This is from the 21 December issue of People magazine feature 25 most intriguing people of the year.
The text is a little fuzzy, here is what it says:
The actress revealed why she left the Church of Scientology in her book Troublemaker detailing why she questioned the bahvior of church officials and became disillusioned with fellow follower Tom Cruise. Remini, 45, told People leaving was “like a rebirth,,, I’ve been given a second chance at life.”
Here is the cover, lead page of the article and the full page where her piece appears (along with Adele).
Yes. Leah is amazing. If you guys agree, I’d like to nominate this as Leah’s theme song. Can I get a +1?
Dixie Chicks – Not Ready to Make Nice. Check the lyrics.
“Not Ready To Make Nice”
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it
I made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’
It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
What it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
c. 2006 Natalie Maines, Martie Maguire, Emily Robison, and Dan Wilson.
This song belongs to all ex Sea Org members. It is our anthem!
That’s an especially fantastic choice, given that the Dixie Chicks wrote the song about the way they were rejected by the country music community for expressing their own views and not allowing themselves to be ground under the boot of the cult-like attitudes in that community – well that and the death threats. It was a rough time, around then – with Michael Moore getting booed off the Oscar stage and Martin Sheen losing his Visa gig, all because these people dared to say that a war was wrong, which we now all mostly agree it was.
I actually was quite heavily into country music in the 90s, and it was ultimately what happened to the Dixie Chicks, Toby Keith’s loud-mouthed response and his so-not-helpful “boot up their ass” answer to 9/11, and the offensive anti-atheist attitude of songs like John Michael Montgomery’s “The Little Girl,” that made me realize it just wasn’t a community for someone like me. There is a cult-like attitude inside the country music world, that says the music is all about the heartland and “true Americans” who believe in the bible, bigotry and xenophobia. And while I see signs it’s getting better, there is still a long way to go, before I could ever actively follow that genre again – for starters, it won’t happen until Chely Wright is invited back onto the Grand Ole Opry stage, someplace she used to perform regularly, until she stopped living in shame and came out as a lesbian.
Yes, very fitting choice. Though I think Leah might say Roar is already a theme song for her departure from Scientology, given she basically did an interpretive dance to it, about that departure. Still wishing she’d do an extended performance of that dance, with the longer version of the song. 🙂
Self-generated Hurricane Leah catapulting Ms Remini into the Land of COB, eliminating minor SPs as as she wends her merry way towards the Capitol…hey, you, behind that curtain, better watch out!
We love you, Leah!
I admire Leah so much, and she’s the perfect person to reach a lot of middle America, thanks to the popularity of the King of Queens. Unlike other CoS celebrities, who are mocked for their weirdness (TC, Travolta, Kirstie), Leah is so warm, genuine, and down to earth, making her the best possible person to expose the ugly truth about the cherch to the maximum number of people.
Yeh yeh yeh,
whats all the fuss about?
This silly woman moaning in a magazine that only the brain dead read.
Now if it was the front page of the NY Times that would be impact. She is having ZERO effect on DM and his gang
Well, this tells us everything we need to know about the impact it is having. It is the single thing that brings out the trolls.
Always a good measure of what is chapping Dear Leader’s ass.
The only thing that meets your lofty standards is front page NY Times?
Funny, don’t recall anything from scientology ever being front page NY Times — maybe the conviction of L. Ron Hubbard for fraud in France made it? Or something on Lisa McPherson. But nothing positive that I can recall.
In fact, I think the last front page NY Times article was the profile on my wife and the disconnection of her family…
So, OSA – NYTimes front page news is your cult’s hidden standard for bad publicity?
With anything else having “zero effect” on “DM and his gang”?
We get it, totally.
Not to worry, though. The cover story you demand WILL happen.
Just sit tight, prepare for take-off into 2016, and fasten your seatbelts, OSA.
Its going to be a bumpy year.
Wikkipedia: “With a readership of 46.6 million adults, People has the largest audience of any America Magazine”…”In February 2015, the (People) website broke a new record: 72 million unique visitors.”
But, alas! Scores of brain dead readers, approximately 1 out 5 Americans, still have no effect whatsoever on DM and his gang!
