Scientology touts itself as a champion of Human Rights. They claim this all over their websites, throughout their CSN TV shows and at the Miscavige propaganda events. In fact, they are so enamored with the concept that they call their most sacred members — the ones that give the most money — “humanitarians.”
L. Ron Hubbard laid out his thoughts on this in a POLICY LETTER OF 3 FEBRUARY 1969 entitled PUBLIC IMAGE:
For a long while we have not had an exactly stated policy on building a public image.
But the time has come to also build a public image as an outflow publicity action.
You can and must ally with real humanitarian and civil rights groups (getting press coverage for every such contact).
He also enshrined this concept in the CODE OF A SCIENTOLOGIST:
8. To support true Humanitarian endeavors in the fields of Human Rights.
So, what is going on that these champions of human rights have clutched the notably anti-semitic Nation of Islam leadership to their bosom like long-lost brothers? This is not allying with real (you note this term in the quote) humanitarian groups? It couldn’t be more opposite.
Here is just ONE recent example of NOI Leader Louis Farrakhan and ranting about the “Satanic Jew”.
Yet earlier this month, scientology presented their favorite NOI Honcho and Farrakhan flunkie, Western Regional Leader Tony Muhammad, with yet another award (the “sad face” trophy?):
This after he was presented scientology’s highest honor by David Miscavige himself — an IAS Freedom Medal (though I challenge anyone to find a published photo from this event of Miscavige WITH Tony M — he appears to want to not be associated personally).
The “war is peace” 1984 speak that scientology has adopted is highlighted right on the first line of their ode to Tony Mo where they proclaim his virtue as a bridge builder between people of different races and religions. This is in fact a screencap of the promotion for an episode of one of their “regularly scheduled” “original programs” on the CSN called “Voices for Humanity”…
In case you wondered, it’s not just that Tony Mo is part of an anti-semitic organization he is seeking to reform from the inside with “LRH tech” — here is one of HIS tweets.
And their hatred is not limited to Jews. No Caucasian may even enter one of their mosques. They are not welcome.
Seems this is two great “humanitarian” organizations joined at the hip — working as one to guarantee the rights of those they approve of.
After going down the wiki rabbit hole, I noted a couple instances of NOI leaders trying to embrace mainstream sunni Islam; WHILE RANTING ON AND ON ABOUT ‘subhuman’ whites and satanic Jews; Just the thing to inculcate in their followers to support another holocaust.
It’s SO logical of both NOI & $CN to want to destroy the very societies that allow them to operate relatively unfettered. BOTH would burn you at the stake for saying anything uncomplimentary about their founders and current commanders, never mind noting that their “religion’s” foundational concepts are ludicrous, absurd, murderous, and too silly to be taken seriously. As Robert Heinlein noted through his character ‘Lazarus Long’: “One man’s religion is another’s belly-laugh.”
One way to cut down on “the competition” is to remove it from existence…..enough said.
Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and the NOI “management” not only ACTIVELY called for the murder of Malcom X on many occasions (and I might add, carried out numerous other executions of people who left who left and criticized them,), but also continually opposed Martin Luther King and others in the Civil Rights Movement who dedicated their lives to the goal of equal rights for all peoples.
Has the NOI reformed itself into a merely self help organization that now rejects racial and religious hate? To be determined I guess. Call me a skeptic … I’ll wait until Farrakhan and Tony Mo get blow down items on what they use to make themselves right and others wrong.
Mike, the pictures of Miscavige with Tony are here:
In history I read that the main slave ships were operated by Arabs. The US fought a war with the “Barbary Pirates”. Thank you,Mike, for your response upholding the notion that “all men were created equal”. I’m always surprised when someone strays from this notion. I’m a wog but support all of you in your struggle to heal from CoS. Prayers for you all.
If only Foolproof were here to sort out this seeming contradiction between true humanitarians and Scientology! He would no doubt clear up the matter with his particular brand of circular logic to make sense of it all and share his understanding with less enlightened beings. Perhaps OSA took away his Internet privileges.
Foolproof’s trolling days are likely over as he was too transparently an OSA minion to be effective. AND he wasn’t so entertaining that folks like me would bait him just for the giggles. on other boards, I got to be friends of a sort with a few trolls.
Goodbye Proven Fool. R.I.P.
