Take a wild guess what the answer to this question is: “How you can help end the pandemic?”
If you guessed “Give us your money” you just won yourself a one year free subscription to Impact magazine. If you guessed “Hand out our propaganda booklets” you won a one year free subscription to Freedom magazine. And if you answered both you win the Grand Prize — a commendation for your file.
They have 160,000 booklets they still need to distribute. Some in-house printing facility (Bridge or the Central Promo Center or something) has gotten their stats up selling these things at a profit to the “Volunteer Ministers” (obviously they were not given them for free, or why would they need donations?). Now they have pallets of the things and have to try to get rid of them. If they get them passed out somewhere they will end up littering streets and neighborhoods. They have printed booklets nobody wants. Advice from scientology on how to lead your life is like advice from the Flat Earth society on science. They want people to agree with them, and think that everyone should agree with them and that what they have to say is vitally important as they have “the tech” for handling every aspect of life. But what’s in their heads does not translate into the real world.
Scientologists on the whole are delusional. They are not ill-intentioned. Just a bunch of sheep who buy whatever they are told is a good thing to do. Here is further evidence of that fact.
Scientology in a nutshell:
Piss away your life, lose your family & finances, but hey, you at least have a commendation on your file!
OT but I just that AOLA, ASHO & LA Org are all boarded up. With 24/7 security guards swarming the complex why board up? They didn’t board up during the Rodney King riots.
In the era of Rodney King, a lot of the Sea Org were 28 years younger – I bet they still rely on many of the same lifelong diehards. And quite a few of those would have been veterans of 1960s and 1970s protests, in the prime of life then but in its twilight now. I think that can clearly be seen in the old pictures that Jeffrey Augustine posted:
> https://scientologymoneyproject.com/2020/06/02/1992-and-2020-how-the-church-of-scientology-reacts-to-civil-unrest/
It seems improbably that they could muster either as young and able, or as large, a group to try to surround and protect their buildings now. Plus the current regime’s strategy seems to be to avoid any contact with outsiders like the plague (and, they currently do indeed need to keep the aging sea orgers isolated) and instead to rely on hired guns, whether outside security muscle or mob lawyer type attorneys.
You are of course correct. I forgot those two points. Not the same group as before.
SO PREDICTABLE! How were we all so easily fooled?
If they really just wanted to help people with this, they’d just post the information on their website for free. Invite people to look at the data they have.
But, that’s evidently not their intention. Gee I w$nder wh$t t$eir $eal Inten$ion i$?
Why in Xeenus name a book(let). Does anyone read books anymore (except sometimes for work related topics or school)? There needs to be an App or a Website. Of course Source with full track knowledge was not able to foresee the rise of the internet. Yes the COS has a website. Less popular than this one which was made with almost no funds and as a one man effort. But a man with a message that people actually listen to, that is relevant in our times. Again whole track did obviously nothing for Mr. Hubbard there too.
A yellow van?
What could possibly go wrong?
The booklets are overly general, inaccurate, and lacking in important updated information now known about how the novel coronavirus actually spreads.
A quick review turns up, for instance:
* They included the now-rejected idea that pet fur is a likely carrier of contagion,
* Their only specific recommendations for disinfectants are bleach and alcohol mixtures, which they make without noting that both can damage surfaces. They also don’t say how long to let those compounds sit, even though afterwards they say about commercial products “Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to apply the disinfecting product, including the length of time it should be left on a surface”
* There is no information about the different types of face covers/masks, which to use and their relative effectiveness
* They recommend wearing gloves, which is now considered to be unnecessary and even counter-productive
* The fail to address all manner of crucial everyday things, such as handling groceries and packages
Compare that to the CDS’s “Protect Yourself and Others” guidance, which is updated with the latest information and best practices – Scientology would do more of a public service to pass out a simple handbill linking to this:
> https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/
Peacemaker, that IS scientology; using outdated and skewed information to further their aims of money, more money, MORE MONEY! !!!
I bet if they offered a prize for most magazines distributed, like a couple Omah Steaks and a nice fruit basket, they could at least triple their distribution numbers.
Peggy L offered:
“I bet if they offered a prize for most magazines distributed, like a couple Omah Steaks and a nice fruit basket, they could at least triple their distribution numbers.”
If they FED the poor workers, they’d get 47X the actual number of them distributed. WHO would accept such a pamphlet from a scn staffer who looked to be on Death’s door?
I mean, REALLY!
Good point. If someone came to my house looking like they were hungry I would probably just bring them in and feed them if they would accept the offer. Then take a pamphlet and report the condition of the person to the authorities.
This is all just more proof positive that all these poor folks are to DM are livestock to be used to plow the fields. He is running his own little third world country.
They did give the ones that made their quotas a prize; they were allowed to get some sleep.
After a long enough time those failing to make their targets and having gotten no sleep were practically psychotic and would do anything to get “sales” i.e. rob people or charge their credit cards without their knowledge.
Good eye, Marcanon! That rear tire is VERY flat!
But a flat tire is a perfect symbol for a stupid scam that is going nowhere!
Funny, MarcAnon.
I’m guessing that there is no mention of engramic illness, body thetans or the dreaded SP in their fabulous booklet. Here is the perfect opportunity to actually stand for something, tell people what they believe in and offer them something more than the elementary-level advice on hygiene and social distancing that’s already being bleated across all forms of media, every second of every day.
Isn’t positioning itself as a generic NGO, jumping on the bandwagon of the day, the sort of institutional flakiness and dilettantism that KSW warns against?
