Well, it seems there is one good thing to come out of Super Power. Howard Becker has finally realized what everyone who has ever dealt with him already knew. He has been a dead thetan for 45 years. A zombie in an animated body (even though he completed all those OT levels and L Rundowns and Objectives a few times and Purif and read all the “Basics” and and and….)
Unfortunately, I am quite certain that this “realization” will not result in any change in his persona. You get a clue to what this is all about as immediately after this “cognition” he vows to keep on gouging money for the IAS for eternity and then gives his most heartfelt, brown-nosing, fawning thanks to… COB.
I guess the real question remains — can a vampire ever be converted back to life? Apparently not in the case of Vampire HB who must get his daily dose of green blood direct from the veins of his victims.
“A super fantastic, but confidential series of Rundowns…unleashing the Super Power of a Thetan.”
-L. Ron Hubbard“Just before I started Super Power, several people came up to me and said, ‘You’re doing Super Power? Oh my God!’ (I’ve been working full time for the IAS for 24 ½ years.) Well, I just completed Super Power and I can honestly say, ‘OH MY GOD!’ I’ve been in Scientology for almost 45 years and I’ve had what I though was every possible type of auditing possible—until I had Super Power. Every rundown was a surprise—and not just what was being addressed but how.“This was very simple and basic, but incredibly validating. And the care LRH showed in how this was given to us actually brought me to tears. In the Ethics and Justice Rundown, in my almost 45 years, I’ve experienced many ethics and justice actions—all four flows. I’d even addressed most of them in earlier auditing, but by the end of this rundown, ALL the BPC from every one of these actions is gone. Everything had simply as-ised!“Then in the middle of the Personal Revival Rundown, I realized that I HAD been dead as a thetan—and then though that if I were dead, what about the rest of this planet?“Before I did the Consequences Rundown, most of the time, my idea of consequences was, ‘Yes sir, I’ll fix that or clean that up’ or ‘I’m so sorry; I’ll try to never do that again.’ Now I can predict what is actually going to happen.“The False Data Rundown was very surprising to me because before I started it, I thought that my think process was very straight. Little did I realize that it was actually very crooked. This rundown straightened out my thinking to the point where I BECAME SANE. “The Cause and Confront Rundown and Power of Choice Rundown enhanced my ability to cause things. I was already very causative before I started these rundowns, but to be totally cause—near and far—is pretty helpful.
“Then I did the Perceptic Drills. I go back and forth when I think about these. Sometime I felt I was in a playground. Sometimes I felt I was on a spaceship and sometimes I felt I was in Disneyland. And THE BEST way to describe these drills is YOU RELEARN HOW TO BE A THETAN.
“I imagined every able Scientologist through Super Power and then I imagined every Sea Org and staff member through it—WOW!! Planet earth, here we come!
“The first person I would like to thank is my beautiful and very theta wife, who constantly and consistently backs me up and has done so for the 27 years we’ve been married. I want to thank my auditor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. To the HGC personnel, you were amazing. To the Perceptic Drill team, your professionalism and your 8-C with incredible ARC was a sight to behold. And all the rest of my thanks go to the Sea Org here and around the world, where would we (and the rest of the planet) be without you?
“To COB and RTC, what can one say except ‘THANK YOU SIR’ and ‘I WILL CONTINUE WORKING FOR THE IAS UNTIL WE CLEAR THIS PLANET—AND BEYOND.’ And to the man who not only gave us this remarkable gift that has literally saved our lives, but has also given us the gift of Scientology, which has saved our existence.” –H.B.
The prerequisites for Super Power are Purification Rundown and SRD completed. If you need to know whether you have to do Purif or SRD, call me and I’ll get you set up with an interview. We have a Super Power Auditor and Grad V Flag C/S here on project who can help you so you can do Super Power.
Jeff Mintz
Flag Service Consultant
(323) 893-6690
In other words he has been “handled” long term.
What kind of lunatic cognites they are dead as a Thetan?
This is straight out of the “You couldn’t make it up” bible.
Utter nutcase
He doesn’t even say LRH or Mr. Hubbard….
Howard’s “wins” are so unreal and off-the-wall that one has to wonder if Howard is really having wins, or is he just trying to blow smoke up his own ass. I think he’s trying to convince himself of a reality that he’s trying to mock up. That’s a big part of what keeps bubble dwellers in the bubble – sheeple believe their own bullshit.
