Someone recently sent me this write up giving the details on how to try to sell Dianetics on the street.
It including reference to the “No answer” drill from STCC (Success Through Communication Course). Of course, there is little in scientology that is straightforward when it comes to trying to interest new people. In today’s Google world, it’s virtually impossible. But this is all taken from references that predate the birth of the internet, it has always been this way in “disseminating.”
As this drill is something that has been discussed quite a lot (it being the “acceptable” version of the infamous “TRL” (Training Routine Lie) from the old GO days), I am including it at the end of this posting.
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:54:32
From: IHELP Sales Manager New Era <[email protected]>
Dear All,
Today many people are way below the point of Interest. So, selling a book to them or interest them in Scientology seems a difficult task.
To help you master this task I am sending you a booksales patter that is based on HCO PL 9 Sep 1981, How to Sell Scientology to Your Friends.
Read it, drill it, do it! And let me know how it goes.
Also, I would be very happy if you can send me any success stories from disseminating, selling books, or any successful actions you have!
Thanks a lot.
Ml, Christiane Goeldenitz – Field Sales Off New Era Publications Int
Tel: 0045-3736666
.. and the drill defines the word “evasive” – LOL. To me, that’s ironic.
“the reason that people …. is that people …”
The problem is basically people!
Or is it?
Do they actually need fresh raw meat these days? Isn’t raw meat a bit untrustworthy? Why endanger the Big Wins in Orgs by letting raw meat in? Raw meat might scoff and might not applaud in the right way when cueued. They might not enthuse and cheer Glorious Leader L. Ron Hubbard and Respected Glorious Leader COB as much as the faithful membership do. This could be the seeds of PTSness that could hold back the incredible unprecedented straight-up-and-vertical 47x expansion that Glorious Leader COB has bestowed upon us. Sure, let raw meat in to watch the applicable videos applicably and be suitably indoctrinated. Maybe allow them to the next stage in the applicable indoctrination procedures if they show sufficient enthusiasm and a healthy bank balance. But if they don’t then it hardly matters. The outside public will know that Scientology is a good thing just by marvelling at their large expensive buildings that virtually sing the praises of Scientology as led by Glorious Leader and Captain COB.
They have proved that they can have unprecedented 47x mega expansion without raw meat stepping through the door so what is so wrong with continuing with that approach?
I’ve actually never read that drill and I find it utterly annoying and ridiculous. My answer to the questions would be fuck off and I’m usually nice to strangers. The question about overts in so invasive and out of order. Are you supposed to just start confessing to some guy on the street? Get real. Even as an experienced auditor, I never felt comfortable selling, it’s just not me. I wouldn’t do that drill if you paid me.
When I first got into Scientology I walked into Div. 6 to visit the PES and she told me she needed to sell some DMSMH. I had done cold calling in my early profession so I opened the white pages and sold a book to the very first random person I called. I drove to there house, delivered the book and collected the $5. It never dawned on me until now that the book I sold her was a donated book. Never had to cold call again.
Typical action by RCS to put in the drill – for the communicate step, instead of the many processes and drills you could do to improve communication in a friendly way, the only thing it says to do is pull overts. Like that’s the only thing that ever affects communication. But the RCS always assumes everyone is bad and committing overts all the time from day one of their scientology experience until they do the “sec check from hell” mentioned by Michael Chan for OT9.
Hold on, people. This patter was written in 1981, well before the miracle that was GAT and GAT II. Certainly it has been revised to reflect the 47X expansion in the church? I bet there are new items such as:
-if there is room in your vehicle, bring along metal poles and velvet rope. This will help with crowd control as interested public flock to you. Acceptable colors for velvet rope are red, blue and green.
-Gauge the reaction of the public if he has shown interest in buying the book. If it is a ‘YES!’ with conviction, ask him if he would be interested in the leather-bound version of Dianetics. Tell him that investing hundreds more for the exact same book only with a leather cover and gilded edges shows certainty in disseminating to others. Your friends will go “Woah! A leather book with a volcano on the cover! This is awesome!”