How very strong and tough he must be 🙂
Bravo, Mike.
I was just thinking about this the other day. That the biggest problem DM has with Leah is that she gets WAY more coverage than he ever could with the whole SO working on it.
Glad the troll is here, reading all this. It won’t be long until he’ll be saying, “WTF?? I didn’t know that DM did THAT??” Or, “Yeah, where IS Heber?”
Google that, trollie. We’ll see you here, on the true side of the light very soon.
Love the responses to Narc.
I may not buy People on a regular basis (a few times a year when someone I want to read more about is inside the pages – such as when Leah was on the cover when Troublemaker came out!!!). I do see it at my doctor’s and dentists office together with the New York Times and various other newsprint.
With People being the #1 Magazine in this Country alone, the majority, who are eventually the ones that will be working on getting rid of the tax haven with the IRS the cult has enjoyed, will rise up and join forces with those of you who have escaped and the beloved leader of this cult will just be the head of another American BUSINESS Corporation, as he already is.
So IF you are a troll, Narc, then please go back and tell your beloved leader the truth about what we are all talking about. Oh I forgot you don’t have the option of using your own brain like the rest of the human race that don’t live around a cult. I guess you’ll just lie to them all about the truth of how the majority of the world sees Scientology, a joke.
But then you would have to be hooked up to some Campbell’s Soup cans so that you can acknowledge your lie and then pay $50,000 to the cult for YOUR bad behavior.
Sorry I can’t help laughing at myself and the vision I get when I hear or see anything about the “E” meter or whatever it’s called. Let’s call a spade a spade here. It’s soup cans!!! LOL
Again, if you are a troll, welcome to the real world, where people are allowed to think for themselves. In fact, it’s best you don’t identify yourself as a troll as it’s too embarrassing to believe that there are still people entwined with the cult that don’t see the silliness of the beliefs and all that it stands for. It’s sad…
However, when you finally do escape, at least you know there are places you can go where other escapees are hanging out.
Don’t be surprised if Shelly becomes DM’s achilles heel. And it may be front page NY Times material, with Dave’s full page IAS financed megaphone rebuttal on page 17 of Section 4. Since you have the inside track on what is effecting DM and his gang, let them know that their silence is all too telling.
Rather than posting on the fringes of the internet, why can’t you write a NY Times Bestseller to get your message out?
Wouldn’t your time be better spent writing a documentary screenplay and script that you expect to win an Oscar?
You know what gets me…
Is the absence of compassion the “church” has for its once-devoted followers,
and how readily that make such considerations apparent.
It defies logic on so many levels.
Here they take a soul who has given his or her life and wealth for how many years and when the chips are down they just trash the person, rather suddenly, rather thoughtlessly and without consideration whatsoever for the sacrifices that that person has so faithfully until now given. Where is the faith in return? How could a person who gave so much to become “Clear” be considered so worthless, so intellectually flawed, so easily?
Why, Narcoleps, why did you say “silly woman”?
Oh, please. You know exactly what all the fuss is about, which is why you took the time to post. This “silly woman” had the balls to question $cientology and its criminal leader.
Zero effect? Laughter! Miscavige is probably pounding his little fists as we speak.
that’s refreshing, thanks, all that flapping makes for such a pleasant breeze on my bare chest, if only i were gay again id let him blow on me, 🙂 too.
Yeah, everyone reads the NY Times. Nobody visits a grocery store checkout and sees Leah’s face on the front page of People mag. She’s having quite an impact on lil Davey. And it is a good thing all tose brain-dead are being informed so they can avoid becoming even further brain-dead Scilon meat.
Win-win.! yah
Thank you @narcolepsy for letting us know that David Miscavige is so upset about Leah Remini being in People magazine so many times this year that he sent you over to whine on Mike Rinder’s site. Notice taken. Bwa ha ha ha ha.
silly Dave
Silly Dave. Trolling ain’t for kids. Stop sending your minions out to do the job that you’re supposed to be doing as the “leader”, “ruler”, “pope” of Scientology. SPEAK about it.
