They actually still promote this as if these words are absolute truth. And it happens repeatedly. If Hubbard said it, no matter when it was or how much transpired subsequently, they still present it as gospel truth.
The last ACC lecture was in the early 1960’s. So what “OT processes” is this referring to? The ones in Creation of Human Ability? The ones that were subsequently canceled (all “Creative Processing” was cancelled by Hubbard)? Certainly not the ones from the “OT Levels” that all scientologists know today as they had not been invented yet?
Don’t the people that write this stuff know anything about the subject they are trying to promote?
Hubbard constantly explained the failures of his “technical breakthroughs” as “I have made a new advance in my research and what I told you last week, with absolute certainty, was the way to get to Clear/OT, has now been replaced by something even better.” That lasted until the next new thing popped up. Creative Processing. Goals Processing. Black and White Processing. etc etc etc They were all the “route to OT” t one point, until they weren’t. And then finally he had the “real” OT Levels. But OT 1 – VII. Even half of them were replaced with the latest breakthrough “NOTs” and when they didn’t work, it was OT VIII that was going to be the first REAL OT level. And now it’s OT IX and X that don’t even exist as the promised land of real OT.
These lectures are offered as the “research track” but EVERYTHING he ever said is apparently still valid today, even though he retracted it (“advanced it”) back then. You can listen to this and find the real route to OT today, even though a few months or years later, Hubbard had declared this stuff to NOT be the real route to OT.
Not only that, they MAKE you go “exterior with full perception.” Whoever wrote this “success story” is lacking in perception.
And here is some more “absolute” wisdom from 1961.
This was before the Briefing course. Before the Clearing Course. Before he “discovered” the R6 Bank and Xenu.
So, how can one believe that whatever is contained in here is the “most sensational case cracker of all time”? let alone that he “took out an enemy submarine” (which is seriously non-sequitur, but hey, Ron said it, so let’s all cheer in the halls).
In the 22nd American ACC, you can find out how Ron discovered that tomatoes can feel pain!
This one hurts me, it really does.
Great overview. I thought my video about “OT” would add to your wonderful message! Scientology:Distorted Perception,Delusional Beliefs and Demented Actions
Thanks so much Brian. Always great to hear from you.
Sorry about your friend.
I f*cking swear we could save lives with a group:
Suicidal OTs Anonymous
The first picture says: “The only record of LRH’s research and development, the ACC Lectures” Isn’t that a bit too on the nose to say? The ONLY record?! It seems they are saying that LRHs ramblings about his research on these tapes is the full extent of their records of his research.
Shouldn’t they pretend the research he talks about gathering in those lectures actually exists? Otherwise it’s really odd considering he was supposed to have brought back some amazing and astounding office/admin tech from a quadrillion years ago, right? Shouldn’t the raw research be in vaults somewhere covered in Titanium-Platinum-Gold Leaf or something?
I know the answer is that it doesn’t exist, but I didn’t think Scientology would say the quiet part loud?! It seems that’s all the rage these days. Criminals just wanna get caught I guess!
The real road to OT is to leave the group and get yourself declared. Then, you’re more powerful than ALL the “OTs” in scientology. can defeat all of them by just being IN their city or by directing your attention in their general direction; even from the far “fringes of the internet”.
No shit, sir.
Those poor dumb people at the org are hounded without mercy day and night for their last dollar which was supposed to buy food for their kids or keep them from being thrown out in the street.
I do not have that problem. Those cockaroaches have been barred from contacting me because I am a declared SP, declared solely for telling the truth (I assume, since I have never seen the issue, if it even exists. Of course they know that if I ever get my hands on a copy, it will appear on this blog.
I don’t want be repetitive but few days ago a friend from the SO a nice guy committed suicide after OTV.
Another person after OT V got diabete.
Going OT is a dangerous practice.
Example: hubbard at the end of his life was lost like a balloon in the sky in a windy day.
Scn is a dangerous place. Don’t try testing if I am right.
There is a glib maxim in scientology. “To go OT you have to be OT”. Or some such gibberish.
That’s an easy one for me. I’ll just ‘postulate’ myself as being OT and bypass the reg, ethics office, course sup, dictionary, demo kit, Thursdays at 2:00, stat pushes, bookstore officer, special briefings and events, recruiter, mindless extended clapping sessions, IAS vultures and the time spent being a cultie. Result? Freedom from oppression & supression, retention of personal integrity, intact bank account, time to spend with family and friends, and no embarrassing association with criminal, life sucking cults. I LOVE being OT. Outta There.