IHELP is a joke.
They do not help but interfere with people who are using Scientology to actually try to help people (does that make sense?)
I know someone who does various 3rd dynamic activities like giving seminars and courses to raw public and IHELP was itching to shut it down. They spread ‘the word’ that the guy had to knock it off. They just can’t help themselves, or anyone else. I wish I could say more and give details but can’t right now, so sorry.
The IHELP Sales Manager is “managing” the entrance point to the cherch. The entrance point is closing down because of GAT II and IAS atrocities.
Bad PR doesn’t help, of course. But, it’s the non delivery or squirrel delivery of Scientology (IAS, Ideal Orgs) that makes the cherch shrink.
Q: Is that a chair?
A: It does seem to be made of wood.
Q: Yeah, but is that a chair?
A: I bet the purchaser had to know that.
Q: True, but what I want to know is, is that a chair?
A: It probably cost enough.
Q: How old were you when you were dropped on your fucking head?
I think the public would buy the Dianetics book if the cover would flash into life so they could see an exploding volcano with lava bursting out and flowing down the sides. Maybe with it shimmering all the while using microscopic colored LEDs. Maybe this could be done with holographic printing techniques that inlay electrical circuits in to power the LEDs, powered by the prospective mark opening the cover. Perhaps the Church already has the ability to do this sort of advanced space-age printing or if not then they could buy it in or commission it to be developed at the cost of several billion dollars that the membership would happily donate to make it a reality.
Err … no!
Dianetics is sixty years old and therefore not “new”. It never worked well sixty years ago so it won’t work now. Nobody wants it any more. It can’t sell. The clams with their Dianetics books can all shove it up their collective arses.
“Used as a survey to flatten the buttons will help to get in comm with the pubic…”
I should think buttons would need to be undone rather than flattened in anything to do with the pubic. Would this represent a misguided Miscavige-type attempt at ‘flirty fishing’?
I read over the drills and it sort of took me back to the early days of the academy and running around all fired up to change the world for the better but then the best analogy popped into my head and quietened me down to an acceptable level of sanity.
These types of processes are like foreplay without ever getting any actual sex. Kind of like dog number 3 in the pack when only one bitch is on heat. All excited on both sides of the comm cycle and it all leads to zip, the preverbal lead balloon.
There are real gains to had in life and as well as Scientology if you’ve got the intelligence to work out what works and what doesn’t. It’s just that some people score more often than others, and who hasn’t witnessed or dreamed of that?
And as Joey Tribbiani says, “and how you doing?”
$cientology lost the ability to get results a long, long time ago.
They have no idea how to fix this-even if DM would throw it open to everyone asking “What can we do to get back to normal operation?” I don’t think the rank and file staff member, Sea Org member, or pubic could come up with the right suggestions to keep the ship afloat. The internet has been around too long; moreover, there is an independent movement out there that is probably doing as well as the Church could ever hope to do, even with its cathedrals.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The way for DM to turn this thing around is to offer cash on the barrel head to prospective members. That and free beer. It’ll be straight up and vertical for as long as the money holds out.
Thank you so much Mike for posting this along with the drills. When journalists are confronted with continued deception by church spokespeople this will be a very so helpful to them.
Lying IS church doctrine (for the greatest good of course) and needs to be 100% revealed as not just a tendency by Church members but actually drilled, demoed and star rated (reviewed and check out by coaches to insure total confident application)
It’s been a practice since the early days.
“We don’t practice disconnection”, “There is no Hole”, “Miscavige is not violent”, “We respect all religions”, “We don’t harass defectors and critics”, “Ron was a war hero”, “Ron was a nuclear physicist”, “Scientology is expanding” and a never ending list of deceptive lies and PR has been drilled, practiced, studied, worked at to become the proficiency of deception you experience with ALL of their spokesman, Including all the way back to Heber.
