Hurricane Leah is blowing Miscavige’s house down.
It is stunning that her book jumped immediately to the TOP of the NY Times Bestseller list.
Scientology will likely tell their sheeple it is a reflection of the public “demand” for what they have to offer. It’s an old refrain. “Any publicity is good publicity.” “Just as long as you spell our name right.” Blah blah blah. Reminiscent of Monty Python’s black knight proclaiming “it’s just a flesh wound” when his arms have been chopped off and “we’ll call it a draw” when his legs are gone too.
In truth it is a reflection of the public’s fascination with the scientology trainwreck (and Leah’s appeal). Too many years of scientology secrecy and lies. Too many years of arrogance. People know their public statements are bs. Their bullying tactics are unattractive. There is a reservoir of fascination for anything that takes the arrogant liars down a few pegs. And you can be absolutely certain that those who buy and read Leah’s book will never make their way into any scientology organization.
If this was NOT the case, and the bubble-dwellers DID actually believe the book is a signal of the straight up and vertical “demand for scientology” they should be lauding it like it was Dianetics at the top of the NY Times. Not trashing Leah at every opportunity.
Which raises an interesting point: Not a SINGLE statement refuting ANY facts in the book has been forthcoming from the usually prolific paper factory in LA. Crickets.
Where is the “Dead Agent” pack showing everything that is a “lie” in the book?
Guess it’s in the backlogged filing along with all the libel cases the church has threatened to bring in the past.
Their silence is deafening.
I know a couple of guys who are crying in their scotch, lamenting the fact that the whole world seems to be against them. It’s the first thing they have been right about for a while. But they are missing the second part of the thought which is even worse from their perspective: the whole world is behind Hurricane Leah.
Troublemaker, more power to you.
Thank you Maureen for the library. I just love you going to Starbucks with a copy. I get pleasure out of doing it as well.
I just finished listening to Leah’s book. Audio is really the way to go. Her authenticity (and spirited personality) really shine through. But, more importantly, Leah is one of my new heroes. This is not to take anything away from other members of the church who have left, and dedicated themselves to exposing the truth. Leah put it all on the line to produce this book – family, career and maybe even her life – but she was so committed to “the truth” that she was willing to risk it. So admirable.
I have had a similar, but far less traumatic, experience with the Avatar organization. Tools were great. Many of the teachers were sincere & loving. But, they apply the same mind control techniques that Harry Palmer learned during his time with Scientology. Inspire people with the vision of changing the world, then charge outrageous sums of money so the practitioners feel personally ready (clear enough) to participate. What? No money? You must not be clear or dedicated enough to keep up with the program. My wife and I backed out before getting stuck in the “spiritual quicksand”.
The thing that boggles my mind after reading this book, and watching a lot of documentaries about Miscavige and the church, is why the FBI has not come down hard on them. It seems that there are so many possible charges that could be levied. Law enforcement busies itself with so many lesser crimes, but here you have a small group of “bandits” that are ruining the lives of tens of thousands of adults and children, but somehow they can’t be bothered. Police officers, in some locations now have to wear body cameras. Can you imagine if Miscavige and his cronies were ordered to wear one 24/7?
I am hopeful that truthful disclosures, like “Troublemaker” and “Going Clear” will eventually spur someone in law enforcement to action. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later!
The kool-aid drinkers just don’t get it. Here’s a passive aggressive dig from OT 8 and well-known kool-aid drinker Larry Byrnes who said this about:
“But to be fair, the media does concentrate on real important issues – like the sensational story from an aging, washed up, dried up hag of a Hollywood actress who is trying to sell her book by claiming she saw a cock roach once in Clearwater!”
Ageist and sexist comments from a “man” who is easily 30 years older than Leah. I guess that would make him an aging, washed up, dried up hag of a scientologist. More importantly, it is typical ad hominem and doesn’t refute a single claim of the book.
It was just “a” roach. See ” alter is and degraded beings” . He is making an effort to keep it working….
Exactly, Robert. Amazing, indeed.
The Cherch has never, ever grasped the idea of Ron’s own policy that whatever happens to a person (or let’s take a short walk and say, “a group”), they created the situation.
“The only thing that we can be upbraided for is non-delivery.”
Hey hey. Right there in Green on White. But never, in my nearly 40 years in Scn have I seen any mention nor attempt at seeing what they did wrong so as to correct it. Ever.
SPs can’t see that they ever do anything wrong. It might actually make them ill.
Just finished listening to Troublemaker, read by Leah Remini and I highly recommend this version. to read it on paper or kindle or whatever is moving, but to hear her voice and the emotion throughout her story is really such a special experience. it is truly a force of good against the terrible practices of David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology as an entity.
That is a great idea. Audio version. I bet the words are much more powerful. She is not a writer, but an actress.
Darling of Hollywood rises and a hurricane of cosmic proportion brings the resulting sunami.
In the wake the two pillars
the only two
are breathless, swept and swallowed in a hopelessly powerful sea.
with narry more that the power of her heartbeat Leah.
and humble be eternally me.
David Miscavige should add this to the stats.
US News reports Tom Cruise is ‘freaking out’ over allegations in Leah’s book.
That is curious choice of words.
You know, Tom and Dave, they are such good friends. I think it is no coincidence whatsoever. They both are apparently illiterate in some similar form, never really getting the message somehow. They both suffer from this self-imposed ignorance, again blocking information from entering their brains. And the outright arrogance, omg.
So now it comes around that Leah’s book takes him by surprize (?) and bites him in the arse, and he is pissed. Amazing, isn’t it, that he did not see it coming?
Dave, now he’s been conditioned. (self-conditioned, i would say…)
He has been learning to ignore attacks since before puberty. The rest of his consciousness and emotional development seems to have gotten stuck there as well. But now he is what, over 50, and is burdened with a brain that is very well-trained at IGNORING, specifically, the truth of the matter. He actually thinks he can impose reality upon the Universe.
