In the final chapter of Introduction to Scientology Ethics, L. Ron Hubbard distills a lot of his thoughts on the subject of Law Enforcement, the Judiciary and the handling of justice in society. There are many other places where he says similar things — some of the confidential advices and OSA issues are even more explicit, calling FBI agents “cockroaches” among other things. Hubbard’s fear of the government, FBI, law enforcement, DOJ, IRS etc being after him is apparent starting in the early 50’s and descended into complete paranoia by the end of his life.
Realize this passage is from a widely distributed book that ALL scientologists are familiar with. It is not considered a concept so at odds with all his other utterances that it should be kept from the scientologists and the general public (like the Xenu story). This is run of the mill stuff for scientology.
Even some of the most radical organizations on earth would be reticent to put forward such black and white evidence of their disdain for the judicial system and law enforcement.
I have highlighted the most egregious paragraphs — but the whole thing is worth reading:
It is any wonder scientologists are unwilling to cooperate with law enforcement?
Hubbard’s word is NEVER to be questioned. If he says it, it is true. And even if you don’t understand, you are expected to ascribe a higher state of being and awareness to Hubbard so you convince yourself that once you become truly “enlightened” and ascend his bridge to total freedom, you will see things his way.
This is precisely why the FBI – summarizing the findings of their 2010 investigation (the DOJ refused to bring charges for whatever reason…) said the following:
For a scientologist, lying to law enforcement is easily justified. It is the “greatest good”. They really do look upon governments and law enforcement as evildoers — to a normal person the question “Would you lie to a nazi POW Camp commandant in order to save people from being burned in the ovens?” is a no-brainer. To a scientologist, the question of lying to the FBI (or other law enforcement) to prevent them from falling into the “justice system” and “prevent them from being saved in eternity” is no different.
This is a difficult mindset to understand.
Most law enforcement and courts when confronted with problems relating to scientology cannot come to grips with this and thus fail to get the truth.
There is further explanation of Hubbard’s writings and the mindset of dealing with those outside the bubble here:
Dealing With Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
I’m surprised with what Leah and Mike have on hand regarding the Collection Agency BS, the cult can’t be prosecuted using the RICO statute. Hmm….
Unless there is a prominent Scientologist in the FBI or someone getting paid off
I can see a great ad for TV before my eyes. A Law Firm whose tv ad says “are you being ripped off by Scientology collection agency? Did Scientology open credit cards in your name and get you to rack up thousands in debt? Still can’t get your “repayment”? Are you under water with debt due to Scientology “classes” and becoming “Clear”? Call us, we can help”. LMAO!!!!! It would have to be a good lawyer that is willing to stand up to The Cult but oh my golly if that ran nationally how cool would it be. And maybe help some people out. I’m sure people in that situation feel very alone and confused. Actually, the Aftermath Foundation could run this ad. Cable tv ads are fairly cheap. Maybe you can’t get them out of debt, but you can refer them to organizations that can help. You gotta poke this snake in the eye if you want to really Do Something.
What a perfect idea. These thieves( scientologists organization) need to be stopped. The stories on aftermath are horrifying. Who would have thought this could happen and still happens. I was particularity touched by the woman that mentioned her 71 year old mother that still had to work because of the crooks that call Scientology a religion. This has to be stopped. Thanks to Leaha and Mike and the brave people that come on their tv show to,tell the truth about Scientology.
Colleen I can’t stop smiling thinking about how awesome that commercial would be!! Maybe someday. You never know.
Hey Mike. I just saw the “Collection Agency” episode and I want to tell you I thought it was one of the most powerful episodes to date. There were several times when I got a very strong urge to get up and go do something to stop these insane abuses.
I’m completely serious. The only thing that stopped me from going out and doing something was that I realized that I have no clue just what to do. That was certainly a very frustrating and a chilling realization.
However, I hope someone on your staff will review that episode and figure out just what made it so powerful. Then, I hope you will be able to do it again in future episodes.
How can these criminal cults continue to “rip off” all these millions and billions of dollars from these innocent victims? I fear the answer may be that the powerful people who head these cults have some secret method by which they can take the so-called “donations” and use them to enrich themselves and their families. I suspect that is all they really care about. I believe the rest of the world can just live and die in abject poverty as far as they’re concerned.