Seven Steps to Sheepdom:
1. Accept L. Ron Hubbard as source for all your spiritual insights and benefits
2. Deny yourself completely and realize you could never do what LRH did
3. Go along with everything David Miscavige says
4. Accept and support any church liaisons and activities no matter how they might offend you
5. Never question Scientology
6. Give all your money and/or time to the cult
7. Report those in writing who don’t go along with any of the above
John McMaster: What do you base your statements on? If you can offer any substantiation, does that make it even plausible for Farrakhan to be justified in his racism today? Come on, John! Let’s see the proof!
the CoS/NOI are rolling out another front group called “United Hood Nations”,with the aim to roll out more Scientology covertly,…the group is operating of of the Inglewood CC…
Scientology Is training NOI version of the Vulture Ministers in disaster preparedness (10,000 fearless first responders) and Scientology woo..
Shout out to bix,
When you read today’s article about NOI, just know that my blood is boiling right alongside yours!
This is beyond stomach turning. I almost can’t confront it.
I couldn’t do it so I puked.
The Nation of Islam, attempting to normalize the scapegoating (of Jews and Whites) among it’s members is as vile as Scientology, which then reinforces, legitimizes, and validates such rank bigotry as a “higher state of existence.” This is not religion, just sick pathology.
I thought “clearing this planet” was THE “humanitarian” effort. Nothing is more important, right?
ESMB has a now nine page thread memorializing anti-Semitic, racist and anti-American videos and social media statements made by 2017 Scientology Freedom Medal Winner and 2018 Scientology Ebony Awakening Award Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad:
Minister Tony Muhammad made the anti-Semitic, racist and anti-American videos and social media statements both before and after he won the 2017 Scientology Freedom Medal.
This is amazing, Indie S! Thank you!
More social vomit from the church of vomit & their friends.
Someday all of this is going to blow up in David M’s face…..give someone enough rope & they usually hang themselves out to dry. When things move speedily downhill, maybe NOW he will have someone else to blame other than himself. Aligning himself, allowing the infiltration of “others” into the realm of Daveyworld…I think he just shot himself in the foot
The picture of LF doesn’t go the the rant or when and where it occurred. He’s 86 years old and probably heading to the Mother Plane soon. In years past he could be very slick in explaining his “logical’ reasons for his anti semitic and other racist notions. The wikipedia article quotes some of them and I highly recommend reading it for anyone having a more than casual interest. I read the article about a year ago but on rereading it after the last two recent topics about the NOI I found I was still offering some opinions as facts.
Wallace D. Fard, aka Wallace Fard Muhammad started the NOI in 1930 and is generally listed as a co founder with Elijah Muhammad. Since we’re talking about racism it might be noted that Wallace’s father was a black man and his mother was a white woman which is mentioned in the wiki article.
Actually, the best evidence is that Fard’s father was a South Asian who had lived in Pakistan – hence his passing familiarity with Islam – and his mother was a white New Zealander. It’s likely that in early 20th century America he was too dark-skinned to pass as “white” but also didn’t have a significant immigrant community to identify with, and figured out it was to his advantage to work and then proselytize in the African-American community. He may also have picked up some of his ideas from belonging to the Moorish Science Temple of America.
Elijah Muhammad was also rather light-skinned with caucasian-looking features similar to Fard, though he did actually have slave ancestors; Farrakhan is Afro-Caribbean and at one point said that he thought that his Portuguese-descended father might have been Jewish. The NOI’s leaders have always been a rather strange bunch who arguably themselves have exploited truly disadvantaged African-Americans. Hypocrisy and internal contradictions seem like typical characteristics of the founders and leaders of such groups.
Right. It’s just like these black hebrew israelite groups. It’s all about a search for identity. What makes African-Americans unique is that they are mostly descended from people who were brought here against their will and stripped of their ethnicity. In 1762, that man may have been, say, Kwesu Abujiwe, Grand Prince of the Fulani Duchy of Kishante, but when he was forcibly dragged to America he was redesignated Rufus and was now the property of a Mister Hamilton. And if this man so much as uttered a syllable of Fulani or Mandinka, off to the whipping post he went! Since slavery was abolished in America in 1865 African-Americans have been searching forvan ancestral identity and things like the NOI are part of the result.
