Someone sent me this recent Facebook post from Mace Kingsley.
It highlights one of the more sinister aspects of scientology: the enormous amount of false — often harmful and sometimes dangerous — information Hubbard spewed forth about children.
The above is just a sampling, and it’s pretty horrific. Children’s “overts” are the problem and they should be getting married and given jobs at age 14. College is a bad idea, because it “puts a delay on marriage…”
What a crackpot.
And you only have to look at HIS life to see just how worthy his opinions and advice are.
He abandoned is first two children (Katie and Ron Jnr/Nibs). Nibs eventually came back into his life in adulthood, but soon split from him claiming abuse. His third child, Alexis, a result of the marriage he “never had” to Sarah fare no better. Though he dedicated Science of Survival to her (he kidnapped her and took her to Cuba while he was writing the book), when her mother filed for divorce, he claimed she was a Russian spy and Alexis was “not his child.” He had four children with Mary Sue. Quentin committed suicide, many assume it was because he was gay (that he was gay is not an assumption) and this upset his father (I guess this was his “overts”?). His two youngest fled the Sea Org. Only one remains loyal to him — Diana. Not much of a track record to offer expertise on raising children.
And as for college, he began making disparaging comments about tertiary education after he flunked out of George Washington University — though it didn’t stop him claiming he was variously an “engineer,” a “nuclear physicist” and for some time called himself “Dr. Hubbard.”
What is so harmful about this stuff is that scientologists take it to heart. In their minds, EVERYTHING Hubbard wrote is true. It is wisdom from on high. So much so, that even something as derisible as this passage, is repeated and regurgitated as if it is incredibly important for everyone in the world to know about.
The “experts” on handling children at Mace Kingsley are only experts in what Ron says. They don’t really know anything — including the science about the development of children, their emotions and brains.
Claiming children should be married and have jobs at 14 is a hang-over from the days of the industrial revolution. But scientologists believe it’s timeless wisdom.
The saddest part about this is the innocent children who are impacted.
The problem with ethics handlings for Scientology kids is that it focuses on what the child did and neglects what was done to the child. Child abuse, sexual and otherwise, can go undetected for decades or, if disclosed, it focuses on what the child did to “pull it in.”
From reading his ‘Affirmations’ it obvious he had problems with impotency. Whether it was psychological or physical is unknown. He seems to have had an abject fear of getting whatever wife/girlfriend pregnant. This was also in the ‘Affirmations’. In his later ramblings he spewed about sex being the reason why everything in life goes wrong. I can’t remember the whole gist of his ‘Pain and Sex’ ramblings but he clearly detested sex later if life. In his ‘Affirmations’ he admits he can’t ‘please’ his wife at the time which was Sara. I think rather than being a pedophile he just detested women and saw them as causing the problems in his life. After all he took no responsibility for his own life so everything that went wrong must be because of some SP.
I think when he started having impotency problems he wrote the “Pain and Sex” bulletin. I knew a couple in the SO who read that, took it to heart, or maybe didn’t understand it fully, but they decided to stop having sex because of that bulletin. So I think Ron thought, “If I can’t have sex, no one should be able to enjoy it” and so he wrote Pain and Sex bulletin. It seems that way to me anyway. What really astounds me was that people like that couple actually took it literally and stopped having sex even though they were married and living together in the SO. And the sad thing is that even if the guy wakes up and realizes what a load of crap that was, and decides to start being sexual again, he may not be able to due to the “use it or lose it” school of thought.
Hubbard was obviously a paedophile. Anyone who thinks it’s okay for 14 year olds to marry is because they want to marry a 14 year old! Hubbard had a bunch of 14 year old girls all around him on his ship. Hubbard married an 18 year old when he was over 40!
It’s just unbelievable that anyone is still following this psychopath’s incoherent and dangerous ramblings
A common practice in Cults
as observed in James Jonestone , David Kureah ,The Family etc etc
Professor Dave Touretzky on the old ARS chat site made so many profound observations.
Hubbard was anti intellectual, and thus anti education. Hubbard set his children on a horrible trajectory disallowing them a university education path.
And the obvious is doing a wide latitude education of children would undermine and show up the Hubbard quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism subject.