I hope that I may be wrong about that. I am often wrong about these kinds of things. But, somehow, this insanity must stop. There has to be a way to make it stop. In the meantime, keep up the good work, Mike. This world needs many more people to work towards this goal and to stop this shit.
Here’s a segue; let’s talk about Ron’s ethics. At the home of Ron Jr., when the children were quite small, one of them discovered that their family friend had been killed in the side yard of the home. At least his bloody body was there. The child of Ron Jr. who found the body was so young, they had never seen blood before. There’s more, but that’s enough to show the depth of his depravity. As ee know, Ron Jr. was horribly harassed by his father, but it included murder to make Ron Jr. comply with his father’s sick demands.
Any more information about the time, place, and suspect?
There wasn’t a law or social contract that Tubby didn’t hold in contempt and violate liberally. Anything that restrained him from doing as he wil’t was “Wog”, thus invalid for HIM.
ANOTHER instance of OTO “teachings” coming to the fore.
Such a HYPOCRITE! Publicly writing about justice while privately creating the direct opposite: Fair game, lower conditions (in that same pamphlet), creating the RPF onboard his ‘fleet’, overboarding students for trivial errors, declaring a whole ship, including the poor vessel, in ‘Liability’. His ‘ethics’ never was about anything other than draconian punishment for minor(except in his paranoid mind).offenses He didn’t care about justice, only revenge against those who couldn’t or wouldn’t accomplish his impossible tasks.
cowards every one
good try people…lucifer has most of you..if you beg to differ, ask yourself would you hear your words of your church from a jew? or a catholic;/?…for what scientologists dont know is blaming….manipulation…..charging…….overbearing intent……touch in vain lying in the name of the holy spirit are all punishable by death and removal from the book of life….you pretend all you want…you wont know jesus nor the angels..ever…so lea the proud angel of the free has made her statement…..her soul is blessed and any who tempt or charge shall be thrown in the fire……laugh, chuckle..but pray for the soul next to you…for you are doomed….my word is said…praise the free and the just
More truthfully, Lucifer HAD most (or all) of us, but we escaped his clutches and are slowly restoring the lives we should have had without being sidetracked by him and his paranoid organizations….
[ Ron did rather proudly declare he was Lucifer or the equivalent in one of the OT VIII versions, IIRC. Might have also said it in one or more of his lectures. According to some, Lucifer wasn’t such a bad guy, Bringer of the Light and all that. Some of the crimes perpetrated by “good religious followers” in just the last few centuries make Scientology’s predation look almost humanitarian by comparison. ] In my own case, I can admit that I sometimes post a little more heatedly ‘in the heat of the moment’ than I might want to , but I’m NOT going to pay much attention to holier-than-thou adherents from the Abrahamic sects, since ‘good folks’ from those sects have done quite a bit over the years that they need to atone for. As I review history, none of the major religions are completely free of bad actors. As I review my posts on the subject of scientology, I feel no shame as I usually trash posts which are, IMO, too flaming, and I abandon all where I get so frustrated I resort to ad hominum. As for others’ postings, NO religion really wants their innermost, deepest secrets revealed to the cleansing action of the light of truth, but none currently have such a long list of crimes as scn, AFAICT. pointing out that scientology is committing *specific* criminal actions is not ad hominem or (using a bit of scientologese) third-partying. Past victims and witnesses are supplying specifics galore. IMO, what’s happening here and other sites is akin to Martin Luther’s complaints about the then-extant Church’s excesses and crimes. The difference here is that DM and his henchpersons will fight tooth and claw against an organization that uses Tubby’s writings in any way, and they have more than a billion dollars’ worth of ammo on their side, in addition to the full force of trademark and patent law enforcement.
Thank you Mike Rinder and Leah Remini
The show was explosive tonight
Season 3 is electrifying
I hope the FBI does their job
Shut this cult down
So what is your average person supposed to do? Is there an organized effort we can get in on?
I suggested that we consider paying for a public opinion poll that would ask the questions:
. Do you believe that Scientology is really a religion?
. Do you agree they deserve tax exempt status?
(I think there was another question or two but I don’t remember offhand).
The purpose of getting a public opinion poll on the record would be that anytime someone wants to discuss this scam, they could say, “A recent public opinion poll shows that xx% of Americans do not believe this is really a religion and xx% do not agree that it is entitled to any tax exempt status.