Self-imposed ignorance, which lead of course to arrogance and rejection of conflicting information and limiting consciousness, et cetera, for both of them, really,
Tom and Dave.
Birds of feather sharing the same birdcage. Which the world has turned around and began to seriously rattle. In walks Troublemaker…
Sales are straight up and vertical for Leah’s new book. Lovely.
Hip Hip Hooray!
The People Mag with Leah on the cover finally made out here to our town grocery.
(honestly, there are no traffic lights in this village. No police dept, if you can believe that, we have to call the next town to the North, or the Sheriff, also to the North)
Never thought I would see the day, I bought two copies, one hour ago.
One is getting framed.
Nice looking girl, wouldn’t you say?
Oh, I’m so happy.
In tinsel town attractiveness is power, acting ability a plus.
Look what it did for Tom.
Step aside, sir, or be toppled and embarrassed. You have been outmatched.
Whatever it was that won you your fame, Mr. Cruise… Looks like Leah will be taking over the high seat, please be on your way. We are celebrating and I’m afraid you are not on the guest list.
– Don’t worry, you will be invited to attend the Emmys… Oh, and please, don’t hesitate to make your feelings publicly known in the interim. Same for your friend, David. Come come, no need to be shy and we are all ears. By the way, have you heard anything about the sequel,
Going Clear Two? You were great in the first one.
[ act like i no what i’m talking about, thx ]
Wow, you have Access to NYTimes 22. November 2015.
Can you Show us the page with sports results?
More sour grapes from another Scilon. Pissed off that the “stable datum” that Exes don’t do well is, like everything that L. Fraud said, wrong?
ok everybody lets do it again this time in chinese, ready and… go!
Come up to present time….
FYI – Snortch The Times allows lead time so the reviews can be verified.
I would say that to miscabbage: “Just because you are paranoid, does not mean everybody is NOT out to get you. “
Miscabbage….thanks man you just made my day!!
Leah Remini was the cover story on two magazines I saw when I was checking out at the super market. What a glorious time to be an ex-Scientologist. The Tom Cruise cookie dough incident, as well as the chipped mug incident, will echo forever in the halls of Scientology history.
It’s happening, the time has come
At The end of the day they have the code the code to the key after all they ArE the children of MEEPthOrp,the Science is There!
Leah’s book was very nice, even though it was a whitewash of the C0$. Because she is a celebrity, she was treated much better than the average scilon. Basically handled with kid gloves.
Too bad all the executives in the Hole didn’t have her confront. If so, Dwarfe Malignante would have been GONE years ago.
Leah … you are INDEED epic, baby!!!!!!!!!
It was so clever, the way she did everything. When she left, she wasn’t saying anything, not much at any rate. Some of us were disappointed. But she had a plan and it’s worked. Of course, coming after Going Clear was a bonus… The timing has been perfect. We must remember this: she’s one clever lady. To boot, she may have a bright, smart publicist. But then, why shouldn’t she; and she would have chosen the best because she is this clever lady.
I know there was a little criticism from the Tony Ortega blog that there were things she could have said more of, etc. Maybe. I don’t know. I haven’t read it yet. However, what did occur to me was that she could still be decompressing. You know? Some people went through much while doing this compressing. We’ve come out of a cult, been brainwashed, mind-controlled. Some others had any easier time. She was born into it, she spend her whole life in it, her whole family was in it, her close friends were mostly scios. Her mother, at some stage, appears to have been deeply indoctrinated. Leaving scn for Leah was a very big deal, not the least that she’s a public figure and was “friends” with Tom Cruise, in personal touch with Miscarriage; and friends with many others. It’s a wow.
I’ve a sneaking suspicion that this is not the end of it. As Leah faces more and more truths about the cult, I believe she’ll write another book, something titled, Why Not To Go Into $cientology and How Not To. Or: How Good and Intelligent People Get Lured Into $cientology. She may very well use the dollar sign. God, I’d love it. THAT would resonate with the koolaiders when they see it on the book stands all over the place. I believe she’ll want the whole truth out and not just for the sake of it but to keep others, vulnerable like she was, out of the cult.
Not only decompressing, Dawn, but de-PTSing, after having been intimately connected to the King Sh*t SP of the universe.
Just being connected to DM, and getting on his bad side once, caused so much upset in a friend of mine, he was spinning for a long, long time. Maybe never came out of it til his early death.
You go, Leah. I know the butterflies in your stomach might sometimes feel like a flock of locusts, but you keep on going and I admire that about you. You are one, touch Brooklyn Biiiatch. Saaaaaaaaaaalute!
Leah, you might just as well take on Washington DC after you are done with the COS.
I listened to her read the book on my smartphone, loved hearing her voice!
“Going Clear” and Hurricane Leah are great things, as well as the media no longer being intimidated into not covering the Co$. Just wait until Ron Miscavige’s book “Let him Die” hits the stores….! What a great follow-up. These are still not enough to take down Dwarfe Malignante. The Feebies (FBI) are enough. They are going to nail DM after they interview Robert J. MacLean, the TSA whistleblower who guarded (prevented from escaping) Shelly at the Lake Arrowhead property. The noose is closing….
Dave, old buddy, its time to move on to “Target Two”. Earth is a prison planet, riddled with SPs. Even after the whole gu-lax-ie is cleared, this planet will be a seething, stinking, roiling hotbed of raving, slobbering befanged SPs. Go to target two, where LRH will welcome you with open arms— Ooops, I mean R2-45. BANG!
James Hollingsworth, I liked your comment and it gives exciting information about MacLean, that I, for one, didn’t know. It’s indeed encouraging news and something big to look forward to.
However, this business about Earth being a prison planet with all the other stuff you’ve mentioned about it, is pure Hubbard garbage. I’m sorry to say it so brutally. It’s just not true and is just the tunnel vision one developes when you still believe in the Hubbard nonsense.