This is truly sickening. I wonder what my still-in Jewish friends are thinking and feeling at this point.
I was wondering about that. What are they thinking and feeling?
Ms. P, if your still in Jewish friends are like the still in Jewish friend I had, they are chalking all the NOI Anti-Semitism up to “case” that will “get handled on the Bridge”. But then, my Jewish still in then friend was and presumably still is VERY heavily “invested” (her term) in Scientology. Whoo, the cult soaked her for a bit over a million, between one thing and another.
There’s no way to prove it but from watching some of the “Ebony Awakening” video posted on a previous topic I get the impression that NOI doing scn might regard scn Jews differently than other Jews and scn crackers differently than other crackers. LF apparently makes an exception to white devils when he endorses the Hon. L. Ron Hubbard and It might spill down onto scientologists in general.
The Ebony Awakening video was Tony giving a talk to attendees and was about an hour long. He speaks glowingly about about all his wins and cognitions in training and auditing and how well he’s been treated by scientologists. He says he’s now a class 4 auditor and solo auditing on the Clearing Course and gets a round of applause. The talk was recorded on someones cell phone and doesn’t show how many people were there but from the applause and laughter I’d guess maybe 30 people.
He mentions that most of the NOI auditing has been Book One auditing (Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health). He doesn’t invalidate any of it but goes on to explain the additional benefits of scn auditing and relates some of his cognitions. More than likely he was able to FSM (recruit) some people to do scn services and get some commissions.
In that video he was funny, charismatic and made no mention of NOI beliefs other than cracking a few jokes about being surrounded by white folks and interacting with them.
I shouldn’t say he made no mention of NOI beliefs. He tied a couple of beliefs in with scn but none of the radical stuff.
At the heart of it, isn’t Scientology’s idea of “humanitarian” a re-defined, Orwellian one that actually goes against much of what the term is generally understood to mean? Hubbard, for instance, says in a number of places – sometimes even quoted by Scientology nowadays – that only “honest men” (whatever that re-definition means) deserve rights, while others should have “no rights of any kind” – which certainly flies in the face of the generally accepted idea of universal rights.
It seems to me that as in most things Scientology, it’s actually a totalitarian, ends-justifies-the-means version such as we might associate with fascism. Following a greatest-good-for-the-greatest-number (“of dynamics”) rationale, it doesn’t fear to marginalize or even brutalize minorities (“psyches,” “SPs,” “no case gain,” etc.) in pursuit of a supposedly greater ideal of forging a “new man” and a purified world.
In utilitarian ethics, one of the classic teaching examples is the situation in which a healthy hiker with a minor injury goes to a hospital, where multiple people in need of organ transplants lay dying. The extreme utilitarian – and Hubbard, exemplified by the sort of things he wrote in “Bolivar” and his account of the Venezuelan dictator and the beggars – would say to euthanize the hiker and harvest his organs. I think that’s actually Scientology’s underlying approach to supposedly “saving humanity” – that somehow it requires being ruthless, and making brutal sacrifices, going against normal “wog” sensibilities.
Peacemaker, the only “right” Tubby supported was his right to do whatever he damned well pleased. To him, humanitarianism meant all humans bowing down to and worshipping HIM. he was the connsummate narcissist; everything was about and for him.
Tony Muhammad produces and endless stream of videos on Facebook and You Tube… some of his recent series “why the Jews hate Farrakhan” and a CCHR based eight part series “Mental Health Satan’s Trojan horse” which now leans heavily on an Anti-Semitic message,
Tony Muhammad has many Scientologist on his friends list..and Scientologist regularly appear through out the comments on these videos.
Scientologist first Rizza Islam pumps out a barrage of Anti-Psych and heavily laced Anti-Semitic rhetoric over multiple social media platforms. and he still has a Scientology following chiming in. most of his videos are extremely cartoonish,
Scientologist can’t claim ignorance,the messages are streaming out across their social platforms.
One: Alfreddie Johnson Hanan Islam and Tony Muhammad created a front group called “UP Fest” Aka “United in peace”, they first latched onto the idea of having Peace rides with Motorcycle clubs and later Car Clubs.
Scientology rolled out the financing to stage events and create positive PR a handful of Celebs Nancy Cartwright,Stanley Clark and recently Joy Villa. they hold monthly peace rides and Set up a Stage in a Park bring in the usual Scientology Vendors.