That would have a very good effect on agencies like the FBI as well as Congress and The Senate. There m ay not be any good legal way to strip these criminals of their tax exempt status. But having a respected and clear public opinion poll would be a good way to put all kinds of pressure on Congress and The Senate to do away with this scam. There is not enough space here but I think it could be used to cause all kinds of pressure to be applied and it would be a big help in putting an end to their tax exempt status.
This is the only way I have been able to think of how we can do something. I have no idea how much it would cost to commission a Gallup Poll (or some other reputable National polling organization). But I think such a thing could have a powerful effect in the struggle to end this scam.
Can you just imagine The Tiny Fuhrer’s face whenever people try to discuss The Scam and one of his “spokes people” starts telling all their standard lies and one of us says, “But! The American public does not agree with you. The American public clearly does not believe this is a religion and they clearly do not believe it is deserving of any tax exempt status.”
If we keep hammering away at that point, his face would become absolutely apoplectic! – Apoplectic – Someone who is apoplectic is not just mad — they’re so filled with rage, they can barely communicate. If your mother is apoplectic, you’d better hope it isn’t over something you did.
Mean Mary said:” So what is your average person supposed to do? Is there an organized effort we can get in on?”
IMO, we ‘average persons’ should band together to support the Aftermath show and the Aftermath Foundation with time, money, volunteering, and continue to broadcast far and wide their existence, as well as promoting the sites which spread the truth about scientology’s abuses and crimes, such as here and the Bunker. It’s a shame there aren’t more who work as hard as the cult’s favorite SPs, (Mike, leah & Tony) do to keep abreast with the latest scn scandals. Oh, and I’m SURE that Mike and Tony would LOVE a note if you see something interesting or all of us. Seems that quite a few blog stories are being generated lately from Blog readers who are in the right place at the right time and pass good intel on to the bloggers.
Oh my god Mike
Awesome show
I was manipulated out of my entire IRA account
I am single and in my 70,s – I had no money and no home at that time
I contacted the FBI too
The FBI Agent said “ well, you signed legal documents, didn’t you ?
I said “ sir, shame on you – I was in a church” and hung up
We have to force the FBI to do something about shutting this evil cult down
Let’s organize a protest
Please read today’s entry at
Our family recently got involved in Scientology and we had purchased a few books
We were going to do some courses but not now
We just got done watching several episodes of A&E- Scientology; the Aftermath
The shows are outstanding
Holy shit
This is unbelievable – absolutely horrifying
We found your Blog Mike Rinder and can’t stop reading the internet about Scientology and Ron Hubbard
We are getting our family members out of this evil cult
We think the FBI needs to do something to shut this organization down
Thank you Mike and Leah – you saved us from the horrors of Scientology
Only Sipped the Koolaid that was a close one! I’m so relieved and happy for you. Shooooo..
When someone maligns, it typically means they fear it…. He definitely feared authority…that’s why he threw others under the bus (his wife) and ran and hid like the coward he was. He is the type to commit suicide instead of face prison….asshole.
Bingo, Teen. He DID essentially commit suicide rather than confront the truth about what he was doing. OR maybe he did know and didn’t care a whit about the damage he was causing. He DID ‘cancel’ Fair Game as an statement in ‘ethics’ orders because it was creating ARCXs, which shows he did s/t examine real evidence. BUT he specified that that did NOT change any of the actions of Fair Game which were STILL in force against any enemy, real, potential, or imagined. The stats of the GO, (which carried over to OSA along with the “dirty trick” section) are big on stopping potential attacks, with significant negative points for every “attack” which wasn’t predicted and stopped before it happened, so to be “upstat”, OSA is well-served by attacking any who MIGHT later “attack” effectively, good examples being Leah & Mike & Debbie Cook. That, of course now includes any recent ‘graduates’ from Gold, RTC, the Hole, or folks who are leaving from EU, ANZO, and AF as the truth spreads as it is wont to do.
Watching and trying to “handle” all those widely-separated folks will spread OSA resources thin and likely drive little bitty Davey to distraction. “Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.” 😉 Perhaps in the midst of micromanaging ‘everything’ because everyone else is a CICS, he might ‘wognite’ that he’s going about it all wrong(??) Nawh, not a chance he’ll look at his actions and results objectively. Guy’s not built that way. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault
The following is the HIGHEST most SECRETIVE confidential information which would cost 1/2 million to a million dollars to arrive at.