I can recommend some wonderful books written by proper scientists, biologists, etc, which will make a mockery of this chauvinistic and ridiculous, false data that Hubbard installed into us about man’s appearance on Earth and how this came to be.
I suppose that I should mind my own business and leave you to it. I hope you don’t take offense but urge you to explore and investigate further about our existence on this planet and how it began. One such biologist and author is Lyall Watson and one of his books which goes into this quite a bit is called, Lifetide.
He’s not the only scientific author. He writes so well that it’s never boring or too difficult to follow. Carl Sagan is another author who is able to convey this message in a way the a layman can follow. I’ve recently read his, The Demon-Haunted World. This’ll get you thinking, for sure.
But there are very, many others. And these people have TRULY done their research.
I meant “his” message and not “this” message.
Dawn, Hollingsworth was being sarcastic! Jeez!
I didn’t see that. Apologies Hollingsworth.
Well, the books are a good read, anyway.
Some older folks friends of mine recorded Leah on Dr Oz yesterday and then stopped me in the hallway today and asked me to stop in and watch it with them (they had already seen 1/2 of it and wanted to share it with me). They knew I was a Scientologist for 40 years and they knew that I was abused after I left, but they never said a word to me about it.
It almost made me cry to see these old folks trying to comfort me with Leah’s words on Dr Oz (that they watch all the time and respect his views).
Leah is giving people like me, that are out and abused, a life. Hip hip Hooray for Leah
America was founded on this principle of Free Speech and Leah is the living, breathing, shinning light of this freedom that was fought and paid for with our forefathers, brothers and sisters’ blood. You go girl.
That’s really nice Robert.
Thanks for sharing.
That’s marvellous Robert
I have a DVR set to auto-record anything broadcast on TV regarding Scilon. It’s been going off like a shotgun blast all week-she’s been all over the place! And it’s wonderful to see the public support on all of these shows.
But the really cool part is that all these talk show hosts really did their homework on the cult, and are really onto all the tricks. One of them even asked her if the Church separated her from Jennifer Lopez at the wedding on purpose, so they could more easily attempt to recruit J-Lo.
I tell ya, Leah Remini is to Scientology abuse education what Rock Hudson was to AIDS awareness. Miscavige is so fucked.
Well done Mike, as per one of your previous blog posts it looks like your prediction will come true. There are news articles coming out saying Tom Cruise wants to do a “Tell All” interview with Oprah to tell his side of the story.
It’s like you have special Scientology Superpowers. Have you already done OT IX and X by any chance? 😉
Yes, as a matter of fact.
The EP of OT IX is “Lies revealed”
and OT X is “The ability to walk away.”
Wrapped them up in June 2007.
A man ahead of his time. Done before they’re even released.. Here’s hoping DM rolls them out quickly so all the millions of followers are fully enlightened.
When is your book coming out?
When all orgs have reached the size of Old St. Hill
Oh, man…Mike, c’mon! That’s going to take like forever! We’ll never see your book. Why just last week I….oh wait…you’re not going to write it are you. Guess I’m not the brightest light in the drawer…
You literally made me lol, Mike.
Aw c’mon. Can we have it before that? Like the next time DM shoots himself in the foot again? Oh, that’s right, that will be too soon to get it to the kindle people.
Take your time. We all have our debit/credit cards out, waiting to press, “buy now”.
Lol, Mike! It’s similar to my “clear” EP: Clear up and get out.
Thank you for that, Mike.
That’s true leadership.
I can’t see Oprah doing that this time. Unless of course it would boost the ratings of the Belief series on OWN. Love the series by the way, just being a business woman for the moment! I don’t know that Tom Cruise looks good on Oprah and her millions of fans at the moment.
There’s no reason for Leah to go “head to head” with Tom. Another strange teenage like practice of Scientologists to spend their time refuting what people, even those who have been involved with it for over 30 years, have to say.
Leah’s experience is Leah’s experience, just like Mike’s experience is Mike’s experience. Tom Cruise cannot tell Leah that her life experience is “wrong” or didn’t happen. He might be able to do that behind closed doors just like when they tried to reprogram Leah to believe that what she experienced at Tom’s wedding didn’t happen!
Out here in the real world if Tom sat down with Leah (no benefit for her to do that, except to raise the sale of her books and allow Tom to show us all the buffoon he is!) and started his antics of telling Leah that what she experienced didn’t happen, the real world people, like me, who has no experience of Scientology or of any other oppressive organization, WOULD LAUGH at the TV.
Tom would be called an Idiot for trying to indoctrinate her into his belief and out of hers right in front of our eyes! The real world, (that’s all the people I know and have talked to about this) recognize that as those Scientologists who are still involved watch this “Church” and I use the word very loosely, and if I was writing this from Chile, “cult” fall apart, they are going to see this organization for what it is. A CON!!!
Or, AD, Oprah should surprise Tom and bring Leah on as an unscheduled guest.
He might do a Matt Lauer thing but, more plausible is that, because she’s an “SP” and he’s not supposed to talk to her, he’ll get all in a huff, tell Oprah that she has betrayed their friendship and he’ll never talk to her again, and then leave the studio like a petulant child.
That will leave the second half hour with Leah and Oprah and, as you say, Leah’s book stats will rocket again.
It sucks to be Tom Cruise right now.
The world can forgive a lot of things in the people they love except being petty and abusing those who care about them. Naughty Tom. Your tantrum days are limited, just like DMs. Tick tock.
Any really good Scientologist should be able to easily read Leah’s book, quickly locate the outpoints in her story and convincingly discredit both the story and it’s author. It only takes a bit of confront.
Who will stand up for the church?
Nobody did against Debbie Cook’s letter.
Nobody did against Going Clear. ( book and movie)
Nobody is doing it against Troublemaker.
The church is being bull-baited and flunking.