You know, he really is so stupid. He has the opportunity for BILLIONS of dollars of exposure here and he won’t take anyone up on an interview. I’m sure he knows he’ll blow up at the reporter and prove that what everyone is saying is true.
Poor Dave. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
the new silly Dave doesn’t want to recruit any of the millions who bought a People magazine
THIS is more delightful than words can ever say. As said before, Leah Hurricane hasn’t subsided yet! And damage in its wake is irreparable. Money can’t fix this one.
I’m guessing that “PR Area Control” in any org nowadays MIGHT extend all the way from reception to the bathroom … but I do empasize the word “might.”
Hurricane Leah keeps on blowing…. the lid, off the UFO cult. It’s finally brought Dwarfe Malignante’s “Shelly Disappearing Act” to the attention of lots of people. When the right people notice, the Dwarfe is going down. As in 25-to-life. DM REFUNDED Leah $300K rather than have Shelly call Leah and say, “Hi Leah, it’s me, I’m all right, just working hard.” One EXPENSIVE non-call. That’s because Shelly stopped drinking the Kult-aid, and won’t do what DM wants, like refuse to testify. All the executives in the “Hole” could learn something from Shelly. Once the Feebies (FBI) talk to Shelly alone, it’s GAME OVER for DM. WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY?WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY?
“When the right people notice, the Dwarfe is going down.”
With the keys words here being “when” and “right” I would agree. His resignation will be demanded.
In other words, I don’t believe that Miscavige would or will ever voluntarily resign or step down unless he gets in very serious legal danger, but I do believe that if or when the Whales truly understand how they’ve been swindled – with all the millions they’ve invested – however that cookie crumbles, i.e, COB in serious legal danger or their realizations of being utterly scammed, then they’d have NO problem applying LRH’s datum about putting a head on a pike with regard to David Miscavige.
And, while you’re asking, Where’s Heber, Where’s Heber, Where’s Heber?
A phrase that I last used 40 some years ago: “It is now intuitively obvious, to the most casual observer”
Looks like all Leah had to do to “remain relevant” was tell the truth.
Too bad not everyone can have the same wins she has had. Some people couldn’t tell the truth if it meant perjuring themselves, and committing yet another crime.
Leah, you have the right here to be here and communicate, the truth about your own life. That is a freedom some people will never know.
XXOO Go New York!!!!!!!!
Hip Hip Hooray, and for REAL!
Go yank a ribbon.
Yeah, go yank a ribbon you wanker!
ooooh plz plz stoppit dave i said stop it you’re driving me just nuts i mean it don’t get mad now oh my god that tickles STOP! Help. I need a tap out anybody, any-wanker can help me, hurry i mean it im gonna die for gods sake Please dont let him eat me alive, let me [ouch] oh god no,
Never tire of seeing this!
I’ve never seen this!! Hilarious! Why does the actress look familiar? Is she an Indie too? lol
I saw this on Tony’s blog yesterday. it’s hilarious.
This is the first time I’m seeing this – what a hoot! I love when he races her past the Sea Org contingent yelling “What a bunch of freaks!”
Sharing the same page as Adele. Not insignificant at all. Very nice!
Indeed, Hennessey.
Very nice, indeed. What i like is that Adele is not only so recognizable but also perceived as a genuine person, also as a person who won her fame be virtue of her real talent,
the right kind of people all around. Way to go Leah. Wow.
First of all: I have a total crush on Leah. She’s sweeter than tupelo honey.
Secondly: did CSI say she is a NCG case? Couldn’t you figure out if a person is a NCG case before they get to OTV? I’m not too highly trained, but I’m thinking you should know if a person can make case gain by ARCSW.
My information is that she was on OT 7. I think I heard her say this in an interview. Took them a long, long time to discover she was a NCG!
It was her CBS interview, if I’m not mistaken.
These days your case gain is measured by your donations. Her one million plus in donation to the Church was apparently irrelevant.
Thanks for posting this, Mike. Another jab into little David’s mouth.
Yes!! This is great news. Thank you Mike for reporting. Middle Amurica is finding out the truth about Scientology. Lying liars that lie.
Good grief! Are SO members allowed to step into a supermarket, let alone the corner grocer, anymore?
