A Special Correspondent sent this in.
I’ve recently started getting texts from Judy Fagerman, who seems to still be the VM I/C Tampa.
Here are a few texts she sent me in the last few weeks. I copied all text exactly. Typos included:
Dec 15: “Active VM now this week? 141 assists, 34 books at Winter Wonderland. Miracle wins! ML, Judy :)”
Dec 22: “Active VM now this week? Did 220 assists, sold 48 books & got out 1,300 promo at Winter Wonderland! Woo hoo! ML, Judy”
An earlier one I found interesting since it allows sign “waiving” to be counted as a VM activity:
Oct 27: “Active VM now this week? Helping with sign waiving against Ammendmant 2 counts. ML, Judy” (Amendment 2 is the one re Medical Marijuana in Fl)
I find it amazing, though not really surprising, that “VM’s” and “FSMs” and “CCHR Volunteers” are apparently one and the same.
So a single person that goes out to “waive” some signs against Amendment 2 becomes an “active VM”, as well as an “active CCHR volunteer” as well as an “active member of the OTC” and an “active FSM.”
And hey presto, each one counts that person as an “active” VM/CCHR/FSM/OTC and those stats are added together for the “total volunteers active in the Tampa Bay area” and pretty soon every person is 4.
It’s a microcosm of the sort of creative “scientology math” that offers up “47X expansion” and “12 million scientologists.”
South African Blog
So nice to see our friends at the South African blog back from vacation.
And the article today is very interesting. Seems to be stirring up some upset in the comments, but IMHO well worth reading. You don’t have to agree or disagree with the viewpoint the author puts forth, though I doubt anyone can disagree with everything he wrote. What is of value is to look at things, everything, from different perspectives. The ability to do so is truly the oft promised “Think For Yourself” that scientology promises but doesn’t deliver.
The dumb followers of this religion WANT to believe in the impossible and the extremely unlikely, just as dumb followers of other religions do. They are willing and WANT to harm themselves in the process of believing and obeying their religion, just as followers of other religions do. DM, as head of that religion, bolsters this hope that they crave. All heads of religion should do such a job. The dumb followers WANT to sacrifice themselves on the pyre of their religion. The same goes for any religion. DM is providing the opportunity for them to do that. Sure, the Church of Scientology is dying, but a dying religion needs to take down the dumb followers with it as it dies and destroy them. True for all religions. DM is helping them do that, giving them all the while the false hope that they crave and pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars in the process, I hope, for doing that job so well.
What you are seeing is a religion at work. It is all perfectly understandable once you understand what members of a religion crave.
I remember a time in the late 80s / early 90s when the Boulder Mission would count ‘letters out’ by setting all the letters out the back door before 2 on Thursdays. At the time the stat definition read something like ‘out the door before 2.’ Then a staff member would drive around with them in his car until he got to the post office later in the week.
Aw come on – who hasn’t lied to get of or stay out of trouble? And the Cof$ is in an awful lot of trouble.
You do the math…
Now, 🙂 what’s really happening about the dope?
Miracle wins?!?!? Unintelligible texts about things having absolutely nothing to do with the wins of pcs and preots and well trained auditors………uhhhhh . What a waste.
I am sure that DM’s leadership of the Scientology religion is driven by accurate stats, but not the stats he wants the deluded followers to inspect or even be able to think of. His stats will be money coming in and money going out. Plus he will insist on accurate estimates of projected money coming in and projected money going out. He is the CEO of a very large corporation and these are the stats he needs to run the organisation. And we know he must be using stats like this because the organisation is still there. If he sees projected huge losses he will put in place schemes to generate huge donations income to cover them. This is what he is doing. If the projected income from the ordinary membership looks set to decline then he will invent schemes to get that needed money from the whales. And this is exactly what needs to be done for 2015 and he will do it and he is in the process of doing it.
Accurate stats DO exist in Scientology and DM uses them.
I love this. The entire thing runs on fake stats and one person doing one insignificant thing can count as a half dozen statistics. The only good thing is that it is a two-way street, so to anyone who was in this scam before, don’t beat yourself up too much. The regular public lies about showing a passerby a book, and the staff pads it every Thursday to make it seem bigger than it is to save their own butt. But then Miscavige lies back to them about 47X or 1000X expansion and fake radio interviews and wiping out crime and psychiatry. See? It’s a mutual lie-fest. Neither side is rewarded for being honest and truthful as they each see it in their own best interest to keep up the fudging, so it never stops.. The only way out of it is to leave the scam entirely.