What happened to your ability as a Scientologist to confront?
Isn’t there a single person in the entire Church of Scientology that considers their religion important enough so that they would stand up and step forward to defend it against it’s attackers?
I dare you to find the courage to actually look at the lies that are being spread about you.
Scince when does a Scientologist sit around and wait for someone else to take care of things for them?
Be responsible. Be at cause. Don’t allow someone else tell you what you can or cannot look at or what you’re supposed to think. Something can be done about it, works only if someone actually does do something about it. Right now nobody is doing anything about it.
A leader is not someone with a post or a title. A leader is someone who leads.
It has to be sickening to wonder what the hell is really going on when you’re not allowed to look for yourself.
Be the one to make things right. Stop waiting for someone else to do it.
A Scientologist does not bow or cower to a storm. He faces it head on and changes the course of the winds he’s up against.
If he’s right.
Standing ovation!
Sounds like Exceptionalism to me.
Are you going to air your dirty laundry in a Super Bowl ad, as a preemtive strike? Is it true that Leah will be presenting the Oscar for Best Documentary?
Leah as presenter!!!?! LOL! PERFECT!
I wonder if Scientologists will get declared for watching the Oscars this year, just like they were getting declared for watching Leah on Dancing with the Stars?
Tick freakin’ Tock.
I wonder what the betting odds are for:
Going Clear being nominated for an Oscar
Going Clear winning an Oscar
Tom Cruise being mentioned in the acceptance speech
Tom Cruise attending the Oscars.
Would love to get a blog piece from you Mike one day on how you think Scientology will handle the Oscars PR. Bomb threat to cancel the event perhaps?
You go Hurricane Leah. Blow away the Monopoloy board of buildings and hotels that is Scientology.
“Monopoly board of buildings and hotels that is Scientology.”
Love that!
Do you think, assuming Going Clear wins the Oscar (I can dream, can’t I?), that Scientologists are going to be ordered to boycott the Oscars? Maybe Big Being Tom Cruise won’t be allowed to go this year simply because the film was nominated. Now that would be a riot.
If it wins, I hope someone says “And finally, I would like to thank David Miscavige, because without him, this would not have been possible.” 🙂
god, that is funny.. thanks for the belly laugh
Popcorn worthy!
OMG, Mike. Priceless.
The Academy rules governing Best Documentary were changed a few years ago, making it much more likely that popular choices like Going Clear can be nominated and ultimately win. No longer are the nominees chosen by small committees, now the entire Documentary branch of the Academy selects the nominees. And every Academy member is now able to vote for the winner, without having to prove attendance at special screenings, they are now provided with DVD’s of the nominated films. All of these changes vastly increase the odds that Going Clear will win the Oscar!!
It’s 99% that Going Clear will be nominated. It’s chances of winning are also very high. Hollywood in general can’t stand Scientology and the fakeness of Celebrity Centre. The Oscar win will be the full stamp of disapproval for the cherch. Thanks to the efforts of people like Mike, Tony and many wonderful exs, Scientology is really going down. It’s getting easier and easier to leave. 2015 is a banner year. I’m looking forward to 2016.
Maybe Leah, or the “Going Clear” people should take out a two-page centerfold ad in Variety with Tom’s face in the ad (with his fist over his heart), sincerely asking the members of the academy to vote for the film.
With reference to Edward’s comment, I doubt that Tom Cruise will ever attend another Oscar Awards evening again if it nominates an Oscar to Going Clear, worse, if Going Clear gets it; and horror of horrors, Leah presents to Alex Gibney!
While Cruise is joined at the hip with Miscarriage, the Oscar evening and its awards will be denounced and declared SP.
I hear that Flag already declared the book, “The Secret” as an SP (no joke). This way, anyone who reads it can be declared for associating with an SP.
So maybe they will declare the Oscars an SP and any Scientologist who is nominated can never attend or accept. That sucks for Juliette Lewis. She could actually win one some day.
1 to 1… Going Clear gets nomination.
1 to 1… Going Clear wins Oscar for best documentary.
15 to 1..Against Tom’s name being mentioned in acceptance speech.
50 to 1..Against Tom Cruise appearance at the live event.
I believe he has already called in sick and unable to attend.
Great entry today Mike! Thanks for posting that.
Reaching #1 on the NY Times Bestseller list is truly monumental. It is validation, it is confirmation and it is TIME!
Leah herself admits to standing on the shoulders of the hero’s who came before her, the others who have written and shared their stories of the abuse suffered at the hands of the cult. Her celebrity has finally flung a cracked door wide open.
I shared my copy with a friend over the weekend and she had no knowledge of CO$ beforehand. Since then she has downloaded and read John Atack’s “A Piece of Blue Sky” and Marc Headley’s “Blown for Good”. It is the only thing that she can talk about, she can’t wait to tackle Jefferson Hawkin’s “Counterfeit Dreams” next. The point is, the genie is out of the bottle, there is going to be a bump in all the sales of books by ex-members as people find these stories fascinating.
They have zero way of fighting back this time, you can’t “dead agent” the millions of book buyers who are now fully interested and fully engaged. This is without doubt the biggest PR shitstorm in decades! The dam is burst Davey, Tsunami Leah has flooded the masses, better head for the MoneyWinds, you are now truly over your tiny, wee head!
Yes, isn’t the MoneyWinds supposed to be “off the something or other of the Earth or from the noise of life…?” Well, that is soon the only place for the little, wee chappie to hide. Tee hee!
I guess the world is catching up with cult leaders this fine day. Just saw this news heading –
Aravindan Balakrishnan: Court hears Maoist cult leader ‘raped female followers and imprisoned daughter for 30 years’
Some remarkable parallels with someone else we know hey?
This is all making it very easy for the psychiatrists to assess and label people of this nature. They behave to type. (Of course, they have done this already, these bad, bad people.)
