham from Clear on up, but just being in good standing with them is a disaster anyway. Come to think of it, never met a happy OT on Church lines, Met heaps of false smiles with anticipation everything gets handled in the next action or level, plus lots of that run-a-round previously mentioned.
Between 2014 and 2018 they had, say, 900 or 950 a year.
I guess there might be duplicates there.
Trev, that adds up to 4517, so they may well be up to 8303 now. The unknown variables are how many have repeated it and how the church counts it when they do, and how many were missed in 2014-18 publications because they weren’t listed for some reason – celebrities and the wealthy seem to be allowed to chose not to have their names publicized, for example.
Clear numbers also seem to be going up by around a thousand a year, which I find a bit hard to account for as that would be 10 thousand a decade, which I think is approaching reasonable estimates of the CofS total active membership. I can’t figure out if they’re somehow padding one number that is supposed to be an almost sacred registry going back to Hubbard’s days (old reports of them distributing blocks of numbers to orgs, are a factor that should more or less even out over time) or if they have more people to churn through than we might think, maybe particularly born-in members whose families may pay for them to do some courses when young but who don’t stay active as they get older.
It doesn’t matter how hard or how many times one beats a dead horse, it still won’t move.
In my opinion some people stay in because leaving would be a physical admission that they were had.
I agree, and I’ll go even further and opine that for many its the major reason. They just cannot admit having been conned. Mark Twain said it well, something like its easier to be fooled than to admit having been fooled.
Now, me – well, not to puff myself up or anything – not to brag – but at this point in my life I can freely admit to admit to having been fooled. On numerous occasions. I mean, its happened so often. Taking a long view it would appear that I’ve always been something of a fool.
Maybe a little legal hot water will make them shrink faster. Time for the tax exempt status to be thrown out with the bath water.
I would like to know how the church attracts big whales in the cult in the first place? How do they find and get them in? And how do these big mega bucks people fall for the sci fi stuff anyway?
Same as the little mini – bucks people, one fried brain cell at a time. But, the mini’s reach E-PEE quicker because their wallets are smaller.
And Big Whales somehow really need the adoration. Rather than earning it over the long haul they can simply buy it and their status comes with a statue as well.
And don’t forget, if you are a little whale (short), you are more likely to get a photo opp with Dildo Dave!
Yo Dave,
Howz it hangin good buddy? Yer buddy Danny seems to be makin a bit of a mess of things lately. You and Tom may want to take him for a boat ride soon!
Cindy, that is the question that keeps going through my mind. Over and over again. It just doesn’t add up. Maybe you don’t have to have a lot of ‘street-wisdom’ to reach the wealthy status, or is it that once you reach a wealthy status, any ‘street- wisdom’ you have experienced goes out the door. Puzzling!!
Beats me too, but maybe the Scientology motivator mindset works well in unison with the lies the church spews forth about taking personal responsibility for your part in the so called, “tech of life being sold to you.” It is more important than mere money and MEST. I guess you just can’t beat the winning formula of it as presented by the fixed dedicated glare of uniformed people who have signed away the next billion years of their lives devoted to Hubbard’s fairy-tale. Very similar to and probably a sympathetic variation of the Stockholm syndrome, very convincing, constitutionally protected and also of course, tax deductible.
The intimacy of the scam is intense with the church knowing everything about you. They know exactly what buttons to push.
Not many are good at it, but there are some specialist regges and FSMs who revel in that game and consistently earn favor with Miscavige, who in turn will take money from anyone. Specialist love bombing takes a certain knack to impress someone who has acquired millions.
Cindy, in answer to your question, I believe that very wealthy people are extremely susceptible to being taken in IF and/or WHEN they become convinced that they are loved and appreciated FOR THEMSELVES and not their money. The Uber Wealthy are used to being catered to, drooled over, deferred to – this is nothing to them because they believe (with no small justification) that its their money and not them that is the attraction. BUT if and/or WHEN they believe that someone actually likes THEM, they are vulnerable.
I ran out of time so I’ll add here that convincing the uber wealthy that they are loved for themselves and not their money is no small feat, but then, let’s face it, this is something the cult is very, very good at. The cult has endless patience with a potential whale. The investment of time and effort will pay off handsomely if they succeed, and they have plenty of failures, but when they do – ah! Once their fake love gets thru to one of these extremely rich ones its like striking gold; the cult has an extremely vulnerable, incredibly grateful and endlessly rich person loving and trusting them, who is like putty in their hands, and the money flows and flows.
Good point. But the joke is on the whales cuz the church actually does only like them for their money. They are just good at acting their part in all the love bombing they do.
Totally true.