I am glad Howard finally became alive. I am glad he finally became sane. And it only took him 45 years, OT VIII, and L rundowns.
Unfortunately, despite his wins, Superpower didn’t fix Howard Becker. It can’t. And that is because although there are many wonderful rundowns on Superpower, The Asshat Rundown is not one of them.
Apparently I am not the only one who didn’t love Howard Becker. What a relief! 🙂
Do people go Clear to bring about Planetary Clearing or do most of all earthlings have to get through Super Power 1st to bring about Planetary Clearing or do you go Clear then do Super Power and bring about Planetary Clearing?
Im confused and not dead!!
Geeez – there are enough “rundowns” listed to actually *be* run-down – lol!! How many times does one need to be run-down before they can’t get up? And *happily* run-down too!! I think they should put together the 12 steps Rundown and run out the addiction on rundowns. What kinda idiot thinks they were “dead” while having a body. Yea, emotions and all that, but dead? I’m so glad I’m no longer in “awe” of these type of wins as I would have been years ago.
Mike, thank you so much for taking us down memory lane with Howard Becker. Could we do Steve Edelstein next? I still have a hard time believing I fell for all their bullshit. I guess I can thank them for teaching a lesson. I am working hard on tolerence and forgivness but I am having a hard time with Howard and STEVE. yOUR POST AND SOME OF THE COMMENTS ARE HILLARIOS. IT IS ALWAYS GOOD TO KEEP YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR.
He says all these wonderful and amazing things about SP but really it comes down to the nub in the last paragraph. They’ve asked him to tell others and become an FSM.
The guy has always given me the creeps even when I was a bot. He is the kind of guy that gives Jewish people a bad name. I guess all the other “wins” he shared on his other auditing were lies since now he realized he was a dead thetan. He is a PTS thetan for sure, even heavily leaning towards the suppressive side.
What a joke.
He was a member for 45 years,
if he was a wog, he would have never experienced the “ethics & justice” actions of Scn in the wog world.
These so called wins are made up for David Miscavige.
Each OT trying to outdo the next to buildup D.M.’s Ego making
shit on a paper plate served up as a lavish banquet for the senses.
Nice picture, same coffin can be bought in the bookstores ? Nice.
H.B said:
“In the Ethics and Justice Rundown, in my almost 45 years, I’ve experienced many ethics and justice actions—all four flows. I’d even addressed most of them in earlier auditing, but by the end of this rundown, ALL the BPC from every one of these actions is gone. Everything had simply as-ised!“
” I was a spineless wimp for 45 years, the nullification went unabated and I quietly succumbed, but now that I’ve completed the Personal Revival Rundown, my brainwashing is permanent so I can’t remember anything.”
Thank You COB, can I have more Sir.
First class, Conan! The comedy here is outstanding. Still laughing.They are indeed spineless wimps.
Seems like DM has subjected “Scientologists” (those still “in” I do not regard as Scientologists) to 30+ years of abusive “ethics” actions and now has finally released an overdue rundown to clean them up a bit ready for the next decade of hitting them up for more donations.
by his own admission this guy has been insane for 45 years.
i don’t know how scientology success stories inspire anyone, all they do for me is make me sick to my stomach.
White star says: “by his own admission this guy has been insane for 45 years.”
Having worked with Howard and been a victim of his work, I will confirm that Howard’s statement about being insane for the last 45 years is accurate. I don’t, however, buy that he’s really realized he’s been dead. He is apparently still operating at “controlling bodies” and seems to have a long way to go before he grasps his actual spiritual condition.
I’m not sure that the condition has actually been ameliorated by his current wins.
I can’t imagine a worse PR angle for any organization to take. Here’s an enthusiastic adherent proclaiming his spiritual awakening, and couching it in terms of being “dead” and not “sane” for the last 45 years as a member. That’s the most anti-endorsement endorsement there is. He might as well proclaim that they make their sacred crackers from the blood of Suppressive children.
Some of the Howard’s comments that struck me and my clarifications of those:
“I’ve experienced many ethics and justice actions—all four flows.” — Oh, yes. I’m SURE you have! Target not made and it’s Wednesday night? F*** You! Go out and bring back the money!!
“Before I did the Consequences Rundown, most of the time, my idea of consequences was, ‘Yes sir, I’ll fix that or clean that up’ or ‘I’m so sorry; I’ll try to never do that again.’ Now I can predict what is actually going to happen.“ — We can predict it too, Howard. You’re still going to be in deep sh** when you don’t bring back the money!