The Cult of SCN believes YOU are not a single soul, YOU are a multiple conglomerate of attached spirits.
When a single spirit is attached to you or your body, it is called a BODY THETAN.
When it is a GANG of them all bundled together it is called a CLUSTER.
A very derogatory slur would be to call someone “a walking cluster.” (Slur used in Tech divisions and Ivory Tower)
This means he is not even a single entity, he is a gang without even the ability to think straight.
In the first issue of the secret Ned for OTS, Hubbard calls FBI agents nothing more than an ANIMATED CLUSTER.
Still bitter from the 1977 FBI raids, he talks about the ultimate degradation of a human who finally ends up as an FBI agent who is nothing more than an “animated cluster.”
Based on Hubbard’s writings, El Chapo Miscavige is the ultimate “walking cluster.” LOL
Scientology tried to use the law to fight critics, then says the law is corrupt – insane hypocrisy
Scientology says it is teaching people to be responsible and at cause over their lives, then teaches them that all of their problems come from space aliens stuck to their bodies – pure cognitive dissonance insanity – pure effect.
Scientology uses other religions to associate with to cause a sense of credibility, then in secret texts tells us other religions are implants and lead to being trapped.
Scientology bleats screeds of bigotry while expressing supreme bigotry towards free thinkers – hypocrites!
Self criticism is what sane, adult people use to grow and change to be better people.
Scientology will at some point implode because criticism has been defined as evil.
The mood at the top of the Scientology must be pretty darn crazy right now.
Dave, you have destroyed Scientology. It was heading that way anyway. When Hubbard’s words towards free thinkers and critics get applied, that is the road to its self destruction.
All of us out here in society see you OSA types as liars, sociopaths and mentally insane.
That is the church of Scientology under the leadership of Dave as created by believing in Hubbard’s infalliblity and applying it towards critics.
We are growing exponentially. You are shrinking.
Brian, scientology MISused the legal system to hurt any who ‘management’ thought deserved it; for any, or NO reason. Can’t have REASON, now: That would be REASONABLE. (/SARCASM)
TY Karen for that fascinating insight!
And when a GANG of BODY THETANS all start having sex with each other, that’s called a CLUSTERFUCK.
That activity is listed somewhere on the Orgy Board.
You bunch of jokers and degraders. To ethics with you!
Miss Q – LOL – Describing clusters as walking is out tech and squirrel. It’s a technical degrade and someone needs to go Ethics. It sounds conflating clusters with ghosts. Clusterfuck party in the graveyard tonight.
Long ago when I was a scientologist someone asked me if scientology was Satanic which I vigorously denied. Walking clusters is borderline.
Gotta love those inside derogatory comments and slurs from those in the know behind the scenes in the cult. In addition to ‘walking cluster’, there are DBs (degraded beings), wogs (worthy oriental gentlemen – you know, those dark folk), crips and crims (cripples and criminals), raw meat (the unwashed public that have yet to set foot in an ‘org’), dog pc (someone for whom the ‘tech’ does not work – the VAST majority of people – like almost everyone), NCG (no case gain – someone who doesn’t get better no matter how much cash they cough up for the cult), ethics partical (someone who has doubts or questions anything about the cult), 1.1 fags (gay people), homo sap (human beings who haven’t attained the state of homo novis – a ‘clear’ or above — no one yet), etc, etc. One has to wonder if the cult and it’s failed PR machine couldn’t accurately be called a CLUSTER FUCK.
More like a Hubbard Hump.
Ms. B. Haven said: “In addition to ‘walking cluster’, there are DBs (degraded beings), wogs (worthy oriental gentlemen – you know, those dark folk), ”
Please DON’T FORGET SPs, PTSes, gooks (sounding like toads), bitter defrocked apostates, low level flunkies,Hos, and those guilty of gross malfeasance, etc. You gotta admit Tubby was an equal-opportunity bigot from his early adolescence. He did his best to offend everyone some time or another.How many execs did they throw out AFTER they’d blown? (and then faulted them for leaving their poor grieving spouse all by themselves with no warning?) Poor, poor scientology… all those words looked up an you still can’t understand hypocrisy or how obvious it is in your own press releases to anyone with half a mind. When you’re fighting *everyone* who isn’t in your group, it helps to make everyone else sound scary, worthless, foolish, and vicious. The current crop of scientologists learned at the master’s knee, inculcated from their very first material read.
