Scientology continues to foist off blatant lies about L. Ron Hubbard.
The “LRH Biographer,” Dan Sherman, was never going to produce the authoritative biography of Hubbard because there are so many things that are provable lies about what he claimed about his accomplishments and so many unpleasant aspects of his life, especially his relationships with women, wives and children — they could never publish anything. And now Dan Sherman has moved off to Target 2 to help Ron do his thing, Miscavige no longer has to pretend that a biography “is being worked on.”
They peddle the Ron mags as the “story of Ron’s amazing achievements” — they are so selective as to what they present it is a joke to consider them as anything other than puffery. For example, in the entire series there is no mention of any of his wives or children.
There is only one biography of Hubbard, the truly excellent Barefaced Messiah by Russell Miller. There is another book that is also meticulously documented about Hubbard’s exploits in World War II — Ron the War Hero by Chris Owen.
But despite them knowing the truth, scientology still shills the lies. They pump out generalized statements with no specifics about how he has “helped” people. Usually they deliberately omit mention of scientology and only talk about his “humanitarian” works (it’s impossible to sell scientology as “humanitarian” these days).
This press release they sent out to coincide with his birthday is just another example. Here are the main points:
While Scientologists across the globe celebrate L Ron Hubbard’s birthday today, they are joined by millions more who honor him for the humanitarian activities he inspired and his impact on their lives.
Scientologists worldwide honor the enduring legacy of L. Ron Hubbard, who has inspired a humanitarian movement that enriches lives across society.
Officials, religious leaders and more than 25,000 new Scientology Volunteer Ministers in South Africa know L. Ron Hubbard as the man who inspired a movement that contributed millions of volunteer hours on the frontlines during the pandemic and is empowering entire towns and cities across the nation with the Scientology Tools for Life skills development program.
Former addicts credit him for making it possible for them to live drug-free.
L. Ron Hubbard’s wisdom has transformed the lives of countless individuals, empowering them to succeed and thrive.
And of course, they have to shoehorn Miscavige in there to increase the number of “positive mentions” about him.
The Scientology Network was launched in honor of L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday on March 12, 2018, with a special episode featuring Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige.
Note: You should also read the newspaper articles from 1951 concerning Hubbard’s 2nd wife (the one he said didn’t exist) and daughter Alexa (the one he said was not his daughter) on Tony Ortega’s site today. This encapsulates the true world of L. Ron Hubbard — AFTER he had supposedly cured all his problems with Dianetics.
Mike, maybe you can answer this question. Scientology promotes LRH as a humanitarian who believed that all races were equal yet when he was in Rhodesia or South Africa didn’t Mary Sue once complain about the housework she had to do and LRH’s response was “Get yourself a nigger. That’s what they’re made for.” ? Just want to know if he really said that.
Don’t recall hearing this… but he was absolutely racist. I have a number of blog posts about him being tacist.
And not to forget Stefani’s constant efforts exposing the blatant lies and fake news about Hubs having been honored here there and everywhere:
The youngest Boy Scout was not Hubs but a guy named Robert Taylor. And one of the latest commendations to accompany a phony achievement was purchased for $40.30.
I hope this can be helpful to anyone who may have questions about certain aspects of scn, hubbard’s discoveries, the concept of ‘reads’ in anacronistic events and why there are so many past lives originations associated with figures like Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ. I’ll try to be brief.
There are two psychological phenomena to look at.
The first is priming. This is a psychological phenomenon whereby exposure to certain stimuli influences the subsequent response to similar or related stimuli. This process occurs implicitly, often without the person being aware of the influence of the initial stimulus on their behavior or perceptions. For example, if a person is exposed to ideas associated with the concept of ‘past lives,’ such as ‘thetan’ or ‘incidents’ or ‘whole track stories’ they may then respond more quickly to words or images related to that.
Priming works by creating a kind of ‘ground’ in the mind, preparing the subject to interpret subsequent information in line with the initial stimulus. This ground can be influenced by past experiences, personal beliefs, and previous information. This primed ground can then influence the emotions generated by beliefs.