Stat pushing in Scientology??? You have got to be kidding me!! They are the most ethical beings on the planet!!
I enjoyed the article on the South African site. Pretty funny and it had a lot of truth in it.
Awesome article about Religion on the ‘Back in Comm’ blog.
Thanks Mike!
Those stats are awesome. They really are. So why can’t they pay for their pizza?
My mother and I were always being pushed HARD to manipulate statistics for ABLE and TWTH. I questioned it many times and was looked at lime the enemy for even opening my mouth about it.
Re: Here are a few texts she [Judy Fagerman, who seems to still be the VM I/C Tampa] sent me in the last few weeks. I copied all text exactly. Typos included:
Oct 27: “Active VM now this week? Helping with sign waiving against Ammendmant 2 counts. ML, Judy”
I, JannyAtLAX, daclara and stata as follows:
I first mat Mr. David Miscaviga with his wifa Shally during tha Christmas holiday saason in 1986 whan tha staff of tha Intarnational Basa and Goldan Ara Productions want to Big Baar to ski and calabrata along with Author Sarvicas axacutivas and staff. Tom introducad ma to Mr. and Mrs. Miscaviga as his naw wifa. Thay wara vary warm and cordial and want out of thair way to maat ma having known Tom sinca tha aarly 80s. Tom was vary proud to introduca ma and to lat ma know how much ha carad for and raspactad Mr. Miscaviga and how Mr. Miscaviga and his wifa took him undar tha wing whan ha first arrivad to tha Int Basa a faw yaars prior and brought him with tham to a football gama ovar Christmas and saw that ha was not alona, as ha was naw and knaw faw paopla.
I daclara undar panalty of parjury that tha foragoing is trua and corract.
That was awasoma!
Nobody does stats like Scnists. “Wogs” tried to implement stats in the US and the UK, and invariably they found that normally honest, hardworking employees would tend to inflate and falsify their stats, especially when staff bonuses or promotions were at stake. Yet, this is a fundamental management principle of Hubbard’s admin technology.
Scn staff have the stat game down to a fine art. So much so, that they have convinced themselves that their falsified stats are actually “real”. Also, Hubbard places so much emphasis on stats that often that is all management looks at or cares about; the reality is never inspected to see if it remotely matches the statistics.
Such is life in the bubble.
So true statpush
If you look at Scientology’s new Superbowl TV ad on TO’s blog http://tonyortega.org/ today you can clearly see that some of these “stats” come from: The Pope of Scientology waving at the city of Chicago from TC’s Gulf Stream at 35,000 ft and over 7 million people were introduced to Scientology in 3 seconds… and if that was not enough, he did the same over NYC, Washington DC all the way to Miami, introducing countless millions in a couple hours before his 3rd scotch and then passed out…. what a guy!
It’s like believing that Santa Claus gives gifts to 2 billion children all over the globe in one evening (over 10,000 children per second).
Number of stats padded would be their biggest stat.
Curse of the Doughnut graph, eventually you are the hole.
My favorite stat is “every 3 seconds someone reaches for Scientology literature”. That just works out to 25,000 scientologists doing it once a day (and, in the Sea Org, I’m sure it more like 10 times a day). 25,000 active scientologists does not make it the world’s biggest or fastest growing religion.
““every 3 seconds someone reaches for Scientology literature” ….. and tosses it into the trash bin where it belongs!
Are they doing reach and withdraw on the Basics now?
When did they start making it in a roll?
Could you imagine if a Green Cross Clinic were to open in Clearwater?
Clearwater would become the most out-ethics place on earth. David Miscavige had to quite high school because he was so offended and disgusted by the drug use of his fellow students. He couldn’t be there. Perhaps a local medical marijuana clinic in the area will poke a leak in the bubble. Of course, the CoS would fight it tooth and nail, and throw lots of money into stopping it. Look at how they went nuts over the aquarium. Best of all for the CoS though, is new fundraising scams could be developed for the IAS, TWTH and CCHR.
