A new YouTube video covering the recent meeting Leah and Claire had with LAPD Chief Moore is now available on our YouTube channels.
He finally agreed to a meeting after pressure on social media after it was learned that the Chief had met with scientology lawyer Vicki Podberesky.
There is plenty of other lively conversation too…
I watched this and could not believe what I was hearing. Sounds like the LAPD already sided with the ultimate cult before the meeting even begun. Have they learned nothing from the 90’s? The PD is supposed to work for us, the citizens, and this guy has a chip on his shoulder towards the abused/advocates. I am appalled that this even happened!!
Let’s hope some ex-Scientologists become prosecutors/DAs, IRS agents, FBI agents, and politicians — I don’t think Scientology will ever be punished for crimes unless people who truly understand Scientology inside-out get into positions of authority.
O/T, sort of… In the ‘On this day’ section of Wikipedia’s landing page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) there is mention that this day in 1967, Hubbard released the results of his “research” into Xenu and the ‘wall of fire’.
I’m wondering how many folks in LAPD, LA City Council and other parties and powers that be may be enabling scientology have read this article and have questions about what they are actually enabling. Maybe ordinary citizens might wonder why these folks are protecting scientology. I wonder if there are any IRS folks who have read this and wonder why scientology still enjoys tax exempt status while employing a scorched earth policy to deal with any bitter defrocked apostates who don’t happen to buy into the Xenu myth anymore?
All of this garbage that scientologists are sold (for a small fortune) is protected by Hubbard’s ‘ethics tech’. That is the sole reason for ‘ethics tech’ in the first place. ‘Ethics’ in scientology exists only to keep the marks in line so more money can be extracted. Otherwise people would encounter this bull shit and head for the exits pronto. Some of us did anyway.
Naysayers may pick nits and say that ‘ethics tech’ was around before 1967. True enough but the Xenu stuff was around way before 1967. Check out the classic scientology account of the ‘whole track’ in Hubbard’s History of Man. Or, for an even earlier example of the great grifters delusions check out this little gem over at the Bunker… https://tonyortega.org/2014/06/17/rare-tape-reveals-how-l-ron-hubbard-really-came-up-with-scientologys-space-cooties/
scientology isn’t just worse than you think, it’s worse than you can possibly imagine. You can take that to the bank.
How many people have heard of Skidmore, Missouri and Ken Rex McElroy? McElroy was a career criminal who gamed the system and generally got off legally. Some of the people of the town became tired of antics of McElroy then shot and killed him in broad daylight. No one to this day has admitted to being the shooter or come forth as a witness.
When the government malfunctions Americans WILL act independently.
Not sure what you are trying to say here or if you’re suggesting any particular actions, but in present time in the US law enforcement and elected government officials seem to be doing an OK job of controlling renegade individuals in their ranks. E.G., Chavin and his casually sadistic buddies are now serving time in prison!
So I would not be surprised if the Los Angeles City Council will be soon looking in to the motives of their chief of police in this matter and why he appears to be so oddly cosy with this organization and so dismissive of its whistle-blowers.
If necessary Human Beings will act independently of The State. Americans ARE human beings.