For example, if a person is convinced they are a spiritual being with specific past-life experiences as teached by hubbard, priming may predispose them to interpret current experiences in a way that confirms this belief. Previous information and personal beliefs thus become the groundwork upon which emotions related to past spiritual experiences develop and amplify, even if these experiences are not objectively verified.
In this way, priming and emotions generated by beliefs are closely interconnected, as priming creates the mental context that makes it more likely to experience emotions in line with pre-existing beliefs.
Hubbard knew that and used it extensively.
The fact that Hubbard So that his second wife didn’t exist and that His daughter wasn’t his. Tells me a lot about him even knowing what he’s done. Other than that.
Reading that Scientologists think that not only LRH but scientology are humanitarian is baffling. No humanitarian whould do what Scientology or LRH has done.I get why they think k that though they got indoctrinated but it is still baffling none the less.
– Suzie
He was quite a cunning scoundrel. When something didn’t work, he would tell you he was improving it, and you had to buy the new version that still didn’t work, then he was already onto correcting that.
If we were back a century and a half, I could easily see him traveling from town to town selling potions that cured everything, swindling them out of their money, spinning lies as true stories, and boasting of being a great doctor who traveled to India and who knows where else. And then disappearing at night.
He even stoled the story of BTs (body thetans) from the East. There are ancient meditative practices where you focus on various areas of the body where emotions are thought to get stored and to have the power to interact with the body and health, and then with that practices you release them, as they’re just stuck energies.
But he, cunning as he was, turned it into 5 OT levels.
I finally got the chance to Bare-Faced Messiah. Excellent book that tells the truth about who LRH really was. A liar and a fraud. Just not a great person overall. Scientologists saying he and Scientology are the most humanitarian is just not true. There are many different things that show that.
I covered “The Peerless Military Commandership of General Douglas MacHubbard” here … a well-documented and enjoyable read:
Thank you for your earlier reply re. a rumoured former member. You were in a position to know, so i believe it. Also, they never boasted of it, so I did think the rumour unlikely.
I thought they already had an official biography, why would they need another?
Anyone should read Bare-Faced Messiah, as an anti., I bought it in hard-cover when it was first published. War Hero is also good, more details on the relevant points.
Where I find Bare-Faced a little deficient is on the final part. Pat (Rafter?) appears to be the heir apparent. As a biog. it shouldn’t go beyond the life, but the final part falls a little short on detail, likely not available to the author at the time. I still don’t understand how Miscarriage displaced Rafter then Mayo. Does it really matter? In terms of finance and real-estate holdings, harm to people, and fraud, I think it does.
Wild Palms by Oliver Stone is fun, most is off-topic, but it has a definite Scientology theme along the way and at the end, they are all wearing SeaOrg-style uniforms, Angie Pepper is kind of the boss, but a nasty little boy in naval-officer-style uniform takes over.
I would suspect that part of the plot to have been an unflattering depiction of Miscarriage from a former CoS member.
I cover the dethroning of Pat (and Annie) Broeker and also Mayo in my book. Miller didn’t have access to Sarge or me or anyone else at the time. Wright has more info in Going Clear.
One thing I remember about the ol’ grifter’s accomplishments was mentioned in “What Is Scientology’ if I recall correctly. There was a longish list of cities (actually Gulf Coast backwater towns) that had given Hubbard keys to the city awards or some sort of commendations. It was one of those red flags I ignored. Why would the cult be bragging about these awards that were so obviously strong-armed from the local powers that be residing in insignificant towns? Of course I couldn’t talk to anyone or question this. Looking back, it was pure BS but I didn’t have the huevos to mention it as such at the time. It would have just landed me in ‘ethics’ doing yet another set of ‘lowers’.
This reminds me of a story told to me by a staff member of Rome org, who had an uncle who was a cardinal and asked for an honor or something similar for hubbard as a humanitarian. This Honor was rejected by OSA, and he even had to ask his cardinal uncle to cancel it.
In fact, he wrote “…L. Ron Hubbard ..
a good Christian….”
My God!