Good Luck to Judy for trying to stop the Medical Marijuana Amendment. The horse has left the barn.
scientology adopts A&C mathematics.
7 goes into 28 13 times
BTW religions aren’t the only cults. FOX Media exhibit A.
out of the frying pan and into fire: ExScns embracing the culture of CNN and MSNBCLSD
Fox is evil.
Come on OSD lighten up on foxes. They are just trying to survive like all animals in the wild.
Now I can see how you might think they are evil if one ate your cat.
Besides in your part of the world I’d think you’d be more concerned about coyotes.
How exactly is Fox Media a cult?
for one thing they make up their own “facts”. have no tolerance for anything other than their views, which are handed down by their godhead murdoch. anyone who doesn’t accept their views are taken as the enemy and are attacked.
i personally don’t understand how anyone can watch a fox “news” show and not feel insulted by it.
the tea party is another blatant example and the koch bros are miscavige 2x.
they are far from alone though. most of big corporate america is comprised of cults.
a cult doesn’t become a cult only when it becomes obvious, like north korea.
any variant of “we treat you like family” is usually a telltale sign of cult think. what that really means is “we know better than you”, “we will never give you a straight answer”, if you pin us down, we will become angry and ferocious towards you until you realize we know better than you and if you don’t, we have no use for you”, “just accept what i say, don’t question it”.
anyone who seeks to keep you ignorant about anything you are curious about is looking to manipulate you. if you can’t get a straight answer to whatever you question, they are either ignorant or evil.
FOX meets all of that and more. murdoch is an evil person.
it’s been long understood that developing a cult is a GREAT way you sell people shit they don’t need at prices that are ridiculous, that includes products as well as ideas……..one need look no further than Apple for evidence of that.
anyone using an apple computer can’t really give any good reasons for having paid double the price for half the power………because there aren’t any, there are only nonsensical ones.
cults rule. propaganda is real, it really works and we all know that. we all know propaganda is widely used across all sectors of society. if it is used that widely and it does work, then where can it’s results be seen? in your everyday life.
it works, people know it and use it to their ends at your life’s expense.
My needle is floating WhiteStar. 🙂
The padded stats are made so fluffy and soft so that if the bubble dweller were to ever pull them out and look behind them the fall would be far too painful.
I say no pain no gain.
More and more people seem to be agreeing with me. Those still padding the stats are going to run out of hot air to fill them with soon.
The only valid purpose to employ statistics is to measure accurately production or income over a period of time compared to a previous period of time. Making a game of inflated statistics to keep COB from going ballistic is not a good game. Surely the staff must know this.
Speaking of Church protest in opposition to medical marijuana. I recall at one time seeing something LRH wrote (it was not a mainline issue that would appear in publicly available publications) where he was advocating for the legalization of marijuana, for a variety of reasons…
It was in the original DMSMH where he said, more or less, that Marjuana was less harmful than alcohol, but alcohol was legal because it was easier to tax… That has been removed in later editions, but anyone with an old edition can look for marijuana in the appendix, go to that page and quote it…I don’t have a copy here
yeah, in my old DMSMH, 13th printing 1967 p.365 LRH writes “Opium is less harmful, marijuana is not only less physically harmful but also better in the action of keeping a neurotic producing,
phenobarbital does not dull the senses nearly as much and produces less after effect, ammonium chloride and a host of other stimulants are more productive of results and hardly less
severe on the anatomy:” (then he continues on a roll on why alcohol is the only thing to be drunk if a person wants to “forget it all” and “have a good time”.)
Oh dear, am I spotting an intention there to keep neurotic slaves working?
The same data is still in the 1989 edition, p.413, though marijuana as a word is omitted in the glossary.
None of that troublesome data is in the 2007 edition as you mentioned. DM at work, throwing out
such ‘politically incorrect data’….