I always wondered about that crap. But I gotta say when I left staff I was a bit paranoid about the “wog” world, the justice system and doctors etc. I would have had horror nightmares at the thought of seeing a psychologist/therapist. Took me years to get past that. Leaving staff was, for me, like being thrown out into the “dangerous environments.” Until I noticed how many nice people there were “out here.” I know some really nice police people too. I have mostly been treated fairly by doctors, insurance companies, police, therapists etc. Inside the church they paint this dangerous environment for staff through policy letters like the above. It was very subliminal in a way because it’s only a “few,” policies but they stick and became mind altering for me.
I think one of the things that has amazed me since I’ve been out is how nice people are. Yes, right, the great big world at large can be daunting, but usually the people I work or deal with are really nice, helpful, loving, kind. That surprised me.
When you take Ron’s blinders off you attain a better type of clear.
THAT is exactly HOW “religions” like that keep people IN….FEAR & Intimidation. If you’ve only seen ONE side of the coin…you have no idea what the other side looks like because you are denied access to it.
Everything that you are taught, get to see/hear is spoon fed to you. You are denied access to anything else because you are told it will HARM you. You are intimidated into FEARING the unknown, denied even a taste of it because it will “cause you to get cancer or something worse” & you’ll lose everyone & everything you know.
You are told you will be denied access to your eternity, other lives, etc etc. What better way is there to control someone but to place the deadly fear in them of even THINKING about leaving.
One is sequestered inside the bubble, you do NOT receive a proper education because they know if you ARE properly educated you’d eventually achieve CRITICAL THINKING….they can’t LET you reach that because then you’d begin to ASK QUESTIONS which will cause you to COMPARE the Bullshit you’ve been spoon fed to the reality of what’s outside those gates you’ve been kept behind, held a willing prison through fear.
That about sums it up….FLDS does the same thing, so do some strict Christian religions…THIS IS THE ONLY WAY….anything else is unacceptable & will cause you great harm, pain, disconnection/defellowship/shunning…..
Only UNTIL you are able to make the CHOICE to get OUT any way you can, will you begin to FIND people who WILL HELP YOU….
Great comment Balletlady!
Right on Scribe!
Mary I hope any UTR’s or On the fencers see that. Because it’s so true! People overall are kind, helpful and just plain amazing in my experience. Even those never in who have been isolated or abused from other sources should know truly it’s a beautiful world out here. I’m so happy you are experiencing that. ☺?
Mary Kahn, you’re SO right. the folks “out here” ARE more friendly, more HUMANE than scientologosts are allowed to be, since Ron made any word approxinating ‘human’ or ‘reasoning’ a dirty word. FAR from being Homo Novus, Ron & his slaves weren’t quite *up* to being human while in his valence, which was the only ‘winning’ one when he was around. He didn’t think that anything other than raping and pillaging, stealing everything he oould, was worth any effort. Anything but extreme rapaciousness was “being a panty-wasted dilletant’. I’m a bit upset that I accepted that view as easily and thoroughly as I sometimes did. I still see taking ‘government handouts’ being a downstat thing. which caused me to NOT apply for unemployment when my company was outsourced to India a while back. Our offices were locked shut one day, yet I felt a bit guilty about losing that job even though our company had been bought in a hostile takeover, and there was nothing more I could have done to change the outcome.
Thankfully, when I turned 65, my wife didn’t hardly ask but signed us right up for social security & Medicare, which I’ve paid FAR more into than we’re likely to receive in payments (unless I live well past age 86, the age their annuity tables are based upon. Considering all the bad habits I picked up from scientology, that’s not a high probability bet. Those habits are improving with my lady’s help, but the 40 years of mistreating the poor bod during and after scientology took their toll.
As a practical matter, Hubbard’s utter contempt for law enforcement manifests itself through suborning perjury, withholding evidence, and obstructing justice. These are crimes.
WOW. Pathetic, oxymoron and I do believe other cult leaders that indoctrinated this horrid belief were FBI, DOJ focus points. And the 2009 investigation, even using sex trafficking as reason for investigation, it is sad that it closed. There are more survivors talking now, maybe it will reopen. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for making this info available Mike!