TWO: Tony Muhammad Has been promoting the Anti-Vax message,and toured the country later, this Is a Scientology movement to promote Tony Muhammad.
He was given the award for Tony promoting the UP Fest front group and his Anti-Vax message.
And they plan to roll out his “Mental Health Satan’s Trojan horse” message in the near future.
video Ebony Awakenings awards for Tony
quote: started UP FEST after being “inspired by the Colombian miracle where terrorist layed down their arms after a 25 year violent drug war”
we all know how Colombia Is going!
they Keep rolling out the plans for the Scientology NOI front groups, one after the other.
their latest effort Is for the NOI ‘s plan to buy a rural farm, populated it with the Homeless.. push a Narconon based detox on them…
with Scientology’s covert behind the scenes involvement Its another disaster in the making
It would appear that cults need a scapegoat, a person, organization, group, race, etc., responsible for ALL the problems that the cult members endure.
I personally consider the organizations and groups named below to be cults.
Scientology has the psychiatrists and Big Pharma as the reason everything on Planet Earth sucks and always has sucked, which is why these groups have to be obliterated, defanged, somehow.
The NOI has the Jews:
Ditto the Nazis, back in the day.
The fanatic supporters of Trump (not the 1 percenters or the 1/10th of one percenters, but the ones who consider that he can NEVER be wrong)has dark skinned illegal immigrants.
The KKK has the African Americans AND the Jews.
FANATIC Islam (a very thin section of a billion people) have the “infidels” which to my understanding means ANYONE not a Muslim.
This is just off the top of my head.
God help us all.
So lets take a rural property, stock it with a population that has a high rate of mental illness, run it with NOI compassion and $camology ‘tech’.
What could possibly go wrong?
“why the Jews hate Farrakhan”…. Thats too easy; they’e seen his type before and aren’t going to sit still while he works his followers up into an unthinking rage while they go out to destroy the “Satanist Jews.”
Only a crummy photo of the screen, off some random’s facebook
There are also a couple of piss poor quality videos doing the rounds. I cropped some stills at–chduQFoHYROUM8mbsbcxwnf
I agree though, there must be a blackout on this. Other than the above, there is literally nothing. Veeeery interesting…
Truly unbelievable ??????. Such hate spewing people. How can this be
It’s what floats their boat Donna. I’ve grappled for years to try to come to some sort of understanding of why they bother to hate so much But to take away the lies and corruption from these people would reveal nothing at all that would interest a socially thinking person, except maybe a good reason to have jails. In the end their lives suffer from the missed opportunities of the genuine warmth and compassion that humans are capable of… they are cold, heartless and incredibly selfish imo. They wallow in a PR world of pretense and carefully chosen words. What they truly fear though, is ever being treated in the same manner as they treat people they consider inferior.
Yawnalot, thank you for expressing what I was feeling so beautifully.
Currently reading The Messenger, the bio of Elijah Muhammad and the NOI. A chilling story of a con man/mad man and a repressive all-controlling cult. The most shocking parts of the book concern Elijah ordering the killing of Malcolm X and the carrying out of the murder. And yes, Farrakhan did his part in the campaign to destroy Malcolm.
Ha! Think that’s chilling? Read the book “Message To The Black Man In America” by Elijah Muhammad. This will give you a glimpse into the mind of this man.
The reason Farrakhan dislikes Jews is because they ruthlessly exploit black people. Are you aware that most of the slave ships were owned by Jews? In fact the slave markets had to be closed on Jewish holidays, since the owners had to be present during the sale. Before the Civil War, 40% of Jewish households owned slaves, compared to 5% of white households. Likewise, the NAACP was founded by Jews, and the civil rights movement served largely Jewish interests, not black ones. Can anyone be surprised that Louis Farrakhan complains about these things? If he weren’t regularly attacked, he would complain more.
Oh dear. As they say in Scientology. Come into present time. Romans used Christians as human lampposts. So let’s get on a roll about “the wops”. Norsemen raped and pillaged for centuries, no wonder everyone hates Scandinavians.
“Explaining” hatred today because of hatred in the past doesn’t make it right now.
Well said Mike. Thank you
Indeed, Mike, thank you.