“The False Data Rundown was very surprising… This rundown straightened out my thinking to the point where I BECAME SANE.” — No, you’re still crazy but at least you’re fully indoctrinated and malleable by Scientology now.
“The Cause and Confront Rundown and Power of Choice Rundown enhanced my ability to cause things…” –You and your money are more in danger now than ever before. With Super Power under my belt I won’t leave your house until you get a 3rd mortgage on it and give me ALL the money before 2:00 on Thursday!
“Then I did the Perceptic Drills. I go back and forth when I think about these. Sometime I felt I was in a playground. Sometimes I felt I was on a spaceship and sometimes I felt I was in Disneyland.” — I just did a bunch of pseudo-science with no predictable or tangible results, and suffer from delusions of grandeur.
“I imagined every able Scientologist through Super Power and then I imagined every Sea Org and staff member through it—WOW!! Planet earth, here we come!” — OMG! How utterly annoying.
“To COB and RTC, what can one say except ‘THANK YOU SIR’ and ‘I WILL CONTINUE WORKING FOR THE IAS UNTIL WE CLEAR THIS PLANET—AND BEYOND.’ And to the man who not only gave us this remarkable gift that has literally saved our lives, but has also given us the gift of Scientology, which has saved our existence.” — Why doesn’t Howard mention LRH by name? Who’s he really thanking here? (One clue: It ain’t Hubbard!)
I believe the original 1978 Ethics Repair List was 16 pages or so from LRH. I have heard the new one is over 45 pages. Now the 1978 LRH one was pretty good so I wonder what all the extra questions are about?
Superpower is supposed to be only for staff and was entrusted to NWC to deliver in the early 1980s after Purif, SRD and KTL – for staff! It may not have been NWC’s fault for not delivering it but was probably ordered to be hindered from others as – when Superpower along with KTL etc. is delivered apparently as I recall LRH stated that unless all staff received it then those who had it were prone to being more or less attacked by those who hadn’t had it it in the Org.
Per a 1984 (LRH?) HCOB one cannot list Church Execs i.e. “good hats” as items on an S&D or any other way so Howard will not have been able to blame anyone for injustices – unless of course in the meantime these Execs have themselves been busted and thrown out. David Mayo was the fall guy in the early 1980s and I suppose there are now numerous more fall guys that can take the blame. I believe the auditors now have instructions to bully the PC out of stating existing “good hats” on any such PTS/SP listing. This however does not take into account the fact that some Church Execs are not of course “good hats”.
I would normally wish him good luck on his wins etc. but as I can gather from his other activities he seems to have been quite instrumental in selling Scientology down the river, so succinctly I won’t wish him good luck. For a former CO NWC (who (NWC that is) were a very decent bunch and highly competent) to be selling the IAS off-policy memberships and probably Idle Org donations as well, and undoubtedly obtaining his 10% (overts of) commission for doing so for no exchange is rather a comedown from such a high post. Interestingly and actually I always equated NWC as a real Ideal Org. Ironic is it not?
0.0 is actually pretty good for an ias reg.
I have news for you, Howard. When you wake up and take responsibility for the lives you’ve helped ruin to forward the goals of a little man and his truly heinous organization, some of us might consider you among the undead. Then again…..maybe not.
Not on my watch. That fellow has a spine that would be fitting for a jellyfish. No slight intended to the jellyfish, just sayin…………
Very classic wins. I do want this guy to have his wins, but I gotta say the wins are so “what is supposed to happen”, that he seems scared that his little brittle universe is gonna crack apart any second now.
Now that case is gonna be a real mess to fix! If anyone even feels like fixing this criminal mess of a (vampire / zombie / piece of coal)
Another freaking perfect picture selection for today’s post, Mike.
“In the Ethics and Justice Rundown, in my almost 45 years, I’ve experienced many ethics and justice actions—all four flows. I’d even addressed most of them in earlier auditing, but by the end of this rundown, ALL the BPC from every one of these actions is gone. Everything had simply as-ised!“
A nice win to be sure. But no less an indictment of the application of Ethics & Justice actions in the CoS as bypassing charge for the past 45 years or since 1969. Which means it was not correctly applied. 45 years worth of incorrectly applied Ethics & Justice actions. Wow!
What would those 45 years worth of incorrect applications of Ethics & Justice actions include?
Wrong indications?