Well now.. a LOOOONG time ago….in ancient times..yours truly was deemed the #1 DMSMH bookseller ANYWHERE…and, when at last said personage arrived at the Ft. Harrison just after it opened for biz… I received a CMO order from LRH to write up my book selling hat … (because they had lost the first one I had written after the first request almost 3 years earlier). Neither of the write-ups included a survey, or lies, or a con job. Friendliness, straight forwardness and other “nesses’.. got the job done….. I am now embarrassed to say. lolol My apologies to all those thousands of folks who wasted $5.00 bucks or however much it was whilst waiting for their planes at the airport.
Excellent examples exist of the TR 2-E no answer drill in action…any Tommy Davis interview, especially questions about xenu. Nothing but ass-speak as seen in Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. Nothing said but words…
Hubbard observes, way back in 1957, that people are complaining about Scientology won’t answer direct questions. I wonder how that came about. Was future Miscavige enturbulating the public against Scientology?
“Today many people are way below the point of Interest.” Yes and most of them are in what is known as the Church of Scientology. Sad but true. The poor apathetic robots are pushed from one fundraiser to the next, never allowed to show interest in anything for fear they may discover the truth.
“…or any other places where it is aloud to sell books” So they’re not allowed to go to the places where it is quiet to sell books? Christiane, Here’s a hint. A dictionary is a book. Perhaps you should purchase one, if it is aloud (you know, maybe a speaking one?)
And last but not least, I can’t believe they still use ML in their emails. Haven’t we made enough fun of it that they get the point yet? There is no love in their emails and no one believes there is.
We’ve slowed down Exclamation Point tech, minimized hyperbole tech, and even made a small dent in CAPS tech, we know that we will never dent Shermanspeak because David Miscavige believes it makes him look less stoopid to use it (which we all understand is not true but whatEVER).
How about we make a concerted effort to knock out the ML on the end of emails. ML my ass. Much derision, much loathing? Money Laundering? Aaah, I get it now. It really means money laundering but they pretend it means much love, oh well, then, carry on with your ML.
Val: I think it might be Money Loving — after all, scientology IS the 21st century religion that covets other people’s money….
Aaah, Mike, thanks, for the correction,
Muy loco.
Used to be the complimentary close they used was ARC. Sometime or other it became ML. Maybe the sea org people used ML and public used ARC or something. Most of the letters contain neither so I guess it doesn’t matter anyway.
I just realized what ML really means!!!
When someone really wants to blow but can’t, they sign their emails ML — MUST LEAVE. We on the outside should recognize this sign of desperation and help each and every person who signs their missive with ML to blow quickly and quietly.
“During the survey you are not allowed to eat chewing gum, smoke cigarettes or do anything to bother the person.”
Um…you mean like approaching them for a fake survey and trying to get them to buy worthless crap?
+100 !!!!
“Prepare your clipboard by putting 3 copies of the survey on it (if one gets used up you can use the other ones)”
Wow, that totaly impinges. But, how do I get to the other ones?
You will first have to find your clipboard.
This posting highlights a characteristic of Scn that permeates the organization – The Hidden Agenda.
So much of what this organization does is not what it seems. EVERYTHING is a reg cycle, for either time or money. Public Scnists are presented with something which is an apparency, often the motivation behind it or the real situation is hidden from the individual. This is a well honed ability, and includes flawless execution of the “acceptable truth.”
This is chronic “spin”; where reality must be massaged and altered to be “In-PR” or to cast Scn in a favourable light. This effect can range from subtle embellishment to wholesale lies.
I honestly don’t think your average staff member even realizes he or she is doing this. I didn’t realize it as a staff member. I’m not even accusing them of being malicious. But, it is a pretense nevertheless. You can just tell they are not be honest and straight with you, that things are not what they seem.
Both DM and LRH mastered this manipulation technique. Dn and Scn must “become” something else for it to be accepted by the unsuspecting public. To this degree, they are running a bait and switch operation.
Brilliant! I’ve referred to this as duplicity several times, it just seems we can never get the plain spoken truth. Behind this hidden agenda habit is the stable datum that everyone is ruled by their reactive mind, to the extent that they have to be controlled, in order to decide to do Scn. Talk about convoluted or aberrated. This is a very arrogant and sinister wrong item that is behind these communications. How about supposing that people are intelligent and capable of running their own lives? If that were the opening statement, they might get somewhere.