WOW. You have the OT 15 EP cognition. Well done, attest. You can do so on this blog … lol. Pick up the keyboard in one hand, the mouse with the other; Now swing them like a cookoo clock pendulum. Your cert will be posted here shortly.
Great comment. Adios amiga.
There is NO research. He has no proven examples of OT abilities. He has NO examples of cured eyesight, no glasses needed anymore, etc. There are plenty of “success” stories that are demanded at the end of every program or you can’t leave! Nice “proof.” But hey…pay us hundreds of dollars to lie to you. We have good intentions so trust us that we KNOW he told the truth. LOL
There are NO examples of scientology delivering on ANY of its promises. All imagined gains are illusory and disappear like soap bubbles as soon as they’re looked at.
Dammit! Mike – I just spit my coffee on my computer. That was hilarious. “ How to go OT “ with a photo of the OT disheveled, crazy con man, LRH.
Now let it sink in, he knew someone was taking his photo. He is absolutely repulsive.
Long, greasy hair. His fricken fly is open.
So much for OT perceptions.
A fricken cigarette hanging out of his yellow stained finger with long dirty fingernails, clearly indicates he was not at cause over addiction.
L RON Hubbard
What a Nut Job.
I did OT VIII in 1988 but did not hit the OT levels. But today I can report with absolute certainty that I finally reached the OT VIII that Hubbard was talking about. It is so simple. I was totally confused. I really believed what he was saying that was the problem. But yesterday I finally declared myself a full fascist. Now that I have integrated fascism into my being, I can be the OT that Hubbard wrote about. All of the promotional material from Scientology is wrong. Look at the little new fascist named Miscavige and you will see the futility of Hubbard’s OT research. As a fascist, you can fair game and kill Christians and break up their families. You can act like Hitler and the Nazi’s and scream at you enemies. You can eliminate your enemies. A “cleared” planet is in reality a bunch of fascist beings competing against each other breaking the law and all the rule. It feels great to be a fascist and finally complete all of the OT levels.
Oh Tea Ate = A good meal and glass of wine. No problem. Happens daily all over the world …… except it ain’t happening in any idle morgue.
That’s appalling.
Oh. I thought it was pretty good.
Wow. That’s nuts, but I get the point. Dark satire, nonetheless.
I attended a seminar by an old Sea Dog guy, whatever the Still-Ins call themselves. He said you can just Be whatever you want, then you will Do whatever it does, and then you will simply Have whatever it has. Simple, just focus some AUs on Be OT, and you are OT. Why make it complex? (Hypocrisy is that they will deny their tech applies directly to Scientology itself like this)
I guess the whole 3D trap requires a piece of paper to prove it and the money game to keep the grass green outside RTC. 🤑
Parachute, the grass stays greener around RTC from all the BS spewing from COB’s mouth. Good fertilizer.
Well George, if you were to look in my PC folders you would find that I did not act like Hitler; I acted with him. I was commended by not only Adolf Hitler but the current dwarfenfuehrer.
What’s the difference between the two? Not much. Their birthdays are both April 20. A coincidence? Probably. The rest? Well, you tell me. That people call him the dwarfenfuehrer is partly because he is short, but what about the fuehrer part?
To be on the safe side, I will just say
LMAO….”How to go O.T.”…..
Well, in my humble opinion…simple put a large letter “U” in the middle of the “O. T.”…&
Yo frickin Dave,
Balletlady has the final solution:
Oh You Tea ………. works 100% of the time. Everyone here has done it to full EEE PEE and we absolutely love the state. Besides ……. there are zero relapses and the gains last for EEE TERN ITEEE.
For those O.T.’s STILL IN……they are living in the STATE OF DENIAL no matter what state or country they live in.
None are so blind as those who will not see….I’ve said it dozens of times….sadly you CANNOT SAVE someone who does NOT WANT to be saved…..nothing is sadder than that. To watch one’s life go by…..still under the Kool Aid spell thinking “it will get better eventually”……ummm…NO it WON’T.
To be up in years…to have dedicated one’s entire LIFE, Family, Friends, Physical & Mental Health, Financial Security to a boondoggle……….the WORSE feeling in the world is NOT TO ADMIT IT & GET OUT.