Thank you for allowing my comment. I believe these uncomfortable questions come down to more basic questions about language, culture and the influence of genetics. I certainly agree that “synagogue of satan” is unhelpful rhetoric, and there are many wonderful Jews in the world.
Is it possible that a multicultural society is a zero sum game? Does assimilation lead to a loss of culture? Do you think, Mike, that you would have had a greater impact in the world by staying in Australia, and raising a family immersed in Australian culture? Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam believe that black culture is valuable, and should be preserved.
As a tribally oriented minority, Jews are obligated by their religion to help out other Jews and promote Jewish interests. This includes promoting multiculturalism so Jews stand out less and blend in more. Unfortunately this can also lead to social conflict and loss of culture and security. It can also lead to exploitation, especially as it fragments communities.
Jews, Asians, Arabs and Africans have their ethnostates, all well and good. But, Louis Farrakhan and his followers are for some reason full of hate. Is it just random hate for no reason? Is someone stirring them up, and if so, who might be doing it? Which hate might be justified? And why are these questions never addressed in the media?
Not sure what to say in response to this. It’s way deeper and more significant than my small mind can ingest.
I take a simple approach:
There is no justification to be a bigot or have hate for others based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or history. Simple.
Thank you for simplifying it Mike! I second that.
John McMaster,
You’ve given a number of reasons why Jews DESERVE to be hated by African Americans.
Now, here are 2 questions for you:
Do Farrakhan’s and Muhammed’s Anti-Semitic hate speech HELP the NOI African Americans? This is a simple “Yes” or “No” question if you please.
If “Yes”, how SPECIFICALLY are they helped by listening to and/or believing this hate speech – what benefits from this do they derive?
Feel free to list them all out.
I await your response with interest.
Simple & very true.
I would say assimilation does lead to loss of culture. Native Americans come to mind. Although the Borg would say it is irrelevant. Can’t everyone just stop hating people now, for the awful things their ancestors did in the past. So low consciousness ….. Jeeze.
John – As far as followers being full of hate, I don’t know that it’s possible to say that about all rank and file NOI. Obviously a lot would be into black supremacy and racism but some might tend toward self sufficiency. self esteem, family values and other less hostile parts of the cult.
Richard, good point about the rank and file NOI. We also don’t know how many of them are on board with the leadership’s dalliance with Scientology, are uncomfortable with it, or even oppose it but don’t feel they can speak out – there are some signs of resistance to it.
I’d say that hate groups tend to reinforce and cultivate the worst in people, and maybe even attract more than their share of the worst sort of people. But in the case of a group like the NOI with a complex history, there may be members whose roots in the ideology go back to an earlier period before someone like Farrakhan took it in a more radical direction.
John —
You cannot possibly be serious with that sh*t.
My comment was in response to John McMaster, NOT Joe Pendleton! Sorry Joe P.
Hey Aqua —
Did you mean to reply to me? My reply was to John McMaster.
Are you smoking my indica?
That is, typically, based on mis-representations and distortions of the underlying facts. It’s based on a mis-reading of a somewhat misleading source, and has been extensive debunked and put in proper context, such as:
Is Jewish Control Over the Slave Trade a Nation of Islam Lie or Scholarly Truth?
And as to the source:
‘Henry Louis Gates, Jr., head of the department of Afro-American studies at Harvard University, called the book “the Bible of new anti-Semitism” and added that “the book massively misinterprets the historical record, largely through a process of cunningly selective quotations of often reputable sources”‘
“In no period did Jews play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the Transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades. They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every British territory in North America and the Caribbean. Even when Jews in a handful of places owned slaves in proportions slightly above their representation among a town’s families, such cases do not come close to corroborating the assertions of The Secret Relationship.”
Joe Pendleton, sorry if this sounds patronizing but my first thought after reading this comment of yours was, “Wow, I thought Joe was a smart guy.”.
Joe Pendleton,
No! So sorry, my bad, that was intended for John McMaster, not you!
I had been wondering how long before a NOI flavored Foolproof showed up.
Now I know.
I honestly don’t know how these two horrible groups ever got together. But they are such strange bedfellows, I’m 100% certain the leaders are using the other group for their benefit.
To my eye, Miscaviave is just getting a lot more money. Calypso Louie is getting more slavish control of an already radically devoted group. He probably is also getting a big cut of the dough.