“Today many people are way below the point of Interest”. These were the entry words of the I HELP Message.
And these: “People in the majority are three feet below interest.” are toward the beginning of the LRH reference.
What do they have in common? Several things;
1) Judgmental=people are…, (this, or that, or not this, or…)
2) Invalidative=people are below this or that level, (Yes, they are stupid, low tone, unconscious,etc..)
3) Generalities=people. How may lack interest? 100,10,000people? Interest on what? On art? movies? life? sport? and so on.
Sorry, could not go further than this.
Good one Silvia!
People ARE interested in a lot of things.
Exactly Silvia! I was thinking how condescending & arrogant that statement was. I literally don’t know anyone who isn’t very interested in some area(s) of life. People are immensely interested in all kinds of things, just perhaps not being bugged on the street to buy stuff. I’m not interested in that either.
Very true Silvia and HJ. It’s condescending and arrogant. A common attitude on the inside.
I am so sick of hearing about “wogs” or non-Scientologists in general being compared to lower levels of existence.
It is very foolish to underestimate people. A lesson that the CoS needs to learn.
Getting them up to interest, aye there’s the rub.
Arrrrggg, laddie, I do believe you’re right. Aye, tis tough to interest people in the cult anymore. I pity those poor souls immersed in the Sea Arrrgggg. Pirates! All of us!
I asked Santa for a 1964 Pontiac GTO, stock, low miles, 389, 3 duces.
He started using TR 2-E on me…..stupid drill!
TR-2-E is not limited to the church. Politicians use it all the time.
You too Potpie!
Here’s an old reference from before the new regime swept in in the ’80’s. I worked in div 6 in a busy org and this HCOB was in use (late 1970’s).
It was used on me, when I was new and I got real interested in Scientology.
“HCO Bulletin 18 June 1957”
“A congress M U S T
An organization M U S T
Answer people’s questions.
This is the primary public complaint-that Scientologists in the organization or out won’t answer directly questions about this or that.
Understand it, answer it, make friends.”
page 156 OEC vol. 6
Sorry for being a mindless robot by quoting LRH, but the church started going to hell, when it threw out Policy and common sense and started lying to cover dm’s sorry ass.
Not long ago, a Christian friend asked me, why celebrities were leaving Scientology? I had no interest in defending the church, but answered that it was run by a nut who was driving people out.
Amazingly, he said that’s happened many times in his religion and he totally understood. ARC developed between us and not a wall. l
Dan, you don’t have to apologize for quoting LRH. I think l by publishing the actual LRH reference or an excerpt from that, and then showing what the corporate church is doing that is in direct violation of that is very useful and enlightening.
I have absolutely no problem with quoting LRH, either pro or con. I happen to think he said a LOT of extremely brilliant things and made some very basic discoveries about human nature (and took Freud to the next step really in DMSMH). I do have to point out however, that one problem with quoting Ron on any specific point is that he said so very MANY things on any given point and many of them contradictory. For example, your above quote. I don’t have any references with me where I now live, but I distinctly recall him ALSO saying later on NOT to answer people’s questions directly but to get them to read the book.
Joe. The reference you bring up is HCO Policy “BOOKS ARE DISSEMINATION. Page 235 OEC Vol. 6.
LRH says;
“I will make you a wager. I think you are wasting most of your time answering questions which are answered in books. I think you are talking yourself hoarse to friends, and other people and groups, explaining over and over and over things already taken up in books. I think your time is being devoured by attempts to reach through the conversational barriers of people.”
“You are not giving I am sure, the newly interested person an opportunity to go quietly by himself, without any social strain, and study a book on the subject. Only in this way will he come to a decision about the subject which is his own independent decision, having inspected the materials. This has to be done quietly and it is best done through the pages of a book.”
So by selling someone a book, you are answering their questions. I held the post of PES in my org for a few years (1980-1983).