“Beam Me Up XENU….there’s no intelligent life down here”……….so sad.
This is a critically important part of the long con that is Scientology.
Expressed different ways at different times, such as “50% of gains are from training” or some poor goof who went to the Freewinds saying that they listened to a lecture and then got the exact same gains in the next auditing session.
Of course they did. The lectures and writings set up the expectations and the “counseling” fulfils them. Without the expectations, the setup, the “counselling” has no chance of “working”.
Tell someone they lived before this life, ask hundreds of repetitive leading questions like “is there an earlier similar incident?” Surprise surprise, they find out they lived before this life!
Give someone a lengthy explanation of how they can exist “outside of their body”. Ask hundreds or possibly thousands of repetitive hypnotic commands accompanied by authoritarian physical body control. Most of the recipients know they can’t get out of this without saying that they left their body. Finally they get a form of dissociative fugue state, eyes crossed, a “floating feeling” and they say they “exteriorized”. Some even have vivid hallucinations that convince them it is true.
Every step of Scientology has this two-step tango. Tell them what they are supposed to get out of it, whack away at it with repetitive hypnotic commands, don’t let them out until they say they’ve got it. When the hypnotic euphoria hits, they will say they got it! There is no other way out!
A few other religious cults use the same principle, like the fundamentalist evangelicals who encourage their adherents to “speak in tongues”. Nothing wrong with speaking in tongues if the spirit moves you, but in these fringe cults you have to speak in tongues to be one of the gang. So, strangely, you do! Or move on, probably a wiser path.
I always thought that was the real point of the “Basics Program”, where everyone was supposed to study all these ancient obsolete lectures and books. Gives everybody a huge library of possible fake “wins”. Dave Miscavige must have really thought that this would revive his moribund “religion” after he mechanized it beyond recognition with the authoritarian “Golden Age of Tech”.
No, Dave, you also need some excited true believers to make the con work. You got rid of those when you subverted or crushed your rivals. You can’t do it on your own, you haven’t got the charisma. Might as well shut it down and give the money back, Dave.
Telling everyone they “will go exterior with full perception” on the Basics is false advertising. Some may do this, but the vast majority will not. So it is a promise made and not to be kept. The lies are so plentiful, and the sheeple just figure they were somehow the one and only person who didn’t go ext with full perception on listening to the basics or whatever the course is that promises it. Outright false promises which they can’t guarantee.
Cindy, rather than listing single examples of scientology’s false promises, I’d love to see a scn show us ONE time when scn’s promises were FULFILLED. Not like the old hackneyed “OT phenomena” in “Advance” mag which were ever subjective hallucenations born of wishful thinking, but things that at LEAST were like “Now, I’ll cause this to happen” and having it happen. What they tout are times when something happens and the OT smugly says”*I* did that!”
Oh yeah!? Do it AGAIN. Never was the phenomenon repeatable. bout the only repeatable phenomenon in scientology is getting members to leave, often in disgust.
Jerre, Good points!
Thanks, but I’ve gotten sorta used to having 2 4-letter words for a name. Jere, not Jerre or Jerry or other similar-sounding variants. definitely NOT Jeré as my French teacher tried to foist on me
Excellent points Bruce. I find one of the amazing things about Hubbard’s con game is that he was not only able to hypnotize his marks, he was able to get the marks to hypnotize other marks and get all of the money to ‘flow up lines’.
I once tried what I believed to be just pure ‘auditing’. I would run ‘book one’ sessions on people without giving them any background. I felt that if dianetics worked as promised, then I should be able to just give the auditing commands and run the session without having the person I was auditing get set up by giving them any expectations. I was never able to find someone with an ‘engram’. There were no birth or prenatal or past life incidents to be found. Why? They just don’t exist unless you convince someone before hand that they do exist and THEN run an auditing session. That’s not to say that there is no such thing as past lives. I actually believe in past lives. The thing is though, I have no evidence of past lives, it’s just a belief (hope) that I have.
If someone has some evidence for these things, I’m all ears and would love to hear about it.
“Ain’t misbehavin’…” great old song by Fats Waller.
Good experiment.
We have to wonder about past lives. Hubbard said he found children who told detailed stories of their past lives and tracked down the information. But the famous Dr. Ian Stevenson said almost the same things. In fact, the stories and details are almost identical. So did Hubbard actually meet reborn children, or was he just plagiarizing Dr. Stevenson?