Gee, good thing Miscavige was around to fix all of LRH’s fuckups. Deputy Source indeed, lol
Stats have *always* been padded, ever since the ethics (PUNISHMENT) policies were instituted. So LRH, too, was duped. On the other hand, he was a Master of Self Duping. 🙂
I guess the Leader is also being duped, meaning, his parishioners are padding the stats and giving him the idea of straight up and vertical. Karma
DM is no fool — remember that he is NOT a Scientologist. These padded stats are for the encouragement of the deluded cult followers to give them hope that expansion is happening and so to encourage them to hand over yet more of their money so he has enough money to keep the Church of Scientology running. Keeping a dying religion going costs money!
Re Amendment 2 Medical Marijuana in FLA.
The Amendment got a Significant Majority “Yes” vote from my fellow Floridians, over 50 percent. The State Constitution requires 56 percent to be amended, which was not reached.
So no win for SCN, in fact a big loss. Most of us want it, the minority don’t.
Have your empty victory if you like, CoS…the Sunshine State is definitely not on your side.
I wonder how the twin sister of He Who Shall Not Be Named, The Pope of Scientology, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige voted? You know, Denise Miscavige, who took fat pot cigars (blunts) in lieu of rent on her tenements. Hmmm… I wonder where Denise is, anyway? And where’s Shelley?
If a stat was faked and nobody was there to notice, was it really faked?
I thouroughly enjoyed today’s article on BIC, and think the debate there is very healthy. One may not be able to truly summarise the problem of religion in one article, but neither will we be able to honestly avoid the landmines it represents to our societies in the near future. It seems for some to be a substitute for thinking and a tool to dominate, punish and enslave on a par with fascism.
Disclaimer: Not the end of the article. Give me the “existential emptiness of Enlightenment Man” over fervent and unthinking faith any day.
To Mayor George Cretekos and the rest of the city officials in Clearwater.
Make no mistake. The Scientology-sponsored Winter Wonderland is ALL about recruiting new victims into the cult, wrapped in Santa Claus garb.
From their own reports, they tally their recruitment success. And remember, this is recruitment of KIDS. I find this horrifying. You should, too.
Since you have missed this all along, I thought you would find this enlightening.
Dec 15: “…141 assists, 34 books at Winter Wonderland. Miracle wins!
Dec 22: … Did 220 assists, sold 48 books & got out 1,300 promo at Winter Wonderland! Woo hoo!”
Victimization of kids is happening under your watch, George. There were pictures posted of the children of Scientologists setting up this event, with misuse of ladders, unsupervised and underage kids working with tools, and more.
Time to act, don’t you think?
Very astute Aqua. Yes, George does need to ratchet up the constant vigilance aspect of his position in the community. Recruitment of children into an idealology ……….. doesn’t the DHS get involved in this sort of activity?
I think there is another religion somewhere that is receiving poor marks for this! And then the explosions occur…
Outstanding post, Aqua! You gave ’em both barrels! And, yes, George Cretekos, you REALLY need to listen to what Aqua Clara is saying here. You’re up against one of THE most militant cults in existence. They’ve already taken over large swaths of Clearwater. Make the Aquarium happen, George. One day Occupied Clearwater will be liberated. When the cult finally succumbs, all that will remain are the body thetans…
I guess when I left ASHO for the last time, I must have waved my rights as a founding IAS member … WAVED my rights? … oh yeah … watch the hand … bye byre
Did I see a byrd? LOL! If not I imagined it!
Thanks for sharing the write up on Back in Comm – I really liked it.
I am happy to announce that we are “Religion Free” since departing the Cult of Scamonology!
I will admit I don’t know what happens to me when I die and it is okay.
I will tell you that neither did LRH and he was not okay with it – according to people that worked with him – L Ron Hubbard was delusional – believed he was tormented by demons aka body thetans…he tried to commit suicide by electrocution and an e-meter.
His autopsy found drugs (vistrail) in his system. He did not go off to Target Two. That was a lie they made up so people would not freak that Scientology did not work for the founder.
What a mess ole El Con Hubbard was! I can’t imagine what type of shape David Miscavige will die in – that one is going to be a tough one!! He has done a lot of damage to people and karma is a bitch.
+100 IM.
“I will admit I don’t know what happens to me when I die and it is okay.”
AMEN to that too. These days life is good, really good. Posts like yours and knowing that groups like our favorite Cult are going away goes a really long way in helping with that.
Yes indeed.
Indeed, Karma is one hell of a bitch. Wouldn’t want to be in Davy’s shoes.