Don’t you think it is “thought stopping” to answer any quote by saying that “LRH just says the opposite somewhere else”? I don’t mean to be rude, but just want to point it out.
Good points Dan! Just because one quotes others, doesn’t mean you can’t think for yourself. I quote lots of people and sometimes people quote me! It’s mindless adherence that is the enemy.
Dan – You’re not a “mindless robot” for quoting LRH. If there is something written and you want to use it to make a point, then what’s the problem with that?
Last I checked, this blog is about Scientology, the CoS and all its activities. Therefore, writings of LRH is relevant and it doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on. We are not mindless robots here.
They omitted what may be a necessary “handling” at the end – when the person says “so you lied to me. You really weren’t doing a survey, but just asking me leading questions in order to sell me something.”
They expect that one don’t they? If I were stupid enough to answer the phone and “take a survey”, especially one where they assured me at the start that they were “not trying to sell me anything” then shame on me when they sell me something at the end.
Unfortunately, email scams, phone scams, internet scams abound these days. RCS just slides right into the dung heap and goes along for the ride.
It’s a sad world when you expect the person in front of you to be lying more often than not.
Ms.Goeldenitz says, “Today many people are way below the point of Interest. So, selling a book to them or interest them in Scientology seems a difficult task.”
Actually, my dear, people are very interested in many things in this day and age. They are just not interested in YOU.
I, on the other hand am quite interested in YOU. As a matter of fact I would love to sit down and have a chat with you about Dianetics. I’d like to share with you my personal experience of auditing well over 500 hours and what I believe is an accurate statement of its efficacy.
I’d also like to discuss with you the original writings of Freud where he outlines the concept of incidents, earlier similar incidents, chains of incidents and his findings regarding the earliest traumatic incident being the most heavily charged.
I might even want to debate with you some of the claims made in Dianetics and ask you how many people you have audited who measure up to the vast array of gains that Mr. Hubbard promises are available from the auditing procedures outlined in the book.
Yes Ms. Goeldenitz, I’m very interested in having that conversation with you. Call me!
Good one, Les.
Happy Holidays to you and Anita.
No discussion allowed.
The French love a good discussion as much as they love a good meal.Doing both at the same time is even better
God..,I missed it !
Excellent post Les!
It may be of interest to many here to do a little further exploration. LRH brought up Freud in good and bad ways. Freud having written many books -I counted 19 at a cursory glance- it might be helpful naming the specific book where Freud dealt with the specific issues related to Dianetics, respectively that LRH “adopted” or outright stole.
” LRH brought up Freud in good and bad ways.”
Yes LRH usually brought up Fraud in good ways when he used it to expose others. The bad part is how he used it to fraudulently represent that a cherch was doing beneficial things for others. He stole that idea from past masters and improved upon it IMHO.
As for Freud …………….. I would not waste my time but of the two I trust Freud over Elron any day.
Stupid drill. Puts one on a withhold. How can one communicate when they are withholding?
Reminds me of an Amway presentation.
It trains them to be 1.1
I’ve always disliked and disapproved of this drill. In general, aren’t people untrained in communication non-sequitur enough when they answer questions? So, now we have to teach them how to be non-sequitur believably and causitively? But, of course, I agree with Cindy, it teaches people to be covertly hostile, a necessary tone level to survive in the Church of Scientology nowadays. This cult with its many overts, its deplorable PR makes the ability to fool people with believability a necessary skill. Disgusting, I say.
“….any other places where it is aloud to sell books.”. Enough said.
Is Christiane Goeldenitz the wife of Thomas Goeldenitz?
Today, at Tony Ortega’s Blog: Judge James D. Whittemore Denies $cientology’s Request To Bar Mike Rinder From Tampa Federal Courthouse
“Merry Christmas, Mike Rinder!”
Looks like Mr. Ellis will be on full time training on Drill Two-E in preparation for his deposition. Too bad for him (and Him) that Mike will be present.
Me thinks that if Mike Ellis isn’t on the RPF now, he will be after his deposition.