The Bridey Murphy craze was also going on in the early 50s, now thoroughly debunked. Another inspiration for science fiction writer Hubbard? Still, none of that says enough for or against past lives to prove anything. Guess we’ll all find out someday.
The simple facts are that the original Dianetics procedure is utterly hopeless and useless without “prenatal memory” and past lives. There just isn’t enough unconscious trauma in the usual life to “aberrate” anyone. Hubbard said he pivoted to Scientology to better explain Dianetics, but in reality he had to abandon Dianetics as an abject failure.
Scientology was supposedly “religious”, making it possible to avoid any scrutiny from the real scientists and cloak the whole thing in the First Amendment protections it so little deserves.
That is an interesting experiment Ms B Haven!
And if you think about it, one is expected to accept some degree of indoctrination before one is allowed to be audited in a formal session.
Thus, in order to contact any traumatic incidents as described by Hubbard in Dianetics, you have to be word-cleared throughly on the subject. More indoctrination.
So now you’re ready to go fishing, now that you know about the fish.
Thus, I suppose you really do get “cleared of the bank” when you realize you were the one who agreed to and “mocked up” your own version of Hubbard’s construct.
very well written and great analysis
Yes to all of this.
TRs are a major trapping mechanism in my view. The new bridge and GAT II forced every single scio to re-do the most powerfully indoctrinating ritualistic practices.
TRs, Upper Indoc Trs, and then thousands of co-audited Objectives – which are just basically a billion versions of hypnotic TRs.
Then he milks them for his streamlined co-audit 0-IV levels.
It’s like, recapturing and solidifying his base with the basic garbage that hooked them in the beginning.
…… I did a shit-ton of GAT II nonsense.
Rip, I feel for you having to do that GAT garbage. Cruel and unusual punishment solely for sticking around as DM showed how much power he had.
If a Scientologist was already swept up in the so-called Golden Age of Tech, and were reading+listening to Hubbard in chronological order, wouldn’t the person already have this?
The real secret to OT is be exactly like Hubbard! Tell tall tales about your OT experiences so others admire you and do your bidding.
Just my thought but the last thing LRH actually wanted was for people have a clear mind because if they did they would have blow realizing that they were being hoodwinked.
Bingo, Peggy. He didn’t want people who would think for themselves; he wanted SLAVES.
Peggy, true what you write.
Mid 1970s some 8 or so friends worked up a response to the constant clamor for us to do the next level and, training . Our patter was: ‘Gee we did audit and train and now we can do TR 0 fully, and as we all know that is as OT as we will ever be. Scientology says it sets a being free and now we are even free of Scientology. Thank you all, thank you.’
Being out on the sand dunes, racing and drinking, helped us tremendously in having such ‘clear’ thoughts.
Good for you Jim! Keep on livin’ the good life.
jere, so sad but so true. Wishing all those still enslaved could realize that.
Yo Jackie,
Howz about the real why on “WHY AM I SO F%#&ED UP?”
Long answer: “Because I am a $cientologist and I belong to a CULT!”
Short answer: “Cuz I like Dave”
Long and Short solution: “BLOW THE FREAKIN POP STAND …….. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Newcomer threw in:
“Long and Short solution: “BLOW THE FREAKIN POP STAND …….. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
That’s why the Aftermath Foundation exists. At the risk of being too repetitive: Please support the Foundation any way you can.
I wish it had existed 40 years ago when the tased me out as incapable of helping them in any way.
It makes me happy just thinking that I will never have to endure grinding my way through all these bullshit lectures just so I can be considered a good Scientologist.
AMEN to that.
recommended additions to: “I will never have to endure…..”
1) calls to attend ‘rape and pillage sessions’.
2) calls for anything related to the cult
3) unethical officers masquerading as know best teenagers
4) lying reges pretending to have your interests at heart.
5) smokescreens pretending to have some sort of knowledge about your future.
It’s all 100% bullshit ….. actually bullshit has some redeeming qualities so it’s really Daveshit which is bereft of anything beneficial to anything anywhere.
Yo Dave,
Bite down good buddy and do some knashin’ taday! Remember, tomorrow is another shit storm in hell fer yer stats ……. and other stuff ya covet ……. big boy!
Exactly, Newcomer. “daveshit” is poisonous to everything it touches.
“unethical officers masquerading as know best teenagers” Priceless. Love the way you put things.