But that’s so obvious that I know there has to be more I’m not seeing.
There has to be something I’m not seeing as well! It’s so bizarre to me. I guess I will wait to comment and see if I can understand it better. Confused ?
The NOI and CO$ got together just the way other horrible groups get together. They have a lot in common.
The KKK and the Neo Nazis have demonstrated strong affinity for one another.
Groups composed of failing, bigoted, angry losers who blame others for everything that is wrong with their lives and take no responsibility for their own condition tend to hang with one another.
I think we are witnessing the rare courtship dance of two sociopathic organizations.
Rare and entertaining while it lasts.
Not long after full copulation, the end is somewhat like that of the praying mantis, one eats the other one.
Louie decided that Elron had all the right stuff regarding “the mind” and directed his followers to pursue dianetics and now scientology. Miscavige didn’t recruit them. The COS makes money from the NOI.
Prominent people in NOI start or join front groups and make money. Some NOI recruit other NOI to buy scn services and earn commissions. It’s a good time for an NOI to be at the top of the pyramid.
If politics make strange bedfellow religions are positively bizarre. Do they recognize a mirror image of the other? Oh you hate a mess of people? We hate a mess of people? You wanna run a hierarchal money grafting organization like a benevolent religion, so do we, hey what do ya know! Let’s swap intel! How long till that one blows up? Or, is the enemy of my enemy my friend?
Wow. Those pesky little facts just keep popping up on the internet. How annoying. LOL
I sit here wanting to comment on the vileness of both scientology and noi (don’t deserve capitals), but i don’t use the kind of language that would be appropiate of my feelings. I am not a leader of people but i try to live life and treat all people how i want to be treated. This is beyond wods that i can ecpress.
I feel the same way David, but there’s a part of me that is very interested to see just what happens when two hateful factions, who logically should loathe each other, find a way to bring each other down. No way this ends well for either of them, and THAT is justice IMO.
Fascists of a feather stick together.
I feel the same!
The Indian legend with the lesson of “you knew what kind of snake I was when you picked me up” swings both ways on this one.
More smoke and mirrors, consistent with Scientology’s portrayal of L. Ron Hubbard as a champion of human rights to go along with his fake war record. I can just see Miscavige in his ivory tower having an epiphany over a bottle of Scotch – “these sheep will buy anything, let’s play the humanitarian angle.”
Is like when Hitler supported Mussolini or Francisco Franco.
Criminals attract other criminals and, to justify their abuses, each use as an excuse the crimes of the other: Mussolini killing his own people, Hitler did so with Jews, Gypsies and others, Franco also killed any one that opposed him, his own country men practically.
So you have ‘Power” being the motivation of these sociopaths and…right, MONEY!
Miscavige and this NOI character very likely have similarities with the old gone sociopaths.
I’ve gone on Facebook and read some of the comments by Farrakhan’s supporters. Such anger and hate verging at times on violence! I cannot help but wonder if Miscavige, by allying himself with this blind fury, is attempting to create a kind of barrier between himself, Scientology and the growing scrutiny by the rest of society. Gaining the loyalty, or at least the cooperation of a group who can incite riots is a dangerous thing. With the right manipulation Scientology could one day be behind some ugly behaviour which it could, as is its modus operandi, then shrug it’s shoulders and with wide eyed innocence deny all knowledge of.
Is Miscavige really stupid? Or crazy like a fox?
Fascinating comment Stefani!
I personally know a number of African Americans who are appalled and embarrassed by Farrakhan and his fascistic NOI group. About 12 to be exact. They’re decent Americans, gainfully employed and honest, going about their business, bringing up their children. And in my business I frequently deal with young African Americans who are far too busy building their careers and enjoying their young lives with their o give credence or attention to Calypso Louie’s rubbish.
My comment, to be clear, was not about the race but rather the fanatical mindset of those following Farrakhan. There are fanatics in every walk of life, regardless of race. Hate is hate.
Stefani, fyi, there I had no misunderstanding. I got your point clearly.
Strange bedfellows, and so very far from real spirituality or religion. I shudder to think of what kind of world we’d have if shaped by the likes of NOI and scientology.
A match made in Hell.