Agree. And we at least know what they (his shoes) are full of …………………………..
drum roll here ……………….yup ……..DAVESHIT!
“His autopsy found drugs (vistrail) in his system. He did not go off to Target Two. That was a lie they made up so people would not freak that Scientology did not work for the founder.”
I was just thinking about that stupid event today. It occurred to me that the story that short-cocked dipshit Miscavige spewed during the event (new OT research that had to be done outside the body, etc.) didn’t just happen – the people who were around LRH at the end had to sit around and make that story up.
They knew goddamned well, every one of them, that Hubbard died with an assfull of Vistaril after a series of strokes. So they got together and purposefully made up a bullshit story. They probably sat around a table for hours, pulling ideas out of their asses and running them past each other, until they cobbled together that bullshit about how he “causatively left his body.”
Which means limp-dick Miscavige and His cronies all KNOW scientology is bullshit. And they have known it since 1986.
Active Critic: I stared into the Pasadena Idle Morgue for 10 minutes. Other people, wogs, saw me do this. I think this means I did 4 great things today.
Active Critic: I stopped in front of the Pasadena cult. They had WTH booklets outside with a sign that read: Take One. I didn’t and other people saw that I didn’t. My God, are my stats up or what!
Active Critic: Upon leaving Pasadena, my wife and I drove past the cult building very slowly and both of us looked in. Many people (again, wogs), saw us doing this. I think both of us are up for some sort of award.
Are you onto that Crash Course yet OSD? I know, that’s what Dave needs but I’m hoping you get there first!
And on the award thing, I’m going to nominate you. Thanks for keeping us up to date on the Morgues …… looks like the cardio unit will be arriving soon …..but not in time.
On the Crash Course as I type this…
LOL!!! Thanks Coop! I’ll try and get over to the Orange County Idle Morgue and report back.
Be sure to bring your AED Kit. Just think of all the “Clears” you can make using it. (Hey, you’re Scottish, just like my husband, you always did appreciate a bad pun, I’m sure).
Made me smile, and I’m a critic. At least I took photos of the last idle mOrgue I looked at (and there wasn’t a whole lot to protest) : http://www.flickr.com/photos/jensting/16194206185/in/set-72157622499631193
So true. I would get a call from the org and tell them I mentioned a book to a client. Really I would only say that to get them off my backs. the org would be elated. With that alone I was an active FSM, an active field group, and an active Volunteer minister, and an active OTC member, and who knows what else.
“Oh, but wait, if they act now, they can get twice the stats.” My wife knew the client so must have participated in the “mentioning of the book.” We can count her too! That doubles the stats to 8! But wait, there are kids and dogs who participated, right! We now we have 38 active groups and Scientologists.
All based on my one little BS action to get them off my back.
Did you ever consider the fact that you’ve mentioned the book on this blog now? Their stats are soaring today!!!
That’s it Valery!
OMG, you have just opened the doors to heaven for any staff member that (must) read(s) this blog, like OSA. Expansion is now a piece of cake!
Interesting that you’ve been getting messages, Mike. A couple of the “apostates” here in South Africa are reporting having landed back on call-in and mailing lists. Desperation or just the usual slap-dash shoddy admin – methinks a bit of both.
I concur that Div6 stats are a mass of convoluted confusion and open door for much “creative stat reporting” (I blatantly told my seniors and EC that SCN stats made ‘creative bookkeeping’ look like child’s play).
I did it all the time as the PES – if someone did an assist during the week AND came into the org, this made him count as BIS, Intro Service Delivered, Active SCN, VM, FSM, LRH PRO, Org Image – among others. The options to multiple stat count people were limitless – one person could be counted on about 10 or more different stats – depending how desperate you were that week.
And then of course OSA counted these stats as well – officially the 4D campaigns fell under their scope – so at the end of a week, just one Scientologist could be counted up to 20 times across several divisions of the org board.
Oops – just re-read the article and see is wasn’t you getting the messages….. my bad.
That makes sense. It’s the same thing as when they put a person’s name, and their several misspelled variations, as individual people on the mailing lists and “members” stat. I receive 5 copies of the same promo piece, each to a different, misspelled name of the same person. I’m sure it is counted as 5 people.