Gigi, whether or not the DOJ/FBI go after them, I see DM’s cult shrinking to nothing, probably within my lifetime. I would worry about the DOJ taking action as it’d be a short distance for them to start violating the 1st Amendment for real, not just in the manufactured-lies way that the co$ portrays us all acting if we say anything about scientology which doesn’t exactly toe their corporate lie … line.
Someone’s needle must be doing a magnitude 10 rock-slam at the thought a copy of the 2009 FBI investigation is out in the wild.
Maybe an Aftermath special on the contents?
Thanks Mike, this is a timely article and area of anti-social dogma practiced by scientology that needs some sunlight.
Introduction to Scientology Ethics: A truly nasty piece of work. When I bought my copy in 1968, I thought it had some good talking points. But, the more I tried to work with it the less workable it became. A section on Life Conditions was so shallow and wrong that I was repeatedly told that “I must have MUs.” yeah, right.
In short order (time) it became the club the orgs/AO used on public. It was a regular ARCX(upset) machine. It did fit in with Hubbard’s scheme for the Sea org take over and the militarization of all policy.
This is so important for people (esp law enforcement who haven’t had prior dealings w/CO$) to see, as it’s challenging to understand the mindset with which they’re dealing even once one is more familiar with the warped perspective of LRH on any agency in a position of authority outside the CO$.
On another note, I am SO thankful to read that A&E will air the Danny Masterson rape-investigation episode next month! Seeing the impact of the recent R Kelly specials and others like it, it’s so important for this to air. You all demonstrated incredible restraint and respect for the process in delaying it until this point and it’s time for the pressure to increase on Jackie Lacey and her office who’ve sat on their hands for far too long!
Hi Jenyfurr, without getting too wordy I have to say that law enforcement is/are getting training in regards to cults and trafficking victims. (The mindset and treatment is very similar) In the little ol’ Midwest law is being trained better and better, I would hope in CA where the CO$ is located would have training in the cult they have living high and mighty. ? on Masterson. I have lost track of this info, did CO$ not get the accusers to back off or scare off?
That’s good to know! I think there’s much more training but the issue is that the LA District Attorney’s office has had the case (a special team was convened and recommended charges, etc. lots of info on Tony O’s blog from earlier today/Tuesday post w/links to past info on it) and they’ve sat on it vs prosecute.
But Leah & Mike to the rescue!… they’re airing the episode February 18th or 19th.
Jenyfurrr, I completely agree with your comment. I feel exactly the same!
Hugs & thanks Ann!
Jenyfurrr, I was introduced to that pamphlet/skinny little book upon showing up less than a minute late for my first full night of classes. Only scientology would think it more important to send me for the silly punishment than let me do the damned COURSE I had paid for and was there to do after “macguyver”ing my car by the side of the turnpike to miraculously get TO the place after a break-down. That I was only seconds late was of no import. Instead, for the next (indeterminate # ) nights, I was supposed to show up on time to take my punishment instead of doing the course. Why? Because I was such a “bad boy” and was required to come punish myself. Oh, if I’d only woken up to the insanity of it all in that beginning stage…. And that was a tiny little “franchise”, very much ‘scientology lite’. Truth be told, it never was much more than a hippy commune with scientology substituting for the drugs and rock and roll.
Every single negative attribute and characteristic, that Hubbard accuses law enforcement and just justice for, are the very characteristic that Hubbard actually teaches and expresses.
Hubbard’s paranoid and narcissistic judgements of people in authority are in reality a projection of who Hubbard was and what Hubbard did.
Hubbard was criminally insane.
All of the characteristics of the SP is who Hubbard actually was.
The enemies Hubbard fought were in his own mind. They come out of his mind and became words and courses.
Those words and courses on SP/PTS became manuals to train people to become sociopaths: harming people without remorse or conscience.
Hubbard defines who he is by “revealing” the true nature of Justice as being degraded.
He talks about others faults but he is really defining himself.
Yes, exactly…
Brilliant Brian!
Wow, being a retired Law Enforcement individual myself, I find this to be written by one Paranoid scum bag. It’s obvious that his disdain for law enforcement comes from his own lack of ability to follow our laws. The more I find out out about this cult, the angrier I become. I’m willing and able to help bring them down.