It’s time for Dave and his staff to go into the RPF. What a screwup he is.
A few weeks ago I went on the Clearwater Library website to request Troublemaker. It was not in the book catalog so I called the library to find out more info. They said it was not on order, so I asked them to please order it because it was going to have great interest in Clearwater. The librarian agreed and processed my request while i was still on the phone, asking for my library account number as part of the request to order the book. Yesterday I checked and there were 140 requests already in the system for this book. The main library just called me up today saying the book was there for me, so I went and got it. Much to my delight I got the first available library copy, then brought it over to Starbucks in downtown Clearwater and began to read it in plain view of all customers. I did get a few interesting looks from various people, LOL.
Haha. Good job!
Great idea Maureen. I wonder if the Clearwater library would take donations of the book. I think I will call tomorrow and inquire. Maybe more than one copy wouldn’t hurt them. Gotta keep my “SCientology Library Book Donation” stats up. I prefer donating books that stay in the library, not ones that go to the dumpster.
Yes Valerie, with 140 hold requests for this book, they may be very appreciative of more copies. Looks like their system will have 6 copies but not all of them are cataloged as available yet.
It’s so funny to me that I was involved getting this book in this library because many years ago I was very involved with the CW OT committee project of getting key scientology books in every one of the Pinellas County libraries. I’m so glad I did something toward getting Troublemaker in there too!
Good job Maureen! I doubt the $cientology books are still there.
Intelligent, interesting and informative. What a great thing to do. I’d be interested to know if that is a book they are able keep in the library as opposed to it growing legs and walking out. I’ve heard certain books have that issue. Particularly, in those parts.
Ha – you Troublemaker Maureen
Leah gave the bully a big fat lip!!!!!!
I have a friend I correspond with who made the mistake of not pre ordering it and thought she could buy it at a local bookstore and couldn’t then tried to order it on Amazon and had to,wait an extra day for it to shop because Amazon couldn’t keep up,with all the orders.
I tortured her with small snippets while she was waiting. To quote from her email when it arrived. “My book arrived! I practically attacked the UPS guy when he stopped in front of my house. “.
The book is entertaining, well written and Leah doesn’t hesitate to make herself look bad either so,she preempts attacks from cos. It packs a wallop that will be hard to recover from.
Style, courage, honesty and grace; all precisely describe our “troublemaker” Hurricane Leah – who is making history right now, by single-handedly delivering a blow of epic”ness” to the cult of Scientology. Thank you Leah Remini. Thank all of you for helping expose this evil organization disguised as a religion.
Brave Sir Slappy ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When Leah raised her lovely head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Slappy turned about
He gallantly chickened out.
I prefer “Category 5 Scientology ShitStorm Leah”
It’s more accurate.
But Leah is so classy, she does the slinging job with deadly accuracy,
and her ammunition is nothing but the sterling truth.
Mr. Hole and I were watching the local weather news anchor talking about Hurricane Kate off the coast of Florida. I mentioned how appropriate this one’s named Kate because: Hurricanes, November. No one expects it. Then the anchor is talking about a disturbance out there also, maybe even another stirn, Turned to Mr Hole, “Next one is an L. Could it really be Hurricane Leah?!”.
Just then we heard Mr. Anchor say, “And that would then be Hurricane Larry”. Larry, Leah – close enough! I mean, what are the odds of a hurricane in the middle of November that starts with the letter L and at least sounds very much like Leah? Leah has been everywhere on TV, in the grocery stores, on the talk shows, on the twitter, in the book stores, on the Kindles, – like a hurricane – everywhere hurling from all directions.
Time to hunker down at Fort Scientology Town.
edit: stirn should be storm. Or maybe a stern storm?
Tais Book is a milestone of epic proportions towards planetary annihilation of the cult of greed.
Leah is setting a good example to the Church of dignified, honorable, and legal, free speech and free association. The same rights they claim to be entitled to in Texas.
How does it feel Dave?
What’s funny are the comments on Facebook, after the Kool-Aid drinkers read the “official” response to Leah’s book. One of the things contained in the statement is that Leah was, “expelled” from Scientology, rather than her walking away. While we all know within an inch of our beingness that Leah isn’t the one who’s lying, clubbed seals everywhere are saying, “Seeeeee!!!!! Ohhhhh… she was ex-PELLED. A-HA! Thank you for clearing that up for me.”
Gag me.
And gag me twice after reading all of the public statement of the ‘omnipotent’ Church of Scientology who is supposed to have a Ph.D in communication, understanding and ARC.
I hope you didn’t just eat. This is appalling and makes me even more embarrassed to let anyone know I even used to be a Scientologist. Disgusting. I hope my friends, still in, read this tripe and see through through the bullshit and lies and take at least one moment to think, “Wait a minute. Conflicting data. Who is actually telling the truth here?” That they open the door to their Chakras or their inner light or their gut feelings or whatever anyone wants to call it and say just one, little, “Huh?”
Open the door and let the light in. Things are not what they seem.
Wow indie8million I read the Cherch statement about Leah too. Amazing. It is worth reading. It is such a fine example of “who” the cherch really is.
The LRH “attacking” policy does not always work. Particularly for DLHDM.
I am sure LRH could have written some sort of policy letter for Davie boy that pointed out that when you are totally covered in shit, it will not help to complain about someone else using Channel #5.
Thanks for the link, Indie8million. It’s nauseating and I was only able to scan through it quickly.
This is the end, and I think they know it.
The unspeakable end, in David’s boardroom, is now the proverbial gorilla sitting in the corner, along with the other
“Things you dare not speak in the presence of the COB”
And adjourned they are silent still, as you note…
I do believe they are preparing for defeat.
Lovely post.
Well, now. No matter what Miscavige does now, he’s gonna look bad. If he attacks Leah, he looks like a violent, angry bully. If he doesn’t he looks weak and guilty. If he blows it all of as unimportant, he looks disconnected from reality. The pincer movement of Going Clear and Troublemaker have him and Cruise pinned. What to do? What to do? Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock . . .
Exactly, Artoo45. Checkmate.
Yes Art – we have Slappy by his wee little tiny balls…backed in a corner like a rat in a maze…trapped by his own crimes and evil deeds. It sure does suck to be Slappy Miscavige. David Miscavige is a coward, a bully, a nasty excuse for Homo Sap. He is the lowest of the low. Scum is higher than Scientology’s leader, David Miscavige.
Interestingly, I just finished reading her book today. This gal has kahunas the size of a bull elephant! She took on the biggest 2 small/ big bullies of her playground and sent them with their fingers on their lips to sit in their corners to sulk in silence! Way to go girl, we are very proud of you!
I really, really like how you took the power of them having your case data and spread it out in the open for all to see. That way when the church tried to discredit you no one would bat an eye lid. Brave lady!
Lady Leah you are a shining eg of what can be done about the church and its two micro goons! I hope DM and TC go play hide n seek with each other one day in platform shoes and dressed in clown suits
cause thats who they really are – pennywise clowns!
More of the world knows. What a celebration!
“I really, really like how you (Leah) took the power of them having your case data and spread it out in the open for all to see”.
Me too! And what a smart move it was because now everything the cult could use to dead agent her is right there in the book!
Its a great read; Leah is – well, Leah is Leah! Straight shooting, warm, funny, profane, honest – no pretense with this gal. It was interesting and refreshing and man oh man devastating to Miscavige, the cult, and ahem, Big Being #3.
Team Leah! Big congratulations on your best seller!
Terrific article, Mike, thank you!
If I may quote as John Oliver might say re Leah, “Holy s—“.
Hurricane Leah is Category 5
Troublemaker will be made into a movie I’m sure of it.
Free Tub of popcorn for D.M. and T.C.when Troublemaker shows in Clearwater.
Clearwater may well have fled for the mountains by then! I mean, Flag, of course. (It may all take longer for the ship to sink than what we’re hoping but I’m sure the ship ($cn) will be leaning seriously to starboard by then at anyrate?!)
Have a laugh!!!! Hitler/ Miscavige rants about Leah.
Well done!
Brilliant, Oracle!! “We still have Tom Cruise.” Bwahahahaha!
Too bad “Hitler” didn’t mention his dear old dad…
This video is much better than the original spoof…. excellent entertainment Oracle!!
When the day of reckoning comes for this evil organization, will those who are complicit in their crimes shout the cowardly refrain, “We were only following orders as Hitler’s henchmen did? Good afternoon OSA.
Hey Tom Cruise. Remember that movie Valkyrie where you plotted the downfall of Hitler? Want to be a real hero and not a fake one? Now’s your chance. But first will somebody please wake him the f***k up?
If you pick up People Mag with Leah’s story, be sure to reader the Editors note in the front on page 4. It’s really good.
My favorite line – “And the church has reacted with insults and name-calling-which says a lot about Scientology’s leadership.”
You gotta feel that the VAST MAJORITY of people think their insults and name-calling are from someone that barely graduated elementary school. Sticks and stones…
I agree, Sheldon. The Editor’s comment was a surprise bonus to the whole thing!
Mike sez: “Too many years of scientology secrecy and lies. Too many years of arrogance. People know their public statements are bs. Their bullying tactics are unattractive.” (Mike must be feeling puny today, this is a massive understatement)
That has been scientology’s SOP all along. I’m going to be nice this morning and pass on a HOT TIP to the OSA lackeys that monitor this blog. Tell your handlers to just come right out and tell the truth. Just one time to see how it works out. Something as simple as that would throw the entire critic community for a loop and complete confuse and unsettle all of us. It would be so unexpected and out of character.
The odds of this happening? Write down the number that Pat Broeker held up showing the lunatic scratchings that Hubbard scribbled down as part of his “research” into the ‘whole track’ and revealed at the LRH death event. That number to one and you’ve got your odds of scientology doing the right thing, reversing its horrific public image, reversing its dramatic contraction, and actually producing a ‘clear’ as defined in DMSMH. Odds for producing an ‘OT’ are much greater.
I would say the odds are several orders of magnitude greater.
Nice comment Ms. B. Haven
No more space opera.
Just Remini-scent opera.
Wonder how long it has been since Dianetics was on that best seller list. I assume since Miscavige started rock slamming on Jeff Hawkins?
The book address’ treason, betrayal, exploitation and corruption. People can easily relate to that.
The beauty of Leah’s triumph is that it’s only in a tiny part her own. This triumph is facilitated through her for many many others whose lives have been wrecked by scientology and they benefit from it. This is Leah’s gift to them. It’s a healing gift and a therapeutic one.
Well said.
Wow! One of your bests posts, Michael. It floored me. The meteoric rise of ‘Trolublemaker.’ is not only stunning, as you said, it’s so far beyond the pale, that it’s actually beyond adjectives. A total take down of scientology and Corn of the COB…My God! Are we sitting here all witnessing something that will go down into the history books? Man, I knew she was tough, but….
This is going to seem freaky but, after posting I’m getting this incredible energy. We’re seeing history right before our eyes, unfold. Whew! Wouldn’t want to be Corn on the COB…
I agree with you Surfer Dude. It’s a rare occasion in life for a real-life story of poetic justice to unfold at such a dramatic and intriguing pace. Slow enough to savior like a good wine and fast enough that it never gets dull. Mike’s blog is a front row seat to a long awaited denouement. Yes, history is unfolding before our eyes.
A front row seat, indeed! This is going to be good…
Me, too, Surfer Dude. I’m filled with excitement.
I reckon that her ratings as an actress will go up, too. Producers will see her as a pull for their movies. She’s good news all round.
It would be nice to see Andersen Cooper have Tom and Leah on his show to comment on some of the issues.