The list must be long: no supermarkets, grocery stores, drug stores, delicatessens, newstands (cross the street so you don’t see any headlines), no TV, no radio, no cable, and, last but not least, no internet.
Possibly this applies to non-SO staff and to public as well.
There ought to be a law.
Like incarceration or kidnapping, denying information is abuse, and the intention behind it is to win control of the individual, and to maliciously remove his power of cognizance. Wait! There ARE laws against all those things. Everyday harassment is illegal, even.
I should be saying that the existing laws should be enforced.
Where is ‘homeland security’ when you need them?
Doesn’t sound unreasonable to me, for starters, being a guy born in Texas.
Finished reading Leah’s book last week. She certainly put both david miscavige and tom cruise in their appropriate place.
If Tom and Dave don’t want to have their dirty laundry aired in such a public way, they should both report to the RPF, and clean up THEIR overts. Talk about someone factually needing a sec check along with an amends project.
+1 LDW
Christmas just got a bit brighter…
Enjoy the holiday season dm…
Do you think Lou makes him wrap himself up in twinkling Christmas lights?
OSD – Lou…now that’s another story. Sorry to offend the lady personally but, if Dave isn’t gay, he has the next best thing in Lou – no curves at all AND not so pretty for a guy OR gal. WTH?
Agreed, Indie8. She’s kind of scary-looking if you ask me. Not the kind of
Stranger in the Night that Sinatra sang about, surely. Rather the kind one would fear to encounter in a dark alley. Oh, well, maybe that’s His type. Meeow.
Yeah, definitely, Aquamarine. That’s what I’m saying. Just like the people in the fashion business like women who look like boys, I think that’s what Dave’s into too, in his own, private mind.
Children are dangerous, women or to op-term with, he has no choice but to choose a man-girl like Lou, IMHO.
Because, he’s a good looking man, as Frank Sinatra wannabes go and he could have any woman in the SO. So why has he put his wife in the lower 40 and is now cavorting with this broad? (Sorry, the ghost of Frank Sinatra took over for a minute. 😉 )
But wouldn’t it be creepy as hell to see him all mushy with someone like Penelope Cruz? Charlize Theron? Eeuuuu. He can keep Lou. It’s a better match.
Agreed, Indie8. He is an attractive man, physically. And he could have any broad he wants (no worries on raising the ghost of the REAL Chairman of the Board, btw. I still haven’t come to terms with Ole Blue Eyes being gone). But what the Captain sees in Mme. Stuchenbrock is anyone’s guess. We’re talking gargoyle here. If it were the Middle Ages a statue of her from the neck up would be fastened onto every Scientology building to ward off the SPs.
actual gargoyles would have their standards, too
Does CO$ get negative stats against their “inches of favorable press” when unfavorable press comes out? That aside, I recently listened to her author-voiced audio book Troublemaker. It made it even better. I have more empathy for her situation. Parts of that book reminded me of some good times, like when PAC was actually busy and NY Georges was a fun place to eat. Too bad most of those places are closed now. And PAC is like a ghost town now.
New York Georges! Yes. I used to work there when I first came to LA. I love George’s humor.
The menu read, “The only thing we do with LA tap water is flush the toilets.” lol
Let’s see — COS will say she contacted People Magazine and got put in because she wants attention.
How’s that going to play, because I’m sure Pope Francis did the same to make it in the magazine, as did Tracy Morgan or Prince George, because you know how his parents really really love the paparazzi ;~)
Then again, since Tom Cruise has been in the 25 Most Intriguing People Issue twice (1986 and 1996) for himself and as once a point of focus in 2012 when Katie left him, John Travolta was in the 25 Most Intriguing People Issue 3x (1978, 1994, 2009) and Kirstie Alley made the list in 1985 and 1987 they would be smart to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, they probably won’t.
When Tom Cruise, John Travolta or Kirstie Alley get great publicity, it is because they are so theta, and have this amazing “reach”.
When Leah Remini is covered widely and favorably it is because she is desperate to remain relevant.