‘Wrong condition assignments?
Wrong or political Justice actions
Overrun O/W writeups
Wrong O/W indications?
Etc, etc.
Good win Howard. Now evaluate it.
My gut reaction to yet another story of the banality and stupidity inherent in this con game and its adherents(of which class I used to be a member of): I´m plum out of fucks to give.
Worthy of repeating, Howard Becker wrote:
“…THE BEST way to describe these drills is YOU RELEARN HOW TO BE A THETAN.”
So many levels to explore what this means, in relation to this PERCEPTICS superpower rundown, the one rundown outsiders who are non Scientologists are so curious to hear what people are gaining from doing this particular rundown!!!
Thanks for pointing up Howard’s win in all its details!
Chuck you are certainly right about my wog curiosities. I would love to hear what the session on the oilness table is like – what you learn and what the incremental cost is to the package vs for example the running around the pole like a circus thetanette. I’m betting our Howard was a oily as an oolichan (also known as the candle fish because you could thread a wick through it and light it like it was a shining flame in the darkness)..
Few people here may know that Howard had a stroke not too long ago. It was not severe but he had to work very hard to restore his physical functioning. Imagine what a blow to him that stroke was. What an invalidation of everything he had done and believed as a Scientologist. A mighty OT being bested by a mere MEST body and forced to turn all his attention and energy toward getting that MEST body to function because without it. . .current game over.
No wonder that Howard feels he is back from the dead. In a way he is. I am sure his viewpoint, although he might not admit it to himself, was severely affected by his stroke. I don’t know what his financial situation is; if he had money to cover his long rehabilitation or if his wife had him covered by a health insurance policy, but somehow he struggled back to get onto Super Power and continue his predacious regging. That stroke wasn’t enough of a wake-up-call for Howard but maybe, just maybe, there are a few pin holes in his bubble now and some light will come through. Because what he is doing as an IAS reg and what he has been doing for a quarter-century is hurting people, himself included.
I can assure you that other OT VII and VIII’s, in Clearwater, were not as fortunate as Howard. Having suffered their own physical reckoning courtesy of the vagaries of lifestyle and aging MEST bodies they are in a debilitated state both physically, financially and, yes, emotionally with little hope of recovery. The bad investment of their life’s capital in the cynical dead-end of the current C of S has irrevocably ruined them.
I have no love for Howard Becker. My only dealing with him was to physically eject him from my home several years ago. His “reputation” is legendary. I do feel compassion for a man who is living in his own personal hell, as unreal as that is to him; and who is struggling to survive and not have to drink the bitter wine of regret. Small wonder his “success” story is so effusive. He’s beating back the ferocious demons of karma who have already paid him a peremptory visit.
Powerful comment. Thank you so much for sharing. Compassion and forgiveness – even in the face of stupidity and foolishness that we must call out – will be more useful in the end.
Well said. I often wonder how Howard and Michael Roberts and their ilk live with themselves.
Didn’t know he had a stroke so yeah, it would feel like coming back to life again.
He was never a particular favorite of mine either but I hope he continues to recover and I hope he’s not being taken advantage of, as sick people can be sometimes.
Wow, Been There. Sorry to hear Howard had a stroke. Even though I don’t like him and am quite happy to be outside his ken these days, I don’t wish him ill. Too bad he didn’t realize he needed a major change and just got right back to beating his dead horse.
If he does not thank COB he will be sent to ethics as others were sent when failed to thank RTC in their common success stories.
Oh, and he re-learned how to be a theta. Like noted by you Mike – after all the Bridge and some ‘basics’ he just learned HOW to be a theta? This concept denies all spiritual awareness a common person could have. His increase in delusion is apparent, wonder why…
Howard Becker in his Superpower success story testimonial gives his generalized approval of the Hubbard spiritual action he received, and this makes me wish to bring up a point about how Scientology as a whole, incorrectly does NOT allow more candid details from it’s members, which truly would be more revealing if they were allowed to give the details publicly:
Howard said:
“…the care LRH showed in how this was given to us actually brought me to tears. In the Ethics and Justice Rundown, in my almost 45 years, I’ve experienced many ethics and justice actions—all four flows. I’d even addressed most of them in earlier auditing, but by the end of this rundown, ALL the BPC from every one of these actions is gone. Everything had simply as-ised!“
All good, I’ll let the man have this win.