What’s Drill Two-E, Coop? However, I believe Mr. Ellis has already heard the news that the mighty Mike Rinder will be there. You might catch him at LAX. I believe is destination was Bulgravia…
Better watch out OSD, Mike is going to start having pop quizzes on his daily blog!
Communication Training Drill Two-E per Mikes data above.
And no, he won’t be going to Bulgravia ………. he’s headed straight for the shithouse. Dave’s Shithouse.
Whoo Hoo! As Baby j & d’d it last week, the cult’s legal, “Red Rover, Red Rover, Mike can’t come over”, and now be answered, “The Rinder Express has just left the station. Better deal with it, guys”. Thanks, Judge! Team Garcia rocks!
I didn’t realize that not answering while saying words in response to a question was a defined skill. In which case, my teenaged daughter is some kind of prodigy. Think of all the money she saved by not having to take a course….
Happy Holidays to all the Rinder family and commenters!
hat is the funniest comment I have read in a while. Thanks for the laugh 🙂
Very funny. Happy Holidays to you and your family also, Starlight.
Laughing out loud, Starlight!
Fabulous post. Teenagers are pros alright, but don’t forget the real masters, every politician on earth.
Yes, politicians are geniuses at not answering questions.
Reporter: Senator, if re-elected, what will be your plan actually be to, as you say, end unemployment in the state of So and So?
Senator: Yes, I’m very glad you asked that question. Very glad. There is no more vital issue to the people of So and So than the problem of continued unemployment. In the past 10 years alone we have lost X jobs. This is largely due to the policies laid down by (someone in the opposing party). Now, if the people of this state give me the opportunity, I work to forge very necessary connections with this committee and that committee and dedicate myself to very necessary bipartisan efforts to end unemployment. There can be no greater priority at this point in time.
Reporter: Thank you. Now, with regard to (asks another question on another subject)?
Me (screaming from my home to the reporter): He didn’t answer the question, you idiot! He said nothing! Ask him again! This is not an answer, don’t let him get away with mouthing this rubbish, ask him again, and GET AN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION!
Again, spelling error in their publication; ‘aloud’ is not the same as ‘allowed’. Not getting their lower grades in, ie public school grades 1-9, sure can make one look like an idiot.
Also, “…great him and go to the next person…”
Well now, wait just a dog done minute, hohotai, I think “greating” a person is a wonderful thing to do. They probably go up to prospect and tell that person how great they are! I mean, what’s wrong with that? Oh, wait, someones trying to tell me something…uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. Ok. Thanks for info. Never mind.
I rather like “grate” better…
“…grate him and go on to the next person…”
Sounds exactly like scientology. Just shred that puppy and go on to someone who has still got some $.
Actually, bob, that’s pretty good for them. This is what happens when they refuse a ‘Wog’ education. I’ll not say they’re completely illiterate, but, very close to it. When they wake up and leave, imagine how they’ll sound during an interview.
And yet a lack of cleverness will get you a flunk on TR-2e…
This scientology stuff is tricky.
The new reality:
“Scientology (fleecing far from) works! (in this internet age)”
Excellent history here!
And the lady’s urging to “…Read it, drill it and do it…” just like my 7 years on the RPF.
Good membership mentality! Do it! Scientology fleecing works!
The trouble is, if they get that far, as soon as the prospect sees the volcano on the front cover, they will snort in disgust and walk off. And even if they did buy it, they would Google “Dianetics”, become thoroughly enturbulated, then bin the book. And I don’t these these books are cheap these days, unless they buy them from ebay.
Sales is a Scientology sacrament. Ugh!
Definitions of “patter”:
rapid or smooth-flowing continuous talk, such as that used by a comedian or salesman : slick black hair, flashy clothes, and a New York line of patter.
• rapid speech included in a song, esp. for comic effect : [as adj. ] a patter song of invective.
• the special language or jargon of a profession or other group : he picked up the patter from watching his dad.
verb [ intrans. ]
talk at length without saying anything significant : she pattered on incessantly.
Anything in there sound familiar? LOL