Tom would have to borrow a dependz from Dave to make it through I suspect!
Dawn, how can anyone here not me filled with excitement! I’m actually overwhelmed! She’s bring down the house!
“And you can be absolutely certain that those who buy and read Leah’s book will never make their way into any scientology organization.” nor will their children or parents or siblings..
Thanks so much Leah.
Robert, a generation, or more,will be saved by Leah’s book, bless her heart! She is, almost, single handily, tear them a new one. I couldn’t be more proud of her if she was my own daughter.
You can only imagine how busy the ethics officers are with more and more family members and friends saying “WTF ARE YOU INTO?” Once I got out, I found out how many family really felt. With all of the negative press, I’m thinking more and more “parishoners” are feeling the heat.
Nor will their friends or acquaintances, neighbors or business contacts.
Yo Dave,
All that is left for us defrocked apostates to do is to ask everyone we see if they have read Leah’s new book. If no then a simple followup ” oh man, you gotta read that book. Scientology is way worse than you think! You won’t believe the shit that TC and DM dish out to their sheeple each and every day. ”
Enjoy Your ride good buddy. It’s heading into the dwindling spiral part just now and it’s picking up speed. And BTW Dave, how fast would you like to be going when you hit the wall?
Yo Kirstey and John,
You should be happy you were not invited to Tom’s wedding!!! You can at least claim ignorance.
To Leah,
Thank You for speaking out. You are singlehandedly reforming what we once thought was a cherch. We thought wrong ………. it was a cult.
Not just “not make our way into Scientology”… Since I read the book, the day it came out in one go (about 3 1/2 hours on my Kindle) I have been fascinated with Scientology and the story of how people come to believe what they do. I spent the next couple of days watching videos on YouTube and reading as much as I can. Just bought Going Clear and it’s another tough one to put down as it’s so well written. I didn’t really spend any time thinking or talking about Scientology before Leah’s book but now it’s a huge focus! Leah is credible as she was involved for over 30 years! I’m still waiting to see some kind of video of SM, the beloved leader’s wife! I have been posting wonderful comments about this book and it’s amazing how many trolls, presumably, Scientology ones, that say nasty things about me personally. I have put this down to the lack of education as it appears that’s not important to Scientologists. Oh, sorry, in the real world it is important to know how to debate, get your point across, spell correctly and use grammar that is understandable by the masses, have arguments backed up with fact and guess what that’s Leah’s book!
Thanks for your comment, AstrologerDawn. I was in for almost 40 years and so it’s refreshing to hear from someone who is just becoming acquainted with the subject, through this three ring circus!!lol
Just a point on them not being educated. They are educated, but in the way to “take down critics” in the most impotent and ridiculous way. Then they go back, crowing about how they “took down and SP today”.
Jesus said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do”. In this instance, it’s very true because they aren’t allowed to read ANYTHING that you’ve studied, so they act like a child who has only been told one side of the ‘religious’ story and attacks violently the people who say anything against it.
Facepalm. Thank you for lending your voice to our attempt to remove the virus from something we all thought was pretty great at one time.
What I think I’m most surprised about in this whole Scientology experience that I’m having is how “teenage” the organization is. The put downs and name calling is something I’d expect from a female click in a public school all aged about 14!… The response of Scientology seems odd and out of place with the world we live in. I see them as bullies and they are not very good at bullying now. From what I’ve read about the harassment of those who choose to leave is unbelievable for adults to act this way. So that makes me believe that those people who are high up in the organization actually talk that way to others and have not evolved beyond their teenage years. All the writing up of others in Knowledge Reports sounds like such as waste of time, energy, focus and life and feels exhausting. How on earth do you have a life if you have to spend your focus on what everyone else is doing and if they are doing is “right”. Yes… very much teenager lifestyle. I do remember it well and the name calling and put downs was part of that WHEN I WAS A TEENAGER!!!!! NOT AN ADULT!!!
Yes Astrologerdawn – you are so right…David Miscavige is stuck in an incident of long duration.
He began in 1975, when the Fuher was just a 15 year asthmatic dwarf who was a no body and life looked pretty grim.
He weaseled his way to the top of this sham criminal outfit(disguised as a religion) where he gets to pull all the strings and bully people because they are boondoggled (like most religions) into believing “their way is the only way”…to freedom, heaven, enlightenment, nirvana etc and if they go against the Fuher – they will lose their spiritual freedom.
We have all been boondoggled but at least we admit it.
10-4 that – teenager rants. Exactly so. That’s the way he runs his crews of people, too. There is a video where Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun talk about how David Miscavige start calling people “Pie Face” when they just wouldn’t respond to his illogical and deranged harassment.
We’re not kidding when we compare him to Hitler.
DM started in the SO when he was a teenager. As was said earlier, he may not have progressed from there.
Have a look at this video when he was officiating over the event which announced Mr. Hubbard’s death. Just a child. 1986.
Sorry this is the long version but it’s all very interesting, really. You actually get to see Pat Broeker up there too – the person DM ended up investigating and having followed by PIs for 40 years.
And, here is Pie Face:
…and speaking of Tom Cruise. Watch for a mention of a celebrity using DM’s “Pie Face Tech” on his staff.
So well said, Astrologer Dawn.
For one, teenagers are amenable. They don’t yet have a life. If you listen to Aaron’s (can’t remember his surname now, drat!) videos, you’ll get a better picture. He can be found on Tony Ortega’s blog, another very interesting blog.
People who have had no other life but $cn don’t know what else they can do. They’re not educated in the normal sense of the world, many of the kids don’t get schooling, they’re untrained for anything other than what they do, and it’s nothing you can put on a CV. They become trapped.
They’re told that $cientologists are exceptional (a classic case of Exceptionalism), then ten percent of the top ten percent; and that everyone out there is rubbish, are criminals, fools, chasing the wrong things, unconcerned about the state of things, etc, – a bad lot (we are), indeed!