When I read this now, it makes me think of a “cognition” (epiphany is the ‘wog” translation) while I was on the RPF in the late 1990s (during the years I was co-auditing on the PTS Rundown), I realized one of the things about being a “case” and having your wins, is that you are NOT encouraged in the Scientology culture to go really newspaper detailed public, about your wins and realizations.
Especially one’s history of Ethics and Justice injustices, and give all the details, all the misconceptions of others, some of whom might still be high ranking Sea Org people!
Scientology’s wins, particularly the Type 2 PTS wins, are when someone in life today restimulates some past SP on the track which supposedly is how one is caused the illness or bad results that have happened to one!
One likewise, in so many of LRH’s tech rundowns, digs up real life people who are rightly good hats, but they restimulate, or do wrong things to one out of their misunderstandings, out of they unhattedness in this or that knowledge that they otherwise would NOT have dumped that injustice on you!
We, the Scientologists, were NOT allowed to really go completely public about the details of everyone’s, including LRH’s fuckups!
Keeping all the recriminatory backlash to a minimum, I suppose was the reasoning, in LRH’s mind, I suppose in the 1950s when people were more likely to say: “You killed me in a prior life, you dirty rat, that’s why I intuitively hate you and distrust you today.” Or, like Becker would have possibly said to some other ex Sea Org biggy, like had some ex WDC Member who ordered Becker’s downfall in New World Corps, and Becker meets them today, he may have wised to say something like: “You know when you had me shitcanned as CO NWC, some of the evidence was totally bogus, on the Superpower Rundown I realized I held that grudge against you, now the Superpower Ethics and Justice Rundown released me of my grudges against you and the other shitbags in WDC and Exec Strata, ha, ha, ha, ha, that’s gone! I feel great now!”
He could never say this, for more details than I can think, but you get the picture.
I think Scientology’s “case” dealings with people have been institutionally conveniently silenced by the social protocol NOT to be too detailed in one’s epiphanies one has in session. Even is session one cannot be too disaffected against any “good hats” (oh but wait, in recent history there is only one good hat left, COB!) at that makes it possible to run these Ethics and Justice Rundowns by a Howard Becker, who years earlier got his Sea Org share of injustices, that today he’s free to detail and not come across because surely his auditor doesn’t have a clue who the old bad incompetent ex WDC or Exec Strata people were who ordered Howard’s career in the Sea Org into his years of guiltiness about it.
On the Tone Scale, “Being a Vampire” is right next to “Needing Bodies”.
These IAS fundraising hotshot semi-noble Scientologists, live a beingness, and a swagger, and mindset that needs laying out!
Thanks for picking person, a key fundraising “giant” (in his own mind, in lots of people’s minds), and letting the community do an internet “roast” of this man!
Great thread to discuss and focus on one of the “great” IAS fundraisers of all time!
Thankyou MIKE!
A lifetime in $cientology and your big realization or “win” is that – you are in-effect UNDEAD, a zombie or a vampire? You can go to conventions for horror/sci-fi/fantasy film fans [like the upcoming San Diego Comic Con], and dress like a zombie and pretend to be undead. It’s faster, much cheaper than $cientology, and -unlike $cientology – can be fun. You might even run into someone dressed as Lord Xenu!
It’s so funny that so many Scientologist’s success stories, no matter what success stories were written in the past, include how they didn’t realize how fucked up they were before this latest rundown. Even after years of OT levels and every course you can imagine. So every time a new rundown is finished it’s ” I was so fucked up before, but now it’s all better”. So just don’t believe H.B. when he says he was dead before but not anymore. Next rundown he does, he’ll realize how fucked up he was this time. So really, whenever there is a huge win it’s usually delusional, because the next win will negate the former. It’s the same with Scientology generally. It’s always: ” Oh, it was really screwed up before, but now it’s all better”. How many times can you hear that? I’ve personally heard it just about every year since 1970.
to prove this point, some binders, with chrono sequence each win, each service, up the Bridge, and multiple OT 8 Scientologist’s binders of such wins, need be overall studied.
Just to prove your point.
Scientology leaves it’s own paper trail, it’s policy to have this paper trail!
That new religion “scholars” don’t think it their domain to even base any of their “expert” papers on Scientology’s papers, is astounding to me!
The paper trail is there!
Howard’s years in the Sea Org would be fascinating to get everyone who co-lived those years, near, under, over, Howard, to comment.