Wtf does the CoS actually stand for in 2020?
The booklet starts out avoiding acknowledging that viruses and bacteria actually exist – “Some diseases are said to be caused” are the first words. That smacks of an “acceptable truth” that would allow them to later introduce their supposed secret knowledge that it’s really engrams, BTs, and the “planetary bullbait” of “psychs” and “merchants of chaos.”
mwestern asked:
“Wtf does the CoS actually stand for in 2020?”
Damned if *I* know.
For all I know, all scns are forbidden from EVER standing; so they don’t tower over the Twit™.
That’s such a great point.
Hubbard was critical about ‘wog’ economists. They were accused to have created an economy system were the product demand was created after that the goods were already there. First production then force the demand.
This is what scn does 100% of the times. Who the hell want their stuff? Who really would buy them if not crush regged?
So they start pushing down like mad to have a result. Basics were the top example.
They don’t care about the real world. They are really delusional.
How to keep yourself and others well?
That ought to do it.
Wynski, that would certainly be a big step in the right direction. However, you might consider adding that when one takes that step, it would not hurt one bit to leave the thetan back home. After all, the thetan allegedly cannot be detected with your eyes or your ears and it don’t even smell. The only way it can ever be detected – according to my tech – is when you force it to hold the cans and it beeps … DOT DOT DOT DASH DASH DASH DOT DOT DOT.
In Scamology speak, that means … Send us money. Send us more money. Send us all your money and never stop sending us money! That will make you a good scamology dupe!
Wynski suggested
Especially to preserve your mental, financial, and social health.
Not only misguided but completely unnecessary. The Internet is flooded with all the information anyone could need on how to cope with the pandemic. Oh – right. Not allowed to look at the Internet. Carry on…
I wonder whether any of the staff or sheeple get out not because they recognize the things we talk about here, but instead out of pure frustration at being required to try to function according to Ron’s 1950’s tech in the world as it is out there.
There’s no question that Rand did some bad things, but she was nowhere near the piece of work that LRH was and DM is.
160,000 booklets that will come in very handy since Toilet Paper is hard to find…
Ballet lady. Laughing. It is like you took these words out of my mouth.
Balletlady, you are certainly a lady after my own heart. Glad to see you are still with us and still healthy.
LMR & Skyler & Jere & Bill…Hello My Friends!
Decades & decades ago we had distant relatives who lived “in the country” & had outhouses. They would use catalogues as “toilet paper”….& reading materials too! I recall a small lantern hung in ONE outhouse…..& a shelf for a candle to be lit for “nights with no moonlight”…LOL!
Glad we are all still here & hanging tough. It’s hard not to be around family & friends & to have to keep a “safe distance (social) from others you just want to hug.
Fortunately both our adult kids can work at home & stay safe. Problem is I find myself cooking more & my husband & son LOOKING for more to eat out of boredom!
So much negativity & hate in this world….being HERE is a breath of fresh air. I have NO problem with people disagreeing with each other, that’s fine, we’re entitled to our own opinions as long as they’re respectful & not hurtful.
Thank you for your kind words Skyler & LMR Jere & Bill! Stay WELL, SAFE, HAPPY!
Hope you are safe and happy too, Balletlady
Balletlady sayeth:
“160,000 booklets that will come in very handy since Toilet Paper is hard to find…”
OUCH! Around here, you can get at least one *roll* per shopper, per day. Not necessarily the brand we normally use, but it’s better than nothing — OR paper that thick & glossy. Trying to use it anywhere but an outhouse will likely plug your septic system; NOT a problem we want to experience again….
So true Jere….. I use to work for a pet food company & you would NOT believe the number of calls we got from people who FLUSHED CAT LITTER.
Cat litter absorbs moisture (cat pee)…so OF COURSE when dumped in a toilet it will absorb the toilet water…SWELL…& get like CEMENT forming a “clump” as IT PROMISES TO DO…….
It’s a COSTLY mistake…..the toilet more or less has to be removed depending on where the blockage is…if it’s in the SEWER line OH BOY…
Before the pandemic hit, I already had some toilet paper in stock….& we’ve been lucky enough to be able to get more when needed…limited to ONE package…which is fine!
WHO would have ever thought Toilet Paper would be worth it’s weight in GOLD….yet friends in Florida said the same thing…can’t find toilet paper easily….
Please Stay well!
Thank you very much Balletlady. That is very important info and well worth knowing. I had never known that before.
The cult is a worse pandemic than the virus. However, the way not to transmit it is similar. Keep your distance and quarantine, if necessary from it. This applies to all except the 1st responders, i.e. Mike and anyone else fighting this scourage.
About twenty five years ago, i had lunch with a dedicated Scientologist. I remember that he had a very intense devotion to every word Hubbard ever wrote or spoke. His mind was firmly entrenched in the fact that Hubbard controlled his eternity. He has not spoken to his daughter in over twenty years. She is a fully grown beautiful woman with no connection whatsoever to Scientology or Hubbard. This situation is almost impossible to comprehend. I can understand someone reading and following Hubbard. But the price he is paying here is too great to ignore.
George. Right. Thats pure craziness. Family comes first damn!
Not on the Freewinds they don’t. Herr Captain John Michael Napier screamed at my wife and myself ” I don’t give a FUCK about family”.
Love the VM van with the flat tire! Nails it right on the head!
Thank you for pointing that out! I hadn’t noticed it. PERFECT!
(Maybe they should use that picture on all their literature?)
And the lack of rego plates is rather telling as well.