It’s nice to get your opinion. We’re so into it a lot of the time, we forget how it seems to others.
@astrologerdawn I remember reading somewhere where Marty Rathbun, a prominent ex once said that he vocally protested a book for years (I think it was “A Piece of Blue Sky”, but may have been “Bare Faced Messiah”) and years later he realized he had never even read the book.
Those in the cos are told exactly what to say to protest the book but are not allowed to read the book they are protesting so their comments come across as ignorant at best.
Welcome down the Scientology rabbit hole AstrologerDawn. I fell down here 4 years ago and am still getting shocked daily.
Oh my… the speed of this storm is staggering.
When it’s agin you, it sure is, isn’t it Davey boy?
What goes around, comes around or in scientology parlance, a motivator of magnitude is not only catching up with the church, it is publically more popular.
Bring in on Leah, and thank you, you’ve done the planet a huge favour.
I know, I Yawn! I mean, I’m buzzed and I haven’t drank anything or had a bud. This news is already spreading around the world! Hey, we should start our own Leah Fan Club that would include Mike and all the posters. Someone can send it to Leah so she knows this group is supporting her.
I’m in, sign me up.
Leah sure has put scientology in session. Wana bet the rockslam in miscavige’s head is smoking hot slashing his remaining scotch soaked brain cells asunder. I wonder how long he can maintain the smoke screen of arrogance.
Miscavige’s Golden Age of Silence IV is sure getting louder!
Suck it up Davey, there heaps more where that came from.
“…miscavige’s head is smoking hot slashing his remaining scotch soaked brain cells asunder.” Damn, but I like your way with words, I Yawn!
“Hurricane Leah” – Now that’s got a ring to it!
And a PUNCH to it too!
It’s not good enough. Miscavige and Cruise belong in jail and until that happens nothing that happens to them is enough. Cruise continues to make movies and he’s just disgusting. I refuse to watch any of his films – even on Netflix – because all I can think about when I look at him is him beating his assistants and engaging in human trafficking. And Miscavige is a sociopath who – I’m amost convinved – probably has engaged in human rights violations from the beginning. No – that book isn’t enough. More needs to be done.
Does TC beat his assistants? I’ve heard plenty of testimony about DM beating his staff but I’m a little behind on the TC 411. Someone catch me up please.
No evidence or testimony that he has beaten his assistants physically. Verbal and emotional beatings , yes.
He chucked the daughter of his sister out the house because she was caught on camera smooching some guy. She and the family were told that she was not a good representative of $cn, blah, blah. For two years, she was not allowed to see her mother for fear she contaminated her and the family. For two years, she was banned from LA where the family all lived. She was given severe ethics handlings to get her to succumb, sec checks no doubt (and the Truth RD? Don’t forget, TM and DM are joined at the hip. TM thinks the world of DM and his “ethics” stance.).
She’s landed up as a Sea Org member, so successful was the mind-control.
She was fourteen years old at the start of all this – when she was kicked out.
I read about that. Tom is dense if he can’t see that a 14 year old girl kissing is NORMAL, not treason. Can’t wait to read her book when it comes out.
I personally was friends with a young assistant of TC 2000 to 2003. There were no beatings or slappings, etc.. mentioned.
DLHDM the leader of Scientology is the “who” that does this…
Remember that no Scilon can speak ill of another Scilon. TC’s asst even if he saw it, would not likely have mentioned it to you. As Leah said, to say anything about TC that is not positive makes you evil. Also, it has been reported by a witness who has since left, I believe, that TC did put a few blows on someone at the behest of COB Chairman of the Baneful or as he’s known here, the Punching Pontiff. Plus, what Cruise did to his 14 year old niece is just sick and how it went down is also indicative of just bad character.
Wasn’t Cruise sort of out at this time? Wasn’t it only in 2007 when the project to get TM back in started with the infamous auditing sessions given by Marty.
TM may not have been under the influence of DM in 2000 to 2003. See my story above on how TM treated his niece for what he considered she’d done that was appalling, by DM’s standards, surely.
From Marty Rathbun’s book (as excerpted on his blog):
“With me out of the way, Miscavige’s madness was unbridled. He began to tell Tom Cruise tales of having to physically beat the degraded beings in his environment to keep them in line. Cruise followed suit, doing the same to his own staff. Michael Doven, his long-time personal assistant, started receiving regular physical abuse from Tom. Another of Tom’s staff – a woman – was grabbed and slammed up against a file cabinet by Cruise for failing to show him proper respect. He railed and screamed, like Miscavige, when he discovered a near-microscopic chip in a drinking glass handed to him by one of his staff.”
It must be difficult for C of S to keep the brainwashing “in”.
If you watch TV, Leah’s story is there, if you go on the internet, Leah’s Story is there and if you go to the grocery store, Leah’s Story is there.
More people are quieting leaving Scientology! Thank you Leah for leaving LOUDLY!
Leah’s story is going worldwide. I know it’s always sucked being in, but with Leah’s Number 1 Ranking on NY Times Bestseller list, It SUCKS beyond anything anyone can ever conceive. Whew! That’s a lot of Sucki…
And what rhymes with “Sucki…” said the actress to miscavige?
LMFAO!!! The actress is going to be greatly disppointed….greatly.
Don’t forget, Cindy, that most those in the bubble won’t see anything and they won’t look.
Many may be quietly leaving, the public that is, but the Sea Org members don’t have a clue. They’re barred from the TV, the Internet and not allowed to have smart phones. Their calls and emails are monitored.
On top of everything else the book is very well written, interesting and funny. Very hard to put down.
It’s like Lays potato chips, you can’t just read it once. I read it three times and I know I will read it again.
Monjty Pythons parallel is great, Mike!! I loved it a lot. That’s indeed the way stoopid cult’s chief speaks, even when he does not believe a word of his lies!