Martin Gardner’s must read book, has rock bottom Hubbard correctly pegged.
Gardner later did later in life articles on such groups, including Scientology, I read his later articles in the New York Review of Books.
related article
The wildest thing, to me, about the idea children build up all these overts and withholds toward their parents is that there is zero consideration of all the overts and withholds their parents committed toward them. Dianetics is chock-full of example engrams from bad parenting or ignorant parents and doctors talking around injured/pained children and fetuses.
Actually, that fits quite well with the narcissistic always-right Hubbard. Any misbehavior was not HIS fault, so it must be his children’s who were wrong and needed heavy-handed corrections. :sigh:
I remember very clearly when I was 14-15 my parents thought I was ‘rebellious’ – in reality I just didn’t want to do what they wanted me to – which was Scientology and dedicating every free minute to go studying or do anything BUT relaxing. I had enough and wanted some time by myself. They got so upset with me so they contacted our local mission holder (where we did scientology) and he came over to tell me that I’m just full of sins against my parents. He also suggested that I should move out (at 15!!) and just don’t enturbulate my parents. In the end they ‘handled’ me and i stayed. All I can say is that my childhood was very very unhappy because of the shit scientology put into my parents heads. Pure toxicity
Thank you for still posting full stories! Tony Ortegas site is pretty much useless now since you have to sign up for an email to get any of the stories.
Yeah I was so confused from the website!
You don’t actually have to sign up. If you go directly to:
There will be a link that says something like “Let me read it first”. The only thing not available immediately is the podcast, like today’s with Sunny, though it is made available free a week later. (So you can listen to the one with Bruce Hines now, but couldn’t without a subscription last week.)
I usually read the story on substack, then go back to the Bunker to discuss.
If reading your own email is too difficult, then yeah, it’s a problem. Tony is trying to make at least some compensation for his daily posts. The Bunker still has several features and a forum for comments and discussion. Honestly, he deserves better. He ain’t gettin’ rich off the Bunker, even after more than a decade of daily posts.
To be honest it cuts both ways. Glad Ortega can make some money, but it was easier before substack too. I hope Mike doesn’t go that way.
No plan to do so
Yes, what a despicable man he was, a real asshole.
“The saddest part about this is the innocent children who are impacted.”
Particularly how he “handled” his own kids. As I see it, he didn’t know love or even have real friends; he only had people he worked with who had some value in his eyes at that time. Including his family. Quentin was a pretty good guy when I met him in ’75 at Daytona’s temporary “Land Base” and I’m pretty sure he was a top-notch auditor from doing drills with him & the other “12s”.
Yes, the destruction in the wake of Scientology and Hubbard himself is evident when you look. He cared nothing for the welfare of others, even, or especially children, including his own. “Do as I say, not as I do,” was his motto.
Scientology is a brutal and heartless organisation set up by a founder who obviously enjoyed what he did to people, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened the way it did. Pity it took so long for most of us to “wake up.”
Then Miscavige stepped up to the plate… I’m sure that guy doesn’t have a reflection in a mirror.
Monty Python (two down, four to go) would have fun with LRH.
Was LRH a pedophile? All of the “children are old souls in little bodies” business reeks of pedophilia. He also surround himself with very young cadet org members. It seems strange that no one has come forward to accuse him of abuse. The passage above is yet another example of separating children from their parents…classic grooming behavior.
Given a lot about I read about him I would have to come to that conclusion.
I wouldn’t be surprised if LRH was pedophile.
I believe he sought to wring out every bit of utility out of every one he came across — including from defenseless children who he could mold in his image — like his “Messengers”. Catch them early enough and they haven’t learned how to stand up to mistreatment of the sort he dealt out. Back then, we were carefully taught to say “Yes Sir!” to any guy as old as he was— no matter how weird & creepy he was. Every indication is that he didn’t try to molest the ‘messengers’ though he MUST have enjoyed their sexy outfits.
There’s no evidence that LRH was attracted to pre-pubescent children, which is what a pedophile is … as to 14 year old girls in hotpants, well …
“as to 14 year old girls in hotpants, well …”
AFAICT, ANY “straight” guy would enjoy that display, and those girls knew it; used it to their advantage.