I recall his dynamic fast talking even back then, when he was NWC man, Commanding Officer of NWC org in the complex, back in the 1980s!
What a guy! Howard was sort of a good exec, in a way, he operated so on NOT the vicious penalty rub the junior’s face in the mud, at least, type of executiving style of others who wished to punish staff (in the vicious way that LRH justified others to do, I had a few moments when high up Apollo vets who were years later brow-beating me, they said, both of them, “LRH would RPF you!” like a passing on the history of how seriously wrong I was, that were I to have done what I had done in LRH’s zone of view, I’d be on the RPF), NO, Howard was NOT of that dept of push the Sea Org subordinate into the pit of guilt that other Sea Org execs liked to employ, implying under LRH, their transgression was grounds for MUCH worse penalty!
I remember Howard’s NWC years as more scatter brained, fast paced, he tried to so so much, hold onto so many details of things going on, he was actually a mix of tech man, the NWC stuff, he C/Sed, and in Scientology, even though I’m an atheist today, anyone who tried to C/S a lot of people’s cases, and did so in a way that people actually case progressed (despite my today view that the tech is at best placebo and all the person’s own drive to improve), I think he didn’t do horribly in his tech years.
His reg years, he’s always been more the reg, but I think his tech history has fed into the motives he has that justifies in his mind his SELLING the tech services of Scientology.
I’m not a supporter of his hard sell, his insane treatment of people’s valid objections to get the money when he came calling, all I can think, is this man really still thinks that the case gain is there, and all his people piggy-bank draining for the survival of the IAS and the tech delivery that somehow the IAS money backs up the whole delivery echelon organizations in a worst case scenario, is what maybe still goes on in his mind. I may be delusional on his motives, but that’s what my take is of Howard’s mindset, his long ago tech history, as CO and Senior C/S of NWC (New World Corps), sticks in my mind about him.
“This rundown straightened out my thinking to the point where I BECAME SANE.”
How can you guys joke & degrade about someone who has BECOME SANE?
Uh, well, that’s what he said so it must be true… Right?
“This rundown straightened out my thinking to the point where I BECAME SANE”.
Well, I doubt that. If that would be the case, he would either get the hell out of that “church” or do everything possible, to get rid of its leadership. I consider it quite impossible, to get the results, which are promised in the promotion for Super Power, and do otherwise.
Back in my Div 6 days I had the “pleasure” of working side-by-side with ol’ Howard on one of his IAS Shows. Nothing is left to chance. Nothing is spontaneous. It is like a military operation. The marks are identified days in advance. The Show is molded around how to extract has much money as possible from the selected whales.
Howard comes from long prestigious line of carnies, snake oil salesmen and carpetbaggers. Like carpetbaggers of the Civil War era, who took advantage from the chaos and profited off the misery of others. Howard goes one step further and creates the chaos, and, of course, the solution to such chaos is that you write him a check and make it go away.
“…I realized that I HAD been dead as a thetan—and then though that if I were dead, what about the rest of this planet?” Howard, the rest of the planet is getting along just fine and no longer requires your services.
This reads like an indictment of the entire bridge.
wow…after all those amazing wins and gains and recovering this and that super amazing ability, he can’t even say LRH’s name…
oh wait…he did say it in the beginning. I just expected him to say in his thanks.
Hello, (from an adjoining crypt, where I keep an inpestigative eye on all things, nocturnal, that go “bump! shriek! scream! and shlurrp, shlurrp!”, as a modus operandi!)
Well Mike, thank you for highlighting this “would be!” Of course, it hardly needs pointing out that “highlights,” written in RED ink are a “dead” give-away!
Tone 0.0, is certainly not going to reach anyone higher than zombies though, surely?
“THANK YOU SIR!!!!!!!!!!!” No no no Howard – thank YOU. You have provided us an inestimable service. Carry on.
As a matter of fact, Howard, you can just let the rest of the IAS finish up this planet and you can get started on “AND BEYOND”!
Was this written by OTVIII Howard Becker? And as an OTVIII he ‘s been dead? That’s telling.
Excellent spot!
Probably a back to back reading in chrono order of every Scientologist’s service (auditing, or special rundown) wins would likewise reveal this repetition of similar overlapping illogical statements!
I’ll bet, were ALL Scientologists who are today OT 8 (VIII) to have their wins (testimonials) laid out in a binder in chrono order, and read, and then a paper done on the binders of let’s say 100 OT 8 Scientologists, the conclusions to what these OT 8 Scientologists all said, would be superpower wonderous cosmic fabulous “telling!”