This post speaks volumes about the future of Scientology. The “religion” is full of contradictions. Hubbard claimed in 1960 that he was “Buddha’s teacher”. That was the first major contradiction. It is easy to imagine Miscavige as the originator of the second major contradiction. This contradiction will manifest itself when Scientology once again splits when NOI takes greater foothold.
The history of religion is full of devils, spirits, demons, Lucifer and Satan. These ideas never seem to fade away. NOI believes that white men are demons. They can easily manipulate the ideas in the OT III story to fit their views.
Miscavige is a child. He has no education in religion. This person only thinks he exteriorized as a spirit from his inferior body. The idea goes back 2,000 years to the neo Platonists that Hubbard copied. There will be no end to the contradictions. Scientology will eat itself.
So in the saga of Scientology Hubbard twisted the ideas of the Buddha claiming that Hubbard himself was Lucifer and the Buddha at the same time. Miscavige rejects this notion when he trashes original OT VIII. Now Miscavige embraces the twisted ideas of demons and claims that they are compatible with his embrace of Christianity which Hubbard rejected. The only way he can go from here in his ignorance is to embrace the notion that blacks are superior to whites. Had he been born black, he would have had a better body.
When did he embrace Christianity?
I should have said he pretends to embrace Christianity. All of the humanitarian efforts are sort of Christian. Cannot see Miscavige as a Christian but I can see him lying about it.
Christianity is mere window dressing for the Church of Scientology. Calling their organizations “churches”, a cross similar to the Christian crucifix on their buildings, celebrating Christmas, tolerating “other practices” on the lower bridge including a Catholic Scientologist receiving Confession – this is all part of their “positioning” themselves next to a religion that is very widely accepted, so as to be themselves accepted.
I also question how an NOI can get through Elron’s Wall of Fire on OT3. Maybe they figure he just got a bit mixed up on the real story.
Especially when they find out Xenu was black! ?
Very likely to make Xenu black and to have him ruling whites.
LOL! Or a Jew! (“Oy veh, another volcano?”)
Xenu is plotting his revenge on LRH for making him out to be the bad guy when it was really his kid brother Zyrk who is the real trouble maker in the family.
🙂 Glad to have you back, btw.
(Oh yea – and so are you – if you’re reading this and don’t have approval from david miscavige to do so.)
I’m starting to think I had an MU on what a “Cleared Planet” would look like.
Right on Mary!
Great comment, Mary K. So the head of NOI, Farrakhan, called for a hit on Malcom X, it was done and Malcom was murdered, and yet you and I are SP’s for doing nothing more than reading Mike’s blog and others? Wow, I wish my kids could see the illogic in this.
Definition of an SP: Any truly inquisitive person.
Sing it loud: I’m an SP and I’m proud!
Speaking of SPs, off topic, but where the hell is Wynski?
Taking a well deserved vacation?
From routine in general, and us in particular?
Yo Wynski!
Whassup witcha bad self?
Your enquiring fellow SPs, DBs and other Fringe Types here want to know!.
Looking forward to hearing you’re 1) alive, 2) well, and 3) stlll giving hell.
“Much love” 🙂
Your Blog Buddy,
Deceitful and flawed fellow travelers, Scientology and NOI.
Riding along and priding themselves on their presumed “good,.:
Institutionally carefully constructed to eject from each of their groups any doubts of their own “good.”
Institutionally self blindered to their flaws.
Back in the 1970s, I wonder if anyone else remembers that tiny window of time when the green volumes were ONLY to be sold to staff members, and not to “;public” Scientologists?
The material in the PR Series by Hubbard, and in the other “Series” in the “Management Series” green volumes today, there is just non-stop outrageous L. Ron Hubbard ongoing ploy strategies that appear and ARE devious and unacceptable and irreligious ulterior motives.
The PR Series quoted today is prime example.
Scientology wears its ulterior motives on their sleeves, right there in print, for any serious academic and research to read straight from Hubbard’s horse mouth!
I think the litmus test of whether one is WITH Scientology, or against Scientology, is whether Hubbard’s bold writings appear to one as unacceptable.
There is so much ulterior deceitful intent boldly stated by Hubbard in his even publicly available writings to sink anyone’s full adoption of Hubbard’s “thinkingness.”
The Nation of Islam has about as much in common with Orthodox Islam as Kate’ Jenner does with Kate Upton!
🙂 John.