More anger means we talk about it more…expose more….bring to the attention of others. I hear ya…It’s frustrating…and sickening..
Thank ou Sue Mac. The more shoulders we have to the wheel, the faster and better it gets done.
Every Scientologist knows Scientology is above the laws of this land. Scientology was set up by LRH as an organization outside the reach of the law. So far, Scientology is batting 1,000 for: 1) beating up the IRS to get tax exempt 501 c status for a commercial psychiatric enterprise, 2) stopping all judicial attempts to refund the obviously defrauded members out of their life savings and 3) keeping accused rapist Danny Masterson from facing a trial. and this list goes on and on and on… David Miscavige is right at the top directing all this illegal activity with impunity because he is operating outside the law and is funded with tax exempt donations.
February 18, 2019 should be the tipping point for the government. Sooner or later they HAVE to get tired of being made a fool by Scientology. Miscavige and his staff are laughing at these authorities behind the scenes while 99% of their victims suffer in silence. Only 1% of ex-members have spoken out to this day. When the government finally takes action, it will free these tortured, bankrupt souls who will cheer any government action…
What happens on Feb 18?
A reference to the DM episode being aired.
I just realized those 2 psychos Miscavige and Masterson have the same initials! Aaaagh!!
Brooksie, February 18 is when they’ll air the updated Danny Masterson episode, finally. By that time, or shortly after, I expect the charges will be filed on him and the trial circus begins. Hopefully, scientology’s obstruction will be noted and punished appropriately.
Another great reference. Are the references from Aftermath posted somewhere so they can be read in full?
YOu can find pretty much everything if you just google…
Otviii2late, Google is your FRIEND. Much of what was covered in each Aftermath is discussed each week here or in the Bunker, so generally browsing the sites is instructive. I often learn something I missed in the episode from what others say on those two well-run blogs.
Lately I’ve not been going to Marty Rathbum’s blog unless linked to for a specific article from here or Tony’s place. He was mildly entertaining at first, then went “indie” and then seemingly back to cob’s vest pocket, tiny as it is.
BTW, love your paradies.You seem to channel the diminuative one so well it’s scary.
Using false equivalency is a $cieno sacrament. Of course Lron didn’t like the FBI, they could follow him everywhere in the world and drag him back for tax evasion and Xenu alone knows how many other crimes.
There was a drill we used to do in the Guardian’s Office PR bureau…it was ‘Telling an Acceptable Truth’. In effect, how can you lie to someone without them knowing, and have them believe what you told them because it seems like a reasonable, plausible answer.
I think we did this as part of the Reporter TRs (training regimens) that we underwent to deal with the media and others.
Lying is not only part of LRH’s doctrine and daily life in scientology, it is practiced to perfection.
Here’s a link to some G/OSA docs and articles on Operation Clambake. You know, all the fun stuff like TR-L (Training Routine-Lying), etc. Once you read these documents, you will notice a striking similarity to some of the “conversations” that take place on this blog with OSA trolls. (Hi FOOLproof. Hope your ‘stats’ are up today. Thursday at 2:00 is rapidly approaching.)
Haha! Life in the laboratory maze without my comments must be really boring, that and with watching A-2-E. I am always upstat anyway!
FOOLproof said:
“Haha! Life in the laboratory maze without my comments must be really boring, that and with watching A-2-E. I am always upstat anyway!”
FOOL, what DID that word salad intend to say? The real world is interesting enough without tripping over your verbal diarrhea – combined with mental constipation.
What IS your ‘stat’ anyway? # of people taking swats at you for trolling so ineffectively? If so, I apologize to the world in general that I’m helping raise FOOLproof’s stat.
What WAS that “A-2-E”, anyway? Another way of writing A—E? who would WANT to do A—E once safely out and less subject to Regges and the rest of the insanity? YOU? Are you “striking a blow” or some such with your prattling? For all the years you’ve been clogging up the blogs who tell the truth about scientology? I’ve tripped over your non-sequitur posts being laughed at by recovering scientologists in 5 and 7 year-old blog postings. That’s a long time to keep doing the same thing, expecting a different outcome.
AS IS my teasing you like this. You’re not worth the effort to try to “educate”. You seem to relish the attention, ANY attention. SAD.