Amazing stuff!!! Mr. Becker must be supremely grateful for his resurrection. Having been dead for 45 years and still ambulatory, wow that is quite a feat. It conjures up images of him passionately talking to prospective IAS victims while actually being brain dead Making love to his lovely and devoted wife of 27 years, while technically being a corpse. And perhaps most intriguing, how he apparently managed to put the kibosh on body decomposition for 45 years — !!. You’d think his body would be nothing more than a slushie in trousers, but apparently not.
Howard Becker is truly a Big Being.
The fact that he has had his head up a multitude of asses for the last half-century, seems to have evaded him. But … with the new Perception Rundown now behind him, I’m certain a cognition is in the works and any moment, he will realize that not only has he been dead, but a Stage Four Moron as well.
64 years since the publication of DMSMH and Howard Becker is what we end up with!
What a world, what world.
I’ve seen HB’s wife and always thought she was very pretty. In fact, so much so that I would wonder how he got to be with the woman. They didn’t really “match” to me. Physically anyway.
I would dismiss the thought as kind of mean because you know, looks aren’t everything and its the heart that matters as we say.
Now I feel better because what I was actually seeing was a dead guy and usually dead people aren’t so attractive, you know what I mean?
She is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. She is a lawyer who worked in the In House Legal Unit for some time. But there was literally nothing she could be trusted to do.
Uh-huh. Interesting, because we did KTL but I never knew much about her. She wasn’t very open or receptive to other people and a little standoffish. That’s what I got anyway in the course room.
Who was that unknown man who left its that tech? And I guess when Howard became sane he lost the gains of predicting the consequences of his actions and where this will all lead. Once a zombie, always a zombie.
Howard Becker. How many time has the man been to my house? I know how much $ he, Michael Roberts and occasionally Bridget extracted from me. You’d be surprised how much of his commissions he donates back to the IAS. I think he achieved the million dollar rank a few years back. I sometimes wonder what it will take to wake him up, or if it is even possible. COB put in jail for inurement or human trafficking – or illegal imprisonment of employees? I’ll bet he’ll just think it was done for the greatest good, and go out and reg more cash for his defense.
Great name, Missy! Maybe he’s a bandersnatch!
Definitely one of the slithy toves who gyres and gibles in the wabe. Unfortunately, Mr. Becker seems to have succumbed to the Jabberwock with its eyes of flame.
Love that poem still.
Two lines particularly struck me:
“This rundown straightened out my thinking to the point where I BECAME SANE.” Does this mean he has to retread 27 years of marriage? And think of the horrid history he’s left behind in his wake up until now! And his intent is to now continue promoting insanity, out tech and, instead, promoting precisely what LRH said to never do?
“And to the man who not only gave us this remarkable gift that has literally saved our lives, but has also given us the gift of Scientology, which has saved our existence.” And that would be? Can’t use his name after identifying COB?
Jeez, It must really suck to spend Tens of Thousands or Hundreds of Thousands on the Most Powerful Rundowns in the Universe, only to realize later that you are still just a Down-In-The-Muck Crawling Critter.
But if such a Fate should Befall you, its swell to know (and ohhhhh so Comforting) that another Hideously Expensive Best Ever Rundown such as SuperPower awaits to help….HEY ! I just had the MOST !!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COGNITION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Here it is:
Dollar bills and their facsimiles (i.e. Arabic numerals stored in computer systems representing BANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! balances) are the Physical Universe representation of BODY THETANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the Church of Scientology is doing us an AMAZING favor by TAKING as many DOLLARS from us as POSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.
The wonderful CHURCH has perfected the SCIENCE of DOLLAR EXORCISM and its ALL for OUR BENEFIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
PS Jerry Garcia is most sincerely dead.
Howard Becker is one of those kids you used to see in the front row of your class throwing his hand up to answer EVERY question and shamelessly kissing up to the teacher. Who knew he was dead for so long. Since he seemed to truly be gratefully dead, where is he now on the spectrum of becoming Jerry Garcia?
Hmmm, wrong question methinks. HB is incapable of creation, he can only suck the life out of others. So he isn’t on the nobody to Garcia scale. He IS somewhere on the zombie to vampire scale. I would say pretty much down around Walking Dead and not ever likely to rise to Interview With A Vampire levels.
Ba-zing! Nice one, MR!