Drill to the wall to cognition. 🙂
That just has to KILL DM having someone that well known doing and saying what Leah has been! And Leah is a lot tougher than he is. I’m convinced that she could kick his ass in a fight. LOL
She just did! Unfortunately mr. diminutive will ask for a rematch so he can get his balls really kicked in. And of course He will. Stupid is as stupid does.
Yo Dave,
Time to get the shrimp fishing equipment ordered for the freakwinds. On second thought, if you just show up on board with your Oh Tea Powerz that should about take care of it! All the shrimp you will ever catch will already be aboard …….. good fuckin buddy!
Just one bitch slap from Leah would have that LITTLE fucker running for cover.
+1 OSD – Brooklyn vs. Philly. Brooklyn, hands down.
My money’s on Brooklyn.
Philly? Forgedaboudit. I’m witchoo, Aq.
This seems like the perfect Christmas present for the COP this year. Merry Christmas Dave.
Jig Jig Jig YAY Leah!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing Leah and her loved ones all the best.
Thank you for speaking out
A genuine Hollywood Star to speak for us all –
Thank you Leah. Thanks for all you do.
You do more to demonstrate integrity and survival than this fake church ever dreamed…
Wishing all happiness and prosperity, a long life and
many, many friends be yours.
If only John Travolta and Tom Cruise had a fraction of Leah’s integrity.
Amen to that sister or Old Surfer Dude!
yeah, and if only minnie mouse would play ball with me,
the world would be such a better place.
Hurricane Leah is the gift that keeps on giving.
Worth looking at Billy Eichner’s video
” Leah Remini Escapes from Scientology Obstacle Course”
That is very funny!
good for her and all the better for us. i think she’s brave and she could be our unofficial mascot here. love her.
And the cult said she was insignificant and wanting attention, I know she didn’t ask to be put into that magazine, go on Leah go on, what she has done is just a gift that keeps on giving.
Of course, everything the cult said about her after she left was pure, unadulterated, US Grade A BULLSHIT!
I remember hearing that if I ever left scientology I would come back in a disabled body or have massive mental issues. Nothing yet…..
Bravo, this is a hurricane we are very happy to have. Thank you Leah.
Jez, why isn’t TC on list ?
He’s a media nobody now. Going Clear made a meal out of him and he’s just too wacky to comment on as he wears out couches wherever he goes.
As well as wearing out his welcome….
I know! Selling your soul when you’re as important as he is IS very “intriguing.”
Well, in fairness, we now know based on Troublemaker, that TC’s parenting capabilities fall somewhere in line with David Cameron leaving his 8 year old daughter at the pub. That should make him at least morbidly intriguing.
Still kills me, that part of the story about Suri on the bathroom floor – at this point it seems the governmental group with the most reasons to go after the CoS is the Department of Human Services, based on all the stories of how these people have abused and neglected the children in their care. As one of those parents who’s always scanning a store or the playground, for the adult who is attached to an apparently unattended child, I want to beat most of the people in that story with a stick.
Since when has he been intriguing enough to put into the 25 Most Intriguing People of the Year list? Ever? He’ll never make it again now that his career has been put on to the track of Mission Impossible and Jack Reacharound sequels.
I bet that DM is more pissed off that he didn’t get Time’s Person of the Year. Hell, he didn’t even get into the top two demagogues of the year. Maybe if he started an armed jihad or publicly stated that Islamic BTs were a threat to the planet (and that’s why we need more Ideal Orgs), he’d have a chance.
“Maybe if he started an armed jihad or publicly stated that Islamic BTs were a threat to the planet (and that’s why we need more Ideal Orgs), he’d have a chance.”
Well there goes my morning coffee, you owe me a new keyboard. Someone needs to inform Trump about the impending jihadist BT apocalypse.
Maybe TC and DM will open a Kandahar Ideal Org to clear the Talibanic BT’s. LOL
“Jack Reacharound!” instant Classic! As in, I never even got a Jack Reacharound….
“Jez, why isn’t TC on list ? ” A question that bears repeating and something that cognitive dissonance must be a real bear for Scientologists these days. No mention of TC, Elfman, Alley, JT or L Ron Hubbard for all the “good works” his movement has done for people including saving countless lives with Narconon and other front groups. Silly WOG magazines they just don’t get it.