SECOND PHENOMENON, the second phenomenon is the overt cycle which follows a misunderstood word. When a word is not grasped, the student then goes into a non-comprehension (blankness) of things immediately after. This is followed by the
student’s solution for the blank condition which is to individuate from it – separate self from it. Now being something else than the blank, area, the student commits overts against the more general area. These overts, of course, are followed by restraining himself from committing overts. This pulls flows toward the person and makes the person crave motivators. This is followed by various mental and physical conditions and by various complaints, fault-finding and look-what-you-did-to-me. This justifies a departure, a blow. (HCO PL 24 Sept 64)
But as you were somewhat polite in your second post below, I will explain: Ms. B Haven is “Chief Lab Rat”. They have rats in mazes under the guise of “research” in laboratories.
Blankness after passing a misunderstood word is factual. The rest is Hubbard’s “only reason for a blow” long winded excuse. Fact versus fiction.
Well, I feel enlightened now! God, how come I didn’t see this? Do you have an organization or book club I could subscribe to to further my understanding of life from your erudite utterings? I can see you’ve really thought this through!
Sounds like Hubtard’s life. He went bumping around not understanding almost everything he encountered in life and thus started committing crimes against everyone.
No wonder he invented the “second phenomena”. It is properly called, “Hubtard projecting HIS insanity onto everyone else.”
FOOL proof said:”… watching A-2-E”
I realized: Did you possibly mean ” watching A&E” but it got autocorrupted? I can sympathize as I switched to using a laptop on my lap for awhile and had friends calling me asking if I was OK due to all the strange typos introduced by my resting my thumb on the trackpad too often. Some really strange errors there, including sending a message LONG before I was done with it.
No sympathy required – it was a deliberate play on words. Mike undoubtedly got the joke, how he takes it is of course another matter.
Opps, here’s the link…
Thanks for airing their basket full of dirty laundry. I guess LRH wasn’t sensitive to this particular brand of stink.
Hubbard and the term justice are COMPLETELY incompatible.
He was criminally insane.
Having experienced this for over 5 decades I can attest to the corruption and ineffectiveness of the Scientology ethics and justice system.
Mike, this is an excellent subject for an Aftermath episode. Showing several lives that have been ruined by Scn ethics and justice. That won’t be hard to find.
Also WISE imposing its mediation system on cult members is a joke.
DM on DaveTV: You’re probably wondering, like millions of others, what Scientology is all about and are understandably curious. We get it.
Viewer: No, I’m curious to know about the beatings, suicides, rapes and where all the money goes. I don’t get it.
Viewer: Oh, and by the way, where’s Shelly these days? Haven’t seen or heard from her in ages!
Thanks for trying to get Justice for some of $cientology’s victims, specifically the four women accusing Danny Masterson of violent rape. $cientology has blood on it’s hands.
My conclusion after reading New Hope for Justice is; Hubbard’s overts doth speak loudly.
And the squirrels are cheering loudly!
the BIGGEST squirrel is undoubtedly melting down yet again. I weep for anyone left around him(Lu, is it now?). They’re likely suffering multiple injuries from his misemotion from all the ‘hits’ delivered from multiple sources. Hey, that reminds me we need a compilation of “scientology’s greatest ‘Hits’.” Leah Remini after her ire reached the threshhold prompting her to act, Mike’s decision to walk away in London, “Going clear”, “My Scientology Movie”(or whatever the name was), TC’s couch-jumping, his “Wedding of the Century”. and to a lesser extent, every blog post and comment here or in the Bunker. Rathbun has been ‘burnt’, so he doesn’t do anything to annoy the Dwarfenführer or upset his cosy little throne – – suitable for a child’s playhouse in size. What’s a 5-foot dictator to DO other than throw things or hit people when he’s thwarted in any way?
On the other hand I find it fascinating that if there is any Organization which mishandles Justice is Scientology itself: like the Refunds Board who denies them as much as possible, Comm Evs because some RTC member or a brainwashed Exec/MAA decided was appropriate, or Ethics Conditions over and over because one lock of the briefcase with Solo NOTs materials was open, yet inside the safe, inside a closet with alarm…an don and on and on.
No wonder LRH wrote the Ethics Repair List for staff, exactly to repair any and all injustices perpetrated by the church itself. Bastards!
Basterds. Yes!
Ron, it’s time to heed your own words: GENERALITIES WON’T DO.